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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1919)
Tuesday, March 11, 1010 ASHLAXD TIDINGS PAGE 6EVEH TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS Club Girl Works for State Fair Prize One cent the word each time. Twenty words one month one dollar. DR. MAUD IXGKRSOLL 1IAWLEY Cldropractnr and Physcultopalhlst Office Second Floor First National Bank Bldg. Opposite Hotel Austin Phone 48 Sitz and Cabinet Baths, Hot and Cold Spray Baths, Electric and Swedish Massage. Rest and Medical Gymnastic Itooms PROFESSIONAL. PR. J. 3. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. 1 j R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. ' 21-tf J)R. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. - 73-tf K. D. URIGGS, Attorney-at-Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLIIV The regular meetings ot this elub will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. PIANO TUNING GEO. W. CROSS, Medford, Ore., Piano Tuner and re pairer. A tuner to particular J musical people. Endorsed by the leading musical people of Southern ' Oregon. Leave orders at Rose Bros. Phone 213. 52-tf watch repairing STRICTLY fine watch. Jewelry and optical repairing; engraving. Ev erything nicely and promptly done. W. A. FREEBERG. ll-3mo FOR RENT FOR RENT My horn on Granite street, furnished. J. F. Rocho. Phone 359R. lOtf FOR RENT 4-room bungalow, fur nished. Phone 359R. lOtf FOR SALE FOR SALE Indian Runner ducks and duck eggs. Phone 359R. lOtf EGGS FOR HATCHING RHODE Island Reds. Eastern strain claim ing trap nest record of 289 eggs In year. 1511.00; 5013.00, 100, $5.00. i Miss Edna Hoag. 9-1 mo. 475 Beech St. BROWN LEGHORN EGGS For hatching; carefully selected stock. Phone 494R. 11-lmo MRS. HERRIN S W. LEGHORNS Ekks fori hatching and day old chicks. Order your chicks early as the supply Is limited. Deposit reaulred on all chick orders. Tele nhone 291J. lOtf WANTED .WANTED Men or women to take orders among friends and neigh bors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full line for men, women And children. Eliminates darning. We pay 60c an hour spare time or $24 a week for tun time, experi ence unnecessary. Write, Inter national Stocking Mill, Norrls town, Pa. 10-8t .WANTED A man to split Juniper fence posts; five cents each and ; board. Write to E. Gueldenffen ning, Box 64. Hilt, Calif. ll-2t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 15 acres 2 miles from m.nlr of cltv. 1 lot 50 X 100 ft. on good street one block to main business , section. Apply at this office. io-ii vnn SAT.rc Improved acre; five rnnm cottage: barn; chicken knii9: cltv water; on Lincoln St phh .TBononnble. Easy terms. Writ a owner. Fred L. Ulen, Lew Mnn Tdnho 8-3mO wir sale Chean if taken at once oiffhtiv home for one who wishes to retire. Partially furnished six- eom house, with bath, toilet, rruit house, all nlecessary out Dungings " MICKIE SAYS- C voy'xB FOUND A o eiu., UOf VOUft. pb-t auLLDoa. NAWf TO COf X uBeatv bono oft vmNi 10 6EU THe FArAH-T HIV- usa . -Take crMsce on Gutt U'L WMTf AOS. THEV OOW COST HAR.pCt ANJ1HN AN THE GOI "W6 VX.rh X (to 7A . family orchard, berries and gar den; city water, lights and phone. Close In; tract sufficiently large for chickens, rabbits, etc. Phone 250L, or call 273 Scenic Drive, and let me show It to you. 7tf YOU CAN BUY some choice corner residence lots jn Hast Ashland, from It. D. Sanford, Lower Hel man St., at $175 each, or a beau tiful full block of 20 lots com prising 4C1 square rods of fine soil; cheaper; with street on all four sidos; lies perfect; and has beautiful bIkmI'3 trees for front ago; a few peach and other trees, and small work shop; juat the place for a real roomy home; and you can build new to suit; and cost you little more than buying 2 lots and some old out of date house. Good terms and long time if you want to build. Let me show you. R. D. Sanford. 11 USED CARS FOR SALE Good second hand Ford car. Call Park Garage. 9tf KSTRAYED! STRAYED From my ranch near Coiestln, one very light roan heir er, slit and upper bit In each ear, G. D. on hip. Yearling last spring. Finder pleas notify D. M. Deter, Coiestln, Oregon. 10-1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OK AIMDINTMBNT OF AD MINISTRATOR and to Pwwent t'luiraa, In the Matter of the Es tate of Mary KaUicrine Hendricks Deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that Darby O'Toole has been appointed ny me Honorable Court as Administrator of th estate of Mary Katherlne Hendricks, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to said Admin istrator at the office of E. D. Briggs. at Pioneer Block, Ashland, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. All claims must be duly verified. Date of first publication, Febru ary 25th, 1919. DARBY O'TOOLE. Administrator. 8-4tuesday SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court in and for the County of Jackson, State of Ore gon. SUIT IN EQUITY FOR A DIVORCE. MARY R. GRIFFIN, Plaintiff, vs. JOSEPH M. GRIFFIN. Defendant. TO JOSEPH M. GRIFFIN, the aboye named Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you are hereby summon ed and required to answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff on file with the clerk of the said Court in his office, at Jacksonville, Jack son County, Oregon, within six weeks from the date of the first publication hereof, and If you fall to answer within the time as above specified the Plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the said Com plaint, to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the Plaintiff be dissolved. By virtue of an order made and dated by the Honorable F, M. Cal kins, Judge of said Court, on Feb ruary 8th, 1919, this Summons is served upon you by publication thereof for six successive weeks in the Ashland Tidings, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published at Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon, and by said order you are Tequired to answer the same within bIx weeks from the date of the first publication there of. E. D. BRIGGS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Ashland, Oregon. Date of first "publication, February 11, 1919. 6-7tuesdays NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE State of Oregon, for Jalckson County. In the Matter of the Estafca of Joseph Poley, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Jose phine Poley, tllo Administratrix of the above estate, has rendered and nresented for settlement and fiio in enM court her final ac count of her administration of : that Saturday, the 26th day of April, 1919, at ten o'clock A M. at the Court House in Jacksonville, Jackson Count, Oregon, has been appointed by the said court for the hearing of any' objections that may be made to the approval or said account. Any persons having objections to said account must file the same on or before the time of said hear ing Date of first publication, March 11,1919. JOSEPHINE POLEY, Administratrix. ll-5tuesdays Coast states can make no mistake appropriating money for propagation of salmon. The money Is returned five-fold In food products, revenues to the state and employment of la bor. ..." Following is the stery of a 15r year-old member of a boys' and girls' club conducted under the direction of the United States Department of Agriculture and proves what one girl can do others may do also: , "I was born and raised In Salt Lake City, When, I was 8 years old my father moved to his farm . in Pleasant Green near Utah Copper Mills and Garfield Smelter, Salt Lako County, Utah. It was covered with sage brush and rock, which had to be removed. "The following spring we cleared a part of the land and planted 1,500 fruit trees. We also engaged In truck farming that season. I, th'e oldest girl of a very large family, assisted my father In every way I could. He always enjoyed Instructing me, and he explained every llttlo question I asked him. He taught mo how to plant small seeds by mixing them with sand, scattering It along the tAnch, and covering with a hoe. Al so he taught me to plant vegetables and how to cultivate. We raised an abundance of tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, peppers, egg plant and also 1,600 bushels of carrots and 200 bushels of potatoes. The next year I assisted again and the following year I was then 11 years old he gave me a small space of my own, which he plowed for me. He made m plant every' thing for myself, also do the weed Ing and hoeing. I raised an amount of garden truck arid took it to town and sold It. TWe next year et the age of 12 I was attending school in Hunter when" they started a boys' and girls' club. When I Joined my father said I would have to learn to plow, so be bought me an 8-inch plow. I plowed about half an acre; then he allowed m'e to drive three horses with a sulky plow. I plowed 20 acres for him that year and mow ed 33 acres of alfalfi. bay. My sis ter raked it, and we all bunched it and I helped stack it. I raised 9 dif ferent kinds of tomatoes, 6 different kinds of peppers, cauliflower, cab bage, and peanuts, and 72 different kinds of flowers. I took first prize at the grade school and first prize at the high school and second prize at the State fair. "Last year I plowed, leveled, and harrowed 30 acres and cut all fath er's bay, put up 300 quarts of fruit and vegetables, and had a war gar den. This year I plowed 60 acres all myself, harrowed and leveled It wheat, alfalfa, and betets and helped father plant and cut and irrigate. I put up my fruit and vegetables 600 quarts besides drying vegetables and fruit, and have bakod the bread, and on Saturday and after school I will have to plow until thJe ground freezes up, and finish In the spring. 1919. I am going to take the first The Tidings Twice a week Portland Evening Telegram Both one full year $6.00 Yod save $1 on (bis combination prize away from the boys in garden ing in the Utah State fair. "I attend thee Cypress High school. When I finish theiie I am going to go to the Utah Agricultural College. "I also raised 100 chickens this year. 1 joined the Soldiers or the Soil, and with $15 I borrowed In June I bought 105 baby chickens and raised 100 of them. In June, 1919, I will pay off my nobe. I am going to market all my roosters and keep the pullets. ' I could pay the note now, but I am going to lend it to Uncle Sam on the Fourth Liberty bond for our boys over there. I have found time to knit socks for some of my cousins over on the fir ing line. "I would like to have the boys and girls join the Utah boys' and girls' club. If they only knew how much they could learn they would all Join." During a fire at Petaluna, Calif., the crowds greatly hlnderted the fire men until the Boy Scouts began, to guard the fire lines. Steps have been taken to have Scouts guard the hose lines at every fire hereafter. Y ,' Reedsport New bank building started here. Rumored that two more lumber mills will start up soon. Marshfleld Coos dairyman made $226 a year from his cows. 1 In P lilPI WW w- Warn .Bwiir if fi TWfflw H wy if 1 fcj-ljws Woodland Profitable Investment in Future The various demands which the war made upon the farm woodlands In the way of wood fuel, walnut for gunstocks-and airplane propellors, locust for tre'e-nalls, oak and hickory for vehicle construction and other purposes, to say nothing of the nu merous lesser demands, have brought woodlands more directly to the at tention of farmers than ever before During the next month or so, be fore the spring planting season be gins, farmers should decide definite ly what land Is to be kept In woods and what is to be cleared for farm purposes. On many farms there are small areas unprofitable fofr farm purposes which should be reforested ao soon as the price of nursery stock and labor become normal. Now is the time to make plans for the fu ture, laying out with the assistance of the county agent a program of woodland Improvement which shall have for Its object the growing on the land available the greatest pos sible amount of the most valuabln or most rapid growing trees. Then, as time and labor become available, the plans can be carried out. The poorer species of trees should be gradually eliminated and openings in the woodland filled in just as the farmer replants the failed place In his cornfield. A few days spent now In carefully considering these sub jects will bring ample returns in the future. Taxes on Luxuries Goes Into Effect Signing of the revenue bill by President Wilson enroiite to Wash ington puts Into operation machin ery for collecting six billions of tax es this year. Hlghor taxes have gone into effect on liquor and soft drinks, Including near beer, grape juice, soda water and mineral waters and on tobacco and on so-called luxuries. Anticipat ing imposition pf new taxes, thous ands of gallons of whiskey had been withdrawn from government bonded warehouses within the last week, with tax paid at the old rate of $3.20 a gallon, to escape the higher rate of $6.40 a gallon now effective. Articles in the "luxurj" class on which aw taxes went into effect Include automobiles and motor ac cessories, pianos, sporting goods, chewing gum, cameras, candy, fire arms, slot machines, toilet soaps and art goods. The tax is paid by the manufacturer. Other features of the tax bill II I'll! IIIIIU.II Mill III III Hill I 111 III MM 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 III! II 111 III ' N,iiirrri.VLr m m it V'' ' I AY your puff you'll wish you had been born twins! For, Prince. Albert puts over a turn new to every man fond of a pipe or a home made cigarette. It wins your glad hand com pletely. That's because it has the quality! And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra grance is Prince Albert's freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by our exclusive patented process. We tell you to smoke your fill at any clip jimmy pipe or makin's cigarette without a comeback I Toppy rtd bag, tidy rtd tin$, handiom pound and half pound tin humidort and that chotr, practical pound cryttal glats humidor with (pong moUtmntr top that knpi th tobacco in mch pcrfict condition. ft. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Wiruton-Salem, N. G FEED! FEED!! FEED!!! I An Excellent Chance to Save Money ASK THE PRICE Whole Barley . Rolled On Ear Shelled Flour Whole Scratch Feed, Poultry Mash, Seed Oats Dried Beet Pulps, Union Dairy Feed Alfalfa Meal, Baby Chick Feed, Etc. Ashland Mills IT'S NOT YOUR IT'S Klilncy dletM Ii no rfspirtrr ot it on. A majority of the Ills utlllctlim peopls today can be traced buck to kidney trouble. The, kidney ere the most Important ortcann of the body. They are the Mterers, thfe jiurlnen, of your blood. Kidnev dlspase U usually Indicated by wourlnoBH, Bloilsncii8, nervousni'M, (leaponilency, biiekaahv, stomach trou hle. puln In lolim and lower abdomen, Kail mo run. gravel, rheumutlam, eoiutlca oiid lumbago. All these doranpremente are nature's slnula to warn you that the kidneys need help. -You should use HOLD MKDAli Haarlem Oil Capsules Imme which went Into legal effect but which are retroactive, and which con sequently are not practically affect ed by the time of the signing of the bill,' include the following: Taxjes on incomes, excess profits and war profits; estates and Inheri tances and excise ttrxes on special businesses, such as brokers, bowling alleys, insurance companies, theater and amusement place proprietors and liquor dealers. Measures to pre vent the narcotic drug traffic be come effective at once. On April 1, new taxes on railroad steamship tickets, pipe lines, insur ance, thoater admissions and club dues and a variety of stamp taxes become effective. Levies against the excess of value of so-calldd seral luxurlos, such as articles of dress, will be made after May 1. The soda fountain tax becomes effective Mey 1. Taxes on products of child labor will be imposed In sixty days. S. P. Co, gets $47,953,000 from government for use of lines. 1 smoketaste flush up against a listening post and youH get the Prince Albert call, all right! You'll hunt a jimmy pipe so quick and get so much tobacco joy out of every Barley - Chopped Barley Cracked Meal Wheat Graham HEART YOUR KIDNEYS diately, The soothing-, healtnK oil stim ulates the kidney relieves Inflamma tions ami destroys the Rerms which have rausad It. Do not wult until to morrow. Uo to your dm Kg 1st today and Insist on UOLl MEDAL, Haarlem Oil Capsules. In twenly-four hours you should feol health and visor returning and will bless the day you first heard of GOLD MUDAL, llnarlem Oil. After you fee) that you have cured , yourself, continue to take one or two capsules each lay, so as to keep Iti first-class condition and ward on thsj dunffer of other attacks. Ask for the original Imported GOLD MR1AL brand. Three alsrs. Money re funded If they do not help you. MOTIIKItS Should see thatthe whole family tuko at least 3 or 4 doses of a tlioro, purifying, system 'cleaning medicine this spring. Now Is thef time. The family will be healthier, happier, and got along better If the blood is given a thoro purifying, tha stomach and bowels cleaned out, and the gorma of Winter, acumulated In the syBtem, driven away. Holllster'9 Rocky Mountain Tea Is. one of the very best and surest Spring medU cities to take. Get it and see the dif ference In the whole family. Thelrj color will be better, they'll feel fina and be well and happy. I"OLKVS IHtUU STOItE. W.R.Shell TheBarber 1 1 137 . Main J : j,t, if