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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1916)
Thursday, January 27, 1018 ASHLAND TIDINGS f APR TWO Ashland Tidings By THE ASHLAND PRINTING 00. (Incorporated.) SEMI-WEEKLY. ESTABLISHED 1870. Ilert R CJrocr, Editor and Manager. Lynn Mowat, . News Rcorter Issued Mondays and Thursdays Oliicial Cily anflCounty Paper subscription rates. One Year Blx Montlis Three Months 60 Payable in Advance. TELEPHONE 39 Advertising rates on application. First-class job printing facilities. Equipments second to none in the Interior. No subscriptions for less than three months. All subscriptions dropped at expiration unless renewal is received. In ordering changes of the piper .lways rive the old s'reet address or postofflco sis well as the new. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postofflce as second-class mall mat ter. Ahliliind, Ore., Tlmrwlny, Jan. 27, '10 ASHLAND VS. MEDFORD. The mineral waters running suc cessfully into Lithla park marks the finishing of the first step in develop ing Ashland into a watering resort of Importance. Already the work Is . started for the complete remodeling of the Oregon into a first-class com bination tourist and commercial ho tel. Negotiations are under way with good prospects for early consumma tion for a high-class water cure sani tarium. Already Ashland has been placed on the map through a well conducted publicity campaign. Ash land will be ready for the pleasure and health seeker by the time the 1916 season is well opened. And the . tourists will be here. The Southern Pacific Company is behind the enter prise and will bring the people to Ashland. All of this means that Ash land is on the threshold of a rapid and prosperous development. But the development will be primarily along tourist and resort lines. A tourist resort Is never, in the true sense of the word, a commercial cen ter, and by the very nature of things R cannot be made so. The natural line of development will be Into a delightful health and pleasure center and home city. That Is tbe line of least resistance for Ashland and the line along which our efforts Bhould be expended. There Is room In the Rogue River valley for two large and prosperous cities, besides leaving room for the proper expansion of every tswn in the valley. In successfully developing r.ltled Droner recognition must be given to geography and topography; In other words, to the proper lines laid down by nature for community development. Nature has laid out a proper des tiny for Ashland In depositing her wealth of mineral waters In this vi cinity and leaving it possible for men to augment her glorious handiwork of scenery and climate and fertility by the adaptation of her mineral springs. This the people of Ashland are now busy in the accomplishment And the successful accomplishment of this purpose not only will put Ashland forward by bounds, but will lend much force to the development and expansion of the whols Rogue River valley. In the present development of Ashland there is no excuse for jealousy and undue rivalry. Nature has decreed that Ashland and Med ford should develop along distinctive lines, and has so ordered that each may profitably lend to the support of the other in their proper develop ment. Medford is the center of the pro ductive area of the Rogue River val ley, and this geographical advantage Is great; Indeed, so powerful Is it that in spite of rivalry and the strongest competition she Is by nature and al ways will bo the commercial metropo lis of this valley. TIiIb fact should be recognized. Ashland could not compete with her if she desired, along commercial lines, She Is the natural location for the jobblnfj trade and for the manufacturing enterprises of the valley. This fact mtiBt be recognized, admitted and fostered. The proper and rapid development of Medford along commercial Hues will contribute 4$$$$3$$'$($44'$$$$ 4 QUIT IT. Get some glass of water en- i i vdopes at the Tidings office to- day and help advertise Ashland aa a resort. Package of 25, 10 cents; BOO with your business card printed on them for $2JS0. no small force to the rapid and pros perous development of Ashland along resort lines. Self-interest dictates that Ashland and Medford should be friends, not rivals, and whatever of Jealousy or enmity that heretofore existed be twe communities should be at once abandoned and they should Join hands for the proper development of the whole valley, for In this situation it is peculiarly true that the prosper ity of one contributes to that of the other. Let Ashland help Medford de velop along jobbing and manufactur ing lines and in return Medford will assist Ashland in her ambition to be come a great resort. SEEMS GREATLY EXC ITED. "The First National Bank of Ash land has filed suit in the Oklahoma courts for the foreclosure of a $5,000 mortgage against the Ashland Tid ings, of which Bert R. Greer is editor and proprietor. The sheriff's office served the first papers Friday." Medford Sun. The Tidings had held the opinion for a long time that Medford was suffering from the lack of an Intelli gent newspaper. Just read the above again and you will get what we mean. "The First National Bank of ABhland files suit in an Oklahoma court to close a mortgage on the Ash land Tidings." What do you think of thut as an intelligent newspaper statement? What is the matter with tho Oregon courts that an Oregon bauk can not close a mortgage on an Oregon newspaper through an Oregon court? The Medford village press should hire a lawyer to censor their items before they go to press. Like most of their vaporlngs, this item was dictated by spleen Instead of truth and judgment. It Is false, first, because there Is no mortgage against tho Ashland Tidings. It is false, second, because the Ashland Tidings is owned by the Ashland Printing Company, which owes no one. The Ashland Printing Com pany was incorporated a long, long time ago, but the Medford Juvenile press has just discovered that news fact. The sheriff served no such pa pers Friday. What they now refer to happened weeks ago and they have just discovered It The truth Is there Is absolutely no truth in the story, and the story, if it was true, is, as usual, in the Medford press, late, very late. The animus may appear in the fact that lately the Ashland Weekly Tid ings has gained several hundred new subscribers in Medford. That a num ber of substantial Medford citizens have proposed to Mr. Greer that they will take half the stock in the enter prise if Mr. Greer will establish a dally newspaper at Medford and give that city a real newspaper, not run In the Interest of . a few gangsters. A GOOD MOVE. The Jackson county court has gone on record as favoring the support of county enterprises in the purchase of supplies for the county. The action Is commendable. Every community spends .thousands of dollars, through commercial clubs and otherwise, in Inducing people to come and estab lish business enterprises, and when they are located straightway forget them and buy their supplies from for eign Institutions which neither pay taxes In the community nor contrib ute a farthing to legal payrolls. This has been one of the greatest commun ity faults in the past. As much at tention should be given to fostering home enterprises as Is paid to secur ing new ones. What profit to a com munity to locate an enterprise unless It is surrounded with conditions that will help it prosper? It Is a positive detriment ,to have enterprises locate and fall. Better had they never come. The county court has set a precedent and it is a good one. The citizens of te county should heed and follow It In making tneir private purcnases. The surest way to build up a com munity is to patronize local indus tries and local merchants. Focus your ability on one point until you burn a hole in It. Genius is lntonsity and digression Is as dan- corous as stagnation. "lie who fol lows two hares catches neither." It is the single aim that wins, It is easy to decide without think ing; It Is easy to think and not de cide; but It is hard to think fairly and decide courageously. MARLEY IVi IN. DEVON 2 '4 IN. ARROW COLLARS 2, FOR 11 CENTS cmrrr feabodta cqinc trot hy NEXT! Several newspapers are eliminat ing adjectives from their society pages. We might easily spare more of them, but we'd hate to see our old friend, "dainty," go. Livermore Herald. And there's old reliable "quietly." Without it a wedding might easily degenerate into a noise like unto a corkscrew parade following a foot ball game. Memet News. How about our old friend "de lightful"? Is there ever a club af fair, a home party or a wedding that he does not attend? Any 6oeIa event would certainly be a flat fail ure without him EI Centro Prog ress. But, oh, that word "delicious"! Where could we find a synonym that would so accurately describe the cooking of the fair ones? There are oodles of adjectives that need elim ination, but leave use that mouth watering "delicious." Rialto Rec ord. We can readily spare all those ob solete and unnecessary desciiptives, but save, oh, save us the "motif" and "color scheme," and do not mutilate that most comprehensive paragraph of all, "refreshments were served." Rodondo Beach. Which reminds the Plaindealer that all the charm is taken from any social event, regardless of "motif," "color scheme," "refreshments were served," if we can not do "full jus tice" to the "happy occasion." Al ntturas Plaindealer. So far as he Herald is concerned, they can kill all of the noun modi fiers ever used to make a common little get-together sound like a White Mouse reception, .providing only that those old faithfuls, "banquet," "re freshments" and "dainty viands" be spared the pruning knife. Like char ity, they cover a multitude of dis crepancies, and even "those present," who ate, or tried to eat, the Junk dished up feel after reading these terms that it wasn't so had, while those who stayed away feel they missed something. Klamath Falls Herald. We are beginning to think that mayhap after all the society editor's vocabulary is less limited than that of the fish peddler or auctioneer, but our friends have forgotten our favor ite. Take all the rest, but leave us one. Have you ever heard of any kind of an affair, from a neighbor hood sewing circle afternoon to a military ball, which was not "enjoy able"? ... . THE OPTIMIST. The woman who read in holy writ that faith as a grain of mustard seed would move mountains, prayed that a mountain be moved, and upon open ing her eyes discovered the mountain still there and said, "Just as I ex pected," was a pessimist. She prayed that holy writ might prove true and at the same time hoped it would not. An optimist is one who believes In the present and has the liveliest hope for the future. A pessimist is one who believes In nothing and hopea nothing will come to pass. All the glorious development in the world to day is the fruit of the optimist, of men who dreamed and made their dreams come true. Most of the obsta cles overcome by the world doers were laid by the pessimist. Thank God for the optimist. HIS NAME IS THE HELLYDID. There is a guy whose name is The Hellydid and he comes from the Riv er of Doubt. His brother's name is "I don't believe you." He is the original quacker the original belly acher. He is the guy that wakes up n the morning feeling as though he swallowed a bucket of sour paste the night before. While everybody else Is smiling and happy this guy is gloomy. While everybody else is up and doing, this guy Is down-ln-the mouth. And what Is he down In the mouth over? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. It's ust his mental attitude. He Is afraid. He is always fearful. He is always distrusting everybody. To him everybody Is a cheat, a liar and a crook. That's why he is called "The Heilydid" from the "River of Doubt." Every Ashland citizen should Join the Commercial Club at once. There Is a tremendous amount of construc tive work necessary in forwarding the resort project. The Commercial Club needs your help and you need its help. Join. Get together and have your part In the glorious work of making Ashland a center of con sequence. President V. O. N. Smith and the officers of the club are lay ing practical lines for effective club work and deserve the support of the people. The divorce court Is the rendezvous Of those who have said and done what a lot of others have only sat and thought. ' - Coffee Our coffee is called by our name because you know us better than you know coffee countries. i The most that a coffee country can do is to sell us good coffee. The big part of the goodness of Schilling's Best is due to the way we handle good coffee clean, roast, grind and pack. The airtight tin are revol utionizing the coffee busi ness. They make fine coffee economical and not-Iinc, foolish. Schilling's Best People's Forum Port Orford, Oregon. Editor Tidings. People of Curry county are not surprised at anything these days, and a railroad or two headed this way would not start a stampede or keep the children home from school. The latest report comes from the mountain section of the county, and the long-looked-for survey is now started, and It's the road the people of this section want, as it will mean more for Port Orford than three roads up and down the coast. A party of twenty-two men have headquarters at the boundary line on Tim creek, half of the party working towards Port Orford, down the mid dle fork of the Sixes river, while the other crew are - working towards Grants Pass, north of Eden Ridge, up China creek. Port Orford has waited a long time for this road, and it is the one road that will give to Grants Pass and the other Rogue River valley towns a deep water harbor. Port Orford is one of the oldest towns in the state and is little known by the people, even those who have lived here for years. In 1880 Port Orford was selected by the government as the most suit able place for a harbor of refuge be tween San Francisco and Puget Sound. Port Orford Is situated in 42 degrees 45 minutes north, longi tude 124 degrees 30 minutes west. It is the most westerly port on the American coast south of Alaska. It is the best and most capacious road stead or summer harbor between San Francisco and Puget Sound. It is just midway between the two places, and is 220 miles south of the Co lumbia river. It is a deep, broad bay, having on the west and north a head land, perpendicular on the harbor side, and 350 feet altitude. The bot tom is sand and mud, clear and free, and gives a good anchorage. A quar ter of a mile outside of the extreme south point of the heads the water deepens rapidly and soon attains a great depth, the effect of which Is to prevent heavy ground swells setting in at the roadstead. The harbor Is three miles broad; there are no sunk en rocks; all the dangers are above water. The bay is effectually pro tected on three sides by high and prominent land. The beads are formed of most durable rock, with bold water from four to seven fath oms immediately against them.' Northwest fogs seldom enter the roadstead of Port Orford, a peculiar ity which distinguishes it from all other harbors south of the Columbia. There are 50 billion feet of tim ber adjacent to Port Orford, and a short distance from the harbor is the Don't Get Wet and carry around a load of water and a cold. . Tower's Fish Brand Reflex Slicker $3.00 sheds every drop. Easy fitting and jt; puiuu zuyita CMgea stop every drop Ik frnm ninninff in - rt.a T7 .1 - Jrj at the front Protector Hat, 75 cent Satisfaction Guaranteed OWER Send for catalog ' A.- t A. J. TOWER CC'VT' s.t BOSTON ZJSBRJV 9 mm I The Oldest National Member Federal FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $120,000.00 DEPOSITORY OF City of Ashland County of United States largest body of Port Orford cedar In the world. Within 60 miles of Port Orford is the largest waterpower in the United States. This new survey passes through the great coal fields at Kckley, some 25 miles from Port Orford. Government surveyors re cently reported that this field con tained a nine-foot vein of anthracite coal. It Is an easy down grade from these fields to Port Orford. At the present time there Is no adequate coaling station on the Taciflc coast. Battleships and other vessels will be able to enter Tort Orford and coal and in a few minutes after coaling be at sea. No delay on account of tides or distance from the ocean. These features will make of Port Orford an important naval base. Directly behind Port Orford harbor Is a splen did site for a big city. Stretching north for several miles is a level pla teau, free from draws or hills. To the southfest of the townslte are the "Heads," 300 feet high. These hills protect a portion of the town from southwesterly storms, and they fully shelter the harbor and beach from northwest winds. This makes Port Orford a popular place for a summer resort. The new survey is the short est and will have the best grade to the main line of any that could be selected. F. B. TICHENOR. ROSE FESTIVAL SLOGAN FOR 1010. The Por.tland Rose Festival slogan for 1916 as finallp adopted reads: "For you a rose In Portland grows." Date of the Rose Festival, June 7, 8 and 9. Phone Job orders to the Tidings. Good Work Done Promptly AT THE Rough Dry at Reasonable J. N. NISBET, Mgr. Office and Laundry 31 Water St. . TELEPHONE 165 5 'All the better class of dealers uncon sciously recommend Snowflake Sodas because for so long they have been th.3 standard ot cracKer goodness. 10c and 25c packages also in bulk I 1 1 1 1 1 IS i To Wood Contractors i Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the Board of Direct ors of School District No. 5 of Ash land, Oregon, until February 1, 1916, at 6 o'clock p. m., for 160 cords of fir wood, to be good, solid wood cut from green trees. Wood received must not be more than eight nor less than four inches in diameter. Wood to be delivered and piled as directed at the East and West schools and some at the High School on or before Septem ber 1, 1916. A certified check for $25.00 must accompany each bid and a bond will be required from the per son to whom the contract is award ed for the faithful performance thereof. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Direct ors. H. F. POHLAND, Clerk. Ashland, Ore., January 18, 1916. 69-2t-Thurs. ' Bank In Jackson County t Reserve System ii Jackson State of Oregon t of America Out of ninety members of the last Oregon legislature the newspaper correspondents concluded that, ac cording to their standards, but eight of them acted In such manner as to j indicate their absolute honesty. Some of them stuck on the "honest" list till the last hours of the session 'and then had to be scratched off the press roll of honor. The Commercial Club requests the names and addresses of parties who are considering coming to the coast his summer. We wish to stnd them iterature and give them a good con ception of Oregon. 74-tf A nORSE IS OUR ERIENI) and we should treat bim as such. To shoe him with uncomfortable or pain ful footgear is not "clubby." What's more, It isn't human. If you care for your horse as he deserves, bring him here to be shod. We guarantee he'll reciprocate the good treatment he re-, celves here. N. M. LANE Corner First Avenue and C Streets Successor to A. L. Lamb. N.&M.Home Laundry Prices. New Machinery. S PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY Portland Oregon lil I I I I, f , tttf , )r n " " ' ' 1 1 i ii 1 1 1 1 ii u