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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1915)
SH ERffifKSa " -Trrjiw-trvjprvryv THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIEtA OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1915,EVNING EDITION. TWO COOS BAY TIMES t M. O. MALONEY, Editor nnil Pub. ' DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor ( Official Paper of Coos County ( Entered nt the Poatofflco at Marsh held, Oregon, for transmission through the inalla iscond-claBi mall matter. , I THE OKIP I DON'T feel flip; I have tho grip; and nil my person's aching; all day I sneeze; one hour I freeze; tho next hour I am baking. I have the grip, and nurses ship around me with their potions; the doctor shooa tho words 1 use, expressing ny emo tions. Vilo tasting pills, nnd salts' and squills, my Insldo works I rake with; my bulging brow onco helped, but now It's only fit to acho with. "Chqcr up, cheer up. Old buttercup." my neighbors all kcop crying; "no1 man should whine, nor yet repine, until he's stiro he's dying; and thou by Jlng, ho ought to sing until he splits a rafter, and stoor his bark Into tao dark with optlmlstls laugh tori" they mnko mo hot, they haven't got this curso of all dlsonsos, so they can chaff and dunco nnd faugh, and Bprlng their sunshine wheeis. I wish they'd ccano to spook their piece, anl toddlo to their homes oft; they ( do not acho nnd freeze and bake. ' nnd sneczo their doggone domes off! They do not drink a portion pink,' of Wormwood, from a dipper; first clnmt llinv feci, ho thpv can snlol of, . , . . . .-- . being blltho nnd chipper! Walt M 1160!!. P. A. Takes tike I , B the Jimmy Pipe I A,lft:xXX-JffVtf,?.VVVJjCOXrt"CXXVWkL.'- JX. V0T?filffltfX6-OX'Xr.. OXO.ALV&K00CO.1,SAf JL 1AU VAAW WVww ww y t j i WITH THE TOAST 1 AND THE TEA I c.....'i GOOD EVENINCS Not having enough hiiii shlno is what alls tho world. Mnko pcoplo happy and there will Jiot bo half tho quar reling, or a tenth part of tho wickedness thcro now Is. Ij. M. Child. I l 4 i WIND O" TIIH WEHTIiANI) Vflnd o' tho Westlniid Hlow, blow, i Fetch mo tho dreams of long ago, I Long, long, ngo. TIuto was n white houso crowned tho hill, Tell mo, winds, docs It stand thcro still? For I wns tho child nt Its window sill Long, long ago. Wind o' tho Wcstlnnd Ulow, blow, Hrlng mo tho lovou of long ngo, Long, long ago. Thero wnH h gnrdon blooming fair And nn old, old lady walking thero, And n llttlo hid with tousled hnir, Long, long ngo. Wind o' tho Wostlnnd Hlow, blow, nritiji mo tho drenma of long rtgo, Long, long ngo. Thcro wua n Hhlulng path that lny Ovor tho edge of thn koIiIqu ilav And I was tho lad who rodo nway--Long, long ngo. Tho Coos liny mini who calls himself an Idiot, would ho soro If you would tnko him nt hi word. o 1-Jvorytlmo u Co Huy man picks up u few cents' worth of ttxporlonco, he drops a dollar. , When ti Co Hay girl's fuolintcs nro wounded ovr a stolon kiss, tho wound may bo honied by giving It back. Whon n Cook llwy girl bre.Ots fr nn (iiiKUKniuuiit, Mho Ik awfully disappointed ir tho young mini in tho caso duowi't mnko a big fuwi about it. P. A. has so many tried and trusty friends is because it's so gosh- hanged tasty and peace ful on the tongue. You can smoke it packed in your old jimmy-pipe or home-made ciga rette just as fast and hard as you want to, from the time the sun peeps out till the little stars twinkle, and there's nary a trace of a bite or sting. Important Notice to Property Owieij GIVE US:;A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPERTY ,.i ....... w.r,.i. . w,, ,uu hiyiuuntof TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU FIRST MII01L III OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. Prince Albert the national joy smoke ii is made biteless and stingless by a patented process controlled exclusively by us. You just charge a pipe or cigarette with this fragrant, satisfying tobacco and you will wonder why you held out so long and let your tongue curl up and crack every time you took your old jimmy pipe into your confidence. Any store that sells tobacco can supply you with Prince Albert in the tidy red tin, 10c; toppy red bag, 5c; pound and half pound tin humidors and that dandy P. A. pound crystal-glass humidor which not only keeps your supply in perfect condition, but is a thing of beauty and a joy forever, R. J. REYNOLDS JOBACCQ CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. mtBa I 4 SEIE TT81 pJU, oldkht hank in coos county Ktblb!icl 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 "''" Interest Tald on Tltno I)ckbIU t . Offlcon: J. W. Hcnnett, President. J, II. l'liuiMgim, VIcclVcHldent. Jt. 1 WIlIllWIlM, CiisIiIit. Geo. l Winchester, Am(. C& a n BTirTRrmri a (fxiarvThiircdlax To Eureka every MoilM TllE FAST AN'I) COMl-'OUTAmB S S. Geo. W. Elder nkwijV icguii'rici) N01CT1I I'ACJFIO STKAJIHUir CO. c. r. .Mcfli:oicni3 agent w. i. pabi Phono 44. Mnrshflold I'hono W, Nortil imttiM ftWMMiiTiiii.Mnyirailrfrj--"'"- r 1 twmm ! i turn FATHER WRITES SLOGAN SON DONATES POSTLR 1915 nose Featlvnl Receives Work of Art from Famous Oregon Coy. . . . MMsulaMHflBiaBBnamn SAVE MONEY hy (irderhiR tho fninons HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton .51.00' liii nip Conl, per ton $0.00, Or. unlf ton of both $n.00i I). MUSSON, Prop, l'liono 1H-.T or lenvo orders nt . llllljcr's ClKnr Store. BTOHV VOU TIIH l,V , , lloro'a oiu that Cupt. Olson lolls nhout tho hlKh boub: "Thoy wero out two days find tho youR brldo wua dnwdfully enIuk. 'Honry, dear," b1iq inoanad, 'If I should dlo and thoy bury mo hoio you'll conio Bomotlnio and plant flowers on my gravo wont ou?" AT THE HOTELS TUi:SIA"H AllltlVAUS Chandlfi' Hotel. . II. Koyou, H.m KrancUeo, Al fred Johnson. Coiiulllo, n j. can non, Portland; K 0 Hill. DotroU, V. ilolmos, Bonver III I. II 0 Kas nnver, llenvor Hlll:jM Farber. Ulyrtlo l'olnt; Ml fcJ-'arln-r. Myrtlu l'olnt; iMtefnnB&lilUr, & V? Porllnud'H 1915 Itose Festival has a unique poHter the moat artlatlc ever used and It Id tho work of nn Oregon boy. Fred (1. Cooper, now one of the world' foremotit urttsU. Ills father. J. i' Cooper, of Mi'Mlninllle. OreKon. wrote the winning hIokuii. "Tho Whole World Knuws tho Portland ltoso." At hla father's pertiounl request young Cooper donated tho poster to Incorpor ate lite slotiau. Portland has co operated with Seattle. Tucoma, Walla Walla uud Spokane lu aecurlng con imlloiiH that will brlnn mora than tto.OOO vUlUirs to Washington and Oregon. Myrtle Point; Peter Oberle, Port land: c. 1). Thomas, Portland; J. ('. lloulton, Portland; J. O. Xteiuiulur and wife, Myrtlo Polut; ilia. 11. o. Poderson, Hiirekn; P. p. 'fully. LaiiN P; A. J. Maieim, San FruueUco. l.loj.l Hotel. A. I'Vrjjuson, San JraucUco; C. J. Duffy, ilyrtlB Point; A. Anderaou. CoiiilIlu; I.bnI A. Perklua. Jloutreal; Joa ltoonoy, Waguer; T. S. lluasey, CoalBdo; O. W. Scares. Mlntou, Cal. Iforula; 13. Stabley, gun Francisco. Itlmu'o Hotel, F. Howard, Wagner. 0. UunU. born, Wmplie; W. 0. SmhU. Co quillo; P. .1. Jacolnoa, Couille; 11. O. Oroawlwy, Noni, ijoU,. w S Nowimin, North Bond; Warrou JoliiiMiu. Cooa Itlvor; J. A. Smith, Coo itlvor, St. Imuiuiu'o Hotel. F. Minnie. Portland; Mrs. J. T. Collver. HiiHiuer; F. 1,. guilt ll. i, ,g Blver; II. Moon uud kIU. North BfUd; Jo8Khlu TruHiun. North ' Bend; 1 Ijirxan, Porilaud. I TK AT Till: I'AUU'i: MI'AT AIN'T IT TIIK THUTII. Wo novor bhuno tho tailor whon our pants wo havo to pin, Wo novor blaino tho shoo man whon our solos grow old and thin, Wo novor blnmo tho natter whon our lido wo havo to flout, But wo alwaya ''amo tho laun dry whon oui enlrts wear out. COOS BAY BTEAM JiAUNBBV l'liono C7-J. ! I ! !r If You Want the Best In the Meat Line Telephone Us TELL US THE SIZE AND THE CUT THAT YOU WANT AND WE'LL DELIVER THE GOODS We buy the best that Coos County and Portland can fur nish us. We have equipped our markot to keep and ripen meats and tjive the most prompt and efficient deliveries possible. THE UNION MARKET J. F. Ford Co. 174 South Broadway. Phone 58 KQUIf'l'KD tVITII WimCLIWfl. s ;eaiBS hap H reakwat 'M "i ALWAYS ON TIME. HAILS I'BO.M MAItKIIFlKLl) DUItl.Nd FKBBl'ABV O.VTUC LOWINO DATKH: FKB. (I, 10:00 A. M.j I-'KII. Jil, 0 A. H UO, 1:00 1. 31.5 KKI1. U7, 8:00 A. SI. TIOKIJTS ON SALK AT I'OnTLANI) CITY TICKET OFFICII AND OAK 8THKKTS. POUTMND, rhono n-J. 0. II. LANDERS, J YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono ".",.".,1 Nllit nnd Day. Wlilto Kleiihuut flrlll Cood earn. Careful Driver D. L. FOOTU. wi f ri fzrjimijKrMmmextm Harshf ield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Mnnlfleld nt Busy Coiner 10:00 n.iii. 11:00. un. 5:00 p. in. U'ave.s North Bond 15 inlii. ute.s Inter Leaves ICnipIro. H::i0, ll:ao n.iii. ::io p.m. C111MNKYS VllllS PLA0E3 J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Briclc Work at Prleoa That Aro Right And nil Work (Juiirnntccd Cull at "Tho FlroBlae," Johnson Uldg., 137 Second St. Phono 43-l-J. Fronch ItanBOS. Boiler Work Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunks betweon any polnti in Marshfleld nnd do Kouernl hauling for ronsonable rntoa. STAB TltANKFKK STOBAOK CO Lex I Helsner, Pioprietor Plinnefli 1U0-.1. .tl).r,, iih-B TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- baa beon a hobby with ua for a good many yoara and a "lot of our cuBtoners will toll you whon It comoa to gottli.B good, sound, ,wllabl"1 ''A.? umntorln at tho right prlco wo know our boa I "'."J"'"11 ,hat y" wan-. t l'lld nnd tho amount you want to spoad and wo' 1 got busy with our poncll and fliruro out tho boat your uonoy can buy, Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. BKTAIL DUPABT.MHNT CUT TIIK FUEL BILL 1 TWO BY USING OUIt WOOD PHON13 11)0. 182 south BBOADWAY fl lliil AT . CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD Nortk iroai Htreoi, Phono ft7U. CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AND NKJIIT SKBVICR For taxi, phone o, Chandlor Hotel, For touring ears, phono 20 Chandlor Hotol LYNN LAMBKTH. I'ron. --., 4- . Now Cais i New Cars Pogefe Soisnd Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings.' General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tlio inokt pouorful, host ul.,,W ,, ,ll;iht ,ovof.l,y ...odern twenty. Inch li)diaulie tlredso In Piulfic waters Coos Bay office, Main office Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. The man who stops advertising because he is prosperous is like the engineer who shuts off steam because he Is going Scmi-weolcly service Coos Bay nnd San Frams UTEHCEI II THAT 1 STEAMSHIP HEDDMDD U'llili MAII.K l.'llfm SAVIi'lMYCIHCn I'OB COOS HAV WKDNKSDAY, JIABCIl l(i AT 3:00 M Equipped wltb wireless nnd subuiarlfltt beH Passengers and froiglit. SfEISMI SMITH Eguipped with wiroloss and submnrino belL Passoncors and freight. WIM SAIh I-'UO.M SAN I'llANt'lHCO l-'Oll (S ,,U' ,t S.Vl'UltHAY, VKIIIII'AIIV So "' Han Prancisco office, Greenwich street plerM ana uuu i'iio uuiiaing. . Coos Bay Agent, 0. P. McGeorqe, PlionaH rnuiaiiT. jriTl'i'.' 1 U9 LINE STEAMERS 0 San Frnnclaco Pier No. 20. Evory Wednesday 3 P.M. SAIL FKOM- Cooa Day Evory Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco --ttnA AlberiDM"1 Krerr ""' 9A.M. Phono 278, THOMAS II. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Imme diate sorvlco, prompt attention to all Interests ot our cllonts. MINIMUM OOST i. s. kauFman &. CO. ,$04$4O !- T' SOUTH "003 1UVBB1 I s:uv,uwjii I leaves aiuwiiww . -8 . m. Ives heJ "t3:15P.-, I STEAMKIt w M leaves head of J J i t ..,.1'oa Mar " i.M I II, III, Mjvn. lufiPn ,n. For cliarlcr PPV lIOGKltS & b-M,in - j'pjjirip" ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ! In tbo Heart of Maraliflold All Qufildo. ItoomH ou- mi 1 1 eat rrfAf .. nrPron RePf" YCOioiu w ..f ,r- I I WEIKIA- Vrijs, l!Ho 0i Tol. 304-It. JJ A ' ' :t Kt( JMHHrflT,t,TtBiinTiHWiJ M fr - i. iMjearnKmmmmi ..? . -'.,. - - ...':.. . wVit-" ?