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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1915)
!OLD FEET NEVER GOT A CHANCE TO WARM THEMSELVES ON OPPORTUNITIES BACK (Smrc lay Wxmm The Aim The Armies Tlio aim to Imj always ltffIit( wholesome ami In- of Europo nro cngngert la i death stnigglo which amy clnuigo tho mnp of tlio world. Each day hflngs now developments of vltnl Impovtnnco. Keep yourself posted rond News thnt Is News BUbsci-lbo for Tlio Times mid "wlso up." (cresting, keeps tlio contents of Tlio Times up to '1U high stnmlnnl of news excellence. AH tlio 'news nil tlio tinio la always tlio nlm of Tlio Times. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED FRES8 )L NO. XXXVIII. Estnbllshod 1878 w Tho Coast Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mai) nd Con llnr Advertiser No. 184 IS. SKERRETT ACCUSED OF STARTIMG irmer Auto Lino Owner Ar- jsted Today on unarge or Arson Money houna NSATIONAL DEVELOP MENT IN HOltL Niib ilm That Blaze That Cost feven Lives Last Week Was of Incendiary ungin ,, I'nnr pr mkuiiul milium t boforo Justlco Ponnock thla nfinrnnnn mid entered n pica ,of not Biillty to tho chnrgo of 'nrson in connection wuu uiu "Hunker Hill flro. llnil wna k'plnccil nt $3,000 nnd nn of ' m-i la Imlnir mndo bv friends to securo tho amount anil ro- Icsbo tlio ninn. Examination of tlio prlsonor will bo miulo vri.inv tnnrnlnir nt nlno o'- clock before Jimtlco Pcnnock. tho stnto ucing ruprosuiuuu T- Gcorgo W. wniiuns an ; niiriHpt Altomdv LHJcavlst Is not expected back In tlmo ;.from Hoaoburg. Pnul Zlolko fenHsoclntn of Skorrott bus been supoenncd nn witness, v ,fHMttt (startling wns tlio courso taken In i Hunker inn nro investigate ., thla mnrnlnir nbortlv after 11 lock Charles Skorrott wnB arroBtod fSherlff Johnson on tho chnrgo of on. BtirpriBCU as no enrau uuiu mu re of August Frheon whoro ho 1 Just put in n cinini ror uuu m iuico, Skorrott declared' thnt ho I practically penniless. Bcnrcu ni unilrn ntntlnn revealed SC70 In cnbnckB hidden uudor his Bocks. irim nrmm followed tho final de- Ion of tho coronor'B Jury yester- f afternoon, tins nociy, niter n bk on tlio case, declared tholr bo- thnt tho flro waB purposely boi that clrcuniBtantlnl ovldonco waB flnst Charles Skorrott. hnrlrr Tnhtiann limiintllntlv sot n Ech on tlio man, and with tho (Id his deputies W. C. Laird nnd A.'r. vis tho traco was not lost of krrott. inrlm? the ontlro invoatlRatlnn iro has been n suppressod fooling t furtlior dovoiopoinomonis wouiu ur and to ninny tho arrest this rnliii? wns not surnrlscd. Evl- fco against Skorrott lu elrcuniBtnn- im wilt tin pIvpii a honrlntr nt io o'clock on Friday morning nnd bo nblo to show thnt ho una no ft In tho boarding houso flro In Ich soven persona lost their lives. K neurit To IjOss fills niornlng Skorrott, who hns hi staying with Mr. nnd Mrs. area V. Prnltr nt tho homo of llr (laughter nnd son-In-lnw Mr. I Mrs. Frost McDonald on Norm pnt Street, cam a In town and wont kho storo of August Frlzoon whoro sworo to hla flro loss of Inst Ycu- Iday. rtr. Frlzcon, roprosontlng tho' Sun luranco Company, had Insured bks and personal offocts for Skcr- i amounting to $iii)u. tho bimo nt showed, according to Skorrott, t no linn lost in tlio tiro 5Yui..i. hnnWff. t(10 nwiin nn mmiilninmtR tho books, nnd $061,70 In porsonni cis, tno total loss botng ?i,iuu.- I'lnuncd To Letivo Dint Skorrott had nlnnned to vn Rimn fftp flnllfnrnln linn linnn Ictlcally nsBiirod as ho told many ms rriomls. It Is furtlior known f tin lltwl iimMii ni.tatn..lltirr ilnllla Hint Hlllt wna nlimlt (n lin lirnll aht ! r.: . . -"" - uiBi nun for Vivo, tno pnpors no "ov nun iur fouu, mu iuiui iiu- ready to servo when tho arrest ,mat1,0' ' ,, dso It Is known that Skorrott urn ins nunKor inn siuku imu oral weoks ago, Immodlntly bo- a tho flro that dostroyod his gar- I mm iwo niaciiineB on uiiiiiiuijr I Tho monoy found on his person t niornlntr mlirht linvo boon tho ont for his lino, according to 'iiuu, jissociaio ,oi DKunun. for Bonio tlino a drlvor on tho (jlllil II.. II.wl V,v Mn.w.v leveral times durlnc tho coroner's L' AvamtnaHnn Glmwn,,. Inullflnfl .....inviuii onoiiou won. .v.. I'nnd no nionov. that tho flro hnd M 1.1... ....!! n l..l.. n- .... iiuuuiiuan. Dlioiuwiuil n o - 'u wnon it neenmo Known no s $50 apiece to Mr. and Mrs. 7 nfinh tlm flun il s after tho flro. T I'nn, ... tl ,.! f.l.n.lf, Tnlin. o Hiiiji ma uiu. , "ui. juu, euiu aiiurui uumi- i as no tapped Skorrott on tno Wider this morning. flo was tnkon Into Frlzoon's whoro save up a Jack knifo nnd where .ut me officer ho had no monoy yr man a $o golil pleco nna a kel. Find iriiMiMi IVnllnt. M the stntlnn Klinvlff .TnhnfiOll relied him. Hidden beneath hla ks ho found tho wallot. "What's ,, "u"" l,,u wttiun. " " ho demanded and Skerrett led, ' Oh that's something 1 don't Jt you to know about." 'estlraony of Jos Brooker yester- Kor Hill people, practically overy ' was straightforward and unfal- mm becomlnc acquainted with him lnB on cross examination. Ho 'ed ho hud been an I. W. W- n il .. . 1 s ineni in rortianu l'JUo ana 'lng then disgusted flvo years sr. Also he said ho heard voices, . .. .. 1 Biurus rollowed him nnd thnt had heard women talking to him .iriii.. . . - "imiub'ni last Yeanesuay. lie was BUNKER HILL FIRE TIS RESCUED AT SEA I'MTKV LAI), HWEPTi SEAM'AUl) JiEiW'EH CAPSIZED IIOAT AND SWIMS PICKED UP 11V KISII I NO 110AT. Hoy Knight, missing slnca Sunday morning and glvon up for dead, lain returned. Ho wna picked up Into Kiniflnv nftor iwmrlv linlnif nwnnt. out over tlio bnr lu his frnll row- boat and after the craft had cap sized, leaving him struggling In tho ley wnter sovcral hundred yards from tho shore. Tho story told by tho boy Is one of n mlrnculoiis escnpe. Searchers had given up tho quest, had coma back discouraged after peeking Into ovcry nook and cranny of tho bay and declared tho boy wns drowned. Word from tho llfo saving station wna to tho effect that no boat was annti I'nlnc- nut iienr ilin lmr find tho supposition wna advanced thnt tlio bont had turned over in tho buy nnd tho boy hnd porlshod. Tho young boy Is a novlco at bont handling. Ho sot out Sunday morning to row down to Emplro for clnniB. A storm browing nt tho time, broke soon nftor with such fury thnt bonts for two days wcro hold barbound. Caught in mid channel ou a strong obb tldo tlio boat waB swept annwiiril T.nnir lmfnrn ho roncll- ed thor'o ho could hear tho surf rearing nnd bocAnlng but npponls for help In tho lower bay woro In vain, thoro woro no boats then In sight. Through tho smoking whlto seas of tho ontrnnco tlio boat was drlvon with tho tldo. How tho crnft kept uppermost Is a wondor to oven ox porlonccd bontmon. Howlng Is of llttlo ubo In auclt a pjvdlcamont and tho lC-year-old Idd, plucky all tho way, watched nnd waited. Two groat Boas caught his boat, tossed It Hko an egg ahull onto Hb benm ends nnd collnpscd dropping tho boy Into tho boiling wnves several hundred yardB from tho Burf benten shores. A heavy overcoat added to hl3 dllfleulty. Under ho wont nnd uark ho enmo fighting to tho top, kick ing nnd squirming In tho fnco of tho waves to tako off tho coat. Tho waves boat him constantly ngalnat tho upturned boat. With tho coat Inoso tlio Ind loft tho boat nnd struck out, swimming with all his might townrd tho shore. It waB horo that tho fishing boat Tramp, of Emplro, crossing out, hulled tho hid, nnd plowing along side, pulled him aboard. Tlio boy was put nshoro at tho Hustondorf Honch, whoro ho was taken In, 'glvon dry clothes nnd jiiado comfortable), and It Ih ih'ro ho remained whllo tho conrohors Bcnnnod tho bay discouraged. Capt. Tnim su.ini' riiri'il for tho lad nt Iilu homo. ... .. . n..i in ,rn tron todnv on his own recognlzanco. Tj10 fact that Skorrot had declared j10 wn8 wuliout monoy, lOBomur wuu t,,0 lator u8closiiro that ho has glvon moro than ?100 away during tho jn8t f0W jays ana tno kiiowiuuku umi Qoorgo W, Craig lost botweon $300 ...i in tlm rlrn lins sorved to paCQ 8Bpicion nt Skorrett's door. Later dovolopnionis icnu io imw that Skorrott had monoy boforo tho tiro. .MT. mK '' "' " Johnson that ho had seen ono v-v i,m nn,i oovernl moro $100 bills In . n. lilA.. I.nfn.a ilin flrn auotTOll 3 lUBluuil uuiui vw - ,.,-n,i ' ' ......... I..ln nt tllt j.jt (jf wiUullo, juiiiivi v boarding houao, also declares no knoW tlio accused vory Intimately ... l. l.,,,l mnnot nn and that ho know ho had monoy, nn nmi ,tinr I . 4. rAA ...lilnl. l.n nm0unt 01 moro lliuil uuu nmtu 8aw nt least a weok previous to tno catnstropho of last weok. sPnrh of Skorrett's room this nfternoon disclosed nothing to ver ify suspicions. Skorrott has boon on Coos Hny for tho last six years, during which tlmo ho has worked at the Smith Mill and two years ago started his automobile lino which was sold out about a month ago to air. uuncuii ui auout a moiiiii us" u Bunker Hill, ws AVell Liked. Skerrett was well-liked by Hun- thrnuch tho auto business during the last few years. ... i. ... huhIaJ nnl Ttrill. HKorreti is uumuiwcu .. '-" ' ably about forty years old. He lias 'been an admirer of Miss Craig, but i i !( nnil XI t(l It la unuorsiooii mm .m. .... Cralg have objected strenuously to . . i,n..,iAM , i!iole ilniii?ntor bO- uis unvuuuuo ,v v.. --D- . 0 UM era! British SMps Mimk)y 1IAUTOX CASE AVIIiTj GO TO JURY SOON ttljr AisocUlcl rrr to Coot lUy Tlmm. HOSEimita, Or., Fob. 2 1. Tho flnnl arguments In tho ciisa of .1. H. llnrton. nr- ciiBcd of nBsaultlng Miulgo 4 Yoakum aro being mndo this nflornoon nnd tlio enso will probably go to tho Jury to- night. Tho tnklng of evl- denco wns completed nt 4 noon. 4 ENGLAND IS SUPPLIED U.S. CARTRIDGES (nr Aiioclitnl Tirsi to Cooi Hr Tlmft. NEW Y'ORIC, Fob. 21. Allogn tioiiB that .1,500,000 rlflo cartridges aro being shlppod we'eklj: to tho Hrltlsh governmont of tho output of tho Remington Arms Union Met allc Cartrldgo Company and tho Winchester Repeating AmiB Com pnuy, woro mado lu an answer filed todny In tho Supremo Court by Flint & Company, export merchants, to n suit brought against them by Mnrccl lus II. Dodgo. Tho answer alleges tlio Hrltlsh government's ordor Is an Indeflnlto ono to "continuo as long as tho supply may bo required." Dodgo, who Is described as "do lug business under tho nnmo of tho Homlngton Arms Union Motallo Co.," brought suit against tho Flint firm to recover $l-t,Gt2 which ho claims is duo him for arms and ammuni tion, lilfllOTE Band of Utah Piutcs Make Getaway From Posse Pursuit is Renewed (nr AmmUIM rir to Cno nr Tlmn.) WASHINOTON, 1). C, Fob. 21. United States Marshal Neboker tel ographed tlm Attorney Oonornl this afternoon that Tso N cOat. tho Pluto Indlnn charged with inurdor, escap ed, from tho ontronchmont west of Illuff, Utah, nftor displaying n flag of trtico nnd offoring to surrondor. Tho Marshal asked for 20 Navajo poltro scouts from tlio Rlilprock Agency to nld In the pursuit of tlio fugitive and his companions. FLORIDA HANK IIOIIHEI) llr AucwUlfl Titm to Coua IUr Tlmr , STUART, Fin., Fob. 21. Tluco men ontotod tho bank of Stuart today, hold tin tlio cashier and obtnlnorod 4 npproxlmntoly $1000, Pon- ans tiro now In pursuit. ( , coming sorlous. It was roportod af tor tho flro that Skorrott was a relative of Mrs. Cralg, but thlB Is Incorrect. Zlelklo Subpoenaed This aftomoon Sheriff Johnson sorved a subpoona on Paul Jilolklo, a closo friend of Skorrott, bo that ho Is certain to bo hero poudlng other developments In tho case. Flro Near Room. According to tho best ovldonco that tho Coronor's Jury has boon ablo to obtain, tho flro broke out vory closo to Skorrett's room. This was ono of tho first doflnlto circum stances that dovolopod to strengthen II. n rnmnro ntnrtnil BOOH after tllO flro that tho holocaust had beon of Incendiary origin. Skorrott was up lato that night nnd was one of tho lost to rotlro, ac cording to tho ovldonco before tho Coronor's Jury. Jllhcovued Other Hit. Mr. Skerrett was ono of tho first men on tho ground a fow weoks ago when his former Hunker Hill Garago was dostroyod. At that tlmo It was stated that tho gasollno ox ploslon had blown him across tlio street. This was not far from tha Bunker Hill boarding houso nnd that flro endangered many sur rounding buildings. SKERRiriT'S HABITS So far as can bo learned today, Skorrott does not use tobacco or liquor. Last fall ho underwent-an opera tion at Mercy hospital. InveMlpito "Dope" While thoro aro many groundless rumors In circulation In connection with tho affair, it was intimated to day that a story about a suspect In tho cbbo bolng nddlcted to tlio use of "dope" would probably bo Investigated. II TRUCE U Mimes "aimdl Think 280 Men Went Down on Clan MacNaughton During Recent Storm 0AKBY AND ANOTHER SUNK BY SUBMARINE Berlin Claims English Trans port Was Also Sunk More Naval Disasters T ANOTHER KNOLISII VESSEL SUNK 1 4 tnjr AuoclatcJ I'm. to Coot !!r Tlmn. EAST HOURNE, Englnnd, Fob. 24. Tho stonmor Hoy porana was sunk oft tills port lato today and It Is be lieved sho wns torpedoed. Her crow of 31 woro Bavud. (llr AmocIiLJ rrtit to Coot ntr Tlmrt.) LONDON, Fob. 21. Tho official Information bureau announced this aftomoon that tho Clan MacNaugh ton, nn nrmorcd merchant crulBor, Is ' missing. Tho vessel was last heard of February 3, and It Is feared sho Is lOBt. "An unsuccessful search has been made," says tho announcement, "nnd wreckngo supposed to bo por tion of this ship hnvo sluco boon discovered." . Tho last signal received from tho Clnn MacNaughton was mndo early In tho morning of February 3, and It In feared that sho waB lost during tho bad woathcr nt that tlmo. Two hundred nnd nighty men lost tholr lives whon tho vossol wont down. Tlio location of tho dlsnstor la not glvon. (Or Auoclitfrl rrtti to Coo. Hit TIdim.J HERLIN, Fob. 21. An official announcement wna mndo last nlfht thnt Hrltlsh trnnsport No. 102 wns sunk by a Ocrmim submarine off Honchy Head yesterday aftomoon. A dlspntch last night from Now Haven, England, stated thnt olgh toon membors of tho crow of tho Cardiff stonmor Hrnnkhomo Chine, n govornmont colllor, woro Inndcd thoro and announced tho sinking of tholr vessol, olthor by n mlno or torpedo off Honchy Head. This probably Ib tho vessel tho norlln announcement rofors to. TWO VESSELS SUNK. Claim Submarine Destroyed Hrltlsh Ships Near FolkChtoiie. (llr Auoi lilM !YM to Coot lit; Tlmn.) LONDON, Fob. 21. Tlio Hrltlsh stonmor Oakby wns torpedoed by a (lorinnn submarluo off Ryn yes lorday. Her crow wbh rescuod by a fishing smacks and landed nt Rnmsgntu todny. Tlio Oukby wns bound from Lou don to Cardiff. Tlm fishing smack Oratla rescued the crow. Tho peri scope of a Biibmarlno was soon bo foro tlio cxplohlon. An attempt wuh mado to tw tho Oakby to port but sho sank this morning olf Folkestone. Tho loss of tlio Oakby was appar ently montloncd In a dlapalrh from Lydtl Inst night. This message ro forrod to tho torpodolng of two ves sels off Hastings. Ono sank but tho crow wns saved and inndod nt RaniB gcto. Tho other was In a sinking condition and a mlno swoopor was roportod as ondcnvorlng to tow hor Into Dover. fJITRMAN BREAD CARDS CAPSE SOME CLASH 4. (nr AmkI(M I'rw lo Cooi llir Time ) Q BERLIN, Fob. 21. Tho first days trial of broad cards, which every Gorman Is required to havo In ordor to receive his broad supply, causod sonio mlsundorstnnd- Ing nnd friction, but tho system In goneral worked well. At restaurants muny guosts forgot to bring tholr cards, and woro thoreforo V not allowod bread. FIGHT ON APPOINTEES President Wllhon Say llo Will Stand By Ills' Tindo Commission inr Aolat4 rrM to too Br Time. WASHINGTON. D. 0., Fob. 23. President Wilson mot tho rumblings of the Sonato fighting on tho nom inations for a new Federal trado commission tod,ay by tho announce ment that ho Intended to stand by them. Will II. Parry, of SeatUo, the President said, had been ap pointed as a Republican, Hitherto ho had been described ns a Pr(i- gresslvo Republican. are Trpd SPAIN HUVS AIRCRAFT nr Aatuclttf'l 1'rrM to Com ll.y Tlmrt. NEW YOR1C, Fob. 21. Spain nuthorlzcd tho pur chnso lu Amorlcn of twolvo army aeroplanes and equip ment, to tho valuo of over $2,000,000, according to Henry S. Moos, n Spanish engineer who arrived today. HfMHHtlHM SAY AUSTRIA LOST 48000 IN CAMPAIGN llr AiuikIIM 1'rtn to Coo TMJ Tlmn. PETROGRAD, Feb. 24. Tho of ficial report today says that bo tweon January 21 nnd February 20, tho Russian army in tlio Carpath ians captured G91 officers, -17,640 men, 17 ennuou nnd 118 mitral louses. BLOW SAFES AT Postoffice and Hardware Store in Washington Town Robbed Early Today (Or AMorUt Trot to Coot D7 TlmM. CHENEY, Wash., Fob. 24. Safes In tho Foatofflco and Hubbard Hard ware Storo woro blown opon b robbors early today. About $700 was taken from tho Postofflco and $70 from tho hnrdwaro storo. Tho oxplcslona woro not heard by tho Night Marshal. IDlHOlyfLL IS Senate Takes Action to Cor rect Error in Prohi bition Measure (nr AwKltto.1 l'rtM lo Coo Par Time. BOISE, Ida., Feb. 21. Tho Btato wldo prohibition bill pnssed by tho Sennto ycslordiiy under susponslon 1 tt II. n ciilfia U'ng Hflllt linplr ttl tl socond reading today by unnnlmoiiB consent of tho Somite, In ordor to correct an error lu pnrllamontnry procoiluro. Lieutenant Governor Tryl'ir asked that thlB action bo taken bnciiiiso of an orror lu ruling 1 that tho motion to suspend tho rules and place tho bill on final passage had carrKm. EXfiLISII AVIATORS ARE NOW MISSINd ! ! i: I nr ao( uiM rif i co nr tibim.i LONDON, Fob. 24. Throo nvlntors who participated In tho raid against tho Gorman positions In Belgium aro missing. This statoment was Issued tonight by tho offi cial information bureau. SOLI TO EIGHT CENTS Indspendent Refiners of Cal , ifornia to Ask Investigation I of Standard Oil Company I lAKERSFIELB. Cal., Fob. 21. It is aiiuouncod that tho small in- ! dopendont oil rofinora will ask tho 1 California authorities to mako n rigid Investigation of tho gasollno war which tho standard Oil Com pany la niakjng. ' Tho price has dropped to eight and ono-lialf cents per gallon, tho lowest In years. It la claimed that tho smallor opera tors will bo forcod out of business. If tho case la curriol out, It will probably bo tho first tlmo that a monopoly has beon called on tho carpet for reducing Instond of rais ing tho prlco of tho articles It con trola. CHENEYAWD ESCAPE PASSED AG DOWN OVER lllll SI OU TROOPS GERMAN PLEDGE Government Declares Army Will Not Seize American Food for Civilians tDr A(XllJ I'mi to Cta nr nmM.J LONDON, Feb. 21. W. L. Brooking, n momber of tlio firm of W. L, Groou & Co., of St. Louis, owners of tho American ship Wll helmlua, reached London today from Berlin, having In his posses sion a declaration from tho Gorman Foreign Office signed by Gottlieb Von Jngow, Foreign Minister, nnd ottcatcd by Ambassador Gornrd, which plodgcd tho German govorn mont not to assume control of tho cargo of tho Wllholmlnn, nor of nny other vessel nrrlvlng from Amor lcn. This declaration says such cargoes mny bo sold on tho opon market nnd will not bo used by tho army or navy. Tho caau of tho Wllholmlnn Is soon to como boforo tho Gorman prlzo court. AEROSiLENT Believe United States Offered to Have Consuls Supervise Food Distribution AUSTRIA FOODSTUFF lllr AwotUteJ Titm to Coo tlr Tlmr. VIENNA, Fob. 24. Tho govornmont has takon over nil stocks of ryo, barloy, malzo and flour products. Distribution of broad by tho govornmont will bo un dertaken in various districts. lr AuotUtnl I'rrM to Coo Ilr Tlmr. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Admin latrntlnn officials today continued sllont regarding tho Informal pro posalB. that tlm United States mado to Great Britain and Gormnny for an understanding on tho quostlons of foodstuffs for civilian population of bolllgoront nations, and submar luo warfare against mercantile ship ping. It Is gonornlly bollovod that tho suggestion wns mndo that tho American Consular sorvlco repre sentatives would suporvlao tho ilia. trlbutlmi of foodstuffs to tho Gor ninn civilian population. TERRIFIC BATTLES ALONG EAST OF IRE ALL SAVED American Steamer Sunk by Mine in Bight of Heligoland Reports Today (Or AmocUIM CfM1 to Cvo nr Time. BERLIN, Fob. 24 A dispatch from tho American Vice-consul at Bromorhavon declares that all tho mombors of tho crow of tho Amor! enn steamer Carlb, sunk yestordny, havo boon saved. It Is said that tho Carlb struck a mlno In tho Bight of Heligoland. ON WRONG ROUTE. (llr AMUtol I'reu lo Coot Ur.Tliur. WASHINGTON, I). C, Fob. 2. Official notlco of tho sinking of tho Amorlcan stoamor Cat lb wna ro colved by tho Stato Department to day from Amorlcan MInlstor Van Dyko nt Tho Hague. Tho Carlb la roportod sunk In tho North Sea outsldo tho route prescribed by Gor man instructions, X STATEMENT To who It may conrorn: I havo had no pnrt In furnishing Informa tion concerning tho violating of tho Stnto Gamo Law. Respectfully, J 0. PARKER SO ABOUT OVERTURES CREW RIB T OF AT E Mutineers Reported to Have Slain All Officers Ex cept Colonel There REVOLT OCCURRED WHILE EN ROUTE TO EGYPT French and Jap Marines Aid ed in Subduing Outbreak in British Port (llr AmocUtrtl Titm to Coo Dr TlmM.) MANILA, P. I., Fob. 21. Four hundred members of tho mutinous Indlnn regiment, which revolted nt Singapore Fobrunry 16, hnvo boon killed, as well as seven Gorman pris oners from tho detention camp who Joined tho nntlvcs whon offered tholr frcodom, according to reports of tho uprising brought horo by patT scngora from Slngnporo. The mutlncora nro Bald to have killed all their officers savo tholr Colonel, end then attacked civilians, sovoral of whom woro killed, In cluding ono woman. Other roporta received horo woro to tho effect thnt thoro nro rumors of unrest among tho nntlvcs of Rangoon, Colombo nnd dlfforcnt parts of Java. Revolt Wits Sudden. Tho rovolt camo without warning. Half of tho Fifth Lfaht Infnntry of Bongnlcse, ou tho way to Egypt, numbering G00, suddonly nttnckod and subdued tho other half. Thou thoy nttnckod housos of civ lllniiB, killing tho men but sparing tho womou nnd children who sought rofugo In transports In tho har bor. Tho mutlncora offered frco dom to all Germans In tho dotontlon enmp. Only seven nceptod. Half of tho regiment which romalnod loyal, booh organized with tho civ ilians. In a running, fight four fifths of tho mutlhdors woro report ed killed nnd It Is bollovod that only about 100 romnln at Inrgo. Tho loyal troops woro roluforcod tho following dny by sailors from French British and Jnpancso warships. PLUMBER' TRUST MEMBEHS GUILTY Thirty-six Convicted in Fed eral Court at Dos Moines, Iowa, Today (llr AmocUIM Titm to Coo Pir Tlmo. DE8 MOINES, Fob. 21. Thirty six master plumbors, who hnvo beon 011 trial hero hIiico February 10 011 charges nt violating tho Shermnii niitl-triiBt law, wero convicted today by n Jury In tlio Federal District Court. Sentence will Do passou lator. Russians Renew Offensive and Berlin Says Invasion of Russia is Prevented "FURTHER OBSTACLES" IS REASON GIVEN BY BERLIN Petrograd Claims Some Ad vantages Sharp Fighting in Carpathians and West (nr AwoclilrU Cren to Coo lljr TlmM LONDON, Fob. 24. Along tho East Pruaalan border In North Po land, sonio of tho fiercest otigago monts of tho campaign In tho East aro taking placo, according to word from Petrograd, which reports that In thoso battles villages havo chang od hands several times, Three Gorman attacks on Przan ysz, whero tho conflict was sharp est, woro repulsed, says Petrograd, but Borlln reports 1200 prisoners captured thoro. Borlln reports '(furtlior obstacles huvo arisen" to provont nn Invasion of Russia. A correspondent of n Paris news paper estlmatod that tho Germans lost 50.000 inon in tho fighting In tho north. Tho Russians crossod tho Bohr Rlvor at two points. Thoy woro driven back at one, but the lighting still continues at tho other. 1 In tho Carpatmans, a sene3 oi I detached hattles .continuo with no 1 sign of conclusion. Tlio Russians 'claim tho capturo of ovor 48,000 Austrlans In last month. In tho West, hoUvy fighting is re 1 ported In Champagne nnd Vqsges, Berlin states that sovoral violent nttiuks by the French woro ro- pulsed. 16 OR PROGRESS PRUSSIAN BORDER