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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1919)
S.. Tuesday, August 26, HIP .-at ACE FOUB tr ' r-l muuuuuumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiigmw - . - . r. .. llI If I f ' GAVLORD HARLEY-DAVIDSON andBi Motor- PVPIPQ BE A LEADER 'J VIM ai UUtf V 4 V " Ml"-El An immense problem in reconstruction confront! the present generation. Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? j . .u. jm ".wars? Oregon Agricultural College Traim fcr kadcnhip in tin IndutuU and profctalont M followi : ..nw x-nkinuK-a ir-mrm tubs muuiart roUTV PHAIUtCY MUSIC VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. CIVIL ENOINKBRINO. ELECTRICAL ENOINEERINQ, MECHANICAL ENOINBBRINO, CHEMICAL BNOINEBRINO. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. MININO BNOINEBRINO. LOOOINQ BNOINEBRINO, MILITARY SCIENCE. TV Cotkif tt.inir Include, tain ia Bntluh. Economic Aft. MMhnaatic Modern Untuaw, PhrKl E4iKUwa. Indutthal jourulua, Natural Scwncct, and all oMMuto o an tdiKatiaa. Three regular terms Fall term begins September 22, 1919 Par Collrtt CaOlof. Ithntrattd Booklet and Mher lafmatiaa aodrtai THE REGISTRAR, Orea AKulluf al CoUcf, CorvaUa) A Flavor for every taste All sealed air-tight and impurity-proof, (n the wax wrapped, safety packages. Be sure to get , .UHI1I(51LES because It is supreme in quality. 23 Hie Flavor Lasts OVERALLS rr.j .u.d.rar.urr. Is our Registered and Common-law Trade Mark and can only be rightfully used on goods made by us. . Should any dealer try to sell you any ry i garment for Children I to 8 years of age tinder the KOVERALLS name you may be sure he is trying to market an inferior substitute on Koveralls reputation. a 11 Unless made by Levi Strautt & Co. they're not KOVERALLS Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen me ami suit KOVERALLS are' made only by Levi Strains & Co., San Francisco teT and bear this anew rnrr if they 1 1LU RU KOVERALLS Rtfi.U.S.PAT.Off. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Kiiii:iiiiiiiiimi)iiriimiiiii , J. W. Little, sheriff of Gilliam county, has been a guest this week. with bis wife at the McGilvary home on High street. The visitors bad been making an auto trip to Crater Lake and came around here on tbelr way home. DIXIE BREAD at Flackus store. 6C-5t Cbarles C. Duggan of Lakeview has rented the borne of Elder S. E. Decker for the winter and will bring bis family here. The Deckers will go to California to live. Miss Louise Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanson, is spending a vacation with friends In the vicinity of Maryspllle, Calif. . Big dance Saturday night at the Nabatorlum. Launspach's jazz or chestra. Sltf Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Shepherd aw home after spending the past three months in Central Oregon visiting with relatives and friends. Have a fit at Orres Tailors. C2tf R. P. Cornelius came over from Klamath Falls this week, summoned here by the serious illness of his wife who underwent an operation at a lo cal hospital Tuesday. While up in the Litbla park last Sunday with friends from Medford whom she is visiting, Mrs. Bighm of Oregon City was taken suddenly ill. She was taken to the Sanitarium where treatment was afforded her. Everybody goes to Natatorlum dance on Saturday night. High class peppy musc and a clean, large .'crowd.1 Sltf Amos Dahuff has purchased the lot adjoining his property on Pulm street,- which extends hia holdings now to the corner of Wisconsin street The deal was made through the Beaver Realty company. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy M. Russell of Eugene have been recent guests at the home of Mrs. Anna McCarthy on North Main street. We Vouch for Them OWN YOUR OWN HOME If you can afford to pay rent you can afford to build your own home. Why throw yovlr money away In rent? We will gladly offer sugges tions and quoto prices without obli gation to buy. Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20 All kinds of Building Material Trainmaster H. G. McCarthy and wife of Dunsmulr were guests the first of the week at the home of ths former's mother, Mrs. Anna McCar thy. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Brown and son Basil, Faith Grimes and Miss Mary Walker drove over from Klumath Falls Sunday and will visit with friends in this valley during the week. The Brown family went to Central Point Sunday evening to visit with relatives, and expect to return here during the week. Miss, Walke;' remained here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Butler Walker. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Wheeler and baby daughter Dorothy of Portland are spending their vacation at the , home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Roblaon near Talent. Rev. Charles A. Edwards, pastor of the M. E. church, has been appoint ed by Bishop Matt. S. Hughes to fln- ,in up me year s worn or tne Klum ath district and present the report at ; conference. Mr. Edwards will not j be absent from his pulpit on Sun i days. The conference meets at Sa lem October 1, 1919. Of all the tires that are made. why do you suppose we prefer to sell United States Tires? Because they are made by the biggest rubber company in the world. And they know how to build good tires. They have choice of ma terials, they have immense facilities, thev employ many exclusive methods. They can go to greater lengths in testing, improving andperf ecting the things that make good tires. We find it good business to sell United StatesTires. And you will find it good business to buy them. They are here-a tire for every need. United StatesTires are Good Tires We know United States Tires are GOOD tires. That's why we sell them. ' WHITE STAR GARAGE, N. DIX & SON, Props. 2,325,000 DE LAVAL SEPARATORS IX DAILY I'SE THE WORLD OVER Wherever grass grows and cows are milked, you will find the De La val the favorite cream separator. More De Lavals are in use than all other makes combined. The De Laval Is time tested. It was the pioneer cream separator In 1878 and has led In popularity and sales for forty years. Us the world's standard cream separator. ASHLAND CREAMERY I h PnnettnnHnn imaata ...if- system causing serious Illness to the human family. Don't worry HollistJer'fl Rocky Mountain Tea will drive out constipation regulate the bowels, tone tWa jstomachi, purify, cleanse. Without fail give it a thoro trial. 35c. FOLEY'S DRUG STORE. Hotel Austin Barber Shop N. O. BATES, Prop. , pirst-ciass service ana Equipment Shoeshlnlng Parlor Baths. Ashland, Oregon. ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. General Laundry Busbieos Phone 105 also FRENCH DRY CLEANING and Dye Works Quafy First Modern Portraiture Picture Framing Framed Pictures Studio Ashland Kodak. Finishing . Kodak Films Photo Supplies The Camera Exchange On the Plaza ALLTHE COMFORTS OF HOME The Haney Auto Bed is strong, light weight, compact and easily placed in position In one or two minutes. Made to fit any car. Great for Chautauqua and Crater Lake camping. Price $12.60. 51. K. HAXEY, Medford, Oregon. Pure flilk Pure Cream F Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, Proprietor TELEPH0NL 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Qood Ser vice to Any Part of Town Wirthmor Waists on Sale Now t V Jfr w w t ' " -' ISV-WlRTIiMOU - 1 y. WAIST a national event the day on which the NEW and ever popular Wirthmor Waists go onsale: . $ 1.50 is the price; the same low un iform price at which they are sold the Country over. If you know the Wirthmor then you are doubtless buying them repeatedly ; if you don't know how good they are we urge you to make their acquaintance. Come in tomorrow to buy one of these appealing . new models that have just arrived. Wirthmor Waists are soid in iust One Good Store in every City. LEVI STRAUSS & 01 SANrBANClSCO.CAL. Phone 100