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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1916)
Thursday, January 27, 191(1 Result-Getting Classified Columns THE ONE-ATTEMPT who, for example, publishes a Want the result desired decides that "advertising does hot pay," should Btudy the practical results, in all lines of endeavor, of perseverance. The law of "try again" lg as potent In want advertising an in any other effort or enterprise. Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word for each Insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertise ment inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order except to parties having ledger accounts with the office. . PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. EMMEN'S Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurist for S. P. It. It. Offices, M. F. and H. Dldg., opposite postoffico, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. il-tf DRS. SAWYER AND ANDERSON, Osteopathic physicians. Pioneer building. Houre 9 a. m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p. m. Off'ce phono 208, houso phone 267-R. DR. JULIAN P. JOHNSON, HOMEO PATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUR GEON. General practice with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted, and guaranteed correct. Office in Mills-McCall building, Masonic hall stairway. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to D. Office phone 35, residence phone 71. . 47-tf 6. B. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Consulting and General Practice. Pioneer Building. Of fice with E. D. Briggs. Ashland, Ore. DR. GORDON MacCRACKEN, HO- MEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON. 71 Gresham street (Dr. 'Reeder's office). Tuesday and Friday. 10 to 12 a. m. Phone 297-L. 58-tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE A bargain, Hercules stump puller, good as new. 115 Granite street. 59-tf SAVE MONEY any one going to Portland soon can save 25 per cent on their hotel bill. The Tidings has a trade-out bill with the Port land hotel which it will sell at 25 per cent discount. Get an order from us before you go and pay us when yeu get back, 88-tf BILL POSTER Will Stennett. 116 Factory St. Bill posting and dis tributing. 64-tt CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Carnegie Library lec ture room. CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Regu lar meetings first and third Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m. Mrs S. Patterson, Pres.; Mrs. Jen nie Faucett Greer, Sec. ADD $25 value to every heifer calf, by breeding your cows to my regis tered Jersey bull, from a cow that makes 707 pounds butter per year. Insured service, $5. R. D. San ford, lower Helman street. 66-tf bTlL DRANNAN, registered Jersey, prize winner and champion individ ual, will stand at 477 Laurel street, Ashland, Ore., this spring. Terms J5. Insure cow and calf to stand good for senrice rendered. J. R. Q. Haynes, owner and manager. 69-3mo. Fifty cents Invested in a Tidings "For Sale" ad often tells a $5,000 property. Did you ever try It? FOR RENT FOR RENT Small bungalow, close in, partly furnished. $5 per month. Rose Bros. 69-3t FOR RENT Five-room flat, close In. Furnished, light and water. Hodg son & Reed. 70-2t FOR RENTModern five-room bunga low, furnished, $10 per month. Apply 115 Granite street. 70-tf TO RENT Or would exchange for close-in property, 8-room house, barn, chicken houses, 2 acres of land. Call 63 wortn Main. o-" FOR RENT Bungalow cottage, two blocks from White House gro cery. Call Eastern Supply Co. PhonB 57. 13 FOR SALE Oil TRADE FOR EXCHANGE Good house, barn and one-half acre ground on Mountain avenue for close-in prop erty. Would assume some cash difference. Squire 496 Beach street. 64-11 FOR SALE OR TRADE Car suita ble for powerful one-ton truck. Also car that can be used for pleas ure car or light truck. Will con sider trade for property. H. G. Butterfleld, 139 Second street 70-tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Ten-months-old Brown Swiss heifer, from a 7-gallon cow. Enquire of II. L Sinclair, at Tid ings office. 68-tf CLEANLINESS, PERSONAL ATTENTION AND COURTESY COMBINED TO Eagle Meat Market Popular Inspect our market, and your confidence will be behind the pleasure of eating our meats. The knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary workshop will aid your digestion. 84N.MalnL SCHWEIN Phone 107 MAN OR WOMAN ad once, and If It does not bring WASTED WANTED Good-sized second-hand fireproof safe. Inquire at Tidings office. 35-tf If you want to buy or sell any thing, try Tidings want aas. They do the work. WANTED Dressmaking. Prices reasonable. Mrs. J. Morcom, Mrs J. McDonald. Inquire 2C3 Second street. Phone 283-L. 70-4t FOR SALK MISCULLASIWUS FOR SALE Stump puller at a bar gain. 115 Granite street. 59-tf FOR SALE Eggs from my trap nested and selected laying strain of S. C. R. I. Red hens, also baby chicks in season. 219 Mountain avenue, G. W. Benedict. Phone 251-L. 68-tf FOR SALE Eggs for setting from winter laying S. C. Rhode Island Reds. The kind that pay a profit even when feed is high. Mrs. W. D. Booth, 990 Oak street, phone 291-R. 70-lmo. FOR SALE Forty White Maltese and Runt Maltese pigeons. Mated pairs, $3; unmated birds, $1 each or $30 for lot. Also Belgian hares and rabbit hutch. 172 Skidmore, 70-4t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE For Sale A gooa nomestead re linquishment with habitable house and some improvements, for $500. Excellent for a stock ranch. Address C. D., care Ashland Tidings. 18-tf ONLY $300 For sale by owner, large lot with one-room house on Meade street In Ashland, Oregon. Warrantee deed. Price $300. Mark Hebron, Boise City, Okla. 68-lmo RANCH FOR SALE I have a splen did little ranch just outside the city limits, three miles easterly from the postofflce at Ashland, Ore. There are 28 acres of it; 23 in cultivation; 6 acres of New town Pippin apples that will be 7 years next spring; 4 acres of pears and peaches that will be 4 years old next spring. There Is a reser voir with capacity of 250,000 gal lons, with abundance of water to fill It every season. It would fill if its capacity were 1,000,000 gal lons, and with a very reasonable expense it could be so enlarged. The water runs into it up to the first of July on all ordinary sea sons and always have It full on the first of July. There Is a first-class well 5 by 6 feet in size and 35 feet deep. Last year was the dryest almost in the history of the coun try, but the well had 21 feet of water on the first of August. The soil Is a granite clay loam and is first class. It Is in fine condition and lies Ideally for cultivation and is Inclosed by a woven wire fence and cedar posts. This place lies on the direct road from Ashland to the city's Iithla spring -and about lhi miles from it. It is only of a mile from the city limits at the Normal school aud. mile from the Bcllevlew school house. The roads are fine at all seasons of the year. The city is building rapidly In that direction and in fact a large number of rural homes are already located all around it. It is one of the most desirable places for a suburban home in the vicin ity of Ashland. I am alone and getting too old to cultivate it and am therefore ottering to sell it very cheap. I will take $220 per acre for it, which Is less than one- half of the price for which much less des'.-able places In Rogue Riv er Valley have been selling. There are no buildings on the place. Anyone wishing further informa tion will please apply to me at my office, Rooms 11 and 12, Pioneer Block, Ashland, Ore. C. B. Wat son. 68-4t Phone news items to the Tidings. DR. JOIIN F. HART Physician and Surgeon TALENT, OREGON, A. C. IIALSTEAD Doctor of Mechano-Therapy Doctor of Mechano-Therapy, Hy drotherapy, Electrotherapy, Osteopa thy and Magnetic Induction as prac ticed in India. Practice Independent or In conjunction with medical doc tors. Office, The Ames, Talent, Ore. MAKE THE ASITTiAVD LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Jackson. In the matter of the estate of Jennie Ellis, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed and has qualified as executor of the estate of Jennie Ellis, deceased. All parties having claims against said estate are hereby notified to presont the same duly verified to the undersigned at his office, 41 East Main street, in Ashland, Ore., within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which Is January 13, 1916. G. F. BILLINGS, Executor Estate of Jennie Ellis, Deceaesd. 67-5t-Thurs. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE II. M. McFarland, pontiff, vs. J. O. Coble and Bessie M. Coble, his wire, and F. E. Merrick, trustee. I!y virtue of an Execution and Order of Sale duly Issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In and for the County of Jackson, to me directed, and dated the 17th day of January, 1916, in a certain suit therein, wherein II. M. McFar land as plaintiff on the 8th day of January, 1916, recovered a Judg ment against J. G. Goble and Uub slo M. Coble, his wife, for the sum of One Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-four and 80-100 ($ 1,424. 80) Dollars, with interest thereon from said 29th day of October, 1913, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, and One Hundred Forty-two ($142.00) Dollars at torney's fee, and the further sum of Sixteen ($16.00) Dollars, which judgment was enrolled and docket ed in the Clerk's office of said Court in said County on the 8th day of January, 1916, and is of record in Volume 23 of the Cir cuit Court journal at pages 549, 550 and 551 thereof. Public notice is hereby given that I will, in compliance with the com mands of said Execution and Order of Sale, on Saturday, the 19th day of February, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the Court House In Jacksonville, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all of the right, title and interest that the defend ants had on the date of the mort gage herein foreclosed or have since acquired or now has in and to the following described real property situated In Jackson Coun ty, Oragon, to-wlt: Beginning at the Northeast cor ner of the tract of land formerly owned by French Plckel, as de scribed in the deed recorded in Volume 101 at page 3S3 of the Deed Records of Jackson County, Oregon, and running thence North eighty (80) rods; thence West forty (40) rods; thence South eighty (80) rods; thence East forty (40) rods to the place of be ginning, containing 20 acres, and situated in Section seven (7) In Township thirty-eight (38) South of Range one (1) West of the Wil lamette Meridian. That all of the above property will be sold at said time and place in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property under ex ecution to satisfy the judgment, costs and accruing costs of sale. Dated this 19th day of January, 1916. W. H. SINGLER, Sheriff. By E. W. Wilson, Deputy. 69-5t-Thurs. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UN DER EXECUTION. H. M. McFar land, plaintiff, vs. D. T. Lawton and M. R. Lawton, his wife, de fendants. By virtue of an Execution and Order of Sale duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In and for the County of Jackson, to me directed and dated the 18th day of January, 1916, In a certain suit therein, wherein H. M. McFar land as plaintiff on the 15th day of January, 1916, recovered a judg ment against D. T. Lawton and M. R. Lawton, his wife, for the sum of Two Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-five (12,985.00) Dollars, with Interest thereon from the 10th day of December, 1915, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, and Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars attorney's fee, and the fur ther sum of Sixteen ($16.00) Dol lars costs, which Judgment and de cree was enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's office of said Court In said County on the 15th day of January, 1916, and Is of record in Volume 23 of the Circuit Court journal at pages 271, 272 and 273 thereof. Public notice Is hereby given, that In compliance with the com mands of said Execution and Order of Sale I will on Saturday, the 19th day of February, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the Court House In Jacksonville, Jackson County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption as la by law provided, all of the right, title and interest that the defendants, D. T. Lawton and M. R. Lawton, his wife, had on the date of the mortgage herein foreclosed or have since acquired or now have In and to the follow ing described real property situat ed in the County of Jackson, State of Oregon", and described as fol lows, to-wlt: Commencing at a point on the Easterly line of Bartlett Street (formerly "B" Street) In the city of Medford, one hundred (100) feet Southward from the South east corner of Bartlett Street and Fourth Street, and running thence Southward along the Easterly line of Bartlett Street one hundred (100) feet, thence at right angles Eastward parallel with Fourth Street, one hundred (100) feet; thence at right angles Northward, paralled with Bartlett Street, one hundred (100) feet; thence at right angles Westward, parallel with Fourth Street, one hundred TIDIXGS "Well, I Should Say 'Gels-It' DOES Work" Took a' There, If You Don't Think It's Just Wonderful for Corns!" "Bless my stars, look at It! Land of the livin'l Why, jimt look at ttl That com came right olT, Junt like peel ing bananas. I'ut your finger on my Vou Tver See tlie LIkcf No Mondrr u the KluKPNt SelliuK Cora Cure in luc World!" toe, rlfxht t!i ore, don't be afraid. that s It, f'-ol how Binootli tho akin 1h? Well, that's where tho corn wag. Well, that bents all!" That's tho way "Uets-It" works on all corns, every com, every time. It's the new, simplo way of curiiiu: corns. You'll Bay (,'oixl tiye to all luoliuli contraptions liko bundling bandages, sticky tnie, phis ters, toe-eating Halves, and i?ruve dinners s'"'h as knives, razorn and scissors. "Geti-It" stops pain. Applied In Si soconds. Never falls. Nothiuv to stick to, hurt or press on tho com. "Liets-It" is sold everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent direct, by E. Lawrenco & Co., Chicago, I". Sold in Ahlainl ami reeomrnrtcdasthe wo'l! best Corn remedy by McNuu Uio. unci J. j. .k bair. Snow Eight Feet In Northern Calif. While Ashland youngsters were praying for enough snow for coast lrr nnrtl,,, I 1 1 f .... I I ij " ueueuui nuiu uhb 10 eigne ieei ot tne " ...w, luu,uo a umuu u "beautiful." The following from the j cln,rch nn1 Btate' and history testf Yreka News tells the story: fIoa tllat sucn a ""'on has always "In Yreka we only had about four-' ,)oen disastrous to both the church teen inches of snow on the ground at j and the state- History repeats itself, one time, while Shasta and Butte val-' and like causes bring like results, leys were covered to the same depth. I "wben our forefathers founded In Scott valley it averaged from one , th,s government the sad history of to three feet. Along the Klamath religious legislation in Rome and dur more snow fell than they have had in lnS colonial days in this country years. warned them to place In the constl- "Between Weed and Dunsmuir the!t,ltlon a safeguard against religious snow piled up. The forest officers at , ty'- The United States senate SIsson estimate that twelve feet of and house ot representatives through snow has fallen there since January thQ Sunday mail reports of 1829 1. Dunsmuir had about the 8ame ,said: 'The proper object of govern amount. Although a great deal of it j mont ls to Protect all persons in the has melted, SIsson and the neighbor-; enjoyment of their religious as well ing country still has between five and as clv11 r,llts' and not to determine eight feet. Ior an'i whether they shall esteem "In McCloud the grass Is covered one dav above another, or esteem all with about seven feet. The railroad between there and SIsson is blocked, four engines having been tied up on that route the first of the week. Mail and train service between the lumber town and the main line has been crip- pl6(ji , The Southern Pacific under the circumstances has been doing fine tr'. the civil Pwer son bends be work In keeping its trains running ncath n- and t,le citastrophe of other with practically no delay. Between nations furnishes an awful warning Dunsmuir and SIsson the company has kept snow plows in use constantly since the beginning of the storm." Card of Tliunks. We wish to extend our sincerest thanks to the many friends for their kindness and sympathy during our re cent bereavement Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Gearhart and family. It Tidings "For Sale" ads are active little real estate salesmen. Intcrurban Autocar Company. Between Ashland, Talent, Phoenix and Medford car leaves Ashland northbound dally except Sunday at 9:00 a. m., 12:50 p. m., 2:30 p. m, i.AU p. m., 4:45 p. m. ana 6:K p. m. Sundays leaves Ash land at 9:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally ex cept Sunday at 8:00 a. m 11:50 a. m., 1:15 p. m., 2:30 p. m., 3:45 p. ni. and 5:15 p. m. Also on Sat urdays at 11:15 p. m. On Sundays leave MedTord at 10:00 a. m., 4:00 p. ni. and 9:30 p. m. Our cars are kept warm In cold weather. (100 feet to the place of begin ning. That all of the above described real property will be sold at said time and place in the manner pro vided by law for the sale of real property under execution to satisfy the judgment, attorney's fees, costs and accruing costs of sale. Dated this 19th day of January, 1910. W. H. SINGLER, Sheriff. By E. W. Wilson, Deputy. 69-5t-Thurs. Notice of Redemption of Improve ment Bonds. Notice is hereby given that Im provement Bond No. 23, Sewer Dis trict No. 6; Bond No. 722, Sewer Dis trict No. 15, and Bond No. 735, Sewer District No. 17, of the city of Ashland, Oregon, will be taken up and can celled by .said city on the first day of February, 1916, by payment of the face value thereof and accrued Inter est to that date, and Interest will cease from and after said date. Hold ers of said bonds will present same to this office for payment. C. H. GILLETTE, 69-2t-Tbura, City Recorder. MMMW Service Plus Quality To have what you call for, when endeavor. If it s standard and pu or can get it for you when you need it necessary. We have the goody. It L is such service us tlu.-i. h nun nave marked our progress Hake thi3 store j our PLAZA GROCERY Scores Religious I Onei'Srmn Taylor C. Hunch, ono of tho field secretaries of the Religious Liberty Association, epoko to a largo audience in the Lyric Theatre Sunday after- noon on the danger qf religious legis- Ilatiou. The National Hymn was suns hy the audienco and solos by Mrs. Walker and Trofessor Mac.Murray. Tho speaker said in part: "The enactment and enforcement of Sunday laws aro dangerous be- CnilHft Of Wllflf. It. Will fllinllv lnM to I i t. tw .i. t'"Z : . : ' , davs a,ike ho,'- Extensive religious Combinations to effect a political ob-, .Iwt arc' ,n the opinion of tho com- ( mUtee, always dangerous. All re- , "6lus despotism commenced by com-! "'nation and Influence. And when that Influence begins to operate upon ; the political Institutions of a coun- or the consequences, it tne principle Is once established that religion, of religious observances, shall be Inter woven with our legislative acts, wo must pursue It to Its ultimatum. "Had I time, many state supreme court decisions could be read declar ing Sunday laws to be unconstitution al. "The union of church and state with Its terrible consequences In Rome was started by the enactment of a Sunday law A. D. 321 by Con stantino. This was a mild law with exemption clauses for certain classes, but It was the first step and others Southern "The Magic Land of t , : , Southern California hag much to offer you this win- t ter. City or country, mountain or beach resorts all t aro inviting. Ine Panama-California Exposition at San Dipgo will remain open another year bipger and better than ever. But Southern California offers some thingeven greater than this. It is the ever-present and delightful Sunshine and Flowers f ' ' Roses in bloom, Oranges and Lemons ripening on the '" trees, Poppies and Geraniums everywhere. This is ' ! the real California. The expense of a trip to Southern California is not great 1 Iniir Onunrl Tran six-month tickets are on : Low KMa inp galodaily frora all lv ' cific Northwest points. Stopovers are allowed at pleas- ure. ThrouEH car service dining car and observation the delightful way to go. Ask your local agent or write John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland Oregon Southern PAGE TITHES G-9 you is our constant can, re, you can be sure we liava it. Ixo substitution I.. f 1 . .11 ow prices and growth. economical trading place C. E.Sams, Prop. Phone 73 quickly followed. Soon all places of business were closed, then all nlacs of amusement, and when that failed brins people to church, the clergy, I who havo been bark of all Sunday legislation, demanded and obtained a law compelling church attendance, which is the real object of all Sunday laws. Thero was no stopping placo l'11 every belief of tho established. church was legislated into law and enforced and Europe plunged Into tho j dark nKps, during which Europo was .drenched with tho bloud of a hundred minion martyrs. "The same steps wero again taken n colonial days. Tho Quakers and Baptlsis Persecuted because they were in tho minority. All were com pelled to attend church and pay tithe whether church members or not. "Tho 'One Day of Rest In Seven League, of which Dr. G. L. Tufts U superintendent, is working to Initiate a more drastic Sunday law- for Ore gon. If passed, all places of business and amusement will ho closed on Sun day, even drug stores, and it will bo Impossible to buy even a newspaper on Sunday. Almost the same law was defeated last year In California by a majority vote of over 176,000. Ore gon should do likewise. Patrick Henry said: 'Liberty, the greatest of all earthly blesings! Give us this precious Jewel and you may tako everything else.' " FURS WANTED Any kind, any quality Best prlceB paid. Hudson Bay Fur Co. 821 Market Stroet S.IV FUAXtXSCO, - CAL. It is Good to be Sure Better to be Insured Best to be Insured With the BILLINGS AGENCY Fire, Health and Accident, Life, Plate Glass, Liability, Bonds Real insurance thrtt lets you sleep o'night Phone 211. 41 East Main. Established 1883 California Palms and Flowers" on muueu trains, mrougii cars make the all-rail route I Pacific i