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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1917)
-Mooday, April 2, 1017 A8HLAJTD TIDINGS PAGE THREW 0 8 ; There's competition in tenant 2 ; hunting--and your com- y petitors advertise J Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word lor each Insertion thereafter; 30 word or less $1 per month. No advertise ment Inserted for less than 26 cents. Classified ads are cash with order zoept to parties having ledger accounts with tbe office. PROFESSIONAL. Dr. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, . ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup- piled. Oculist and aurist for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofftce, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. Il-tt C. B. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Consulting and General Practice. Pioneer Building. Of fice with E. D. Brlggs. Ashland, Ore. DR ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to Eye,. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office hours, 10 to II and 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Ore. 73-tL CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Frank Jordan, general contracting. New and old work; cement walks, cemetery copings, brick, cement, woodwork, lathing and plastering, obMestone and general building contracts. 4-mo. CHAIR DOCTOR R. H Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relald and repaired, bedsprlngs restretched, .kiin wirari rnhhnr tires for baby window cleaning, house cleaning, and furniture packing done expertly. Call at 886 A mtrt nr nhnnA 408-R. l-tl CEO. T. WATSON, Painter and ra perhanger. Phone 202-R. 166 Ohio street. tI BUSCEUiANEOCS BILL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory St Bill posting and die ' trlbutlng. 64-tf CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Regu lar meetings first and third Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m. Mrs S. Patterson. Pres.; Mrs. Jen nie Faucett ureer. oec CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at f:0 p. m.. at the Auxiliary Hall. FOR SALE mSCELLAXEOrS OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAIL ROAD CO. GRANT LANDS Title to same revested in United States by act of congress dated June 9, 1916. Two million three hundred thousand acres to be opened for settlement and sale. Power site, timber and agricultural lands, con taining some of best land left in United States. Now is the oppor tune time. Large sectional map showing lands and description of soli climate, rainfall, elevations, etc., postpaid. $1. Grant Land Lo cating Co.. Box 610, Portland, Ore gon. ; lm. rOlTsALE Grain hay. L. J. Ed wards, Talent, Ore., phone H-f;1- 87-4t TOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One 7 H. P. electric motor and one Keogh centrifugal pump with suc tion pipe, belt, etc. Call on or ad dress L. A. Martin, R. 1, Rogue River, Ore.. 90"-1 FOR SALE A good six-hole range and other household furniture H. Easterly, 627 Terrace. 90-2t TOR SALE Smell safe, tables, shelv ing and show cases. Ashland Art Shop. 90'3t FOR RENT FOR RENT Eight-room house on Nursery street; acre ground, good garden. Rent cheap. Injure at 108 Nursery street, phone 2 80-K. " If you want to buy or sen any thing, try Tidings want aas. They ido the work. TOR "RENT Nicely furnished bod room with privato bath, hot and cold runnlns water, on first floor, $6 per month. F. . T'w,J5t6f North Main, phono 347-K. 89-tf TOR RENT Furnished rooms for housekeeping; three continuous rooms on first floor; cook stove heating stove and gas One block lrom business part of town, on pa cific Highway. $12.60 pay month. F J. Irwin, 166 North Main street phone 347-R. 8a'" FOUND FOUND A stickpin , containing an opal. Owner can have same by calling at the Tidings -office and paying W ANTED WANTED-Infants and children to board. Inquire 366 B street. Mjt WANTED Good business women to sell Nu Bone corsets in Ashlana and Grants Pass, Address Mrs. A. True Lundy, District Manager, Ho tel Medford, Medford, Ore.87-4t WANTED -Girl" for general house work. Phone 120. 80 3 Foul try, Pigeons, Birds, Etc. EGGS FOR SETTING H. H. Leav ltt's Barred Plymouth Rock eggs on sale at Plaza Grocery. Fifteen for 60o. 78-17t FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Leghorn cockerels. Suncrest Or- -V Am ntaATl R-F-ll. HA'Vl dial UB) " FOR SALE Eggs from t-jJ lng Rhode Island Reds. $1 per set-tine- also White Leghorns, pure Tancred strain. Mrs. W. D. Booth, 996 Oak street. Phone 291-R. 85-lmo. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Dandy little modern four-room bungalow with acre ot ground, so located as to go like hot cakes t subdivided for tourist bungalows. Will ell some good furniture to purchaser. Worth $2,000 or more. Will take $1,600 for quick sale. See Bert R. Greer, at Tidings office. FOR SALE One and a quarter acres of good ground, with two good modern houses and barn. Free wa ter for irrigation. Good fertile soil. A bargain If taken at once. Address L. R. H.. care Tidings. FOR SALE 4 acres 1 miles from Talent, on the Wagner creek road. For. particulars address J. Boyd Roblson or phone 7-F-23. 85-8t FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 1,000-pound mare, cheap. Patterson Orchard Co.. phone 304-J. 89- 4t LOST LOST Folding glasses In gunmetal case; and chain. $2 reward. Re turn to Tidings office. 89-3t FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE OR TRADE City proper ty on Main street, six blocks from center of town;. lot 75 feet front by 342 feet deep: modern nine-room house, birn and sheds; flno garden. Medford, Ore. What have you? For particulars call at Tidings of fice. , 83-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE $1,600 tquity in a well-located five acre home, one mile from Ashland post office. Good buildings, plenty water, on main road, fine view. Balance can bo paid at $15 per month. Want houso and lot close in to equal value. Might assume. Address F. B , care Tidings. 83-tf AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED for high-class household necessity. Liberal com mission. Rapid seller. Address Lacko Specialty Co., 1416 Folsom St., San Francisco. 85-4t-Thur. LEGAL NOTICES. STATEMENT OK THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., required by the Act of Con gress of August 24. 1912, of the Ashland Tidings, published semt weekly at Ashland, Ore., for April 1, 1917. State of Oregon, County of Jack son, ss. Before me, a notary public in and for the state and county afore said, personally appeared Bert R. Greer, who. having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he Is the business manager of the Ashland Tidings and that the following is. to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, embodied In section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, to wit: 1. Thnr the names and address es of tho publisher, editor, manag ing editor and business manager are: Publisher, Tho Ashland Print ing Company; editor, Bert H. Greer, Ashlnnd, Ore.; managing editor, Bert R. Greer. Ashland, Ore.; business manager, Bert R. Greer, Ashland, Ore. 2. That tho owner Is The Ash land Printing Company, Incorporat ed, of which the stockholders are: Bert R. Greer, Ashland, Ore.; Charles E. Harris, Tucsoni Ariz.; H. R. Ling, A3hland, Ore.; Harry H. Hall, Los Angeles, Cal.; Vivian Greer Ling, Ashland. Ore.; Durham Hall, Los Angeles, Cal. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or moro of, total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securi ties are: None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the bookB of the company, hut also, In cases where the stockholder or se curity holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting is given; also that tho said two para graphs contain statoments embrac ing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to tho circumstances and conditions under which stockhold ers and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the com pany as trustees, hold stock and se curities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has not. reason to believe that any othor person, association or corporation has any interest, dli rect o indirect, in the said Btock, bonds or other securities than as so stated by him. BERT R. GREER, Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of April, 1917. G. P. BILLINGS. Notary Public for the State of Ore gon. My commission expires June 11, 1920. niniit't High School Notes (By Lelth Abbott.) aaattt::ttmnmitawn:nn:a I Ashland Wins. The Ashland high freshmen team which defeated the Medford high team in the local gymnasium last week visited Medford Monday even ing for a return game. It was a hardf fought contest ending In a tie score when the final whistle blew. . . The Modfordites managed to annex . , , . . . . two baskets In the next fivu minutes j . . of p ay and thus a third game was v ' ,, . made necessary. G. M. Ruch accom - ,. nanied t ho m dgots to the alley me - tropolis. The third game was played 1 . . Thursday night in the high school gymnasium and resulted In an over whelming victory for the local team, the final scoro being in the neighbor hood of 40 to 6. The Ashland team consisted of such future hopes as Clyde Young, Dale Brown, Jimmy Ulair, "Meek" Bryant, Walter Jones and Rilling Schuorman. . "Hobby" Party. Louise Gillette entertained a num 1 Here Wlir UTimm JJmna " late flannels, hikers, bellhops, au thors, musicians, baseball and basket ball players and innumerable other novel features. The only male who got "Inside dopo" on the occasion was Harley Holmes, staff photographer for Tho Rogue, who appeared at a late hour In time to.get a few flash light pictures of the group. Those present were the Misses Grace Bess, Fern Murphy, Laura Wiley, Gladys Good, Alta Scott, Bernlce Finley, Ger trude Moore, Ruth Hadley, Agnes Hedberg, Dorothy Jones, Emma Koehler, Myrtle Conwell, Prlscllla Camahan, Cora Divct. Edith Moody, Marjorie Gilletto, Mate Skeene, Ern estine Hicks, Eva Disny, Elizabeth Flnneran and Bernlce Myer. V. M. C. A. Man Talks. Mr. T. B. Rhodes, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. for several of the north west states, and one of y the best known Y. M. C. A. workers on the coast, addressed the students Mon day morning. Mr. Rhodes Is an old college friend of Principal Moore. He gave a short, forceful, well-illustrated talk on tho requisites at a man's life on the moial side, and made his tallf very Interesting to the students. Oratory Program. The oratory class had a most enjoy- able session Monday morning in the, gymnasium. Tho program consisted of. Limericks on the class members. Doris Taverner A vocal doolt 1 Finnemn and L. Abbott Talk Emma Koehler A real vocal duet Mae Skeene and Grace Boss Reading Bernlce Myers A talk In Spanish. . .Amelia Esparza The oratory class members start next Wednesday with their talks iu front of the assembly room. Bnsketers Ki.tertained. Miss Moffit, ccach of the girls ath- Bnsketers Entertained IXHIIBO UlllUUO emeimiiiru a num- i ber of he,- girl friends at her home i This will interest you. as It shows on Graham street Saturdav evening. ! at s"me of r '"" P,1"dren The party was very different from doiB lhe characters they are the ordinary run of birthday parties forming by the aid of Chris Ian asso . . ,,, ,,.,, elation workers. B. V. P. U. at 6:30 and reports show that th?y enjoyed , .... , .. . .i, Ti, P. m; The Signi'flcanee of Easter. "stagging" the party very n.uch. The ,i . . ,,, ! Even ng worsh p at 7 30; theme. "Me guests all came arrayed In a costume s v ... .j h.i.i. - Us Risen." Prayer meeting Wedens- which represented their , hobby. , tj day at 7:30 p. ra. These meetings JIany unique costumes were on hand. u , ., ... . ' , . lare interesting. Como with uh. ' for tho missing coldness. It was soon ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF, found, however, In a hidden nook SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In where. it had been deposited by an the County Court in and torthe otiier teacher to keep It from the bun County of Jackson, State af Ore-, drcBd(ul nlgn gOQ ' In the matter af the Estate of j school boys." Those present were Mrs. Franc Brlggs, deceased. the Misses Alico Hast, Jessie In- Notlce is hereby given tnat ine itoralpned. Herbert E. BrlRgs, the undersigned. Herbert E. Brlggs, the Administrator of the estate ot Mrs. Franc Brlggs, deceased, will, under and by virtue of an order made and dated March 29th, 1917, by the Hon. F. L. Tou Voile, judge ot theHon. F.L.TOU ve.e uogeo. sal a court, iroui nuu unci mo of May 1917. proceed to sell, at pnlvato sale, on the premises, for cash, the real property bounded and described as folows, to-wu. Beginning at a point whicn is j. .a 7 m3 SOUin U Ueg. Ill unai. ' "":'"'" - . n f .1 J4nln ail at I.. . . I , ., t V. a alAtlA Q fTA reet, ana norm on ubr. ii " 12.6 feet from the point of inter- section of the west side-line of Do-1 nnUnn Land Claim No. l, in township 39 south of range 1 east of. the W. M. in tho city of Ashland, county df Jackson, state of Oregon,, with the south sideline of "B" or Spring street in said city, said point of beginning being on the west sldo-llne of tho present location of Flirst street, as per change In said street, made in 1911, thence north 5 deg. 51 mln east along said west line of First street 32.5 feet; thence north 84 deg. 19 mln. west 74.7 feet; thence south 23 deg. 26 mln. west 55.4 feet; thence north 79 deg 30 mln. east 59.1 feet, and thence north 89 deg. 43 mln east 35.2 feet to the place of beginning. Subject to a right for an ease ment along tho north side of said lot six feet In width, when used with a llko six-foot strip off the adjoining land in the north. Such sale to bo also subject to the right qf courtesy of the hus band of the deceased. Such sale is also to be subject to the approval of said court. First publication, April 5th, 1917. HERBERT E. BRIGGS. 91-4t-Thur. Administrator. I fttttttttttr I AT THE CHIMES First Church of ClirlHt, Scientist. Pioneer avenue south, Sunday service at 11 o'clock.' Subject of les son sermon, "Unreality." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Wednesday evening meotU'g at 8 o'clock. Read ing room open from 2" to 4 daily ex cept Sundays and holidays. rintt Brethren C hurch. ! Owing to the pastor being In at- . ' , tendance at the Northern California I Conference of Brethren Churches, the ; . . pulpit will be filled on Sunday by Dr. 1; ' ' ' .. ' . ' , Praver moetlne Thursday even ne n Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Sundav school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Come and enjoy these services with US.) C. E. Johnson, patsor. Itaptist Church. Bilile school at 9:45; "The Light of the World Is Jesus." Following the lesson, an Easter program will be rendered, commending at 11 a. m. The pastor will supply the pulpit of the First Bapt'st church in Medford next Lord's day morning. if. John Vine, pastor. Nazarene Church. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11. Brother Bliss will be in charge. Y. P. H. L. at 7; topic, ,"How Does Worldllness Conflict With Spirituality?" Evening service In charge of W. H. Ashcraft. Mid-week prayer meeting at Thornton residence, 192 Mechanic Dtreet, at 2:30. Sun day was a great day with us. In the "Hallelujah Mp.rch" for the publish ing house, $70 in cash was laid on the table. This was $2 more than our apportionment. Four members were taken Into the church on profes sion. Greater things to come. You are invited to .11 our services. Dor man I). Edwards, pastor. Congregational (liurcli. G. Southwoll Brett, minister. Special Easter services next Sunday, morning and evening. In the morn ing Mr. Brett will give a special ad dress on "W a Man Die, Sliall He Livo Again?" In the evening the can tata, "Voices From the Garden," will be rendered by the children of the Sunday school. Kvcrybody welcome Trinity Episcopal Church. Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond. ! Services for Easter Sunday: Holy j communion at 6:30 and 7:30 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45. Holy com- letics, entertained the girls' baskot- j ball team at tho home or H. J. Boyd, ' on Alida street, Friday evening. The evening was spent In merry games and was brought to a climax when the Ice cream freezer came up miss ing. Visions of an empty stomach lsoon cauRod the red and white champs neighborhood In search g u M MathR8, Bernlce . . , ,,.. Finley, Claire Tucaer, iaocii wmsuu, Grace Bess and Helon Van Dyke. Teacher Talks, G. M. Ruch of the science depart lnterostlng. ,llu3- - - 'trated talk In the gymnasJnm Wed- nesdav morning. His taik was on "Birds." and he had a larga collection of stereopticon views to illustrate his tniir w to; Alt oh the transforma iion or me oiru urum m tQ the egont day and ai80 talked . .n,a n, Mrd9 found on the coast Tho girls' glee club rendered sevoral solectlom. of music as a prelude to the morning's enter tainment. Reid Harrell and Aubrey "Doc" Furry, members of the science class and two of the host known athletes in school. gave up their school duties for a position in the Weed lumber camps, and left for their new occupa tion Tuesday morning. , Gerald Gunter, a graduate of last year's class, Is now taking post-graduate work In the commercial depart ment now. - Track Man Quits. Burton WInne, one ot Ashland high's best track men, one of Ash land high's championship relay team last year and one ot the school's rep resentatives at the state meet last year, had to give up track work Thursday on account of a dilated heart. His departure Is a damaging blow to this year's track hopes. Fewer Eggs are required with L In many recipes the number of eggs may be reduced with excellent results by using an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, for each egg omitted. The following recipe is a practical example: Chocolate Sponge Roll 1H eupt Hour H lewvpoon mlt 1 cup lugar t'.f 2 u.uur melted chocolata The old method called (or 4 ft and no baking powder DIRECTIONS Sift flour, baking powder and salt together thre times. Btat whole ecga. Add slowly sugar, then boiling water slowly; add next vanilla, melted chocolate and melted shortening, uithout beating. Sift in dry ingredients, and fold in as lightly as possible. Pour Into large baking pan lined with oiled paper, and bake in slow oven twenty minutes. When done, turn out on a damp, hot cloth, spread with white icing and roll. Booklet ol recipes which economlre In eggi and other eipeusivo ingredient mulled liee. AdJiei ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO. 135 William St., New York munlon and sermon at 11. Evening sorvico at 7:30. Strangers and visit ors cordially welcomed. , State Fair Prizes Will Total $28,000 At the meeting ot the state fair board held at Salem Saturday after noon, it was decided that the pre miums for the 1917 fair should be $28,000, which Is $4,500 more than the premiums for last year. Of this large amount, $17,500 comes from appropriations by the legislature. The remainder comes from gate receipts and from the concessions. The total premiums for the county agricultural exhibits was fixed at $S,000, which is an Increase of about $2,000. The Increase goes for larger j premiums on sheep, swine and dairy I cattle. On account of difficulty last j year in the goat section, no premiums I will be given them this year. On account of there being little competi tion on Dorset sheep and Esslck swine the premiums on these breeds were eliminated. Tho board added $2,500 from Its fund to the $4,000 appropriated by the legislature for the purpose of connecting the fair grounds with the Salem water system. For the accommodation of the pub lic the board decided to install 73 patent lavatories, eight more water fountains. Fire hydrants will be placed In tho principal buildings and all facilities for protection and safe ty improved. , There was some question as to j whether or not the horso show will J be held this year or not. The matter i was not decided at this meeting. Beans From Japan Invade America Four solid tralnloads of beans from the Orient, valued at over a million dollars and constituting the largest single movement of. this commodity ever coming to the united states, have arrived In San Francisco to be trans-shipped by the Western Import Company to eastern markets. The Southern Pacific has already started one train of twenty-nine cars over its Ogden route to New York. Three others will bo roqulred for a total shipment which amounts to 65,000 bags. THE tJW smoothest Smoking tomoco mr L 3111 writ. as much of it as you T,rrr. i ti, want. A mild tobacco that's hardest 0l.t,n na; oniy 118 to gain, usually mildness to recom- lasts the longest, mend it. The harder it is VELVET combines to please yo' to- mildness and flavor in bacco taste, the 6ucn a way you can longer you will 6moke all you want, and stick to Velvet. want all you smoke. BAKING POWDER 2 tnbledpoont melted ehorttntnf $4 cup hot water 1 teenpoon vanilla 2tejiftpoona Royal Baking Powder The consignment is being handled by tho Western Import Company, which has been working tor the last seven years to Introduce them in Amerca. They were brought here from Japan on the steamship Kotsu Maru. The beans are of all varieties and their appearanco here is one of the new developments that tho European war has brought in this country. The Gamhrlnus brewery plant at Portland Is to be utilized by a large milk, cream and butter syndicate. McMinnvllle has voted $90,000 bonds to improve the city water works. Farmers have organized to build a $30,000 grain warehouse at Dufur, Ore. PURE BLOOD. Twenty-four hours afUr yon start to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, poimiiKius matter and blood impurities begin to leave your body tliroitti the diminutive oigans. It. Iiriiins new activity tc the liver, etnmaeli anil bowels in a short time, thus rausing sallowness, indigestion and constipation to disappear. It enters the tiny blond vessels of the skin, bringing witli it fresh vita lized blond; ami abiding faith in its w underfill cleansing power has come to thousands, when pimples, boils, car buncles, rush, eczema, acne and other skin troubles dried up und disap peared. (Iimil blood means good health; good health means strong men anil women, full of vigor and ambition, with mind alert and muscles ever willing. Any medicine dealer will supply vmi with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in either liquid or tablet form. Re member it is not a patent medicine for its ingredients are printed on the wrap per. It's a pure glyceric extract of roots, made without aluohol. Write to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y,, for free booklet on blood. Kick people are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. OREGON PEOPLE. Astoria, Oregon. "My blood was bad for a long time and I was all run-down, had severe headaches, was nervous and tired all the time. After trying different remedies without get ting any better, I decided to try Dr. Pierce's remedies. I took the 'Uoldou Medical Discovery and the 'Favorite Prescription' according to directions and was restored to perfect health. I can conscientiously recommend them." Mrs. C. O. Messenger, 17U3 Duaue Street. A STRONG tobacco mav hnvp Ints 111 T a- wr nf fiavor kllt 01 llav?r b"1