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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1916)
Thursday, December 14, 1016 i ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE NIXB Timely classified advertising will Keep any good boarding house on 8 a a paying basis. x Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 80 words or less $1 per mouth. No advertise ment inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order xoept to parties having ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL. DR. F. A. HALL Dentistry and all 1U branches. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Ore. Phone 167. 5-tf DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, uose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurist for S. P. R. R. Offices. M. B and H. Bldg., ' opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 567. l-tf C. B. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Consulting and General Practice. Pioneer Building. Of fice with E. D. Briggs. Ashland, Ore. DR-ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. Ore. 73-tf . DRS. SAWYER AND ANDERSON. Osteopathic physicians. Women's and children's diseases a specialty. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 4. Calls answered day or night. Office phone 208, residence phone 267-R. Pioneer Bldg., Ashland. Ore. 85-tt CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Frank Jordan, general contracting. New and old work; cement walks, cemetery copings, brick, cement, woodwork, lathing and plastering, cobblestone and general building contracts. 4-12mo. CHAIR DOCTOR R. II Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relaid and repaired, bedsprings restretched, chairs wired, rubber tires for baby buggies, window cleaning, house cleaning, and furniture packing done expertly. Call at 386 A street or phone 403-R. 91-tf DR. G. R. UTTERBACK The Chiro practor and Nerve Specialist. All functions of the body are controlled by nerves. Electric, cabinet and spray baths in connection. Office at residence, 108 Pioneer avenue, opposite Hotel Austin annex. 18-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa perhangor. Phone 202-R. 166 flhln street. 40-tf MISCELLAXEOCB BILL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory St. Bill posting and dlt- tributing. L rHAIITAUOUA PARK CLUB. Regu lar meetings first and third Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m, Mrs S. Patterson. Pres.: Mrs. Jen ' nie Faucett Greer, Sec. civic IMPROVEJiTENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second, and fourth Tuesdavs of each nijnth at 2:30 p. m at the Carnegie Library lec ture room. ' MONEY TO LOAN Mortgage Com pany Holland-America has plenty of money to lend on good farru security. Isaac Best, agent, Grants Pass, Ore. FOR RENT FOR RENT Six-room house at 366 Granite street. Large lot. $6 per month. Inquire at Tidings office. FOR RENT Two blocks from post- office, furnished house, five rooms and bath; also rooms, furnished - apartments and housekeeping rooms in Park Hotel. Inquire at my office, front rooms of Park Hotel. Geo. W. Trefren, Lawyer, 'Notary Public and Insurance Agent. Collections a specialty. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS fR SALE Jackson county war rants in the sum of $744.58, regis tered February 4, 1916, drawing 6 per cent interest from date of reg'stration, at par and interest. Call at Tidings office. 4-tf FOR SALE Good transrer, storage and coal business. Reasonable. Apply to City Truck Co., D. Guy Good. 31" GOOD'S GOAT DAIRY Pure goats' milk a specialty. C. P. Good, Prop. Phone 17-F-2. 40-tf FOR SALE Top bnggy, light spring wagon, 2 Vi Studebaker wagon and two saddles. E. L. Rasor, 337 Scenic Drive. Phone 414-R.. 4 5-tf FOR SALE Brand new $350 piano for $225; easy terms. Phone 484-J. 53-lmo. EGGS Fresh. North Main. Market price. 835 John Dill. 56-4t FOR SALE Baby chicks, White Leg horns; trap nested, from stock av eraging 204 eggs apiece in pullet year. Chicks 25c each, $20 per 100; eggs $2 to $3 for 15. Order now for delivery after February 15. Morrison's, 1049 Ashland street. 56-lmo. TO EXCHANGE EXCHANCE 11 acres hill land, seven miles from McMinnville, for house and lot, or hotel, furnishings and lease. A. R. Ketch, Wlllamina, Ore. 58-2f WOULD YOU WANT A TENANT for your business property who could not be reached through advertis ing? Would that sort of tenant be likely to meet his obligations to his landlord? 11 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Young cow, fresh, with calf. H. R. King, between Ash land and Talent on highway. 58-3t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Fifty-seven acres ad Joining city limits of Ashland. All good land; all in alfalfa; lays level; good six-room house; large barn, holds 130 tons of hay; base ment that will-hold 25 head of cat tle and six head of horses. Price . $18,000 cash, $5,000 down, time on balance to suit at o per cent. Inquire C. B. Lamkln, , Citizens Bank building. 56-tf FOR SALE Property close in, 104x 198 feet; comfortable house and barn, large lawn, shrubs, fruit and garden. Price 13,000; one half cash, balance on reasonable terms. Address E. G., care Tid ings. 35-tf FOR SALE Modern cottage of six rooms, on 1 acres of ground . mosuy meauuw, 0f said Charter, and become opera- JTn LJJ T " tlve upon the proclamation of the Price $2,000 cash. Bargain. Ad-M 1 f Bald cR on the 27tn day dresc E. P., care Tidings. B-tf of June 1914i t0 coufer upon th9 FOR SALE AT a'bARGAIN Dandy I common council of the city of Ash little modern four-room bungalow i land, Oregon, certain powers, and re with acre of ground, so located as Quiring of said council certain duties to go like hot cakes if subdivided heretofore required of and performed for tourist bungalows. Will sell y the paid fapr ngs ater GomraiB some good furniture to purchaser. Blon under and by virtue of said vvh to nnn , ,nnro win tnkfi1 Article XX of the Charter, and the $1,500 for quick sale. R. Greer, at Tidings office. WANTED WANTED Infants and children to ; board. Inquire 266 B street. 66-tf , ' WANTED Plowing by day or acre. , C'ltltfcipHnn rnnrnntowrl. See B. 1 Satisfaction guaranteed M. Gates, 84 Ore. A street, Ashland, i ! WANTED information as to the I full, true and complete report oi an heirs of Janette Chappell, formerly I moneys received and disbursed by it. the wife of Charles E. Chappell. ' as well cs all other matters and Small recovery can probably be things pertaining to the operation, made. Address Edwin W. Spald-' present condition and equipment of ing, Pacific Bldg., Washington, j said Auxiliary Water Plant, and file D, c. 58-5tjthe same with the City Recorder, on . ' ' .. 1- or before the 1st day of January, LOST 1 1917. and at the same time deliver LOST A man's gold signet ring, in-! Rial N. Return to Nlms & Saun ders. 58-2t LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF HEARING. Recorder's Office-, Ashland, Oregon, December 'Notice of hearing as to special assessments for the construction j of a sewer in Sewer District No. 18. Notice is hereby given to all per- sons arrectea uy any assessment ,liurm!n.ri hv tha hnnnl nf vlfiWfirn i in the matter of the construction of the sewer in above named dis trict, that the report of the board of viewers has been filed in the office of the City Recorder and is subject to inspection of any inter ested party, and that any person or persons aggrieved thereby may appear and make objections there to before the common council On the 19th day of December, 1916, at 8:30 o'clock p. m. at the City Hall In the city of Ashland, Ore gon. C. H. GILLETTE. City Recorder. O. H. JOHNSON, Mayor of Ashland, Oregon. Date of first publication, Decern-1 ber 6, 1916. 67-2t-Thurs. rNOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed, by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Mary J. Smith, de- ceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are here- by notified to present the sametue of their otnee. duly ' verified and with proper vouchers, to the undersigned by leaving the same with L, A. Rob erts, the attorney for said estate, at his office in The Citizens Bank Building, Ashland, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated November 23, 1916. WALTER L. SMITH, Exeicutor 6"f the Last Will and Testament of Mary J. Smith, de ceased. 53-5t-Thurs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Jackson. In the matter of the Estate of Elba Jane- Woolsoncroft, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Jackson, and has qualified as Administrator wtih the Will Annexed, of the Estate of Eliza Jane Woolsoncroft, deceased. All parties having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified and with proper vouchers, to the un dersigned at the Billings Office, 41 East Main street, in the City ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Dealers in LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Roofing Papers, Cordwood. Factory Block Wood Notice of Special Election Notice Is hereby given, that per suant to resolutions of the common council ol the city of Ashland, Ore gon, duly adopted on this, the 6th day of December, 1916, and approvod by the Mayor on the same day, the following proposed amendment to the Charter of the city of Ashland, will be submitted to the legal voters of said city for their approval or re jection, at a special election to be held on Tuesday, the 19th day of December, 1916, to-wit: AN ACT To around Article XX of the Char ter of the city of Ashland, Oregon, said Charter being that certain Act of the Legislative Assembly of ttyo state of Oiegon, filed in the office of the Secretary of State, October 14th, 1898, entitled "An Act to amend an Act, entitled 'An Act to incorporate the city of Ashland, in Jackson county, Oregon, and define the power thereof, filed in the of flee of Secretary of State, February 25th, 1895, amending the same," as amended by all Acts subsequent thereto, either of the Legislative As sembly of the State of Oregon, or by the vote of the qualified electors of the city of Ashland, Oregon; to abolish tne Springs Water Commis sion, created by Sections 1 and 2 of Article XX of the Charter of the city made r part See Bert"Smendmi'nt thereof; to require that line common council levy a lax au ' nually of not more than one mill on ! the dollar of the taxable property of the city, at the same time the coun- cil makes its levy for general city purposes, the fund thereby created to lirt urnrrauu' oi nnrl bnnurn nq thp Anx- jn Waler ruud al)d be expen(led . ..' . . ... in the maintenance of said Auxiliary water panl; direCtiiis that the said Springs Water Commission make a over to the city council, all books, contracts, deeds, money or other pub lie property now in the possession of said Springs Water Commission; and repealing all Charter provisions, ordinances and resolutions of the said city of Ashland, In conflict here with. r ir tt Tv a nri- n v tup rmn 'j . THE CITY OF ASHLAND, u-";uyi; , ,, . .,., inai iirucie a a. hs sum aiiiuic i was added to and made a part of the. :," . " ",:',, ,Jl,e'l" l" !"'-'"'" of the Miyor of said city on the 27th day of June, 1914, be amended to read as follows: Section 1. That the Springs Wat er Commission of the city of Ash land, as created under and by virtue of Article XX of said city Charter of Ashland, be, and the same is hereby abolished. Provided, however, that the membeis of said Commission, as now constituted, shall perform their duties as set out in said Article XX, until the 1st day of January, 1917, at which time they shall make a full, true and complete report of all mon eys received and disbursed by the Commission, as well as all other mat ters and things pertaining to the op eration, present condition and equip ment of said Auxiliary Water Plant, and file the same with the City Re- jcorder on or before the 1st day of January, 1917, and at the same time the Commission shall deliver over to the city council all books, con tracts, deeds, money or other public property, now in the possession or the members of said Commission by vir- Section 2. Tin common council of the city of Ashland shall, from and after the said 1st day of January, 1917, have the entire' jurisdiction, management and control -of the Aux Ifliary Water Plant, and shall repair, maintain ana improve sam piani as occabion may arise. Suction 3. That at the time of making up the annual city budget for the purposes of taxation, the com mon council shall carefully estimate the amount of funds necessary to re pair, maintain, improve and other wise equip the Auxiliary Water Plant of the city for the ensuing year, to the end that the water and gas se cured at the several mineral springs In which the city has an interest, may be successfully and continuously pip ed to the public fountains within the of Ashland, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first pu oiicai.ion oi in, wnicn is ieuiuKr -o, J jio. , ,,'m'. ' Admin, nun win rtiniexeu, of Eliza Jane Woolsoncroft. dee'd. 53-5t-Thurs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for tho County of Jackson. In the matter of the Estate of Famy Howard, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the Stato of Oregon for the Coun ty of Jackson and has qualified as Administrator of the estate of Famy Howard, deceased All par ties having claims against said es tate are herehy notified to present the same, duly verified and with proper vouchers, to the under signed at the Billings Office, 41 East Main St., Ashland, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this no tice, which is November 23, 1916. ZENAS HOWARD, Administrator of Estate of Famv Howard, Deceased. - 53-St-Thurs. city limits, and shall thereafter levy a tax of not more than one mill on the dollar of the taxable property of the city, at the same time the council makes its levy for general city purposes, and the fund thereby created, or any other funds acquired by donation or otherwise, for the maintenance of said plant, shall be segregated and known as the Auxil iary Water Fund, and be expended only in the way of improving and maintaining the said Auxiliary Water Plant. Section 4. That so much of Arti cle XX of the Charter of said city, and so much of any other Charter provisions, ordinances or resolutions of said city, as is in direct conflict with the provisions hereof, be and the same Is hereby repealed. The ballot title and number of such Charter amendment shall be as follows: MEASURE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS BY THE COMMON COUN CIL. An Act to amend Article XX of the now existing Charter, thereby abolishing the Springs Water Com mission of said city, and placing the management and control of the Auxil iary Water Plant in the hnnds of the common council. Vote YES or NO. 100 Yes. 101 No. Notice is further given, that per suant to a resolution of common council of the city of AHhland, Ore gon, duly adopted on the 6th day of December, 1916, and approved by the Mayor of said city on the same day, the following propound amend ment to t lie Charter of the city of Ashland will be submitted to the lewal voters of said city for their ap proval or rejection at a special elec tion to hp held on the said 1 9th day of December, 1916. to-wlt: AN ACT An Act to amend Article XIX of the ('baiter of the city of Ashland, Oregon, said Charter belig that cer tain Act of the Legislative Assembly of the state of Oregon, filed in the I V" " "7 TJ, , " . ; ber Hth. 1898. entitled An Act to anient uu act, entitled An Act to in- corporate the City of Ashland Jack- son county, Oregon and define the power thereof filed in the office of Secretary of State, February th, lS'Ja, amending the same", as amend ed by all acts subsequent thereto, either of the Legislative Assembly of the state of Oregon, or by vote of the qualified electors of the ctiy of Ashland, Oregon, to abolish the Ashland Park Commission, created by Section 2, of Article XIX of the Charter, as said Article XIX was added to and made a part of the Charter, by an amendment, made ef fective by the proclamation of the Mayor of said city, on the 17th day of December, 1908; to confer upon the common council of the city of Ashland, Oregon, certain powers, and requiring of said council, certain duties, heretofore required of and performed by the said Ashland Park Commission, under and by virtue of said Article "XIX of the Charter, and the amendment thereof; to require that the common council levy a tax annually, of not more than two mills on the dollar of the taxable property of the city, at the same time the council makes its levy for general city purposes, the fund thereby cre ated to be segregated and known as the Ashland Park Fund, and to be expended only in the protection, maintenance, beautifying and improv ing of the public parks of the city, and the growing timber and other improvements thereon, and the pay nent of any present Indebtedness now existing against the said Ashland Park Commission; directing that the said Ashland Park Commission make a full, true and complete report of all moneys received and disbursed by it during the past year, as well as all otner matters and things per taining to the operation, present con dition and equipment of said public parks, and file the same with the City Recorder, on or before the 1st day of January, 1917, and. at the same time deliver over to the city council, all books, contracts, deeds, money or other public property now in the possession of said Ashland Park Commission, and repealing all Charter provisions, ordinances and resolutions of the said city of Ash land in conflict herewith. HE IT ENACTED BY THE PEO PLE OF THE CITY OK ASHLAND, OREGON: That Article XIX, as said Article was added to and made a part of the Charter of the citv of Ashland, be- I , " , euiinny 'jnei uuve oy me pi uciiiumiioii i oi me mayor oi me sam cuy uu iae 17th day of December; 1908, be amended to read as follows: Section 1. That the Ashland Park Commission of the city of Ashland, as created under and by virtue of Article XIX of said Charter of Ash land, be, and the same Is hereby abolished. Provided, however, that the members of said Commisison, ns now constituted, shall perform their duties as set out in said Article XIX, until the 1st day of January, 1917, t whch t,m(J t, s)ml ft full true an(, complote rfiport of all mo,,. cvs received and disbursed by the. fmrnaain ,ii ,i, . . i'i....iwnvii iuiiiih m i. .... well as all other matters and things : pertaining to tho operation, present I condition and eniilninent of said mil)-IPI.E lie parks, and file the same with the City Recorder on or before the I 1st. day of January, 1917. and at the ' sitnie time the Commission shall de- liver over to the city council all books, contracts, deeds, money or ! other public property, now In the j possession of the members of said ! Commission by vlrtuo cf their of ' fico. Sertlon 2. The common council of ; the city of Ashland shall, from and after the 1st day of January, 1917, have the entire Jurisdiction, manage ment and control of all the public park lands now owned by tho city of Ashland, or which It may hereafter acquire for park purposes, and shall employ such means as may be neces ary to protect the growing timber, shrubs, flowers, plants or other im provements on any of said park lands, from injury or destruction by fire or otherwise, and shall maintain, im prove and beautify said public parka. Section 3. All lands now owned by the city of Ashland, (excepting its streets, alleys and plaza, and also excepting such land as are now own ed by It for the purpose of taking rock for street purposes, city pound, hitching grounds, reservoir sites, sep tic tanks, public market sites and such lands as have been taken over by the city on account of public as sessment), and all lands owned by said city bordering upon or adjacent to Ashland Creek, and extending Into the Ashland Forest Reserve, and all lands acquired by the city during the year 1915, abutting on either Mill street or Granite street, and Included in what Is known as the Mthla Park, and also all park lands in the cen ter of the Boulevard and the center of the Plaza, are hereby reserved and forever dedicated by the people of the city of Ashland for park pur poses, and shall never be sold, em cumbered or used for any other pur pose inconsistent therewith; provided, however, that such public buildings, as may enhance the beauty of said parks, or which shall not detract therefrom, may lx erected and main tained therein, with the approval and under the direction of the common council of the city. Provided, fur ther, that nothing contained in this Act shall be construed so as to im pair or In any way interfere with the proper installation, maintenance or operation of the city's light, power or water system, or the right to protect the water of said creek from contamination, nor to prevent the city council from making street con nections or street improvement across or within said public parks, nor to prevent the council from grading, paving or otherwise improving any such street or streets. Section 4. That at the time of making up the annual city budget for the purpose of taxution, the com mon council shall carefully estimate the amount of funds necessary to protect the growing timber, shrubs, plants or other improvements on any of said park lauds from Injury or destruction from fire or otherwise; to maintain, improve and beautify said public parks of the city for the 1 f"lllie 'ear. ani1 thereafter levy L tax of not more tha two t, da of t, UxaMe nrop.rty ( t, t t, t, u k , f a, , t prp0BM and tlle fmld thvrehy t d ny other funds acquired I by donation or otherwise, for the protection and maintenance of said parks, shall be segregated and known as the Ashland Park Fund, and shall only be expended by the city council in the way of protecting, improving and maintaining the said paiks and park lands. Section 5. Tho powers granted to and the duties imposed upon the Ash land Park Commission, by that cer tain ordinance No. 61! 6, entitled "An Ordinance defining the meaning of the words "Park' and 'Parks', and to regulate the use of the public parks of the city of Ashland, Ore gon, adopted by the common council on the 18th day of May, 1916, and approved by the Mayor on the 22nd day of May, 1916. are hereby ex tended to and shall be exercised by, and required of the common council of the city of Ashland, and all of the provisions of said ordinance are hereby approved and confirmed, which shall remain in full force and effect until the same is repealed, or therwise modified. Section 6. That so much of Ar ticle XIX of the Charter of said city, and so much of any other Charter provision, ordinance or resolution of said city as Is In direct conflict with the provisions hereof, Iw aud the same is hereby repealed. The ballot title and number of Riich Clnrter amendment shall be as follows. Measure submitted to the voters by the common council: An Act to amend Article XIX of the now existing Charter of the city of Ashland, thereby abolishing the Ash land Park Commission, and placing the entire jurisdiction, management and control of all the public parks of the city lu the hands of the com mon council. Vote YES or NO. 102 Yes. 103 No. Notice is further given, that pur suant to a resolution of tho common council of the city of Ashland, Ore gon, duly adopted on the Cth day of December, 1916, and approved by tho Mayor of said city on the same day, the following proposed amend ment to the Charter of the city of Vshlimd will bo submitted to the legal voters of said city for their approval or rejection, at a special eloetion to be held on the said 19th day oi Ue- ucIIlht.r 1916, to-wlt: AN ACT To amend Article 7 of tho exist ing Charter of the city of Ashland, Oregon, by adding thereto, a sec tion to be known ns Section 24, authorizing and empowering the May or and common council of said city to lease for a term of not exceed ing twenty-five years, the usfl of all the city's right, title and interest in and to its surplus mineral waters and gas, over and above that now consumed, or which may hereafter he consumed by the general public, for such price and upon such terms and conditions as the common council may, in its discretion, determine. I IE IT ENACTED HY THE PEO- OI' HIE CI 1 Y Or AW1LAMJ, ORECON': That Article VII, of tho present Charter of the city of Asliland, Oro gon, be amended, by adding thereto t. section to be kuown as Section 24, wli-h shall read as follows: Section 24. The common council, at any regular or adjourned meeting thereof, by a two-thirds vote of the council, is hereby authorized and em- powered to lease ror a term or not exceeding twenty-five years, the use of all tho city's right, title and in terest In and to its surplus mineral waters and gas now being piped into the city of Ashland, or which may hereafter be so piped, over and above that now consumed, or which may hereafter be consumed by the general public, and the citizens of Ashland, at the city's public fountains, for such price, and upon such terms and conditions as the common council may, In its discretion, determfne. Provided, however, that the waters and gas so leased shall be used la a sanitarium for bathing, drinking and other medicinal purposes only. The ballot title and number of such Charter amendment shall be as fol lows: MEASURE SUBMITTED TO THE? VOTERI3 SY THE COMMON COUN CIL: . ... . An Act to amend Article VII of the existing Charter, by adding there to a section, to- he known as Sec tion 24, authorizing the Mayor and common council to lease for a term, not exceeding twenty-five years, the use of all the city's right, title and interest In und to its surplus mineral waters and gas, over and above that consumed by the general public, which gns and water sTuill be used in a sanitarium for bathing, drinking and other medicinal purposes only. Vote YES or NO. 104 'Yes. 1 05 No. For said special election, to be held on the Baid 19th day of De cember, the following voting places and judges and clerks of election hae been duly appointed and desig nated by the common council: FIRST WARD, Voting place, No. 3 Oak Street, Paulson lllock. SECOND WARD, Voting place, Mb Cartby Hall, coiner of Main and Granite Streets. THIRD WARD, Voting place, City Hall. The judges and clerks named and designated by the common council to serve as such at' tho general elec tion of said city, to be held on tlio 19th day of December, 1916. will serve as judges and clerks of t h is Fpeclal election, the last two named judges In each ward shall net as clerks of said special election. The polls Hhall be open at the sev eral voting places aforesaid from nine o'clock In the forenoon until six o'clock in the afternoon of said l!th day of December, 1916. C. H. GILLETTE. City Recorder. Date of first publication, Decem ber Otli, 1917. Our stock is in close touch with the times and anticipates every want. Johnson's Jewelry Store. 55-tf GKSSSESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BftAND 6V LADIE1 1 JUk jonr Wo.jlxt for CIIT-CnRS-TKR S Gold Ribbon. Ilranln DIAMOND nUANIt P1I.I.H, lor twrntT-fivS ycari repirdul at I)rt,bafer.t, Always Kdinhle. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffi EVERYWHERE S'i, t::u::i;::::m:m:uuuu::::;ui::u::: 8 Travel on Low Round fTrip Go home for Xmas. Stay for New Years Day. Our low round trip Holiday tickets allow you plenty of time. Alt points in OREGON CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON and IDAHO Holiday Sale Dates Between Oregon points Dec. 'M to lift lnc; Dec. S to .Ian. I Inc. Return limit Jan. ii, 1017. To California points Dec. Ul to S.i Inc.; Dec. SJO to 28 Inc. Return limit 1ft days from date of sale. To Pacific Northwest points in Washington and Idaho Dec. to 2ft inc. Return limit Jan. , 11)17. Ask local Agent for time of trains, fares, etc. John M. Scott, G. P". A., Portland, Ore. SOUTHERN PAG t FIG LtfJES FOOTBALL - Oregon ts. Pennsylvania PaMaricna, ('!., Jan. 1st. to fir or junu iikanu rJLLa in ki d nnii i mrlnlllc boin. iiralcd with Blue(O) T.IIJ UO OlDra. Tin of lour NT nil a.k for CIII.OUCH-rCK K V HOLIDAY FARES