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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1919)
JarndtLf, Mairth 1010 ASHLAND frlDIXGS V. i PAGE Ftfer tniunwmt, Quality First Modern Portraiture Picture Framing Framed Pictures I Studio Ashland iilltUlltt Kodak Finishing Kodak Films Photo Supplies - The Camera Exchange On (he Plaza JtOY'AL ARCH MASON'S Stated convocation of Siskiyou 'Chapter No. 21, R. A. M., Thursday evening, March 20, 1919. Also work. STUART SAIWDERS, II. P. W. H. DAY, Sec'y. 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL it Orres cleans, repairs and remod els for men and women Darling's for Kodak finishing. 7-tf Mrs. T. Van Scoy has returned from a two months' sojourn In north ern California. Special tea sale on now at Ash land Trading Co. Mr, and Mrs. Ceo. W. Thompson cf Grants Pass were Ashland visit ors Saturday. Mrs. Welborn Beeson and daugh tcr Mildred were Ashland shoppers Saturday afternoon. Oscar O'Kell has received his dis charge from the navy and returned to his home In Ashland Sunday. Roy D. Anderson, a former well known Ashland resident, was over from Klamath Falls over Sunday. See the beautiful new styles and woolens for ladles' suits made to order at Orres tailor shop. Jock Jones and Cleo Kirk were among the members of the 69th regl raent to return home last evening. Major T. F. Hardin and wife of Camp Lewis, Wash., were registered at the Hotel Ashland over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Ahlstrom left last week for Southern California where they will spend several weeks on their wedding tour. A large 60c bottle of furniture polish or metal polish for 33c, at Ashland Trading Co. G. E. Monroe, a former resident of Ashland, is a visitor In the city from Eugene, and will spend a few days with acquaintances here. Vernon Carey arrived home Sun day night from Camp Lewis where lie had been mustered out of the army Bervlce. Glenn Simpson and Dean Scott of the 69th regiment, C. A. C, came home Sunday morning after their overseas campaign In the army. Charles Bartlett recently bought a large band of sheep which he will take tb the Dead Indian country the latter part of the week for pas ture. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dean left Sat urday night for their home In Port land after being called here to at Tend the funeral of the 'latter's fath er, G. M. Lowe. Mrs. H. G. Eastman left Monday morning with her mother, Mrs. Hos mer, for the latter's home In Modes to, Cal. She will remain there for some time. i CITIZENS f $ - bank; J J The 1 1 Service ! Bank I We've always said that j this Bank gives exception ally good SERVICE to Its depositors. May we show you just what we mean by efficient, pains JIJ taking service? IfroU" deposits Miss Etta Walker of Etna Mills, Cal., Is a guest at the home of Mrs. Pernio Johnson on North Main St. . , Mrs. C. H. Decb and children ar rived In Ashland Saturday night to Join Mr. Dech, who is employed here. They will make this city their fu ture residence. Mrs. II, H. Mnilcan and two little sons, Kenneth and Gerald, left on Thursday for Astoria where they will join Mr. Mllllcan and make their fu ture home. The high school of Phoenix has purchased a fine vlctrola tor the use of the students from Rose Brothers of this city. The machine was de livered to the school house Monday. Leon Baughman and Ralph Fra ley, two members of the 69th regi ment, arrived home Sunday evening from Camp Lewis where they had re ceived their discharge from the army. The Tourist Garage Is a recent ac quisition to the business places of Ashland. This new Institution has been opened in the Stoner building by Blngman & Sapplnfield, who al ready report a record business. Miss Dorothy Payne has taken a position n the Crowson confection ery at Medford. Miss Payne recent ly returned to Ashland from Oak land, Cal., where she had been living during the winter. V. V. Hedgpeth, former employe at the local freight depot, has re turned to Phoenix, Arizona, after a short return to this city. He ex pects to remain In that locality. ChaHes Dclsman, a member of the 65th regiment, C. A. C, arrive:! home Sunday from Portland where he had been visiting previous to his discharge from the army at Camp Lewis several weeks ago. j Mrs. F. P. Seals, Mrs. M. D. Leabo and Miss Freda Leabo, all of this city, have Jeft foe Ashland, whee they will remain during the summer visiting at the home of Mrs. Leabo's daughter, Mrs. Bertha Hurd. Rose burg Review. Among the soldiers of the 69th Teglment who returned from Camp Lewis Saturday morning were 0. E. Sutllvan, Dwlght Tinker, Rolert Kel ler and Edmond Barrett. These boys were mustered out of service Fri day in time to catch the first train for home. Spring is Here and a 1 WIXXDOW FULL ' ' 0f ! '"7 - - Foley's Floral Cream It Is as good as ever. Better than most creams. Has a host of UNCI'S. TRY IT AT OUH KXPEXSK at Poley's Drug Store Poley & Elbart, Druggists Dr. R. L. Burdic has purchased the concrete bungalow ori High street owned by Roy Toft of Medford and occupied by S. B. McXalr. Dr. Bur dic expects to take possession of his new purchase by the first of May and will occupy the house himself. Five hundred and seventy dozen eggs were brought In at the market house of the "Ashbellent Egg So ciety" last Saturday by the farmers "and poultry raisers of this district. These eggs brought 34l,i cents a dozen, which Is 4 cents above the price local merchants pay. Lee Hall received a telegram from his son Orvllle, who has been master mechanic aboard a submarine chas er that saw much active service dur ing the war, that he Is In his way home. The telegram was sent Sun day from Chicago, and. the young man stated he was coming home by the way of Portland. He will prob ably stop In that city for a couple of days to visit with a brother, and may be home the latter part of the week. NOTICE! Beginning Monday, March 17th, Mrs. Simons will make special prices on millinery sales for one week. 13-2t Reedsport to have new up to date hotel this year. I W If- 1 ! iV" 1 ' r - O A f (A 1 ' : ' W i i I 1 - Hi fffv S fc- vJm ' ' - . I ' v ' i I: 4 -4 'I1 , 't M, . ,T Hearts oi (he World" Vining Wed. and Thursday St. Helens Government boat, Fort Sheridan, carrying capacity 3,- SOO tons launched. Stove Bargains 25 Heating Stoves at Reduced Prices Your old stove taken In Exchange Phonographs on Easy Payments. Provost Brothers VAU PEL'S Quality Store HARDWARE Jacob SERVED fourteen years to get his best girl. A man living near Ashland SERVED ("skimped") for fourteen years because his insurance agent didn't attend to his business. The Billings Agency gives special attention to all kinds of good insur ance. Rates as low and sometimes lower than "the other fellow's." May we quote you rates? 12-3t Mrs. Emma Monroe and daugh ters, Inez and Zelda, of Eugene spent a couple of days in Ashland during the past week. They came here to remove their furniture from the house they formerly occupied. Miss Margaret Scott, who had been a guest at the home of Mrs. W. J. Wallace for the past two weeks, left Sunday for the north. Miss Scott Is a student of the- Heald's Business College of Oakland, Cal., and Is now on her vacation. Ivan O'Donoughue of the 60th ra dio service arrived home Saturday night form his overseas duties. He has received his discharge from the service, and will spend a vacation at his home here before entering into civilian employment. Ashland people will be Interested to learn that the leading article In the University of Oregon Extension Monitor issued this week Is from tho pen of Mrs. John .Dill of this city. This Is a short story entiOIed "Leav- enings, a Mining Sketch," and Is an interesting and attractive contribu 'PRiVG THOUGHTS are in every mind. Odds and ends of winter merchandise have been cleaned up; and it is a new spring stock that greets our patrons. AH the new fabrics known are included for this season and awaits your inspection Neckwear Don't fail to Inspect our new line of Neckwear just re ceived by express. All the latest novelties are included In this wonderful selection. I Hosiery Owing to market conditions GOOD hosiery Is hard to get. We have found a remedy for this ' condition in the well known Holeproof Hose. All weights and colors are car ried both In the silk and lisle for men, women and children. 50c to $2.00 pair i Notions Our Notion caso la brimful of everyday accessories, Com plete Block of every known article In this lino can be found In our big collodion. Voiles Still again this popular fab rio leads them all la popu larity for the coming sea son. Our stock of this lead er la more complete! than ever. All the newest de signs can be found, Includ ing the gingham checks and plaids at popular prices, ' Muslins and Sheetings Art and Table Linens In our complete stock of these staple fabrics ;we carry nothing bu: Art Linens in brown and white In all widths and prices are to be the best and well kndwh standard brands, ;as follows: Pequot, ' found oa our Bhelves- Ju8t received several new pieces which -v, - have already been added to the line. , Hope, Lonsdale, Fr,y(it of the Loom, Berkeley, and Wearwoll. Also . TaWo Dttmaak from UB per yard upward In Btocki, ' AlsafttU Pequot Tubing In. 8642 -and 45 inch. Tlio fabrics are all sold at line of Napkins to match patterns of the linen in the better quail'- the right price. "Guaranteed satisfaction to ail. ties. Investigate these values. yf Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords 'X - Tl18 leatner- requirement of the Government, the Increased cost of skilled N jf 'Sf7 ' labor, the growing foreign -domand for American' shoes and the scarcity V-v V ! I K. ' raw raater,als nave fr more lnan four years forced shoo, values up- (Tv XV' : ' 1 . ward abnormally. . Despite these adverse conditions the Increase In our -. . '-z . shoe prices has been slight compared with the tremendous advance In "mn , t.- ; costs. Give us a trial. ' tion.