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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1915)
' nrw wnwi'TJn VOU CAN, TRADE YOUR REPUTATION TOR MONEY BUT YOU CAN'T TRADE BACK rc Rnv Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper Ttinl's whnt tlio Coos liny Times li. A South' nest Oregon paper for Southvupt Oregon pcoplo nnil dovotcd to the best Interests of (life great section . Tho Times always booMs nnd never knocks. Coos Ha)' T,l,,os ,s vmua of lts U, "T,, . . nr" nnd It strives nt nil times to rCP to l(s nnino by dovotliiB Us energies promoting the 1oi1o'b interests. to MEMBBKS OP THE ASSOCIATED 1UES3 iTim-- -rvriarmi -ir fcrt ?fr I VOL. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 ns Tho Const Mitfl. GERMAN CONSUL S ARRESTED ON MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1915 EVENING EDITION. IN SEATTLE S S CHARGE A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nnd Coos llnv Advertiser No. 203 ii On 'Alleged Conspiracy to Bribe Employee oi ocuuio uu.i slruction Company WANTED INFORMATION ABOUI WtW ouDummmto The Vessels are Said to be Under uonsuuuuuu mi Navies of the Allies t GEIU1AA 4 K.VTKRS PROTEST ! a (if AnocliliJ Trtii to Com nr TlmM.J 4 AVASIHNHiUiN, "! The Ocrmnn Embassy today pretested to tlio.Stnto Do- 4 partment against wiu wurmni 4 of arrest sorvcu on uorman v t Consul Mueller and hla as- 4 slstant, i. fli. acinus:, m v 4 Scattlo yesterday. Tho Em- a bassy contends tlint tho nr- rest was a vlolntlon of tho a Consular treaty between a fJermany and tho United States. Tho Stato Dopart- a ment was askod to Invcstl- I (ate and tho Embassy was v 4 assured tliat this would bo done. I LOSES LIFE INTAGOMAFIRE 8; AmtlilM TnH to Cooi nr Tlmw.J SEATTLE, Wash., Mar. 18.-r- Cnnsel for acrninn Consul Sluollor and D. M. Scliulz today voluntarily furnished 11000 ball, binding thorn to appear for trial In tho Superior Ccort whenever ordorcd. This act li a recognition of tho Jurisdiction of the stato courts. They woro nrrested yostorday thr6d with a conspiracy to'bribo aa employco of tho Soattlo Construc tion t Dry Dock Company In itn at tempt to get Information about sup posed aubmarlnes bolng built for tho Allies. Tho grand lnrcony clsrjo against Dotcctlvo Tnrnlznsky ud John Murdock, based on tho theft of bills of lading, was dis abled. Tho men nro being hold i illnesses against tho Consul. Eacjle Maccaroni Manufactur ing Co. Plant and Five Dwellings Destroyed Dr AmocIiiciI TreM to Cooi llajf Tlmei.J TACOSIA, Mar. 18. Aflro which swept tho Englo Maccaroni Manufac turing Company's plant nnd flvo dwelling early today, cnuscd a loss cf-tlinntod at $00,000 and tho death ot Andrew K, Wilson, who was ovor- como whllo removing his belongings from his homo. Tho factory and nil houses wcro partially Insured. ovemment Authorities Notifv Germamis to LeaY Italy at SUDAN SAID' 'tSXWtt18 T European War 10 BE HELD SECRET NOTICE SERVED ON GERMAN RESIDENTS BY DERVISHES At,vlsed to Leav.e ltal'a Terri- iury iiiiiiiuuiateiy bays 1 News Dispatch THE GERMANS HOLD COUNCIL OF WAR TODAY WARRJUIT DUT FDR Dr AuocUto Trtis to Coot Dijr Tlmei.J BERLIN, Mar. 18. (Wireless to SnyvlIIo.) A Gorman merchant re cently from Egypt says tho wholo of tho Sudan, .including Khartoum and also parts of Uubln, aro In pos session of tho Dorvlshos. Ho says lu tho ongagoment near Eashoda last December, tho British General Hnwloy nnd about 2000 men lost their lives. GERMANS SEATTLE EDITOR Alden Blethcn, of Daily Times, Charged With Contempt of Court. (nr AuocUlM foil to Cooi I117 TloiM. SEATTLE, Mar. 18. .ludgo Hon- aid, of tho Superior Court, today eausod tho Issuanco of n warrant against Aldon T. Illothon, editor ot tho Sonttlo Dally Times, charging him with contompt of court in com montlug on tho libel suits pending ngalust him nnd his newspaper. Illothon Is In California recuperat ing from n sovoro Illness. LOST 101 MEN BELGIAN ARM r GAINS ON GERMANS ItWflffl DAMAGED FORTS Take Advantage of Respite in ngnung to Hepair Batteries at the Dardanelles HAMotUtrt rr to Com nr TlmM.J PARIS, Mar. 18. Tho Athons wrreapondent of tho 1 lavas Agency "n that tho naval operations of "Allies at Smyrna in Asiatic "r7i havo been temporarily sus Wed and tho Tnrii ,.,.. V tho resplto to repair tho damago ' to tho batteries nnd forts. Thoy Pursulng.tho samo courso nt tho wrdanelles and nn nmn i,. ,tlBeaof Marmora. nix... ' KIM MAYOR'S EWTIiDDMB iGuilenbUm. Nnw Inrcm; Ihn Orderly Town, Scene 'of Mysterious Crime J'' ""' rrn, i. coo, nj Time I,-, , '"'" flinrcn is. Tho W v 5r Ho"nn of Outton- 5 .New Jersey, was wrecked to- "v by a bnmi. .,ii , . Yj, I , " "l'iuniuil, iU OHD in urej, Tlio Mayor discharged u police forro , 1D ....... onths mxiuuii lotn I aSo " tho ground that tho er. r,8" or'lorly u,nt no l)0co Mflthii. i. , I'o'ico, ounougn hik ... UlscharRod aro investlgao- throwing ot tho bomb. las,E3aAl7.nur,-. iiT . - "rti was uown to- Te u.?m Camp 1 cn ro,lto to li. I ' Whero h0 wl visit for otn, ,8 wlth hls Ulster, who H ge dalry ranch t,lore C,UforP"U lo leavo shortly for all, . ' where "o wlU Prob mr remain f0r somo t,rao, lal s..i ... "-rr . & i. ' ,uo,, MKet, three JJj" ,aW, 5e. . '"""tl'lrl flip Irf.."..,.1 ". Phono 3tgc French Claim Continued Prog . ress of Troops on Battle Line Along Yser. nr AnociitM rrt.1 to cooi nj tiiom.j PAI11S, Mar. 18. An official statoment this nftornoon says: "Tho Dolglan army continued Its progress on tho Yser. From Lys to tho OIso thoro was nrtlllory action. Thoro Is nothing now in tho operations in Champagne. Ono of our operators bombarded tho railway station at Conflans." ENTiOREfOF EVELYN SAVED Five Members of lll-Fated Vessel Reach New ' York. Today tlf AuocUtixl I'rcm to Cooi I)7 Tlmci.J NEW YORK, Mar. 18 Flvo mom bora of tho American stonmor Evolyn which wns sunk February 19 by a inlno in tho North Sea whllo on hor way to Dromon with a cargo of cotton, reachod Now York today from Ilromorhavon, nnd necordlng to thorn, nil of tho Evelyn's crow was rescued. It was variously re ported horotoforo that a number of llvos woro lost. Tho survivors oald that tho boat romnlnod afloat for sovon hours after striking tho inlno. eARRfllilTS j Frightful Havoc Wrought by British Bombardment of Neuve Chapelle (Ilr AuoclttoJ Trtii to Cool Cr TlmM.J LONDON, Mnr. 18. Tho vlllngo ot Nouvo Chapollo has been con verted Into a shnmbles by tho bom bardment ot tho Drillah, and is now In n heap ot ruins, thickly strown with dond bodies, according to tho description of nn "oyo wit ness." Although tho Germans wcro Inferior to tho opponents, both in numbora and artillery, thoy offered heroic roslstnnco. An oyo. witness says ho bollovcs tho Gcminim lost 18,000 men. MYRTLE POINT NEHS POINTERS GUADLA ARA TODAY Mexican City Changes Rulers Three Times in Two Weeks. tor Auoclatal TrMi to Cool BJ TlmM.J LOS ANGELES, Mar. 18. Guad alajara, which has changed hands twice before In tho last few weeks, whs recaptured . yesterday by Car ranza troops, according to a mes sago received horo today. Ten thousand of Carranza's troops at tacked 2000 Villi troops, it was sta- ed, and routed them after n brlof , for fight, Interesting Happenings Told by Special Correspondent of Coos Bay Times. (Special to Tho Times.) "7I7RTLE POINT, Or., Star. 18. Tho Ladles' Art Club mot Wednes day aftornoon with Mrs. Fernloy. Tho members -mot nt tho homo of Mrs, L. G. Johnson nnd surprlsod Mrs. Fornloy, who lias boon 111 for sovornl weeks and was unnblo to proparo for them. Dainty rofresh monts woro served by tlio lndios Thoso present woro: Mrs. L. G. .Johnson, Mrs. Schilling, Mrs. Hay Dement, Mrs. L. A. Roberts, Mrs. Geo. Sholly, Mrs. L. II. Plorco, Mrs. II. M. Fonslor, Mrs. W. C. Fonsle-, Mrs. SI. O. Stommler, Sirs. T. D. Gucrln nnd Sirs. Fornloy. Sir. nnd Sirs. E. 11. Lano roturnod from' a thrcQ-montliB' visit In San Frnnclaco nnd othor California points. Thoy nttondod tho exposi tion opening. Sir. Lnno's ndvlcu to all la to "go and seo it." Attornoy and Sirs. J. O. Stonim lor returned from a visit to tho exposition. Sirs. Stemmlor vlsltod both tho Chicago nnd St. Louis fairs nnd says tho Panama' fair H much nhcad ot olthor ono ot the others, Sirs, Chas. Slonra of Slurahflold, was n visitor to homo folks last week. Rov. J, F. Vornon wbb in Dan don tho first of last wuok In con nection with tho Homo Sllsslon work of tho Presbyterian Church. Louis Starr, tho nhslstnut for tho C. II. R. &. E., was In Couulllo sovornl days to help in tho office thoro during tho llluogs of the ngont, Sir. Paul Ktorling. ' Sirs. Loulsn Prey has bcou iiulto sick, but la ablo to bo out ngalu. Piukston Laird and E. O. Cartor woro business visitors tit Itomolo last week. Tho lumberjack's aky-pllot, Sir. Davis, was soon on pur streets Slon day. Ho was en route to tho camps on tho Smith-Powers line. Engine No. 102 wont In to Slarsh fleld Saturday for somo repairs, returning early Slonday morning, making It back through town at 0 o'clock with a big load ot logs Cedar point. On tho return Wr AMOtUtftl rrcni to Cooi Dr TlmM.J PARIS, Mar. 18. The Ger mans at the resorts in the Italian Riviera have been pri vately notified by the author ities to leave Italian territory immediately, says a dispatch from Nice to the Havas News Agency today. irsrIFmaoe ii (JOVEIt.V.MENT LOCATES HEAD. QUARTERS OI." COOS RAY LIKE SAVIXfJ DIKTltirt; HERE DR. C. O. TAfiOART XEV SURGEON' According to n Washington press dispatch Senntor Lano has been no tified that tho headquarters of tho Coos Day lito saving "district linvo boon changed to Slarshflold, nnd that Dr. C. C. Taggart hns been appointed acting assistant surgeon, succeeding L. K. Strato, formerly of North Ilond This nowa will bo very gratifying to Dr. Taggart and his friends as tnoro wns understood to ho a. qon- tcst for tho position. rnnniin rTnr wiims GERMANS KATEi RETilAlOHr MEASURES ON 1HE RUSSIANS NVVVVVVVSWVWVSAVAAV AS S MUGRFROMC tn AisoclateJ Trm to Com Dr Tlmi.J LONDON, SInr. 18. Tho Evening Nows prints n dispatch from Copen hagen to tho effect that Emperor Wllllnm nnd Gcnornl Von Falkon sayn, chief of tho Gormnn genernl staff, nrrlvoil today at German head quartors near Llllo. Tho Nows saya tho visit Is for tho purposo of par ticipating In n council of war. WILL BE BOOSTERS FOR BUSINESS "Constructive Helpfulness" Is Policy of New Federal Trade Commission Ilr AnoclilM frail to Con Mr TlmM.J WASHINGTON, I). C, SInr. 18. With "constructive helpfulness" as Its announced policy toward busi ness, tho now Federal Trado Com mission sot to work today to carry out tho program aa agreed upon nt a couforenco Inst night betweou Pres ident Wilson nnd tho Commlsslon ors. Tho ConjuHSSroiiersMct It bo known toijtlint thero was; no in tcntloiuff nnnoying business. MERUIT Mr ' ' '', iv Influential English Paper Says , Demands Made Would Im pair China's Freedom Hr Aliocl.lcJ rrrai to Coon I!r Tlmoi.l LONDON, Mar. 18. Tho Slan chcator Guardian today rovlows re cent political developments between Japan and China and publishes what Is described as a completo list of Japnn's domnnd's concerning which It says editorially that tho geuornl effect thereof would bo sorlously to impair tho Independence of China nud place tho cntlro provinces un der tho tutelage ot Japan, trip out at 11 o'clock tho caboose RELP ISLAND TRADE United States Army Trans ports to Act as Freight Car riers from Philippines tnr a.ioci.ipj rn.i to co. ri'r tiuim.j WASHINGTON, D. C, SInr. 18. Ilccauso of tho lack of tdilpplng facil ities betweon tho Phillppluo Islands and tho Unltod Stntos, army trans ports will bo utilized hereafter for carrying goods from tho Islands which could not bo transported in any othor way. Secretary Garrison today called Prosldont Wilson's attention to re ports from Governor Harrison on tho "unfortunate condition" in (ho Philippines bocnuso of tho lark of ahlps for exports to tho United States, Garrison tuld thoro would bo no objection to using returning army transports, provided tliplr freight Is first made ovof to the Island government. OT IILL ST BEIIG0R00S Hr Ano'litM rrM to ro IUj Tlni J WASHINGTON, D. C.March 18. Whether to acnulosco or to go against tho action of Great Ilrltnln'and tho allies in declaring a bloukado a gainst Germany was tho question which confronted the Amorlcan gov ornmont nrtor tho publlontion or tho completo series of notes between tho United States and tho European bel Ilgoronta rogardlng tho anfoty of nuti tral shipping. Otflclals today aro col looting data for what is oxuQctcd to bo a vlgorouo protest. wna crowded to tho last stop with paaaongers. Sir. Powers brought up a number of men from Slarsh flold on tho morning train, to work In tho camps, Tho annual caucus for nominating the city officers will bo hold Fri day evening, Starch 19th. Thoro aro n Slayor, two Alderman, Clerk and Treasuror to bo elected In April. Sirs. Don Crawford and two lit tle daughters from Daker Creek, visited ovor Sunday with relatives In Slyrtle Point, KNIGHTS TE.MPLAR SECl'RE A SPECIAL TRAIN ltETPRXIXG AFTER SERVICE RODY Alt HIVES OX HLZARETII. v A special train from Conulllo Sun day nftornoon to bring back all vis itors from hero to tho funeral of Alfred Johnson, Sr., who died nt San Rnfaol, California, last Satur day, was arranged for today. -Tho body wna scheduled to nrrlvo this morning nt Dandon on tho Ellznboth from San Francisco. Two o'clock on Sunday Is tho hour. now doflnltoly sot for tho fu noral. Thoso attondlng from horo will loavo on tho 12:01 train for tho county sent, leaving from Co quillo nt 1:U0 Immediately after tho sorvlcos. In n body tho KiiIrIiih Tomplar of tho Pacific Conimninlury No. 10 will nttond tho funeral and assist the Coqulllo llluo Lodgo of Slasons, who havo charge of tho services, Tho 'ocnl commnndory will form a spe cial body guard. Though tho special train la guaranteed by thorn, tho In vitation Is open to nil frlonds who wish to ntUud nnd the regular faro wt"ll bo charged. Plans to send tho body north on tho Nairn Smith, which arrived In today, woro suddonly changed nt San Francisco two da)K ngo, ac cording to word rocolvod horo this morning. It li hollovod that It. Stanley Dollar and Sirs. Dqllar, a dttughtor of tho decoased, nro ac companying tho body,. At Dandon It wus planned, accord ing to C. F. SloKnlght. to hnvo a special deputation of tho Dandon nnd Coqulllo IHnu Lodgoa meet tho Elizabeth nnd escort tho body up tho rlMr to Coqulllo. ' . Alfred Johnson, Sr., died nt tho homo of his daughter, Sirs. Dollar, ut Sun Rafael, California, after an llluosa of several wttoks, which grad ually supped Ids strength. Ho, wns 70 jonrs of ago, having boon born In .Stockholm, Sweden, In 18 Id, coming to this country wliou n youth. It In 18 years since the dcconKOd first enmo lo Coos Day anil bocamo prom inently Identified with tho lumbor Ing Industry In this section. U. S. M7VH INREPEXREXTLV Ilr AocttI I'ml lo Coot VLr Tlmei. WASHINGTON, 1). 0.,-Mnr. 18 It was stated officially at tho White Houbo today that roproseutntlonn by tho United States to Japan concern ing tho hitter's demnnda on China havo boon entirely Indopondcnt of any nctlon by Gront Hrltaln and Rus sia or any of tho othor powors. Further than this Btntcment tho officials preserved strictest sllcuco regarding tho situation as ono of dollrncy. Tho Stato Department of ficials admitted, however, that sluco tho beginning ot negotiations be tween Jnpan nnd China, tho Unltod Stntca has boon undenvorlng to In fluence Japan to ameliorate hor dc- ninuda nud prevent any Infringement on. tho rlghtn of tho United Stntos. WHITE SLAVE LAW UPHELD Conviction of Cnmtnettl nud Maury J. DlggH, Upheld by U. S. Court lllr AmocUttJ l'rni to Cool Dr Ttnim. J SAN FRANCISCO, SInr. 18. Tho conviction of F. Drow Cnmluottl nud Maury I, Dlggs, niujor tho whllo slavo act, wns afflrniod today by tho United Stntca Circuit Court ot Appeals. ; MONTANA RflGH Will Burn Three Russ Villages for Every German Village Destroyed LULL IN FIGHTING ON BOTH BATTLE FRONTS Russians Have Raided North ern and East Prussia Bel gians Gain on Yser (nr AiiorUlM mil to Cooi IHr TlramA RERUN, Slar. IS. Tho official stutemont today nayo: "Tho French advance against our position on tho southern slope of tho Lorotto Illllt. hnB been repulsed. Partial French attacks lu Champngno nud north ot LoStosnll, havo bun brought to n atnndstlll by counter nttneks. Frouch aviators threw bombs on tho undo foudo.1 Alsatian town of SchlottHtudt. Only ono bomb' tonic effect, falling on u seminary conducted by women teachers, nnd killing two children nnd severely wounding ton. In re ply tho Gormnns dropped bombs on tho fortress of Cnlals. Russian nttackM between Plasa and Orzyo rlvors In northorir Po Innd, ns woll ns northeast of Pryaw nysy Kudya woro without success. Wost of tho Skwa river wo took 000 prisoners nud enst of tho Ekwn 1000 prisoners nud four mnchlno guun. "Hordes of tho Russian Imporlnl .Militia gained n chenp victory hy In vading the most northern corner of East Prussia lu tho direction of Mo mol. They plllugcd and burned vil lages nnd cetatos. Aa a retaliatory moasuru, towns on tho Russian fron tier occupied by ua Will bo com pound to mal(o . pnymont - of -largo sums. "For every vlllago burned down by theao Ruaslnu hordes on Gorman torrltory nud each estata dostroycil thrco lllagea or estates on Rus sian torrltory occupied by us will bo sacrlflod to tho flamrw. All damage caused by tiro In Slomol will bo answered by destruction by flro of tho Russian government huildliiga nt Suwnlkl anil othor provincial capitals." A RUSIMISS MKKTIXO has been culled for THIS I5VEXIXO nt tho FIRST HAITIST CHURCH. D. L. ROOD, Ticiismvr, Sicclnl sale, Union SInikct, flvo pounds lard, 70c, MAN RONS AMUCK Kills Wife, Mother-in-Law and Neighbor and Then ' Escapes. nr AKiorliM I'M',, lo Coin IK; TIoim.J HILLINGS, Slont., SInr. 18. Loon Wlllman, n rancher, killed Ills wife, mothor-In-Inw nnd nolKhbor, John Carnoy, today. Wlllman oscnpiMl to tho hills, but Is being punned by u nnssoo. It Is roportod thnt Wlllmnn ulsa killed his young child. JOHN GOLDEN ESTATE APPRAISED AT $21,933.54 Final nppralsmont of tho John Golden estate wns made this morn lug at n mooting of tho npprulsors In tho office of Judgo Hall. Mother Agnes, of Portland, executrix of the estate, wns present. In tho aggro gato tho ostato was doclared to bo worth 521,933.61. Of tho total amount $1050. Is in Coqulllo renl ostato; 5100 in cohI property, and the remaining $17. 183.54 Is lu notes und mortgagoi. All of fheso aro' flrst-alass, roportd tho appraisers, being suciirod by good mortgages and deudn In osh crow. Tho appralsors woro S. 11. Catchcart, D. L. Rood and G. W. Kaufman. Tho opening of tho John Golden will showed that pruotlwilly all of tlio ostato wna loft to Cnthollu or phan societies, most of thorn lo cated lu Portland. Thoro was mhiio talk that Sirs. Kennedy, of Ilaudon, a slator of tio deceased, would dis pute tho will, but so far no suit has been filed against tho ostato. Thoro was n provision In tho will that alio should havo 520 a month during any tlmo that alio is sick or In nood. No further baquosts woro mndo to hor or hor family. I Spcchil U, Union Mm hot, flvc-r liuiiuds lard, 70c, I inr A.-oUll rrr.l lo Cool IKr Tlmix.J LONDON, SInr. 18. Tho ronowul of fighting on both tho Western nud KnHtorn-fronTjf tho last fortnight np- pnruntly Is irajng followed by an other lull, Tho Russians cnntlntio their efforts to throw back tho Ger mans, hut Herllu uunoiiiicos that all attacks have boon repulsed. Thoy . say, however, that Russians hnVo rnl dod tho oxtromo uorthorii end of East Prussia and aro destroying villages. Tho Gurmuns nutiouuco tholr Intontlou of retaliating by do stroylng three Russian vlllagoa for every Gurman vlllago burned, Pnrtu HRy tho activity In Helgliim, Chain p.igno nnd Argonno are limited prin cipally to artillery' duels. It statou that thu llelglQim havo mndo fur ther progiosH along tho Yser. AMONG- THE SICK I t Solomon Lando Is rnptirtml very low (his afternoon nud tho family say that ho la not oxpeotod to Hvq through tho night. Ho huti lost con sciousness nnd Into this nrtoruoon wna unnblo to recognize anyone about his bodsldo. Ho as heijii confined lo his homo for tho past ulx months. Hnln Moore, of Hay City, who underwent nn operation somo tlmo ago for adenoids ami also for re moval of tonsils, huti not Improved as rapidly ns oxpoclod. Charles Swuntiou lp a tlo camp wont of tho city, novoroly out hla flutt er this morning, nocotwltatlug several utltohofl. (Jharloti Smith, who livoa on tho Ivy Condron jdaco on Coos'ltlvor, cumo down' today lo havo sovornl Htltclios taken lit his thumb, cut thin morning with an axo." SUss Clara Lovelow, Ninth stroet, Is nn thu sick list today. Sir. Ronry Smith, ThJrd, strcot, is under tho doctor'a caro toduy. A. R. O' 11 rlon is confined to lata homo with an attack of Illness. Georgo Kollond has boon confined to hut bod tho past 10 days with an attack of pneumonia and last night ho was much worso und tho attention of u plosldnn was nocossary. I'OR. RLi: Good work loam hiap. Apply Nrr(iv Rend 8'ble, mai ic janw attJ mmwtmimaHmrntm -