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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1916)
ASHLAND TIDINGS Thursday, January 27, 1018 TAGE FOCIt iiiiii " 1 In the Social Realm .III H I Htl II"""" im 111 TTnrh r.niRtte. J. Loomis anaiwrs. oeorgB rumi, ui Mrs. Hoy Anderson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lehman and Mr. I.aRout last FrMay at Talent. Mrs. George Cyester and smis Mil lard and Edward of this city were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. J. E. Hart at ileut last Thursday. ' The Misses Catherine and I.izette flrrpnlpnTft. W ho have been visiting Frederick Iteinecke of Pittsburg, Pa. Miss Purucker Is a graduate of the Medford high school. For the last year she has been In New York city taking a musical course. The cou p'e will make their home In Pitts burg, where Mr. Reinecke Is in business. Tom Thumb "Wedding at Vining Theatre This Friday Evening Will Form Club. Invitations are out for a dance at their' sister, Mrs. Sam McNalr. loft Memorial hall Thursday evening, for their homo in Kansas Uty Mon thly morning. Monday Embroidery Club. The Monday Embroidery Club met at the homo of Mrs. A. W. Boslough this week and spent a pleasant after jioon with needles and thread. Light refreshments were served. Box Members of the local Brotherhood of American Yeomen will participate In a box social which Is to be given by the lodge of that fraternity at Tal ent, February 1, in Odd Fellows hall. ' H!ks Ijy Plans. The local lodge of Elks are already laying plans for their big March an niversary event, which Is ono of the biggesit events of the year in local lodgedom. Chautauqua Park Club. The Chautauqua Park Club will hold a special meeting at their club rooms In Chautauqua hall Friday af ternoon, January 28, at 2:30 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. I. O. O. P. Official Will Visit. The grand mister of the I. 0. 0. F. of Oregon will visit subordinate lodg es In Jackson county, February 10 to IB. Ashland, Talent, Medford, Jacksonville and Central Point will be the points visited. (liorsl Club, The Choral dub held their first meeting Monday night in Memorial hall. Mrs. E. N. Andrews of Medford was In charge of the meeting. In stallation of officers was as follows: Mrs. Sylvan Provost, president; Mrs. P. D. Norris, librarian; Mrs. Clark Bush, secretary. Announcement. Mrs. L. W. Owen, founder of the American Boosters' Club and author of the life of "Mary Had a Little l.amb," will speak In the Christian church on SundHy evening at 7:30. Subject, "Two Sides of Life." Come and bring the children. Mrs. Owens has been a platform speaker for forty years. Mcl'linrson-Jaqulsli. Announcements have been received of the marriage of Miss Verna Evelyn Jaqulsh to Alexander McPherson, Jr., at Ontario, Ore. Miss Jaqulsh is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jaqulsh und lived in Ashland for several years, where Mr. Jaqulsh was en cased in the contracting business. The marriage occurred January 16. At Noil Creek. On last Tuesday evening quite a milliner of Neil Creek people and others gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Morris to spend a few hours in the very popular amusement of dancing. The event was given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker of Prospect, who have been visiting the Homes and Tucker families of that vicinity. Light re freshments were served and all pres ent report a very enjoyable time. II. O. Ptirnrker's Sister Married. Word has been received in this city of the marriage of Miss Helen Purucker, sister of H. O. Purucker of this city and daughter of Mr. and January 27. The organization of a young people's dancing club will be discussed. Among the names heard in connection with the club are Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevenson, D. D. Norris, Monte Briggs, E. L. Rasor and others. The object is the forma tion of a club from young married couples and the young bachelors of Ashland. Thimble Olub. Mrs. C. C. Cunningham entertained the Thimble Club last Friday after noon, the affair occurring on Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham's wedding anni versary. A snort program, mciuunm solos by Mrs. C. B. Wolf, Miss Ger trude Biede and little Miss Carolyn Cunningham were piet with calls for "encore" until the soloists refused to appear again. Dainty refreshments were served. The club will be enter tained at the home of Mrs. H. O. Frohbach next Friday. Birthday. Ten of the little folks of the Belle- view district gathered at the home of Kenneth Miller last Friday to help him celebrate his fourth birthday. After a couple of merry hours spent with games the little folk gathered around a well-laden table upon which a hugh birthday cake, properly ar rayed with candles, was tho center attraction. Those present were Hugh Bates, Raymond Bowers, Barnard Joy, Dick Joy, Vena Joy, Wilber Chapman, Dorothy Chapman, Roland York, Loleda Plerson and Irma Pier- son. Musical Afternoon. Last Sunday afternoon Miss Helene Casey entertained a number of her friends at her Pioneer avenue home, the afternoon being dubbed a musical by those who attended. Miss Edna Dougherty entertained with piano se lections and Miss Gertrude Biede de lighted her friends with several vocal solos. A vlctrola concert occupied the remainder of the afternoon. Luncheon was served by the hostess. Those present besides Miss Casey were Misses Edna and Myrtle Dough erty, Misses Gertrude and Helen Biede, Lydia McCall, Georgia Coffee, Effle Carland and Calla Blegel. The afternoon was very much enjoyed and those present look forward to a simi lar affair to be held In the future. Auxiliary Club. Ivy Cottage was barely large enough to hold the merry crowd which held forth last Monday even ing at the regular meeting of the The arrangements for the Tom Thumb Wedding to take place during (he performance of "In the Land of Makebelleve," to be given at the Vining Friday evening, January 28, at S o'clock, which will be one of the brilliant events of the year, are rapidly nearing completion, and the children who are taking part show great adaptability for the parts. The rehearsals have about all been given and every tot Is letter and march perfect. An elab orate wedding procession, In which 100 wee ones are to march In grown-up clothes, will be a part of the festivities, and the ceremony will be most im pressive and beautiful. Master Raymond Fillmoie Norris and Jean Maxiue Wolf as the diminutive groom and dainty bride are taking the wish with .ease, and the little guests are coming in large numbers from all parts to r.ttend the grand affair. All our homo tots are agog over the big banquet or wedding feast. Our merchants are taking a great Interest. Already Rose Bros, have donated the Ice cream banquet. The Vienna bakery has made and donated a beautiful wedding cake, which is now on exhibition in Its windows. Stu dio Ashland has taken, gratis, photos of the tots In their grown-up clothes, to be seen now In its window. O. H. Johnson, our mayor, has donated the wedding ring and has it in his window with Cupid and the bridegroom's photo. The Ashland Greenhouse has donated the bouquets for bride and bridesmaids, and floral decorations. Same can be seen in Rose Bros.' win dow. W. B. Talcott of the Canyon Press donated the wedding Invitations. W. Y. Crowson has donated some confections which will please the chil dren. J. H. Kohagen of the 5, 10 and 15 cent store the envelopes. All our merchants have given space in their windows tor our photos and adver tisements. The newspapers have given publicity. All In all, such Interest is being shown that guarantees this to be the big society event of the sea son. Minister officiating Elber Bush Ring bearer Beatrice Black Maid of honor M. Harriet Bevington Bridesmaid Carolyn Cunningham Bridesmaid Dorothy Hall Best man Armand Dale Norris Mother of brido , ....v Gertrude Cain Father of bride Wilbur Dickerson Old maid aunt with black cat Paul Zelda Monroe Rejected Auten Bush Important friends assisting with guests.. .Foss Kramer, Sanford Rose, William Dana Master Julian Barrett Violin Solo Miss Mary Young, Piano Accempanlst. Teacher of Piano, Ashland, Ore. D -THEATS MATINEE EVENING ?! l,jf LcIlo' Qil.l n L til 4 IN His Latest Two- j 41111 IC Red Essanay $ W W JL HB. COMEDY a Also 3-Rccl Vilagraph FeaJure Admission JO and J 5 cents i M h b COMING EVENTS. ? Friday Lyceum course lecture, -3 Judge Alden, Methodist $ S church. $ Friday Tom Thumb Wedding, $ auspices Civic Improvement Club, Vining-Theatre. $ Thursday (tonight) Basket- ball, A. II. S. vs. C. A. C, O armory. Thursday (tonight) Informal dance and organization danc- ing club, Memorial hall. S Friday afternoon Thimble Club entertained by Mrs. H. O. Frohbach. STAGE AND SCREE.V. 'Here Comes the Bride" Miss Emma Earle, Pianist 1$, .$$.$.$$.3ji4$.$$$'S Miss jL)orotnyvvrignt, song. . . mere s a L,ittie sparK or L,ove otin uurning Assisted to stage by Master Anthony Muller. Zelda Monroe, a reading "The Old Maid Aunt" Master Everett McGee, song "Where the Red Roses Grow" Miss Bernlce Yeo, Piano Accompanist. Miss Marjorle Whited, song "When You're In Love With Someone Who is Not In Love With You" Assisted to stage by Master Charles Dana. Master Kenneth Millican "My Sister's Best Fellow" Miss Marguerite Friswold, song, "I Love You Truly Assisted to stage by Everett McGee. Donald Caldwell A Talk on George Washington Miss Elbert Greer- Assisted to stage by Master George Johnson. Miss Marguerite Friswold, song "Tulip Time in Holland" Assisted with chorus. Miss Marjorle Wolf, reading. "The Same Old Chestnut Assisted to stage by Master Raymond Cotter. Master Kay Frederick Neil, song "Daisies Went and Told On Me" Miss Bernice Yeo, Pianist. Piano duet, Miss Margaret Johnson and Miss Margaret McCoy, pupils of Mrs. J. It. Robertson, teacher of piano, Ashland, Ore. Master George Steven Johnson, vocal selection Mrs. J. R. Robertson, Accompanist. Wedding banquet. Miss Margaret Johnson cuts the wedding cake. Miss Lillian Greer announces program. Assist with program: Miss Freda Batterfield, Miss Lillian Greer, Miss Margaret Johnson, Miss Margaret McCoy Tonight again we all may see A picture full of plunder, The famous William Farnum In I Adventures full of wonder. Blanche Sweet was with us Friday last And led us quite a chase To keep up with her changing moodi In scenes of "Becky's Case." A tale of high-class dips and crooki. The "Closing Net" was thrilling, While blare of brass and cymbal crash Lent color to each killing. We missed the vaudeville this week And hope that ere the summer, The sun will melt away the clouds Which put it on the hummer. The wet rain kept the folks at horaa, ITnlnpri nut hv nnnwa And thnu'n! Mrs. Mi.ria Kendall. 0ur er tQ cut out The remains of Mrs. Maria Ken- i nn Ranta r!nlla dall, who died last Monday at tho,Juijt , y0ur ell turners on th e ads I home of her daughter, Mrs. Abble I Pound e,Bewhere ln tn,s Bheet Thomas, in Medford, were brought ; pick out tho bI)ow you ,ike the begtj ihere on Wednesday for Interment In ! And glve yourself a treat. Mountain View cemetery. The de-1 Before we cut this slangy Btuff ceased was a widow eighty years or age. Her other two daughters are Mrs. Aaron Andrews of Corvallls and Mrs. Josephine Poley of Ashland. Dorrls Montgomery, Kay Frederick Neil. Auxiliary Club, and was far from Elis Rose, Virginia Rose, large enough to hold the sounds of j Gretchen Meyers, Merrial Rose. .... . . , lh Evelyn Miller, Kenneth Millican. lilt? II llllCllb TV 11 It. 11 UlllUllULVU w gathering. The early portion of the evening was taken up with the regu lar business meeting and was fol lowed by a merry evening of fun. The choral class arrived In a body from their rehearsal at Memorial hall and entertained both themselves and the club members already there with songs and stunts of various sorts. Dainty refreshments were served, adding the finishing touch to a jolly evening. The hostesses were Mes- dames L. W. Maxey and F. B. Tracy Alberta farm for rent, 640 acres See W. D. Hodgson, corner Oak and Main streets. Ashland, Ore. 70-4t Marjorle Whited, Charles Dana. Dorothy Wright, Anthony Muller. Charles Swanson, Genevieve Sweden- burg. Clyde Murphy, Harriett Wilson. Kenneth Brown, Louise Blackstone. Everett McGee, Marguerite Friswold. Donald Caldwell, Eleanore Sweden burg. Nellie Olds, Gerald Millican. Everett Parslow, Grace Coombs. John Roger. .lonnle Melvin Van Landingham. John Churchman. Marjorle Wolf, Raymond Cotter. Robert Walters, Ida Gunter. Elbert Greer, George Steven John son. Margaret Potter, William Dana. Floy Walters, Sanford Rose. Gladys Cole. Margaret Johnson. Julian Barrett. Margaret McCoy. jWe must throw out the hint That money's made to spend, or else They wouldn't run the mint. She was the wife of Reese P. Kendall, lecturer and author, who among oth er works wrote the "Pacific Trail Camp Fires." The family lived at Medford most of the time, but were frequent visitors here and well known by a wide circle of friends. A nicely pressed suit adds 50 per cent to your appearance. Fifty cents at Paulserud & Barrett's. The Tidings Is on sale at Poley's drug store, 17 East Main street. HSHLHND Storage and Transfer Co C. F. BATES Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates. A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs Coal. Phone 117. Office, 99 Onk Street, ASTTLANT), OREGON. Mass Mooting. The mass meeting for the purpose of launching a movement in response to the proclamation of President Wil son, setting January 27, 1916, as Jewish relief day, will be held at the Baptist church under the auspices of 5 Ladles' and .Girls9 lte HALF SOLED--A 50 CENT JOB FOR 25 CENTS (Dm y Ajaifim tmtS the Ashland Ministerial Union. Time, 8 o'clock this evening. Following is the program: Song. Prayer by Rev. Blackstone. Song. Opening remarks by the chairman, Rev. Farquhar. Address by Dr. Brower. Discussion opened by Rev. Smith. Appointment of committees. Taking of collection and pledges. Adjournment. Everyone should come and learn why the president, at the solicitation of the, senate of the United States, Issued the proclamation as he did. If he had asked you to do some great thing would you not do it? COMMITTEE. FEKGU SONS THE BARGAIN STORE Cash Only No Accounts I jwll EASTERN SUPPLY CO. " ENDERS' BLOCK, ASHLAND. OREGON The Teacup Club of the M. E. church will be entertalped at the home of Mrs. George Kramer Tuesday afternoon February 1. Hostesses, Mesdames Kramer, Chattin, Miller and Miss Jessie Mathes. Mrs. Clifford Jenkins returned to Ashland yesterday after a several days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanson, at Grants Pass. She was accompanied by her little daughter. SATURDAY SPECIAL Dgtfmmeg Sample Sale of Huck Towels Guests Towels Plain and Fancy Turkish Towels Ready-Made Table Cloths AT WHOLESALE PRICES Suits cleaned and pressed, Paulserud & Barrett's. $1. at I Extra Special 10 dozen Sample Towels. Some hack and Turkish, values (o 12c. Large sizes, only . . . . 3) WM Mill I Mil IT