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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1922)
PINCH THE PETTERS IS SHERIFF'S CRY Lima, O., June 29. Charles W. Bax ter, sheriff, has Joined . the crusade against flappers and has issued in structions to ihs deputies, ordering them to call a halt on "petting parties" on county highways. Complaints were beginning to por into the sheriff's office from irate farm ers who have been aroused from their slumbers at night by the appearance of automobliss, sometimes only a little ways from their door The cars, stopped, turned out the glihts and re mained for some time, " 'Petting parties' are pests and must be stamped out," Baxter says, referring to motor spooning sprees. He, she and the automobile have been forming thresomes on the less frequented country roads. He and she do not noed much room, and even with the car it's hardly a crowd. A twist of the wrist and the lights are out. Mother's home or at the movies. Daughter has onlv moon shine (both varieties sometimes) to guide her. Turning out motor lights on the highway ig an offense against the law and deputle3 are out with strict orders to take license numbers in all case where such conditions are found. Ar reots, the sheriff says, will follow So "pinch th pet. ' f0:iowg "swat the fly.'' Ex. FIRST FIGS TAKEN FOR 8. DINER The first fresh figs of the season .urn imperial Valley were snapped taZSnn'3.lL!5.' The fruit i. ,n, : l " . ii, urn g timing cars. The figs were bought for $1.60 a pound, an eight pound basket costing $12. The Southern Pacific in making the purchase followed its policy of getting early faults and vegetables, the best the market affords, regardless of price, for its patrons. WHEAT NOT CHANGED TO CHEAT . A great deal of winter oats and wheat and some cheat even was killed lc; Jul" 1922- authorizing and licens out by freezing and thawing. Follow- l!! the undersigned administrator of lng this thinning of thn nl.m said estate, to sell the renl nrnnprtv .crops the seed of the so-called buck chest, which is oftcn present in seed sum una aiso in tne soil on wet lands, CtmBt upn,le,sutins in hoavv Ptands of cneat This has misled some persons 6,,3 piantea cnanged i.u nun c.iuai. buuii change is im- , uuuauauy neavy amount of buck cheat in relation to tie amount of grain i3 due to the fact mat the cheat did not kill out as gen- erally as the grains. SHALLOW riii TiiiTin,, r,-, CULTIVATION EEST Corn anl tin o,,---, . -' . be irtotnen and rot rut nfr n,,. V ' . f, 5 f.-L1 lhu fted:uS roots of tin nlnnto HM. . gated o m h VZni are :rri-; ?? r?.mTC- ... llII,r.JOJ,., l(J inruw "Lilt Htfi. ' tl"', for"Sa,lwal level tie n"lrrU-i hmp f",Tf' cn? tuw to be r rererl uI' ture is to bo preferred. POTATO PLANTS ROUGED. Any disease;! potato plants, sickly, weak or otherwise unsatisfactory, should 1)3 dui; out, taken rff the field and dei-. roved, as promptly ns they appear. If this measure i3 followed tnrcuRh the season lit will help ma terially in preventing spread of po tato dissas. SILCTZ Sixty years ago Oregon had just, Eirch a seEioa ?.s l!,i3. it commenced i luii'in; eauy in tne ran ami rained; lin U1 PKrii-Imn, 1, "---n "H.-.B ;s a .,,1. 'nui rnd sfrsnms out of their bank3 and caused thebig fbods of 'Cl-2. This; Was fol Owed With a long dl V BDeil that kept the grass and grain from grow - lng and crops were almost a failure uiai yeiir. i no gi;cat noca3 tnat came t!;n pact win or v.cro not paused by t.?o mating cf snow, but by an un irjcidented rain fall, that damaged Lincoln Crun!y to the tun of a hull- dred thousand dollars. Slletz alone su.Tcro.1 a loss cf fifty thousand dol- ing. The continuous dry weather will lncro.3e the loss. Crops end all kinds cf sracses will be ''shot" on P!'3tz. The dairy and berry industry v'-i ibo be short miles W3 have rain soon. temporary bridge tlia; is h-iin; built at Kilotc will bo cortplefd irt r.bout '.en dayi if the mil! can furnish tho lumber for lbs der kinst. We are I l.m 1 3nd west feet of lot 2 and jdoclarlng an omegeiny to exist, and glad to get on3 3teel bridge and three '. .'rar.tlonal lot S and west 29 feet of r; 'c&l'ns all ordinancci and pirt3 of oodon brid?s that wUI span the 'fraetional lot 9 In block 8 in Graham's '.'"i'nr.nce3 in conflict with this or r :etz river this year. This replaces jit h. addition to Toledo, Oregon. cr any part thereof." ij-i brh'-rs thai we lost by th,) flood ! Lot 10 and E'A ot Ljt 9 in Block 12 1 d A" riglits. privilc;3 and fran- last winter. lelz a3 well as Lincoln County 1.. a brifh' 'u -"re work rnd wait is a good motto. It is true the county is hampered some by the illicit mak-1 irs and drinkirg of rnoon3hin3. Tho biys ore drinkins the rotten stuff that makes tham cvazy and get3 them lnio lots of tronblo. It doesn't pay. A few d:ys ago a couple of young Im l filled up with moonshine, got into a fight and b-at each other un so radly, you would hardly know tho .. Their heail'i were bruised and faces blackened so badly that they vW. not get over lv. .jr a month. The moonshine maker is a much greate. than the one who drinks it. The people o' Slletz are going to Nev.-port to celebrate. Autos can cross the river at the old ford without any trouble. NASHVILLE - Mrs. Alfred Clark's sister and a par- tt nf friends from Washington have been visiting at the Clark home. I Mrs. L. D. Nash is visiting-relatives at Harlan. Mrs. R. N. Nash has returned from Hoed Kiver. Earl Davis was an Albany visitor lust week. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Gillett are hero mt ii- nld home Dlace for the summer. Roy Hamar is rcre rrom romnna . t; . . . . . for a visit with relatives. Mrs. Crowley entertained the little i'i an :ac is a convincing guarantee or i fol':3 of the neighborhood, Monday tt'the medicine's merit. Give It a trial. ! bing little-Miss Ruth's seventh birth- Toledo Drug Co. 20-lt day. The S. P. Co. have an operator at Nashvlll8 again. iMrs. Gustev Winkler and grandson, Tommy, spent the week with relatives at Hosklns. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hogevoll enter tained with a fivo hundred party Wed nesday night. Mrs. W .H. Martin has returned from Peace River, Canada. NORTH BEAVER Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Rhoades and daughter, Hilda, were Toledo callers, Tuesday. Mr. pn& Mrs. A. R. Zeek and son, Mrs. A. Peterson and daughters, Edith and Josephine, H .G. Rhoades and Wlayne Bunnell were trading ln New port and Yaquina Thursday. Clifford Phelps is hauling lumber from Poole Slough this week for their new barn. Miss Edith Peterson went to New port Thursday to spend a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. O. P. Jacob son and family. H. O. Rhoades and son, VIrgle. and daughters, Aletha and Hilda, were cal lers at Seal Rocks Saturday. Miss Jiury Smith called at the Wol kau aonn Siuday. Missrig Ida and Iaabell Brown called on M.'rs Alpha Rhoades Sunday after noon. Miss Gladys Wclkau is spending a f'jv tlays this week with Mary Smith. Mrs. A. R. Zeek and son, Charloh, P:tit .Sunday with Mrs. H G. lihoados. Mrs. E. Brown and sons Fred- :u.d li-joii-t. were guescs of Mrs. A. P,vr- iB a. nAav IL1d Lewl of Oysterville was ln vicinity Sunday. I mr. ana rars. ri. u. unoaaes ana - i . . . . . daughters, Aletha. Alpha and Hilda, 1,nss- 1 B"er Automatic engine, i were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' I. It l""-'"" by 15 inches, directly connect Payne Sunday evening ' eu wilh an Allls-Chnlmers 2300 volt, ' 3 phaBe, 60 cycle, 277 R.P.M, 100 kll- ADMINISTRATOR'8 SALE iowatt generator with belt driven ex Notlce Is hereby given that the un-iciter, 1 Atlas 4 valve engine, 22 inches designed administrator of the part-'by 27 Inches, belted to AUIs-Chalmers nership estate of Wade Brothers, Lee ; 2300 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 900 ILPjM. V'ftdfi. dprenRp1. will hv vfrMia nf on ! 200 kilowatt, penerntnr with rtirpptlv order of sale duly made and entered :cf record in the Countv Pnnrt nf I.ln. coln County, Oregon, on the 3d day, belonging t " tne said estate ; sald deceased, I will in pursuance ot "is a'd order of sale, on and at - er the Gth day of August, 1922, at tne 10 o'clock A. M. of said ubj Bl "-e ol "e xaquina uayxribed, as follows, Land and Abstract Co., in the city of, mm-ma vuum, urBBun, ouer nne 1UBU reet soutli of the corner '"r snlo at private sale to the hishest sections 7, 8. 17, and IS, in tewnship bidder, the following described real, 11, south of ranjie 10, west of the Pioporty, belonging to said estate, to-.Willamette Meridian, in Lincoln Wit: County County;. Oregon, irunnin ! Be,nRin5 at a point south and par-,thence north SO degrees 40" east 212 !al!el with the Boundary line of feet: thence south 7 bm-kph 32" Pa5f "ivin'Pnt's Addition to the Town of:212feet; thence south 15-degrees 43" Point is W '""'wet 213 feet, to left bank of the u'a s:,l,:,'e-s' corner oi u:acv: nineiDepot Slough; thence north 54 de- in Vincent's Audition to ToHd.-, ErP(;s 52" west alone hrmk nf nennt i " " ' -V' or?Bon, and the same baginning point f:;r; fornpr rr inp nrrThr?'u fiini?r of tl-.o southwest nnartor cf section 17. trvnship 11 south of ranso 10 west i W'aotte Meridian, in Lin - coin County. Oregon, running from tjsiimir 3 "o nt '.vest . .', 1 3 feet, .-;r"c. .,. :,;','': . '.'hl.-es heretofore rrrnted bv the City: (JO", mciuain-j poiss wires, lnsu'.iuorp, v v.u., . . u..o 'et, thenco scnth 190 cot to tbsi.f vJv.port Cr-'pcn to H A "-ii p'u' n" .-miment cornected with and &Uit(i ot Oregon, for Lincoln County, pjace of beginning. :s.0ne hi aucrsors ard S3iens'"bv Part of said transmission system. Administrator cf the estate of Wll- ';;':.-s of scile one-ttlf cash, balance i.' n,',.. t.:. L i oi i,'.r!v mt ,...,i- lirm Dick-deceased, and having nual- . j ; "'r'1''- ... ..iport. Lincoln County, Oregon, No. 39(1 standing desk. 1 stool, 1 Pacific i i- Atei at Iwido. Oregon, this 3d ..,i .-,,x. i i , u..u t r. . nZ t - .day o. July. 13-,'. a , .r. . , I, . ,, p.' v. i( utio rr , ,B Ptartnsh'9 ej ...m of AVade Lrotners, Lee. " ; ADMI NI5 TRATOR'S SALE Votica Is herebv r;v(.n that the un- ' r . . .. acio:guca auministrator ot tne es- ox Lee wane. ae;-easea, win Dy , virtue of an order of sale du auly made and eiitewd of record in the County Pr.llW nf I.ln.-nln Pnimtv nro-mi nn ji;le 3d day of July, 1S22, authorizing ' licensing the undersigned admln- -Istraior of said estate, to bc'.I the real --i-rnortv hif:npinp r tii- cniH i-ito iu of said deceased, I will in pursuance nf the said order of salo, on and after thR Klh dnv nf Aueust. 1992 nt thn hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said daviNewPort for the purpose of erecting, ai the office of the Yaquina Bay Land iund Abstract Co., in the City of To - ledo, Lincoln County, Ore;;ch, offer for salo at private sale to the highest1"1' D- Sandstone in form and manner bidder, thp following describe.1 real land under the conditions as provided property, belonging to naid estats, to - Wit: ' E',4 of NW4 and W of NEU Cf fc-ee. 31, Township 12 South of Kauge.sucl1 orra PUbifshed and signed by a West, I in Graham's 4lh addition to Tol3dj. Orezon. i , i.. 12 in i;:oc!c 78 in Baylev and'.n ' Electric Company or Its prede- Case's third addition to Newport, Ore- gon. cnise granted by tne city of Toiedo Lot 12 In. Block 3 in Vincent's Ad-tn tlle Toledo Light, Power and U-.n-dition to Toledo, Oregon. All of the lufacturlng Company and assigned to above property Is in Lincoln County, i the said . Yaquina Electric Company, Oregon. ibnlng known as ordinance No. 104, Tumi's of salo: one-half cash, bal-being entitled as fol.ows, to-wlt: ante secured bv mortgage. 1 Dated nf. Toiedo, Oregon, this 3d day of July, 1922. i' ompany, ltsasalgns ana successors FRANK V. WADE, interest, a franchise conveying the Administrator of the estate of Lee rW'l ' erect, maintain and operate Wada, Deceased. 20-5t,at! clectrlcil plant in the city of To- H' !o, the right to sell electricity in NOTICE TO POULTRYMEN 'so id city for light, manufacturing and I have been chose nto superintend iho poultry exhibit at the fair this fall There Is a very limited amount of ac commodations at the fair grounds and I must know the number of exhibits that will be on hand, so that more room can be provided If necessary. If y..u !l,m on having an exhibit of pou try nt the fair this fall plcaso write me at loieuo. A. P. GRABLEL 2-5t lij well and strong. Be full of life and energy. Tanlac will do this forlvirons including wires, poles, 41 elec you. Toledo Drug Co. 20-lt ; 'vie transformers, 265 electric nieetors, Customers come to ua every day and say Tanlac has been a blessing to thorn', we advise you to try It. n. "-,,J u. 2.0-lt rii8 class of people wno indorse ' LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1922. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Orsfoi, for Lincoln County Portland Trust Company of Oregon, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. - . Yaquina Electric Company, a corpor ation, Guy Roberts, Fred Horning, Kilham Printing and Stationery Com pany, a corporation, and Crodlt Ser vice Company, Defendants. By virtue of an execution and or der of sale Issued out of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause to me directed and dated June 30th, 1822, upon judgment and decree rendered on January 7th, 1922 and entered In said court on January iU, 1922, in favor of the plaintiff, Port land Trust Company of Oregon, a corporation, against the defendant, Yaquina Eleetric Company, a corpor ation, and likewise against the prop erty hereinafter described, ,for the sura of $66,000.00, together with in terest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum from August 15, 1919, and for the further sum of $3500.00 attorneys feeB, together with expen ses of receivership costs and dis bursements o: t'ais suit, and by which said decree and execution, references to which is hereby made a part of this notice, I have been and am thereby made a part of this notice I have been and am thereby commanded to sell and have levied upon the follorlnj described real and personal property located in Lincoln County, Oregon, within the jurisdiction of said court, to-wit: (a) Lot 1. Block 1, Graham's Sixth Addition to Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, together 'with the electric gen eraling plant constructed thereon and nt,aphnf1 Micratn onnalii' nv nf n 1 H " " " """" " - connected exciter, 1 Rus3el boiler 72" IncheV bv 16 feet. 1 Casev Hertzes. boiler, 72 Inches by 18 feet, 1 smoke slack connected with bc'lers, 2 feed water heaters, 2 single phase, oil cool, nd, CO cycle distribution tr.mBtformers 'for 300 veils primary, and 2300 volts 'secondary, including injector, valves land piping. (b) 1 parcel of real estate, 1.64 'acres more or les3, specifically des- B: ginning at a point on the section . slough 208 feet to point on setion thence north 70 degrees 52") 1 nnv ,.i u c ; feet thence north 43 degrees ea3t '68 feet to sect: n line; , along said .action line ! tesrinning. (p) All rights, privileges and fran - (said, ordinance is entitled: "Ordinance sranuni; to H. D. Send-: now located in tho office of said Ya- Uton-. his cusseccors and assigns, a'n'ilna Electric Company in Toledo. lfraJclla(!i rifiht and privilege to build. ' Oregon. erott and operate nn electric light and , power plant within the corporate lim - ' OI 1118 01 wewijort, Lincoln !fnnnl n,-o-,n o J tr. hn t."". m.oc.o '" . h" "" "'""s m-"cb UI1U nu mBiug win ires thereon to transmit electric light and power to different parts of said city, and any and all other appurtenances or things necessary and usual ln conducting and operating said electric light and power ! piani ana runner auinorizint tne I mayor and recorder of said city """""'i l" 'u a lea8a 10 sa'i wucer front property within said city Of : building and completing thereon a :coId storage, ereami-ry and said elec - ,trlc Bht and power plant, by said lmldor 3aid lease- t,le form of w'ii'-h llease has been duly approved by the members ot the City Council and in said mayor and recorder as aiarasald, !rnis3 granted by tho city of Toledo, (Lincoln County, Oregon, to the Ya - Cl '-w- by and tinder a certain, fru-.. Ordinance granting unto the Tola- 00 Light, Power and Manufacturing power purposes for the period of twenty five years, and granting unto the said Tdledo Light, Power ana Manufacturing Company the right to 1:10 the street and alleys of said city to sot poles, string wires and lay conduits;'' Said ordinnnco having been parsed by the common council of the city of Toledo, Oregon, on December 18, 1911. (e) The electric distribution system a it hiu the city of Newport and en- j w-jfther w'th all equipment connected v. ith and a part of said distribution To-Uvstem. ' (f) Tho eloctric distribution svstom v. tthin the city of Toledo, Oregon, In- -ludlng all wires, poles, conduits, 24 -'.T-iric transformers, and 72 electric i: :rrs, together with ail equipment 1 "Thank You" I AA I As NVS loV mi ine And connected with and a part of said dis-' trlbytlnn system thenco north; (g) ,8 1-3 miles of 3 phase, 0COO to place or volts, .electric transmission line ex 1 tiiidii)g between the city of Toledo, i Orcson. and the city of Newport, Ore ! x 25 in. x Iz ,., said property being NCW TIFEREJOIIH by virtue of : sajj execution, decree and order of gale. ' and in nnfl In nrmrrlonpA tliArntClh . .. ' , ana in compliance wun tne commanas oi saia execution, i, m. Simpson, aner- iff 0f Lincoln County, Oregon, will on me bin uny or auk., I'J, at tne nour of 11 o'clock A. M. at the front door of the court hoti3a In Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, sell at public, auction to tho highest bidder, all tho right, title and Interest which the within of;nnme(j defendants Yaquina Electrlo :Company, Guy Roberts, Kilham Print- ;w nniT Sttitlnnnrv ftimnnnv. and credit. Service Comnanv. and nil sal(j defendants or any of thorn, barn !or lui ln ti10 abova doscribed property or any part or parcel thereof with the exception of the property described ln subdivision (h) ; that the personal ! property described In subdivision (h), ! to-wit: 1 s'haw-Walker filing cabinet, 1 standing deal;, 1 stool, 1 Pacific Coas jron Ba0( 8j2e 97 in. x 25 in. x 42 In.. property now beins located ln tho 1 In the Name ot tho State of Oregon; : furl her for a decree that you salo office- of said Yaquina Eloctric Com- Ycu and each of you are summoned defendant, and all persons claiming p:'iiy in Toledo, Oregon. 'and required to appenr and answor 1 by, through or under you said de- I will likewise sell on said day at. tho complaint of the plaintiff heroin, fondant, may bo barred and fore thn hnilr nf 1ft oVlni k A M r thn lr.n'l now on liln In the off Ico of Count v i closed of nnv estate. richL title lien nffip of Ynnulna Eloctric ComDanv !in Toledo. Lincoln Countv. Orefon. all . satlsfv said execution, decree, in- tercst. attorney fees and costs. DATED this 30th day. cf June, 1922. Date ot first publication, July 6th, IP '2. De ot last publication, Aug. 3rd, 1B22. M.( SIMPSON, Sheriff cf Lincoln County, Oregon. 20-4t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 011114 Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, June 22, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that Chai les M. Long, of Alsea, Oregon, wfco on October 22, 1917, made Homestead Entry, Seria". if,. 011114, for the Nft of NW and WW of NE4 of Section 22, Township 14 S. Range 8 W., Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice ot Intention to make Final Three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Fred. Mc- Henry, Cler jf the Couaty Court or Benton County, Oregon, at Corvallis, Oregon, on the 31st day of July, 1922 Claimant names as witnesses: -Marshall W. Ruble, of Alsea, Ore gon. William Adams, of Alsea, Oregon. Bruno Knollnskl, of Alsea, Oregon. John Steeprow, of Alsea, Oregon. AV. H. CANON, . . Register. 19-Ct Tins acknowledgment of a courtesy or service is somehow the satisfactory end of a transaction. Both parties are pleased and the relations of the moment, however unimportant, are more hap pily closed. There is no occasion when an effort made for the comfort or convenience of others . is not worth a "thank you.' . In the daily routine of telephone operations, where the saving of time is the great considera tion, the opportunity of expressing an apprecia tion of a service rendered seldom arises. But remember that the telephone operator is human. Courtesy to her means more cheerful ness in her work. It will be reflected in your own self-satisfaction. t r Racine I eiepnone Telegraph Company NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tiic County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lincoln County In the Matter of the Estate or Wil liam iJjck, Uoceastd. T !;o ' Undersigned having been np- ificd, notice Is hereby given to tiie creditors of, and all persens having ?r,ittt t?t VZ sent them, verified ns required by law, within six months nfter tha first fiublicction of this notice to said Ad inlniBtrtitor at his residence at Slier idan, Oregon, or bo forever burred. P. A. THOMAS. IUIUIH' Admln'itrator of Uio estate of Wll- nam Diclt dpienspd ,Ct.. n1.1fc.t.n1 nn.l An4nA T.. n 1CtM 1922. otto w Heider, Attorney for Estate Sheridan, Oregon. 17-Gt j 1 SUMMONS j In the Circuit Court of the State of Orcnon for Lincoln County. j Thomas Hotmail, Plaintiff, vs. f!. J. Dillon nnit RliKihnlh Dillon. oVhia wife, also all other nersons or nar- tics'unknown claiming nny right, title. llieu, interest cr estate ln the real coin jeatcta described in plaintiff's plcint, Defendants. To C. J. Dillon and Elizabeth Dil ltn, his wife, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, titls lion, - interest or cntcte 'n tlio lan:ls described in plaintiff's complaint jhereiu the above named defendants: Clerk 6f Lincoln Countv. Oreson. on lor before the date of the last Dublica - Hon of this summons, to-wit: on or'such other and further relief as mar before th0 27th day of July, 1922; and;bo equitable and just. you nnd each of you aro hereby noti- tied that If you fall to so appear and answer said complaint, ns horeln re - quired, for want thereof, the plain - tiff will apply to the ubovo entitled Court for the relief demanded In plaintiff's complaint, namoiy; for a that this summons be published In the dacroo that plaintiff is the owner In 1 Lincoln County Leader for b!x con fee simnlo of tho following described I loctilive and successive weeks be- rtril property situated ln Lincoln County, Oregon, to-wlt: Lot Blx ln Block one, CotLigs Block, Nye & Thompson's Addition to New port: And that all adverse claims of said defendants, and each of them, may Dt. determined by said decree; that said defendants, and each of them, by said decree, be declared nnd adjudged to have no right, title, lion, estate oi Interest, ln or to said land3 abovo described, or any part thereof; that the said defendants, and each of thorn, be forever barred and enjoined from asserting any - claim adverse to the plaintiff's claim, and for such other and further relief as may appear equit able and jusL This summons. Is published In the Lincoln Connty Leader, once a week for bIx consecutive and successive weeks, beginning with the Issue of Juno 15th, 1922. and ending with the Issue of July 27th, 1922, under and ln pursuance of the directions contained in an order made by the Hon. C. W., PACE THREE i !l !! ; !l. il James, County Judge o? Lincoln County, Oregon, on tho 12th day of June, 1!)22. O. B. McCLUSKEY, Attorney for Plaintiff, P. O. AdJross -Toledo, Orocon. 17-7t SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. S. 0 .l'niHsfielrt and Jes.-iio M. Brassflold, Plaintiffs. VI. Lewis F. Walters, Defendant. To Lriwis Walters, the above - ; named -defendant In the Name of the Stata of Oregon; You aro hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint of plaintiffs filed aitainst you in the above entitled suit, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer, foi want thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled Court for the re lief demanded in their complaint, to- wit: for a decree of this Court fore- closing a certain mortgage executed by defendant, Lewis F. Walters, on the nth day of October, 1920, on the fol lowing descrlbod real property situat d In Lincoln County, Oregon, to-wit: ' The south hnlf of tho north east quartor .ot soction twenty-six ln town ship, nine south, range nine west of Willamette Meridian in Oregon, con luii'.ing ?0 acres; And that tho above described tract bo sold by tho Sheriff of Lincoln Counly, Oj-oon, ns provided by law, j to s."' HiTy the amount due and owing 'to plaintiffs on said mortgago; and or Interest in or to said mortgaged : Dremises or any part thereof, and for This summons Is served upon you by publication In acocrdance with an jorclor by the Honornble C. W. James, County Judge of Lincoln County, ; Oregon, which said order Is dated June 12th, 1922, and which requires Winning with the Issue of June 15th, 1922, and ending with the lssuo of July 27th, 1922. G. B. McCLU9KEY, Attorney for plaintiffs. Postofflce Address: Toledo Oregon.. 17-7t NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate ot Michael Roddy, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tho undersigned was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Michael Roddy, deceased, by the County Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, on the 5th day ot June, 1922, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent their said claims to me duly ver ified, nt my office in Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, within six months ot the date of tho first publication ot this notice. Dated and first published this 15th day of June, 1922. G. a McCLUSKEY, Administrator of the Estate of Michael Roddy, deceased. . 17-Ct