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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1919)
ASHLAND TIDINGS FACE 611 r If It's a Hardie It's Right BE 10" 33 A HD 3E O "W 33 Spray Pump Fittings, Hose, Nozzles and Supplies Simpson's Hdw. Store Auto Top Repairing Side Curtains Upholsfrlng Top dressing Plate Glass Back Curtains Medford Auto Top Co. 30 N. Crape, Medford Pure nilk Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONL Proprietor 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town J. P. Dodg'e & Sons ttttttlttltttttttti Undertakers Lady Assistant Deputy County Coroner State Licensed Embauner . ment declaring that they were In adequate and ridiculously low. Many bidders say that their offera on Items of equipment were full value for used machinery and ma terial, and protest , that the spruce corporation should furnish without delay complete Information on the bids received and the reasons for re jecting them. No definite detailed Information as to the bids has yet been made public. Home Agent Finds Food Value in Milk In connection with the line of food value brought out at the dairy school held In the city hall at Ashland last week In which the rep resentatlves of the agrlculutraD col lege discussed the great value of milk as a food, the following ap peared in the Weekly News Letter Is sued by the Department of Agrlcul ture, showing milk values to chll dren: ' No more convincing proof of the value of milk in the diet ot children can probably' be found than in the results of experiments conducted for several months by the home demon stration agent In Manatee County, Fla. She has weighed and measured over 2,000 children, and lias found that those weighing and measuring up to the standard, or a HttJle above, err? almost without exception receiv ing a great deal of milk. The chil dren much under the standard have been receiving little or no milk. Car rylng the experiment further under- Lumber Operators Becoming Optimistic While no very tangible reason for the confidence has coma to light, there Is evidence that lumber and logging operators of the Portland district are anticipating an appre ciable revival In business before many months pass, says the Oregon Ian. Portland has Just been select ed by the Wlllapa Lumber company of Raymond, Wash., as Its future headquarters. This big firm is widely known In lumber circles of the United States. R. H. Burnslde, the president, was, until the recent election, president of the West Coast Lumbermen's association. This firm purchased th!e airplane stock left unused In possession of the Spruce Production corporation, ag gregating more than 26,000,000 feet of fine clear spruce, fir and Port Orford cedar. In addition to market ing this lumber, the firm will sell th'e produce of Its own mills thru the headquarters in Portland. i During the war it 'ran both the main mill at Raymond and a second plant at which airplane timbers were handled exclusively. While the lat ter plant now Is idle, the big mill is running fuBI time and has bteen do ing so without interruption. The ca pacity is 75,000,000 feet per year. Three big Oregon lumber firms have holdings in the Slletz - basin country, where there Is possibility of Important developments. The con cerns are the Falls City Lumber & Logging Co., the C. It. Spauldlng Log ging Co. and the Willamette Lumber Co. Report has It that the Falls City company is considering erection of a In the basin at the terminus of the Vall?y & Slletz railroad. It is pro posed to- build a mill which wltl cut the "ble timbers" as the heavy pieces running up to 80 and 100 feet in length are designated. Admission from men closely connected with the firm Is m'arely that the new, mill is . tentatively under consideration. i Joint freight rates now Imposed by the railroad administration are' so burdensome to operators on the; Valley & Slletz line tnai aeveiop- ments cannot go forward as might be wished, one Interested operator declared. He said that the three "Nearest to Everything" 3 11 HOTEL MANX Powell SUatOTorrtll San Francisco In the heart of the business, shopping and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious lobby.fine service,and Homelike restaurant will attract you. European Plan rates $1.00 Bp. C , IT? Hi MaMfUKOt . wvjfT&Vl ft W.I. Jams jy-VV km mm i mil rnnmnf HJfaft"J INTF.HUR.HAN AUTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland tor Medford,' Tal ent and Phoenix daily except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 11 a. m., and 1:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Satur day night at 6:30. Sundays, leave at 9:00 a. m., 11:39, 4:30 and 6:30 0. m. . Leave Medford tor Ashland dally except Sunday at 8:00 and 10 a. m., and 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday night at 10:15. On Sun days 10:80 a. m., 1:30, 6:30 and 9:30 p. m. Fare between Medford and Ash lend, 30 cents. Round trip 50 cents a, M4 W. A. Shell TheBarber - or Hfl i i r : 137 E. Main Brigadier-General bisque Discharged Brigadier-General Drlce P. Dlsque, chief of the spruce production divis ion, was discharged from th'e service according to advices received from "WasliJIngton aind substantiated in Portland by Colonel C. P. Stearns, chief of staff. General Dlsque has been In New York recently and is not exptected to return for 10 days or more. Upon his return to Portland Gen. Dlsque will continue In supervision of the spruce corporation, as its president. While in the service he wa both commander of the epruce division and president of the corpo ration, two separate affairs, upon his discharge he retains the latter position. The order relative to his discharge, of March 5, was amend ed to read as follows: "Brigadier-General Brlee-D, Dlsque Is honorably discharged from the service of the United States for the convenience of the .government, to take effect March 10." The length of General Dtsqu's tenure of the spruce corporation niVsldent Is problematical, according to Colonel Stearns, who said that the president is not in any sense the heud of a receivership. A great deal remains to be accomplished before the affairs of the corporation have been concluded, and policy, In thla regard has never been thoroly out lined. . Since the recent wholesale refusal of the bids received by the spruce corporation, on . the $10,000,000 worth of property used in the camps and mills, considerable dissktlsfac tlon has been voiced by individuals and firms who bid upon various irms of the property. The sales board, as a reason for declining a majority of the bids, issued a state USE Land Plaster NOW Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20 weight children began almost imme dlately to show gaKis when milk was added to their diet. With such ev dence as to the value of milk It i not surprising that Manatee County has more dairy cows now than year ago, and the number is rapidly increasing. The results of this ex perlment are being used as one the arguments in a State wide cam palgn for more dairy cows. of Sclo condensary pays out over $20,000 monthly to people of Linn county; . c ffl I Nil LUMP IN BREAST IViLL Give $1000 If I FAlLtoCUREanyCANCERorTUMOR I TREAT before it POISONS deep or ATTACHES to BONE WITHNTMIfljrAlllMPAT UtltNTII. NoX-Mror other swindle. Anlalind Plmr Flitter mikef therom iTIIMOMINrofUl.oD Uf, facecr bod loor H ttltll. 100-MM NOt SINT nil. Tettimonlilt. 10,000 OU MO. WritetoMM Clnceroue tore Iff, cured. k LUMP IN WOMAN'SBREASTisCANCER M rotlONI MttFtT tum ud KILLS QUICKLY. ONI ttOMM M ITEM ? KM N CANCER . I MttllT POOR CURIO Met IF ONCrK la VrT (MAlt. una. DR. S. R. CHAMLEY lf 57 SIXTH STREET, IAN FRANCISCO, CAL. UUK MAIITHIITO lOmillt ANYWHERE firms annunlly pay frepght tariffs aggregating between $800,000 and; $1,000,000, and that tW?se transpor- tatlon costs are much of an obstacle. It was reported for the Eastern & ' Western Lumber company of Port land that it has resumed logging ope rations, with a force of 250 men on the job. The mill in this city is running only, one shift at prestent, employing another 250 workers. Of ficials said there is no immediate prospect that a double shift will be put to work. High charter rates for vessels! to South America, wherte orders may be expected when normal rates are restored, was held by these men as a causis for lagging markets. After a shutdown of three months the Northern Pacific Lumber com pany mill at the foot of Sherlock street will resume operations this morning. For the one shift, which Is all that is contemplated for the present, 250 men will be employed. Business Interests and those hav ing to do with the prescent employ ment emergency, are much pleased over renewal of activities in lumber circles and the beneficial effects are obvious. Only 0ns Corn Peeler'Gefs-lt" Stop Corn Paini; See Corn Feel Oft It it Just whoa a corn hurts that yon want to fl surest about getting rid of It. Why take chancj of keeping the corn and having the pain Brow wurooi wu . ... Tka Oalr Peeth OK Way U 'CU-H." It" anyhow, sooner of later: might aa well uie It sooner. Then you are absolutely aura that the corn will loosen from your toe so that you can peel the whole thing oft paln leealy with your lingers, In one com plete piece Just like peeling a ba nana. It takes a seoond or two to Bpply "Geta-It." There'a no fuoalns or puttering. Corn-pains wlH van ish that'll keep you eiweet while) the "Geta-It" doea the rest. Nothing new for coma haa been discovered since "Gets-It" was born. Follow the judgment at the millions; use "Geta-ir and be euro to be corn and pain free! You'll ifiy itH maule. "Oeta-lt," tha guaranteed, money back: corn-remover, the only euro way, eosti but a trifle at any drus "tore, kl'f dby S. Lawrence 4 Co., Chicago, 10. Sold in Ashland and recommended as the world's best corn remedy uy McNatr Bros. The Same Delicious r Satisfying DrinK Used for years instead of coffee by families who value health. The Original Postum Cereal Boiled just like coffee 15 minutes after boiling begins. Rich in aroma. Pleasing in flavor. Economical. No table drink has ever taken the place of Postum. ft There's a Reason" Get it at grocers. Two sizes'l 5c & 25c. iyVTOVWWWWWWVWWWWWWWWy - 1 Ice Prices DOMESTIC TRADE: 500 lb. Coupon Hooks 4.00 10OO lb. Coupon Hooks ..... 7.50 2000 H. Coupon Hooks ..... 14.00 5000 lb. Coupon Hooka 30.00 WHOLESALE TRADE: ' 000 lb. Delivery .53 Cwt. lOOO lb. Delivery 50 Cwt. 2000 lb. Delivery 40. Cwt. Ashland Ice & Storage Co. HAItHV K. TOMLIXSOX, Manager Effective March 1, 1019 The Greatest Name in GocOLand h' ,n the world nat- gf V'.il orally, has to Have Mr l. ik a Package worthy ' i i,1 So look, far Miix: I. B yj WMGLEYS MM , 17 v !b the 8ea,e1 wchaae that M ' rf 1 1 ' teCP5 8" ' ltS 00Jncss ln 1 1 mars wny v- w vf5 ,The Flavor L?stsl 22 W