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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1919)
rACE QtiBt ASHLAND TIDINGS Friday, March 2!,. 1619 Benson Enthused " Over Rord Program "With all tlie vim of youth, brought lack thru recreation of lour months j la Southern California, Simon Ben ;m, chairman of the Oregon state highway commission, ' has returned i to Portland, says the Telegram, and ; will devote most of his time bence ' forth to the large affairs of t,he'com ! mission. The extensive road build ing program authorized by the re cent legislature insures much work lor the commission to handle this season, and Chairman ' Benson is ready to tackle his part with his cus tomary energy. "California now has enough high ly Improved roads to give the people opportunity to appreciate what they are worth and they have authorized the expenditure of large additional sums to pay for constructing many miles . more of suitable highways," said Chairman Benson. ".There is a bigger crop of tourists than ever be fore in California and . prosperity is general.' ' Abundant rains insure big agricultural crops there. . "By next fall there should be satisfactory connection of the Pa cific highway thru Southern Oregon from Portland to the good, roads in California. Then we can expect the tide of tourist travel over, modern highways to be turned toward Ore gon after the winter rush reaches its peak In California. Those people will help pay for. our highways as they have done in the state to tho south of here. A tourist crop leaves plenty of money without sending out any products to offset expenditures of travelers." Chairman Benson Is hopeful -that on the state highway coraajissloii. He believes it would be unfortunate for the state if Mr. Booth should not yield to the popular will that jiejcon tlnue to serve as a member. ? . ' ! , Choice fruits, especially trapes, may often be protected from Insect pestg by the use of paper bags placed around the bunches and securely fas tened by twine to the supporting shoot or cane. Bags may be nut in place as soon as the blossoms .have fallen. It does not take a very large plvco of land to produce all the food for a human being, and there In still enough idle land In and arounl the cities and towns to grow' all the veg etables of certain kinds required Jiy the people of these towns. fig fis Jamnadti' ' ' j1 my F'P J r PA I fi I a r-'VV t.X.V . V 1 Vining Theatre Sunday and Monday BIG BARGAINS IN USED GARS He bive loo many ol them. Tney have lo go. lVe need the room. The; are all Id First Class Condition and during (he next week some olthem are going Far Below Heir Valne. , . : . 1918 Hudson Super Six 1914 Dudson Model 54 1914 Ford 5 passenger 1914 Ford new body 1916 Studebaker 7 passenger 1916 Grant Six 1918 Maxwell 1917 Chevrolet 5 passenger 1918 Maxwell 5 Passenger 1916 Chalmers 1918 Maxwell 1917 Buick Truck 1916 Chalmers 1916 Maxwell 1917 Dudson Super Six Come in and make yonr selection before your favorite car is sold. They will go very quick at the prices we are offering them. A. W. WALKER AUTO COMPANY i MEDFORD OREGON The Spring Wash tractive and our FIGURED VOILES :15c to $1.2.1 PLAID GINGHAMS 2c to 05c APROX GINGHAMS 22 He CHEVIOT 8HIRTIXGS 2254c (TKTA1X SCRIMS 25c to 50c tTRTAIX XKTS 50c to 91.00 WHITE VOILES 35c to f 1.00 DEVOXSHIUE CLOTH 50c 30 1XCH PERCALES 20c m 5t lncl .i : ' i i -i i m. rvnr -irn t LM II . k I U .1 ' ' Jl II !' f t 1 mm. I Goods are unusually at showing comprehensive HEAVY WiriTB fOTTOX KKIRTIXGM B3c to fl.00 J A I OlEPE 50c HEACII CIX)TIf Colors 50c FIttniED FLAXOXS 35c I'M 1 1) OOTTOX KKIRTIXGH 0c to 75c ' i tWTOX DA.MASK 64 Inch OUc 72 Inch 75c ItHIDAL CAMBIUC 25c lip liKIDAL X.ilXSOOK 25c up IXSI)ALE Ml'SLlX 20c H. OF H. MISUX 224c iminAh nh'ketixo -4 . . . . 85c ' 0-4 .... 80c 10-4 .... 05c ,. AT THE CEIURCQES . Trinity Episcopal Church. Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. Sunday School at 9:45. Morning service and sermon at 11. Strangers and visitors cordially welcomed. Free Methodist Church Sunday School, 9:45; Preaching 11:00; Evening, 7:30; Bible Study, Tuesday evening 7:30, at parsonage; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. ' Everybody Invited to attend these services. ELVA A. HOBART. First Chilrch of Christ, Scientist Pioneer Avenue South Sunday service at 11 o'clock. Sub' Ject of lesson sermon next Sunday is "Matter." Sunday School at 10 o'clock; Wed nesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock Reading Room open from 2 to dally, except Sundays and holidays will celebrate thruout the world next Sunday the Golden Jubilee of the Woman's Foreign Missionary So ciety. Fifty years of faithful service for the women of heathen lands. One of the original founders still lives WIXXEll'8 KIGXS XOW NRAPFJ) WITH CREPE The signs which the Ashland High school basket ball team secured la Roseburg two week! ago and brought home as trophies of the winning of and Is active In missionary work In the Southern Oregon championship- 'India, the widow of Bishop E. W. are now draped in crepe at the Parker, now over eighty years of Senior High school building. Tho age. Nearly twenty millions have cause of these habiliments of mourn been raised for missions, and more Ing is .due to the loss of the state than thrgf million dollars of proper- championship from which they suf fered when they returned from the state tournament in Eugene last week. On Savings Recounts Interest Wo A Dollar Starts an Account STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. First Congrcgntional Church U. Southwell Iirett, Minister Special Lenten services each Sun day, morning and evening, until Easter. Next Sunday morning Mr. Brett will speak on 'The Fruit of Religion; Obedience to God in Daily Life." In the evening he will begin a series of Interpretations from the "Sermon on the Mount." Everybody welcome. Xazaine Church Services for. the weell are as fol lows: Sunday school 9:45; Preach ing. ,11:00, subject,. "Divine Heal ing." This subject Is much used, much abused and very much misun derstood. Y. P. H. L. at 6,30 Preaching at 7:30; subject, "God or the Church? Which?" We are rap- Idly drawing to the end of the church year.. It han been a year of financial prosperity. All apportionments have been met, the Church debt will be cancelled the 30th, the attendance as a' whole has been splendid and many have been converted. We are expecting to add materially to our membership before the Assembly. If you love the old time Gospel, you will enjoy our services.. Come. Pray er meeting '.every Wednesday eve ning. .; V., DORMAN D. EDWARDS, Pastor. '4 . , i:r;,;Mctliodjst Church. ;. , The .Methodist Episcopal. - church .iu,y;-. ty has been accumulated. While such women as Mary Stone of China, Tlla vatl Singh of India and Italia Gara baldl of Italy are rare leaders. Ex- President Harrison after hearing RECEIVED XEWS OF Lilavati Singh give an address In DEATH OF NEPHEW Washington said. If I had spent a( In a recent copy of the Army and million dollars on Missions and MisslNavy Journal was the notice of the Singh had been the only convert, 1 1 death of Lieutenant Commander Ed would feel fully repaid." Come out ward G. Blakeslee, U. S. N., whose and hear this Romance of Missions, I death occurred in London February by the pastor, Rev. Charles A. Ed-27. This naval officer waa a nephew- wards, next Sunday morning at 11 of Mrs. E. E. Bagley and the Misses Q'clock. Presbyterian Church C. F. Kochler, Paxtor - Morning subject: "Christian Stew- Furer of Ashland, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Blfkeslee of Cambridge, Mass. Admiral Sims in notifying the father of the death of his son,1 said it would be difficult to Sunday School at ardshlp; Evening subject: "The Vis- convey the hlgh respect and admlra. ion of Life." Young People's meet- tlon ln whlch he wft8 held by hg fe, l J. A. A. An f 1 f" 4 ' low officers, and the shock of his death was felt by all. Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ing at 6:30 p. m 9:45 a. m. : The Annual Congregational meet ing will occur next Wednesday eve ning, March 26, beginning with n Supper at 6:00 p. m The Every "Member dajnvass for funds for the local church and the benevolent work of the denomina tion will take place Sunday after noon, March 23. It Is hoped that A J .a A VT n 1 I me emim oi me iew era movement LOST Last Sunday ibetween the will so appeal to all that they will Razor Ranch and town, gentle resDond to the beBt of their ability man's dark overcoat. Finder leave to makA a weekly contribution. The Bt oimpsonig Haw. store. Reward. New Era Movement is the' effort of the Church to respond to the call FOR SALE Fine young cow. Call FOR TRADE Fine Ashland resi dence for Portland residence. Ad dress 6913-45 Ave. S. E. Portland, Ore. 14-8 and the financial as well as spiritual demands of the times to move for ward. What the soldiers did In a military way, the church is called upon by the need of the world, to do in a spiritual way. The American army made the "world safe for Democracy", now it Is up to the church to "Make Democracy safe for the world." It Is a privilege to have a part In the movement. at 153 Granite street. 13-lt TORACCO RKTCRNS MUST BE CHECKED Twenty men from the Internal rev enue collector's office will be sent over Oregon ln the next three weeks to check up tobacco dealers' inven tories and assist individuals and firms which have made only tenta tive income tax returns, it was an nounced in Portland Wednesday. All I dealers In tobacco products took an Inventory of Btockg on hand and in transit February 26. It now devolves upon them to calculate the tax due and make payment within 30 days from that date. The Itinerary of the field deputies given Out by Milton A. Miller, col- FOR SALE Fine young cow. Call at 153 Granite street. 14-lt FOR SALE A No. 1 baled hay, 2nd - cutting alfalfa. Phone 1F13. 14tf FOR SALE At a bargain, modern ' residence, No. 464 Mountain Ave., or will exchange for Klamath. Ad dress owner, E. G. Argraves, Klam ath Falls. 14-4t FOR RENT 160 acres good out side range, plenty of water, 20 to 25 acres cultivation, 50 acres pas ture. Goodj buildings. Plenty of wood. Will take wood ln pay ment for rent. Partly ln crops. Hay on place to finish putting iu crop. J. H. Bogue, Water St. FOR RENT Houbo 2 blocks from post office; 4 . rooms partly fur- nished. Cheap. Inquire J. H. . Bogue, Water St. 14-2t I WILL TRADE My 160 acre wheat ranch near Merrill, Oregon, no acres of which will be under ir rigation next year, for a small farm suitable for chickens and dairying. Price $30 per acre. Al so will sell or trade 6 room resi dence in Klamath Falls. Addresa P. O. Box 54, Merrill, Oregon. 14-2friday lector vf internal revenue showed LOST; Enamel Pansy pin with pearl that Deputies G, Harper and G. V. Wimberly would be at Miedford from March 31 to April 2 Inclusive; at Ashland ,frQra,rApriL 3. to 5 inclu sive and at Klamath FollsfrOm Anr'l i JP..?,"!or thl 'purpose-'-?---" '-' center. Reward. Tidings office. Finder leave ac 14-tr FOR SALE 8 acres with orchara and modern house; on paved h,ign-; wayj fol" l 12000 ' until April -1st . only. House alone $1800. Address A-'ZTcare Tidings.;,' -; ;. ljUt .