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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 12, 1913 EVENING EDITION.' La Frairnee TeHfe Maimy Tales LA FRANCE IS WARY II IK Insurance Swindler Has Many Versions of Manner in Which He Worked. PORTLAND. Or.. Mny 12. Pour men nldcd tilm In security the body which he planted nnd on whlfh Ills wire secured $1 ".... on life liiHiirnnce. nrccirilliiK o ' c- LaPrnnro. Tlue four lie declared to bo n prutnliiont Portland undertaker, an oxprow man and two young medical Mu dents. 'iIip body lie deelnred posi tively was fwured from an under tnklnK iiarlor nnd was ombnlnted tlioro. The undertaker I.BFriinro refuses to iianie. The pvprmmtnnn. Iip snhi. was called Mike or rotne similar nnine anil knew how to handle bodies. The two yomiff men 1m named an A. .1. Pomer. the name which Lnl-Vfliirp mmiihimI Inter. Ray ho declares went to Ilrltlnh Coltitu hla. lie nld they were alo known liy other IIHined. The plot, hp clnlmpd. whs thoimht out and planned a month before It win aecompllnhed. lie Mill ho had taken out the $10,000 liimir.inre wl'h tin 1'ontnl I'nlon I.lfp rnmpnny lieforc the plnn wan niadp. Thp United Arflmiiis nnd .Modern Wood men of America policies wero tnken nftPrwnrd. LnFrnnre. who Is In tho countv Jail, paid that tho body was placed In a lent end Inken In nn expres wagon to Kstneaila one nlxlit early last .Ttnip. The two young men ac companied Mm with the oxproM mnn. I nov nrrlved In Kstncada. lie stated, about 2 o'clock In the tuornlnit and thorp Hipv cut a Iilocp from the tout, placed the body in thlH piece and hIiiiik It from n pole. Taking turns ho declared that they then carried the body to a bend In tho Clackamas It Ivor near tho powerhouse. After plnutliiK tho body Iip said ho nought clothing similar to that In which they had dressed It and txild his friends ho was preparing for a finking trip on tho Clackamas. Ho iimilo It n point to meet friends nnd show thorn IiIh outfit. LenvltiK for Kstncada. he mot ono of his assistants and gave his army knapsack and rod to him. This man was dressed In khaki similar to that worn by I.aFranco nnd It In supposed ho talked to tho con ductor and bought snrdlnes In Ks tncada, as La Franco declared ho dropped off tho car at tho Oaks nnd returned to the city. I.n Franco has told ninny stories regarding the planting of the body none of which tins been substantiat ed, though every effort hns neon mado to do so. lie appears under eovoro nervous strain and cnntln tially moves nnd fidgets nbout. Ho shows tho effect of his Imprison ment. Ho declared that ho re mained In Oregon becnuso his wlfo did not want to leave tho country. lAhMElELLS HOWHEGOTBODY I MOTHERS' DAY : IS OBSERVED Tells Many Conflicting Tales About wncre Me bot Body at Portland. PORTLAND. May 1 2. Tho Tele gram says: "J. C. La Franco, who col luded $ 1 Ti.TiOO from Insurance com panies by planting" a dead body near Kstncada ami disappearing for a time, has made several statements of tli,. manner In which ho obtnlned the corpse. Verification of the stories told by tho swindler Is linking, and District Attorney F.vnns attaches no particular credence to any of thorn. One of the stories that ho found the body In the position where it was Inter -discovered. He and a com panion then conceived tho Insurance fraud, embalmed tho body and kept it until ho wns ready to make Ills disappearance. Later ho repeated his story, but said that he alone cur ried out tho details. "A second statement nnd one which he now persists In assorting is true. Is that the plan was nrrangei bv two medical studentH and him self. Ho also Involves an unknown expressman. La Frniiee described the students as being twenty-four or twenty-live years of age. Ho Pays that he llrst met them at a dance. and says he knew them as A. .1. For ger and George M. Ray. Ho de clares that they secured tho body from a local undertaking-room hut his explanations on this point are not satisfactory, llo declares that tho body was taken In a light wagon to Kstncada and unloaded In tho park en tho night of Juno .". or 0. The rig was sent back to th? city and ho nnd tho students carried tho corpse along the river until thoy found n suitable plnce to "plnut" It. "Investlgatlton of this story by tho District Attorney has not vorllled any of tho elaborate dotnlls which La France recites. lie assumed the nauio of A. J. Forger after ills dlsnppenr auco nnd this name appears on tho register of tho Matlhlcson hotel and the Auditorium rooming-house whero La Franco says lie nnd tho students met to make thulr plans, but tho data of his visits woro subsequent to tho dialing of the body. Men regis tering as K. J. Rector and John Cog ger woro nt the Mnttlilcsou, about tho snino time, nnd Ln France hints that perhaps they woro tho samo men. Tho Investigation of tho Dis trict Attorney falls to disclose tho Identity of either of his supposed companions." FIGHT OX TRADING STAMPS. ALHANY, Ore., May 1 2. Tho Al bany Rotall Merchants' Association met Inst night ln a special session to consider tho trading stamp proposi tion that is being urged upon snmo of tho Albany nierchnntH nnd tho al most unanimous opinion wns against their uso in this city. A commltteo was appointed to securo united oppo- sumiaiunong ino Aitinny merchants NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS MYRTLE POINT I'OINTEUS. News of I'piN'i (Vi(ullle Valley as Told by Tin Enterprise. Since the tlrst of the year County Clerk Watson has paid bounties on tho polls of 201 wildents nnd six panthers. Tho bounty on panthers Is $20 each. Mr. G. S. Ilrewor. postninster and merchant of Arago, has sold his Htock of goods to Mr. DoLong re cently of Oouullle. Mrs. Ilrower "Will leave this week for Myrtle Creek to visit hop s.ster. while .dr. Ilrower will look up a location in California. Their many friends regret their duparturo but wish them success. County Commissioner Tnylor Dement nnd faintly arrived homo Monday morning from Kl Contro, California, whero thoy spout the tsreater part of tho winter. A. K. Adelsperger, woods super intendent of the Smith Timber Com pany, was looking after business nffnlrs In the Myrtle Point section tho early part of the week. W. M. Weekly narrowly escap ed being killed by an enraged bull Mondii) afternoon. Only for tho fact that the animal had no horns nnd there una help close at hand. tm outcoiii.' might linve proved fa tal. As it was Mr. Weekly was rendered imhiiuhIous for a time, but not s'linusly hurt. Attonm S. '). Pulford. while at Coqullle Wednesday presented to the county coiui a petition to re locate tlie K.Uley road from tho old Dement phco to the south coun ty Hue. This road, it established, will materially shorten the distance to Kckley and permit of much hot ter grades. William Neal. who was acciden tally shot last week by Jerry Hunt ley, Is reported to be Improving, but Is still unable to be brought home from Huntley's camp, where lie was taken immediately after the accident. UAHRINEIt IIOMlf Itl'ltXS. Hairy Henderson ut Mull ('mue While Place lluriis, GARD1NKR. Ore.. Mny 12.--The dwelling of Harry Henderson, on Smith River, thirteen miles from Gardiner, was burned to tho around recently. The Hendersons were nl nont from the luune. attending a baseball game nt Gardiner at tho time, nnd nothing wus saved of tho household goods, in monoy, $GS0, Mr, Henderson loft in the house, was lost. PORT ORI'ORD OFFERINGS. I'ppor Curry C ity Kvents as Told by Tlie Tribune. Geo. Forty, Win. H. llonnett and Freeman Dnvls, with their witnesses wero nil lu town Friday tanking final five-year proof upon their homesteads. Automobile Borvlco hns started be tween Port Orford nnd Ilnndon, tho first car to go on tho run holm? n seven-pasengor Cadillac, owned by! a .Mr. .Martin, of llandon, which made Its first trip Monday. Yester day tho Garoutto llrothers slipped Into town with their now soven pnssongor Guide, und nnnouueed that they had gono on tho run for the summer. Tho Port Orford bnseball boys nro soon In practlco every Sunday, but as yet they have not heard of nny tennis being orgnnlxed who wish to cross bnts with thorn, und if be gins to look as though tho homo boys may win tlie county chninplou shlp by default. Wnko up soino or you neighboring towns and got Into the national game. Captain Swing came down to Port Orford last Friday with tho Tramp, with n loud of freight for our mer chants. While here ho ran down to tho fishing grounds nnd caught mm iuiiu iioiiiius or risii. hnllbuts, ling. etc.. which he took with him ' on his return to Coos Haw His trips prove tlie reliable vnluo of1 these fishlutt' grounds, right at our ' deep water harbor. Fred Pllster was up from his! Irtish Creek stock ranch Saturday. llo says that the free wool talk has' not hurt the price of sheop, as ho' recently sold some for $5 a head. Hit.' GAME PKESEKYE. j R. I.. .Mnclcay to Stop Hunting on Hit Tract. I he Gold Reach Globe savs: "Wo hao been reliably Informed that with the consent of R. L. Mncloav, tlie Slate Game Department has set aside tie entire holdings of the Weddeiburn Trading Cnnpany as a game bird preserve for live vears. I ho department has arranged for a consignment of game birds to ar rive here on the next boiu. among wlilch are a coop or two of China pheasant. It is 81.!d no hunting of unv kind will bo nllowed on the promises for the onrs. not ovon to the owners of the Iniul." Times' Want Ads bring results. Rev. Bassforcl Pays Eloquent Tribute to Her at Special Service at Baptist Church "Mother's Day." which Is now observed In the churches all over our land on the second Sundiiy In Mny, wns fittingly observed by ap propriate music and sermons nt the MnrshfleM RaPllst Church yester- i day. A flower committee had taste fullv decorated the church with a large variety of fragrant and benu ' tlful flowers nnd hud given onch 'attendant, both the children and ndtilts, ns they entered, u white flower to wenr In honor of ! "Mother." Miss Topping told Hip I children u splendid story of child nnd homo life In u way so enter taining as to hold the nttentlve ' interest of eitch auditor, nnd u mixed quartette sang "Tell Mot: or 1 II UP i Mere, jii u very iuiiremnu manner. ; tn Hip evening Pastor llassford addressed ntt appreciative audience jon "The Glory and Mission f Moth erhood." He spoke In part ns fol lows: "In the shadow of every , grenl nnd worthy man's fume walks 1 his mother. Thousands of the best 'of every nge have Justly and sin , cirtiy said with Abrnhnin Lincoln. 'All that I am or ever hope to be I owo to my nngpl mother.' It Is Mm liiftlluit u1 fi fiiMLmu tin, liftntii. nnd. by reason of or long und In- tlniato association with the child. ,slio Is the supreme moulding and I ,1llt. t l,i ,w, tt ttu lltlfitflllio- p i.a.v. i., ii,,.v, ... .... .... ......... n Mite. She mny give It Hip color of ' her hair and eyes, she must pass on to If the color of her soul. For 'every child Is twice born once of body, once of soul. Much de pends upon the first birth, but most hangs upon the second. In taut sue transmits nor temper, at titude, convictions, her very soul life. If she tenches her child by precept und exnmple, In season nnd out of season, to be thoughtful and sympathetic, kind and generous, to count unselfish service tlie highest duty of llfo, to welcome hnnlshlps ns he would his bride, to sot tho eternal above the temporal nnd his honor nbolvo nil else; to love nil und despise none of God's children. mill tn film luitllltll- lint alt, ntttl none hut God: then, though hor child mny ho despised nnd forsnken, though ho mny bo driven from tem ples nnd churches nnd dlo poor, ne glected nnd rejected of men, yot will her honor nnd prnlso bo writ ten In the story of the nges us tho mother of u man, and n saint and a true son of God. Such n mother wo hold In roverenco nnd highest honor. "And by ns much ns wo honor tho faithful, solf-snciiflclng mother, must wo visit condemnation upon mo iniuiiess, soit-ceutorcii nnd ovll-nilndod inotner. slnro alio who trnlns her offspring by precopt nnd exnmple, day lu and .ny out. .to put his own Interests flrsf, to covet tho mntorlnl gains of llfo ns tho hlghost prizes to bo won, to grnt Ify his nature with Hint which do bases and degrndes, to sook plena nro nnd comfort first nnd duty af terwards, to lio vain nnd proud nnd disdainful or tho less fortunato, to regard fine .clothes as tho ovldonco of good charnctor nnd their absonco as tho badgo of sin. to desplso tho poor nnd unlearned as Inferior erentures, nnd whllo ho makes friends of tho unrighteous, to InilUh at Scrillllns nml srnm rli.lit- eous conduct; that mother hns bo- iravou nop snerou trust nnd sold hop soul nnd Hint of hor offspring fop tho npples of Sodom, nnd woo unto thoso who marry hor children, tur bettor would It linvo been for thOIll llnil tllOV lllml linfnrn Mini wedding dny. Woo unto tho enro- loss mothers who let tholr chlldron wnlk the streots unprotected nt night. Shamo upon tho fntliors who shirk their snered duty nnd roll upon tho heavily burdonod shoulders of the mothers, the re sponsibility of tho rellgloiiB nur turo of their young nnd ospeclnlly thoso who curse their children with tho blighting Influences of their In difference nnd had example. It wero better for tlimn If tlinv. lm.i never married aijd lu ninny cases for tholr children, f they had never boon born." Mr. llassford furthor declared tnnt In tho history of tho hiininn rnco. tho inothor Is seen to hnvo boon tho founder nnd corner stone of onch of tho four Institutions which today comprlso our soelni and nntlonnl life. Tho contrnl fig tiro of the family, tho church, tho school and tho stato, has boon tho mother. Sho hns over boon the dominant. tlimiL-ii icnn .,... moulding and directing tho llfo nnd institutions nbout her. nnd todnv her Influenco nnd presence Is fol't In connection with evory worthy re form movement which mnues for the betterment of tho rnco. Unck of every moral and social roform stands a woninn. usually a mother It may bo snfoly nfflrmed thnt no Kiont movement In tho Interest of social purification nnd rnco eleva tion has even been Inaugurated or prosecuted without the mothers of our land. Tho women supplv the Initiative nnd furnish the Inspira tion and enorgy, and It is their labor which eventually Insures suc cess AVho. for example, have fought. In soason nnd out of sea son, tho monstrous traffic lu rum and nro roally responsible for tho largo measure of success achiev ed in this reform In recent yoars' i ho mothers! Who havo awakened public opinion to n w.dte heat In our great cities ngainst that vllo commerce which wo Justly brand ns tno "white slnvo trnttle?" The mothers! Who havo stirred tho COAST LEAGUE BASEBALL SCORE Portland Wins Two Games From Sacramento Los Angeles Beats Frisco. STANDING OK ('LCDS. W. L. Pet. Los Angeles ... .211 t" .00 II Oakland 20 IS .52t! San Francisco .. .20 21 .-IS8 Venice I'-1 21 I7fi Portland US 18 . -I T I Sacramento 1". 20 .12!) Illy Amo.lliM I'm l ' !' TIiiim.1 PORTLAND, Ore.. .May 12. Porl lnnd took Sutnrduy'H nnd Sunday's games from Sacranu'iito. yesterday shutting out their oppoueiitH. Oak land took a dottblu-lieador from Ven ice Sunday and also won Saturday's game, while Los Angeles scored a double shut out ugultisl Sun Fran cisco Sunday. Sunday's gnmes: At Los Angeles It. 11. K. Los Angeles 7 II 1 San Francisco 0 7 2 (Second Giiuie) Los Angeles .". " 0 San Francisco 0 7 :i At Oakland R. H. K. Oakland 1 in 0 Venice 1 2 1 Second Gallic. Oakland S 12 2 Venice 7 II 2 At Sacramento R. II. K. Sacramento 0 I I Portland " It I Sat in day's Games. At Oakland R. II. K Oakland s ill :i Venice 7 Hi I At Los AngeloM It. II. K. Los Angeles fl I ;: ti San Francisco 7 10 I At Sacramento R. II. K. Sacramento I 2 1 Portland '. II I I consciences of tho men of this coun try In behalf of helpless women who nro sweating blood for u mere pit tance In our sweatshops; and the llttlo children who are lielni; pre innluroly nged by the curse of child labor In the very playtime of IRe? The mothers! And tlioro Is Hint nwrul scourge, tho white plnguo or tiiborculosls, carrying oH Its thou snmls or victims every week In this Innd alone! Who nro fighting Hint? The mothers! And Inst, If not lenst, who protests, and ir need lie. wnges relentless war tiKalnst the low theater, nnd tho vicious pluys which now and ngnlu come to our halls ot amusement, und lu the nnnio or entertainment und recrea tion poison tho minds and doMlo tno Imagination or our youth? The mothers! Thank God ior tho mothers for tho womanhood of our Innd. Thoy nro the sint or the enrth, tho saving element In human society, the friends, of every good cnuso and the uncompromising Toes or nil thnt befouls nnd In nny way degrades the ntnnhood nnd woman hood or our Innd. o JjTSO HiHHIS is the chosen hat store for j young men who want authentic styles. They get Stetsons hens the newest blocks and colors while they arc new. Wide variety and expert help in selecting. Come and see ouradvance Spring Stetsons. Hub Clothing and Shoe Co, -Three Stores : Bandon MARSHFIELD Myrtle Point THE (NEW Steamer SPEEDWELL ('APT. K. ItOSICXHiarr, Master. Sails for San Francisco and San Pedro Sunday, May 18. mm um.'HItU'HI.T. la uiiiwmIv mill Imx etrnllrnt niMtntn ittm iiiodations, largo clean nnd airy rooms and electric li(hti ul wireless. For freight mill imssnKo, niljr, A. I Kstnlu-ook Co. Title (iiinrnntvo nd Alxtrxt Co, (I I SMI 1 7 Santa Murlnn IUdg., Sun Kranclsco. JUrMMl Singer Sewing Machines Wo havo thorn ror rent op for snlo. Machines Ilopnlred. Supplies nnd Needles ror Snlo. V. J. ItlTZ, ISJ1 Park Ave. Mnrsliflold. Phono 1!80-X. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR B KX.IA.MIX OSTLIXI). Consulting Kiie,lneer and Arcliltect. Phono lOit-fj .Mnrslirield, Ore. T .M. WltUJHT, J COXTHACTOIt AXI) ItL'IMlKK Estlmntes furnished on request. Plans nnd Sliocirirntlnnn fiirnlulin,! If desired. An honest Job Kunrnn- teed. Phono 124-H. TOKL OSTMXI), J Piano Tuner nnd Rennlrer. HD S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L PEHIj RILEY HALLINOEIt ll, ..Ic 1 m i ....... ni, uuu ai-HllItT Reaidonce-Studlo, 237 So. Drondwaj Phono 18-L. "G. OHAMILElt, Architect. ftooniH J301 mid SJ02, Coko Hulldlii Marhliflcltl, OpcKon. DU. W. MOHHOW, Dentist. 171 Grimes nulldliiK, over Grnd Theater. Odlco Phono 320. FAST AXI) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo -.'qiilpin-d with wlreltfi- and -ubinarlne bfll SAILS FfcOM MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY, MAY 13, AT 4 P. M. All 1'AHnenncr ItewrvatloiiH From Han Francisco SInit BV Jj H05 Fife IlulldliiK. or I)inliuril Htrect I'lcr 27. All rwriw must bo taken up 21 hours before willing. 1NTK11-OCKAN TRANSPORTATION' 00. PimiMB' 4 4 C. P. cur.uufj; EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater AIAVAYB ON TI.MB. ft SAILING FROM PORTLAND, APRIL i, 2:1, 30. MU 3- 25 AND HO AT H A. M. - ,. H SAILING FRONI COOS RAY, APRIL 12, ll, SU, " -.' ' " 22 AND -. . w,,ki sale to nil Eastern points and liifornwllon und rates clieerfully furnished. P. it HllvlU'i-' Tickets on Phono Miilu Sin-L. W D SI. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT MarBhfleld. Oregon. R, A. J. HEXDRY'H Modern Dental Purine. W'vj aro equipped to do high clani work on short notlco nt tho very loweet prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coko Bldg., Opj Chnndlor Hoel. phono 11C-J. City Auto Service Oood Cara, Careful Drltera and reasonablo charges, our motto' 'Will go anywhere at any time." Stnnds Dlnnro Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Dny Phones 78 and 46 Night Phono 46. WAWKI.-R nnniULK nronrletor. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOUTEELL rilOWE 8181. S. S. ALLIANCE ......KII'CQ EQUIPPED WITH win-- flDcA SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. EUW SUNDAY. MAY 1 1 , AT 2 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 , CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK Nyi NORTH PACLVIO UTEAMSUIP COMian ' MRirf Phono 41 -, You Auto Call Foote PHONE 114T NIGHT AI.D DAY Stnml front of Rlnnco Rllllard Parlor TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phono 200-L Resldenco Phono 8-J. Cureful Drivers :- Good Cars It Looks Good, Doesn't It. A comer In South Marshflold nt J1100, when others around it nro bringing $2000. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. r. milPtf WORK. t-un uuiu. .. nnnMOT WOriN FU" FOR GOOD 0 ...-a hfi old reP 1 eiupn-""- ,M i CoosBaySte ?. niunu i - - . jjjji 1(:er Cndll c lfph0 or's Cigar Store. jSH; Arter Ji i" -p' reful in""' ,, any time, a3X".Toinert"-l yor'8 C1B "" and boats.