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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1918)
5 ASHLAND TIDINGS TAGE EIGHI Tuesday, November id, 191." 1 Head what the National Council of Defense requests of the merchants In order to. conserve the manpower of the country. .... . . The six rules laid down for the re tall trade to follow are given: 1 Retail Interests are not to increase their working forces by reason of the holiday business over the average forces employed during the. year. Normal working hours will not be lengthened during the Christmas season. Retailers will use their utmost ef forts to confine Christmas giving, ex cept for young children, to useful ar ticles. Every effort will be made to spread the period for holiday purchasing over the months of October, Novem ber, and December. Deliveries will be restricted and customers will be asked to carry their own packages wherever pos sible. Announcements of the new policy will be made by retailers In their newspaper advertisements. Begin Your Christmas Buying Now ; ... The request' of tlie Government is that ' we spread the Holiday Shopping over the . months of November and December, since the shortage of help makes it almost impossible to increase the selling force. Also it requests that, except for young children, useful gifts only be given 'V ' '. " ' ( Oiily Useful Gifts Sold at This Store? Gloves for Women Gloves are so essential and so glvable. And since kid has become so scarce, good gloves are more welcome than ever before. We are ready to help you select, colors and styles for your women friends. Give them all gloves for Christmas. Camisoles Crepe de Chine or Wash Silk 75c to $1.50 Camisole Laces We have re ceived an especially pretty line of new fillet designs. Umbrellas Make Useful Gifts Make some one happy this year with an umbrella. Lots of new ones here at a variety of prices. Women, this season, dangle theirs from the wrist, so they, naturally, proudly dis play white ivory or amber rings. Suits, Coats and Dresses Your feminine friends will always appreciate the gift of a fine garment such as you will find in our stock of coats, suits and dresses. Dainty Underwear For Gifts or For Your Own Use Gowns Envelope Chemise Silk Hloomers ' . Silk Top Envelope Chemise Gossard Corsets Qossard Brassieres Silk Top Combination Suits ' Koverall Nighties for Children Muslin Petticoats Silk Petticoats Hosiery for Women and Girls . Select them now. Do not put off your Christ mas buying. Sale of 85 Winter Coats Four attractively priced lots $19.50, $22.50, $24.50, $29.50 for November Selling. The "flu" scare has kept people home and we have too many Coats left. $19.50 A lot of a dozen Ladles' and Misses' Coats made of velour plush or good doth coatings. Some of these have trimmed collars and all are good new styles. Special $19.50 $22.50 Ten splendid cloth and velour plush coats for ladies and misses. Values $25.00 to $27.U, X- Special $22.50 $24.50 Some wonderful coats In velour! plushes, wool velours, chinchilla, and wool plushes some trimmed ami some plain. Values 127.50 to 130.00 serviceable. t $24.50 $29.50 Fifteen coats of Broadcloth and wool plush. The latter are especially good for driving, being warm ami serviceable. Special $29.50 30 Finer (Jpats of Plush.Broadcloth, Silyertone and Fine Velours Attractively Fricea at $32.50 to $46.50 The Sweater's The Thing Certainly essential is the al most indlspensible sweater of today. All the lovely shades of yarn some vivid, some very subdued sweaters for sport, for indoor wear; in fact, sweat ers for every occasion, are to be found in the sweater shop. Handkerchiefs in Gift Boxes Give Handkerchiefs they are always practical. Here you will find them In their most at tractive form exquisitely em broidered on Swiss and Batiste and daintily boxed. Then there are pretty ones and fun ny ones for the kiddles for they love "hankies," too. Furs Are Ideal Gifts The wearing of furs brings not only the satisfaction of be ing comfortable on cold days, but also the satisfaction of add ing an air of distinction to your appearance. Silk Hosier for women what wom an would not be pleased with them? Khaki and Grey Knitting Worsted Splendid duality 30c per Ounce TALENT. Mrs. Talent has been quite 111 at Hie home of her daughter, Mrs. John Deeson, on Wagner creek. Her son. Charley Tulent, of Medford was vIb iting her mother Sunday of last week and on Sunday night was attacked with influenza and lias been in a serious condition at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Zlders and daughter have returned from their eastern; trip. Marlon Tryer and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boyden in Med ford Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Cliff Garvin, who went to Ashland to undergo an operation and who contracted Spanish influenza, is reported to be on the mend.' Mrs. Anna Wright, a bride of two weeks. In dangerously 111 of Influenza nt the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs V. F. Dunn. Glenn Wlthrow arrived Saturday from the border and surprised his family. Frank Rose left Sunday for Cali fornia. Word has been received by Marlon Tryer that his Bon, Sergeant Major C. G. Tryer, has safely reached Enp land and will leave shortly for France. Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Nyswaner left Monday for Tillamook where Mr Nys waner has a position on some state work. The trip was made hy auto. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lewis and fam ily are recent arrivals from Siskiyou county, Cal. Douglas County Has Lost 28 in Service Douglas county has been hard hit hy the war, as a summing up of the casualties among the boys from that county has revealed since the cessa tion of hostilities. During the past year 26 young men have made the supreme' sacrifice in behalf of their country from that county. Of this number five -are occupylng-graves in Trance, two of whom were killed in battle. Three were victims .of submarines and one lost his life from jthlpwreck. . " Soldiers Cannot Secure Release According to a dispatch from Camp Ltewfs scores of soldiers stationed there and relatives of soldiers al ready are trying to obtuln the re lease of soldiers from the army. Of ficers at the camp state that the at tempfs are demoralizing to the mor ale of lho army, and should not con tinue. .Since news of the Bigning of the armistice reached America tele graph wires into Camp Lewis have been crowded with messages asklnu when they would return and urging the soldiers to obtain immedlato re lease. ' Attempts to obtain the release of men cannot be considered, it was said at camp headquarters, until some plan Is announced by the war department for the demobilization of the army. "The prospects are that most men now in the army will continue in the service for a long period," said one staff officer, "The civilian popula tlon in many cases believes the Job of the army is done. This Is not so as a memorandum read at retreat shows." A CHECK IS A RECEIPT A LEGAL RECEIPT. Think how much easier and safer it Is to PAY ALL BILL3 BY CHECK, where the very payment itself is a receipt for the money. . No danger of paying twice for a misunderstanding. And it's easier thing; no chance for a Quarrel or to keep track of your expenditures, too, if you pay by check. Open an account today. STATE HANK OF ASHLAND LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S HALE. BY VIRTUE of an execution In tore closure and orderof saleduly is sued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for Jackson County, dated November 9th, 1918, in a certain suit 'therein, whoreln . James B. Withycombe, Governor, Ben W. Olcott, Secretary of State, Thomas B. Kay, State Treasurer, compris ing the State Land Board of Ore gon, recovered Judgment and de cree against Ella J. Holloway, C. T. Holloway, J. J. Brys, Bell Hrys, Louise B. Gleason, G. L. Abbott, George A. Morse and Ora A. Morse, Defendants, for the sum of $3 827.13 and $300.00 Attorneys fee. and $33.50 Costs, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in said Court October 19th, 1918; NOTICE-is hereby given that, pur suant to the terms of said execu tion, I will on. December ISth, 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the front door of the Courthouse In the City of Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, for sale and sell at publlo auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as pro vided by law, all of the right, title and interest that the above named defendants, Jointly or individual ly had on January 2d, 1908, or have since acquired, or now have In and to the following described property, situated in Jackson County, State of Oregon, to-wlt: All that portion of.the east half of the northwest quartet which Is situated on tho southeast side of the County Wagon Road crossing the same, and containing about seventy acres; also the west half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, containing about 120 acres, all In Section .Nineteen (19) in Township Thlrty-elnht (38) South of Range One (1) West of the Willamette Meridian, and con taining in all 190 acres.. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, No vember 14th, 1918. .LESLIE W. STANSELL, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. -. ,46-5t-tueB , , jf. .. 5 f ; No. 104 REPORT OF 1 HE CONDITION OF State Bank of Ashland . AT ASHLAND, OREGON, At the Close of Business, November 1st, 11)18. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ' $ Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Bonds and warrants ' Stocks, securities, Judgments, etc. Bunking house , Furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned. Due from banks (not reserve banks) Due from approved reserve banks Exchanges for clearing house Cash on hand ; Other resources 5 4-,5 S 7.S 7 1.75 23,899.54 2,2G9.7." S. 000.00 2, .".00.00 7,010 47 776.33 711.01 54G.79 4,843.31 3.S73.00 2G TOTAL $135,019.52 LIABILITIES. Capital Btock paid In $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund- .: , . . '. 1,250.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 4.0R2.C3 Individual deposits subject to chock 39,804.24 Demand certificates of deposit 905.99 Time and Savings Deposits C3.99C.66 NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE. BY VIRTUE of an execution In fore . closure and order of sale duly is- , sued out of and under the seat of the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for JackBon County, dated November 9th,1918, in certain suit therein, wherein james'B. Withycombe, Governor,', BettHV; Olcott, Secretary of State,( Thomas TOTAL $135,019.52 STATE OF OREGON, County of Jackson, ss. I, G. G. Eubanks, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . G. G. EUBANKS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of November, 1918 ; G. F. BILLINGS, Notary Public. ' My commission expires January 3, 1921 CORRECT Attest; ' O. WhNTER, THOS. H. SIMPSON, W. H. McNAIR, Directors. B. Kay, State Treasurer, compris ing the State Land Board of Ore gon, recovered Judgment and de , cree against William, Lewis, Nora ' M. " Lewis. . Farmers and Fruit- ' growers Bank, an Oregon corpora- tlon and Jackson County Bank, an Oregon corporation, and C. W. Mc Donald, Defendants, for the sura of $4,457.60 and $350.00 Attorneys V fee. and $13.50 Costs; which Judg ment was enrolled and docketed 'in said Court October 19th, 1918; NOTICE Is hereby given that, pur . suant to the terms of said execu ' tlon. I will on December 18th, 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the front door of the Courthouse In the City of Jacksonville, -Jackson County, Oregon, offer for sale and -" sell at public auction for cash to - the highest bidder, to satisfy said Judgment, with the costs of this stle, subject to redemption as pro vided by law, all of the right, title , and interest that the above named . 'defendants, Jointly or indlvldual- " ly, had on April 6th, 1910, or have since acquired, or now have in and to the following described proper ty, situated in Jackson County, State of Oregon, to-wlt: ,,-, The East onevhalf "of the west one-half of Section Thirty-five in - Township Thirty-six. South, Range Three West of " the ' Willamette Meridian, containing. 160 . acres, with air the water rights appurte nant thereto or a part thereof. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, No member' 4th, 1918; -' .. ', " LESLIE W: STANSELL," Shprlff of. Jackson County, Oregon. 46-5t-tues ' , LADIES Of Ashland If you have any Furs you wish repaired or remodeled F. W. BARRETT 120 E. Main St., Medford, Ore. D can fix them Utl fnr vnn IVn B .... " ' H mM iiian mn ir a ,n... i .-. . . . iuun? lie L'uxs iu uruer and carry a fine line of manu factured Furs. When in Med ford call In and Inspect our stock. 37-t-40 , Ashland Transfer I & Storage Co. 1 ' C. F. Bates, Proprietor Wood, "Peacock" and Rock Springs Coal and Cement PHONE i17 Office 93 Oak Streel, Ware-1 house on track near depot. I Ashland, Oregon $ The run of salmon uuues 00 a. , ,