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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1916)
Thnrwlay, AprU 13, 1916 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE SEVEN i To the people who believe in pure food' Our candy kitchen is al ways open to the public for inspection. Our rating by the State Dairy and Food Commission is the highest in the state. Using 100 per cent as perfect we were rated at 95.4 per cent. All the confections in this store are made in our kitchen liiilcr' Telephone 149 ConlecHonery 23 Plaza, Next to P. 0. lit V T I Hf . nigh school Notes Br JOHN ANDERSON X Major McCracken spoke before the assembly last Monday morning on preparedness. His plea was for more recruits to the army. He said that the defenses of this country were In adequate the country needed more men, guns, ships and everything con cerned with defense. War is no long er Impossible, he says. Those who said that It was "sidestepped" when this war began. His last statement was this: "The political one-step consists of one step forward, twoj steps backward and many sidesteps in j between." Miss Harris was agreeably sur- j prised Friday before last when the! cast of "Carmen" appeared at her( home In an automobile and their j "Sunday best" and insisted that she put on her hat and come with tnem. As she could think of no way to get out of it, she went. Their first stop was at the Vlning. Here they all filed Real Estate That Can Be Bought to Advantage Now Mountain ranch well located as to roads and range 1500 One acre tract within four blocks of high school, good dwelling and other im provements worth as much as asking price fltXM) Six-room, hard-finished house close in, pavine, sewer and sidewalks all in mid paid for, good sized lot $1200 Billings Agency Real Estate and Real insurance down to one of the "very most front" boxes and enjoyed a good show Im mensely. After the show they went into Crowson's, where to everyone's surprise they found the stage all set for a feed. Now Miss Harris did not appreciate this at all, because she thought they did it with a spirit of hypocricy (?). Everyone plays tennis these days. Even the P. G.'s are thinking of get ting tennis shoes, borrowing racquets and balls, and demanding a day to play on the high school courts. The teachers always use their Saturday morning. , The main event which Is coming up just now is tho junior meet, to be held next week some time. AH those eligible are getting ready for it. The object is to swamp the juniors. Of course, the juniors will take the meet, though. They always do. Quite a large number of people at tended the art exhibit at the armory on Wednesday and Thursday. It was a big success, iue grade pupils worked hard for their pictures. A program was given each evening, be ginning at 8 o'clock. On Wednesday the program consisted of two selec tions by the high school, instrumental trio, a reading by Miss Calkins, ac companied at the piano by Miss Ber nice Yeo, a recitation by a grade boy, the Sailors' Hornpipe, and some cal isthenics by some of the members of the physical training classes, a song by some West Side pupils, and a flag drill by eighth grade girls. Tho pro gram on Thursday consisted of a piano duet by Misses Karris' and Mur phy, a piano trio by the above two i with Miss Weisenburger added, a reading by Miss Gregg, military marching and a dance unique by 24 of the physical training girls, another piano duet by Jane and George Wiley, a song by the East Side children, and folk dances by the East Side giris. XOKTH TALENT I'HOEXIX VK1.MT1' THE Cohsmb ia Cafe will continue a i n Regular Dinner for 25c and on Sunday a good Chicken Dinner for 35c All Home Cooking with the test of Dining Room Service By C. O. M. Mrs. E. O. Rease, of Ashland, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Casey, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. B. A. Dorlty, of Talent, is at her home again after an operation for appendicitis at the Granite City hospital at Ashland. Mrs. Fay, mother of Mrs. W. J. mer, is housekeeping for Fred Rapp since his mother's death. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Knighton, of Eagle Point, were visiting their grandchildren and their mother, Mrs. Lizzize Knigbton, of Talent, Friday. About 75 friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rader came to their spacious home south of Phoe nix Friday evening and helped them celebrate their wedding anniversary. All had a very enjoyable evening. Earl Briscoe, of North Talent, has signed up three acres of tomatoes to be grown for the Hoke cannery at Medford. C. Carey will furnish the plants from the Carey plant farm in North Talent. Officers of the Cheerful Country club will be installed Tuesday.' A program and refreshments will fol low the Installation. A community picnic was celebrated at the school house in Phoenix Satur day afternoon and a good showing was made in beautifying and making needed public improvements. Saturday evening Oreggon Camp, No. 438, Woodmen of the World, at Phoenix, gave a benefit supper for R. B. Foutch, one of their members who has been in the hospital at Med ford. Eighty dollars was realized from supper and dance. Guests at the Carey home Satur day and Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Shearer, of Medford; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Knighton, of Eagle Point; Mrs. Anna Thompson, of Roseburg; Mrs. Earl Briscoe, of Talent; Mrs. E. 0. Rease, of Ashland. Talent Track Meet On April 28th The pupils of all the schools of the second and third class In Jackson county are eligible to participate in a field meet which will be hold at Talent on April 28, 1916. Last year big representations from several of the valley took part, Central Point winning the Olympic Society's silver cup. Thirty-four events will bo hold, .each event counting fifteen points, to bo divided as follows: First place five points, second place four points, third place three points, fourth place one point. No contestant will bo al lowed to enter moro than three track and three field events, and no more than two contestants from a school will be allowed in an event. The principal social event of the day will be a basket dinner In Weid ner grove, everybody being invited to bring baskets. There will be three classes for boys, based on tho age of the student at the time of the contest. Classes for boys: A class, 1 3 years and under; I! class, 14 or 15 years; C class, 15 to 21 years. Track event for boys: C class, 100-yard dash, 220-yard run, 440 yard run, ss o-yard run, 120-yard low hurdle (3i inches). A and B classes, 50-yard dash, 100-yard dash, 220 yard run, 4 40-yard run, 120-yard low hurdle (3 inches). 4 40-yard relay race, four to enter, any class;, each school. Field events for boys: C class, running broad jump, running high Jump, 12-pound shot-put, pole vault. A and B c'auseg, running broad jump, running hinh jump, S-pound shot-put, pole vault. Events for girls, any class: All-up Indian club race, outlined in Recrea tion manual; basketball throw, for distance from 7-foot circle; basket ball throw for baskets, Recreation Manual; 50-yard run; tennis, ladies' singles; tennis, ladles' doubles. A total number of 34 events. The next time we have to send Germany a note, we favor letting Billy Sunday write It. Trouble about the peace move ments Is that a soft head always seems to go with a soft heart. olel Columbia ASHLAND, OREGON THE LITTLE GEM Best furnished little hotel between Portland and San Francisco. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold Water, Steam Heat. Well ventilated and absolutely clean and sanitary. 75 cents and up. Opposite Elks Temple. Mrs. C. E. Davis, Prop. Baking Powder Passed by the Board of Censors 1st The manufacturer with the rigid tests of the laboratory and factory. 2nd The wholesale grocer with his high standing and desire to handle only reliable goods. 3rd The retail grocer who desires to handle only those brands he knows will please his customers. 4th The food officials with their rigid laws for the purity and wholesomcncss of food products. 5th And most important, you, the housewife with your desire for purity, efficiency and per feet satisfaction. ASK YOUR GROCER - HE SELLS IT Ounces for j (More than a pound and fc 7 a half for a quarter) Vhti-J 0 j FRUIT and FARm For Fanner Hoys. i to moro than sixty of theso boys. Office of County School Superintend-1 This year tho saiho bank has kindly cut, Jacksonville, Ore., March 10, j duplicated its offer of last year and 1916. wo again are able to offer well-soloct- To Farmer Roys: At the Oregon i ed seed corn (Yellow Dent, Minn., State Fair in 1913 Francis Winn of No. 13) in limited quantities. If you Wellen, in Jackson couuty, won first i wish to go Into this contest In real prize in the boys' corn contest. In earnest and have no good seed, writa 1914 Claus Charley of Brownsboro for application blank to tho county won tho samo honors for Jackson school superintendent. Wo can not county. In 1915 Lelnnd Charley, a! furnish seed for more than oue- younger brother of Claus, won the first prizo for Jackson county for the third successive year, while Claus won first prize In the agricultural contest, using corn for his crop. Who Is going to uphold the honors for 1916? Many boys are going to try. Are you one of them? Last year there were an even one hundred boys enrolled in tho corn club for this county. Through the generosity of the Farmers and Fruit growers Rank of Medford we were able to furnish free seed from the prize-winning field of 'Clans Charley eighth of an acre to any boy. Yours truly, J. PERCY WELLS, County School Superintendent. Bring your suits In and have thorn cleaned up for Easter. Orres' Tailor Shop. Phone 64. We call for gar ments. , It Frank Sutton was up from hla ranch near Grants Pass during tho past week. Mr. Sutton Is a former Ashlnnder and spent a pleasant visit with old friends. Republican Meeting' Senator T. E. Burton Of Ohio, candidate for the republican nomination for president will speak at Have your suit cleaned at Paulse rud & Bairett's. It Medford, Mond r vtj APRIL &y nth At 8 p. m. at the Natatorium ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Dealers in LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Roofing Papers, Cordwood, Factory Block Wood Ladies Specially Invited limwtvtttrii 1 1 - - - -