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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1916)
TPAGE XKBf nndX, December 14, 191 Belleview Notes KBy the Language Classos of Belle , Tlew School.) Mrs. C. E. Gray and eon Marshall Returned home Thursday from east ern Oregon, where they were called a month ago an account of the illness tof Mrs. Gray's mother at Baker City Mrs. King is reported among those (disabled with colds. Fred Schneider butchered for both himself and J. E. Gowland Wednes day. W. L. Moore hauled hay Thursday from Austin Lowe's. Rufus King was down at Charlei Holmes' Thursday. Wilbur Beagle has the grip. L. D. Mann, who has been staying &t Mr. Former's, expects to move into town soon. Mr. Swartzfager butchered his pigs Friday. Llllle and Daisy Phelps visited the W. A. York family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moore and sons Ray and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bwartsfager and children ate Thanks-1 Mann, is sick. giving dinner with the C. A. Jenson family. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moore and sons were in town Friday. Ray and Roy visited thtlr new cousin, the Dennis baby, born December 2. Mr. and Mrs. Graves and family, Mr. and Mrs. Buyers took Thanksgiv ing dinner with the Coopers. Mr. C. G. Swartzfager bought four pips from Mr. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shaw, Mrs. Emma D. Smith and son Edward, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. York took dinner Thursday with F. W. Shaw of Ashland. Miss Bessie Homes, who teaches the Upper Soda Springs school, spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday with her parents. Mrs. C. R. Moore, MIhs Cecil and Clyde visited the Henry family, who live on the Dead Indian road, Friday. Miss Cecil spent Friday night with Miss Louise Henry. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Swartzfager and family visited Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Swartzfager's mother, Sunday after noon. Mrs. Grimsley's sister from Talent spent Thanksgiving with the Grims ley family. Newton Davis, a brother of Elbert Davis, expects to occupy, in the near future, the house vacated by Mr. Tay lor. Mrs. W. L. Moore is reported on the sick list. W. A. Phelps had business in Ash land Thursday. Charles Harris had the misfortune to lose his overcoat somewhere along the highway. Miss Ava Mann, daughter of L. D. You Should Know ."Guessing is good only when it tits." You avoid guessing when you use a checking account at this bank. You KNOW exactly what you have received and what you have paid out and have the best kind of a receipt for every dollar. Try it we assure you of courte ous treatment. Mr. Hunter spent Thursday even ing with Mr .and Mrs. Murray and Friday with Mr. Frank Snyder's. Charles Swartzfager was plowing Friday morning. Who says this is winter weather? Through the neglect and careless ness of Mrs. Hunter, or from some other cause, about two thousand feet of copper wire was taken from his electric light wire while J. B. Hunter was absent in Canada. F. W. York, not to be outdone, has the grippe. Charles Swartzfager and family visited -Mrs. Rogers In Ashland last Sunday. Mr. John Beagle was an Ashland visitor Thursday. Weak" Women I An Oregon Woman Testifies., Lenta, Oregon. "When I was goin through the critical time of middle life, I took several bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and it helped me wonderfully. I cannot say enough in favor of this medicine. Have also used the ' Golden Medical Discovery ' in my home for many years for many different ailments." Mrs. Ella Harold. Lents, Oregon. At the first symptoms of any de rangement of the feminine organism at any period of life, the one safe, really helpful remedy is Dr. 'Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Tens of thousands of women have taken it with unfailing success for diseases of a womanly nature. Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription is a true friend to women in times of trial and at times of pain when the organs are not performing their func tions. For headache, backache, hot Hashes, catarrhal condition, bearing down sensation, mental depression, dizziness, fainting spells, lassitude ana exhaustion, women should never fail to take this tried and true medicine. Prepared from nature's roots and herbs, it contains no alcohol or nar cotic, nor any harmful ingredient. Sold in either tablet or liquid form. If your dealer does not keep the sugar coated tablets, send fifty cents (in stamps) for small box, or $1.00 in currency for a large box. Write Doctor Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., to-day. I'M page book on. woman's diseases sent free. MllHHMMHIHMMj Announcements (Paid advertisements.) For Mayor. Having beon uiged for some time by many friends, who would not take no for an answer, I have decided to make the race for mayor of Ashland, and hereby announce mysolf as a candidate, subject to the will of the people at the city election to be held December 19. C. B. LAM KIN. IHHMIMMHIHtHIHIHI t Mill IIUHItlltttHHItf John B. Wlmer, candidate for city recorder. A commercial graduate from the Ashland Normal School and the Capital Business College at Salem, with fifteen years' practical business experience, including the past twenty months in the Ashland police department, and being closely connected with the recorder's office, assures you, if elected, an efficient, economical, impartial administration both as recorder and police Judge. First National Bank ASHLAND, ORKGOX. Old it National Bank In Jackson County By Overloading All May Ride According to the "dope," If you know eighteen people you ought to have a friend upon whom you can count for an automobile ride. The state of Oregon now houses one automobile for every group of twenty-five residents, bb compared with a latlo of one car for every thirty-three people a year ago. The total registration for the 1916 Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little Liver Pills. These tiny, sugar-coated, anti-bilious granules the smallest and the easiest to take. Ono little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. series Is 33, 90S, according to figures compiled last week by M. 0. Wllklns, publisher of the Automobile Record and president-manager of the Deal ers' Motor Car Association of Oregon. For the 1915 series there were only 23,585 cars, the gain for this year being more than 10,000 cars, or 44 per cent. Only ten states in the Union have as many or more cars in proportion to population. Jackson county ranks fourth in the state in number of cars owned. There are 1,497 cars in the county, an increase of 378 over last year. Figurign the population of the county at between 26,000 and 27,000, one person in every eighteen in this county owns a car. Eighteen people can be loaded on almost any car in a pinch. Everybody in Jackson coun ty could be carried on the cars in the county. I wish to announce to the voters of Ashland that I am a candidate for the office of City Recorder. At the time I came west I was serving a term in a capacity similar to our office of recorder. If elected I expect to look after the city's interest in every particular. I solicit your support. Very truly yours, 39-tf C. L. CUNNINGHAM, v I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of City Re corder at the coming election in De cember. W. H. GOWDY. 39-tt Candidate for Recorder. I am a candidate for City Recorder at the election to be held December 19. Have lived in Ashland over twenty years, was City t Treasurer four years, and have had an active business experience of twenty-two years, including banking and many methods of bookkeeping. I believe I am qualified to serve the city faith fully and well, and I will appreciate the votes and influence of all the people of Ashland. HENRY C. GALEY. For City Recorder. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of City Re corder at the coming city election. I Useful Gifts Japanese Baskets Trunks, Hand Bags Jardenieres, Dining Room Sets, Writing I Desks, Furniture of all kinds. Make your money count this Christmas j i t Furniture is the most appre ciated gilt in any home. See this display at mm I in HMIIIMtHIMHIMMHHIHHHIIIHUtmmH have had sufficient clerical and edu cational training to prepare me for the work. If elected I shall serve the people to the best of my ab'llty. R. P. CAMPBELL. For Councilman. I hereby announce myself as can-v dldate for councilman from the third ward at the coming election. I stand for a progressive yet conserva tive administration of city affairs, and respectfully solicit your support. A. L. LAMB. Councilman Second Ward. I hereby announce my candidacy for councilman in the Second ward. If elected I shall stand for a clean Ashland and for a conservative yet progressive business administration for the city, JOHN H. DILL. NEAREST TO EVERYTHING Hotel' Manx San Francisco 'PowellStMOfocrctr Oregonians Head quarters while in ' San Francisco- .moderate rates "Meet me at the Manx Management of Chester W. Kellcy Running distilled ice water in every rnntM. rtjvt! itfm- tion i!iven to adiet '&5JZ I If WHAT? WHY FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY Pictures and Frames j Christmas Cards. Special cut of from 10 to 25 j from our Sale prices. All IMecedl Any Christmas Greeting' Card in the store ? 5 Cents PRICES CUT ON EVERYTHING BIG CLOSING OUT SALE F. H. MANN & COMPANY In. i. ill . iJMiLiiin ! vm-ui immmgwmaMgwM.MHm-mimi - - i 1 1 i i 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 m 1 1