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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1918)
TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS iflitiinii i ne off -fine One cent the word each time. Twenty words one month one dollar. 1)11. MA I'D IXGKItSOLL HAWLEY Chiropractor and 1'hysceltopiitliint Offlco Second Floor First National Dank Bldg. Opposite Hotel Austin Phone 48 Sltz and Cabinet Baths, Hot and Cold Spray Baths, Electric and Swedish Massage. Hest and Medical Gymnastic Itoomg Blessings PROFESSIONAL. DR. i. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. ' R. R. Offices. M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore, Phone (67. 21-tf LEGAL NOTICES. DR. ERXE8T A. WOOD Practice .limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to II and t to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa- perhangor. Phone 202-R. 166 Ohio street. 40-tf BIIL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory street. Bill posting and distributing. 64-tf E. V. BRIGGS, Attorney-at-Law Pioneer Block, Ashland. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLIB The regular meetings of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m,, at the Auxiliary Hall. FOR SALE MJSCELLASEOCS FOR SALIC Ford delivery model. Inquire C2 4th St. 191 40-4 ruK oALr. inree cross-cut saws, Inquire 104 Oak St. 45-tf FOR SALE Best offer takes a mod ern house and two acres of Al land Fine location. Call at Bakery at 09 N. .Main St. for particulars, 46-tt FOR SALE Choice eating or cook ing apples. Also seconds, sweei elder and pure vinegar. DUO Roca street or phono 359-K. 43-tf JXW RENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room apartment. Call at Bakery 69 N. Main St. 46-tf HOUSE to rent on Scenic Drive and Church St at $7.50 per month See H. L. Whlted. 40-tf WANTED WANTED Boy to do Janitor work at Tidings office. 47-tf. WANTED Ford body in good con dltion. Inquire 62 4th St. 46-4 WANTED To buy Incubator and fresh young cow. Address WM. B. NORRIS, Hilt, Calif, PRUNING See F. H. Crowson. 2 8th St. for Pruning, by the day or contract. 46-3 LOST! LOST One gray mare and one brown mare with blaze face, weignt eacn about 1200 lbs. One bay horse, roached mane, branded D, weight 1100 lbs. Phone or write. B. M. CLUTE, Applegate, Ore. 47-3 leave 30 and 6:30 INTERURBAN ACTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland for Medford, Tal ent and Phoenix dally except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 11 a. m., and 1:00, i nn and 5:15 n. m. aiso oh oiui- iiv nleht at 6:30. Sundays, at 9:00 a. m 12:30, 4 'Leave Medford for Ashland dally except Sunday at :uu ana i . ... .-.I i.nn i-no and 5:15 p. m. Also e.V...V. nirt.t t 10:15. On Sun iA.n m.. 1:30. 6:30 ana uajo A v. w v C OA m Medford and Ash )nd. 30 cents. Round trip 60 cents NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of an execution in fore closure and order of sale duly Is sued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the State of uregon, for Jackson County, dated iMivemiier in, in a certain suit therein, wherein James II. w ltliycomlte. Governor. Hen W Olcott, Secretary of State, Thomas H. Kay, State Treasurer, compris ing mo state Land Board of Ore gon, rocovcred Judgment and de cree against Ella J. Holloway, C T. Holloway, J. J. Brys. Bell lirya Loulso B. Glrason, B. C. Gleason, u. lj. Abbott, Gjorgo A. Morse and Ora A. Morse, Defendants, for the sum of $3,827.13 and 1300.00 Attorneys feo, and $33.50 Costs, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In said Court October ISth, 1918; VATff'P I. 1 , """"- nereuy given that, pur suant to tho terms of said execu tion, i win on Decern!)".' 18th, 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the rront door or the Courthouse In the City of Jacksonville. Jackson County, Oregon, offer tor sale and sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as pro- viaea iy law, all of the right, title and Interest that the above named defendants, Jointly or Individual ly had on January 2d, 1908, or have since acquired, or now have In and to the following described property, situated In Jackson County, State of Oregon, to-wlt: All that portion of the east half of the 'northwest quarter which Is situated on the southeast side of the County Wagon Boad crossing the same, and containing about seventy acres; also the west half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, containing about 12u acres, all In Section .Nineteen (19) In Township Thirty-eight (38) South of Range One (1) West of the Willamette Meridian, and con taining In all 190 acres. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, No vember 14th, 1918. LESLIE W. STANSELL, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. 46-5t-tues Of Peace JUL HE WORLD IS AGAIN AT PEACE While tho United States us well as every nation in Europe faces peace problems as serious as were the problems of war, wo of this country are particularly fortunate in that any food crisis which may have threatened us is like tho war a thing of the past. True wo must husband our food resources, for wo still have a great hu manitarian service to render all of Europe wo must help to supply her people with food. I GET ME BEARD BUT LEAVE THE ltUU'13 I'm not after the "pound of flesh , I leave the root to continue their growth. "You are next. Buckhorn Barber Shop Clyde Costolo Ashland Tidings and Youth Companion Jiotn. one iuu year iui en You save 50 cents JpO.uU on this combination Q Hi: W.A.Shell The Barber 137 . Main Next year men's straw hats are to be greatly restricted In style and va riety by government regulations But next June Is soon enough for us to be unhappy about it. The potato flour Industry at Beav erton Is suffering for the lack of la bor. Help is scarcr and wages high. Potato growers harvested their crop with women and girls. The night shift was taken off the Spauldlng sawmill at Salem for lack pf labor. XOTICK OF KHKKIFF-H BALE. BY VIRTUE of an execution In fore closure and order of cale duly Is sued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for Jackson County, dated November 9th, 1918, In a certain suit therein, wherein James B. Withycombe. Governor. Ren W Olcott, Secretary of State, Thomas B. Kay, State Treasurer, compris ing me state Land Board of Ore gon, recovered judgment and de cree against William Lewis, Nora M. iewis. Farmers and Fruit growers Bank, an Oregon corpora tlon and Jackson County Bank, aa Oregon corporation, and C. W. Mc Donald, Defendants, for the sum of 14, 4a7.60 and $350.00 Attorneys fee and $12.50 Costs, which Judg ment was enrolled and docketed in iiald Court October 19th. 1918 NOTICE Is hereby given that, pur suani to ine terms of said execu tlon, I will on December 18th lsis, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the front door of the Courthouse In the City of Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, offer for Bale and sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said Judgment, with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as pro vlded by law, all of the right, title and Interest that the above named defendants, Jointly or Individual ly, had on April 5th, 1910, or have since acquired, or now have In and to the following described proper ty, situated In Jackson County, state of Oregon, to-wlt: The East one-half of the west one-half of Section Thirty-five in Township Thirty-six South, Range Three West of the Willamette Meridian, containing 160 acres, with all the water rights appurte nant thereto or a part thereof. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, NO' vember 14th, 1918. LESLIE W. STANSELL, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon 46-5t-tues One of the blessings which has come to ns with the declaration of Peace is the permission granted our people by the U. S. Food Athuinistration to return ',o an all wheat flour basis in their baking and cook ing It is no longer necessary to use wheat substitutes. Some will doubtless continue to do so because they learned to like them; the great majority of American people however greet the return of all-wheat bread, cake and pastry to the daily table with as much joy as they would the return of a friend long absent No other food can take the place in the American Lome of bread made from flour, produced by the scientific grinding of choicest wheat berries. When the of Seattle "America's Fisher began Finest Flouring the Flouring Mills Company manufacture in Mills" six j ears ago of Fisher's Ulend Flour it announced Fisher's Ulend a product superior to other flours. Housewives so found it, hence its extreme popularity en the Pacific Coast. This superiority has always been maintained, even during the trying war period. II has always been made of choicest Eastern Hard Wheat and choicest Washington and Oregon 5lue stein. In pre-war times housewives found that it was real economy to pay more for Fisher's Wend Flour than for flours made of Washington and Ore gon wheats. It is greater economy today than ever before to buy Fisher's Blend because the Govern ment having advanced the price of Washington and Oregon cheats, manufacturers of Washington and Oregon Wheat flours increased their prices mitli there is little if any difference between the price of Washington and Oregon wheat flours and Fisher's Wend. NOTICK OF APPOINTMENT OF AD MINISTRATORS AND TO PRE SENT CLAIMS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Clarence Lane and Minnie Lane have been duly appointed by the County Court of Jackson county, Oregon, as the Administrators of the estate of ERIC WEREN, Deceased, and all claims against said estate must be duly verified and presented to us at office of E. D. Brigga, attorney, in Pioneer Block, In Ashland, said coun ty, within six months from the date of the first publication of this o tlce. Date of Fffst Publication. Novem ber 19th. 1918. CLARENCE LANE, and MINNIE LANE, ' Administrators , Ashland, Oregon. 46-4-tues Mr. Hoover Says We Must Continue to Economize Using Fisher's Blend Flour Is Real Economy c " MADE IN "America's Finest Flouring Mills" by ' FISHER FLOURING MILLS CO. SEATTLE, U. S. A. J KIDNEYS WEAKENING? LOOK OUT! Kidney troubles don't disappear of tnemamves. They nrow slowly but steadily, undermining: health with deadly certainty, until you full a vic tim to incurable dlaease. BtoD your troublen whn tw tin. Don't wait until little paint become blo tches. Don't trina with ilia Tn avoid future aufTerlng begin treatment With GOLD MEDAL Haarlem nil Pnn. ules now. Take three or four every day until you are entirely free from pain. This well-known nrenaratlnn hn hnen one of the national remedies of Hol land for centuries. In 1698 the Kovern. ment of the Netherlands granted a special charter authorizing I tn nrnurL. tlon and sole. The housewife of Holland would al most as soon be without food as with out her "Real Dutch Drops," as she quaintly rails (KlLD MRDAL ITnarlcm Oil Capsules. They restore strength and are responsible in a great mrusura for the sturdy, robust health of the Hollandors. Do not rtelRy. On to your druggist and Insist on Ms supplying you with CH'L.D MK1ML Haarlem Oil Capsules. Tike them as directed, nnd If you are not satisfied with roeults your druggist will gladly refund your money. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on the box and accept no other. In sealed boxes. three sixes. PureHilk . Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONL Proprietor ' 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town Refined Powdered Sul phur Ferlelizre Especially for Alfalfa. This Is the active element In Land Plaster or Gypsum and In this form costs less. Agricultural authorities agree that SULPJIUK Is a much needed plant food and Insts more than one Boa son. So get busy now; It la time to use it. . We also have a supply of Nitrate of Soda the best of general fertll lers. ASHLAND FRUIT AND PRODUCE ASSOCIATION A -1,000,000 bushel grain elevator and 1200 foot pier Is going up at St. Johns. W. A. Freeburg has again entered the jewelry trade. He was In this business here for about ten years. Having been out now for several years but feels the bench calling gain. He is now located opposite the City Hall for the time being. Ho will carry no stock, but do strictly bench work. adv48-l The Lebanon Canning company I purchased a 25-acre tract In the San tlan valley for the development of a model berry farm. Hotel Austin Barber Shop N. O. Iltttce, Trop. First-class Service and Equipment. Shoeshlnlng Parlor Baths. Ashland, Oregon. Mrs. George Itoblson entertained a number of guests at dinner last Sat urday at her home on Laurel street. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Itoblson, Mrs. Lizzie Boesoa of Talent; Mrs. II. E. Itoblson of LodJ, Cal., and Mrs. Dora Young of AsU land. Miss Cora Dlvlt of the clerical force of the First National Bank, has ac cepted a government position In Washington, D. C, and has goue to her new appointment. Her place Is being filled In the bank by Miss Alce-J Walker. J merest vast difference in s&ti LESLIE SALT israiderfullypure consequently of $reai sitength. GRIP, IfiFlOENZA Hamlin's Wizard Oil a Reliable, Antiseptic Proventlvo During influenza epidemics spray toe nose ana mroai several times a day with one part Wizard Oil and two parts water, using an atomizer. it you liavcn t an atomizer, gargle the throat and snuff the mixture up the nose. This treatment sets up an antiseptic wall of defense against "I'lu" germs. Chest colds and sore throat lead to grip. Stop them at once with Wizard Oil before they can develop into dangerous influenza. Get it from druggists for 30c. If not satisfied, return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sicL- hM(t. ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, JOc at drug, gists. Guaranteed. G-9 WW- call, ia Service Plus Quality To have what you call for, when endeavor. II it a standard and pure, you can La sum we hive It. or can get it for you when you need it. No sukshtuboa necessary. We have the goods. you our constant It is such srrvice as tliis, plus our grade of goods aqd low fjnots that hive marked our progress and growth. 9 Make this store your economical trading place Plasa Gtocety Telephone 78