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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1914)
i ,1. Mu. J i I ;iii,;i KtI2sss?22!?SMfcfcs',Bii.. ? . i .IMiLI:7 - . M 1 m531 Q&tti MUBMhlMNlMWMMIM illilkllfcihlii mi mi lasaeu&jMU. rtm-namirK mmtmMm lOIMtllMFS IT K aim iff A GOOD RULE THAT WON'T WORK BOTH WAVS A Marshfield Woman Shop Early onco snitt: "I buy advertised nrtlclcs bocauso thoy nro Invariably worth what I pay for thorn." Th0 merchants with tho best reputations for Integrity By so doing you not only get tho best goods and tho best assortment to chooso from, but you are kind to yoursolf and tho sales-people, Christmas is drawing very near. Start .now! mm ....-. ...........D, uiu wmiout cxceiitlon, thoso who advertise their goods unceasingly. MEMHEll OP TIUC ASSOCIATED Pllfeaa KffltlAKPY WW VI- A If Tiw ffifltfS intra i mm VOL. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 n Tim fnmt Mull. HI MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SIXTEEN PAGES. Consolidation of Tlnics, Coast Blnil 0. 126 ml Took llnv Advertiser i German u THIS ID 10 01 ENGLISH ;G E BY fl FEW CRUISERS: A Offic o smiraigfl M jfs Claim Gains A TITI O v hi ami1 .ussians -ttlSSffiSu?-'?. FWY-piq Strip North of ,, ,. . uumaqc anti uosts Few L vos Fast Vessels Turned Naval Trick. ' CZAR VISITS )NDON DOES NOT BELIEVE MAIN FLOTILLAS WERE YlfiC A in BM ENGAGED DESPITE ADMIRALTY'S I STATEMENT OF IT HIS ARMY IN o Details Given in Official English Bulletin of EngagemenG FAD CAI TU Between English and German Flotillas in North Sea , lAK oUU I tl uuiiinuunt) neports or Land Developments Official Statement From Bcr-'ll C TA Dl l lin Today That Allies Were U. 0. B U UV I Repulsed in Coast Attack HEAVY LOSS OF LIFE. (lly Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Dec. 16. A Scarhnrniinh rifennrnh enwe iq people were killed and one hundred wounded. In one ouseiuur persons were killed outright and in another three ere killed by bursting shells. ' tDr AmocIiIM Pith In Coot n'.J Tlmc.l KAUS, Trans-Caucasia, Husslii, Dec. 10. Kmporor Nicholas reached hero Dec. 13 from Potrograd. llo was wolcomod with enthusiasm by tho populace, llo visited tho hospi tals and distributed mcdnls to tho RECAPTURE POSITION I THAT FRENCH CAPTURED; Claim No News in East Prus-I sia Fighting But Gains in ' Poland Were made ' tiff AnnclilPil I'itm Irt Coon lUy Tlmr ) HKIlMtt, Doc. 1C. (lly Wireless). 1 Tho Clcrtuau official communica tion today sayu: "In tho west tho enemy mado an attempt to advanco NICARAGUA CANAL ROUTE (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, DeC. 16. The Eastarn finnct nf Fnnlnnrl imo in. tided today by German warships, which dropped shells in nmTlnll rl r syeral towns along the forty-mile strip of coast. Consider- DQITIQU f CCT jie aamage was cione in Scarborough, Whitby and Hartle- UIIIIIUH ILLLI jui aim ouvuiui jjuisuiis were Kiiieu or wounaea. The German raid was apparently performed hv n fnw fast misers and as far as known the main British and German jets were not engaged. i In London it has been reported that two Gei-:, warshlns Roininn Town Mihm: iw ?Cre SUnk. ' , Wnrshins nnrl Frnnnh Rnnnrt The British Admiralty stated that naval encounters were in ' Allies Gain Alonn Front rogress, but details as to the size of the engagement uuume are lacKing. and wounded. Tho folhnvlng day ho went "J wn m '"'!". aupponou i.y i;io to Sarakamycho and then proceeded, nctlon of ,,,clr b1,I18 J,t 8Cn T,, to tho front, wherohoporsonallydl8-lnro ,from tlleH0 ",,I,B wn8 ontlroly lilbiilod crosses of St. Gcorgo to , w,lhoHt o(fQCi Tl,u nltnck wn ru soldiers who won distinction In the U,,slM n"(1 :, Kronch lnkon ,r,Bon fluhtlnir. llo loft this rnnlnii nn nnn or- !" reiunlnder of tho front, mo capture or 1110 ncignt west of - , Qoimholm, occupied by tho enemy since tho day before yesterday, Is tho only matter worth mentioning.' "Krom tho cast PriiBsla'n frontier there Is no nows. "In northern Poland our attack- inovomonts nro progressing normally. Sovoral strong positions of the cue my were taken and about 3000 pris oners and four machine guns cap tured. "In southern Poland our troops BOMBARDS TOWN TlT Auocltted rrru In Coca IK, Toim WASHINGTON, 1). C, Dec. 10. After months of deliberation and ro pen tod failure to got action, tho for eign relations committed ordered tho Nlcnraguuu trenly reported to tho Senate for ratification, Tho United States would pay $3,000,000 for tho Nicaragua!! canal route timl navnl bases on ronsccn Hay, ENGLISH E DRESDEN 01 lllj AMotUiK I'nu to cooa m, tiuuh, PAItIS, Dec. 10. Tho French of- nro fighting In unison, while our allies are gaining ground. L uiu rrunun oniciai siaiemeni says some turtner progress "c,nl comniuiiicniinii tms nrtemooni as made by the Allies in Belgium, that the German attacks in y"; "!" em';. ".o town , nr, nnnTT Tn Isace and the Woevre district were repulsed nd that British , ZmZT&n& hr M .1 i " arships again bombarded the German positions on the coast ' 1, 'ro Z? counter a.,", oil "Liy dUU I I I U nrnlv ntiiiluml Pll-,.. . , "" ViHl.lll uCiniUm. Qt. neorues and occunled tho fnrniH Berlin denies the French claims to an advance in Belnium. ti' left bank 0r tho vser p.ivor. lying the attempt of the Allies to move forward, supported by 0,lr ,roi,B nm,, i'rogrc near st. be British warships, was repulsed. Berlin asserts further !:,0IHjVo KalUl0td ,,!",,t,,nct va"w fogress was made in the East, several strong Russian posi, irKXrtii";;: i..,.iuu i. . ii.. nrrr : I.. -! i.i. --- jus uv nu uecn mKcn ana juuu nr soners caDiurea. in juth Poland the German-Austrian forces are gaining ground.' SETTLE STRIFE IFFICInL ENGLISH RPORT OF ATTACKS By ENGLISH FLEET (Hy Associated Pross to Tho Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Doc, 1 5, The official press bureau announced afternoon witli regard to tho Gorman attack on tho North ir aah1 .x lk.H -,! Illl fvn Aftmmnnrirti nf lnfrtO? Jtt uucisi (j i iiiiiiHini; i nu iuiiiuoo ouiiiiiiunuui ui uoi lartlopool reports that German war vessels engaged the fort- 3ss Doiween u ana y ociock tins nioiniiis iy unumy wuj rivon on, a small bormnn war vossei aiso uptrnuu uiu un jarborough and Whitby. , , . "Our flotillas havo at various points boon engaged, The tuation is dovoloping," i ii FOUR CRUISERS AT SCARBOROUGH ' (Hy Associated Prous to Tho Coos Hay Time.) SCARBOROUGH, Eng Doc, 1 6, Sliolling of beprborough ' four Gorman cruisers began shortly before 8 o'clock, bov- ral buildings were damaged, . Crowds ran hurrdiely to the raiiroaa s anon ami an wnu )uld boarded the train that was just leaving for Hull, Just before daylight a cruiser came in close and for half an Mtr cimii nfiat- choii foil intn tlin town. A woman behiiKl a )unter In a shop was killed and her husband was wounded, mine nf ihn chnn inmhinri rlnwn about them, rorty or titty lolls woro thrown, tho objective apparently being the town nil luMnh ,oo flnoiiu AamaPRtl nnrine: the bombardment, He vessel steamed slowly past, tho town and finally disan- 3ared in the haze, After sue disappear noi Kuno vu,u Jard 'for some time, Woovro district wo ropulsod sovornl, attaolcs. In Alsaro wo ropulsod an at-! tuck to tho wost of Cornay." ' ' ' I'. S. IWIt.M CHOPS j Alti: WOltTII IIIM.IO.NS j (Dr AuovliKJ I'mi ( Cv !lr TIdim.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Doc. 10. TliU year's principal farm j crops arc worth $1,011!, 852,000, I tho Dopartmont of Agrlctilturo I announced today. KCOTT S1C.NT TO l-'HOXT. III AMth ltlo.1 l'ri. o Coo. n.jr TIidm ) I WASHINGTON, I). C, IDoc. 10. Hrlgndlor Genornl Hugh l. Scott, chief of staff, was or- I dorcd today by tho War Depart- muiit to proceed to Nncp to usa his personal Influence with tho j Moxlcnu loaders to reaso hostlll- j j tlOH. j j Syiiipliiiny Coiurrt, 'I'Iiiii-mIiij-, Do 'loiiiltoi' 17th .I.oiiimiinUIV 'I'lioilor. -.Ni.S.. ENGLISH RUMOR FLOTILLA DAMAGED IN NDRTH SEA Nfl VAL BATTLE TODAY (By Associated Pross to' Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Dec, 16, Tho, Yorkshire Evening Nows reports two Gorman cruisers woro sunk in today's engagement and tho British flotilla damaged, LONDON, Doc, 16, Reports are current In London that two Gorman cruisors woro sunk in tho North Soa, BATTLE IN NORTH SEA. IfE WTN ERIN ESS TELLS OF G ATTACK ON ENG LISH TOWNS TODAY (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) (Uy Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) HARTLEPOOL, Dec, 16, It is reported that a flotilla of British torpedo boat destroyers encountored throb Gorman cruisors eight miles off the English coast, Tho cruisors im mediately opened fire, SHELLS DUG GREAT CRATERS (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Deo, 16, Tho Star prints a dispatch, from Har tlepool saying some of tho German shells exploded In tho streets of Hartlepool and made great craters, ATTACK TEES BAY FORTS. (Dy Associated Press to The Coos Hay Times.) REDCAR, York, England, Dec. 16, Heavy firing was hoard Fast German Cruiser Sailed From Puntas Arenas Sunday Warships Behind (Ur AMorltlftl I'itm to Cool Dr TlmH WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 10. Two Ilrltlsh warships aru pursuing tho Gorman cruiser Dresden, which loft Piintn Arenas on Sunday, accord ing tn an offlclnl tolograiu received today from the American embassy nt Santiago, Chllo. AE GAGON IS OR T ML Superintendcnt-of C. A. Smith Company's Eastside Plant Sustains Injuries A. K. Gagnon, superintendent of tho Kastsldo mill or tho C. A. Smith company and u woll known Coos Hay mnn, aiiHtulned two or throe fractured ribs In an acci dent In tho Smith Hhluglo mill lato yostordny. Ho Is confined to his homo In Hunker Hill. Just hnw tho accident occurred Is not known. Mr. Gaguou wiib In specting the mill and was struck by n hook or 1 1 m bo r. Tho blow was a sovnro one. Today ho was resting niiirh onslor and It Is hoped that ho will rapidly recuperate from IiIh Injuries. JtHCKSK OK C()N(!lti:SH. llj Auntltlnt I'm lo CM IUr TlftiM.1 WASHINGTON, I), (j.. Doc. 10. A holiday rocoss of Con- gross from December "3 to Do j comber !!' was proposed today In a concurrent resolution pass- oil by tho House. It was then (ommuiilcatod to tho Souato to nwnlt tho action of that body. TURKS SAY GREW OF SI D in? Awllel 1'rru lo Cool Uif Tlmfl.J A.M8TKKDAM, Dec. 10. Tele grams from Constantinople referring for tho first time to the torpedoing by a Ilrltlsh submarine of the Turk ish battloshlp .Mossiidloh In tho Dar danelles on December 13, say tho warship tank at hor anchoragu and parts of tho vessel aro still visible above the wator Tho crow was suv-od, i I uima nir wnn i .! 4i mam l . u -j iiinn l. . u. A l. . .. . i . h h r - h t1 r r n H II I Fno- Dor 1h ames harvey dcuit, wnu ai ivpu uu uib wubi uiuweeii o anu o;u, iiio luiiiis ui uiiou uiuis- nnn nn MM M om SrarLmiieh after the bombardment said: "I could ot Grs could be discerned looming out of the haze, and flashes U mJuLL U M ULl) Om bCarDOrOUgn aiier UIU "u,""'",'u . ,. of ii. Kntl PRh arllllorw fir cttu nhcnrwnri PoArlo cniiaht lU u,al0rfmn IHUULLIII I HIULU ereVDractSghen I saw a shell fall on the roof of a house, ! but, were driven back by the military authorities. It appeared , a C0UQ 01 siiiuku, i 11 uiu wuisums weiu miauKiiig uio ions at iuus Day, i .! i TELLS OF WHITBY ATTACK. TO ENTER HUH IB, AiwUM 11 1C wot P., TlmH 1 LONDON. Doc 10 -A dispatch (Dy Associated Press to Coo Day Times.) I from Costantlnoplo says that Khe-I rffi&sxM . : .. i ---i ji. . oiirnaci rihiiii i Aiiuaio, mhisiims wk k i iiiiimii riiiu n iiiiiiiiimi iii iiijmii int.-i. uiuiuuiiiti inn iu ..i.,..i.,.. .. i...u,n.. !......!( wc f ias ? i?Iinm nw.iv and holes bored entirely 'historic abbey here, were damaged, One person was report- a dispatch from Constantinople1 JOTS 01 nOUSeS Were lOin a"Vyi .n ..,, .nH -.t Ihr wlrfl- arl ldfl Tho prnlcorc tiflor ihn linmhnrrlmnnt. HknnnnnrpH , savs tho tribes In northern Albnnln rough Some houses, , bPVer,ll ? v ' , nnrlhfinstPrlv rlirirtinn. ' Wa ., on Sorvla. tfhtli nr,,rrUi ffa OPirl Ihom W3S i"j?r.AJtrA uaiaI. riaht in the centcf or iown "as sLX As I wZd to tte. iaiion, shalls were buridng . i i i i il. .t.i;.n r-iioiic t nun ii c va u, i ,,,mm er neaa ana ai me btanun ono . -- :-. jntn 4ufl :companiEd by his wife and children came running into the o!r..! Ullo UnA HiimaaflH IIS hOUSO. WASHINGTON NAVAL AUTHORITIES SAY GERMAN ATTACK IS STRATEGICAL' Believe Maneuver May Have Far Reaching Consequences and Result in Hurried Change of British Fleet, Which May Leave Big Warships in Place for Attacks THINK BOMBARDMENT WAS FOR PURPOSE OF ' THROWING SCARE INTO ENGLISH OFFICIALS Towns Attacked Have No Military Value for Purpose of Cap ture or Occupation German Naval Activity Expected to Follow tip Movement Started Today (lly Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) -.WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 16. The best-posted naval au thorities here regard today's bombardment of English towns by the Germans as a strategic maneuver, which may have far-reaching consequences. .The first purpose, as explained by one of the foremost naval starteglsts is to create a "scare" which will lead to a hurried concentration and change, of movement of the main British battle fleet and expose those ships to attacks from unexpected quarters. .The bombarded cities aro of no military value for the purpose of oaptureor occupation. ' DESCRIPTION OF TOWNS. (lly Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) Scarborough Is a seaport and fashionable resort of England In tho northern part of Yorkshire, 37 miles northeast of York, Tho population Is 40,000, Hartlepool Is a port In tho southeast portion of tho county of Durham, The population Is 25,000, Adjoining Hartlepool Is Wost Hartlepool, with a population of 65,000, Whitby Is half way between Scarborough and Har tlepool and is a soasido resort of 12,000 Inhabitants, GERMAN FLEET HAD CONSIDERABLE FREEDOM IN MAKING ATTACKS TODAY (Dy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) ' NEW YORK, Dec, 16, Tho bombardment of cltlos on tho oast coast of England Is tho first overt act of war agafrist. British territory. Tho British havo felt that their fleet In thq North Soa was sufficient to rondor this possibility remdte' Tho official London announcement that1 tho British flotillas havo been engaged is ovidonco that there has boon a naval fight in tho North Soa, Tho bombardmont of English citios indicates that tho Germans had considorablo liberty of action. There doubtless has boon more than ono naval ongagemont HARTLEPOOL IS ATTACKED (Hy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) HARTLEPOOL, Eng,t Doc, 1 6, Residents woro awakonod horo by hoavy firing, Thoy rushed to tho boach, Shells from tho German cruisors soon nogan dropping Into tho city where upon tho crowd sought sholtor. HULL, Doc, 16, Nino porsons aro reported to havo boon killed at Hartlopool and a number injured In tho bombardmont of that port by the Gorman cruisors this momin, Tho arrival of Gorman raiders off Scarborough took placo undor tho covor of a thick fog, Somo peoplo declare thoy saw a Gorman cruiser lying off Castlo Cliff, Tho roof of St, Mar tin's Church was struck and ono woman killed, Anothor church was damagod and tho roofs of several houses woro carried away by tho shells, The poopfo wore greatly excited, Thoy rushed ,froin their houses at tho first sound of firing, and tho mon, women and children were soon running through tho streets In thoir night clothes, Fugitives hero from Scarborough say that tho Gorman bom bardment of that port was hoavy and groat damago was dono, WHITBY IS BOMBARDED. . (Hy Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times. j LONDON, Eng,, Dec, 16. King Petor and Crown Prince Alexander entered Belgrado at tho head of tho victorious Ser vian army, says a dispatch from Nish, Not a singlo Austrian remains on Servian soil, ENGLISH RETURNED ATTACK. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Tlinos. ' LONDON, De.c, 16. Tho Newcastle Evening Chronicle places the number of German cruisers which bombarded Har tlepool at three, It says that these cruisers were attacked almost immediately by four British destroyers. Several en tire rows of houses at Hartlepool wore destroyed and the gas works seriously damaged. Several persons were killed or wounded i , r.. i1nf,nnln,l ll-naa n f'n Tn PlMmAM WHITBY, York, England, Dec, 16, Two German cruisors ' ' bombarded this town between 9 and 10 o'clock this morniiig. f, SERVIANS OUST AUSTRIANS. i ss station, but with wiui icuu . u- - - , (g-y i jUlfthBririgJMfa,jiwU ..(xji, rt