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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1916)
- rVl- ,,! " 1 , THE MAN WHO PREACHES PESSIMISM IS BEWAILING EARLY FOLLIES A PAPER THAT ' ' BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES s OJiiitiMi Vol. No. XXXIX Si PI BILL MEN SIX INTHSiPLEi DEFENSE BEING SETTLED President Wilson and Chair man Alexander Rcaoh an Agreement Today ' Would Have Control of Rates as Docs Interstate Com merce Commission NOW BEINQ PREPARED ilNul of Hoiimi Coninillteo on Marine Affairs SnyM It. Will Ho Intro duccd In Congress Some Tlmo Early Next Week ltt.VAM CANAL TO OPEN KKIlllUAUY 15 pjy AtufM Vtm to &. Bay Tlrawl NEW YORK, Jan. 18. Tlio Panama cniml will bo op ened to tlio largest ships February 15, according to Colonel B. F. alonii, who arrived today from Colon. ID; AnUtA ITtm lo Coo Uj Tlrow.1 WASHINGTON, I). C, .inn. 18. A tcntntlvo ngrcoment on tlio tonus ot tlio administration shipping bill was readied toilny at a conferunco Lotwcon President Wilson nml Clinlr mnn Alexander of tlio Iioiibu mtirluo committee. Aloxnndcr snld ho would Intro dtico tlio hill early next wcolc, Tlio bill Is known to Incliido u shipping honrd to rcgulato rates In much ,thc enmo way us tlio interstate commorco comnilBslon regulates railroads. T hklativks would hut aside IlKQfKSTS TO CHAIHTIEH Mrs. Kennedy, of llnndnn, Wnnt.s Portion of l-Miitv of Her Brother, hate .lolin Golden, or MnrMifleld (Special to The TIihcb.) (Special to Tho Times) COQl'ILLE, Ore.. Jan. 18. A pe tition to set aside tho probata of tho will of tlu into John CJoldon, of Marshflold, an ccroiitrlc plonoor coal miner, who died Dceonibor III, 1011 nml left his estate, worth about 2G, 000 to Catholic charities, wns fllod In Circuit Court at Coimlllo today. Craves & .Melnturff are tho attor neys for the rolatlvos, Mrs. Martin W. Kennedy of llandon, n slstor of the deceased, and Martin II. Gold en, Frank J. Golden, Mary 15. houd ero, Thomas Coldon and James Gold o". tho chlldron of tho deceased's brother, who llvo In California. Mnko Many Charges In the potltlon It is sot forth' tlmt tbo will 0r (Joido,,, which cut off "Is relatives and gave all hla ostato to Catholic charities, was mado Do comber 1, lUO'J, and that at that line Golden was of unsound mind, t Is claimed that Coldon Buffered from delusions that his rolatlvos wcro trying to got his proporty, that tnoy woro Binnors against tho church and that Goldon was addicted to tho cxcesslvo uso or liquor. It Is furthor cialmod thnt tho will was Interlined after It hud been drafted. Mother AKnes Executrix Mother Agnos, Slstor Superior of Mercy Hospital NorUl mxxt of o llcavorton Baby's Homo and "cad of othor Catholic Institutions, as nE,UC(l as executrix or tho Gold en win Fobruary 28, 1915. Tho only provision that Uoldon mauo for his rolatlvos was that in aso that his sister, Mrs. Kennedy, was ever In need, should bo paid $20 month. . ? ;, Graves stated today that ad Golden bequeathed his proporty o the local Catholic parish tho rol- f" " om Probably not have con tested hl8 will. MKKT TOMOimow NIGHT tlJv CMU"ty C0Hrt' the' members of J10 North fiend city council and tho ton n "d 8Ch001 boar will meet Com nIght at the Chamber of the n ltl North Bed to discuss settll t Preaented by P. B. Walto to er ,'e ,h0 ta on the Kinney pr,- PROVIDES II BOM GOLDEN 1 Established 1H7H Ah Tho Const Mall 1VIARSHFIELD, OREGON, IIAHItY HAWKINS SENTENCED -FOK 8TEALINU CLOTHES Aellon Not, Vc( Taken In Case, or Arthur linker lluvo Jury Again Monday (Hpoclal to Tho Tlineii.) COQUILLE, Orn., .Inn. s. Kor stealing clothing from clothes lines around Ooqulllo, Harry Hawkins will have to norvo six monllm In the county Jail, lie was Indicted on two ohnrgon and on each churgo was non tcuced to thrco months In jnii, tnc second term to begin uftor tho oxplr ntlou or tho first, thus giving him six munthii, Offender Is Paroled Tho enso of Hort llnrdenbroolc wan also disposed of. Ho was In dicted on a charge of larceny as bailee. It was alleged that ho took a letter belonging' to another man to mall and thnt ho Instead removed a check contained In tho letter and spout thn money ho procured by ennhlng it. Ho was sentenced to from one to ten years In tho peni tentiary, but on tho rceonimoncntlon of tho prosecuting nttornoy ho was paroled and will linvo Ills llliorty under tho condition thnt hu behave properly and not drlnlc liquor. Sentenced Postponed Tho case of Arthur Maker, tho man who was arrested for taking liquor from tho storo room of the Eaglo Saloon during December, baa hiiH not yet boon disposed of. Ilo pleaded guilty hut bin hoiiIoiico will ho postponed until after "tho trial of Fred Ilnloy, who was Implicated with lijm. It Is understood that Dnkor will bo n xvltncss ngalnst Ha loy. Jennings, tho man who was nr rcsted for a holdup at North llond, tlio snmo night linker and Haley oporntod in Marshfeld, Is yet to bo tried and that will about oud tho criminal business. Jury Again Monday Judgo Coko eomo to Coqulllo to day oxpcetlng to hear somo equity cases, but hono or those thoso seemed to bo ready. If thoro Is not n c.ieo turnliiK up tlilH aftornoon that Is ready for trial tho Judgo will likely return homo this evening and not return until next Monday, when tho JtirorB aro to again report for duty. JAMES M'CUTCIIEOX OK BEAVEH IIIMi IMiHADI'l) (SUIIrV Judgo Coko Imposes $:i)l l-'iiio for Kelllng lilqiior to n Minor Patron (Special to Tho Times) COQlIIMii:, Oro., Jan. 18. Jnincs SlcCuteheon of Ilbilvor Hill yestonlay ontored n plea; of guilty Lo ono rount In. tho Indictments re cently returned against him. Kor the Illegal snlo of liquor' nt Myrtle Point during tho Tnlr thoro last fall. I lo wiih tried but tho Jury disagreed. On tho other count, that of soiling liquor to a minor, ho pleaded guilty. Judgo Coko Iniinedlutely passed son- tonco on him, fixing a fine or ?juu ror tho offcliso. EA COQUIIiMC OIIIMMIK.V Hf KKKHINO WITH A TIIHOAT TltOCIM3 Dlseaso Not Dlplitlierlii, It In Slated, Hut ii flood Many ai-o Iild, Up (Special to Tho Times) ,i rnnmr.T.i.T nm .inn. 18. hciiooi children of tho city aro suffering with a throat troublo which hn3 ai- rocted 'quite n numbor. Tho dlseaso Is not diphtheria as somo feared but a numbor of houses whoro cases ex ist 'havo boon quarontlncd as a mai ler of precaution and to quiet any fooling or alarm. CHHW SUIT'KHS FHOM TIIK KXCKSSIVH HKAT inr Auoclated rreJ to to Br Tlmei.l SAN FItANCISCO, Jan. 18. Gorman cruisers Cor- morant, intornod at Guam, and the Geler, Intornod at Honolulu, havo been ordorod conveyed to this port as tho result or tho mental arrec- tlons to sovoral of tho Cor- morant's crow, caused by tho excessive heat. HEM! LIODDI FIIE DUARANTINE ill- Ti ill Prominent Men in Session To day Speak in Favor of Preparedness VIEWS 1 CHEN Samuel Gompcrs and. John Hays Hammond Among the Advocates SENATORS ALSO THERE Occasion H The Closing Mrsslon of tlio National Civic Federation Expenditures Suggested Ho- garded iih luve.Ntmenl 9444 KOCIAMKTH WOUId) DICIMINI) Till: COUXTHV tlljr A,ncllri1 rrra to ?o nf Tlmrn.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Jan. 18. Bvory Socialist h the United States would do fond tho country If attacked by a forolgn foe, Hepresonta tlvo London, the only social ist in congress, told tho houso today In an address ngalnst proparodness. 9tt (Mr AMOrlilcxI rrttii lo Coo. Ilijr Tlmn. WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 18. Stirring picas for natlonnl prepared ness woro made today by spcakors of uutlonal promlncnco tit tho closing session today or tho annual mooting of tho National Civic Federation. Tno Bponkcrs Included Samuel Com-. purs, John Ilnyn Hammond, Senators Pliolan and Wadsworth and former Governor O'Nell of Alabama, ('oiiipers' 0duloii . " Freedom and tyranny daro not bo Bynonymous with weakness,' de clared Gompors. Ho said, howovor, that labor nsscrtn tho rght to rev rcsontatlou In all bodies that do ctdo upon military defense. Forced to Conclusion John Ilnyn Hammond said: " Wo aro forced to tho eonuliislou, howovor opposed wo may bo to a profligate expenditure of tho na tion's wealth, that military and nav al (lofonso, ovon In tho case or n penco loving nation, Is Impomtlvo In the prosont status or International re lations." Ho urged thnt proposod expendi ture or $1,000,000,000 beyond tho country's prosont naval and mllltnry budget will bo looked upon as a busi ness Investment. T E IIAVK FOHMKI) A PACIFIC COAST OIK.'ANIZATIOX F.vpoct Hody Will Mnko Its. Influence Ho Felt, by ('omuwro Comiiiisslon lily Acltl ITbm lo Cooi Hay Tlmra.) SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 18. An nouncement wns mndo hero today of tho organization or tho Paolflo Const Traffic Loaguo, compromising tho loading traffic exports of chambois or commorco and other organiza tions. It aiiiiH to oxort nn Influence In frolght matters and mnko its weight foil with thontorstuto com morco commission. MAKES HIS ESCAPE COXFFSSKI) (1UIW1A.V SPl" GISTS AWAY FItOM OFIMCKHS t . IguatliiH T. Treblich Lincoln Who Was UoIiiK Held Is Now at 1 ;nrgo fllf AiwncUloil PffM lo Cv VtJ Tlme.l NKW YOHIC. Jan. 18. Ignatius T. Troblch Lincoln, formor monibor o: tho Ilrltlsh parliament and a confess ed German spy who was bolng hold hero ponding extradition to England, oscapod from tho United States dopu ty marshal Saturday, It was learnod today, "and has not been seen slnco. Making a Search Tho United States Marshal horo notified the secret- service and a nationwide search has been ordor od. It la thought In somo quarters that Lincoln boarded an outgoing stoamor. MFFIG Ml IT memiiek ok the associated phkss TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1916 EVENING EDITION. IT DIKAPPItOVI'J OK TIIK PltlWI DMXT'H PHKPAHKDXKSS IMiAX OrgnnlAutloii Opens Kcfslon Today and Thai Is Ono or the, Prin ciple Keaturo .mini: wokkkhh auk OPl'OSKI) TO SCIIKM15 Ur AKioclnlnl rrm U Cum TJ Time INDlANAI'OlilH, Jnd., Jan. 18. lohu V. White, tho In tornatlonul jirenldcut of tho United Mlno Workers of America nsscrtod In the bien nial report lo the delegates In convention today that ho was "fully convinced that tho men or labor woro unalter ably opposed to tho whole scheme of preparedness." Ho commonded prcstdont Wilson for kcoplng tho coun try at pcaco. "Munition manufacturers no doubt have much' to do with tho gonornl topic of pro pnrodnoKH," ho declnred. inr Amocuim rri lo Coot 117 Tlmm, INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 18. Iri'Hld('nt Wllnnli'n nrnimrf (1iiihb urn. . .. --,---, - 7 grnm iirobnbly wllllbo tho Htibjoct of j much discussion at tho convention or tho United Mlno Workorn or America, which began hero today and will contluiio ror about throo wcoks. A numbor or resolutions on tho subject havo boon rccolvod nt the miners' headquarters here. "Probably tho President's pro gram of proparodness will bo op posed by tho minors," said William Groou, socrotnry-trensuror of tho National organization. "Tho minors will bo ngalnst any Increaso in tho standing army or groat additional expenditure for tho navy that In not absolutely necessary." Tho convention Is tho 2Gth gath ering for tho minors nnd probably will bo ono of thif'mosC Important in tho history of tho organization. Thoro will bo about lbuil nelegatcs representing approximately -100,000 members of thq organization. Tho mooting will cost tho union sovo-nl thousand dollars. Tho most Important subject to como boforo tho gutherlng, accqrding to Secretary Greon, will bo tho on Blderntlon or now xvago agroomuuts with tho oporatorB to roplaco tho prosont contracts which oxplro Ma.oh 31, next. All contracts, both In tho nuthraclto nml bituminous Hells, will havo to bo roplaccd, ho Bald, arrcctlnj; a million workers. What tho miners w)ll demand could imt bo roroenst, as tho proposals will bo threshed out In the convention -ind In commlrtoo. Hundreds or resolutions will bo presented to tho convention nnd will deal xvlth all subjects related to tho coal mining Industry i.nd to tho organization. JXCItKASI WAOKS Montmm .Miners (Jlvo Twenty-five , Cents a Day More mjr AiuotUlM Trfwi lo Cooa lit TlinM.i HUTTK, Mont., Jan. 18. A vol untary wngo lncronso of 20 conts a day was grnutod to 2G.0OO mlno and Hiuoltlng omployos In Ilutto, Anacon da and Great Falls. Tho Increaso dates rroin Januury 1. Tho Hutto & Superior Company, tho W. A. Clark companies and othor concorns, It Is announced, havo agreed to tho Increaso as long us copper la 20 conts or more a pound. FLOODS ARE FATAL TWOMOItE MEN DHOWXED SOUTIIEKX CALIKOHXIA IX Makes Totol of Four Who Iruvo Lost Llxs Ilocuuso of Hoavy Jtalns Uy AmocUIM Pimi lo Coo lly Tlmf. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. IS. Two men woro drowned xvhilo at tempting to cross tho owollon streams, making four dead, aa tho result or a rain Btorm which began Saturday. CAHD OF THANKS To the kind irlonds and nolghbora who by xvorda or sympathy and kind ly acts asslstod during tho illness 'and death or my beloved brother Elefr Evonsou I tender my olncoro thanks. OLE EVENSON ii AGAINST COL. VALLES IS SHOT TO DEATH Villa's Most Callous Killer is Executed by Carranza Of ficials at Juarez z Body Exhibited at El Paso To 1 rjether With Corpse of Gen. Rodriguez CISNER0S ALSO DOOMED Is Marched Arms Honlcr, Together With Klglit Followers ami Will Jo Put. to Heath, It Is Derlnrod by (ho Me.xlcnn Officials wr VIMiA'H HKCKH'I'AltV MAKKS HIS KSCAPK WT AmoelilcJ Titm to coifBj Tlmn. ICL PASO, Toxns., Jan. 18. Kurlcuo Porcz Hul, sccro lary to Villa -who escnpod through tho Carranza linen, wns In Kl Pnso today and Iiiib renounced furthor rovolutlon ary activities In Mexico. jrir AmocUIM rim to Coot nar Tlmm.1 I-5L PASO, Toxna, Jan. 18. Colo nel Ilaca Valles, tho bundtt chief captured at Palamoas, south or Col umbus, Now Mexico, was oxocutod early today by n firing squad at Juarez. Ho said ho was not respon sible ror tho robberies or Villa. Will Kvccuto Another Colonel Clsuoros, xvho wns cap tured lost wcok with Haca Valles, Is being marched overland xvlth eight followers caught xvlth him, and according to tho Mexican offi cials, .also will bo executed. Ilaca Voiles xvns brought hero lost night on tho train which carried a body doclarod to bo that of Joso Itodrlguoz, tho bandit chief executed near Madora. Ilodlcs Kxhlblled Tho two bodies later xvoro taken to tho Mexican customs houso hero to bo vlowod by Amorlcnns, xvho have exprossod doubt as to tho Iden tity or tho man oxocutod as Itodrlg uoz. Xo Kvcltcineiit. Ilaca Valles, who was known as Villa's most callous oxecutlonor at Juarez, was takou from a box car In which ho arrived at 5 a. m. Executions havo boon so frequont at Junroz, thnt not a rlpplo or In terest xvob shown at tho railway station, whoro, many families spout tho night.; I)o"o In Short. Time. "I am not' responsible ror tho nets nnd rohhorlea or "Villa. I beg to see your genoral." Tho offlcor commanding tho firing squad snld ho had orders to kill, and-ho nnd a soldier stopped up close lo Ilacu Vallos a'l fired point blank Into tho prisoner's heart. Corpso Is Exposed Tho body was then takou bnck to tho railroad station, whoro It lay uncovered until nttor daxvn on tho platform, whoro womon and children woro lying wrnppod in blankets. LIFE 1IEIMI AMEHICANS STOOD UP WAITING TO HE SHOT Get Aw a j by Payment of Money and .Mining ciuni Is lootixl by MovlcaiiK- Ur AworUled'rrou to Coo. Ily Time, EL PASO, Texas,,, Jan, 18. Dr. E. It. Potsky ot natlonnl mlnos and Bin'olter company at Magistral;, Dur- ango, arrived today and told or bo lng Blood up xvlth bIx other Ameri cans, awaiting to bo Bhot by tho rol lowors or Gonoral Uraxamonto, xvho lootod tho camp. Ho xvas saved on tho payment of 1000 pesos. MIlS. PANKHUHST ADMITTED TO U, S. P lily AcocUted I'rim lo Co pay Time. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 18. MrB. Emmollno Pank- hurst, tho British aurtragotto dotalned by tho Now York immigration authorities, to- day xvaa ordered admitted to tho United" States uncondl- tlonally. GS BRIEF i Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll and Cows Hay Advertiser. SE ItUSHIANS HHPOKTKI) TO IIAVK CAPTUHKD TIIKIK POSTS Ilrltlsh Monitor Is Hunk by the Turks Artillery Duels In creaso In West . tllf Aoclteil rri to Cooi nx Tlmni,! LONDON, Jan. 18. In tho caflt, llorlln reports Bovoral Gormun posts surprised and destroyed by llio uti- uhinH Boutlienst of lllga. ' In tho west nrtlllory activities woro increased with the Improved weather. Constantinople says thoro In no changes In Mesopotamia, tho des truction of a Ilrltlsh monitor on the Tigris, 25 miles below Kiit-Kl-Amara being the only Incident reported. HUXDKKDH OK HULGAHIAX SOL DIKItS KILLKD AND WOUXDKD Tiventy-flvo Aeroplanes Mnko An Attack Willi Hoinlis on City or l'etrltsl Ur Auoclal! rron lo Coo nT Tltnoi. LONDON, Jan. 18. Hundreds or Ilulgarlan soldiers woro killed and I many wounded In a bombardment of Totrltsl by a squndron of 25 French noroplnnos, according' to an Athens dispatch. BOMBS DROPPED AIUSHIPS ATTACK ITALIAN CITY OF ANCONA Four Austrian Acifpliiiic Mnko tlio Ituld and Ono Person Is Killed Damage Slight (Ur AmocUIM I'itm lo Coo. ny Tim. ROME, Jan. 18, Four Austrlnn aeroplanes dropped bombs yestprday aftornoon on the city of Aucona. Olio person xvas killed. Tho damago xvns unimportant. WIMj HAVE IHItTHDAY Kaiser Will Ilo FirtylClgbt ami Asks ' Peoplo to Celcbrato HEnLIN, Jan. 18. Emporor William haH Issued a public announc ement, requesting tho Gorman na tion to celobrato his coming birth day, January 27, on which dato ho enters his 58th year, xvlth quiet thoughts and prayer. Whoever wishes to give spoclal expression to his rcollngH Is urged by tho emperor to do bo In tho form of gifts to sol diers' ramlllcB nnd to hoal wounds Inflicted by tho xvnr. L AUTOPSY HELD ON IIODV W. O. IiAIIK TODAY OF Showed Heart Troublo KilltMl Him District Attorney mid Cor- oilier Wero Thero ' (Sjicclal to Tho TlmoH.) DANDON, pro., Jan. 18. An autopsy held today established be yond a doubt thnt William Q. Dark who dropped dead at his homo Sun day afternoon, dlod of natural causes. A friend stated that ho had said that If ho dropped off sud denly he wanted an Inquest held over his body. On account or this atory Coroner Wilson and District Atloriioy Llljoqvlst mado' an Inves tigation and today had tho body examined. Tho post mortem showed that tho right vontrlclo or tho heart xvas ns thin as paper and that It xvas great ly distended on that account, Tho doctor said that It xvas a wonder that the man had lived ns long ns ho did. Ho Biiffored from heart troublo for a long tlmo and was past 70 years of ago, Artor church Sunday ho was xvlth bis xvifo and daughter In his homo when ho fell over in front of tho fireplace and In a momont xvas dead. Tho autopsy romovos nil doubt of his dying from any other cnuso but heart trouble. Mr. Dark xvas qulto xvoll to do and leaves, it Is said, considerable money. rOH COUNTY CLEHK I horeby announco mysplt as a Democratic candldato ror County Clork or Coos fcounty, Oregon, sub ject tq tho action or tho May Pri maries. L. W. ODDY. (Paid Ach'ortlBoniont) SURPR1 G ii SUCCESS EITHHTDM OIL No. 151 IE DEMAND ON THE GREEKS Practically an Ultimatum is Presented by France and Great Britain Today TIME LIT FIXED Ask That Passports be Given to Representatives of the Central Powers ALLOW 48H0URS TO ACT Two Countries Stale that a Knlluro to Comply Will Cnuso tho Entcnto Powers to Tnko What nro Cull ed Necessary Measure JIKPOHT LAXDIXO OF TItOOPH AT COIUNTII O Illy Aoilleil TrtM 1c Co. 0y Tlraw.j IONDON, Jan. 18. A dis patch , from Amalordam BnyB the French and lirltlsh troops havo landod at Corinth, Greece, 18 miles west of Ath ens. ' nr AmocUIM Vtmi to Coo ny Timet. IlEItLIN, Jan. 18. (Wlrolosn to Sayvlllo) A noto to tlio Greek gov ornmont amounting to an ultimatum la Bald by tho Ox'orsonB Nows Agen cy to havo been prosontod by Franco nnd Groat Britain, according to n Sofia "dispatch, Grooco Ib required to deliver (heir pasaporta to mlnlstors of tho contra! powers within- -18 hpurn, railing, which tho cntonto powers xvlll tako "iioccsaary metis urea." ItEPOHT COEHCION Intisrest- Xo Centers In Greece Action In (lly Amo-LIo.1 I'rmt lo Cool Day Tlrae. LONDON, Jan. 18. All Intordst centered today In tho reported at tompt'or tho ontonto iiHIob to conrco Grooco by Iniidlnc troopB near Ath ens. Hoports nro conflicting and Just xvhnt fitopB tho Anglo-French forces havo taken ronmln to bo cleared up by official reports. Whothei' tho cntonto nllloo hopo to forco Greece to Join forces with thorn, o- xvhothur they nro meroly Hoofilng furthor concessloiifl Jrom Greece nro questions to bo cloarod up. ItETUItX TO HHIP H-ioiteI that French and Ilrltlsh Embark Again lllr AwotUtM 1'im lo Coon Ilay Tm,l IlEItLIN, Jan. 18. Tho Cologne Gnzotto rocolved tho Information to day Hint tho French and Ilrltlsh forces which lauded at Phaloron near Athons havo roturnod to tholr ship. THE HVXDAM IS MAKIXG AFTEK MISHAP POKT Three Stokers Woro Killed hut tho Passengers Aro All Itoportert To Ho Safo w Illy AuoclatM 1'rviu to Cooa nar Tlmrt.j LONDON, Jan. 18. Trans-Atlnn-Ho liner Hyndum passed Southond today aftor mi accident with a list to starboard, All tho passengers aru saTo. Throo stokora xvoro klllod nnd, Tour Injured. Sho la proceeding to Gravesond under her oxvn stoain. Tho nature or her accident xvas not learnod. PDOPOSES AGAOEMY STATE OK WASHIXGTOX WANTS XAVAL SCHOOL Hill Introduced In Congress Today - Asks lor a Flvo Million Dollar Institution Illy AmocUIM Vrvt lo Cooa tUy Tlma.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Jan. IS Tho establishment of a ?5,000,000 naval acadomy in tho State of Wash ington at a point to bo selected by tho secretary oi tho navy la prQposjod (u a bill introducod(, by lteprcBontar tlvo Humphroy. 11KATIXQ STO1H at rdiird prices. Pioneer IIrd?rHre Co. i AC I '"I