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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1916)
. t , , . t ,. mr "irfxiptrfXmvi-i'r.T, . . pfN YOU TALK OF MAINTAINING A PRINCIPLE, BE SURE THAT IT IS NOT A PREJUDICE QIoos A PAPER THAT BELIEVES liV THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL . SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES mm No. XXXIX Established 1878 Ah Tho Const Mall iliii If HOMELESS MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, MRMBI3R OF THE ASSOCIATED PIUCSS TON DOB SURVEY TBAVEL IS NOT GRAFTED FOR PORT OR rOIU) IIAHHOU lire Today Virtually Destroys the Business auuuuii ui Wirt, Oklahoma BELP IS REOUESTED citizens of Town Call Upon Governor wwiams 10 Give Them Aid WANT THE STATE TROOPS IVlltlon that Jllllllii Bo Sent to tho Stricken I'lnro and Take Chnrgo of the Sl'iiiiMon tnui unier Is Hectored ff AnocUM Trtu to Com Hajr Tlmea. nvi.AitOMA CITY. Okln.. Jan. 17. U.-Follonlng a flro today which rlrltullr destroyed the business sec Ion of Wirt, Okln., leaving 1,000 (wns homeless, the citizens of tho bwn akcd Governor wininins 10 End tho stato mllltln to tako cliaro 1 the situation. IK DISCHARGED KUISIIPIKI.I) .MAX WINS IX HIS wiiith slave case IIoiiho Coimiillrro ir Congress Makes An Advert Report As to Pro posed Improvement (Special to Thq Times) WASHINGTON, D. C., t.Tnn. 17 Tho Biirvoy for tho proposed improvo mciit of Port Orford harbor wns turned down by tho houso coinmlttcp In an ndvoreo roport similar to tluu on Wlllupa harbor, Washington, a prollniliuiry survey will bo nmdo by nrniy engineers of tho Hood Illvor channel from tho Columbia rlvor to tho city of Hood Itlver. MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1916 EVENING EDITION X Consolidation of Times, Count Mail nml Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 150 ERS NO! GIVEN ESCORT irjr In Federal Court Disagrees and iwiMiiunt It in'ciiiirgeu lletunis Homo Today William Shook, who was boforo o Federal Court on a chargo of hllo slavery, returned homo this lornlng on the atenmor F. A. KIN rn, having Icon discharged. Shook ii Indicted by tho Federal Krnud rr alter his arrest here and stood UI. Tho Jurr disagreed and ho u dismissed. Shook and his wlfo wont down Eureka In an ntttomnblle. and elite Ducll and Mno Conklln nc- mpanlcd them. It was on account BILL INTRODUCED COAST GUARD STATION AT POUT. ORFORD ASKED KOIt Copies Sent (o People at Tliat Plueo Slto for Building t bo Donated (Special to Tho Times) I'OItT ORFORD, Oro., Jan. 17. Thoro has boon reeolved hero copies of tho bill Introduced by RoprcBon tatlvo llnwloy in Congrats providing for tho 'establishment of a Coast Guard station at Port Orford. Tho bill states thnt tho station shall bo locntod at such placo ns is directed by tho commandant of tho Coast uiinru mtiy recommoud and is to cost not to exceed $12,000. Tho slto for tho station will ho donated. Tho pcoplo horo have for n long tlmo past boon working to sccuro the station nn it Is greatly nooded. Tho crow at Uandon has boon called upon to give rellof when wrecks oc curred nt any point on tho Curry County coast and on account of tho dlstanro It hns beon vory difficult, especially during stormy weather. Tho establishments of tho station nt Port Orford will bo n great protcc- s SHUTS MPS LOGGING OPERATIONS AT POW KltS STOPPER HV TIIH STORM this trip that tho whlto slavery Uon to aU rasalng. vessols. irge was brought. J"o bill was on January 5 referred Shook was aCCOinnaulcd homo livlln thn rnnitnlMon nn Inlnrnliiln f i ii.l I. ..II. 1, ,.. ..... "I " ---- - .......u ...... iie. aisu d l ii o minimi wiih: rri.. lll,,i (11m. i.- .... " iun.ih'1 mjiiiiiiuiuu, Him uiuivi, wnu will 11 WIUICBH Is tho rase. Whlto Slavo Officer a rishor and Chief Jack Cartor, o went to Portland In connection !th the trial, returned homo Sut- sroajr overland, Hill Drop 1'ioseiiitloii Ben Flfhcr. unwlnl IT. K ivl.llr. ir officer, who returned, said "i Aismant u. s. Attorney John n agreed to dismiss tho caso '(ilnit Shook In cairn tlm Inn. illu. "! this time. Mr. Fisher said wt ho believed tho wenk point In caie was tho ovldonco of tho I ree Klrls, yh0 Conklln. Vera Utok nd Ilcsslo iiucll, tho Jury Ml being Impressed with It. .Many Witnesses Tnero wrm m-,,., ...i V..... t . " nilliviwufl, rift Jahl Ca,1nt'l'. "oiUloli! lM.iJrr. ?f Go,,, lleacl1; Mor. JJ. Marshal Carter, II. a. Murphy fill? n ?H"n' Vcrn l'"k " o Jw ,Um MrslirioIil. Tho ?..? ? dld nt rolurn overland on u,o Klllnirn today. Danger of IHg I'Venliot If Tlicro 'Should Como a Sudden Warm Sp:ll I III to Port- 1 UUL '( VwspI r.,i, I,.,...... c i. .. : "i"ii in i mi t (, TO -,.u i"ine Tlilik lJ AwclilM Fiw. (o Com n. t.,,m , roitTi.Avn ' ZJV7' Ja- 17. Ico rtn Ion iv h lowcr Columbia to Zm ,1 rhcr . toaniem. Tho .,S t,ro,iKh from A- tul lce o Inches thick. I PERSONAL MENTION t t,r- or Sub.;. ' TV ,u"1 ,ln,,Kl1 'rodfen T0,ft ,0,l8y for bfv .if. n,0.,n Mlssour . wlifirn PS WuLlifcsn .. . om r motlnr"" ,'v ' ' " 'lndbM?.7l,,IBrm,ntly r- 10 the Nerih ii ' UfJ "Wruutor IRS. IiVGiiLUd S(,1,0(ls. V M LLP? e today for HT,lfllT visit there. ta"fornla on route Xr Long hn 8llP " jol the to if gently wont Willi nliout threo foot of snow on lho higher altitudes around Powers, till of tho Smlth-Powors logging camps In thnt vicinity woro closod down Saturday. Camp Ono on South Coos IUvor had boon closed down for Hovoral days owing to tho snow. F. W. Powers stated" this morning thnt thoy expected to got n couplo of tho camps nt Powers in ! operation today, but somo of tho ciimps on tho higher altitudes will J not bo nblo to start until a thaw. Danger of 1rwliet. Coupled with tho Ho up of tho log ging hushicss is tho danger of ono of tho worst freshets tho country has known should n warm rain sot In for ten or twolvo hours. Thoro Is moro In tho mountains now than thoro has boon in yoars nud n warm inlu would mean such n rapid con version that nil tho crooks ami Htrnams would soon bo out of tholr banks. Worst Sikhv Yet Frod Powers .fuild this morning that It wns tho worst snow thni thoy hnd encountered in tholr operations Ion Coos Uay. Ho said that at an ultltudo of l.aoo feet, thoro ws oas ily threo foot of snow on tho lovol. Others from Powora said that with in two or threo miloa of Powora, thoro wns oaslly four foot of enow In tho mouutnlns. At Camp Ono, Mr. Powora said that thoro had hoen betweon ono and two foot of snow for moro- than a weok. As tho snow is ono of tho diffi culties of logging that has soldom beon encountered in thla section, tho camps woro not propanod for it. Howovor tho tie-up will probably lint )in fnr lnni mi,l rnu ilin lncrclllC company has oulto a supply of Ioks ahead of tho mill, it probably will not affect tho mill operations. Tho the lines lirnU"' "n Whir), . ,, Dl,LU -"ver 0 bu. :-- nouiu uamago ST1 ,0f tho?lnBf8; , Mr- Konnott i!!JBprmeni .,tr,,K to force 2 the"1 , 1 Jurt and will tiiiM v . ,,ne Btrppt m. ...mi - 3 Skipworu" ""3. AI.TPP , r"et. left tod. fn ' f, It,ln Ln Sa FranoL r n 8llort vlalt tbern 'PendhiK tin win... i fdf P.." "I l0afi 111 I. fn,,. !,Wehepne?l wlloro thoy will tpwa,i .,ne street men m ;!'.! tfi. :?. .w tha ; "".:" ., ',.""; . . r: . ' . .. iv ""ject to Imn i y owners, BS'""B row monins ago . B8 the lln. .rJv?v"B the strpnl nut ninin,,an.i linra frnm tho out mnnv thousand Iocs from tho smallor streams which will now ho nvnjlablo. Ralph Kruso who took a jaunt through tho hills west of Otarsh fleld yesterday said that thoro was about fivo inches of snow Vp where tho McDonald & Condron camp ia operating. Officials Told Americans the Trip Could be Made by Them in Safety SUGGESTED TROOPS Some of Party Thought That Soldiers Should be Sent on the Train WANTS NEUTRAL ZONE Senator C.'.no Suggests Ono to bo I'.stahllshed in Northern .Mexico and that It bo Policed by (mt (-ounly and United States III AuocSatod rrma to Com Ily Time.. WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 17. hvldonco collected at Kl Paso by tho Stato Dopartmont agentB, Indicates that Cnrrnnza nuthorltlcs at Chihua hua nBsurcd C. It. Watson, head of tho party or Aiuorlcuns killed noar Santa Ysabola, that no escort was necessary. In thnt opinion, however, many Amorlcnna agreed, although thoy hnd BUggoatcd to tho authori ties tho advlslblllty of Bonding troops with tho party. WnntM XiMiiini '.in,. Tho ostahllshmont of a neutral .ono in iNorinorn Mexico to ho Jointly pollred by Mexico and lho unucil stntos, unless tho dlsordors nro speedily controlled, was propos ed In a resolution Introduced today by Sonator Gore, a Democrat. Troops Arc Sent Concentration of Americans nt Torroon, Montoroy, and other points whero Carranza troops can afford thoni groator protection was roport cd to the stato department today by CoiiBiil Gonoral Hannn nt Montoroy. Hiinnn ndvlsud tho dopartmont of tho dispatch of Carranza reinforce niontH from Montoroy to Torroan, adding, "Tho Carranza government la in oiirncBt In ItB effort to Improvo conditions nnd prevent further uh saulto on Amorleana." PussK)its Given Tlio ndvlcca further stated thnt tho Carranza governor or Chihuahua gnvo Wntson a personal passport and Hint tho Cnrrnnza Immigration nu thorltlcs nt Junrez gavo a general passport for tho wholo Watson party Wants Moro Details Tlioao dovelopmouts woro tnkon to point to tho responsibility of tho Ciirranzn government for not ndo auatoly protecting 'the Amoricans. Tho Btnte dopurtmout officials, how ,ovor, Indicated that they did not cousldor tho julvlccs ns being finally sufficient to dutermluo tho respon sibility of tho Carranza govornmont and furthor Investigation will ho mudo. Holmes Does Not Know According to ndvlcos from Kl Pa so glyou out by tho stnto dopart mont, Holmes, tho only survivor of tho massacro had uo knowledge ns to whothor Wntson and his compan ions requested a military escort or guard for tho trip from Chihuahua to Cuslhulrachlc. Ho states that If they did bo, tha authorities declined to furnish tho escort or guard. All Kelt Safe Holmes says nil tho momhors of tho party felt aufo In mnklng tho trip. Tho state department investi gation shows thnt boforo tho Wntson party left for Cuslhulrachlc Watson Induced tho Cnrrnnza government to send 1,000 troops from Clilhunhuu to that placo, and Wutson's agent who Jiccompunlod tho troops tcle grnphod back that all was quiet. 1111 COPENTIDIi CIVIO WOHKUItS GATIIKIt WASHINGTON TODAY AT Tho Question of National Prepared ness Is Tho Feature, of tho Program Today (11 Aiuoi-lateil rrcM to Coos Uajr Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C , Jan. 17. Tho national civic federation open ed tho slxtconth minimi meeting hero today with promluoilt civic wolfaro workers from throughout the coun try present. National ircparulncB3 was tho fcaturo of today's program. Soth Low, president of tho federa tion, declared that t tho United 'States Is to prevent tho hales of IOu- ropo finding lodgment on this con tinent after tho war "It must bo tho strength of our own right arm." S ERA T II M E PKICI'J MTItDKIt TIHAIj ATTRACT HI) MUCH ATTENTION HI TIIK PROSPKR RKPORTKD TODAY TO RK IN TROIMHiK Wits Round from Port Allen, Kau:il, For tlio Coliiiiibia River IBf JUlukU" I'rtw l Com nif Tlracn.J SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17. Tho four mnsted schooner Prospor was reported today ashore at llanapopo. Kauai, T, I. Tho Prosper wns hound from Port Allen, Kauni, for tho Col umbia rlvor. will bo voryjicnvy HEM! STOCK LOSS Southern Coos and Curry County Ranchers uro Hard lilt by Ret-eut Sovcro Weather H. B. Hultmann, tho well known hurdwaro salesman, returned Satur day ovonlng from a huslnosa trip to Port Orford. Ho reports that there waa great Buffering nml soma heavy losses among tho livo atock herds in that section ns a result of the snow and cold. Along tho roadsldo on his trip from Port Orford ho saw scores of dead sheep that had perished from exposure and starvation. The storm caught most of tho stock men totally unprepared and if the cold weather continues anoth er week tho lossea in all that section Found Guilty or Having Throw n Ills WRo Over a Cliff Only Wit ness Confesdeil Mr Auoclilml I'mu to Cum Hay Tltiiro.i, MINNF.APOUS. Minn., Jan. 17. The trial of Frederick T. Prlre, who was found guilty Saturday on a chargo or murdorhig his wlfo, Mnry Fridloy Price, began In district court horo on Jnnunry I, and has attract ed much attention. Tho prosecution charged that on tho night of Novombor 8, 10 M, Prlco, nccompaulcd by his wlfo nud Charles I). Ktchlsou, a traveling salosmnn, of Washington, 1). C, drove to a point along tho Hast River ro nd whore he brought his nutomohllo to n halt, nnd solzlng his wife, hurled, her from a high cliff. It wns furtlior charged thnt Prico, who wan a local IiiihIiicsh man, wont to tho root or tho cliff nud finding his wlfo still alive, struck her upon tho head with a rock. Tho stato chargod that tho alleged act was committed tor tho purpose or In heriting n largo sum or money giv en Mrs. Prlco by her rather, David II. Fridloy, n wealthy ploncor attor whom tho town or Fridloy, Minn., Ia nainod. Promised Rig Pay Ktchlsou, chief witness for tho prosecution, repented on thu witness stand tho substance or a confesHlon ho mndo early In Docombor after his arrest in connection with tuo woman's death. Ho tostiried that Prlco promised to caucol n noto t)f $1200 and In addition to pay him ?.'JG00 R he would accompany Prlco to tho cliff nnd thou romaln silent regarding tho affair. Sued tho City On Mnrch 22 last Prico .-led suit for $7500 damages against tho city, charging negligence in railing to pmvldo a fonco ns n guard nt tho edgo or tho cliff, over which ho snld his wlfo foil to her death whllo pursuing a pot dog When tho caso camo up ror near lug on Octobor 29, tho question ot tho lognllty or Prlco'a marriage wus raised, counsel lor tho city con tending that ho had railed to dlvorco his first wlfo and thoroforo was not lcgnlly wedded to Mary Fridloy, Arrested for Digamy Threo days lator Price withdraw tho damage huU. A warrant then waa Issued charging him with Dig amy, and on Novombor 12 ho waa taken into custody. Ho ploadod not guilty. An indictment charging first do groo murder was returnod by tho grand Jury December 1 and Prlco again wns arrested. On tho emtio day a first degree, murdor Indict nxont was roturnod agaliibt Ktchlsou. who wns almost Immediately nrroat- od In Washington, D. C, and ro turnod to Minneapolis. It was whllo on his way to this city that Utchlson mndo tho Btatomont to tho assistant County ProBocutor charging Prlco with tho crime,- Mim-lctl Fourth Wlfo After tho death of Mary Fridloy Prlco, hlu third wlfo, Prlco married Miss Carrlo Olson, of Minneapolis. nocouso of tho promlnonco of tho Fridloy family and tho social con nections of Mary Frldley Prlco, the caso attracted wide attention. iiRrTiW Al I IH lAtifMSi&i. British Relief Force at Tigris River Force Back the Enemy Forces ' STOPS FIGHT In the East Weather Conditions Hamper Movements of the Opposing Armies ARTILLERY DUELS IN WEST mw TURK BOOTY IS BIG tun MIMiION DOMAlts WORTH JIAS HHI2N TAKKN Mttlo J'Ino Is DoIiijj on tho Western Front Sixteen Killed hy Rom- hat'dmeiit of tho Towns of JmW, Rci-Nii Report IPy AmocIiIoJ I'rraa to Com Hay Tlmra. LONDON,. Jnn. 17. ARor delay ing for a weok tho advauco ot tho strong Russian forces In tho Cnu cafliis, tho Turku haro withdrawn their advanced posts sovoral iiiIIoh nt some points, Constantinople re ports today. In Mesopotamia, tho Ilritlnh re liiforcoiiionts, ndvnnclug up the Ti gris to tho aid or troops surrounded by tho Turks nt Kut-131-Amaru, havo rore'od tho Turks to rail back to within six miles ot Kut-EI-Amnru, London uniiouncoB. Show Slops Flghtlnir In tho ICnst, military activities aro hnmpored hy Buowstorms along a great portion of tho front. Activities In the West nro con fined to artillery dueling. At tho town of Lous, Rorllu reports 10 Inhabitants klllod or wounded by tho nrtlllory flro of tho enoiny. Rrltlsh Havo Victory Tho announcement wan mndo by tho Secretary for India, who said tho Turks hnd rolrcntcd an tho result of anothor Rrltlah victory. Tho Turks' position at Waddl, ho said, woro carried Saturday by the Rrltlsh. Allied Vessels Make nn Unsuccess ful Attempt to Romlmrd Seddui Ruhr on Friday (Djr Aaaoctated Proaa to CooJlar Tlmi.J CONSTANTINOPLI3, Jan. 17 An official statement says: "A hostilo ahlp Friday unsucccsBfully aholled Scddul Uahr. Tho valuo of the booty captured by tho Turkish forces on tho Galllpoll peninsula now amounts to at least 2,000,000, (?10,000,000.) MIEBO IS TO QUIT FIGHT SPANISH BOAT SUNK HTHAMKH llKLGTCA IS DKSTJtOY Kl ACCORDING TO RKPGRT Tuenty-threo MoiiiIk.'I'h of lho Crow on Hoard Aro Said to Have Rocit Saved t Ilr AiiorUted Tmia lo Cooa Da, TlmM. LONDON, Jnn. 17. Tho Spanish steamer Rolglca, 2105 tons gross, has beon sunk. 'Twonty-thrco mem bers of lho crow woro Baved. Has Asked Austria-Hungary That Negotiations for Peace Be Started MEETS T I Entire Army Must Lay Down Arms and This Has Been Agreed To ' FIRST REAL PEACE MOVE GIVES A DECISION SUPHKMi: COURT ACTS WASHINGTON CASH IN Decides Compensation Law Abolish- os All DninacH Against Km- ployors anil Third Parties IDr A.iocUlol I'rcaa to Com Uajr Time, WASHINGTON, I). C, Jnn. 17. Tho Supremo Court today construod tho Washington stnto workmen's compousntlon law tin abolishing nil damago actions In courts hy work men In hazardous employments ns covored hy law, whothor agnlnst oin ployora or ngaliiBt a third party. Sued tho Railroad Tho decision wns In tho ease In which tho widow nnd children of Rcnjamln Mncso sued tho Northoru Pncirie Railway ror tho nlloged nog. llgout killing ot Mcoso, nn em ploye or a hrowory at Soattlo, along side tho railway tracks. The District Court hold that tho compousntlon law abolished all act ions for dnmagos, hut tho circuit court of appeals hold that it abol ished litigation only of employes ngnlnst employers. Tho Supremo Court uphold tho District Court. FOURMlUILT! ACCUSRD OF SUNDING CONTRA- RAND RURRKR TO GERMANY VESSEL ISBURMIMB WIRKLKSS CALL FOR HKLP HH CHIVKR AT VIGO, SPAIN. Message States Relglnu Slenuier Llllo Is Ruriiliig ID," Miles Off Shore (Or AaaoclalM lrM to Own titj Tlmea.) VIGO, Spain, Jan. 17. A wire Icbs call for help wns received from tho Dolglnu atenmor Llllo, which re ports that Bho is on flro 105 miles off this port. n IEW HOME SP.HIUAN GOVKRNMKNT OFFI. FICIAUS ARRIVH IN ITALY Will Make Headquarters for the Tlmo at Hrlndlsl Driven From Own Lauds (Ilr Auoclttd I'rraa to Com Uajr Tlmea. RRINDISI, Italy, Jan. 17. Forty momhors of tha Sorhlan govornmont havo arrived horo from Scutari ac companied by diplomats of the allied powora accredited to King Peter. Tho Serbian govornmont will mnko Its i'cndqunrtora horo. MANY SHKKP LOST (Special to The Times) ROSBBURG, Ore., Jan. 17. Sheep men report that moro than 1,500 head of sheep in Douglas coun ty havo perished because of the rain and anow. Owners aro having to feed grain becauso of tho ranges be ing covered with snow. ICdward Weber, Paul Schmidt, Mav Jaeger and Richard Wohlherg: Aro All Fined IV Aaaoclat. I'ruw to Cooa Kay Tlmea. j Ml.nV VniJiT .Inn 1 Wohor. Paul Schmidt. Mnx Juogor and Richard Wohlberg, accusod in a federal indictment with conspiracy to alili) contraband rubber to tho Gorman government In violation of tho customs laws, ploadod guilty to day and woro fined. INVESTIGATE CAUSE Aro Convinced Hint Accident. AVns Duo Entirely to Natural Caus es Moro May Dlo fllr Associated rrcaa to Cooa Day Tlmea.J NI3W YORK, Jan. 17. Officials conductlnir two inquiries, civil and rnaval, as to tho causo ot thu explo sion Saturday on tho submarine K-2 which' caused tho death of four men and tho seriously injuring of ton, woro convlncod today that tho acci dent wiib duo ontlroly to natural causes. Threo of tho injured are still in a crftlcal condition. 'North Rend Surveys. II. C. Diora, who was hero from North Rend to day, said that overybody there thought that the work of a South orn Pacific crow in North Bond was ror the purpose ot locating the grades ror establishing the yards and locating tho dopot, although nothing official has been ijlvon out. TURKS ROREAT1 STATKD THAT TI1KY I1AVU PAL LKN RACK HKPOHK ALLIKS Announcement .Made in Parliament nt. Today mid Also Giv en Outi nt thu German Capital CrealeH a Commotion tOf naaoclatfel Vft tr Cooa liar TlmM. RHRLIN, Jan. 17. (Wiroless to Sayvlllo) An Ovorsoan Nowa Agon ay dispatch announced today that Count Tiszn, tho Hungnrlaii promlur, hnd nnuouncod in the Hungarian pnrllamont that Moutonogro hnd ask ed tor peaco. Moutonogro was ank ed unconditionally to lay down hor nrmn nnd sho accepted, tho promlor declared. Onuses Commotion " Moutonogro aska ror poaco" stated Count TIbzIi In tho Hungarian pnrllnmont. Proceedings undor tho first paragraph of tho order of tho day hnd Just, beon completed whou Tlszn naked permission to Interrupt a discussion to mnko HiIb announce ment. Ho stated that tho King and gov ornmont of Montenegro had asked tho Inauguration ot peaco negotia tions. Tho announcement caused a groat commotion in parliament. Wall Iny Down Arms " Just at this moment," continued tho promlor " nows linn arrived that tho unconditional laying down ot nrrns bus been accomplished. Slnco thu preliminary condition hns boon fulflllod peace ucgotlntlonn will bo entered Into Immediately." This announcement, If accurate marks tho -first known definite stop tnkon hy any bolllgoronta in the Eu ropean war toward making poaco. ii aw ANNOUNCKD IN RRRLIN Action of .Montenegro Given Out nt German Capital ny Aaaotlatod Trtu to Com Oaf Tlmfa.J RURLIN, Jan. 17. (WIVoIcbs to Sayvlllo) Thu king and government of Moutonogro on Jnn. 13 naked for a cessation of hostilities and tho op ening of peaco negotiations, It wan oriicinily announced today by tho Austro-Huugarian headquarters. Tho Austro-Hungirrlan govorn mont replied to Montenegro that peaco negotiations woro possible only if tho Montenegrin nrmy uncondition ally laid down Its nrma. Tho Montenegrin govornmont hendquartora statement ndds that tho country accepted tho Austrian conditions. DIVIDES THE BLAI E Announcement to that Kffect Is Mndo in tho House of Com. iiioiih Today II? Aaaoclatol I'reaa o Com Day Tlmea, LONDON, Jnn. 17. Announco ment wna mado In tho houso of com moiiH today that tho Turkish forces In Mesopotamia had ration back to within bIx mllca or Kut-Kl-Ainara. W T SATISFACTI GRRMANY IS ANGRY .AT U It MAT IIRITAIN'S ACTION Says Crow of Patrol Roat. Guilty or Shocking Misdeeds Which Aro Condemned (Or AaaoclateJ Prraa u Com Bar Tlmre.) BURLIN, Jnn. 17. (Wiroless to Sayvlllo) Announcement wns mndo ill tho Rolchstng today by Dr. Zim merman, undor socrotary or rorolgii affairs, that tho Gorman govornmont "Would most certainly find moans of getting satisfaction for tlio shook Ing mladoed" attributed to tho crow of tho Rritish patrol boat Raralong. Ho said all Gorman partlos condemn ed tho action, not only or tho Ilara long'a erow, but Ulao tho reply ot Great Britain to tho Gorman noto re specting tho incident. PRO E D DD Calls For a Threo Million Dollar K.. poiidlturo at Paget Sound Nnyy Yards Dr Aaaoclatad Freas to Com Dr Tlmea. WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 17. A bill palling for a $3,000,000 dry dock nt tho Pugot Sound Navy Yard wns introduced today by Sonator Jones, ITALY NOT RICSPONSIRLi: SKHKIAN DISASTHR FOR Official Says It, Was Duo to tho In- effective Program of tho Allied Countries (Ilr Aa.ioclat4 I'reaa to Com liar Tliuta. PADUA, Italy, Jan. 17. SIgnor Ttarzilal, a cablnot minister without a portfolio, in an address horo to day, apoaklng apparently for tho govornmont, declared It usoloss to uttrlbuto to Italy tho responsibility for tho taking of Lovcou and tlio Moutonogro disaster. As in tho caso of tho loss of Sorbin, ho said, lilamo wus collcctlvo and was tho result ot tho ullloa' Inqffoctlvo pro PROTEST ENTEHED AUSTRIA SRNDS NOTI4 TO UN1TKD STATUS TUB Objects to Occupation of Corfu Is- land by tho Rritish nud French Troops (Or Aaaoclate,! rrona to Cooa tlr Tlmea. BI3RLIN, Jan. 17. (Wlrolcsa to Sayvlllo) Tho Austro-Hungary gov ornmont haa entered protest with the American Ambassador Penfield against tho occupation by tho French nnd British or Corru Island, which la a migrant violation of London treat ies, says nn Ovorsoas Nows Agonpy dispatch. It paints out that Groat Britain and Franco havo again man ifested a disregard of tho gonoral principles of international law. 1 1 BATING STOVB8 at reduced prices. Pioneer Hardwaro Co, COTTAGE GROVE Felix Currin. a woll known grapo owner dropped dead at his homo. t dli.,. .A . 4i j. L tik . . .' .,j)m-at . h avdOiUfc-. tiJtiuuui