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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1919)
I J tACB EIGHT A&HLAND TIDINGS Tuesday, March 11, 1910 definition Given for - 'Head of a Family" . A Btatement Issued today ly Col lector of Internal Revenue, Milton A.' Miller, defines the exact meaning f the designation "head of a Tam il." such nerson lielne allowed the I onnnnn ....i . ,,.. of a wife or husband at a sanatorium home being maintained, the exemp tion of $2000.00 applies. If, however, the dependent continuously makes his home elsewhere, the benefactor, irrespective of the question of sup port, Is not the head of a family. In the case of man and wife, the joint exemption of $2000.00 al lowed a married couple replaces the exemption allowed each only If they live together. Unavoidable absence rled nerson In the filing of an In coime tax return. " i"A head of a family." said Collec lor Miller, "Is a person who actually edpports in one household one or more persons closely connected with ilm by bipod relationship, relation ship by marriage or by adoption Whether In the absence of contlnu cug residence with his dependents, person is the head of a family, -de rends upon the character of the sepa ration. If the benefactor Is absent cn business or on account of military or naval Bervlce, or a child or other dependent Is absent temporarily at .school or on a visit, tire common I ;5 ' ' i . "Nearest to Kg iffiOT1aSirg&?' Everything" Igi fl HOTEL MANX Powell St, at OTarrell San franclsco . In the heart of the business, shopping and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious lobby ,fine service,and Homelike restaurant will attract you. European Plan rates $1.00 op. c . Muaoeaeat W. B. Janet or asylum on account of illness doe not preclude claiming the exemption. If, however, the husband continu ously and voluntarily makes his home at one place and the wife at another, each must file an Individual return of net Income of $1,000.00 or more, and each Is assessed on the amount of net income in excess of $1000.00. A person under twenty one years of age or under, the statutory age cf majority where he lives, whatever it may be, Is required to render a, re turn If he had a net Income for 1918 of $1000.00 or more, or guardian may render the return for him. The earnings of minor children dependent upon a parent should' be fncluded in the parents return of Income. PAY AMD FILE INCOME TAX BEFORE MAR. 15 " 'l '.'. V i, " .... i 'j U. S. Internal Revenue Bureau Gives Warning That Severe ! Penalties Will Be Enforced, WOMEN WftHIN LAWS SCOPE HOW THEY REPORT INCOME SON GIVES ADVICE , OX RAISING CHICKS Many people think that because tbey paid attention to details and Got things going" last year they don't need to, bother so much this season, says U. S. Upson, extension poultry husbandman. 'This Is a bin mistake. The real results this year were caused by your attention to de tails last year. For Instance in the Early Hatching". . program and n'ext year will depend on this year we would advise once more to Hatch Early." Those baby chicks, too, must be looked after, Ask you" County Agent or. . Home Demonstat tlon Agent for circulars on "First Care of Baby Chicks." Reading, Pa.; Boy Scouts removed dead treoa fron sidewalks' for fuel In church. Logging camps in Clatsop county begin operations.. The Only National Magazine Edited and Published For Western People riser April Pacific mowH i mm Save Money On Your Magazine Reading Ashland Tidings , semi-weekly and i Sunset Magazine (together) $215 ' For One Year The Income Tax drive come to close on SutunluynlKht, March 15. The payments and returns due on that dale under the provisions of tho new Revenue Luw muHt be In the hands of local Internal Revenue Collectors before their offices close thut night, The Income Tax is being collected to meet the war expenses. Every person who shouted and tooted his horn on Armistice Day Is now culled upon to contribute his share of the cost of win ning the war. . The laggards and the dodgers will face severe fines and juiL, sentences, The Internal ' Revenue Bureau an nounces that Its officers will check us all up to see that every person who comes within the scope of the Income Tax law did his (hare. Where to Pay and File. Residents of Oregon are required to State's Bonded Debt is Sixty Million "U. ; (v I it ( rr;v j ( Oregon's bonded Indebtedness, which Includes the Obligations of the state, counties, cities, school, reclam atlon and port districts, amounts now V?. approximately 160,000,000 with prospects of the total Tunning to $90;000.000 by the end of this year. The aggregate Is larger probably than the average property owner and taxpayer .has believed to be possible, Three years ago the total bonded Indebtedness of Oregon communi ties was about $34,000,000. Since then the amount of municipal bonds outstanding for Btreet and other im provements benefiting abutting property has been sulwtantlally de creased -without the issuance of new bonds of this class but the total of general obligation bonds outstanding has been Increased by the Issuance of several million dollars of stale and highway, port improvement and Irrigation district construction se. curlties. The annual interest charges on the total of public bonds now outstand ing amount to about $3,000,000 and requirements for sinking funds are for a total fully as large, so that approximately one-tenth of the peo. pie g bonded Indebtedness must be The if Everybody wants to be . '. dressed up this year- ."I ' The boys are home or coming home All This Week Big display of the Season's Newest Styles in Suits, Coats, Capes Dolmans, Skirts, Blouses Petticoats, Dresses make thplr returns and nav their tuxca to Milton A. Miller, Collector of Inter raised by taxation each year. nal Revenue, Portland, Ore., or to any same rules will apply generally of his deputy collectors who are now the bond debt grows to $90,000,000 doing free advisory work cm Income by the end of 1919 I. k -,. ... Next Jun the people auii-iiio BCIlk VJ lUIlii biiuuiu w Bl' tached to the returns and should be In the form of check, money order or draft. Cash payments by mall are sent at the taxpayer'! risk of loss. If you are unable to make your turn personally because of Illness, ab sence or Incapuclty an agent or legal representative may make your return. If there are any doubtful points as to your Items of Income or allowable will havo opportunity to vote on the proposal that the state issue bonds for $2,- 500,000 for the Roosevelt coast line highway, $5,000,000 for the needs of state Institutions and state land de velopment projects, and probably $3,. 000.000 for school building In Port- SEED FOR, EQUALIZING land. VALUES OP GRADED LANDS ..... .... iouu oi laxawe property in in the course of a discussion of r ". ",a ?1'0.00.'000'000 the subject of assessed valuation, of once with a Revenue officer or a bank er for advice. V " Women Pay Tax. Women are subject to all the and the aggregate of bonded Indebt edness of the) state and its municipal subdivisions is now more than 6 per cent with a prospect of its reachlns lULTnTl!?i":!I,n?,neT": Vhe,h- "early 10 per cent before the end of v. ci,.t v. lliuiliru, A 1.VUJU1I B IIIIUIIIV from all sources must be considered. If unmarried or if living apart from this year. Recently the New York Commer- Thla is 75c lesa than the .ost of the two separately ASHLAND TIDINGS Regular price per year $2.00 SUNSET MAGAZINE Regular price per year $1.50 TOTAL .$3.50 DUR SPECIAL PRICE $2.73 About Sunset Magazine SUNSET, the Pacific Monthly, is the West's OWN nation al magazine. It is the only "general" magazine of NA TIONAL CIRCULATION and INFLUENCE published in the West. It Is therefore distinctly representative of the West In its viewpoint and in its treatment of world and , national affairs. Beautifully printed and artistically il lustrated, crammed full of Interest for every member of the family, It is dlBtluctly a FAMILY magazine. It should be on the reading table of every Western household. her husband she must make her return K'al & Financial Chronicle published for 1018 If her uct income was $1,000 la detailed list of Oregon's bonded or over. H - - indebtedness, which, altho not com- k If S'lL! stained the items with the husband's In determining the PoCtliiiid city and school. $27,013,300 ag fo,Iows. ,9,2( 24 135. m graded lands in Siskiyou county at Monday's meeting of the board of supervisors. County Assessor Stuart Taylor presented jBome interesting and significant figures, In 1912 the improvements in the county were assessed at $2,361,230 In 1918 the figures were $2,719,740 an Increase during the intervening period of $358,510, Personal property valuations were JiO V USE THIS COUPON The Ashland Tidings, Ashland, Oregon, I enclose $2.75. Please send the ASHLAND TIDINGS and SUNSET MAGAZINE, both for one year, in accordance with your special offer. liability fur a return. Their Joint in- in lnoa 1 1 . . -.11 .J I. 1 is subject to normal Jax., The wife's (l DBVIUOS HCCOlMtS net income Is consider..! .nUrntPl In w" "M ris,.vumj computing any surtax that may be due. Husband and wife file Jointly, as a rule. If the husband does not in clude his wife's Income In his return the wife must file a separate return. Severe Penalties. The new Revenue Law placeR severe penalties on a person who fails to muke return on time, refuses to mak return or renders a fraudulent return. For failure to muke return and pay tax on time a flue of not more than $1,000 Is named and 20 per cent of the tax due Is added to the assessment For refusing Willfully to make return or for making a false or fraudulent re- Rural c,tle8 and schools. . 16, 307, 00 J turd there is a fine of n Tiwiinij County hlehway & bridce 4.628.000 $10,000 and imprisonment of not ex- Irrigation and drainage. . 4,152,000 retfard to timber, lands and graded ceemng one year, or both. credit 2,040,000 Farmers' Income Taxable. r,ery larmer and runchman who Total 159 089 800 had a fair or a good year In 1018 must Outstanding bonds of cities and a88eS8ed valuations of other proper- must cons Ider all hi. C . dl8lrlct8 ,n the southern coun-J- 10,8 18 Bellevea lo w necessary must consider all his Income as lax- ,,,... by reason of the rapid Increase in rr.""-.-. ,,.,;... -to, r,nt.,,5.r!.a Interest . Dollar Starts an Account. STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. $3,356,740; Increase, $582,605. Real estate valuations were aa fol lows: 1912, $12,212,990; 1918, $11 782,415; decrease. $430,535. The total assessed valuation of property. In the county in 1912 was $17,450,635; in 1918, $17,919,605; an Increase of $468,920, or 2.63 per cent. In striking contrast to the forego ing figures the tax rate in 1912 was $1.50 on each $100 of assessed val uation; In 1918 it jumped to $2.3 an increase or 83 cents of 55 ner cent. It is evident from these figures that a radical change in realty as sessments Is necessary, especially in lands In general; thus bringing the assessed valuations of realty to more nearly a basis of equality with the in carrying on his furm. The cost of farm machinery, farm buildings and improvements cannot be deducted. The cost of live stock, either for resale or fo breeding purposes, is also regarded as investment. , Overtime and Bonuses Taxed. eaiary and wage earners must con sider as taxable every item received from employers and from other sources. Central Point 116,000 Grants Pass 374,200 Jacksonville 60,000 Klamath Falls 395,000 Marahfleldj 255,600 Medford 1,607,000 North Bend 267,800 Ten counties have bonds outstand ing for highway and bridge con- the upkeep of roads, as indicated by the advancing tax rate. Yreka News. CARD OF THANKS To the many friends who rendered us so many kindnesses during our great bereavement attending the loss of our beloved husband, father and brother we wish to extend our heart felt thanks. Especially do we those who sent the beautiful floral offer ings. Mrs. G. M. Lowe John E. Lowe, Millfe E. Lowe, Ralph Z. Lowe, Mr, & Mrs. Clyde Deai Ronald U. Lowe, Albert Lowe,' . William Lowe, Henry Lowe. Mrs. Mollle Wilkes. Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED TO RENT P..rniDi. house; bath and 4 or 5 rooms In quire Tidings office. WANTED To rent piano, good core. uo cnnoren. Call 548 C St. 11-lt FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse Sprav is. fiuu.uu; iwo-seated hack, $35.00. Walter Frazer Brown, Penbro Orchard, Medford Tele phone 610-R-l. i FOR SALE 2-acre tract of lanri with 9-room house. Close in. Call 147 Manzanlta St. ll-2t CUSTOM SPRAYING I will do cus tom sproying around town.' Any tom spraying around town. Any orders at Fruit Association1. ll-4t H. W. Andrews. TANCRED STRAIN White. Leghorns. id yeara or continuous trap nest ing. Hatching eggs $1.50 per 15: $7 per hundred. A few hundred baby chlx left. Mrs. W. D. Booth. Phone 291-R. ll-lm. Bonuses and overtime mi Utrnrfinn a follows? i .wuru na wen as ine reg Clatsop . . .$400,000 ioi jyajmruis. I ... Columbia 360,000 niremnni Tor LOtteS. Losses sustained In 1918 and not covered by Insurance are deductible Coos 362,000 Douglas 111,000 Items If lucurred In the taxpayer's Hood River 75,000 business or trade, in anv transaction Jackson 500,000 undertaken for profit or ruinr from Malheur .20.000 nre, storm, shipwreck or other casu- Multnomah .,2,450,000 "w Vom reserve docks; ., No. 67. V REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Citizens Bank oi Ashland. AT ASHLAND, OREGON, - At the close of business March 4th, 1919. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $278,284. 2tt Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 48.7 L. Bonds and warrants 102,277.4.") Banking house 18,500.00 Furniture and fixtures ,. 3,300.00 Other real estate owned 1,267.39 alty or from theft Na ne . Address , (Pieaae write name and addm plainly). SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERY INCOME TAX PAYER. Washington, , D. C. "The rights of all persons now filing Income Tax returns are artiply protected by provisions for abatewehfs, 'refunds hnd1' ap peals," says Commissioner Dan iel O. Roper. ' ' "Every person can be sure of a square deal. No person Is ex pected to pay more fhnn his snare or tax Wasco .260,000 Wheeler 80,000 Irrigation and drainage district bonds outstanding are: Hood River '. $225,000 Gold Hill 60,000 Hood River 167,000 Malheur: .'...140,000 Nysa(a-Arcadja 85,000 Ochoco j .900,000 Payette-Oreggn Slope ,. . ... ,225,000 Talent , .'600,000 Teel ........I....'. 1,000,000 Due from approved reserve banks .92,584.54 Checks and other cash items 1,290.9:) Cash on band 20,631.37 Other resourcees , ...1.871.00 Total ....... . . ..$520,730.77 LIABILITIES. . Capital stock paid in $50,000.00' Surplus fund .. ..8.000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 1,820.61 Due to banks and bankers t. 5,784.56 Individual deposits subject to check ....234,265.86 Demand certificates of deposit 849. 5i Cashter checks outstanding , 2,651.93 Certified checks , , 96.20 Deposits 214,562.05 Time and Savings , , " ' ii Reserved tor Interest and taxes 2.700.00 Warm Springs 750,000 " Total $520,730.77 Portland STATE 0P qreGON, County of Jackson, ss. j, v. u. is. bmun, uasnier of the above-named bank, do solemn r t. swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and! ! belief. V. O. N. SMITH. Cashier. f North Portland The Hi shai la d- termlned solely by the .moutltt r7"10 11,0 r""u and nature of lHl nVln0oC"irl Cattle Comp&uy, the Columbia iia, as dnned,lq ih, BW..-, Baein Wool Warehouse and the Live "Abatement nelft Inn uvi. it naif I Stock State Bank of this place, dur- wlth open-mlndedly. Refunds will lng 1918 loaned 'to farmers and to oe man. m every rase where too stockmen of the northwest $59.500.- w I "The Jneoiiii. Thx I, -j.n the level' all the way throinV: ;; i. Eugene Lane county ranch of Subscribed and sworn to before me thlB 10th da of March, 1919.! L. A. ROBERTS, Notary Public ; . , My commission expires April 25, 1921. J. P. DODGE, ; -Correct Attest: i H F.. POHLAND, . c.b. lamkin. ' P-'.'W l Directors. - ' 36o'acres bought for $42,000. .. Jl Ji