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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1922)
LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1922. PACE THREE IN MEMORY. , Sadie Cooi was born at Silotz, October 6. 1S93, and died suddenly at her home October 8th, 1922, at the age of l years. She was all alone when death came. Her Bister, Mable SairchiNL had gone for the doctor when Sadie pnneed away about 4 a. m. When the doctor and Mabel returned the yonng lady was found lying on the bed quiet and calm as though asleep. 'She leaves to mourn' her untimely death two sisters, Mubel Falrctiild, Mrs. Fred Haateter and a grand lather. Baldwin Fairchild. She attended school at Siletz and also Cbemawa and was very well edu cated. She had many good qualities. She was neat and clean In her person, generous to a fault, hind and courte ous to everyone. The funeral services were held in the M. E. church, con ducted by Rot. C. W. Pogue, pastor. The church was crowded. Some had to stand during the service. The sermon was eloquent, kind and pathe tic, sparkling with the true spirit, o. Christianity as- taught by the Great Mastor. The minister said how often people speak of the faults of others when they know but little about them. How much better It would bo, to speak of their good qualities and thus help them to lead better lives. He urged 4he congregation to accept Jeans as their personal savior ant, thus prepare for the great day that will soon come upon us all. A choir of young ladies sang some beautiful selections. Miss Linda Kimble pre sided at the piano. The casket was covered with the most beautiful flowers donated by friends in token of their love and friendship the; had for the departed. DR. F. M. CARTER. TAFT Waltor Bones Is recovering from an accident at Ilia roam camp. He was struck on tho head by hte handle of a fresno. Mr. Walfo has returned from a trip o Pnrtlnnd. He took his son, John out to huvo an x-ray examination of his fractured leg. Miss Alii I.lswlz has crone to baeln her school near Dallas. This is her second year's teaching and In the same school. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bones will go to the valley this week to visit and transact business. They will bring a load of fruit on their return. It is reported that the Warren Construction Co., shut down work nt the Salmon river on account of the ains being too severe. We thing this is the best season we have had for .some time. J. Llswlg has gone to the valley. He took Alii to her school, and Adulene i.iid Edwin went out to have glasses fitted to their eyes. Mr. uid Mrs. Alley, stepfather aid mother '.' F. C. Robinson, have u turiied to I'ortland. Taft's high school Is progressing very well, with an attendance of four een. The teacher is C. E. Oliver. Messrs Waif and Brown have moved to Taft for high school advantages. Students are attending from Devil's Lake and near Otis. When we got our new high school building we will be proud. Johnny Wolf is our latest student to enter. He was detained on ac count of the serious accident he met with during the summer. It tt ! i. r. 1 noqr Tire lonoer ihcmkz to the hot aiftlroji. C HE HOT AIR DRAFT and the HOT BLAST I PRINCIPLE are exclusive patented features of every LANG range manufactured. Forcing the flames entirely around the oven, thoroughly and niformly heating every inch of cooking surface, this principle of stove construction has proved itself the most econoical, convenient and gener ally satisfactory heating method ever invented. The Alaska range pictured above is ideal for tha mailer kitchen, possessing all the features of our larger models. Every heat unit is utilized, enab ling LANG stoves to operate at less fuel expense than any other range manufactured. A visit to our store will convince you that your next stove will be a Ask Us About Them Bateman Furniture Company TOLEDO OREGON President Doty of the Multnomah Box Co., and Mr. Davis inventor of The Davis Log Raft, spent Monday night at Taft. They are contemplat ing rafting logs out of Siletz bay to Astoria. WRIGHT'S CREEK Mr. and Mrs. U. P. Myers were To ledo business visitors Wednesday of last week. Mrs. T. Huntsucker and two sons, George and Clifford, of Oysterville were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huntsucker's Sunday of last week. Mrs, John Gentry and daughters, Glaadys and Jennie, were visitors In Moody Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wright left Thursday for their home in Portland after an extended visit in this sec tion. iMr. and Mrs. Frank Sherman of WJnant were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huntsucker last Friday. L. D. Nash of Nashville passed thru here Friday on h.s way to Beaver Creek and Br.lview. Our mail carrier, Bonnie Twombly had a little hard luck on his return home to Bay View Saturday afternoon when the front spring of his car broke causing a delay of about two houm in delivering the mall. SILETZ H. S. INDEX. The Siletz H. S. student body held a meeting Thursday for the benefit of the athletic association. The boys are getting practired up for basket ball. They mean to get up some lively games thi3 season and beat the "oilier follows." Jack Warwick went fishing the oth r night and caught seven nice trout. He felt very proud of his catch. Do ou blame him? Nine more pupils have started to he Siletz school and more are report ed coming. Mr. Bailey and his brother-in-law, came to Siletz Sunday, to see Mr. Bailey's family. Mr. and Mrs. C. Larson and daugh ter, Vivian, who returned from the hop-yard Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick of Toledo, came to Siletz Tuesday to fish. They eported good luck. Mrs. L. Tronson and son, Adolph, came home from the hop-yard Thurs day evening. THAT'S SERVICE. "Walter;" yelled the angry cus temer, "these apples are not fit for a hog to eat!" " 'M sorry, sir," replied the civil man with a towel on his arm. "If you will wait just a nilr ute I will get you some that are, sir." YES. INDEED. "I could never bear to be a wid ow's second husuanC," said the young brother of a man who was mar rying a widow. "Well, for my part," remarked the bridegroom. with a twinkly smiln, 'I'd very much rather be a widow's second husband than her first." YOUR EYES ACCURATELY FITTED By GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST Private Office for Examinations Price Reasonable F. M. French & Sons Optometrists and Opticians Albany, N Oregon FIXALL SHOP WELL WE FIX EVERYTHING CLOCKS A SPECIALTY Shoes, Boots, Clocks, Watches, Umbrellas, Pans, Buckets, Tubs, Boilers, Flashlights, Cut Agates, Sharpen Shears, Knives. Repair all kinds of things Don't throw anything away, Come In and see us. Furniture Repair ed. GEO. LICKEY LITERAL LEONARD. They were eloping. They stopped the car and started to get out in froni of the minister's house. 'Walt a minute, darling," said the eloping "This is not 'he right place, after all." 'way, purred the one and only one. 'See that sign. It says no hitching here." The rallror.d strike has been a good thing for some Toledo people. It has made their ma'l order packages late, thus calling their minds to the fact that merchants in our own locality are a necessity. TOGETHER THEY STAND Autolst "Say, constable, wiiat is that red light for?" Constable "To keep people from falling over that pile of stones." "Well, what are 'he stones for?" "My, but yer dumb! They hold up the light." D ROADWAY AT STARK ffl Portland, Ore. YOU ARE ASSURED A PERSONAL HOSPI- I TAL ITY AND INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION through the combined efforts of a staff, who after years of training, understand the needs of the IJI traveling public. I MUSIC, DANCING and the BEST TO EAT ' I Arthur H. Meyers Manager NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN. In the matter of the Estate -of Henry B. Eggeman, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the under signed administrator of the estate of Henry B. Eggeman, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit and present such claims, with the necessary vouchers, within six months after the publication of this notice to the said administrator at Lincoln County Bank, Toledo, Oregon. G. W. INGRAM, Administrator of the Estate of Henry B. Eggeman, deceased. WM. B. LAY TON, 641 Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon Attorney for said Administrator. Dated and first published at Toledo, Oregon, on this 5th day of Octobor, 1922. Date of last publication on the 2nd day ot November, 1922. 33 St STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912. Of Lincoln County Leader publish ed weekly at Toledo, Oregon for Octo er, 1922. State of Oregon, County o; Lincoln, ss. Before me, a Notary Public in and for the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared G. W. Hull, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the editor of the Lincoln County Leader, and that the following Is, to 'he best of his knowledge and belief, a truo statement of the ownership, manage ment of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by tho Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to-wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publish ers, Hall Brothers, E. F., W. H., and G. W. Hull, nil of Toledo, Oregon. Editor, G. W. Hall. 2. That the owners nro: Toledo Pub lishing Co., W. H. Hall, E. F. Hall., G. W. Hall. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other shecurlty hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort gages, or other securities are: P. M. Hayden. G. W. HALL. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of October, 1922. (Seal) O. B. McCLUSKEY. My Commission expires Sept. 2, 1923. WE mate it is onr honest be lief that for the price asked. Chesterfield gives the greatest value in Turkish Blend cigarette ever offered to smokers. Liggett & Myers Tobacco C. So different is this ciga rette that it is mild and yet it satisfies. Its mildness is the more unusual be cause of its satisfying body and flavor. "Knowing how" is everything in cigarette blending. Pi ! ! illiir ilflfl Tt ltfsrssCT WtskS I ured 4 If "DADDY!" When away from home re member the long distance tele phone Do you realize the little effort required to assure those near and dear to you of your safety and comfort? The telephone in pub lic pay station or hotel room in feet, any telephone, anywhere means that separation is meas- by minutes, not miles. end the message of cheer and affection. You will be giv ing pleasure to others, which will be reflected in your own satisfaction. Long distance tele phone service is prompt, efficient and inexpensive. Every Bell telephone is a Long Distance station. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company