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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1914)
mmimwwmKwmm s HE COUNTERFEIT MAN, LIKE COUNTERFEIT MONEY, IS DETECTED SOONER OR lifER A Marshfield Woman Wxmvz Shop Early 'onro said: "I buy advertised articles becauso they 1 are Invariably worth what I pay for them. ' The I 1. .,(.. U'ltl, lln l.xit ........ 1.. .1 . Dy so doing you not only got tho best goods and tho best assortment to chooso from, but you aro kind to yourself and tho Balcs-poplo. Christmas is drawing vory near. Start nowl , picuw ....... ."u uvoi H.1HUUUUUS tor Integrity and honest merchandise, arc without exception, those who advertise their goods unceasingly. MEMBER OP TIU5 ASSOCIATED rillihs I dp jiaiiy,,!! V? TrAfi iirl (tas man VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 n Tho Cnnot Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1914 EVENING EDITION. sixteen' paoek. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnl) nnil Poo llnr Ailvortlwr No. 125 IERMAMS FALL BAGK FROM WARSAW HU9SMMS STRONe AND WEATHER BAD fficlal Announcement Made at Berlin That East Prussian Army naa 10 ran aacK to Ulcl Positions Great Host of Russians Faced Kaiser's Advance There RUN CLAIMS UNFAVORABLE WEATHER IS iNhLUbNUING OPERATIONS IN POLAND NOW jrman Cruiser Cormorant Interned in United States Posses sion oi uuam vvun iweniy-two Ufficers and 355 1 Men Developments Bad for Gsrmany (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) BERLINi Dec. 15, The retreat of the Carman fni-PAs wiiinh (tempted to strike at Warsaw from tho north is acknowledged Ian oniciui cummuiucmioii irom me berman army head-larters, The official statement today said: "The Gorman column, liich had advanced from Soldau, East Prussia, bv wav of lawa, in tho direction of Ciechanow. lias had to reoccunv its Id position owing to tho numerical superiority of the enemy, isewnore in roiana nothing ot material importance has hap- 3ned,. untavorabie weather is influencing our operations. GERMAN SHIP INTERNED TODAY i nsational Evidence Gtvem In radon Ca.Be: Coach Is Freed Pi ALLIES BELIEVED TO HAVE BEGUN LONG EXPECTED FORWARD MOVEMENT (1EUMAX Oltl'ISEIt AT OUAM Itlr Anorlatcil Tirta to Com Br TlmMi.J WAjSHINaTON, Dec. lti. Tho nrrlvnl of tho Gorman con verted cruiser Cormorant, In tho hnrbor ot Guam, nit American possession, was officially ro ported to tho Navy Department today. Tho Cormorant wnH giv en 21 hours In which to leave tho port or be Interned. Judge Coke Dismisses Charge l Against Him of Furnishing i Liquor to Simpson Girls THREE WOMEN ADMIT i PERJURY ON STAND !- WISCONSIN SKNATOU (Dy Associated I'ross to tho Coos nay Times.) WASHINGTON, D, C Dec, 15, The German cruiser Cor- iranti with 22 officeis and 355 men lias mteuiodforwar at jam, according to a dispatch late today from tho naval gov- moi ot mo isianci, IMER GERMAN CRUISERS ATTACK IS! I BLACK SEA PORTS AGAIN (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BERLIN, Dec, 15, (Wireless to Sayvillo) Tho official ress uureau gave oui mo lonowuig luuay, my iuimu uisor Mldirli (formerly tho Broslau), has bombarded beuas- lol, The lurklsh cruiser sultan soiim uormoriy ino uoo- n), bombarded Batum on December lu, setting tire to me Ity, I he Russian lanci oattenos roiunieu ino iuu wiuiuui juo- bss, uonstantinopie leains auinunuitivuiy mat a muucu-i ma in uprising occurred in Caucasus and ou.uuo nirnea nus an Moslems went over to fight against the Russians," TURKEY SAYS ALLIES STARTED WAR. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos.) i AMnnM nn 1R A Hlcnntnli frnm fionstnntino'nlo fiivos e gist of a speech "by Sultan Mehmed V, at tho opening of e Turkish parliament, ine&uiia -, reed to declare war wnen we nu&wuii iubi mu urklsh fleet n the Black sea ano tngana ai u n " :tual hostilities by sending troops to the Turkish frontiois, ROOSEVELT TO TESTIEY ABOUT NAVY Wr AMflcUM Trwi to Coo UJ TIom 1 WASHINGTON, I). C. Dec. 1C Colonel Itoosevelt loomed todny as a posslblo wltnosH before tho IIouso Navnl Commltteo In Ita liuiutry on tho preparedness of uatlonnl defense. At today's session, Ileproscntntlvo Ilobsou pressed Chairman Padgett to call t!io former president nnd the ciuostlon was loft to 'bo decided In oxccutlvo sossion of tho committee. HeprcRcutntlvo Huchaunn romnrked that "duo to tho fact that Hoosovelt soldom expresses himself through noWBpnpors and magazines, It might bo well lo get bold of him nnd drag something out of him on tho subject." SEEK TRACE OF WEALTHY OLD MAN Serious Charges Made Against Attorney Treadgold Report Large Bribes Offered (Special to Tho Times.) COQUIMiH, Or., Dec. 15 "Joe" Conch scored huuvlly against City Attorney Treadgold of Dandon, In his feud with tho lntter, when tho rnso ngnlnst htm; brought by tho City of Dandon for soiling or giving I'quor to a minor, Ituliy Noslor, nee Simpson, wnH takon from the Jury by Judgn John S. Col.O In tho dist rict court nnd tho case dismissed. Almost equally as Important as a vic tory, was tho dismissal also of an Identical case against John llorron, 1 Coach's former bartender. These two victories follow closely on tiio ncqulttal on Conch nnd his associates at North Demi n week ngo on tho ' charge of kidnapping tho two Simp sou girls, Uuby nnd I.olltn, and have tho effect of somewhat clarifying tho Issue between Treadgold nnd Coach by forcing thorn both to now make 1 their greatest fight before tho grand Jury, now probing deeply Into this , bitter feud. Legal blow after legal blow was I struck at Treadgold yostcrdny iib ho I vainly endeavored to mako Ills own wltuosses repent tho stories which ho claims thoy hnd previously told to him or hnd sworn to In tho muni cipal court nt Dnndon, when Conc'i and Uorrou woro convicted ot selling or giving liquor to minors. Tlim Women Hmoio Fnlh'cly. Three women deliberately admit ted that their testimony today was directly opposlto that given In tho lower court, Uuby Simpson confront ing Treadgold with tho posltlvo statement thatA ho had told hor to perjure herself In tho lower court. "You told mo to swear against tar ApukvIiIpJ I'm, to Coo Dr Tlmn.l , JLADISON, Wis., Dec. If,. With tho certifying ot tho elec tion by tho state canvassing board of Paul O. Hustings, Democratic cnndldnto for United States Senator, Governor. Mc tlovem, ltepubllenn, concedes Hustings' election, according to n Btntemcut today. John Golden Gone Since Last Saturday Anxiety Felt for His Safety John ('olden, gone since last Frl-, Coach at that trial because you and I day, Is bolug searched' for, nnd up to l had 'framed up' n damage milt BELGRADE IS GIVEN UP BY AUSTRIAN llzAioclill I'mi la Cool lujr Tlmtt VIENNA, Dec. in. Tho Austrian official statement today says: "In tho southern theater of war, tho re tirement of our right wing Involved n cl.nngo In tho military situation nnd made It advlsablo for us to abandon Ilolgrndc, which was evacuated with out fighting, Our troops hnvo fought lung nnd fatiguing battles, but nro In tho best of spirits." if JAP MINERS T British War Office Announces Substantial Gains South Ypres in Combined Attack First Statement From Eng lish Military in Several Weeks ' of FRENCH REPORT GAINS IN ARGONNE BUT ADMIT GERMANS SECURED FOOTHOLD IN ALSACE cu i E Explosion in Workings North of Nagasaki Imprisons Largo Number of Workmen nr AmocUIoJ Pn-.. to Coo. Dtf TIrim, TOKIO, Doc. in. An explosion occurred today In tho coal mlno nt Kukuokn as a result of which 800 laborers wero Imprisoned In tho workings. Kukuokn Is on tho son coast, CC miles north of Nagasaki. A SMITH WILL BUILD SIX AT EARLY HOUR EINE FLATS HERE a Into hour this afternoon had not boon lotntod. It Is known that ho lias a sister, Mrs. Kennedy, nt Dan dpn, nnd an effort has boon mndo to get her on tho lino In an effort to nscortnln tho whorenbouts of tho old man. In tho bns.nmont which ho ooouplcs by himself on Second street, botweon Park and Hylnud avenues, tho door was found lockod and peorlng In ngnlnst Co a oh and you wanted him convicted," declared Uuby Simpson In tho Coach trial. "You told mo to have tho othor witnesses swear faUe ly, also, nnd I told Mrs, Fortuer and my sister I.ollta to do so." Clmi'gOM Against Treadgold. Tho significance of tho two Conch victories nnd tho casting of their ovl- denco to tho Conch sldo an tho part of tho Simpson girls and Uuby Nob- LATIN AIRIC through tho windows everything in-ior jeg th0 fnct tMnt tnoy nquos sldo was found In order. At noon j .lonnblv hnvo told not onlv all to- bsses Bar at 1 O'clock This J,0. Langworthy Avrards ; Con- lominn Br nana w lJas- iraci ior iviouuni omuuiu m. isengers From the South , on South Eleventn btreei . ...,.' t n r nmru-nrihv liaa awarded tho in - .i.ini iiiia tiinruinc iuu o, v. - Mm Smith crossed :n over th tolephono inossngo was sent to Co- qulllo, whoro ho owns considerable, proporty, but no ono know whoro ho' has gone. ' Mr. Ooldon Is n man past 75 ' years of ago; Is of slender build nnd slightly stooped. Ho Is known to bo quite well off and bosldos owning' property In Coqulllo nnd hero It la J day's testimony to tho grand Jury, but havo added to It by swearing to many other sonsatlonal charges agnlnst Treadgold which aro bolloted to bo contained In affidavits execut ed by tho two girls and now In tho hands of Josoph Coach. Thoso affi davits not only charge Treadgold, It Is claimed, with subornation of per nor 'contract for tho oroctlon of six flats said that ho has considerable money jury against Coach, but wlth.nttompt . . . -.... ..MAItAvlll rtH ... o r.-.,ionn i.iii..ini n na- on his rosumnco iuui'j " III dilll rittUlinv, ....D r. . i ,mi, wn 1.. lint l.Tm'alllll Kir.HL. 1 l(u vw ... .. many plocoa of liger list of !) Id sho carried bight for Santa Claus. rhoso who arrived from tho Soutn pro; Mrs. D. J. Cathcart, Mrs. M. C. ley, M. U l-iitzo, w. i. !""' It. Johnston, A. T. Torkor, r. prrls, H. McDonald, T. Campuon. S Fox, Leo Henderson, b. .Mur- ly, D. Moore, It. Knight, jhm ' tinett. U K. Duller, A. nium, J. Chapman, Ralph lllshop, J. T. pwnrd, Mrs, L, N. ItuCIoy, .Mrs. i- fwls, Mrs. Loulsu i'ni:ill, r. W'M. Lawlor, E. L. McCluro, .Mm. fcClure, Helen Cuthbert, D. Cutn- rt, S. Hamilton, It. S. Moss, u. felmes, J. Duffy. . . n ..nH Clmninll. u1in rn. lOt tO tUllimtwi aii.....w.., "..- -- South , out at Interost coal miner. Ho formerly was a OKS AITIMt SMITH. niie-r Prosper Jinn (ni in j'l-anta Pass on Statutory Charge. (Special to Tho Tlmos.) :OQriLLH. Or.. Dec. 15. Slienn oitly b.ullt tho now sohool houso nt Myrtlo Point. Tho work is to start at onco and It Is expootoa mai inoy will bo complotod within about two months. ' Tho butldlng will havo a ground , spaco of 32x40. Tho looatlon Is ono of tho best In the city and will havo a fine view of the city and of the bay. Tho locution Is protected from tho heavy northwost winds In sum mer time and nlso from tho south west storms in winter, being Just uudor tho crt of the Southwost Marshfield hill. The Plans for tho building call for tho most modorn and up-to-duto construction In oery way with gas. olectrlo Hshtlng. steam heating and built-in fixtures. The building will he Just west of Mr. Langworthy's homo -and will bo of the beet Improvements muuu MASONS I'M'CI'. has boon great and It Is likely that all will be leased before the struo ture 1 completed. nnt ho left for Uoscburg this morning h8re a Jong time. Tno demanu ior it, t nrin.i- s,ih. tim Prosnor i iArH flats at a roasonaoie romui O- V tMV - - - ifcwnv-" ii who was arrested at Grants Us last Saturday by the Sheriff of t county while, It Is believed, he M tnlng to escape arrosi on io iigo cf committing a statutory of- ase en two young girls, .muuu Imea an Mjrtle Smith, of Prosper. ch 13 or 14 years of ago. bnutu a married ma nwlth five children !nst blm. AV. O. W. ltonl nnd Select Master Mukohh l". cct Off.toih for tho Xuv AVar. Occldontnl Chapter No. 12, Uoyal and Select Master Masons, last ovo nliig hold Its annual election of of ficers whloh resulted as follows; Thrlco Illustrious Master. L, AV. Sanders. Illustrious Deputy Mastor. h. A. AVIioroat. Illustrious Conductor of the AVork. A. P. Davis. Treasurer. Albert Seellg. Secretory. AYIlllam Iongstaff. Tho appolntlvo officers will bo an npuncod this evening at the Installa tion of tho officers following tho Uoyal Aroh ceremonies. The Uoyal Aroh Masons will hold their election nnd installation this evening and will onjoy a banquet which Is being propared by AV. Juy Drown. cd efforts to uso I.ollta, tho youngest girl, In blaokmnlllng buslnoss men of Dandon, with Immoral rotations with tho other two girls, and other equally sonsntlonal allegations. Attorney Treadgold took tho stand In the Coach caso and defended his character nnd honesty of purposo by declaring tho testimony of Uuby Simpson to bo absolutely false. Tho ovldonco In tho Coach caso was very similar to tbauln tho llor ron caso of tho morning, with tho ox caption that Mrs. Uuby Noslor was called In ti.e Coach caso and I.ollta i Simpson and Mrs. Mary Kortnor, who had testified In the Herron caso, TRAD E 1 Austrians Admit Vacating Belgrade Petrograd Claims Ger mans Repulsed in Night Attacks Near Warsaw and Many German Prisoners Taken (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Dec, 15, Tho British military authorities an nounced today that the fighting in Northern Franco had re commenced and that a combined attack by tho Allies In Bel gium south of Ypres resulted in tho capturo or i?io German tronchos and substantial progress, This Is tho first occasion In sovoral weeks on which the British authorities havo consid ered the day-to-day activities of tho Allies of sutticlont Im portance to issuo such a statement, London suggosts it mny mean that tho Allies have at last begun a general offensive, Tho French statement claims some progross in tho Argonno, There woro indications, howovor, that tho Germans mado progross toward the Eastom ond of tho lino, Tho French ad mit tho Germans gained a foothold at Steinbach, in Alsace, Tho abandonment of Belgrade, by the Austrians is acknow ledged in an official statement given out In Vionna today, - Potrograd reports tho Gorman frontal attacks on tho Russian linos west of Warsaw under covor of night woro successfully ropulsod by tho Russians, At many points along tho front, the Russians captured isolated German positions, it is claimed, ENGLISH ANNOUNCE ALLIES IDE GAINS IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM (Ily Associated Prpss to Tho Cooa liny Time,; LONDON, Dec, 15, Tho official Information bureau gavo out the following! "After a poriod of comparative quiot, fight ing in Northern Franco has boon recommencod, A comb nod attack by tho Allies was mado yostorday on tho lino from Hol loboko to Wytschaetc, Belgium, Sovoral Gorman tronchos and a number of prisoners woro captured and substantial progress mado," F ENCH CLAIM ALLIES WINNING ATTACKS ON LONG GERMAN BATTLE LINE United States Last Year Had More Business With Them Than Any One Country I)r AuotUt! !'ri lo Ceo nT TIidm. DOSTON, Dee. 16. Tho trado of tho United States In 191.1 with tho I.ntln-Atnorlcan republics, both in snlos nnd purehasos, for tho first tlmo oxcoodod In volumuo that of any othor single country, according to John Unrrot, director gonornl of tho Pnn-Amerlcan Union, In nn ad dross today before tho Lntln-Amor-enn Commercial Congross, Tho United Stntos exported to Latin America goods valued at $325,837, 34.1, and Imported good from I.ntln Amorlou vnlued nt 1177,028,600. (Dy Associated Press to Coos flay Tlmos.) PARIS, Dec, 15, Tho official announcement this afternoon says: "Botwoon tho sea and tho Lys Rlvor, tho English occu pied a littlo forest west of Wytschaoto, Ground was gained yostorday by our troops along the Ypros canal and Wost of HollonbeRo has boon retained in spite of a vigorous countor attack on tho part of tho onomy, From tho Belgian frontlqr to tho Sommo Rlvor, there is nothing to report, In tho Argonno district wo mado progress, In the Vosgos, tho Gormans vio lently bombarded tho railroad station of St, Loonard, In Al saco there has boon much activity on tho part of German ar tillory, Tho German infantry gained a foothold In an attack before Steinbach," BRITISH ARMY IN 1 ,! i FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF OAHDI.NTIl IS OIIOAMZI'I) XOTICU TO 1'IjKH. All Elks and tholr futnlllos are In vited to be present at tho monthly .. ..wiai imncrianco on danclnc narty In tho Masonic Hall Wedne-da. December 10 All mom- AVeduesday evening. All visiting hers are requested to lc j.reaent Vis- Elks are also Invited. ZS nolShbors United. J T. D. JAMES, Sec. 1 Tho stockholders or Onrdlnor's now bank mot Saturday and proceed ed to organize uudor tho name ot tho First National Dank of Oardlnor, with a capital stock or f25,000, nil of whloh has been subscribed for, O. II. Hinsdale was olected president; J. N. Hedden, vlco-presldunt and II. ,.t Edmunds of Tho Dalles, cashier. Tho directors aro O, I). Hlnsdalo, Supt. of tl.o fJardlnor Mill Co.; J. N. wero not on tho stand in tho second' Hodden, the well known merchant ot ca)l0. Scottsburg and II. L. Edmunds or I he Mrs. Uuby Nosier was tho first "a"08, who hod been cashier of tho witness to tako tho stand In tho bank of French & Company at that fnnni, man Hm niimiiin.! imvinir nlaco for a number or years; Fred visited the Louvre caro at the time Assonholmer or tho Oardlnor Con alleged In the complaint, on or about , reatlonory; J. A. Janblle, manager or Juno 1. Sho had never been given the Ueed-Janollo Co., of Oardlhor; or sold drinks by Joseph Qoach, alio' AV. II. Jowott and T. II. Angues, two declared. ' ' well known capitalists ot Oardlnor. Tho tenso moment or tho artor-j The bank expects to bo doing buslnoss noon camo when City Attornoy Tread- by the first of the now year und wll gold askod her polntblank whotbon liavo temporary quartern until their sho had not sworn In tho Dandon , building is roady for occupation, recorder's court that sh6 had drunk whto his Intended to bo built bo whiskey and beer with Mr. Coach tween the hospital building and tho ami that ho had botiEUt It. ' rcsldouco (Jf J. S. Gray. Gardlnor "I did against my will," was tho! Courier. (Continued on Pago Six.) Times Want Ads bring results. FRANCE IS PUSHED TO EASTWARD ON BATTLE LINE (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Time; LONDON, Doc, 15, Tho statomont issued today by tho British official bureau concerning tho combined attack by the Allies yesterday against tho Gorman lino, is interpreted in somo quarters as marking the beginning of a much-discussed at tempt to mako a general advance, 'The point of combined at tack mentioned In the statement is to tho south of Ypres, The statomont refers to fighting in Northern Franco as well as Bel gium, which is taken to mean tho offensive movement stretches over a considerable area, It has been known for some time that tho British army headquarters has been push ed 10 tno easiwaiu, ami consoquoiiuy it is ussumuu uy diiiioii observer that the Allies havo mado more progress. tlan has; boin chronicled. , SERVIANS CAPTURE BELGRADE. (D Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos.) LONDON, Dec, 15, Belgrade, tho unfortified capital of Sorvia, which tho Austrians after a long and terrible bombard ment, occupied two weeks agoj is again in tho hands of the Servians, A dispatch from Nish, the temporary capital, makes tho announcement that tho Servian troops have re-entered the city, but gives no details, Up to the present time It has not been followed by any admission from Austrian sources, o-vri 'fti .. j. &.-. nwlPWTiiwwwwiii asmssu