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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1919)
TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent the word each time. Twenty words one month one dollar. T DR. MAUp IXGERSOLL 1IAWLEY Chiropractor and Physcnltopathist Office Second Floor First National Bank Bldg. Opposite Hotel Austin Phone 48 E1U and Cabinet Bathi, Hot and Cold Spray Baths, Electric and Swedish Massage. Rest and Medical Gymnastic Rooms MICKIE SAYS PLACE WHERE TWEV 00 this ofpct,euf t can't HMO VT OH THIS of Si national Stocking Mill, Norris town, Pa. ' 10-8t WANTED TO RENT By May 1st. Several acres suitable for chick ens and garden truck. Must have house nreferabiv furnished. Two or three miles from High school. Wnillll llbo nM tilnna with frill etc., even if in bad repair. State yen ucuiitru ana lenns. Atiuress Mrs. B. M. Mitchell. 548 Sixty-first St. 12-2t Oakland, Calif tXIt 8 A LB REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 15 acres 2 miles from center of city. 1 lot 60 x 100 ft. on good street one block to main business section. Apply at this office. ' 10-4t FOR SALE Improved acre; five- room cottage; barn; cnicxen house; city water; on Lincoln St. Price reasonable. Easy terms. Write owner, Fred L. Wen, Lew Iston,, Idaho. 8-3mo PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. KMMEXS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Classes sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for 8. P. . R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., onnosite oostofflce. Medford. Ore. Phone 567. 21-tf DIC. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf E. D. BRIGG9, Attorney-at-Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. UYIO IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of this club will be held on the second and rourtn Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. PIANO TUNING GEO. W. CROSS Medford, Ore., Piano Tuner and re n&lrer. A tuner to nartlcular ! musical people. Endorsed by the leading musical people of Southern ' Oregon. Leave orders at Rose Bros. Phone 213. 52-tf WATCH REPAIRING STRICTLY fine watch. Jewelry and ontlnal renalrlne: eneraving. Ev erything nicely aad promptly done W A. FREEBERG. ll-3mo MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM SPRAYING I will do CUB tnm anravlne around town. Any- One wanting spraying done leave orders at Fruit Association. ll-4t H. W. Andrews. FOR RENT FOR RENT My home on Granite street, furnished. J. F. Rocho. Phona 35 9R. 10tt FOR RENT 4 -room bungalow, fur nished. Phone 359R. 10tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock am tnr cot tin b- 15 for 75 CtS. H. H' Leavitt. Phone 415L 13tf FOR SALE Fine young cow. Call - . A 4 A. at 153 Granite street. FOR SALE Indian Runner ducks and dunk Airirii Phono 359R. lOtf EGGS FOR HATCHING RHODE Island Reds. Eastern strain claim ing trap nest record of 289 eggs in year. 15 Jl.OO; 50 sa.uu, 100, $5.00. Miss Edna Hoag, 9-lmo. 475 Beech St BROWN LEGHORN EGGS For hatchine: carefully selected stock Phona 494R. 11-lmo MRS, HERRLN'S W. LEGHORNS Eggs for hatching ana day oia chicks. Order your chicks early as the supply is limited. Deposit ranilo1 nn oil iMA- nritprs Tele- Dhona 291 J. 10tf TANCRED STRAIN White Leghorns, 13 years of continuous trap nes In? Hnfphlnir etra 11.50 Der 15 II ner hundred. A few hundred babv chi left. Mrs. W. D. Booth Phone 291-R. 11-lmo WANTED r WANTF.n Tn ia niRin bpwIiiit. Mrs nsue, ai ueacn at. . m-u WANTED TO RENT Furnished houae; bath and 4 or 5 rooms. In quire Tidings office. WANTED Men or women to take orders among friends ana neign hnra fn ik. oroniilnA CTiiiranteetl hosiery, full line for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. Wa nnv Kn on hnnr unnre time or 1 f n l i ...II ,1mA ITrnDrl. a ween ior iuu I ence unnecessary. Write, Inter- count , of her administration of said estate; that Saturday, the 26th day of April, 1919, at ten o'clock A M. at the Court Hous in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, has ibeen appointed by the said court for the bearing of any objections that may be made to the approval of said account. Any persons having objections to said account must file the same on or before the time of said hear ing. Date of first publication, March 11, 1919. JOSEPHINE FOLEY, Administratrix. ll-Dtueadays FOR SALE CHEAP OR RENT Five room house; 1 acre ground. Small payments monthly. WU1 be in Ashland March 24. Address N. W. Gorbam, Elks Club. 13-2t FOR SALE Modern G-room bunga low with pantry, bath, and base ment holding 20 tiers of wood. Will sell for $1500; $500 down, balance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. One acre of bround. 330 acres timber land 2 miles from Ashland on good road. Call 415L. 13tt USED CARS FORD CAR FOR SALE Almost new 1918 model for $450; halt cash, balance bankable not. S. P. Shutt, 446 Allison St., Ashland. 12-2t FOR SALE Good second hand Ford car. Call Park Garage. 9tf ESTRAYED! STRAYED From mv ranch near (VUPKtln one verv light roan ceir er, slit and upper bit in each ear, G. 'D. on hip. Yearling last spring. Finder nlease notify D. M. Deter, Colestin. Oregon. 10-1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF AD MINISTRATOR ajid to Present Claim, in the Matter of the Es tate of Mary KaUierlne Hendricks, NOTICE Is hereby given that Darby O Too 1 a haa been aDDOintea Dy me Honorable Court as Administrator of the estate of Mary Katherino Hendricks, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to said Admin istrator at the office of E. D. Briggs, at Plonoer Block, Ashland, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. All claims must be duly verified. Date of first publication, Febru ary 25th, 1919. DARBY O'TOOLE, Administrator. 8-4t,uesday Hcppner, Or. At the county con ference of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, held Thursday eve ning, the membership quota for this county was pledged la full. ' J. S Stewart, of Fossil, represented the state chamber at the meeting and made a very Interesting address. Af ter the members applying had bfeen taken care of the meeting was turn ed into a good roads moetlng and Mr. Stewart explained the new lawt passed by the last legislature. A resolution was adopted by the entire membership present to immediately nut Intn rtmilatton netitlons for bonding Morrow county to the limit tnr vnciA mads. thA amount to be raised to be $290,000. Thfere was a large attendance and the sentiment shown at this meeting indicates that the bonds will carry by a large ma jority in this county. Three trunks containing together approximately 192 quarts of whis key, carefully packed in water bags were taken by W. O. Chandler, spe cial agent of the Southern Pacific comDany. assisted by a government officer The trunks were checked from California and werb consigned to Salem. Albany and Jefferson. Due to the fact that the tTunks were pack ed in the same manner and checkekd to points within short distances of each other, it is bblleved by the of ficials that the same persons are re sponsible for all three booze recep taclee. Packed in neat rows in two quart water bottles, th'a trunks could be bumped about without any sound from the inside. No leakage result ed. as it frequently does, and it is believed that the railroad officials must have had inside information concerning the violators of the li quor law. The owner of the trunk has not yet been apprehended. Eu gene Guard. Plans are now being completed for the erection of a cannery and fruit drier in Sutherlin; the size of the buildings has been definitely settled, nn tha Sutherlin Sun reoorts. One building will be 60x80 feet, two-and one-half stories, the other will be a .one-story building 134x60, with ce ment floor. There are a few details and conditions to be met to insure the building of this plant, but they are of minor importance and these will probably be met. The company will me incorporated for fifty thous and dollars and the complete organi zation will be announced niext week SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court in and for the County of Jackson, State of Ore- cnn. SUIT IN EQUITY FOR A DIVORCE. MARY R. GRIFFIN, Plaintiff, vs. JOSEPH M. GRIFFIN. Defendant. TO JOSEPH M. GRIFFIN, the above nannVd Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you are hereby summon ed and required to answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff on file with the clerk of the said Court in his office, at Jacksonville, Jack son County, Oregon, within six weeks from the date of the first publication hereof, and if you fail to answer within the time as above specified the Plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the said Com plaint, to-wlt: j. That the bonds of matrimoiiy now existing between you and the Plaintiff be dissolved. By virtue of an order made ana dated by the Honorable F. M. Cal nt quid Court, on Feb ruary 8th. 1919, this Summons Is served upon you Dy iiuum-a.... thereof for bIx successive weeks in " the Ashland Tidings, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published at Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon, and by said order you are required to answer the same within six weeks from the date of the first publication there of. . E. D. BRIGGS, Attorney for Plaintiff, ' Ashland, Oregon. . Date of first publication, February 11, 1919. 6-7tuesdayB The Tidings Twice a week Portland . i Evening Telegram Both one full year . $6.00 Yon save $1 on this combination NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL A(XXJNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE State of Oregon, ,for. JaSckson County. In the Matter of ' the Estate of Joseph Poley, Deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that Jose phine Poley, xlfo AdmtnlBtraUrfx of the above estate, has rendered and presented for settlement and filed In said court her final ac- Thls company will be in the market for all kinds of berries, especially raspberries and strawberries, and will make ten year contracts, to In sure sufficient plantings. BaWer, Ore. Tom Adams, a cow boy, was sentenced here today to five to nine years for killing George Holbrook, a rancher last December. . Superintendent of City Parks Key- tiar has opened a "matrimonial bu reau," reaching thruout the United States. The bureau has derived no success as yet, but superintendent Keyser is confident of ultimate sue dees. The bureau is operated ior the sole purpose of securing a mate for General Pershing,' the swan In Laurelhurst lake, Th'e bird has been pining of late for company other than the children who romp and frolic In thie park. In fact, according to Mr. Keyser, General Pershing has not been as efficient In ."policing" the lake as during the last summer, when he continuously guarded the shores of thb body of water to keep chil dren from falling Into the lake. At times, when the youngsters would fall to heed his unmistakable signs, General Pershing would develop a "peeva" which, it Is said,, always MM ill. i 14 lull! J) si 1 Wi' !!! Meat: Russia and the Allies Russia crumbled away and failed the Allies largely through lack of food, accord ing to an American eyewitness. With plentiful reserves and resources virtually untouched, her people starved at home and at the front because there was no adequate organization to place food where it was needed. Animals on the hoof were shipped thou sands of miles to the various fronts, wasting transportation facilities' required for other purposes. They arrived shrunken and ema ciated, to be killed and dressed amidst filth and confusion behind the lines. Half of those brought from Siberia, it is said, perished on the way; many more were unfit for food. On the other hand, the American packers turned live stock into meat in large sanitary plants located in the producing sections, and shipped the product under refrigeration so that it reached the trenches in France in perfect condition, without waste. Says Oar Authority: "Had such facilities for cold storage transportation been available to the Russian supply committee as were placed at the disposal of the quartermaster of the United States by Swift & Company, there might have been a diherent story concerning Russia's part in the final drama of the war." A large-scale packing industry would be an asset to Russia, in war or in peace, as it has proved to bo to the United States. The cost of this large scale industry in the form of profits is only a fraction of a cent per pound of meat Swift & Company, U. S. A. !;: ii m Ashland Local Branch F. Crouch, Manager vy SHI; I brought a realization of his Inten tions to the young obdurate minds. Superintendent Keyser hopes to se cure "a mate for General Pershing either from San Francisco or Phila delphia within a short time. Port land Ortegonian. Portland, Ore. Robert Love caus. ed the arrest hero last Friday night of Ralph Balllngcr, also known as "Tillamook Kid,'.' according to the police. A charge of robbery may be placed against Balllnger, the police said today. Love alleged that Bal llnger inveigled him to a lonely spot near Johnson creek, 20 miles from the city on the pretext that he had three ten-gallon, barrels of whiskey to dell for 750.. Love declared that BalUnger knocked him down, took the $750 and ran to his waiting au tomobile which had been left with the engine running at the roadside. Two other men were wy.h Balllnger, according to Love, and the three es caped. Love pursued them In an other car as soon as he recovered, ho said.' , AN the contracts have been award ed on the Gold Hill Irrigation canal. The Board of Directors have closed contracts with Toney "Ross for com pletion of the canal from Strieker's to Miller's gulch, with L. W. Van Houten for the canal from Miller's gulch to Champlin's line and with A. K. Earhart.of Rogue River from Foots Creek to the end of thle canal. All these men are local except A. K. Earhart, who lives near Rogue Riv er. The constracts for the flumes have Ween awarded to F. S. Carter from the head gates to Rock Point and to Mr. McFarland of Grants Pass, from Rock Point to the end of the canal. With the exception of small pieces of construction here and there, this will complete the whole canal. The water Is estimated to .be flow- BACK ACHE . Umber Up With Penetrating Hamlin's Wlisrd Oil A harmless and effective prepara tion to relieve the pain of Rheuma tism, Sciatica. Lame Back and Lum bago is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It pen etrates quickly, drives out soreness, and limbers up stiff aching joints and muscles. . , ' , f i You have no idea how useful it will be found in cases of every day ailment or mishap, when there ti need of an immediate healing, anti septic application, as in cases of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get -your money back. . Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, JO cents. Guaranteed. Town and country trips. Three years' experience In laxi driving. Rates reasonable. Stand at Victory. Cafe' Office phone 84; Itewldonco, 124 Stiiml Hotel Austin Phone 47 WIH meet all trains. Any calls left there will be promptly attended to. EDNA CROUCH . Ing thru the canal In time for tho first irrigation this summer. Gold Hill News. Salom, Ore. Representatives of 26 farm and commercial organisa tions of Deschutes county today sent resolutions to Highway Commission er R, A. Booth and Governor Olcott urging that Booth remain on the commission. Governor Olcott says many other endorsements have been received. Northwestern apples top the mur kot in Chicago and Des Moines at $5 per bo; , i Weekly.HealthJalks Where Most Sicknesa" Begin (nd Ends BY FRANKLIN DUANE, SL D. ' ....... . ; i It ran' be said broadly that most human ills begin in tho stomach and end in the stomach. Good digestion means good health, and poor digestion means bad health. The minute your Btomach fails to properly dispose of the food you eat; troubles begin to crop out in various forms. Indigestion and dyspepsia are the com moncst forms, but thin, impure blood"; headaches, bnekoches, pimplus, blotches; diwincss, bolching, coated tonguo, weak ness, poor appetite, sleeplessness, coughs; colds and bronchitis are almost as common. There is but one way to have good health; and that is to put and keep your stomach in good order. This is easy to do if you take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It is a wonderful tonic and blood purifier, and is so safe to take, for it is made of roots and herbs. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., stands behind this standard medicine, and it is good to know that so distinguished a physician is proud to have his name identified with it. When you take Golden Medical Discovery, you are getting the benefit of tho experience of doctor whose reputation goes all around the earth. Still more, you get a temper ance medicine that contains not a drop of alcohol or narcotic of any kind. Long ago Dr. Pierce combined certain valuable vegetable ingredients without the use of alcohol so that these remedies always have been strictly temperance medicines. If pflcs are torturing you, , get and use Pierce's Anodvne Pilo Ointment. The quick relief it gives is bard to believe until ..... :& it i : ... .1 t t:.'- yuu w lb. ti cuiiBuunivu, ur. iiwwjo Pleasant Pellets should be taken while usinff Anodvne Pile Ointment. Few in deed are the cases which these splendid remedies will not relieve and usually over come. They are so good that nearly every drug store has them for tale. . I GET THE BEARD BUT LEAVJBJ THHItOOTS I'm not after the "pound of flesh" I leave the roots to continue ineii; growth. "You are next. Bnrkhora Barber Shop . , Clyde Costolo