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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1919)
I VWay, March 21, 1919 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGB 6J5VK1 TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent the ward each time. Twenty words one month one dollar. DR. MAUD INGEKSOLL UAWLEY Chiropractor and Physcultopatlilst fflce Second Floor First National Bank Bldg. Opposite Hotel Austin Fbone 48 itz and Cabinet Baths, Hot and Cold Spray Baths, Electric and Swedish Massage. Rest and Medical uymnastio wooms MICKIE SAYS rEorroaa is suoe FORCjivjrV CUSSES! OUN KIN DIE AN eEVT 'tl OUTEN ELEVEN NEA.&3 SUBSCRIPTION ttt fHEN THE eOlTOR'LL SET DOWN AN1 WRITE HM.F A 'COUJfAN NfiOOT WHAT A FINE FELLER THE OECEASEO VYUZ AN1 HOW tVERNCOD Will KMSS HIN X mi '! mi So PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, . ear, nose and throat Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P , R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 567. . 21-tf DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and ; 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf K. D. ISRIGGS, Attorney-at-Law. Pioneer Block, Ashland. . OIVIO IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of this club will he held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. PIANO TUNING GEO. W. CROSS, Medford, Ore., Piano Tuner and re pairer. A tuner to particular ; musical people. Endorsed by the leading musical people of Southern Oregon. Leave orders at Rose Bros. Phone 213. 62-tf WATCH REPAIRING STRICTLY fine watch, Jewelry and . Dtical repairing: engraving. Ev erything nicely and promptly done. W. A. FREEBERG. ll-3mo MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM SPRAYING I will do cub torn spraying around town. Any ne wanting spraying done leave orders at Fruit Association. ll-4t H. W. Andrews. FOR RENT FOR RENT 4-room bungalow, fur alshed. Phone 359R. lOtf , FOR SALE FOR SALE Three mules, one horse, wagon, disc and spring-tooth har rows, harrow cart, eight 'and ten inch walking plows, fifty - gal lon metal barrel. Paul Williams, ana w Main at is.Sf FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for setting. 15 for 75 cts. H. H. Leavitt. Phone 415L 13tf FOR SALE Indian Runner ducks end duck eggs. Phone 359R. lOtf BGGS FOR HATCHING RHODE Island Reds. Eastern strain claim ing trap nest record of 289 eggs in year. 1511.00; 50 $3.00, 100, 5.00. - Miss Edna Hoag, 9-1 mo. 475 Beech St. BROWN LEGHORN EGGS For hatching; carefully selected stock, Phone 494 R. . ' 11-lmo MRS. HERRIN'S W. LEGHORNS Eggs for hatching and day old chicks. Order your chicks early as the supply is limited. Deposit required on all chick orders, Tele phone 291J. " ' ' lOtf TANCRED STRAIN White Leghorns. 13 years of continuous trap nest ing. . HntRhlne sres 11.50 per 15; $7 per hundred. A few hundred baby chlx left. Mrs. W. D. Booth. Phone 291-R. .: 11-lmo . WANTED WANTED--To do plain sewing. Mrs. Hoeue. 391 Beach St. 13-3t WANTED TO RENT Furnished house; bath and 4 or 5 rooms. In quire Tiaings ouice. WANTED Men or women to take orders among friends and neigh bors for the genuine guaranteed ! hosiery, full, line for men, women i and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 50c an hour spare time or $24 a week for full time. Experi ence unnecessary. Write, Inter national Stocking Mill, Norrls town, Pa. J0-8t WANTED TO RENT By May 1st. Several acres suitable for chick ens and garden truck. .Must have house preferably furnished. Two or three miles from High school. Would like old place with fruit, etc., even If In bad repair. State particulars and terms. Address Mrs. H. M. Mitchell, 648 Sixty-first St. 12-2t . Oakland, Calif. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 15 acres 2 miles from center of city. 1 lot 60 x 100 ft. on good street one block to main business section. Apply at this omce. vl0-4t FOR SALE Improved acre; five room cottage; barn; chicken house; city water; on Lincoln St Price reasonable. Easy terms Write owner, Fred L. Ulen. Lew iston.t Idaho. 8-3mo FOR SALE CHEAP OR RENT Five room house; 1 acre ground. Small payments monthly. Will be In Ashland March 24. Address N. W. Gorham, Elks Club. 13-2t FOR SALE Modern 5-room bunga low with pantry, bath, and base ment holding 20 tiers of wood Will sell for $1500; $500 down, balance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. One acre of bround. 330 acres timber land 2 miles from Ashland on good road. Call 415L 13tf USED CARS FOR SALE) Good second hand Ford car. Call Park Garage. 9tf LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO WOOD CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by School District No. 5, Jackson Coun ty. Oregon, until 6 p. m March 24, 1919, for 160 cords of good, solid fir wood, cut from green trees. Wood must be in four-foot lengths of not more than ten Inches nor less than four Inches In diameter. Wood to be delivered and piled at the Junior High School building and the Howthome building, and a small portion at the High School building, In Ashland, Oregon, and at a time not later than September 15, 1919 Measurements of the wood to be made by the School Board, or bv the Sealer of Weights and Measures for Jackson County. Oregon. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $25.00, payable to School District No. 5, Jackson County, Oregon, which check will be forfeited to the said School District as liquidated damages In case the successful bidder shall fall to exe cute a contract and furnish an ap proved bond for a faithmul perform' ance thereof, within five days after notification of acceptance of bid. The successful bidder Is required to furnish said School District ap proved bond for a faithful perform manoe of the contract or bid so ac cepted, in an amount of not less than $500.00. . All bids should be addressed to the Clerk of School District No. 5, Jackson County, Oregon, and mark ed "Bid to Furnish Wood." ' The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of DireC' tors. H. F. POHLAND, Clerk of School District No. 5. Jack, son County, Oregon. Ashland, Ore., March 12, 1919. 12-2frl Chicago Men Buy Catalina Island One of the biggest real estate deala ever put over In -California Is now an assured fact and details can be furnished by the Interested par ties. Mr. William Vrigley, Jr., manu facturer of the famous "Wrlgley's Spearmint," one of the chief stock holders In the Chicago "Cubs' ball team and an officer and director in a total of fifteen enterprises In vari ous parts of the U. S., Is the head and controlling interest In a com pany which has taken over Santa Catalina Island. The purchase price is close to $4,000,000 and several millions more will be spent to make the Island the great show pluce of the Pacific coast. Included In the transfer are prac tically all of.the 48,000 acres of the Island, the new $400,000 Ste. Cath erine Hotel and Its appurtenances, ten thousand head of sheep, two larce stealers which ply between San Pedro and the Island, a fleet of glass-bottom power boats and other property of the Santa Catitllnn Island Company. ; Gov. Olcott VM Endorse Bond Issue Gov. Olcott in a recent statement presented his policies to the public as follows: In assuming the duties of governor I am keenly appreciative of the un usual responsibilities devolving upon the office of chief executive because of the reconstruction period now be fore us. In my opinion this Is a tlmo when there Is as great teed for vigorous flow of patriotism and loy alty as when we were sending thous' ands of our boys overseas to fight for the cause of liberty. Time' after time, under the leader ship of our late governor, Oregon has demonstrated the depth of her patri otism by her splendid record in fur nishing her manhood, in subscribing for liberty loans, the Red Cross, and other war activities. These records were made possible because the peo ple of (he state learned to pull to gether In a common cause- as they had never done before. The many serious problems inci dent to this time of reconstruction can be solved with credit to the stato If we can have the same oneness of purpose, the, same sort of coopera tion by patriotic citizens, the same sort of willingness to subjugate self ish interests for the good of a great cause, as Oregon has displayed thru out the war period. For the sake of the well being o! this state, I feel that this united sup port should be given to the governor regardless of the individual who might occupy the office of chief exec utive. This is no time for the dis play of factional strife. It Is no time for putting politics above patriotism. It Is a time for all of us to put out shoulders to the wheel for the good of common cause. It Is a time for Oregon to forge ahead. The legislature has provided for a big road building program. The people will soon have opportunity to express their opinion of a commend able reconstruction program. I be lieve the people, on June 3, will ap prove the reconstruction bond Issue, It is Important' that they should. They ought to lend Impetus to pri vate enterprise. They ought to en courage capital to seek opportunity to connect up with industry. And The Tidings Twice a week Portland Evening Telegram Both one full year $6.00 You save $1 on this combination "Uiwimiii. i ii urn What. Happens to the food you eat? During digestion certain kinds of food containing pro teins, such as meat, egg white, rrjilk casein, wheat gluten, etc., are split into many different substances. Some of these the body uses to rebuild damaged or dead tissues; some, however, are not only useless and harm f ul but in some cases actually poisonous.Kegular, thorough bowel evacuation gets rid of the latter. Constipation permits stagna tion and absorption of these poisons ijjrto the blood, with injury to the whole body. Taking castor oil, pills, salts, mineral waters, etc.,in order to force the bowels to move does not c-annot cure con stipation but makes it worse. On the other hand Nujol overcomes constipation and brings about the habit of easy, thorough bowel evao uation at regular intervals, because Nujol is not a drug, does not act like any drug. Nujol brings about a return to Nature's methods of sup plying necessary lubrication of the bovyel contents, by facilitating intestinal muscu lar action, by absorbing poi sonous matter, and thus se curing necessary cleansing of the intestinal canal and protection of the defensive properties of the blood itself. Nujol has no deleterious after effects, produces no bad habits, makes the bowels regular as clockwork. Nujol is efficient at any age under any conditions is satisfactory and safe. How and Why Nujol over comes constipation is de scribed in an interesting and authoritative booklet! ' ' Thirty Feet of Danger" free on reaucst. Send fur it and get a bottle of Nujol from your druggist tpday. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NBW JERSEY) SO Breidw Niw York lift ft &. bottles beirinj the Nujol Trtde Mirk. All drugfiiti in U. S. and Cinadi. Intiit oo Nujol. You miy suffir Irom lubititutet. Science Adds Profits to Dairyman's Efforts If some employment Is provided by the expenditure of public funds un til Industry again catches Its breath and hits a stride In step with the times, the most urgent and Imme diate crisis of the reconstruction period will have been bridged. It shall be my endeavor to encour age Industry to the fullest extent of my power, and to use the Influence of this office to promote that har mony and fairness between employer and employe that are necessary for industrial success and a happy citizenship. There Is to be no upheaval In tho state government, caused by the re moval of appointees and their re placement with new appointees. I shall expect business efficiency from all departments and positions coming under the Jurisdiction of the gover nor. I shall expect each appointee to give the state the same conscientious service which would be required of him If he were In private employ ment. If there are any who cannot do this, they will be given oppor tunity to find employment elsewhere In these matters I do not expect to deviate from the policy which I have consistently followed while serving as secretary of state. State institutions, with the excep tlon of the state 'penitentiary, are under the Jurisdiction of the Btate board of "control. As a member of that board I shall continue favoring the policy of giving the various su perintendents a free hand and to hold them entirely responsible for proper business management. They shall have complete control over the employes under them. The ward -n of the penitentiary shall have equal ly as complete authority to employ and discharge his help, but as the responsibility for the administration of the prison will rest upon me 1 shall expect to direct its policy. 1 hope to do this in a manner that will be approved by the people of the Btate. i Dairymen are entitled to a fair profit on their investment and la bor, but it is not fair to consumers of dairy products to be taxed tor wasteful production, comments the Oregonlan. Dairyman are today tes tifying to the value of scientific methods of production In cheapening the cost. "In two years' time my cream check has increased from $142 to 1187 a month from the same num ber of cows," writes a Linn county member of the testing association. "My cows Increased In milk yield 30 per cent as a result of Improved rations," and "When fed your ra tions cows yielding 32 pounds of milk Increased to 42 pounds," are other reports of Oregon dairymen. Feeding, breeding, record-keeping, silos, and testing, marketing and bull associations, are some of tho cost-production factors placed on a scientific basis by dairymen co-operating with the federal department of agriculture and the state agricul tural college. Some of the things done are send ing 164 slacker cows to the butcher, buying 11 pure-bred bulls for asso ciation members, erecting 41 silos, purchasing 24 car loads- of dairy feeds, organizing three new testing associations, purchasing 74 pure bred dairy cattle for association members, and checking 31 separa tors. Dairymen who were operat ing at a loss may turn It Into profit by Improving one or more of these factors. ) Ship building activities at Vallojo and Bay Point together with the Joint use of Oakland Pier by the Southern Pacific, Western Pacific and Santa Fe have combined to make the east bay terminal the busi est railroad center on the Coast, Not counting all the electric suburban trains, during 30 minutes Of the morning six trains leave Oakland Pier with 72 cars and within a peri od of one hour at night eleven trains arrive with 96 cars. These are three special trains not shown on the timetable that carry 2000 men night and morning betweon Oak land and Bay Point, and 1400 men between Oakland and Mare Island Navy yard. On time performances are beinng registered despite the rush. Auto Painting We do all fclsds of Auto Painting and do tlrstclass work. Prices range from $10 for En amel Coat for Ford car to $35 to $50 for high-class 3-coat Job. ' AH Work Guaranteed J. M. Hughes Comer First Street, Back of Vinlng Theatre f- Dr. R. L. Bardie DENTIST Swedenburg Block, Ashland, Ore. 1L Just Received Another Carload of HMD) Touring Cars COMPLETE LINE OF Come in and Look Them Over FM1D GAM AGE LEE HALL, Proprietor