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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1918)
Ttu'sdiiy, Pert mlior !?, J01S ASIII.AXH TIHlXfiS vagk si.v bn m i . r in Ian rsn fan fsnn ran ran mn rm rrxi rm rrn i i 1 I r m I P1 V' r1 Both Coal and Wood at Reasonable Prices i SIMPSON Hardware Store run Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eanlc Meat Market Popular INSPECT ourmarKet and your confl dence will be behind the pleasure of eating our meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitaiy wortt shop will aid your Algernon. 81 N. KMn Phone 107 i fill vm miM m 1 mM?w:m L. Schvvcin t ll.illlllllllll J. P. Dodge & Sons Undertakers Lidy Assistant Deputy County Coroner State Licensed lirabalmcr saastsaaaasaaaaaaaaaaant USE Land Plaster NOW Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20 OIKTUAKY Sirs. Geo. Monroe was born at New GloniK, Wisconsin, March 10, 18'2 Married' July 4, 1875, at Hcaper, la. Came to Ashland to rcBldo eight yearn ago. Died November 13. 1918. Funeral conducted by ltcv. E. J. Con uty o( Catholic church. She was burled Siijiiduy, November 17, at Mountain View cemetery. She leaves to mourn, a husband end ono boh, Geo. V. Monroo, ot Eugene, Oregon; two grand daughters, Inez and Zelda Monroe. "Not long ago, In the Sllenco, ! heard a voice softly say She'll fold her tent, like tho Arab, And silently steal away. And when ull of her deeds are meas ured, And we pause, while tho bells are tolled, We know, out tf Ashland's treasures, She has given one heart ot gold. I'n-compk.Ining, always patient, She would greet ycu with a smile. Not ons selfish thought within her, Breathing love thoughts all the while. You have gained at last your rest, dear. Tears and sighs are wiped away - And we hope again to meet you, When tho mlstr, have cleared away." Sho was a good woman, a devoted wife an.l mother, highly esteemed and loved by all who knew her. She leaves a host of friends to whom the news of her sudden death came as a shock. Her death cast the pall of gloom over what a few days ago was a happy Home. The heartfelt sym pathy of all go out to the family in their deep bereavement. MOMXK FA KM TKACTOK PEMOXSTKATIOX Hank pinned FA for fair jg var f Ed never could see any chew but a big hunk of oversweet tobacco. "You take this plug of Real Gravely'saysHankTake a small chew two or three squares. See how long it holds its pure, rich taste. If you don't admit that Gravely gives you tobacco satisfaction without extra cost, I'll buy your plug for a month." Hanged if Ed didn't walk in next day, grab off a plug of Gravely and throwaown hisrnoney just like a little mar.! ten f.rllur-lial't rm itn tM t!u f mi '' tf toil"' " tul Mra ((. PEYTON BRAND Peal Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in a pouch STATU AND FKDKKAIi SOU. Kl'KVFY TO 1!K MADH nw mih v'";itftTr ,i'.Ty'.7'T "yrr''r'. " y' LUuJAy ckhfi'i ! . V Sifcli&M'1-''" lit' mm The state highway commission I Six more wooden ships are under plans to employ 26S0 benMn 1919. construction at Marshfleld The new 4-cylinder Moline Tractor has arrived at the Overland garage in Ashland and Is being demonstrat ed near this city. This is absolutely a one-mnn tractor, connects on io any Implement on the farm In a few min utes In a way that one man operates tho implement and the tractor, lias electric lights and electric starter; differential lock, which will make either wheel pull the machine out of bad places; also many other Interest ing features. You should see this tractor. Samples of every soil typo of Wash ington county have been collected in a state and federal soil survey con ducted by C. V. Ruzek, assistant in soils at tho College. Tot experiments with each of these types are now un der wav to determine which fertll- tors are most profitable. Field trials with the leading types will next be taken up to verify the results ob served in the pot experiments. The Washington types were encountered in the Yamhill survey conducted last season. The surveys will bo contin ued In other leading agricultural counties of the state. Our kodak finishing will please the Camera Exchange. tf KOLIMF.KrV I.KTTKKS. (Continued from Pago Three) nerves of an Irish street-car conduc tor. This French conductress was fully mistress of the situation. Final ly, positively,' she Issued her man date of "nnv or get off." Dramatlcnl- fy he refused. Sho blew her whistle; with a Jar the tram and Its three car.- came to a stand-still. Amid laughter and cheers, and with shrill expostu lations, but with still shriller urging, the Algerian descended Two whistles and the tram moved on. "Canaille!" (white trash) he ycl'n In farewell. "Cochon!" (pig) Is her Farthlai: shot In reply, and the car passes out of hearing. Everybody Bottles back; no one Is excited; nothing extraordinary has taken place. The old lady In black with the large basket of lettuce on her knees returns to her conversa tion with the old gentleman carrying a small bag of garlic. France heroic, France romantic. Franco ludicrous, one could multiply characteristics for a pagi, but to what good? I admire, I laugh, but I re spect. I have not written to mother this week because I hope to have some thing Interesting to tell after Sun day. Give my love to Mrs. Bingham. I hope to be eating Christmas dinner with you sometime before 1930! Ever yours, VEHNR. Dear Mother and Boys: Hero we nra so well and happy and enjoying ourselves. We have so hoped to spend another of those de lightful winters here, probably more, and It certainly sems our prayers were heard. Isn't it nice to 'be In such a lovely land, so ratSsried. and permission to stay. All we have to do Is to enjoy ourselves, keep clean, look pretty and aid with tlis steel shipments to Germany. They ure so grat .-ftil. tlioFO Huns. They try to send back pound for pound, but a hard ta.-k, you know. A nice !ot, those fellows. Some of them come over to s!:iy with us. They have such muddy, dirty looking uniforms that we dye ou:s gr?en and let them wear them. The French put "P. G." on their bar!;, and we put "P. W." That's so the officers can tell them from the soldiers and won't work them so hard. 1 hear a wbir-r-r In the a'.r, tho ln-11 Is ringing, the mice muxt be get ting sick, so will pull on my other face and see what is wrong. G. M. YOl'NG. DAYLIGHT SAVING 1'I.AX has iiKi: i::; iocoxomy The daylight savin? plan saved 1. 250,000 tons of coal la the nation, according to the V. S. fuel adminis tration. The saving liar, been mainly In Eastern cities. No exact figures are available for Oregon, but thi amount saved Is not noticeable. i " n.mmntmRiifimrnnnn-nnl IWAY BELflDW flag REAL VALUE I 2 s s You Cannot Afford to Overlook ii i '-I wTiwirttw he Four Cylinder, self-starter, electric lights,' in good condition $5WA0 One Overland, Model 69 One Overland, Model 52 Four Cylinder; in good condition $400.00 One Studebaker Six Newly painted; good condition $752.00 One Little Studebaker Just the thing for the fellow looking for a good lit tle bug-only $75.00 9 XXI Terms if Desired Mr W&S. Ai M tV Lit 1A mA ii- Also New Overlands and Moline Tractors Hips pru ii n ipn wn ft ir rn ipt F"n ifn ft iph r7"n fti ift iph if"n n ipn rpn ipti ifi iiLiiii3uananenEni2ni2ni