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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1922)
LOCAL NEWS The Ladies Aid society of tho M. E. church will hold a cooked food sale at taieuian's Furniture store, Saturday, Nov. 18, beginuiug at 10 o'clock a. m. It Pies like mother mads; Buy them at the cooked food sale of the M. E. Ladies Aid Saturday, Nov. 18, barin ning at 10 o'clock a. tn. in Bateaiun 3 Furniture store. It FOR SALE 3 Rhode Island Red Roosters, 8 months old, from A. I. Raney strain, $5 each. Inquire H. W. Jaackson, Toledo. 39 It Home made bread, pies, cake, doughnutB, baked beans, roast chicken, are among the good things offered for sale by tho M. E. Ladies Aid society, Saturday, November 18, beginning at 10 a. m., at Bateman's Furniture store. It What? Good homemade eats! When Saturday, Nov. 18, beginning at 10 . m.. Where? Bateman's Furniture store. , It S. E. Newkivk of The Bootery has been out to the wholesale market where he made some special buys on holiday goods. , Correction In our laat week's issue we stated in reference to the ringing of the curfew that all minorB under the age of 16 were not allowed on the streets after 8 p. m. without being accompanied by parents or guardian. The afce 16 is for girls only. All boys tinder the nge of IS years come under the law, according to the city ordinance. LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OKEOONTHURSDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1922 Marrii Carl Tangea and Clara j Stevena u-.ii of Moody Wu.j united Minn Thel nome from corvallis where she is n. a murine oy urn. Cain oi. Mm tori i,t nt the Parsonage Friday, .' wVell!.;' tj. you want coffee or a tin can rsleoves' Special Blend in bulk . pound. . it L. 31. Commons of Harlan! Ore., pas;.ci through Toiodo Monday on his via, . owe from Newprt alter a week's Uus ..lS visit ln the beach resort. Built cofies ground to suit your tas.u 23c, uic aud 40o, at Gilders'.cevoa It student at the Oregon Agricultual Col lege. Miss Fowler has been havin;; considerable trouble with her eyes and will be compelled to stay away from school for an Indofinate period. It. Is expected however that she will be able to resume her studies Immed iately after the holidays. - Miss Bertha Davalt and Miss Peck. teachers in Toledo schools, will leavp on the noon train today for CorvalliB where thoy will attend tho "Home coming" football battle between the O. A. C. and University of Oregon to be played at Corvcllis Saturday nftor noon. They will return to Toledo on ars. Ceocil Brainard of Siletz was the evening train Sunday. Miss Da a business visitor in Toledo Wednes- Talt is a graduate of O. A. C. day. Special sale on Ladies brown, blnrh and Pules, leather Oxfords and puinpa i ranc.1 ne" ro'ftV'a? a "J11 ix -See d.splay ln window-The Boot-Imoth,? old ,white LeKu hen that HOW'S THIS FOR EGG? A. 0. Rust, living on the Severnson ranch near Toledo, has a little six ery. It Mild medium or strong we can SHlt your coffee taste no matter hovr you want It; we have the flavor and etrencth you want. Talk It over with us Glldersleeves. It Mrs. DonTtel of Rock Pn?k. was a Toledo business visitor Friday. Ross Theatre Tonight DOUGLAS IVlXcLEAN in a Comedy Drama "PASSING THRU" partoon Comedy and Boy's Reel "THE. SKUNK" ?Qc 10q Herbert Dickson of Drift Creek was a Toledo visitor Wednesday. Newt Cuiiliams and Guy Thormbly of Beaver Creek were Toledo butil ness visitors Wednesday. See our display of qmbro'.dery and stamped goods for Xmas. Start your work early, make your selections now so you will be sure to get what you want. Lincoln County's Progressive Stores. U Clayton Dickson and Alex Thomp son are among the Lincoln citizens who will witness tha great "Home coming" gridiron baattle between the O. A. C. and te Univesity of Oregon at Corvallis Saturday. They left on the noon train Wednesday . Miss Myrtle Gwynn left for Spokane Wash., Monday after spending six weeks with home folks here. Miss Gwynn haswecepted a position In tat. Deaconess hospital at that glace. She will also attend school in the Washing ton city. A. J. (Mutt) Atkinson, connected with the Pacific 'Spruce office force, returned Wednesday from a few days' visit in Portland. A few suggestions Fancy colored stamped and bath towels, stamped luncheon sets, glass towels, table run ners, dresser scarfs, stamped linen handkerchiefs, stamped pillow cages and many other useful articles 'Lin coln Couny's Progressive Stores. It The Multnomah Box & Lumber Co., Is constructing another spur into their lumber holdings between Wade and Cole weeka far tho transporta tion 01 log$. The fl)t FQijatuction will require one mile of tracij, Mr. Lowe of Silverton, Ore., has been vlsitinr; at Siletz '.he past week. making an inspection Of Ills property holdings there. he believes Is a wonder. Mr. Rust Tuesday was exhibiting one of the egj'j laid by this fowl. The egg is ex- treteiy large ana more resembles a goose egg. It miasures 6 1-4 inches by 7 6 8 inches. Friday & Saturday OLIVER uliOu'S FAMOUS DRAMA OF THE "SNOW COUNTRY" GOD'S COUNTRY AND THE UN" No Author Depicts Life North of '53 Better Than Curwood The Story is Superb and Teeming With Action larry mm In His Hilarious 2-Reel Comedy 'HIS HOMESWEET HOME' 35c 10c Wa have a very complete line of D. M. C. embroidery crochet threads a'.eo knitting yarns; crocbet and knjtitng books. Lincoln County's Progressive Stores., It Mrs. Ben Young of Harlan, was a Tolsdo business visitor last Thurs day. She brought the ballots of that district along with her, , Don't forget that now is the time to renew your membership in the Itod Crops, the egreat "angel of mercy of the world. The American Red Cross needs your dollar and you could not give it to a better cause. Nov. 11 to Nov. 30 is annual Red Cross Roll Call Get Your Name on the Honor Roll. O. F. Dickson of Drift Creek made a business trip to balem and otner valley towns this week. Mrs. Dickson is visiting at the home of her daugn- ter, Mrs. Nels Anderson of Toledo. Sunday & Monday WM- DE MILLE'S 7-Reel Special . "THE LOST ROMANCE" with JACK HOLT, CONRAD NAGLE AND LOIS WILSON A story of a million married lives throbbing in the heart of one wife and one husband. Major Jack Allen ANIMAL HUNT AND CARTOON COMEDY NOTICE OF ROAD MEETING Notice is hereby given that a spec lal meeting of the legal voters of road district No. 20 of Lincoln County, Ore gon, will bo held at Stanton's store, Nashville, Oregon, in said district on the 29 day of November, 1922, at the hour 'of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day fot the purpose of voting upon the ques tion of levying an additional tax for the year 1922, of not to exceed ten mills on the dollar on all taxable property in said roa ddlstrlct; and for such other business as may properly come befoe said meeting. C. W. JAMES, County Judge. JAY W. DUNN, Commissioner. mm r. . . f I. 1T1 ij J - " " - " TTTTVTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 30-10 COMING LITTLE LORD FONTLEROY FRI-SAT., NOV.24 and 25 (Instead ot when previously ad- vertised 1 ' HVDBM, If I Ajsm TUX IT'S TOASTED one extra process which gives a delicious flavor it.'. m 1 BIG COWS GIVE MOST PROFIT i 1 1 - y I Ml. tm ivmwm.i m LI.H Records Show That- Largo Animals Are Biggest Producers of Milk ' and Buttorfat'. (Prepared by the United Statei Department of Asrlculture.) Figures collected from various cow testing u8)CIntions throOghout tho country aitd compiled by the. United States Depurtnioiit of Agriculture tend to connrm the previous coneliislons of the department thui W'j.thlu the1 breeds, so fur as they iv repriisented by these unlumls, vhioti were mostly grades, the large coifa ure the biggest producers of dairy products and are also the most profitable. The evidence seems to point to the fact tbat In the individual farmer's herd It will be found that on the average the larger cows are more profltuble than the smaller ones, although there are some Indications that this may not hold true ln the case of herds of nutive cattle containing much beef blood. The cows whose records have beet used by the department have been sorted out so that only mature animals were used for these comparisons, thus eliminating any differences that might have been cnased by the immaturity of some cows. In one group for which ilgures have been prepared there were 100 cows classlfty1 ,is ?OJ us" 'uediurn, and 129 as Uv.o, iii? (mall covg aver aged 243 pounds of buttorfat a yt-or, and made nn Income over the Ct 0f feed of $77.39. Those or medium slue made 28U pounds of butterfut anil CX Income over feed cost of $88.0i. The Targe fjnys produced 843 pounds oi CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Is bften caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous linlii; of the Eustachian Tube. When this .tub Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your bearing may. be de stroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for It rid your system ot Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Years, Cold by all drug-gist. V. J. CbeneyA Oou Toledo, D, .. High Producing Cow The Result of Good Breeding. bjittcrlit-Jind a return ubove feed cost of?10uT747 - - In another group there were 463 small cowl, 483 classed as medium and 320 large. Those in the first classification made 240 pounds of but terfat on an average nnd an income over cost of feed of $89,11. . The medi inns mode 278 pounds of butterfut ami $106.00 over feed cost. Thfe large ones produced 200 pounds of butterfat and an income over feed cost! of $108.20. These tables were based mostly on Ilgures for the years 1016 to 1019, ln clutdwt, which accounts for the high BverflB income over cost of feed. ATTENTION FARMERS State school, funds are now avail able for loans on improved agricul tural lands. Inquire of Miss Sara Crahen. Toledo, Oregon. 38 tf e .. 1 1 tr fj 1 11 skill ejkili&ifc JO : They are GOOD! THE BEST IN PI CTURES AND MUSIC Tonight end Friday THE UNIVERSAL FAVORITE - Another Thrilling Alaskan Play Featuring II DESMOND SEE POSTERS FOR DETAILS OF THESE Saturday & Sunday Special Double Bill JAMES OLIVER -. 'S Drama of, the Hudson Bay Country "J10FIHE with an All-Star Cast STAR LAND REVUE Of Latest NEW YORK STAGE HITS IN A CREAT WESTERN DRAMA AND ANOTHER OF THOSE HILARIOUS CENTURY COMEDIES t A FINE PROGRAM TEN BIG REELS l KM. I M If H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 Bregdon the Electrician "''' ii ii 1 1 rrnnri i With the Yaquina Electric Co. For Electric Work That Will Pass Underwriters Inspection ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, WIRING & REPAIRING Call Yaquina Electric Company ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN I t 1 TOLEDO Blue or Whit Porcelain trimmed ONE OF THE BEST RANGES ON THE MARKET Call and Inspect Them Hayden Hdw. Co. mi8iiifetM ij SPECIAL SALE OF OUTING FLANNEL SATURDAY . ... ...15C ...20C 27-Inch OUTING FLANNEL at, per yard 36-Inch OUTING FLANNEL at, per yard THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET A REAL BARGAIN ARNOLD'S FASHION. SHOP Next To Postoffice OREGON M. C. CHURCH. RvjFln, PuUw. Bunday terTlcea Sunday school 10 m. Public Worship, 11 . m. Epworth LiMgue, 6:30 p. m. ' Public Worrtlp, 7:30 p. m. Thursday Prayer meeting 7:10, FOR TRADE Business or resident property, located 3 blocks from capital, best part of city, Salem. Oregon, for property in or near To ledo. Ore. V.'r'te J. M. Chappe'.l, 445 S. Winter St., Sa'.em, Ore. 37 2t FIX ALL SHOP WELL WE FIX EVERYTHrNQ CLOCKS A SPECIALTY Ihaaa. Boots. Clocks. WatolMft Umbrellas, Pant, Buckata, Tuba, liars, Flaahllohta, Cut AgatM, Sbarpan Shaara, Knlvaa. Repair all klnaa of thlnga Dent throw anything away, Coma la ana aoa us. Furnltura Reaatr o. GEO. LICKEY i il.j, i lH4HIHit The White Corner Store SATURDAY-MONDAY SPECIAL CASH SALES November 18-20 i 6 Bars PALM OLIVE SOAP .'$,49 13 Pounds SMALL WHITE BEANS . . . ... ..... . 100 1 No. 10 Can LOGAN BERRIES . ' 70 1 No. 10 can PLUMS "' '60 1 Sack SILVER DUST FLOUR 175 2 Packages CITRUS POWDER .50 "SEAL. BRAND" COFFEE, The Finest Grown. R. S. Van Cleve t PHONE 9005 Tnlrl n t t n t rt 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 hh iimiinniit fi. DO YOU WANT TO FURNISH A HOME? If You Need Anything in Our Line it Will Pay You to Call: BEDS, BED SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, DRESSERS, TABLES, CHAIRS AND 15. STOVES. Call and See my Line I Buy and Sell Second Hand Goode If You Wish to BUY or SELL GET MY PRICES. Located Block North of P. O. THE SECOND HAND STORE PHONE 4251 ' J.W.HIGGINS,Msr. HUH I tllMMIIIIIHMIHIIMW t