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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1918)
TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent the word each time. Twenty wordi one month one dollar. DR. MAUD IXGERSOLL HAWLEY , Chiropractor and rhyscultopathist Office Second Floor First National Bank Bldg. Opposite Hotel Austin Phone 48 Sitz and Cabinet Baths, Hot and Cold Spray Baths, Electrlo and Swedish Massage. Rest and Medical Gymnastic Rooms "Not all of us can go to the front. Only a few, relatively, can feel the thrill of patriotic pride that comes from direct service In the war ma chine. But every one of us can save food. To co-operate with the Food Administration Is to perform the unl versal service in which every Ameri can; without exception, can help dl rectly to win the war." U. S. Sena tor Calder of New York. PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, tar, nose and throat Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for 8. P. . R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg.. opposite poatofflce, Mtdford, Ore. Phone 6(7. Jl-tt DR. ERXE8T A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear. nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 11 and to 6. Bwedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 7S-tf GEO. T. WATSOJT, Painter and perbangen. Phone 202-R, 166 Ohio street. 40-tf . BIIL POSTER Will 8tennett, 11 Factory street. Bill posting and distributing. 64-tf E. D. KRfGGS, Attorney-at-Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. CIVIO IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. FOR BALE MJSCELUISEOI'8 FOR SALE Ford delivery model. Inquire 62 4th St. 1916 46-4 FOR SALE Three cross-cut saws Inquire 154 Oak St. 45-tf FOR SALE All household goods Phone 184, or call 334 Almond St 45-3t FOR SALE All my household goods Including piano and books. 45-1 12S NOB HILL ST. FOR SALE A good reliable family horse. Price $25.00. Apply at Tarverner King Orchard, Old Mine Road. 45-Zt' 7,500.00 .1 4,000.00 FOR SALE Oil barrels. Towler Lumber Co. Carson tc 24-2mo FOR SALE Fine barley sthaw. J H. Bogue, Water St. 44-3 FOR SALE Choice eating or cook ing apples. Also seconds, sweet cider and pure vinegar. 590 Roca street or phone 359-R. S-ll BARGAIN SALE Household turn ishlngs; New Perfection oil cook stove, 3-burner, with cabinet and oven: wood cook stove, bxtra good horse and spring wagon $100. bueev and harness ilu. J. k FOR REST FOR RENT Furnished bungalow, October 1st. Adults only. 147 Nutlev street. 35-tf HOUSE to rent on Scenic Drive and Church St. at $7.50 per month See H. L. Whlted. 40-tf WANTED WANTED Ford body in good con dltion. Inquire 62 4th St. 46-4 WANTED Anyone having a good work horse weighing 1100 or 1200 pounds for sale, call on or notify Marlon Tryer, Talent. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF APWHXTMEXT OF AD MINISTRATORS AND TO PRE SENT CLAIMS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Clarence Lane and Minnie Lane have been duly appointed by the County Court of Jackson county, Oregon, as the Administrators of the estate of ERIC WEREN, Deceased, and all claims against said estate must be duly verified and presented to us at office of E. D. Brlggs, attorney, in pionopr ninrk. In Ashland, said conn ty, within six months from the date of the first pumicauon oi una tiro ' Date of First Publication, Novem ber 19th, 1918. . CLARENCE LANE, and MINNIE LANE, Administrators. Ashland, Oregon. 46-4-tues NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed ex ecutor of the estate of Mary G. Kirsh baum, deceased, by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present same at my office In Ash land, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly verified, within six months from the first publication Mereor, which Is October 22nd, 1918. W. J. MOORE, Executor. 42-5Tues 1NTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland for Medford, Tal ent and Phoenix dally except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 11 a. m., and 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Satur day night at 6:30. Sundays, leave at 9:00 a. m 12:30, 4:30 and 6:30 o. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally except Sunday at 8:00 and 10 a. m., and 1:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Saturday night at 10:15. On Sun days 10:30 a. m., 1:30, 6:30 and 9:30 p. m. - Fare between Medford and Ash lend, 30 cents. Round trip 60 cents. The Irrigation development project at Jordan valley is well under way. JACKSON COUNTY, BUDGET NOTICE. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 234 General Laws of Oregon, 1913, notice Is hereby given that the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, will meet In the Circuit Court Room of the Court House In the City of Jacksonville, Oregon, on Thursday, the 5th day of December, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a . m. of said day, and at the said time and ilaci opportunity Willie given for a full and complete discussion of the estimate of the amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing year as published herewith, by any taxpayer subject to such tax levy when ade, In favor of or against auy of the propped tax levies herein as the County Court may deem for the best Interests of Jackson County. The County Court has prepared and submits the following; An esti mate of the amount required for each department of County Government, County office or County officer, each County Improvement, the mainte nance of each County building, structure or Institution, the salary of each County officer or employe, Including those whose salaries are fixed by statute, for the Improvement and maintenance of public highways, roads, bridges, the construction, operation and maintenance of each pub lic utility and redemption of outstanding warrants; and estimate of the public receipts of the County from sources other than direct taxation upon the real and personal property In the County during the period forwhlch such tax Is to be levied and the amount of 'balances on hand In the funds of the County at the time the levy will be made. EXPENSES For the payment of the following separate Items of expense: Pacific Highway Road Interest Fund $ 25,000.00 General Road Fund, $"3,'400; Central Point Bridge, $20,000; 95,400.00 County School Fund 50,350.00 School Library Fund, 700.00 High School Fund. 17,830.00 REDEMPTION OF PACIFIC HIGHWAY ROAD BO.VDS Ten Year Series, $ 16,666.60 Fifteen Year Scries . 9,090.90 Twenty Year Series 6,230.00 Twenty Five Year Series 4,761.90 Thirty Year Series ; 3,846.15 GENERAL COUNTY FUND For payment of State Tax (estimate only) $100,000 00 Operation of ferry f 300.00 CIRCUIT COURT General expenses Including bailiffs, jurors, reporters, special counsel, witnesses, fees, -mileage and other expenses. ..$ COUNTY COURT AND COMMISSIONERS County Judge salary, $1,800.00; Traveling expenses, $200.00; Fees and traveling expenses (Commissioners), $1,000.00; Other expenses. Including supplies, printing, postage, County Court Bailiff, express, telephoning, telegraph, jur ors, witnesses and mileage, $1,000.00; .JUVENILE COURT Jurors, witnesses, mileage, etc., $250.00; widows' pensions, $9,500.00: County Nurse salary, $1,200.00; expense, $300.00; Other expenses for commitments, probation and truant officers, etc., $900 00; Boys' and Girls' Aid Society Allowance, $240.00; Delinquent and neglected children, blind, deaf mutes, feeble minded and Insanse, $500.00; JUSTICE COURT ' Fees of justices, constables, Jurors and witnesses and mileage thereof and sundry supplies, etc !..$ COUNTY ADVERTISING Advertising County Resources, as the County Court may here inafter deem advlsahl? $ For bids of ail kinds, printing of notices and delinquent tax list, sales of property, County Court proceedings, etc., . . CARE OF THE POOR Salary for Superintendent for Poor Farm, $1,200.00; County Physician Health Officer, including expenses, and medi cines. $1,000.00; Maintenance of Poor Farm and Hospi tal, $3,000.00; Tubercular poor, $150.00; Indigents not at Poor Farm, $9,300.00; $ BOUNTIES ON WILD ANIMALS Payment of $ SHERIFF'S OFFICE Sheriff's salary, $2,500.00; Deputy Sheriff, $1,500.00; trav eling expenses, $800.00; $ Stenographer, $400.00; Telephone & Telegraph, $140.00; Finger Print Cabinet & Supplies, $100.00; Stationery, printed forms, etc, $240 00; extra deputy hire, $100.00, TAX COLLECTIONS Supplier ' 1,000 Certificates of Delinquency. $70.00; Tax Ledger and Turnover Book, $i0.00; 30.000 Combination Tax receipts and statements: $200.00; Stamps, $300.00; Stationery and Envelopes, $100.00; Miscellaneous forms, pencils, Ink, etc., $400.00; Typewriter, $100.00; 1 doz. Loose Leaf Binders, $30.00; One Calculator, $100.00; ...$ J.abr clerks 100 days S $2.50, $1,000.00; one stenographer 10 months $60.00, $600.00; one deputy 12 months, $1200.00; one deputy 12 months, $1080.00; one deputy 2 months, $300.00; JAIL EXPENSE ' Jailor, $600.00; Matron, $200.00; Laundry, $200.00; Board of Prisoners, $1,400.00; $ Repairs, supplies, etc COURT HOUSE Salary for Janitor $ Other expenses Including lights, (water, fuel, furniture, re pairs, fire insurance, etc $ ASSESSOR'S OFFICE Salary of assessor, $1,500.00;. salaries of field deputies, assess ing real and personal property, $3,200.00; one deputy, $960.00; one deputy, $780.00; two clerks on extension of tax levies and copying assessment rolls, $1,000,00; other expenses Including printing, postage, express, telephone, telegrams and assessment rolls, $800.00; traveling ex penses, $300.00; $ CLERK'S OFFICE Salary of clerk, $2,000.00 and one deputy, $1,000.00; salary of two clerks, $1,hou.oo; salary or one deputy, $960.00; one deputy, $600.00; other clerical assistance, other ex penses, Including blanks, blank .books, printing, postage, express, telephone, telegraph and record books for Cir cuit Court, County and Juvenile Courts, $1,500.00; Ex change on typewriters. $150.00; ...........:.$ CORONER'S OFFICE . Fees of Coroner and physicians, jurors, witnesses and other expenses - $ FRUIT INSPECTORS Salaries and expenses of Inspectors $ 4,000.00 FATHUL.UUIST Payment to State for extension work t 3.000.00 SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE AND DEPT, OF EDUCATION salary or superintendent, isuu.uv; nericai assistance, X600; Traveling expenses, xzou.uu; Teachers' Institutes, meet ings and school officers convention, $400.00; Other ex, penses Including supplies, printing, postage, express, tele phone and telegrams, $600.00; County Educational Board, expense, $100.00; One Supervisor at $1200.00; Supervis or's expenses including supplies, printing, postage, ex press, telephone and telegrams, $100.00; Eighth Grade Examinations and expenses, $y0 00; Supervisor's travel ing expenses, $400.00; School exhibit at State and County Fair, $100.00; ..;-.. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Salary and traveling expenses $ STOCK INSPECTOR . Salary of $300.00; expenses, $100.00; $ Tubercular cattle WATER MASTER . Watermaster's salary, $ Expense, Including mileage, etc., . , SURVEYOR'S OFFICE Fees of surveyor and deputies, , , $ 2,000.00 Other expenses Including postage, express; rent of office, tele phone and traveling expenses TREASURER S OFFICE Salary of Treasurer, $1,200.00; other expenses Including printing, postage, express, telephone and telegrams, $500; safe and office chairs, $300 00; $ 2,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES Land for Experiment Station, $ 10,000.00 12,890.00 1,700.00 500.00 2,500.00 16,650.00 1,000.00 4,800.00 1.000,00 1,590.00 4,180.00 2,400.00 200.00 720.00 2,000.00 8,540.00 8,010.00 520.00 5,600.00 ' 400.00 400.00 250.00 1,200.00 315.00 400.00 Firewarden, one-third expense, 1919, 502.00 Elections and registrations v". 3,000.00 Expense or examination of books and accounts 350.00 Payments for reporting births and deaths, 150.00 County Fair 500.00 Food Demonstrations 600.00 Tax refunds, double assessments, errors, etc., 500.00 War Emergency , 2,500.00 District Attorney's office, expense, '. .... 600.00 Redemption or outstanding warrants against the general County Fund, 38,517.39 TOTAL, , $487,600.00 RECAPITULATION Levy and Amount Proponed Mills AmL Raised General Road Fund (Including Central Point bridge, 3 6 $95,400.00 County School Fund 1.9 62,350.00 High School Fund; Library Fund; 0.7 18,554.00 Pacific Highway Interest Fund, 1.0 26,600.00 Bond Redemption Fund 1.5 39,750.00 General Fund , ; 9.7 257,050.00 18.4 $487,600.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Two per cent, daily balance $ 3,750 00 Fees County Clerk's office 8,500.00 Fees Sheriff's office v 500.00 Refund on Bounty Claims 600.00 State Appropriation for County Fair, 1,000.00 From rent of Forest 4,000.00 From 5 per cent, sale of timber 150.00 Penalties and Interest on delinquent taxes 10,000.00 $28,500.00 STATE OF OREGON, County of Jackson, ss. We, the undersigned, County Court of Jackson County, do hereby certify that the above Is a true, fair and complete estimate of the prob able expenxes of said County for the ensuing year. We further certify that the eptlmate of expenses of the various insti tutions of the County, of the amount required for public enterprises, roads, bridges, etc., and of all other expenses of the County as therein set out, Is just and Is based upon a careful study of the expenses of the Coun ty during the past and a thoro examination of Its probable needs during the year for which such estimato is -made. That each and every Item (herein is believed to lie necessary for the proper transaction of the busi ness of the County, the protection of Its property and Interests and to be for the public welfare. That every expense estimated is In accordance with law, and Is a legitimate charge against the county. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, November 7th, 1918. (Signed) F. L. TOU VELLH, (Signed) GEO. W. OWEN. Attest: G. A. GARDNER, County Clerk. 46-2t Tuesday What would we do without the good old fall elections, to tell us that October Is over and Thanksgiving near at snd? And by the way, was your candidate elected? The kaiser suggests that he is quite willing to be president Of a German republic. "Nobody asked you, sir, she Bald," may be Germany's point of view. ' I Portland gets a marine paint fac tory, forging works and ship fitting works. ONE WEAK gPOT Many Ashland People Have Weak Part and Too Often It's the Hack Many people have a weak spot. Tod often it's a bad back. Twinges follow every sudden twist. Dull aching keeps up, day and night. Backache Is often from weak kid neys. In such case a kidney medicine Is needed. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. For backache and urinary ills Ashland people recommend tho remedy. Mrs. E. F. Wolters, 263 Mountain Ave., AHhland, says: "I have beeii taking Doan's Kidney Pills off anil on for a long time when I have felr. any need of a kidney medicine and they have never failed to give Rood results. I am subject to backache at times und my kidneys act Irregularly but Doan's soon remedy this trouble." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy aet Doan's Kidney Pills the samo that Mrs. Wolters had. Foster-Mll-burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Refined Powdered Sul phur Fertelizer Especially for Alfalfa. This Is the active element in Land Plaster or Gypsum and in this form costs less. Agricultural authorities agree that SULPHUR Is a much needed plant food and lasts more than one sea son. So get busy now; it is time to use it. We also have a supply of Nltrato of Soda the best of general fertilizers. ASHLAND FRUIT AND PRODUCE ASSOCIATION kpJJiiVdjieHtt.m Value 7.00 wSL A mJgi mWmWB. ftdaMll Profit S.25 ' . . Why Compare Beef and Coal Profits? Swift & Company has frequently stated that its profit on beef averages only one-fourth of a cent a pound, and hence has practically no effect on the price. Comparison has been made by the Federal Trade Commission of this profit with the profit on coal, and it has pointed out that anthracite coal operators are content with a profit of 25 cents a ton, whereas the beef profit of one-fourth of a cent a pound means a profit of $5.00 a ton. The comparison does not point out that anthracite coal at the seaboard is worth at wholesale about $7.00 a ton, whereas a ton of beef of fair quality is worth about $400.00 wholesale. ' To carry the comparison further, the 25 cent profit on coal is 36 per cent of the $7.00 value. The $5.00 profit on beef is only 14 per cent of the $400.00 value. The profit has little effect on price in either case, but has less effect on the price of beef than on the price of coal. Coal may be stored in the open air indefinitely; beef must be kept in expensive coolers because it is highly perishable and must be refrigerated. Coal is handled by the carload or ton; beef is delivered to retailers by the found or hundred weight Methods of handling are vastly different. Coal is handled in open cars; beef must be shipped in refrigerator cars at an even temperature. Fairness to the public, fairness to Swift & Company, fairness to the packing ' industry, demands that these indisputable facts be considered. It is impossible to disprove Swift & Company's statement, that its profits on beef are so small as to have practically no effect on prices. ' Swift & Company, U. S. A. Ashland Local Branch Q F. Crouch, Manager ,