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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1916)
I,: j :fO DlfL IS ONE IS SOMETHING A PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST , AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS THING BUT TO CAT ONE'S WORDS ffioos Saw Stm?0 ELSE 1V0I.N0. XXXIX FEAR FELT FOR LOCAL MISERS Twenty Feet of Snow on Iron Mountain and Ten Feet on Salmon Many Cabins Are Crushed In 3 Without Supplies Men WOUlu DC oiarvuu ONE MAN REACHES POWERS Makes Trip l'""' ,,,wrt' (,,,U" "" ' 'hih.iv SIhc4-(iii Tlnw My WuiklnK " 'r,",' Vwt f Hn"W wuNt in Tin-iy iu17' Kear for ninny inlntirM mid pros ....,. wiin have been working In tho Iron Mountain ami Salmon, mountain districts anil tho eastern mrt of Curry county wan cxi.reauod by A. H. 1'owcrB who returned 10 day from Powers. Ho sulci tlmt Mr. Murphy, u timber eruisor, Imd JtiBt como In to Powers from tho Poverty Gulch district, after a nlrenuoiiH two days trip on biiowsIiocb. Murphy re liortcd twenty fcot of hiiow on Iron mountain, eight to ten root on Sal mon mountain and grnduully grow ing less na ho nearod Powers. Mr. Powers ald that Murphy re ported that every cabin along tho routo was crunhed by the linmonBO weight of snow except whoro tho occiipnntB kept It ahovolod orf the roofs. Ho Bald that nil or tho hit? trees that were leaning had col lapsed under tho weight of it. Ov e." forty trees wero down ucroBB a short Btrctch of tho trail. If tho miners who nro nnowod In have not plenty of provisions tlioy will faco starvation ub It 1b practically Impossible for them to get out. Tho trip with biiowsIiocb Is even dangerous ub tho trull fol low a tho odgo of,deop ravines whoso brink Is hidden by tho snow. Camps All Start Mr. Powers Bald that Camp Throe, tho lust ot his camps to start, resumed operations this morn hig dcsplto tho threo'foot of hiiow. It Is at an altlthde of about 1SUU fcot. Tho heavy snow makes It im possible to work effectively. Uo says that old resldonts of that sec tion declaro tho snow was tho heav iest In thirty years. Ranchers Lack liny Tho DomontB and others who havo big ranches boyond Myrtlo Point nro driving tholr cattlo Into Myrtlo Point and vicinity and buying hay and grain to feed thorn until tho snow leaves. The doon snow makes It Imnosslblo for livestock to fomiro a v nir RELATIVES GUT OFF DACKEY LEAVF.S FOK- ti'xi: to oiirncji i.v Norway Hrothei-H Hundred Years Old and Xleco and Nephew Do Not Oct Anything Syver Uaekoy, woll known pioneer o North llcnd who died about ton days ago, bequeathed his ontlro os toto to tho Norwegian' Lutheran church pi hs 0i(l non,0 town Dram "en, Norway, according to tho will which ho left chnrgo of C. E,"May lea and J. 0. Mullen In North Bend. It Is provided that tho property bo converted Into cash and that the mon ey bo held ns a trust fund for the Norway church and tho interest go toward the salary of the pastor. IMuto Valuable Tho estate, which Included life in surance other securities and propor V on Coos nay and In California, la estimated to bo worth anywhere m $15,000 to $30,000 and some "'Ink It Is even more, iIW brt''era In Norway and a "e and nephew, said to bo in tho the win WaSl,,ngt0". wro cut off m Wl rimicli Cut Off a the church in Norway is under iiHgrl;,nWeilt and ue 'll8tor ls am by the government his Idea of ""' as strange. Mr ' Dackoy had linn o mnn,l. r the Xonh,0T?Veflan Ltl'eran church at rtn Bend nH 581 m K LOST he n,.,, ou,uo expeciea tnai vZT lSm th0 truBBllfe con- two w,,?6 mo rvlsIon for his lw" brothers, wUo aro 8a,d to hQ Established 1878 Ah Tho Coimt Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, COLDEST OF SEASOM LAST NIGHT FA It MOST SEVERN THIS YEAR SO Water Pipes Frcoo In tho City and Mercury (Joes Down to 2:1 A bo vi) Zero Last night wuh tho coldest night of the your. Tho temporaturo went down to as dogrocB nbovo zero, nine degrees below the freezing point. There whb a heavy frost on tho iililo walks hint night and this morning nn (I the tomperature did not go up much during the forenoon. Mnny complained ot water pipes bolng frozon. Ono of tho farmers on Cooa river who has n hot house bays tlmt IiIb thermonictor wont down to S3 a'bovo and tho plants In the hoc house wero frozen, Tho cold of last night waB felt more Bovoroly than at any time dur ing tho recent storm. Many had dif ficulty In hcntlug their Iioubcb hh (hoy wore not aceuuloriitd to prepar ing for such Bovero wcathor. Live slock Is continuing to suf fer and iinkMin (hero lu a break In the weather the losses will be cevere. IS GROUND FHEF.ZES UNDERNEATH WHITE .MANTLE AT EUGENE A. F. ltnpp, Wells. Knrgo Manager, Vlsll.s on Coiw Itny Tolls nfl "FlrU Trip to Sen In a Ford." Sleigh bolls hnvo echoed to tho tuno of bursting water pipes in Eu geno, according to A. F. Ilnpp, mali nger of the Woll-Furgo Company lu Orogon Boulh of Albany, who arriv ed hero last evening. SIoiIb of evory shnpo, bIzo and dcacrlptlou have boon brought Into nciv,o thcro lu tho paBt week, ho said. That tfio sceno might properly bo prepared for tho sledding, King Cold saw to It that tho ground froze lu tho regulation manner and, this done, he turnod his giant 'snow sifter and loft a four-Inch mantle on tho Biirfaco. This brought dozens ot uuton Into Borvlco, to bo used ns tow boats for long strings of sleds. Not only tho kiddles of tho city, but the old folks as woll, Joined in tho fun. However, at tho samo tlmo, tho cold snap trozo up many of tho wator pIpob and burst thorn, though ho said tho woathor has not boon below tho zero point. Tho coming of tho railroad to Coos Ilav will bo a happy day for tho Woll-Fargo Company, sold Mr. ltnpp. Tho presont sorvlco of ono dollvcry from Portland over) ton days is entirely too slow, ho bolloves, but tho opening of dally servlco will greatly Improvo tho business of tho 'company. Tlio trip down mo uoucn routo yoatorday wnB an Innovation (n Mr. Haill). W 10 BUKl 11 Was IIIB "first voyngo to sea In a Ford." MEET STANDARD six man schools in county UP to requirements Superintendent Is Informed to tlmt Effect hi Communication From State Officials (Special to The Times) ' COQU1LL10, Oro Jan. 19. County Superintendent Raymond E. Baker has received a cortlfled statement from tho"stato Board of Education, consisting of Stato Suporlntondont Churchill, Governor Wlthycombo, and Secrotary of Stato Olcott, to tho or fect tlmt tho following "ten Bchools 'of Cooa County have mot all tho ro- qulromonts prescribed l;y tho Stato Board of Education for standard high schools; District "No. 54, Bandon; District No. 3C, Coos River; District No. 8, Coqulllo; District No. 9, Mnrshfleld; District No. 13, North Bond; 'and District NoL 4 1L Myrtlo Point. about 100 years old, in Norway. They aro both said to ba wealthy. Since tho provisions of tho will have becomo known, It la intimated that It may bo contested. STEAMER IS SUNK HUT CREW IS SAVED Br Aticclttod Pret to Coot atr Timet. LONDON, Jan. 19. Tho Steamer Marero, 6443 tons gross has been sunk. The members of tho crew were rescued. EC1IG FLOODS SWEEP IE SOUTHWEST Many Towns in Southern Cal ifornia Are Reported En tirely Isolated Today ARIMAJFFECTED Phoenix is Warned that Snake River Will Reach Its Worst Tonight FAMILIES DESERT HOMES IVopIo Living Along tho Glln River Are Moving to Safety Flood ' There Has I tea died Alarming Proportion Messages State tUr AMoilitrJ 1'rttt to Coo. liar Timet. LOS ANGELAS, Cal., Jan. 19. i Plood wators from rivers and bwoI j Ion mountain streams continue to rise today throughout southoru Cal ifornia and Arizona from rain which htiB been fulling since Saturday. Towns Are Isolated Many towim lu southern Califor nia are practically Isolated. Unll rond trains and street cars nro nn- ublo to run lu many places. Tel egraph and tolcphoue . wires arm down or aro working In bad ordor. Tho crest of tho flood Ib expected lu most places today. APPHOACHES PHOENIX I'eoplo In iow Districts Aro W affiled to Move Out (llr AMoclitfrl Prttt to Coot l)r Timet. PHOENIX, Arizona, Jan. 19. 'Advices to the sheriff's offlco here today said a big flood was coming down Salt river and probably would ronch Phoenix tonight. Ilosldants ,woro warned to Ionvo all tno low sections. DHIVEX FHOM HOMES Flood Alone; tho Gila Illver Has He conic Alarming llr Auoclitod Pr to Coot TUj Time J YUMA, Ariz., Jnn. 19. Tele phone messages said 'residents al ong tho upper Gila river aro mov ing from tholr homes and that tho flcods had reached alarming pro portions. DRIVE BANDITS OUT U. S. CAVALKY ATTACKS FOHCE OF MEXICANS No Onev Ih Hurt In tho Skirmish Which Takes Placo Near llachltn Hr Aortt4 rr to Coot Ur Timet. EL PASO. Texas.. Jan. 1C Six bandits bollovod to bo Mexicans, woro attacked nnd pursued last night by United States cayalrymon stntlouod at Doyles Wolls, 13 miles . w l.l,. T.. 1. a a 11 V tali south of Hachita In tho skirmish ono cavalry horso no ono was hurt, report brought to was killed, but according to a Hachtta by a man named Leo. Threo 8oldlors and a number of mining mon, rosldont nt DoyleB Wells, aro said to have participated in tho skirmish. Tho bandits, ac cording to Leo, rotreatod Into Mex ico, ASKS IRE DETAILS SECRETARY OK NAVY NOT SATIS FIED WITH REPORT Ahks for .Moro Conclusive Evidence Tlum Given Will fVwalt Board or Inquiry (Bf AtocUte4 Prttt to txwt Br Tlmtt.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 19. Findings of tho naval board of in quiry which made the preliminary In vestigation of tho explosion of tho submarlno E-2 aro regarded by Sec retary Daniels as inconclusive and ho will await tho report of the naval court inquiry, now making the inves titration. The board hold that tho explosion was duo to gaa generated by tho now Edison battery and Ignited by a spark of unknown origin. HEATING STOVES at reduced prices. Pioneer Hardware o, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1 916 AFFECT JUDGE TERM OF APPOINTED COUNTY JUDGE EXPIRES THIS YEAH Attorney General l$rown Makes Rul ing on Provision of Law May Apply to Coos County Judgo . SALEM, "Ore., Jan. 10. Attorney General Geo. M. Brown In a writ ten opinion In ntiBWor to nn Inquiry held that when n person is appointed to fill tho vacancy ot County Judgo, that such a ono shall servo only un til the noxt election, whon a Judgo ls to bo olectod, and not for the re mainder ot his predecessor'!! term. Terms of Justices Doubt as to tho length of tho term of offlco of a .Tustlco of tho Peace In Oregon was also romovod, whon At-tornoy-Gencral says that tho law provides that not only Justices of tho Supreme Court but Judges In nil oth er courts shall servo six years. May Affect Coos County Tho nbovo opinion by Attorney General Geo. M. Brown may affect County Judgo Watson In Coob Coun ty as ho was appointed last January to fill the vacancy caused by tho res ignation of Judgo Hall. Gov. Wlthycombo ' named him. It wns Btipposod that tho appointment would hold for tho balanco of Judgo Hall's term, which had several years to run, and consequently It was not supposed that tho office of county Judge would hnvo to bo filled here this fall. District Attomoy Ltljoqvlst Js out of tho city today and could not ,bo booh na to what effect tho ruling .will hnvo hero. The question of tho terms ot tho county Judges wna boforo tho Su premo court, owing to tho law having been changed, and Judge Hall's res ignation resulted from thls own opin ion thnt he had boon'oloctcd for two years and thnt ho did not fool It would bo right to tnko advnntngo of an oxcoiibIoh of tlmo niado by the leg islature. PETTY THIEVERY MUST END, SAYS. JUVENILE JUDGE Lads Admit Operations mid Tell .Freely of Their Stealing Escapades Need Training, Says Judgo. ROYS SENTENCED Henry Lloyd and Cliarlos , Bonobrako wore this aftor- noon aont to tho Btnto train- lug school. Hark Dunham will probably tako thorn to Salem noxt Wednesday. Judge Watson allowed Gcorgo Lingo and Mack Wllloy to go freo on good behavior. Sontonce was not passod on John Osborn, no ono lulowlng whero he la at present. Potty thievery, which of lato has boen prevalent in tho city, was haul ed Into tho spotlight of exposure this morning boforo Juveutlo Judgo Watson lu the Justlco court room. Charles Owen T IaihI 0KtHiA Bonobrako, Henry Lloyd, George Lingo, Mack Wllloy and John Osborn woro given hear ings, all flvo or tho vboys having, been arrested at Christmas tlmo. Accounting was given for tho disappearance or largo quantities or brnss rrom tho boats Gonoral, Pow ers, Llborty and Paciric. A. II. Powers had declared $1000 worth of brass had boon "llftod" from his boats. Much of tho brass was In troduced in court as evldonco, hav ing been collected from tho found ries and soveral second-hand deaj ors. Juvenile Judgo James Watson de clared It to bo tho decision or the court that all rive or tho boys bo committed to tho stato rorormatory at Salem. Howover, w. H. Lingo said that his son had promised to bo straight and that ho, tho rather, would bo responsible for him in tho ruturo, and the Judgo dorerrod final action on tho boys until later this afternoon. Tell Stories Freely There Was no stuttering by tho boys. when quostlons woro asked. "I took brass off the donkey engines of Porham & aidloy,',' said Charles Bonobrako. "John Osborne was with me when wo took some faucets from tho Masonic Opera" House. We sold them to Sam Soronson." "How long have you been doing this sort of thing?" asked the Judge. "Only about two or threo years," was the reply. Tho youth stated I EN EVENING EDITION. ' 6 IE T Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Adjourns Without Taking Definite Action TO COKOP AGAIN Members Fail to Decide About Intervention or Sending Troops to Aid Carranza STONE REFUSES TO TALK Will Not Venture to Make Forecast of Attitude of Committee Sen ator Borah, "Who Favors Has ty Action, Will Canvass tnr AmocMcJ Prett to Coot Btr Tlmtt, WASHINGTON D. C, Jnn. 19. After a heated discussion over the .Mexican situation tho first meeting of tho seuato commlttco on foreign 'relntlons adjourned today without taking any action on tho resolutions providing for intervention or tho sending ot troops to nld Cnrrnnza in H.nlnnllnw ll.n A trt nlff1 till luuvuuvii.b 'iuu iiiiuiii-iioi Tho subject will bo taken up again noxt Wednesday. Senator Stono docllnod to forecast tho prob- ablo attltudo of tho commlttco. Will Mako Canvass Senator Borah, who urged Bpeody action, Iiub docldod to mako n can vass of tho sonnto to dotormlno what support would bo glvon an effort to consider proposals of Intervention, told that tho foreign relations com mlttco failed to act on tho resolu tions boforo it. .tyj SupiMirt Prosldait Tho opinion prevailed that nono of tho Intervention resolutions would 1)Q reported at presont and that tho majority of tho conunlttoo would up hold tho president in Ills determina tion to glvo Carranza a clmnco to demonstrate his ability to establish ordor in Moxlco. GIVEN A LIFE TERM FREDERICK T. PRICE SENTENCED TO THE PENITENTIARY (fir Attotlittd rrtu to Coo l)r Tlmt, MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 19. Frederick T. Price, convicted Satur day of murdering his third wlfo, Ma ry Frldloy Prlco, for her fortune, wbb 'sontonced to llfo imprisonment to day. ho Is 10 yoars or ago. Mack Wllloy, aged 1C, admitted freely that ho had aided George Lingo In robbing tho cash box on a Gorst & King Jitney, nnd thon divid ed tho proceeds or $11.70. "Thon wo woro hungry and so wo took ho mo grub off a row back porches. Wo slept that night, Christmas night, In tho C. II. Waltor delivery barn." f Took; Clothes From Barn. In the samo barn and on tho samo night slopt Mack Wllloy. Ho admitted taking a suit of clothes i from tho barn. He said he woro the suit. "Did It .fit you?" nBkod tho Judgo of tho boy, who ls only a llttlo follow. "Woll It was sort of looso In places," was tho answer. Hoy Runs nti Ho Pleases Tho father of John Osborn Bald ho had not seen his boy for a week, that "ho loused to going away with out asking permission and that ho novor knows whoro ho Is Until tho lad puts In his appearanco again. Mr. Osborn said that onco his son and Henry Lloyd brought homo a big brass cap from a capstan aboard tho Powors. Tilts, Mrs. Ida Bolco, then houBekoopor for Osborn, "bought as nn Investment" for $1. but later Osborn said ho became scared and dumped the brass back Into tho Floyd boy's yard. A. H, Powors was particularly anxious to find whero this had gone, but was unable to, get any trace of It. Chief of Police Carter stated that tho Osborn boy about a year ago was arrested for stealing and was paroled by Judgo Hall, thon Coun ty Judgo. "From tho evldonco horo it Is shown this thing has been going on for a long tlmo," declared the Judge. ".This Is high tlmo that It BhoulcLbe stopped. The training school will do the boys good. There they will learn a trade and T think it is best that they go, there. U IX X Consolidation of Times, Const Mall fjg. 152 and Coos liny Advertiser. GERMAN LOSSES BIG REPORTED IN ENGLAND TO HE TWO AND HALF MILLION Tho Nunibor of Men Killed of tills Total Was Nearly Six Hundred Thousand (Or AMoclntcJ r-rfM to Coot mr TIdim.j LONDON, Jan. 19. Tho parliame ntary under secrotary of war an nounced In tho Iioubo of commons tills afternoon that the total Gorman casualties asx published In tho Berlin casualty lists total 2,G3G,7G8. Of this numbor 588,980 woro killed. It 1b Bald that the Gorman wound ed and missing numbered 1,CCC,C49, whllo 35C.1G3 woro takon prisoners. Iu addition 24,080 GorinoiiB died from various causes. KAISER AGAIN AT FRONT Ccmploto Recovery Officially An nounced In Rerllu for AMorlttxl rrnt to Coo liar Tlrow.l BERLIN, via London, Jnn. 19. Tho, following official communica tion wns Issued: " Aftor his complota rccovory Em poror William returned Sunday to the war theater." THREE HUNDRED REFUGEES WITH FAMILIES IN NEW YORK Twenty Detained Recnurfu Afflicted With Vermin that Carries the Typhus (Or AiiocUttd rmi to Coot Dijr TlmN, NEW YORK, Jan. 19. Tho Oreok llnor VastlofB Constanlsno arrived today from Athens with 300 Serbi an soldiers and refugees and tholr families on board. Twonty woro do talnod at quarantine on account of bolng afflicted with vormln ot n typo thnt carrion typhus. LINED IS AGROUND THE RYNDAM IS IN TROUBLE AT GRAVESEND PnsNongvrn nnd Crow Not Allowed to Icave tlio Vessel Reported Moving Yesterday tnr Aic-ut! rre to coot ntr Tim. LONDON, Jan. 19. Tho Btoamor' Ilyndam, of tho Holland-Amorlcan lino, la aground at Gravosond. Nono ot the paasongers or crow woro al lowed to leave the vessel. It was reported yesterday that tho vossol had an accident and was procoodtng to port undor hor own steam. REPRESENTATIVE OF SYNDICATE COMING Said that lie Will Placo Ordern Which Will Total $2.80,000,000 In Cost nr Auoclttt4 rrett to Cnot Dtr Tlme.,1 NEW YORK, Jnn. 19. Tho 'Na tional Surety Company has recoivec Information that n representative of French and Italian syndicates ls on his way to this country to purchaso supplies, cost or which Is estimated at $250,000,000, ror ubo aftor tho war. BATTERYTHECAUSE NAVAL HOARD MAKE TODAY A REPORT Glvo Out Statement Ah To Tho Ey- plosion on Board U. S. Submarlno (Br Attocltted Prut to Coot Dtr Timet, WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 19. A report of tho navy board of In quiry yestorday indleatod that battory troublo caused tho explosion on the E-2, which caused the death or Hvo men and sorlotisly Injured nine. ELKS NOTICE Business or vital Importance to the lodge that is to your lntorest. Come BI1U J. W. HILDENBRAND Exalted Ruler Dr. D. O. Vaughn, Dentist, ftoom 20, First National Bank building. See Jay Doyle for Tailoring anil Cleaning, Phone 230, M Ml UY SUPPLES SI F In New Offensive Attaek Four ' Times But Are Repulsed by the Teutons JIT INTHE 1ST Only Small Engagement Be tween Germans and Allies Are Reported Today1 TURKS ARE iEINFORCED Constantinople Reports thnt tho Russians Afo Compelled to Aban don Attacks Along tho Entlru Front In tho Caucasus tnr Ai.oeUttd rro to Coot Cr Tim.-. ) LONDON, Jnn. 19. A now often lvc movement hns boon lnangumtnil by tho Russians oast of CzernowH. near tho Bcssarablan frontier. Vi oann says the Russians niado four successive ntfacka at several places but woro repulsed. Only Small Fight Only minor engagements aro re ported In tho west. On tho Yso front a small Gorman dotachmonl advancod Into tho enemy tronch ana captured a mnchlno gun, Fronch airmen dropped bombs on Motz last night doing considerable domngo. ' Turks Reinforced Constantinople nays tho Russians woro compollcd to abandon attacks 'nlong tho ontlro front In tho Cau casus na tho result of tho arrival of Turklah rolnforcomonta aftor eight days ot violent fighting. STORY PREMATURE STATED MONTENEGRO HAS "NOT SURRENDERED TO AUBTJltA Conditions of Tcnce Tonus Not Ac ceptable and the Negotiations Aro Broken Off Dr AuoUta rrtu to Coot Dtr Time.) PARIS, Jan. 19. An official Btatcmont says: "Wireless nows ot tho Biirrondor of tho Montenegro army appoars somowhnt premature. It Is announced from anothor sourco that tho negotiations be tween Montenegro and Austria linvo been broken, tho conditions of surrender having boon found un acceptable by xMontonogro. Tho King and tho diplomatic corps aro about to proceed to Italy." KING MEETS KAISER EMPEROR WILLIAM GREETED BY KING FERDINAND Review Procession of Troops and Then Confer Honors of Count trie Upon Each Other (fir AttoUte4 rrew to Coot ntr Timet.) LONDON, Jan. 19. A Router dispatch from Nlsh Bays Emporor William mot. King Fordlnand o' Bulgaria In NUh yestorday. The monarcliB greoted oach other cor .Ulally and then rovlowod from tna citadol a procession or mugarian Macedonian and Gorman troops. Docorato Each Other. Tho Emporor prosontod King r- r dlnand with a HoM Marshal's 'm ton and tho King appointed the Em peror honorary commander or a Bulgarian infantry regiment Among tho Emperor's relux wero General Von Falkenlmn Chler Gonoral ot tho Starr; Flold Marshal Von Mackenson and Adju tant Genorala Von Plessen, Von CholluB and Von Lyncher and Ad miral Von Mueller. VILLA BANDITS MAKE ATTACK ON PROPERTY IDr AtoUto4 rrtu to Coot Br Timet. EL PASO, Texas., Jan. 19. Tho camp or tho Alvarado Mining Com pany was raided by Villa bandits who also killed a Chinos cook, wounded the watchman, said to be an American, and loatsd the com pany store, according to reports received here by the mlnlns com pany officials today. S N G HO MINING CAMP S ?Ai'iA(i iK, ,t I,'. .-.t-.i -.. jl. " i -