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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1919)
n "'-'on,., k .... 'V. i .1-:. 'vr. . isr TIDINGS pAoa xmt9 I. TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent tho word each time. Twenty words one month one dollar. PROFESSIONAL. PR, 3. J. EMMENS Physician and I surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose ana inruui. uianm dui plled. Oculist and aurist for 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. 21-t PR. ERNEST A. V001 PracUce limited to eye, ear, nose and I throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Swedenhurg Bldg., Ash ' land, Ore. "-tf E. D. RRIGGS, Attorney-at-Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. mirin luvnnvrMFVT M.ITIV The utiu . ... . . - --- regular meetings or tnis ciud win be held on tne secona ana wunu Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. PIANO TUNING GEO. W. CROSS, Medford, Ore., Piano Tuner and re I alrer. A tuner to particular ; musical people. Endorsed by the , leading musical people of Southern I Oregon. Leave orders at Rose Bros. Phone 213. 62-tf JESSIE II. THATCHER Public ', Stenographer. Commercial Club. I Hours: 9 a. m. to 12 a. m.; 2 f p. m. to 6 p. m., after Septem ' ber 1. CO'TRACTIXU B L. DELSMAN Contractor and builder, Ashland, Ore. Estimates cheerfully given. Free plans when k we do your work. "When securing 1 us, you save the cost of a super- intendent as we work right on the Job with the men. Phone 120- FRANK JORDAN General Con tracting and repair k- Cement I work specialty. Tel. 430-J. 227 I Granite SU zur WELDING AND BRAZING EXPERT WELDING AND BRAZING. We fix all kinds of broken metal j pieces. Eastern Supply Company. I Ashland, Oregon. TAXI SERVICE JUWimO 1 eenger Chalmers, Seven Passenger I Hudson. Trips anywhere. Reliable drivers and quick service. Stand I at Rose Bros, way ruu " Night, 101. FOR SALE FOR SALE Ripe Crawford peaches The price will be right. R. W. i- i hi Nnh Hill fit.. Ashland : 69-2U nrn O T C flnnA ' wnrk te&tTl. I& X un onuu www- . quire Roscoe Applegate, 915 Oak FOR SALE 3 Rhode Island Red cockerels for breeders. A few Red I hens and some fryers. Phone ogo.D Mm W. D. Booth. 69-1 FOR SALE An excellent Overland . automooue, ia cau. uu - ; . 68-tf ! Thron hlimfer Oil BtOVO f sn onu" ........ - New Perfection, raised top. in 1 perfect condition. 943 Oak St. FOR SALE. Slightly used dlmen- slon lumber and flooring, uooa ! as new. Phone 120. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MRS. FRANK MEE wishes to an- noiinee that she Is In Ashland and wishes to rent or sell her property at 107 Second St., also nousenoia goods for sale. Inquire 196 Fac tory St. 69-1 FOR SALE 67 acres orchard and ' hay under Talent irrigating sya tem, god modern house with toi let, bath, hot and cold water, tine barn, silo, farm implements, 21 tons hay, and Anjou pear crop If taken at once. Phone 415-L, or . . write Mrs. H. - H. Leavltt, 440 . Chestnut St., Ashland. 59-21 FOR EXCHANGE Improved 20 a. apples and alfalfa, under Govern- j nvent ditch, for Ashland bunga low or small improved tract. R M. Hood, Hermiston, Oregon. 57-lmo FOR SALE. A Bungalow at 555 Falrvlew street. Come and look It over. 63-lmo FOR SALE Improved acre; five room cottage; barn; chicken . house; city water; on Lincoln St. , Price reasonable. Easy terms, See Beaver Realty Co. 40tf FOR SALE; Or will trade for Ore gon property, 100 acres fine crop, 'consisting of corn maize and cot ton. W. L LUes, Lou, Texas. I 54-lmo WANTED WANTED By woman to do general houseworK or cooKing on rancn. (Call 224 Fourth St. 59-1 WANTED 25 or 30 Rhode Island ' Reds, Plymouth Rocks or Wyan dottes layers. Address or call 173 Oak St., Thursday or Friday. 59-1 WANTED Boarders. Apply 573 E Main. 65-4t ra'ANTirn niria fnr laundrv work. Good pay and steady work. Call Ashland Laundry Co. 57tf MEN WANTED for work on Pacific hlchway south of Ashland. Wags' $4 50 per day, 8 hours, steady . worki Hoard $1.05 por day. In quire Oskar-Huber. Office up stairs in City Hall, Ashland. I 68-tt PLUMBINO FOR PLUMBING and general re pairing call Geo. L. Carey, 462 Allison St. Phone 314J. My work and prices will please you. 45tf LOST! LOST In Ashland Tuesday, 'Aug. 12, a bill book, containing no money, but other articles, whom the owner will pay reward. Finder send same to Harry Rogers, Tra cy, Minn. 58-1 LEGAL NOTICE! SUMMONS Suit in Equity to Declare ft Deed a Mortgage and to Foreclose the Same. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of' the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. . Elizabeth A. Smith, Plaintiff, vs. Howard P. Wilcox and Bessie Wil cox, Huaband and Wife, Defendants.' To Howard P. Wilcox and Bessie Wilcox, the. above named Defend ants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you and each of you are ' hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff on file with the Clerk of said Court at his offloe In Jack sonville, Jackson county, Oregon, within slxVweeks from the date of the first publication of this Sum mons, and it you fall to appear and answer In said cause within the said time the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said Complaint, to- wit: For the foreclosure of that cer tain deed, made and executed by you unto the Flalntlll Herein dated December 20th. 1913, and conveying Lots 14, 15, and 16 of Highland Park Addition to tne city of Ashland, Oregon; said deed being of record in Volume 98 at Page 436 of tbe Deed Rec ords of said Jackson County; saia deed being given as security for a loan of 12500.00 and interest, and for a more particular ae scriptlon of the relief demanded. the Plaintift reiera to me mu Comnlalnt. - By virtue of an order made and dated br the Hon. r. M. uaiains Judge of said Court on July 21st, 1919 this Summons is servea up on you by the publication thereof for six consecutive weeks in the Aahiand Tldines. weeniy news paper of general circulation print ed and published at Ashland, Jacknon Countr. Oregon, and by said order you must answer the same within six weeks from the dot., nf its first Duplication. Date of first publication, July 22d, 1919. E. D. BRIGGS. Attorney for Plaintiff, Ashland, Oregon. 49-6tuesdays REAL ESTATE Several small acreage tracts, well improved, with water for irrigation at very reasonable prices. First class residence property, weU located, good condition, very moderate prices, reasonable terms. A fine valley farm for a short time at a price that will appeal to any one who knows a good farm. If you want . a good business proposition, a fine building lot, some good business frontage, an A-l stock ranch, see us. 1 1 BILLINGS AGENCY Real Estate and Real Insurance. Established 1883 Phone 211 41 East Main BARGAINS EYES TESTED Glasses Fitted Broken Lenses Duplicated Glasses Furnished Same Day Fitted Factory on Premises E. D. ELWOOD .OPTOMETRIST - Medford, Oregon 301 10. Main w You are going to buy Boy's Books Why not NOW Price in groups of three and five copies Reduced 5c a Day Until Saturday at Polcy's Drug Store POLEP& ELIIART, Druggists HISTORIC OLD OREGON ' GOES BACK INTO SERVICE Bound for San Francisco where she will be used as a reviewing ship possibly by President , Wilson when tbe Pacific fleet steams through the Golden Gate, the historic old battle ship Oregon left Bremerton Monday manned by men largely from the United States cruiser Montana. Cap tain I. C. Wettingill, formerly master of the Montana, will command the Oregon. The Montana remains in Bremerton for repairs. On Savings Accounts Wo Interest A Dollar Starts an Account STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. Contractor A. L. Lamb returned Monday from RIdgefleld, Wash., where he had been spending a few days. He was aucompanled by bis sister, Mrs. Virginia Fales of that city, who will remain here for awhile as Mr. Lamb's guest, to enjoy the climate and mineral waters of South ern Oregon in the hope of regaining her health. Mrs. Anna Moore received a wire less message today from New York stating that her husband, Captain Frank Moore, wo has been in over seas service, had landed In that city. Mrs. Moore is especting further news as to her husband's movements. Mrs. Susie Neil of Portland is a guest at the home of Mrs. J. M. Wag ner on Oak street this week. ' STRONG EVIDENCE Is the Statement of Tills Medford Woman. " Backache is often kidney ache; , A common warning of serious kid ney His. "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" Don't delay use Doan's Kidney F1118. Profit by this nearby resident's experience. , Mrs. J. H. Gustln, 521 S. Grape St., Medford, Ore., says: "For several years I have been taking Doan's Kid ney Pills when I have felt tbe need of a kidney medicine and I have al ways received the most satisfactory results. My kidneys seem to be my weakest spot and every little cold or1 strain affects them and my bacit becomes weak and lame. After I have taken a couple of boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, my kidneys be come normal and in every way I feel as well and strong as ever." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan s Kidney Pills the same thut Mrs. 'Gustrn had. Foster-MIlburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. . e " Common tea is half tannin and half poor tea flavor. When you make it, the tea-taste develops first. 1 1 hardly gets going before the tannin comes along and smothers it. Tannin, the rank, harsh, injurious what people use to tan leather with. ; , Try Schilling Tea, the' tea with abundance of rich tea-flavor. You'll never go back to common tea. There are four flavors of Schilling ' Tea Japan, Ceylon India, Oolong, 'linglih breakfast. All one quality. In parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. , & A Schilling & Co San Francisco Ml I .ammnUlr (5 i h mi br -R.J.RaraohM Tobuca Co. (Dandruff hilling Lyhair Mw V... ItfhsA iinhBrnhlv and mv L . hw .Via h.nrlfllf. A few pplicitionol Wildroot loosened and removed quantitie of dandruff the itching Mopped. Today it is thicker and more beautiful than ever. wiinisoar THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC Far talt km undtr a titenij-iocM guarantmt POLErS DRUG STORE Wildroot flhrapooSnaK nurd In winoortloa with Wlldmot, will himt-n tho trimtm-nt. ""1 M P U1" Wiwas JUST RECEIVED A Large Shipment of Arrow Shirts In all the latest models for Fall wear. Arrow Shirts will fit any occasion just as well as it will fit any man. Priced from $2.00 each and up. Every shirt guaranteed fast color. The Arrow shirt marks a variety of shirts for evening wear and dance?, that are .remarkably smart in style and well made. Try one and become an Arrow customer from then on Men who wear good clothes like to be sure that they are getting their m'o n e y' s vworth, both in service ability and in style. That is why most men come here to buy. Accessories of all kinds for men who dress well will be found here in pleasing dis play. Give us a trial and become convinced, r I I H if TU R "Ml i 11 ll I "1 1 "W smokespot you so fair and square. pipe ana cigarette makin s sunshine and as satisfy ) ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-four I It's never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure pasture! For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more tobacco fun than you ever had in your smokecareer.j That's because it has the quality. , jy Quick as you know Prince Albert youU write it down that P. A. did not bite your tongue or parch your throat. And, it never will I For, our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails your tongue tj Toppy Td last, tidy Td tint, handnm pound and half pound tin humidor and that cUvr, practical pound crytal giau humidor with lM ponjr moitttntr top that kttpt th tobacco in $ach porftct condition, 3 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winiton-Salem, N. C? "Ever Occur to YouV says the THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW" put uj in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco .. ' . W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco YOU can't help cutting loose joy'uaf remarks every time vou flush vour with Prince Albert it hits' It's a scuttle full of jimmy V, Good Judge That it's foolish to put up with an ordinary chew,' when it doesn't cost any; more to get real tobacco satisfaction. . . ' Every day more men dis-. cover that a little chew of real good tobacco lasts longer and gives them real, contentment. There's nothing like it.f How fast the time flies 1 Vacation days are passing, bringing us again to fall and school time. The young sters mustbe care fully outfitted in good, reliable clothes for a fresh 6tart. Bring tho boys and girls in or have the come alone. They will be well taken care of. Our prepara tion for school days has been thoro so that you can be suie of finding every thing that is need ed in that line.