Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1879)
THE ASHLAND TIDINGS Si Jl ANGE I RIDA Y BELIGIOUS FAN A TJ- CISMS. R. T. BALDWIN SR. I SETTLING A short time aixo we were startled by the intelligence that a fa: her in Massachusetts had piunged a knife into the heart of bis little daughter iu obedience as he supposed to the command of God. If be had been a raving maniac, no great interest would have been aroused in the case, but upon ¡ill other subjects than that ot religion the man was perfectly rational. His mind tilled with the stoiy of Abraham and Isaac, a dis-» eased imagination brought to his i ¡us the voice of his (¡od, directing i ; a to offer up his only daughter a sacrifice upon the altar oi his faith. The deed wa> done, and then the scales tell from the eyes of the infatuated worshiper and he saw before him the cold, bait! fact that I k * had committed ii'tir- dei*. Epon the heels ot this lit»i- ror comes another, which sur- passes it in cruelly to its vic.tims. In the town ot Anaheim, Califor nia, is ¡m association of people called the Societas Ft ¡Hernia, whose cardinal point ot t.iith is that uncooked vegetables and fruit is the only kindot food which may be eaten without sin aira’mst the laws ot God. From the Anaheim Gazette of a recent date we take the following: UP. Mr W J Hill, on the Moore far«n. four miie» It-low Engine, ha* 1,600 acres in grain, all ot which looks w.ll MANUFACTURER OF, AND I EALER IN, an I prouii.-vS an abundant j it Id II line's Cantierv at E len*bnrg is mm mg on f‘i'l time. 1 hey it re catch SADDLERY AND HARNESS l.-.g plenty of fish, and wb te uien have tnken the | lace of Celestials of a year MERGANSER, L a KECOUNIY, OREGON. ago SJern Statesman: Mr D D. Pretty- man hr Might into our olliae ye»ter<lav a bunch of orchuid gra-s. all from ib< ALWAYS ON HAND, »f»e ro >t, con tu i nt ng 270 stalks uverag tig five feet in height. T ie anti Chinese club r.f Lewiavil'e, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF P >lk coc.i.ty. is ¡riving all the heath i.oDir«, !UK>m ens from that neighborhood, and i» Bll IDLE*, SPUK», d“ing mi.-eionury work in urvaniz'ng PTIKBUP*, branch clubs nt <1 fl r< lit places. B TH, WHIPS. LASHEH, ClbCHO A letter from Umatilla to the Ore i/tniiun 'tlir efHtement that etti- z-ns ot Uina'llla are leagued agnin*t tin* Í3Y*Rwpt.irintr ¡i-onip*’y »rd done. Owe n> eiv** I k .' you C. n e I’idiaiis is a gros- wtong. C" Z-u» • .* y c by II tr U .di L g i vi wi .i> u juur u.e. ¡3 10 II R. T. Lt. su. condeinn nlli j is icean.i wrong d<*iug. \|r. C. II. Seeley. lor> man of the grand j iry, told me that the Pilot R k C hm - was before them all day. but no teMi mony was brought to enable them to On M.UU S rect find a ti lie Lilt. \shland ----- Oicgon. Ou Snuilav last th»* bodies B like and his danght. r Emma, nged 17 years. Were brought to A-.lurid tr m> I hive tow on tu.iid .ihmu iful .nor mei.t of Cl •t-'"p | I iti s. B like uus an iudii»— Hoi», Bonne'*, 4'»rie« Fr.O'*h Flowers, Wreath- P.u.e- Nee* Ti-e. Lhe.. Suite. Ju •. Lvlice riot’s hirin' r and w»» »m nged in clear Fiui. hiux G- urir,eU*.,r(c. etc Ah > mg some bind. On Sa'uiday lii- dattght- r aceomp in ¡cd h m to the tim ber, wui’-li 1 ti I" their both meeting n violent death. M . Biuke had finished < ut'ing. and lr<"u HppearallCrs, it was aud the Warner Health Oltre'. I nr 1er. from Hriirt,.i»i» promptly filled. in the act of tnlling, when ho saw hts tìT Every ih hg *« Id < heap f >r C *h. ■ laughter standing beneath the de»cen « hii'V, Treenug ulú Cotoni g, I- ” e vetj dmg tree. He rau to her resoie. bat Le...eel ui l.ue.. *v2ulGtl tut» late; b >th Were iustautly billed. Mrs. H D. Jones. Every year brings an increas ing immigration to Lake county. As a purely pastoral country Lake county has, perhaps, reached the climax of development, but it is now ready to take a step forward, and begin the transformation iiHo an agricultural district which is sure Io follow the increase of pop ulation. The vast extent of land in the Northwest which is suscep tible ot agriculture is only begin ning to be known. Hundreds of thousands of acres ot land in Ore gon and Washington Territory which until within a very few years has been thought only valu able as o ‘irazimr * land is now corn- ing into notice as the finest giain producing land in the United ¿Hutes. This opens up for the Northwest a futon.» of i:..iiiitely greater prosperity than wai ever dreamed ot by those who supposed t * the agricultural land was confined to the river bottoms and valleys. In the past the estimates ot the pop illation which Oregon and Wash ington could sustain were bused upon the erroneous belief that the bunch grass hills atid the sagebrush Wl ATIlElt IIEPOKT. plains never would be torn by (lie plow and echo the clatter of the thousands of reaping machines Tiie r.*u I r-i of the Gizett: are ae- which will soon be filling the qua nt. d will» tbo pejilllar aystfiu oi date weather . THERM T R. golden grain ot this year’s harvest. ■ fh t*iti(!S prietieed by the nietnbera <-f Favored as Oregon is in respect to tin) So.-Lft.,- Fra! ’.'/lût. Tusv bave 12 M. 6 A. M. i climate, soil and commercial ad< ¡¡a I a ¡¡tarty laugh over th» (¡X 55 Clear.............. 12 • • 76 13 51) vantages, she is attracting a fast absurdity of the sysiem. mid have dis- u 78 14 (il increasing tide ot immigration. missel tho mi', j s t fr ua their minds 65 13 Cloudy.......... 53 Of this, the greater portion passes w th tbo men’.ii rematk that if the«» IG 61 C eur............ 46 C * 17 48 G3 up the Columbia river to the in people ch > >s i t > gorge themselves w th pumpkin pet d* and green pi ns, it viting field for settlement offered New Tc.- av. by the vast extent of unoccupied is n.»lio ly’s business but tir.-ir own. Bat tno idTiir assumes a serious ns and fertile land of Northeastern Oregon. Southern Oregon is out pee: when it i -known tout tin* eliil Iren of the line oi emigrant travel from <>( the community are compell d to the east, most ot the. emigrants subsist on the srnne ¡uengrrt f ire, There CLOTHIER AND TAILOR, going by water from San Francisco I ire three children, one of them being nure biby. ah >.it a year id I. Tics to Portland, but the advantages a eliihl ¿Has Just cpened wien eight in in ths old, ‘ *w as which this Section can offer to the wean d up >:i .-crape I upple,“ so Dr. settler are being made known i Schl siu er siys. Tuis bn been its XEW STORE in A'HLAXD, throughout the eastern states, and diet ev r sine », varied only bv oceas- many persons come to the Pacific i iiiil iudalgeuce-i m dr e 1 fi '•» ormg-s W er> m->y b> f »tirxl n aMoenvnt of coast with Southern Oregon as tin* raisins, or something i»t that sort Th** CASSIMERES, FLANNELS. YARNS, SOCKS, ELAXKE \ E1C., destination tor which they started r i-tilt i» that the child is nothing but upon the journey from their old skui a i l b »ue. It is being slowly - also - homes. Lake county is yet scarclv starved t> death. Tics« who have Fi v b’ :ck cl i h«, I) es i hu I Eigi-h Wo-*ted Cjitlugsfjr suite, ail. f which wit bi a 1J touched by the wave of population seen the poor liitle vini I say that it is which is sweeping across the con undoubtedly dying of starvation, aud Clmap for Cash. tinent, hut her time is coming,and tiiat unless some noil* ish:ni-ut is speed Clo'h’ng in ><te to ord r i*i 'h» b s' * ylesnnl *;ilis- we predict this year the beginning iiy j. ivea to it, it cuiiLot live. fict.ii L'ui-mi-el -Cu-'<»nie * pucha tug a guJ bili <>l g >o I- tn y h v • cj.iii g of a new era of settlement, the Tv> or thro.» w.nks ago a daughter don» a' n <1 iced r .te». advent of a class of people who , of t ie U jv . Dr. T »>mbs, wbesi res- PATIERNS CUT TO ORÙE3, come expecting to till the soil and I ldoiice is near t > th it occupied by the ilug .lo:ie iu tbe w.y u> clothe ani make lor themselves comfortable S i iiety, w • >.•} i r - <p • !t<’ ¡I i • e c • t i » lu f in et, k.- < v up ryt ihc .Util. and pleasant homes, The area of mother of the ehil I, t-.liug her that it JOHN FRALEY. 2-r 1 f. M io S r ei. A hi nd. grain-pi educing la ml m Lake was undoubtedly dying of sLirvat on, county is sufficient to offer homes aud suggesting ths pr ipriety of giving for thousands oi people, and the the little innocent that nourish no it of GRAND CALL in ASHLAND ! climate, although not so mild and whi di it manifestly stood so intuii in — ON THE— equable as we ot the Rogue river ne d. To this musive a mo-t ex raor valley enjoy, is far preferable to dinary reply wai malo. Tlia mother Fourth of July. wrote; the stifling summer heat and the “I am willing to sacrifice my child to 'J j ^ 21 1 ¿J UEJ Si R Lk bitter winter winds ot many oi the the spirits. It it sb all pass away, it eastern states. will not be lost to me.” —AT I HE - A ’ ■ p a -- ----------- > < -4 ------- — At the June term of County Commissioners' Court of Lake county it was decided to accept the terms offered by the California and Oregon Laud Company in the tax coniest. The company now pay. thirty cents an acre, whereas last October their agent, Gio. E. Strons offered forty cents an acre, which was refused. This makes a difference ot 8616 dollars iu the tax receipts of the county. The county officers evidently made a blunder in not accepting the terms first offered. There were irregu larities in the assessment which would have involved the county in costly and perhaps losing liti gation. and most prudent persons would have been glad to accept any sort of reasonable co.npro- mise. W e trust the people of our neighboring county wilt b ? able to require the Land Company to pay its just snare ot taxation, in the future. New York Tribune; Senator Sessions made the best speech <‘f hislifeon Wednesday. Iledefen- ded the Bobbins Beef bill against the charge of being a job. He said: “1 have read this bill “through carefu’ily, and I can't find any steal in it: and I can tell a steal when I see it as q 'iek as any man going.” When the Sen ate burst into a loud laujih, poor Mr. Ses*ions seemed suddenly to understand why. Says the port.’and Standard: “If the Kearm y t'cket in California is made up of the same class of ma terial as the nominee for Surveyor General, it does not reflect much crédit on the organization which placed it on the field. Stevenson is well known in this city, and he has many anxious friends inquiring after hin.. His departure from Orecon was not generally an- nounced.” It is recorded as one ot the many visible signs of reviving industry that the Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia are now running on full time, with some 2,000 men employed, many work ing over time. Die engines they are turning out are to supply not only domestic requirements, but a demand from forvi-n countries, notably New Zealand, U/ V O llv a f w weeks » ,o tho w’i »le ci vi - liz-d was thrilled with horror al the recital of the trage ly at Pitasset, where F eem m mid wife. S *con 1 Al v»ntist fma'ics, killed their lov»!v li’ tie dang!it.-r tin 1er th » I» -lief th it G id d»sir-d »hero ’o <>£F r u *r tip as a sieri fire. Bit h »reis a cise which exo»*ds that erige ly iu atruity. Ii tin one caie t»e little ri rt tn srir u felt the keen knife wliioh the f iuitical father p! i:ig-’d uito her hurt,- bit in th* I i --"it mu mre the h ip'e-s infant is o i i I »one 1 t» a si i v ml lin'» ii? .l-ath, mid tor uro in* xpr»seihla Whit Ci ’ lie thought of parents who thus r» v-1 in Hie agonv of th -ir off soring? \nd wlnt can be thought of a com m u nitv which wdl per n t such outrag i- one and horrible dee 1 s to b» •m utt-» I und r the mastio of religion« bel el? It is said that tho District Attorney i» the onfv ofB «er who cui legi'ly ink-» cogniziuoe of the caje If »n ;h is the fact, we earnestly r< quest him to pise it his immediate attention. Let hi u remember that the child is wasting away hourly, un i th at if anything is done it had belter lie d me qitickly. Millinery Store. X Main Streit, Aslilcsd, PIONEER STORE, Main Street, Ashland, rpHE UNDFB'IGNED from n <1 ■■{<■■■, I Ajoil lHli pr p* se (•» «H only f.« H 1 »r approved pr'ilnc** «l.-!iv«-r» d—•*x<'»'pî » li'-n b) *p«-cial !igr. • ruent a short aud iiu>- iii-d credit mat b • gite . c£L a ® J»# w STAPLE at«» FANCY GOOD-?, DRE-5*» GOODS, H'Lll llUIH'Ul.Ct- O tire p- O '|e < f J iek ■«■•ii and L k • tt<>:iiitits th it ih-y have v in nl SH<»E4, HATS, CAP-, HARDWARE, • nd ihat ••very ri»y will w!u>*s- additi .ns o ■ lie brg'-»i fc*ock of Ciccoies and Provisions, C. H. GILLETTE, R. A. ALFORD. II. M. THATCHER, J. D. FOUNTAIN. GUIN BUTLER, CHAS PRIM, FIRST-CLASS HGU3E Ev i b ought to ilos Hu’k'*t. JA'PER HOUCK Forwarding and Commission Agent, Rep irii g of « I» o re wiili <ii»p>iict <*.il ud ce mi noi f I J )RN RALPH. ------------------ SHOF' C. K. KLUM, MANUF (CiULI.R OF,AND DI At ER TN Saddlery & Harness, Acd we nisi» prop i»e to sell all Go'-«l- GOCDS SO D TAKDAnB AT TH. A shland , O iiegon . “CHEAP FOR CASH !” LOWEST MARKE i PRICLS and e PS A Gl NEKAL ASSOliT- K DH'Lt <>i (.<•• «!► tu I !► hi e »if linde. L:k<li<*s\ illri»*-’ suiti Boys* Slid*' Small Profi!»*' bii'i» *'*» ¡hi» spring ar»'l ¡r.i.uu e , < ¥»■ AGENTS FOR THE NEW WIL- bUN OSC i LL a I ING bUUTII.E filos, si Speciality. ¡Ó do tlie lar^’ .-l ib'-ni in the la»i five To id , ■ Ba; v ft‘*3 Plb'9 Han.ess. mi us, n onus, teal!», ui.d that lii-*y e«u DISH ES puMllireh lUuke it lu — SflSSl'Ji — H ESE BLANKETS. ihe nd vantag«- of - \ ety «n* ----- A 1^0.------ and le-t (lie iruili <»l liieir ..«»eniuns Tb>-v will »paie i o pa ns lo iiiHiiilxin, m»»' hou»e, ¡is llie uik:iowledgi-d WiNCin siEi: R ipi atixg R ifles (commonly called Henry Riffis) ot model of 1S g 6, IS73, and 1876 Pistols, Cartridges, Etc. BARGAINS ! E SHALL IE PLEADED TO WATT U1‘- ou . 1. cue oi... r» m d m U au u^r Le t u» W .gire them eaurf cti >n. ¡'HEADQUARTERS, WHEAT Tiiken at the Highest Market Bates in Excbai ge for Goods Arbtm.1, J ii < e 2“tli. lt-7»i. MARBLE- A shland , May 16th, IS79 J amfb T hi «NTOH, J ato « W isiiíh , W. H. A tkikkox , E. K. A xdkbsom . — THE — F Staple utí Fa cy Cicce ing, Boots, thces, Hats, Caps, AKSLAHD WOOUN MAKUFAC- TURING CO. MARBLE BUSINESS, Ware, Shawls, Wrap pers, Cloaks. Executed in any description of M arble . MILL. -------- AND FURNITURE, SASII, BLIND DOull AND MOULD ING FACTORY Trade «if -ARE SOW MAKING - SOUÎHI R'* A' D St UTU E\*Tri:> SOU TH t RN OREGON. ASHL Nl, ------a tf £ —_ All kind” of Pinning, Motildiugx Turning, Circular and 8cioll Sawing. TH¿ VERY BEST < ATÍVE WOOL A FULL ASSCTTMENT OF 1RCN and STEEL Paid to orders from all puts o' G.KNOE STREET. (.»BEGUN. t'REG -N. —FROM— Special Attenticn For Blacksmiths’ and Gent ral use BLANKETS, Firr.rtire and Ci rarre nt?. I Cai vii g, He. Lone io Ordtr. ^ff* Fari’tur« S.«li. Uooie II ud» Ai tddì'.g c i. ( hi , i «.«. .4 « hx ui d o oi dei. •<«. FLANNELS, Prices, reasonable—Address J. H. R ussell , A-hlend. Oregon. CA&JMERES. DOESKINS, — A FULL LINE OF-------- AND HOSIERY. GEO. PLANING Ai d, in fact, everything reqniicd 'or lh- HE A D S T O X ES do 34 v3 ljr A. F »QUI t&>. J R LUP.KE MECHA NICS millinery and Dress Goods. Crockery. Glass and Tin- J. H. Russell, Prop’r., | WING AGAIN SETTLED IN THIS *. pince .<lid türm d mj e i ire at.iuttun u» the L.U. P. MARSH, Groceries, H ¿ r¿ware, Cloth MARBLE WORKS, ASHLAND ni.l’f. ---- F( R----- BUTLER & ROCKFELLOW. uil' c-'titr'»«-' I«. Ce igi» nii<> e • *t • 1 kii'«l» »'f In>l<fii g» W. e I.--II b »• 'o ilo» enitibn ing «.*, ve » Il ti«i**i>h «i il-«* • a cm r-qi'iiei fo i * «*. n*iiu<-i • ••, I M y i»u «lini. i. ..I, r . • < up h [. |'i il A kt H & U. NI TLEY JtST RECEIVED —nF TUI— — .4 7* THE- Roseburg*. Oregon- AS a URGE AND COMMODIOUS WARF- —Ai»|.i- i.oai *• etor- f • win • nl T’ne Lakeview Herald seems to H v li...I-. ry kiiol (.1 ,.iu i. ch . i e chai.i» <»f S ... be u null liit.l it to their .nte.cti lu ship «»1 fuigu have lost its balance whee , as it O 111 tg Ol'gll Ul.F 11 .U»f. “flits oil'the handle'’ in an alarm- W im ;1, b c i), lion , l.i'fs, »tc , c •nrignel to my ing manner whenever the Indian c 1 r<- 11. ¡or ru e or rbi, Uicui wili reec.v prompt atieu- question is mentioned. The last Freight per toil. 81 00 BOOT & SHOE STORE. Ml Sull per car load article it published upon this sub 'lui k to d- c it ul U. L. .M. (49-3- f. the extraordinary * ! — —Next do r to tbo •/ ject contained . assertion that the people ot Luke county, especially in the western THE SUGAR i STALLICI, —OLD AND NEW — THANKS TO THE IÜ3L1C eml, were in favor ot the removal of the Klamaths. In the face of the fact that a remonstrance ■ SIR RODERICK, For their Libe’-d I’a'ro mg*. which be against such removal was signed cep's a» te#ti" o iy il'eir appre ciation Ilis pnrpo-e is to by almost every citizen in the western (Hid ot Lake county, the Will make the ensuing season, Are invited to Fend in their orders Herald’s authority must be regard commencing April 7fh and end and are assured that they shall “Grow the Place.” ed as rather untrustworthy. ing July Isr, ar. the stables of C. receive prompt attention at F. Blake, one mile east of Ashland, Stale News. prices that defy competition. on Monday, Tuesday aud Wednes HE IS IN FAVQB OF THOSE WHO Salem bus ten opium dens. day of each week. ASHLALD LLOG STORE PATRONS, DESCRIPTION. HARNESS s iy 'n • ve y r «de ot U.i» p .per.ilo» if Taken in exchange for goods. H. h. MURTON., Lum county cattle ti e being driven I to Eisteru Oregon i >r grass. Mages are running now on regular time through the Blue Moutdaius. S ir R oderick is a dark bay J dm Millard, of Albany, has raised a straaberrv which measures sevea lu with no white; four years old, and che» m circumference. will weigh about I hit teen hundred It i* estimated th it about 130 tons of pounds. His sire was old C apt . wool from t'ie coast and river, w ill be ligari —dam , by L ion H eart . shipped fiom Coos B.y this year. M. G. F -isy.of Gervais, d-e.l »nd T ei n»s For (lie Season. He iletiiy at lit* home on the 11th Care will be taken to prevent was the first printer to set type iu Ore accidents, but no liability will be gon. At the Sthm Univer»ity Alumni I »Sassumed. nutting ou the 111ii a poem bv Sue G. W. FOSDYCE, S utpst n. e ht’tied “Ashes of Ibatjs" A s ’^ land , O regon . ag-gH wus read ' y Misa Jertba Mcores. KINDS Of Vehicles Made lo Order. Th'*» 'lisie t< fully than ev-t*, t'ie lepuialion of tleir RICH. KLIPPEL General Manager. AXD a L. WAGHNS, M E It C II A » I 'S i everj thlug usually found in CALL on them il'-Iy and a cica FRANK KRAUSF, CHAS. NICKELL, SIKES WORDEN. Reception Committee. «I 111- si O.' I uri GLASS-W a RE, CÎ10CKERY COUNTRY PRODUCE Managers J. S. EUBANKS, rpHEl Nl’FR I L\ id W LL t:F. I Ol’ND to c*ill upon Hem in A-bla d r-T FlNbllED BY JA'I’ER HOUCK wtih ucc-*ni'i o l.iiiutis to.* 50 -e a. No pain« will lie spire I ti mile bi* llx* TA BLETS MOXTIti ENTS gr itnle-l ■ ft'iir of li e .». ¡no i. I lie be»t of inii-ie will b- ecu e I. ami the supp< r will AA7>— sni p t*s any hing • v. r » in Asli ii'nl ....$2 50 ¡'URLIO FOR PAST FA- « ul n e e u e iu I.e future. Vor» 1 eu i.i „ , ASHLAND ua ue la- ut* aa akx jxu SEWING MACHINE, I am prepared tn fill all orJers with neat Oe.-s aud (4i»palch. Tickets (iiAliuJirg iuj|cr).... •i Hving rate«. •»lei reí r«-t*eiviii<r tb.*ir New Spring Stuck. do.!»* b. ♦ WfHANKING TFt 1 And l J This will enable vs to ofler Letter prices from »Le livery »I i M (in » teei, i«o -’oo » h* , « * - ! e i* p-ep.ird than ecer Lafore (<> do aii kirn's p! work iu hi* Lue t -lie !O-»e-i j Aiti Fountain & Farlow, Á Í’------ —4Vur» —Ctoeh ii» Harnt - aving aucceedfd mrs . m . w . har - OAViME iu the busi e*-, «olili ihm unce io ih» i ub ic that thej offer f r »¡.h » foil line ■ f ‘Quick Sil ÍC I XV AGON Hird B^ OGY P a INTIKG U Sp«l ‘laity. NEW DEPARTURE! CLOIHISG BOO S «M .kinds ci — AFL,— Will do i>, thvy |*iop tbe'r St <ck i Is prepar. J tn do PAINIIXG Butler & Rockfellow »— m oriu RS SELLING cut ni . kc ruuiu Ivr J. N. T eh W ili , iger .’ J. M. Me Call & Co., J Lar^rat Hull in Jackson County ! J Morri» JJoum. I Buttfick. Patterns Bargains ! Bargains ! Bargains ! J. .V Me Call. : WEAR GOOD BOOTS AND tJOügr The largest stock of DKt G>. MEI. I. l.MZS, I! »Li GOODS DAY <.O! DS. ETC., E* i ;eGiVtdh A h » u»l-- ------- CON 1ST1NG t F--------- A N D - Fia nnels, Dotsk tn.. Blankets, Tf.iiei Atticità» Ciotlunf/, Cussimeres, -TbYS- lu gr. ut turU ly . i <1 « t «.■ a »1 »* v 1 • t* dr- »»••. -Pl l.F. MINIS Always o i ba: d an<l for »..le at I .wett priv> - d L‘Ql< BF— Pipes, Tobacco jar The highe«! market priées puid fir'Sa - A Ji D- — Cigars.— WHEAT — OATS— BARLEY— BACON Materials of all kind«. rucb a* ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLI, —FRENCH— ANO PAIMS, OILS. VARM.'II, glass . BRLS11ES, I TC.. ETC —AND LARD— ' ANDIES, NVJ8 ALLIGATOR GOODS, ami » FINE CONFECTIONS. PlfrUSl'HIPTlOX* uira ALWAYS ON HAND» An<l all w«*ik gotten up in the Cir«fi')y cim, omrita «/ita fine»t drag«. W. fl. ATKINSON, tought the interest of w .* H. Ai»h» • lie A» hua > i > Darn* 8iu> F, I H aving mu . I. tol'y r-JK <t 0..1MU lo» « «i««-. »•!»»' S eck M tamt . »gr w le« hu» br.11 a. iib-mh> tx ended u. tb« po* Lik u.» lu Ue pett. _ VERY BEST STYLE. ¿.e a -F^r n.edic I ,. u » jm »«— 'CPIto® ECU* Aid any thiug elee (tat the p«.Mc may r Pt-rrniNr y SlnlioMttry. GEJ. NUT LEY i. n. McCAliL k C4. 15-Mtf. DR. J. H. CBirWOOD.