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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1899)
I'HK DALLY A.ST01UAN SATUKKAl MOKMNU. 8KPIKMBEK . IWtt. JOHN T. UOHTKR, Editor. Telephone Mala H. TERU3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. hat by mll. per rr tknt by mall, pr month Served by carrier, pr nonllt .... ,.- ,. M ,. M 8EUI.WEEK.LT. ' , Bnl by mail, per year, to advene., ..UOt Poetag tree t ubcrlbT. All conunoalcatlons Intended f r pubis emtloo shwld bt directed to the editor. Buslnes coro-nunlcmtions of all kind erd remlrtaocee must b addressed to Ths Astorlan." The As:oria guarantees to Ha adver tiaere th largest circulation of any newspaper published oa . th Columbia river. . Advertising rata can n eu a applL, eeiloo to the business manager. PRAISE FOR AMERICAN TRAINING SHIPS. The remarkable achievement of the Vnlted States navy In the war with Spain has attracted attention to our ships and system vt training through out the world. So little consideration. Indeed, had been given, even at home, to the patient and persistent efforts of our naval officers to build the ship and ' procure the apropriatlons from congress to carry on the work of pro viding the new navy, that the great mass of our own people were quite un prepared for the Imperishable record It has written on the pages of fame. But though foreigners may imitate our ships and copy our systems they can never hope to accomplish the results for which we are so much admired without the essential element of the same kin I of men. Somehow It seems natural for Americans to excel in all their undertakings on the water. The recent cruise of the United States Bad ger has again demonstrated the Innate qualities of our men In the science of both navigation and gunnery. The spectacle of Lieutenant Commander Sherman on the bridge of a warship guiding her course through the majes tic entrance of the Columbia, and the marvelous precision of bis young men in handling the great guns of which they bad no previous knowledge, save by reading, is calculated to rouse at once the fervors of local (ride and national patriotism. Among the many testimonials to the new found excel lence of our navy and Its men none Is more gratifying that those received from England. We all known that British praise of our navy Is as hearty as It is critical The Liverpool Journal of Commerce of August If devotes a full column of editorial space to a dis cussion of the Vnlted States navy and merchant marine. The article was In spired, by the presence In Liverpool harbor of the United States training ship Saratoga. Among many other things, the Journal says: 1 The United States quite naturally desires-to have - a- mercantile marine worthy of her vast resources. In the near future the great republic ' will doubtless find protected openings enough to Insure a fair return - for capital diverted from shore channels towards the ocean-carrying trade. As regards the war navy of our ,: near1 kindred,' the advance in recent years harfsimply been phenomenal. Students of the subject will do well to consult en article In Brassey"s Annual written by Commander W: H. Bechler, VS. B. H.. which sets forth the exact strength of America's war fleets. Given suffi cient patriotism, to determine the flow of public money seaward, there Is nothing very difficult in building a few score vessels which go to make up the most modern fleets. Once upon a time the American sailing clip per was on every sea. She left little fcr ships of other nations, except what paid least. Over here we were hamper ed by unwise tonnage restrictions, whereas the hands of the American shipbuilder were absolutely unfettered, and his brain left unreservedly to de vise models which embodied every. el ement of nautical beauty while at the same time remarkably safe and swift Without compare. British shipmasters of the China tea clipper era not infre quently had to suffer the mortification of seeing an American ship pass them under a towering spread of canvas, or to have to remain at other times In port unable to obtain freight worth ac cepting, while their friendly rivals had the pick of the market England was neither to old nor to proud to learn. Her mischievous tonnage laws were repealed, she copied the lines of the American clipper as they were revealed In dry dock at London, Iron and steam rose- above the horizon of progress. Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippines, will demand an addi tion to the merchant navy of the United States, In order to cope with the trade which will certainly be confined exclusively to carrying craft under the American flag. If the opening be good enough to attract American capital from railway Investments, mining, and similar channels, the requisite ships will not be long forthcoming, either by a modification In the law which Shall permit the purchase of foreign- built ships, or by Inducing American builders to produce the vessels first hand. America has long Xolt the necessity for attracting her youth Into ships of the mercantile marine, where foreigner preponderate. As a means of supplying this demand the nation and some of the states com prised In the Union hav combined forces. The United State navy de partment supplies ships to the principle cities that apply for them for the pur pose of training lads of American birth for ships of the Vnlted States merchant navy. Patriotic cltlsens connected with the shipping Industry along the Atlan tic coast provide the funds for carry ing on the good work. Massachusettea. New York, and Pennsylvania vie with each other under this head. One con sequence has been that during the Spanish-American war the United States had a goodly contingent of vol unteer who had been trained on board one or other of the three big sea-going mercantile marine training -ships, the Enterprise. St.' Mary's, and the Sara tog. A recent visit to the Saratoga, anchored at Southhampton after rather rough passage across from Philadelphia, Increase our ad miration for the system. Cap tain W. J. Barnette. V. 8. N Is to be congratulated upon the appearance of the good old ship herself, both below and aloft, also the 88 bright lads he has In training. Our premium appren tices do not have such advantage In many ways. On board of her an ex cellent chronometer Is always available to youngsters desirous of working out sight to the bitter end. Very seldom Indeed doe British premium appren tice enjoy such a privilege and have Its value Impressed upon him by officers of highest repute. Nearly every scheme brought forward for Increasing the numiier of British born youths on board our cargo carriers seems to be based upon the erroneous notion that no inducement Is necessary to be held out to lads of respectable origin. United States authorities do not err In this way. They mike a comfortable home for the lad on board the sea going training ships, place over them officers of the Vnlted States navy mindful of their reputation, and make every effort to retain the services of the graduates by compelling the tnail boat under the American flag to carry a certain proportion thereof among their crews. Well fed, well taught, and their morals carefully looked af tnr, every American lad who goes through two years' training on board such a ship will be of Increased value to himself and to the nation, whether he remains at sea or returns to shore pursuits as more congenial to his na ture. America Is lavish In her txpend iture for education of shorefolk; it would be fatal to her best Interests to be parsimonious In providing funds for carrying out similar good work with sea-going training ships, which have received the warm praise of Mr. T. H. Ismay, of the White Star line. and others over here, as filling a long felt want The dour ttf fecmHh ftUndf opea to-ever? wotnaa who wjH enter. . All that she, need is the key and a little knowledge. The knowledge that be need it coaoermirif be .. Um AM rwk wairal mk.tin MtlA the principal caue of ill-health in women. - n nen a woman uuci iiuu uti.uv and pain in the back and liae. a4 br -1- : 1 Jm.m i mwt u I un. anil tk Wftk. ID uu waKit . ness, nervoiwntM and duppndency that are Cflua UJ amcmmKm pcvuiuu w she cannot enjoy good general health. Tae key to the door of health the core for all disorders of this deocriplioo-is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. ' It is a medicine specially devised fcr disorder of this nv tare and no other. It is the invention of an eminent and skillful specialist, Dr. K V. Pierce, for thirty yesrs chief continuing physician to the Invalids' Hctel and Snrgi cal Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. When s woman writes to Dr. Pierce she consults s physician who has practiced for thirty vesrs right in one place, and who was some yesrs ago honored by his own townspeople by an election to the National Congress. He will answer letters from women free of charge. All professional correspondence i regarded as sacredly confidential. For yesrs I kept failln(r In hrslth and getting worse and more nervous all the time,' writes Mrs Annie Unlan.of Kant 6trouiiburg. Monroe Co Ps. "t doctored with two different doctors wiiiionl relief. My system til run down and im nerves wesk. I had ulcers of the uterus whicn were so painful st lime, tint I wss nfraia thev must he cancers. 1 felt diKourajred and did oot L-cl any belter until my uur ailvised me to write to Dr. Pierce. In May I commenced Uk inz Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription and -Golden Mrdical Uiwovery.' I took twelve bottles in all, mx of each. Thanks to God and Dr. Pierce's medicines. I am cured and am a well woman." Don't think you can cure ma, slight attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or tnst it will cure Itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure It; It "digests what you est," and restores the digestive organs to health. Charles Rogers. J. D. Bridge,, editor an proprietor of the Democrat. Lancaster. N. H.. savst "1 would not be without On Mlnut Cougn Cure fur my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It Is the best remedy for croup I evsr used." Charles Rogers, home of the results or neglected dyi. peptic conditions of the stomach are can cer, consumption, heart disease and ep. llepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by effecting a quick cure in all cases of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers. By allowing tne accumulation in the bowels to remain, the entire system is poisoned. DeWitt's LHtle Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try them and you will always use them. Cbaries Itogsrs. 1 llv..ra mm Aw Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial .. rf the wi-11 known reniedv. STRt't of Fios, manufactured by the CALIFORNIA Tie TBVr to., utUHiraie the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plauta known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the last and acceptable to the system. It la the one perfect strenptht ning laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headache and fever gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. It perfect freedom from very objectionable quality and sub stance, and it acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, mak it the Ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing fig are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, bnt the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other arotnatio plant, by a method known to too California Fm Strut Co. only, la order U) get ita beneficial fleet and to avoid imitations, pleas remember the full name of theCompany prated oa tb front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, c AW FRANCISCO, -OAX. Lotmvnjj. xm i.imromT. Pot nil by ail Drujista Pike 50c per bottl f Dc Shilohs ft lougn ana Mpnsumption uire iSUtt berond question tht moat tuccettttil Cuuxb M wit cm ever known to twience; a few do inv.nmblv cur the wont can of Cough. Croup ana nrcncnit:, wane i won- been sold on s ruarantre, a ttst which no other medicine can stand. U you havs a Cough, we earnestly ask you totryit. In I' nued states and Canada ttc., NV. and MM. and in Kngland Is. -d., 5U. and 4a. d. OVLt. 1-nUKKlLIUnj S.CWELLS&COJ LEROY, N.Y. HAMILTON, CAN. For Bale by CHARLES ROOER8. UNivERsrrr or oreoon. Tuition Free. term begin 8eptenber IS. U. Excellent course In ancient and modern languages, telenets, mathematics, etc- Graduates from the tenth trade and from all aocredlted school admitted with oot examination. 8tudt not . fully prwpared to enter, can take studies In which they r de detent. In the Eugene city high school For catalogues and further Information address the President, or Hon. J. J. Wal ton, Secretary, Eugene, Or. Pneumonia, la grippe, oougbs, eolds, croup and whooptng cough readily yield to Of Minute Cough Cure. ' Use this remedy. In time and aav a doctor's bill -or tb undertaker's. Charles Rogers. It Is wnderfuT"how'' few person have scruples about stealing photo graphs.' Catarrh is Not Incurable. But It ' can not be cured by sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures which reach only the strriace. The disease it in the blood, and can only be reached through the blood. 8. 8. g. is the oolj remedy which can have any effect upon Catarrh; It etrses the disease .perna nently and forrver ridt the system of every trace of the vile complaint. alias Josle Owen, of Hontpeller, Ohio, writes: "I wss st dieted from lnfsnoy with Catarrh, and no one ean know the suffrrtng It prodsass betkrr than I. The sprays and washes yiwcum VJ ibi oo - tors nittTM ma oaky : uhf temporarily, and y though I used thsm sonstantly for Km years, the dlmas had a nrmer hoM than ever. I tried s no now of blood raaMdtiis, tows tkstr sntiMasl ingredients setUsd In my boms and gar m rheumatism. I was m s IsataautaMa eoirBitSDn, and after ai hauTg all UsstaMsst, was daelswadlnaorafila. Seeing a. S. S. aOvrrtassd as a ears tor bleed dlseama, I Osnsnad to try K. As soon a ary sysssm was ssnler fh sllralot ths medMiae, I began to has, and after tslrtng It M two imntlM I wws eurad aomsletely, the draadtul dtaaajft m suuttcatd from mytys Win. and I have had oo return of It." Many have ben taking looal treat ment for years, and And themselves wors now than ever. A trial of S.S.S.rfieBlood will prove it fa be the right remedy for Catarrh, h will cure tne most ob stinate case, i Book mailed free to any address by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Oa. .1 cerful luce in the curv of 11 Conktimimon 11 without pau- V Del in tbetmtoryof mrtlicme. I Sine iu first discovery It ha I ... - - BUSINESS POINTERS. Jeff I 'tn only" restaurant Whit cooks. Best U-eeat meal, Rlatng Bun rsstan. rant, IU Cvmuaoevlai tresu For Hut huisrnr Nstn try th ud to date Nw Bosxon ttMtaitraat. Our Ice eream la warranted to b mad of pur crestm, Th Parlor, atit to Joha llshaa, , Bigg4 and bt maal at Denver Kitch en oa Nluab tr. U esnu WMt cook. Try H. Beat CaJkVm wtaa M esnt pr caJU Ion. Alex Otlbert. oi aa-seit for Aa- torta. Taaepboo. Crsam. PurV Ry. . Amsrtca' Bnswt whlsksy. Th only pur good, guaraa. teed rick and mallow, John U Carlson, SOl S70. KUy' transtar wagoa dellvsr bos wood to any pan of th city ea snort notlot, AU order Wft at tapr furni tur store, CM Ctaoamerohu atitst, will r celv prompt attention. Tsiephoo SM. Love letter read In court do not sound a charming a when read In duralng aaatMBaaaassaasBaa1s Th concert hall opened by Charlie Wis at No, SS Astor street. Is th on and only popular resort of IU kind In that vicinity.-. Mr. Win la doing om. thing new among concert hall. Be I not only selling a class of pur liquor, but I giving his plac a management which insures gentlemanly attention and trrwtmaot to hi patron. Th good musio and th crowd will be found at Charll Wise' place. Go to th Columbia Elcctrto Re pair Company tor all kind of new and repair work, from a cambric needle to a bicycle, boiler or engtae. Quick work and satisfaction guaran teed. Logging machinery of all kind a specialty. Shop opposite Rosa, Hlg glns ft Co. BALTIMORE and OHIO RAII Rflflfl VIIIV Ml HbllVI IU'. T, T Royal Blue Tra ns BETWEEN THE EAST AND WEST Only lln opera mi na an throua-h tralna betwtwa 8L Loata Loulsvtll. 8piingtliA Cincinnati and New Tors. via Washington, BalQaoor and PhllaaMphla. Tb traveler over th B. ft O, I prmJtta4 to aatasl gllmpana of th grmteat onary t AnMrioa PETER RARWT, faast Coaa Agent. . RiWSB P. Mill BuOdlag. HFPraelTransferCo. ' ' Teiepbou B. , . . . , , .... , DRAYIM AND EXPRESSING . all Coods Shipped- ta Oar Can . WlQ lUostr tpsaial At'-MttM.. Ho. M Dnaa iX. " W. J. COOK. Mgr. Asb.rU, Or. : It. Tsl UA Or. : ... I Or-i ,n j Through Tickets f - -TO TH- EAST AND SOUTHEAST k M- . TTlA i I . - I ' pCULLMAN PALACE BLEEPERB. TOURISTS 8LEEPER8 and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR . Dallg to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City and other Eastern cities. Bacgags checked tnroua-n to destination, union Depots, rsst time, lowest rat, Plntach light in all cars. For rates and other Information call o or sddress U. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent, O. R. A N. Co. Astorls, Oregon, or J. H. LOTHROP, Oen. Asjent, 136 Third St.. or. Alder. Portland Or Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflcially digests the food iaf. aid Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans, it is the latest discovered digest ant ana tonic. No other preparatlor can approach It in efficiency. It In stantly relieved and permanently cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SIckHeadache.Gastralgla.CramDi.ana all other rest! 1 ts of I mperf ect d Igestioa Prsparsd by E. c. Dawitt a Co., Chicago. For Bait br CHARLEa) ROOBRS. i :. MM Oregon Short Line "Pail road. J, TUS DIRBCT ROUT! TO Montana. Utah, Colorado ", and all Cistern Points. Give ohoU' of two favorli routes, via th Union Pactfla Fast Mall Line, or th Rio Grand Scvntfl Llna . I LOOK AT TUB TIME 1J Days to .Salt Lko 2J Pays to lVllVlT 3J Da,V8 to Cliioitjjo 4 J Pays to New York, Free rscllning chairs, upholstered tour 1st steeping oars, and Pullman palace sleepers, opera :4 oa aU tralna. For fur:hr Information, apply to 0, W L0UN3QKRRT, Agnt. 0. R. N Or Astoria, Oregon. C. a TERRT. W. E. COMAN Trav. Pass Ag' Oea. AgenL IM Third St., Portland. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINL Cotuntbta RWr nd Put Bound Navl. gabion conipany. IVUler Oa'.i.n leave Astoria daHy. tl. , ceit (satuMay. at I p. m. Uav IMrtiand daily ifpt 8Vndiy 'it t a. m. White CMr Un tl.keta n1-han4 onHallny 0:sort. 0 R. A N. imr T. J. Potter and HajaaJo for At"rU nl ! all war poinia. Flavai. rtwaco, Hrsvlirw, vti anJ Narvolta. U. U. wrrTT. Aawrla Agt. Inwint. TelepboM No. UL ifAT TICKETS VTHEBH o iWPOlNTS to all EAST Through ps'ioe and tourist sleepsrs, dining snd ftomrjr ols-rvailon cars KLEANT V&rriUULK TRAINS. No. 4 LI tilted leaves Portland at I:U p. m. No. t Limited arrives Portland at I'M a. m. For rates, ate. ca'.t or afldra O V. lHNrHERRT. Agent 0. R. A .V. Astorta. A. a C. DENXISTON. C. P. A T A Portland, Or It. LUXURIOUS 1 ravel ,'PHK "Nortn.VTMirrn Llmlte.1" train.. ' electric liflited lhrouhout, tvth In I sld. and out, an l strain heated, are, j srilhoul i-P'lon. t!i R;ist trains In th I world. Tber tmbody th latt. nat and best Id-as t r comrort, convntnc snd luxunr aver off-red the trsv;ng ; public, and ilDs-iher it th most com. j plete and splendid production of th car ' ouuaers an. Th Splendid Trains Connect wltn The Great Northern The Northern lacINc and The Canadian 1'acific AT BT. PAUL FOR CHICAGO nd the CAST, No extra charge for thss auoerlor sc. commodatljns and tit classes of tickets ar available for paaaag en th famous "North-western Limited. All trails o (hi lln r protected bjr tb Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD, F, C 8AVA0E. 0n' Agont, T A. Portlsad Or. 1 A familiar nam for th Chicago, Mil waukaa A Bt. Paul Rallwar, known all over tti Union a th Oraat RaUwar rsnnlng th "Plonorr Limited" train vary day and night btwo 8t. Paul and Chicago, snd Omana and Cdloogo. "Th only prfoo trains In th world. Vndwwtand: Connactton ars mad with all Transcontinental Lines, assuring to pasMgears tii bt Mrvto cnosrn. Lux urlous ooaotMi lotrlo light, steam tirat, of a verity equaled by no other line 8 that your ticket reads via "Tb Milwaukee" when going to any point In th United States or Canada. All tkkst tgenta sell them. For rates, pamphlets, or ouher Inform,. Hon, address, J. W. CA8ET, C. J. EDOT, Trav. Pass. Agt., 0nral Agent, Portland, Or. Portland, O.r ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. PUsv. "PORTLAND. " Arrlv. 1:00 a. m. (Portland Union Dtnot,ll:U a.m. 7:00 p. m. for Astoria snd Inter) :Wp.m imyoiata points. "I ASTORIA. I 7:a. m.lFor Por'land and'tn-lliiM a m. :W p. m.termd'ate polnls. ' U:J0p.m SEASIDE DIVISION p.m. la. m. 8:0On:8S'Lv P:2.-.l1:55lAr S:M!12:KLv 6:Sfll l:0OIAr la. m.ip. m. Ar 7:4fl 4:M I.v 7t) 1 St 'Ar t-iil 1 11) ,,. Astoria.,,. ..Warrenton.. ...8ald.... Lvj :15! I:t) SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAT TRAIN Leaves Astoria at l:M a. m.; arrives at Seaside (:tS a. m. Passengers may return oft any train shown on schedule on same date. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside run to Flavel and New Astoria via Warren ton. ' AH train make doss connections si Oohle with all Northern Pacific trains to and from th east or Sound points. At Portland with all trains leavins Union depot. At Astoria with I. R. A N. Co.'s boat and rsll line to and from Ilwaco and North Beaob points. THROUGH TICKETS on sals St As. tori for Sacramento, San Francisco, all Eastern and European points. City ticket office Astoria, (24 Commer. Ha! street J. c, MAYO. Oen'l Frt and Pass. Agent. WW SfllTII LEAVE PORTLAND AllltlYk OttHtJaND EX PRktiM, tot RaliU, Itoaaburv. Asiiland. T:M P.M.Bacrmnlo, Udn. 10D A.M. Ban s pujulst'O, mo. Jav to Anitsi. kt Paso. Nor la and th East. Is A. Mi RoMburg paassngsr Via Woodhuri, for Mount Ansai, ail vartna. West aVIu, Urownvlll. HrMTtng. Held and Naika.... Comtllla paaainyw t:M t. U DsH IClt unjaf FMIIf Slfpt lands. WW tt:M A. H ii. A M (auvB Islly, tnalU sicent slunoatr. L'onnMtln at ltsa Franoisoo with Oeot dscitai tMeatal. Pacltto Mag and 0 aale aoamahip lino fur tfmim., v inn M, At . HAWAII AND THE Pllll.l WINKS ttai tlrketa on sal dally btsr Portland, aUoramssilo. and San Franels oo. Nt rats tl? Btwi-la, and IU ondlaa. Inrltatlna :nr. Rata and tlckw. Kaatarn pot a ts an auroua. Aiao japan, rnuta. iiuouiuiu and Australia. Can be obtained rtMra J. II Rl'Kho,.ukch, kit MAHKlt."-1 n. rVr.iil.s.K, v, tt. saa nivcvaaa. aianar. u, r, a r. a Thraub lokta Kt tof lwt rae Call on C TTaswoaro. wsai ara Adtla Fiafl Coouiaajf a affloa. Aatona, Andrew Lake 5iCOMMEIiCIAL BT, ...Merchant Tailor... I'crfcct Pit Gnnraotccd. Low I'rlccs. Rspalrlng and Cleaning Naatlr Don. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder Ilouso-inovinjr, Tools for UenU L LEBECK Cnrpntop nnd llulldor Uvrsornl Conlroclor HOUSE RAI5IN0 AND MOVINO A SPECIALTY Light . your hous and plac of business with Incandescent YapprQaS Lamps 100-candl power at a coat of lo for three hur. Miller & Baroaber?. Agents 403 Bond Street, Astoria. KOPP'S BEST A Tb North PMiflo Brewery, of wbicb Mr John Kopp k proprietor, nakrei beer for ddmai'te Md isxport tratla, ' ' II 1 North Pe W. F. SQHtpIBE, A lull Ha el Pip, ass 5wkrs' Arti 4 7 bemmerlla 1 T7 T7 mm H aJasBBBBBBteI? 1 i Sauce , f . . BEWARE OF IMITATIONS " la adapted for every variety of dish from Turtle to Beef, from Salmon to Steaks, to all of which it gives a famous relish. " JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Agent. N. Y. nm-"saw sjianaa ! 1 n , unrnton l,!c:ini s-lll i CbskS u bi. ' 1 l'.r.iutc.y c ol lf iUist, dllulloo, nmm, x cl( lotenoy, Lost power, Night-Losses, gnarmmorrhooa Insomnia, Pain rt bnclti C-H L,elnii Bomlnl Brhlsnlonn, loins iuit, Neivcu ! 1 lllty, Haiidnbnn,lin(itni.s to ''nrr, uCj ol ffB,:4' mn Vnrlouoeiet rtMi.s to n Cure or s ons'lpii'ion, atnnn V vou.Twital ir. of lol!. ,rrtf ftlfuli-in. itnitV HM 0 ' T t. iiurclcnji.a Uufnaln and HM Ctnim. K si tinti mlA t Urfc. ClfLiJul Lit. UdMMtf m )4ay SaiMAlwU . r. Thus who have delayed, buying, .. HMimtior Foowtfir ar forlunst. Thy van aav. at lat a third on th usual out of high grad shoe. V ar closing out alt of our summer tan sho at a great riucUoa, W hav thsm for man, woman and children, which should bring vryon lo th .tor. They ar nw good whlrh have overstayed their tlm. Consider th flguret, ' - Petersen & Brown. THE PROOF , l , of th Budding I It) th and in proof 0 liquor IS IN SAMPLING That' an argMjt (bat's eta ctwalv- donxMtratkMs. Our will stand ra tL HUGHES & CO. TIHq 5CMKtH1.l!5 front Portland j HKfAKT Asatt Vast Mall p. m. all lik, lwticr. n I Pa.1 Mall wann. tlmsiia. aan i sas 1 iiy, St. uiuis. 4 t p m. l mrv an sv W.lla Walla, Hrsn.. ,Vllunr.iilu,il.l,ul, iMilutli, Mileaukm.. i hU miu and luut, 1 MMkan Hi vi IH ft. A I III p IB f torn Astoria OCDAN fUAMArtlPA All Kalllii tstr subj )rri lurhant. I For nan franeunv-M f.t. a I". la, . fi ro rauietitu tassel Mo mUv , Coli-Tibl River ,nday 7 p ml ue. Htaamer .' p m Tiioa Tlmr. rri. To Portland aa4 luur Frli suu. Way lsadina i p m eal WlllssMti ad VaaJ I p kill Hivsrs. I Uui.,Vrd. Oregon flly, laytMi, d fri, 1am, Tues.Tllulj and Wy-Iiiidliisa. 9aaks stiver. Klparlato Uwlston. Kltiarla UUwkrta ID a ta dally I to, aa. Vtiiin latrllnl I WU.LMKITit Kit III) a. m. , .. . ' ihp. n Mod, W1 Oregon l Hswbt-rg. Tu.a, Thur Ktioay j haUm A Way-Leu a galurday 4 10 P. in O. W. fcOUNiHERRT. Aassil Astoria, m. H. HU1tLOItT, 0av rA Agt Pruaa4. Or. , Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Dollied Deer for family nee, or kef beer npplled at 1 time, delivery g ' lb city freei icific Brew.erq ManutaotMrsr ot th Always Mwllnbl I.. La Belle Astoria" Clear Sctielfee ' Opera Star Schelbe'a Special ' I And gth Hrands MBS t The Original Worcestershire i, ti j..tay;M.vfcjwr. m-zmnmBiunsmi ,w btn la um ,vai (u vrt.,, I., tliit luilart al th si.i m tits w nt Mbii I.. 0I1I snJ y'Htujr Rilnlnir nv scls r,a,ini' inf. Cures Lost Minhood. Im jnr"fl c hit run. ! phitruo. too Nr- litHi-M" iifT aii'i 'lnrif, ts Hf it"1, miMl, iiri'UvflKtMtl CUft II Al h.mi. ( ( i.y i,M'l. A i1iltsn fuirn(a, lo curt ''ahor, j-.onir.v Cn., "n ftHnniMft, r1fv For Sal br CHARLKa HOGER8.