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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1917)
Thursday, April S, 10 IT paoe Font organization stands pledged to con tinue in Its work of caring for tho Chautauqua grounds proper, and will use Its heat endeavors In promoting the new building operations, labors along practical lines in. tho encour agement of which the ladles ovef lend a helping hand. Faster at Presbyterian Church The Presbyterian Sunday school will give tho Eastor service, "The Living Christ" at 10:45 a. m. next Sunday. The school will be assisted by tho church choir. The Presbyter ian choir will render an Easter song service at 7:30 Sunday evening. 0 APHLAN1) TWIN08 Vining Theatre Attractions TODAY William Desmond and Dorothy Dalton in "A Gamble of Souls" Fatty Afffetfclde in "Fatty and the Broadway Stars" Big Keystone Comedy Production FRIDAY Robt. Connes and Mabel Trunnelle in THE MARTYRDOM of PHILLIP STRONG' by Chas. M. Sheldon. Mutual Weekly, latest current events SATURDAY Mae Marsh and Robt. Harron in The Wharl Rat," Triangle "Fine Arts" Production. Also a big Keystone Comedy Production Wfrthmosv Wasts most be Good EVERY Wirtlmior Waist carries with it a broad sweeping unconditional guar antee that it will give eniire satisfaction. Satisfactory wear peifection in fit newness of style and goodness of fabric is get in every Wirthmor $1.00 Waist Only the economies of the plan under which they are made and sold makes this possible and only in the Wirthmor are such values obtainable. New Spring Models on Sale Tomorrow Sold in fast one good Store in every city. The Bttsy Store FERGUSON'S, The Bargain Store In the Social Realm it Ohsrrve Anniversary. The sixty-ninth anniversary of Modern Spiritualism was observed at the rcsidenco of Mrs. Dora Young on Granite street Sunday, April 1. Refreshments were served at noon and at 1:30 a program was opened with music, followed by several good rend'ngs and a fino lecture by Mr. Breese of Talent, which was much enjoyed by all. Those present were: Hosdames W. E. Price. Inez Ferguson and Agor and Miss Clara Grimm of Central Point, Mr., and Mrs. D. A. Wood, Messrs. J. A. Smith and L. L. Graves, Mesdames Josephine J. Clark, Robert Ream, Ada M. Judson, H. L. 1-eech and A. D. Llttlo and Misses Goraldlne Thelss. Florence Graves and Ethel Lonsdale of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, Mesdames S. Coleman, Efflo Seaman, Lucy Ter rell and Llzzio Rocson and Messrs. W. II. Mntteson, V, H. Breese and Wlliam Breese, and Misses Ruth Gar- Gregg, Mrs. William Hevener and Mrs. D. Perozzi will assist the hostess. All members and strangers in tho church cordially Invited. Visits. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newman of the Miravlsta orchards near Medford were visitors at the maternal home of Mrs. Leah Cnldwcll, on Laurel street, Saturday evening, on which occasion a number of friends were invited to while the timo away In a delightful reunion. Mrs. Newman was formerly Miss Beulah Caldwell a popular teacher In the West school. JJJJ the order, of which he is master of accounts in the Oregon jurisdiction. The local homestead has a member ship of thirty, and Is a representa tive of Yeoman affiliations, which af ford insurance benefits among the fraternal "orders. Valley hxlircnirn Will Visit. Ashland lodge of Masons will con- Easter Cantata. t The Congregational Sunday school will give "Voices From the Garden," an Easter cantata, on Easter Sunday evening at 7:30. This cantata con tains the story of the resurrection as Nature knows It. The following are the musical numbers: Preludo. Song by school, "Joy Will Come." "Angel Song," six girls. "Song of tho Streamlets," chorus,. "Song of the Lilies," ten girls. "Round Ten Thousand Altars Swelling," school. "Bird Song," solo. "Song of Violets and Daffodils,',' fy the third degree on Thursday ten of primary. evening, April 12. This announce-! "Song By tho Spring Breezes," trio, ment is or no particular significance J "Song By tho Rustling Trees," ten except Tor the fact that the work! boys. will be done by a team of past mas-1 Closing song, "We Thank Thee.. O ters, and assignments have been , Father." 'n, Carrlo Hull and Alma Breose of 'ma,,, accordingly. Tin lodges at. Talent, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Carlcton, Medford, Central Point, Jacksonville J. P. Sayles and L. E. Payne, Mes- nn(v Grants Pass have been Invited I, dames M. .1. Goodyear, Elva Rouse, (0 attend, and tho gathering promises J. L. Wilcox, Martha Snyder, Evelyn t0 ,e one 0f more than ordinary rou Eaton, C. V. McKIItb. Mary MacknVll, ti,le an,i 80C!al Interest. O. West, Cj M. Million. George Rob- , tnson, L. J. Orros, E. I). Merrill and 1 Attends State Conclave. H. B. Reynolds, Misses Anderson,. -. h. Gowdy, correspondent of Nellie Culy, lyn Turner. I You owe it to yourself to see the $IS.."0 pedals before Saturday ninlit at HIKES' TAILOR SlIOl". Methodist Church North Main end Laurel streets. llonnice Jennings. Eve- ;ranito city Honxptead .No. 40G7, ;tastor muslc nnu M8ler so,raon al, rene Wilcox, Lena Rey- nrotiioriioo.1 of American Yeomen,;11 m- Eastcr "ercises by the ui Minn n.iH r. a Thnrne. -.. n..i,. n,n fit f ho i Sunday school at 7 : 30 p. m. Easter and Masters Nathan Gale, Clyde wepk t0 attend a state conclave of Sunday Is tho day cf great joy. Go Young. Jimmy Kous and Dale Young , ... I church :and participate In the wor- chin nr I lint rtnv of Ashland. Teacup Club. The Teacup Club will mwt Friday, . April 10, at the home of Mrs. G. A. t Rrlscoe, 913 Boulevard. Mrs. F. S. Engle, Mrs. George Eubnnks, Mrs. Dr. Mrs. Lundy NEW-BONE CORSETS Medford Hotel Ashland, The Austin rVTTTTT I'T'I T I Park Hub Elects. The Chautauqua Park Club at a regular meeting last Friday elected Mrs. Snrnh Patterson president and Mrs. Marietta Mailt secretary. Tho Painting m Decorating Does Your House ) Need Painting Consider this from the Stand point oi Economy and Beauty To repair a house unpro tected by paint costs five times as much as the paint. However ' beautiful vour surroundings the effect is spoiled if your building need paint. It is a certain- ty that you can buy paint cneaper now man yuu uau m ic v uuuihuk, ti. Umcc .;n .cf nniv a ftw Hi-tllarn more than when naint was at its cheapest. Measure your house and let us figure witn you the approximate cost. Firm visit nave a are a8SOrtment f tne latest patterns'. I 2PP In no other line can you get the same results for UJr such a small outlay. Let us show you these beau tiful patterns. You can paper your rooms lor $1.15 up. Our new books of special designs have arrived and we invite you to call and see them. We carry a full line of everything needed to paint and decorate your houses, barns, buggies, automobiles, etc. Wall Wm. 0. DICIEKSON u Five More Dances. The Eleven O'clock Club has de cided to extend their dancing series, the ten fortnightly dances Included In original plans having been greatly enjoyed, five more dances are planned. The Ladles Ai of the Congrega tional church will hold a bazaar in the Sunday school room of the church Wednesday, April 11. Fancy work, aprons, candy and popcorn booths. Tea and wafers served. '91-2t S. Z. The S. Z. club girls held a jolly "pot-luck" supper in Dr. Hawley's recreation room Thursday night, with Miss Freda Butterfiehi as hostess. Members in attendance were the Misses Murree Holmes, Agnes Hed lierg, Laura AVlloy and Irene Erick son. Plans were perfected for a pro gressive initiation Thursday night of next week, when six young ladies will be taken Into the organization and the club roster will bo complete. Auxiliary The regular meeting of the auxili ary will be held Monday night at Auxiliary hall, with Mesdames Cyes ter, George Cycster and Louis Schwein, and the Misses Gertrude Biede and Emma Joorfetz as hostesses. Calantha The Calantha club members enter tained the members of their families at an enyoyablo evening affair at the Sam McNalr home on High street, Friday evening. Supper was served box social style, each lady bringing luncfi for two. The boxes were deliv ered to the gentlemen by means of a clover adaptation of the popular "spi der web" game. Those In attendance were Messrs. and Mesdames Saun ders, John Patty. L. A. Roberts, H. J. Boyd and son Holdom, Mesdames H C. Stock. Charles Hargadine and J. R. Casey, tho Misses Heleno Biede, Holeno Casey, Mary Virginia Harga dine, Gertrude Bicdr, Maud Hawley. Esther and Ruth Potty, Messrs. , I. Detwilor and Raymond Smith. Civic Club Next Tuesday, at 2:30 the Civic club will hold Its regular meeting at Auxiliary hall. Following the business meeting there will be a ten minute patriotic talk to the mothers and sweethearts of the Aahland artil lerymen by Captain Don M Spencer. The home economics department will discuss the problem of laundering clothes. Everyono Is invited to tell of an way to perform the hard task of washing. In the social hour Mrs. P. B. Whitney will demonstrate mayonnaise, which will 1 served with salad to everyone present by tho following hostesses, Mesdames C. B. Lamkin, E. N. Butler and E.. D. Briggs. Everybody if; invited to come and bring a neighbor or friend. ' Friends at Dinner Friday evening Mlr.s Laura Wenner entertained a half dozen of her girl friends at dinner. Tho guests found their places at tho table by means of dainty Eastor place cards. Wh'le the zlrls were doing justice to the last course, the lights were turned out and the light during the remainder of the meal was from candles which were at the pbC3 of each guest. The remainder of tho evening was spent at the Vinlng where tho girls en joyed the program given by the hyp notist. Th3 Invited guests were Misses Dorothy Carnahan, Wilma Chattin, Marjori.c Douglass, Zelda Herr, Edith Herrln and Violetta Wll-llson Fvery Week Mrs.'H. Galoy was hostess to the members of the Every Week club at an afternoon of bridge. Thursday. Mrs., A. W. Boslough made the high est score. Mesdames E. V. Carter and Staurt 3pundeis were- Invited guests. Chicken Dinner At the Boulevard home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sbelton, on Tuesday, April 3, a most delicious chicken din nor was served by Mr and Mrs. Shel ton. assisted by Mrs. Shelton's moth er, Mrs. Tryor, and daughters Delor! and Helen. The dinner was for tho pleasure of Mrs. Shelton's brother, G. I. Shelton. and his sister, Mrs. F. D. Yarbough. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Yarbough, Clitford Yar bough, C. G. Yarbough and Miss Ag MacAMsLir, besides tho host and hostess and family. A pleasant day of remlnlsences wrs enjoyed and an other added to future stores of rem inlsceiises by the most excellent din-nor. At Bauta Ana. The following from a Santa Ana, Cal. newspaper may be of Interest to Ashland friends of Mrs. J. Ar Har vey who moved to Santa' Ana about three years ago: Mrs. J. A. Harvey entertained the members of the Past Matron's asso ciation, O. E. S, In a charming man ner yesterday afternoon at Jamos' gold room, this being one of the most delightful meotlngn of the year. Calla lilies and ferns wor used .in profus ion for decoration nd tho vlctrola rendered sweet music throughout the afternoon. A pleasant roclal session followed, while tho ladies were busy with their fancy work. An elaborate two-courso collation was served at the close of the after noon, six small tables being used for that purpose, at' which ail of tho ap pointments wore In the club colors of green and white, also appropriate to the season of good old St. .Patrick. Each table was centered by a da'n ty crocheted basket of white, filled with sweet aly:;sum and maiden hair fern and surrounded by mints of green rnd white. A fluffy bow of delicate tulle adorned the handle of each basket and the pretty nut cups were also of gren and white, the same colors being carried out In the dainty refreshments. The hostess, Mrs. Harvey, Is a past worthy matron of Alpha Chapter No. 1, of Ashland, Oregon, having served that chapter as matron in 1911. measles, war or tho high cost of liv ing will surely have a right to a few tears, because it Is going to be a grand good time and ono which no one should miss. Honor Guard. The Honor Guard girls are re quested to meet at the armory at 7:15 next Sunday evening to attend the Christian church with the Coast Artillery company. I SE MANY GUI'S DESPITE WINTER. ? City Engineer Walker report- ed at Tuesday's council meeting that during the three winter 3- months just passed he had col- lected $60 from the cup-vending ?machlnes at the mineral water ' fountains. Considering that the v three past months have been $ extremely disagreeable, this amount Is surprisingly large and ' may be taken as an Indication of tho substantial returns which can be expetced during the sum- mer. Mr. Walker has turned ? the keys to the venders over to 4 the park commission, who will receive the cup machine returns and apply them to their work. Join the army of i!(M yr more and fight the bl(.'b price of woolens. I'nderstand? ORItES' TAILOR SHOP. Cllf Payne makes porch swings. May Hall. "May bawl" would be a very ap propriate name for tho big dance which (he Auxiliary ladles will stage on Friday, May 4, for the lover a? things tcrpsichorean who t kept away from tho coming affair by The Loveland School for Dancing' All the Latest Modern Rallroom Dances Class and Private Instruction Phone 170 B Memorial Hall i..uiimuii umil it t . i -V Have Your Clothes Hade at Home Tailoring for Hen and Women John for Clothes John the Tailor A Fit or No Sale Cleaning and Pressing Hills-KcCall Bids;. Room Six bM'Ip - - J Building Resources WrHILE the community of Ashland pos y sesses latent resources of unlimited scope, the development of these, together with the intere-ts of individual and indusiry may be best accomplished through a spirit of conservation and prorre8fiveness, -Roth of these are shown in -the practice of careful saving and judicious spend ing ty the people of this locality. A bank account, and the backing a bank account gains for you at The First National Bank, should prove ol help In 'your inter ests, and community interests. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASHLAND J OREGON E.V.CARTER.. President C.H.VAU PEL. Vict Pies. J W.M'-CCjy. CJASHITR. t-LAVK BUSH ASWCASH.