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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1922)
PACE TWO Local News C. E. Freeland, manager of the Midway theatre at Newport, was a business visitor in Toledo Friday. He came here to advertise "The Four Horsemen," which is soon to be play ed In' his photo-play house. It D. Wood and wife, from Salem arrived on the train Sunday evening. They will ' make an extended visit with friends In the Siletz valley. Mrs. Lem Mowry . of Siletz passed through Toledo Saturday on her way to Portland where she will make an extended visit with relatives , . and friends. ' v. . ; . .' ' iFor stoves, ranges, oil stoves, etc. 'Bee Colvin. t 20-lt Mrs. I M. Lengford of Salem and small grand son passed through To ledo Saturday to Taft where they will, spend the summer at the Lang ford .'.'cabin" summer home. R. F. Hoseltlne and family of Locli, Calif., and J. F. Peterson and family of Salem are visiting at the home of R. R. Gwynn. They came by auto, Mrs. Heseltine and Mrs. Peterson are sisters of Mr. Gwynn. H. Murray, living on a 40-acre tract near Toledo, reports good resultB from his goats this season. Out of 25 nannys Mr. Murray has managed to raise 25 fine kids. Mr. Murray says that the secret of having success with raising kids is to have them come about the middle of May when" the weather Is Ideal ond the kids have gained strength before the hot weaih. er. He Is strong for the goat industry and to prove this assestlon lie uses the slogan "Goats on Every Hillside? on all his stationery. - Good four horse gas engine for ea'.e at Colvln's. 20-lt LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 6th, 1922. FORESTRY EXHIBITORS NOTICE. Anyone wishing to make aQ exhibit of wood work or forestry at the com ing Lincoln county fair will be ad vised by Allen Mayhew, superinten dent or forestry, of what to exhibit and how to make their entry. Ad dress v. o. box 466, Toledo, Oregon, or Call at Roberts Mill. 20-tf a. Mayhew Lorga assortment of hand painted china cups and saucers beautiful de signs to select from, at right prices. Colvln's Store. . 20-lt ' Chester Morrison nnrt Phpotor ni. On left for their h mnA in Tillr Pitt jou the Saturday noon train after a 'short business .trip here. i' Mrs. E. F. Altree and child left on the noon train Saturday for Corval Its where they will visit with Mrs Dr. Brown of that city. Mort Abbey of NewDort wan a hunl. ness visitor In Toledo Saturday. Attorney O. Mlddlekaufr Dassed through Toledo Saturday from New- port on his way home to Corvallis, after a short visit at the beach city. See the Mola Electric Washing ma chine at the Toledo Electric Co. store, (Flat Iron Bldg.) Special sale of Ladles' and Child ren's Keds, at Colvln's. 20-lt O. K. DeWltt of Salem was a busi ness visitor at the court house Satur day. Mr. DeWitt Is making the rounds of the several county seats in this Bectlon shecklng up on the vote in the recent primary election. (Morris W. Seitz, attorney for" the Portland Trust Co. .and also attorney for H. .A Holland, receiver of the Ya qquina Electric, company, was a busi ness visitor . at the court house here Thursday. j . Liberty Theatre The Best in Pictures and Music Unique Partnership of a Society Cirl and a Lumberjack . A great Picture Smiling all the Way" With the celebrated Star DAVID BUTLER FRIDAY 7 & SATURDAY . . i Also 7th Chapter of the Great Animal Play MIRACLES OF THE JUNGLE And a Hank Mann Comedy Adults, 30 cents Children 10 cents For Sunday's Program, See Posters ! Erline Brant! left for Pnrflnn,t r, I wuU VJ 11 . thO nnn trnln C ...... I. , - ' uniu uaiutunj wimre ne will seek a position as pharmacist. Mr. uranu was a graduate at Corval- iis mis year. Mr. Frank .Howell nnri wlfn mntn..j Birom vorvauis 10 Toledo Saturday una Bpem several iays including the Fourth at the home of his brother, Mr. Henry Howell. Special sale of logger's guaranteed boots at Colvln's. . . . 20-lt G. B. MoCluskev and famf'v. Mr Arthur Nye tind family end the Misses Annifl Hfl.wklnR nnil PnprlnA Pdnnl. . 'ton left Toledo by automobile Satur day ana spent the Fourth on the Mc- Kenzie river, near Eugene. Andv Kent and Fnntnn Stnri. nt .Waldoort were business vlsltnra in Toledo Friday. For Window shades, see Colvin. , 20-lt Judge James of thn T.lnrnln ftiimti, court:, is an owner of a "aoankine- .fcew" "Tin Lizzie." Although a lit tle bit nervous at the wheal, tho 1nHo (has manasad to knnn thn' trittav in !the road for at least two trips to (Newport and back. Jno. Ml. Poole and Nellie A. Nlch 'jols, both of Philomath, were granted a marrlagn license by the county clerk on Thursday, June 29. Big bargains In slightly used one ton Ford truck at Colvln's. ' 2-lt COULDN'T STAY AWAY. H. S. Day and family, former resi dents of Toledo, are back again and this time to stav in Ore?nn fnr boon,. according to Mr, Day. The Days ar rived here Thursday after a drive across the ; continent from Linden, Mich. Mr.. Day says that the east is good enough for, those that are con tented to live' there but to a natural borned westerner the west, and espec ially. Oregon Ib God's countrv. Mr Day expects $o locate In Toledo but 'if, he cannot, find a suitable loca tion he will .go oii, to . Portland. Mrs. ;Dnx Is a daughter of Mr, Al. Taylor of , Siletz. , , . . The Liberty iheatre last week In stalled a new moving picture machine. H. O. Wolfe, proprietor, Is wearing a Smile because" Of the superiority of the hew machine over the old one. The. old "mill" 'gave, considerable 'trouble In breaking films and causing a continual flutter of the picture wniie the new instrument works with a smoothness that gives the fans real enjoyment as the mysteries of drama and comedy ' are ' revealed on the screen. j Clay Nichols Pool & Billard Hall f A high class line of cigars, tobaccos, candies. We also have the best soda fountain in town, mixed drinks of all kinds served. Take a carton of ice cream t home with you. "THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN." v . "SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO" rf 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 Uf iFor that wash' day outfit, see Col vin. 20-lt Mrs. C. M. Sinknl nt rVvrvallla a I member, of the D. A. R., was brought Toledo on the noon train FY1 I'dav sufferlnar from a. dtBlonntml htn the injury being received while at- itenaing tne u. a. h. convention at that Dla.ce. Mrs. iSlnkol ullnnori mil fell on a walk causing the accident 'Mrs. Ei. H. Hall , and family were Toledo visitors. Saturday from Port land. Mrs. Hall is. the wife of Dr. Hall, who recently, opened A dental parlors In the First , National bank building. Mr. Hall was compelled to .take' his family to Newport to find accommodations until his new borne which Is now. under course of construc tion can- be finished.' The new home .will be .finished In about 10 days and the Halls will take immedlata train a a psion. . . , . For your furniture needs, see Col vin. 20-lt W. S. Hall and A f!. r.nwfnnl members of the school board at Siletz, Oregon, were business visitors In To ledo todav. comlnar hern to nlnro a call for bids in the Leader for paint ing the school house of their district. According to a 'notlnn frnm thn State Game Department a rhahge has ,been made on the "open season" for several different kinds of birds and 'big game. The notice appears. In an other column of this paper and It win pay all sportsmen to read It MOVIES ROSS THEATRE TONIGHT Aw; enjoyable show DOUGLAS MAC LEAN and DORIS MAY in i "THE ROOKIES RETURN" Also a Comedy ', ' "TRY, TRY AGAIN" And a Boys' Adventure Reel "OUTWITING THE TIMBER ' WOLF" . , 80 Cents and 10 Cents Friday and Saturday "The Carvinal" IN SEVEN REELS. A nlntnra nt ir i n , w uiu rouiut), xmiy car nival Time, and Romance can you imagine a more perfect setting for a love story than old Venice at Carnival Time. This hoi,tir..i j - -.uum, uiama wttB ac tually filmed In the wonderful old Ital- lotl lit, T I. l ... it it siory oi coaay, mar velously told, arevelatlon of dramatic and scenic perfection. 2-Reel Comedy "THE FIRE BRIGADE" 35 Cents and 10 Cents . .. . SUNDAY AND1 MONDAY "Forbidden Fruit" An 8-Reel Paramount. A Cecil B. DeMilles' Production. Comedy ' t "THE GOAT" WITH HAROLD LLOYD AlSO Rudvnxri VlnKno'. , , "O " VUO ICB1 Classic "THE BALLAD OF THE FISH- ER'S BOARDING HOUSE" This Is an ezmntlnnnllo n. for the price 30 Cents and 10 Cents Comlne JULY 1R 1 ntii. iri entlno and Gloria Swanson in "BEYOND THE ROCKS" A play by Elenor Glyn. " . ff1 in,,,,, n USE PACIFIC STUMP POWDER TO CLEAR UP YOUR LAND 135 STICKS TO THE BOX Free Literature on How to Use It at PAaTaI?,!J0UR HOME HARDWARE FIRST ANY THING WE HAVENT GOT WE WILL ORDER FOR YOU TRY IT ONCE Sherwood & Haydens ' ' Mill jn tfi PHONE 22Q2 , for theUble6"0" yU f'"d St difficiilt to Ket a variety "call US UP We carry everything in Groceries, Fruit and Veee tables Complete line of Canned Goods and Dried Fruits Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Everything in Good Gro-' C6TI63 When you buy your Grocaries here you get the Good Quality you want at a price you can afford to paw GILDERS LEEVE'S GROCERY' P. C. Heffron, attorney -of Eugene, Oregon, was a visitor at the court house-Wednesday, July Bth, getting ,Tecutlpn Issued in the case of "Tl tl i A Trust Comnonv mf PnrtUn v Yaquina Electric Co., et al" of Toledo! 'C. B. King of LosAngeles, Cal., Is here vlsltinir with Mm c v. and family. Ml-. King Is a brother of Mra. Crosno. Mi. Crosnp was. ac companied on the trip by Miss Emma Relmer, a trained nurse. Mr. and Mm. c n nmn m. .-j Mrs. Ralph Bllyeu and little 'daughter urgiuia oi Ainany, and Mrs. Prana L. Purnell of Den in Toledo Monday afternoon by auto- luuuue k spena tne Fourth t the home of B. F. Hall. Mrs. Brown Is the mother of the Hn'ta at th t office , while Mrs. Bllyeu, and Mrs. ruruBii are sisters. W. H. Jnnirln. tn,..nn. ..... agent for the Southern Pacific Com nany with hMiiniuirtoH n .i j - .... . . ui Liauu. Oregon, was a business visitor at the uojhh weanesaay. He left on the evening train fa Nanmt- .,. he wlll.spend a day or so on both bust uw auu pleasure. Mrs. J. W. Harrlnnn ami Ml.. ."Clark of South Side were visitors in iu.buo weanesaay. Mrs. Harrison presented the Leader force with a beautiful bonnet nr her Southside farm. . The boquet was made up of a variety of famous Oregon flowers. James BrassffnM nt n,i.. is v siting at the home of his son at o.ici. aa. urassneid wiU return homo by way of Calirornla and visit his gi-eat grand son.' Manning Downian Elertrlc Irons arfl uiroiueed. EJectrlc Store (Flat Iron Mrs. S. T. NnwkirV nt Colon. . -- w WM.OUA rived in Tolndn Sntiirrtov tn ioi t the hom of her son, S. E. Newkirx, rawaager oi u? local Dootery store. A Dlcnlc nartv nnnlottno nt Xf nn j Mrs. N. H.: Sherwood and daughtei. Hah, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Arnold, and niece, Miss Genevieve Tlllotson, Rex Hall, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stanton,' Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Howell and 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howell of Corvallls, Mrs. C. H. Oleason and dauphtar T.iiiitn Mr. and Mts. F. N. Hayden and family muiurea 10 uiior kock Sunday, and returned to Toledo Tuesday evening. Elentrll VMYtnrAa' anil fliinnlln. . n ... money Buy at - Headquarters Elec- inc oiore tiai iron Blag.) Mr. Bear arrived here July 4th from Southern California. Mr. Bear will spend the summer with his daugh ter, Mts. Geo. Leedy, on their ranch near this city. - - Capt Fred B. Day, of the Portland Fire Dept., and wife and son, Bruce, arrived over from Portend via auto last week, for a visit with Mr. Day's mother, Ml-s. Mary Day, on Olalla. B. F. Jones passed throught Toledo today enroute to the southern part of coast of Oregon.:. . . Joseph H. Doty, who has resided in Portland for some time has moved to Waldport to make his home.. Mr. Doty jls well acquainted' In Toledo having uvea nere some time ago. NATIONAL GUARD RETURNS The National Guard company con sisting of Toledo and Newport boys, returned from summer encampment at Fort Worden on the afternoon train Friday. According to First Lieuten ant Smith, who' returned Saturday, the boys of the local-company made an excellent showing, having the largest company - at the encampment, taking a major part In nil athletics and came near winning the loving cup for marks, manshlp, it taking two days to decide between them and the company from Ashland. ... The are GOOD! - 1NCOLN WOUNTY B ANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS (INCORPORATED) TOLEDO. OREGON 4 Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposit C. E. HAWKINS, President C. O. HAWKINS, Vice President J. B. BOOTH, Cashier A. E. HAWKINS, Asst. Cashier l'tTlTlllllllllllltHI ffTTTTTl f 1 ITTTTTT1H IIIHtTIIIH ED'S SMOKEHOUSE I COME IN AND GET A TASTE OF OUR ROOT BEER , THE ONLY BARREL IN TOWN E. A. LYTLE, Prop. ARMY WOOL BLANKETS ... .... RECLAIMED KHAKI BREECHES . RECLAIMED O. D. BREECHES ... CAMBRAY SHIFTS WHITE SAILOR PANTS PISTOL BELTS, NEW ........... CAMPAIGN HATS :.. BATH TOWELS ., LINEN TOWELS ARMY WATER BUCKETS MILITARY BRUSHES, PER PAIR WATCHES OFFICERS DRESS SHOES HERMENS ARMY DRESS SHOES REGULATION DRESS SHOES . . . CHAMP CHAIRS ;. CHAMP STOOLS ......... $2.95 1.00 .......... 1.75 ... 85c. to 1-00 2.50 .75 1.35 .35 .15' .75 50 1.00 5.50 5.50 ....7.00 . . . . 75c and .95 . . 50c and .70 Cotton Is advancing, you had better take advantage of our low prices on tents and buy before prices advance. UNITED ARMY STORE Toledo, Ore. Toledo Hotel Bldg. .j -, - .... I CARRY A FULL LINE i WATCH REPAIRING A 8PECIALTY OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and 8ILVERWARE ALSO A FULL LINE OF FOUNTAIN PENS and PENCIL8 OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER I-I. HI. PBTE3RSOKT THE OLD RELIABLE (Established 1900), TOLEDO,' OREGON t t 1 1 1 1 1 II II M 1 1 HI! If t 1 1 1 1 :, . , CO TO Toledo' Planing Mills For all kinds of Bulldina Matenai. w, i . r- i.a. . - J m ... . . 'I wwillfliow bins A of Windows, Doors, Glass, Roofing, Roof Paint A Building Paper, f ... ... r r iu or miii wont Cabinet Work. Cor. 4th & R. R. Sts., Toledo. Oreiron M....i..iini.iMiilMiinWf 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 4 """"M.....M ,MM., MM,. BUILDERS' SUPPLY COMPANY CONCRETE PRODUCTS 8EWER PIPE DRAIN TILE FLOOD TILE HOLLOW TILE HEARTH TILE FENCE P08TS JOHN W. ASH, Manager BUILDING BLOCKS CHIMNEY BLOCKS ' WATER TROUGHS METAL SHINGLES KETAL LATH REINFORCING corner bead faced brick roofing' CEMENT PLASTER LIME 611 South Second Street CORVALLI8, OREGON Use our hollow concrete blocks or tile, for that new gaiiigo ana maK8 it Tireproof. ;