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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1918)
0 Tuf-Kdajr, December 3, 1D1R ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE PUTT HOLIDAY GOODS Our Big Christmas Display, will be ready for your inspec tion this week AT Polcy's Drug Store Foley & Elharl, Druggists. 11S 0 inni wn Drocnwm 1 Uj!"U?"t&!tmStft!ii!i!!il!'.till!i!!i? Ray Ualley entertained hot ti own and his wife's folks at a Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. Have you a small farm that you want to trade for a larger farm? See Billings agency. Home made country sausage, head cheese, pure fork lard and sparerlbs ut the White House Grocery, Friday end Saturday this week. The Baptist ladles will have a ba zaar and food sale Saturday, Decem ber 21. The t!me and place will he announced later. 47-4t Mrs. Geo. W. rellett, who has been taking treatment at the. state hospital at Salem, is visiting her brother at Portland. Miss Kathryn Millar Is teaching domestic science at Hllo, Hawaii, in the public schools at that plac?, sometimes serving lufich to 200 pu pils and teachers. Strictly fine watch and jewelry re pairing, clock, etc , at exceeding low prices. Engraving In all Its various arts. V. A. FREEBURG. 2Ti E. Main, on the Plaza. 4Stf. Mrs Phil Rose of Monteray, Cal., arrived In Ashland Friday eve ning to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Eubank?. Japanese Art Store of Medford has filled up Its complete lines and ready lor Christmas trade. 47-3 Robert Thome, of the aero service located at Austin, Texas, has been a guest of friends In Ashland during the past week while on a brief fur lough. 'rv Rev. W. L. Mellinger left Sunday night for Portland to attend a con ference of the missionary movement In tho Christian church that is in (session there today. I will be In the market for feeder hogs, by car lots, about December 1. Let me know what you have.- WELBORN BEESON, -47-2 Talent, Ore Mr. D G. O'Shea, president of the twelfth Federal Land bank district, of Spokane, Washington, spent a couple of hours Ik the city last Mon day. Mr. O'Shea's object Is to get In closer touch with associations In his district In order to give better ser vice and he states that he will ar range to give threei appraisements a year and also that he favors a morel liberal construction of the Jaw where by the bank will be enabled to serve the small rancher. At this time five acres is the smallest ranch consld' ered. Mr. O'Shea was most favor ably Impressed with the country and expressed a desire to visit all asso clations In his district dnd said that to do this would require two years time. Mrs. J. W, Penneflel of Drain ar rived In Ashland Wednjesdjay eve ning to spend Thanksgiving with her slater, Mrs. T. N. Humphreys. Miss Etta Miller, formerly head nurse of the Placervllle, California, hospital, Is enjoying a much needed r;st with her parents In Ashland. She expects to enter .the Red Cross service- January 1 and may go to Palestine. Earl Fraley, who has been spend' Ing a fifteen-day furlough In Ash land left Friday night for San Fran cisco, near where he has been sta tioned In the radio servico training school. 4 Big assortment of up-to-date fram ed Pictures for Xmas gifts Studio Ashland. tf A beet of the "mangel-wurzel" va rlety Is on exhibition In the window of Billings real estate office, and is p. monster of Its species. The vege table weighs 22 pounds and came from the garden of H. H. Leavltt on Chestnut street. G. W. Beach of Key Westminster, British Columbia, was an Ashland visitor last week. Mr. Beacli was a former resident of the middle west and was an old-time friend of V. 0 N. Smith and O. F. Carson. Mm f rimrlna Hiidt left Satnr rinv fnr JVfnntami Pal., where-shV expects to remain for an Indefinite time. Her daughter and son, Alice and Stuart, will join her later. Buy a home first and treat your family on the square. A Btnall sum will get you a good home. See Bill ings Agensy. Time to Think of Stoves We take ycur old stove In exchange for a new Heating Stove or Range. Provost Brothers HARDWARE JTD. Hoag has returned from Mac Doel, Cal., where he. has been em ployed as carpenter for a long period. Dr. V E. Buchanan has returned from an extended visit with his moth er In Missouri. W. A. Freeburg has opened a watch and clock repairing establishment In his building at 25 East Main street. Ho Is a former jeweler of this city but had gone out of business several years ago. R. J. McCafforty, a Southern Pa cific employe, has rented a house be-v longing to G. S. Butler on Skldmore street, and rs occupying It for a homo Percy Shutt of the U. S. army ar rived In Ashland last week from Camp Pike, Arkansas, where he was mustered out of service, and will make his home In Ashland with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Shutt. This young soldier had seen 'fifteen months' service In the Hawaiian Is lands previous to being transferred to Camp Pike. W. H. Shutt of Cottonwood, Idaho, arrived In Ashland last week and has accepted a position In the mechanical department of the Tidings office. Mr. Shutt had been In the newspaper bus iness with his father, S. P. Shutt, In Cottonwood for several years pre vious to coming here, and was lead er of the cornet band of that city. He had enlisted In the air service and had received his call when tin; cessation of hostilities cancelled hit assignment. Mr. Shutt's family Is visiting at present In Portland, but will join him here In about two weeks. The Trinity Guild Ladles will serve a chicken supper on Thursday evening, December 5th, in the Par ish House, from 6 to 7:20 o'clock, at 50c a plat?. Also sale table of Christ mas Gifts. Social evening Com? and have a good time and help th? ladles along. 4S-1 The Sulvage Depot still continues to be an Important business center In Ashland, and the workers are ac tively engaged every day In the rooms. At present an urgent call Is made for children's clothing, as the demand for these articles Is much greater-than can be supplied. Any one having cast off or outgrown children's clothing are asked to bring them to the Salvage Depot at once. Major C. A. Malone, now stationed at Seattle, Wash., was an Ashland visitor during the past week calling on old-time friends. Major Malone went out from Ashland a year ago! last July as captain of ths First Com- pany, 0. C. A., wlien that aggrcga-j tlon entered the army, and has been j advanced since to the rank of major j and was transferred from Fort Stev-1 ens to Seattle. The Ashland Laundry, which has- been closed since last summer, open ed for business yesterday. E. L. Fish er, the new proprietor, has renovated j the establishment and has everything I In readiness for the accommodation ! of the public. The present phone; number of the Ashland Laundry is 1C5. ; Mrs. X. B. Reynolds will give In- J structlon In Piano or Organ, Musical j History Theory and. Harmony . In-! strumental lessons will be private; but the History and Harmony will lie! class work. She has passed the Min nesota State Music Toaclft-rs" exajii-i nation, and Is prepared to Instruct! pupils from the beginning thru the. eighth grade. Address, C7 Scenic ' Drive. Phone 317-J. 45-tf. i Any picture framed artistically. -Studio Ashland. ' tf Work starts on the Warm Spring Irrigation project near Vale. Utmost In Values ('HALM Kits TAXI SKUVICK Ktcuni Heated M A U I K H A L L K V j Stand at Rose Bros. Office Phone 213 Residence 101 We have received anoth- ' er shipment of Globe Union Suits, at the same price as form crlv. You who have been waiting can now be sup plied with these two and a ' ... . IUNOICII KCID CO. half f easons wear garments. 1 1 0 , c . A new arrival of MEN'S HATS; American made and American in character. As usual we have our HOLIDAY NECKWEAR early and its a fine assortment of silks, both plain and fancy 25c to $1.50 MITCHELL 99 Men's Wear LJCITIZENSO W BANK .g FASH LAN The Blessings of ' Liberty As you stop to count tho many blessings of liber ty areji't you thankful that your country, th 3 great U. S. A., has en listed In the cause of Freedom and Justice for L mankind? 4ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS, Mrs. Otto West of Hornbrook, who had been visiting friends In Ashland for a few days during the past week left Wednesday evening for Portland to spend some time. Eastman Kodaks for Xmas gifts Tho Camera Exchange. tf The local Mosonlc lodge was 'vis lted by about a dozen members from Jacksonville last Wednesday eve nlng. The county offices were rep resented by Superintendent G. W. Ager, Judge-elect G. A. Gardner. and Recorder-elect Chauncey Florey. O. H. Barnhlll expects to leavo Sunday, December 8, for Gridler, California, where he will do orchard work until some time In February, making h'.s home meanwhile with the S. C. Oion's family. Mrs. Oien's sister, formerly Miss Crace Barney. Is expected to spend a few days In Ashland this week.. Have your gift Photos made early. It helps us to please you Studio Ashland , tf E. T. Merrill received a fine fat turkey gobbler as a surprise gift from his daughter, Mrs. Shalow, of Briggs, Cal., for his Thanksgiving dinner a few days before that annual feastj day. As the war Is over and the question of Hoovcrizing Is not the radical one to meet housewives at present, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill en- Joyed their gift with clear con sciences. Mrs. Palmerle9 will sell Oriental lace fancy articles at the Boot Shop, Saturday, December 7. These ar ticles wero made at Erzeroom, Tur key, near the scene of one of the worst massacres of the Great War. Proceeds go to relief work In Ar menia. Don't neglect this opportun ity to buy a dainty Christmas gift, and help a good cause. Mrs. Brown, wife of Postmaster Louis Brown of Talent was an Ash land visitor Tuesday. Clarence Morris returned home o:i Thursday from Portland where he had been awaiting a call to the mer chant marines In which he enlisted early In October. The close of the war has released him from his en listment. Mr. and Mrs. William Vco were up from Talont Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Yeo with her two little daughters has just returned from a visit wit'i her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Jeffrey, at Oakland, Cal. Mrs. C. R. Losher and little daugh ter Eernita of Portland were Thanks giving guests of tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Emery. VAUPEL'S XO' 1,,n THE QUALITY STORE . OF ASH LAM) (lH-7i! KAST MAIN ST. Our first Christmas announcement consists of a whole page of useful, practical gifts for every one on your list. Eem'ember, the government calls for early shopping. Start now. Buy gifts every day. You will then help us get through the Christmas shopping days easily andbe taken earn of properly on what you should happen to want. HANDKERCHIEFS! Neckwear for Men Just received by big new line of Men's .Neckwear in I !i; :i.-v.c:-t an I sappiest patterns to be had. Buy him a swell Necktie for Xmas. Each .r and $1.0'. One of the most useful and ac ceptable gifts known for Christmas. A nice box of Handkerchiefs never goes amiss. Oiy line Is complete for the Holiday trade at all prices. Silk Hpsiery Buy your wants'in Hosiery now as the market Is depicted In this line of merchandise and none to be had until January 1st. We carry full lino of colors In the Hole proof and Burlington Hosiery. Men's Shirts We carry a full stock of the well known Arrow Brand. There Is nothing more acceptable than a nice new Shirt to the men folks. Full range of patterns now on hand at each (jU.ii.1 and $1.50 Bath Robes Full line of Bathrobes all ready-to be made up for that Christmas gift. Big line of patterns to choose from at $5.50 and $0.00 each. - These robes are a very useful ar ticlo to have In the house. SWEATERS AT. VaL Just a few good sweaters left in stock which we are closing out at a price. If you are In need of ono of these useful articles now Is the time to make your purchase. Don't delay as they are going fast. Eye Glasses Scientifically Fitted and Guaranteed. Broken Lenses Replaced. K H.L.Whited Registered Optometrist. Ashland, Or. GLASSES JL. Shoes Don't overlook our Shoe Department when it comes to the new and snappy shoes that are shown first at this store. FIELD MOUSE BROWN' CLOTH TOP . $8.50 REINDEER KID CLOTH TOP .'. K.50 CRUISER CREY KID TOP 10.00 HAVANA BROWN CLOTH TOP 7.50 Table Linens Purchase your needs In Table -Linens for the Holidays now. Don't overlook our Linen De partment as our stock Is complete at the pres ent time. Per yard ?. . $1.00 to $:1.00 Also full line of Napkins made up and by the dozen at popular prices. Have that Thanlts , giving dinner on new table linen. Puritan Undermuslins The right undergarment for the particular lady customer. A full lino of Envelope Chemise, Corset Covers, Drawers, Gowns, etc., now In stock at popular prices. Also nice line of Sill: Underwear to choose from for Holiday Gifts. Give us a trial on these lines. Dressmakers Approre' ATHENA UNDERWEAR For Womed, Minei, Children 1 Because it aids wonderfully in the (it of a gown. Athena is cut and fashioned to accord perfectly with every line and curve of a woman' form. IThe special features such as The Patent-fitted Seat. The Three, cornered Gusset at thigh, The Fit ted Shoulders and Sleeves. The Tailored Shaping and Perfect Sizing 'of Athena Underwear insure Mai , lored fit ,1 In-twenty-eight hspe;and thirty-eight fabrics (aO weights and qualities) tt just ( the prices you' ftMpyk ordinary, undcrwesjrj 5 Ao'UnJcruwir for 1 children ft spetblb' designed to'l,(A ,Wy '0 Umbrellas Gloves Umbrella;, come In the useful list for Xmas gifts. Complete line of Men'B, Women's and Children's carried In stock. Prices range from 3c to $7.30 Don't forget the Gloves In your list. New Block having Just arrived we are able to take care of you In all colors. Cooper's Underwear Complete stock of the widely known line ot Cooper's Underwear for Fall Is now on our shelves. Comes In White, Grey, Ecru, and BIuo Mix at prices, per suit, $2.00 up to $3.50 No underwear can be compared to this garment when It comes to durability, style and wear. Royal Worcester Corsets Royal Worcester Corsets are the right corsets for the precise buyer. They are made to fit In all styles, both In front and back lace. Come in Flesh and White, plain and brocaded. Values from $1.00 up to $3.00 pnlr. If you are In need of a corset give this well known make 0 tlioro trial an J become convinced. 115!