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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1913)
bends HIP DOESN'T GENERATE LOVE KYS LOVE GENERATES FRIENDSHIP i.iif PAPER OF AUTHORITY' In Miit-Mlillclil is tlio Independ ent Times. It Is for tho 'I.V and community ",s. 1,,!'t "l all (ho (lino. JOIX THU TIM US FAMILY. Qfggr - aJ fi&M &k 3ftm MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PItKS WATCH TlIU WAXT ADS. There arc iniiiiy Rood hnrgnlns to he found More. Anytlilny lost or found Is always adver tised In Tho Times. iH"j':..'riW'Wj:'gJB.Trffl-T"W,ff "A Established In 1H78 WVWI KstnDiisnru in in.i AAA VI. fijl0 Const Mull. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1913, EVENING EDITION. 6 PAGES. I, " ' "' " llll HI, IIIHWIIMUM.IM I I II I i T Pi RN BILL RESULTS IN ARREST THROUGH LINE M'CARTHY IS " OF NORTHM BURGLARS I COOS BAY EASY VICTOR H UUUIUH IS RUN 001 A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll in 1MJ, and Coos Hay Advertiser. nu ,n Lcnnon Arrested and Jonfesses Crime Clint Akcrs Also Involved. 0 HOME TALENT LADS IN THE DEAL Irs En Route to San Fran isco on Speedwell; Mo ney Spent in Resorts. AY CLHAX VI THE XORTII REM) RESORTS It Ih Hinted Hint nn n rcBtilt I (ho Invcstlgntlon mndo In fearing iit tho robbery, 1Ib- tvorlon wero mnilo which win obnbly rcmilt In n clcnnup of in North nend rpsortB. Tho nrnhflobl resorts wore clonrod it liiRt full by Deputy Prns- mtlng Altornoy LIIJeqvlBt find io grand Jury but Bomohow io North Ilonil dlHtrlrt PBrnpptl id rcrently, It Is Plnlinod, It m been running wide open. Mrs. Jean Barber of Gardiner Makes Trip to England to Prosecute Impostor. GARDINI3R, Ore.. .Tun. a. Mrs. Dr. Jcnn llnrbor of Gnrdlnor linn Just rotiirund from n trip to Eng Innd, where hIio wont to prosecute nn ImpoBtor, who wnii parading un der the iinnio of her dend huBbnnd. She wiih HUceeBHfiil lu her mission mill Biicceedod lu having I bo Impos ter niHt Into n lunnllc nsyluin. Dr. llnrbor, hor liuslinnd, met n trnBlp denth nctip Onrdliinr, follow ing IiIh (-miming of tho SIhhIiiw In iltni. lie had served nn rnphiln of Company (I. Third Oregon vol unteers, ilurliiK tho SpnnlBh-Ainerl-enn wnr. nnd provImiH to Hint had Portland Paper Thinks S. P. Will Have Coast Route Completed by 1915. In Uh New Yenr'H number, tho I'ortlnud OreKonlnn contnlns tho fol lowing wrlloup of tho Coob Uny-Eu-gon lino: "When I'ortlnud peoplo leave In tho Spring or I'llfi to uttend tiiu world's fair at San Francisco it may bo posslblo for them to travel to tho exposition city over tho now Willam ette l'nelflp Hallway, now being built betwnon Hugeno nnd Cooh Hay, and the Northwestern Pacific between Eu lokn and the Golden Gate. Only tho connecting link betweon Cooh llav and Eureka nmwiu i i. built to mnko tho Htoel chain com plete. Ah tho Wlllumotto Pacific In a Southern Pnelllc subsidiary and nB tho Southern Pncllln owns a half ln toroBt lu the lino between San Fran cisco nnd Eurokn, tho poBslbllltles of mo -nn const" rotilo Houtli or Coob liny aro not so remote uh they mny HCOIII. "Work on the now lino betweon Eugene nnd Cooh liny Iimh been lu progrosH now for more than a year. Work traliiH nlrondy nro running over tho llrst twenty miles or trnck west or Eugene. Tho tunnel under tho Const KniiKU west or Portoln will bo com pleted by Spring and no doubt trnlim will bo oporntliiK Into Maploton early lu tho Stimmor nnd to Acmo Into In tho Full. Acmo Is tho point from which tho probnblo pan Francisco road will turn south from tho Eu-geno- Cooh Mny lino to connect with the NnrthwcHtorn Pnelllc. "Twohy llrotherH hnvo tco contract for building tho lino between Eugene nnd n point 211 miles west, which In cludefl the llrst tuunol. Some of tho work on tho western portion Is being dono by Porter Ilrothors. "It Is pohslble thnt tho rond will be complete and In operation botween Eugeno nnd Mni'Hhllold by January 1, 1011. "Opening tho Coob Hay country by mcaiiB of a rnll connection with Port land will do wonders not only to thnt section of tho stnto, but will IncrcnRo tho trnde relntloiiB botween tho Oro- Ron const nnd this city. Much of the ed. but ho Bnld thnt bo liml SAN FRANCISCO, Jnn. 3. Loc- territory In tho vicinity of Coob Rny T.onnon, $15 nl cnpltnllHts will opon tho Gohlon,"w la inmimry io snu Francisco. New Heavyweight Puts it All Over Palzar in Eighteen Rounds. Mr AmocIhIpcI rrcii to Coo l)r Times. LOS ANGELES, Jnn. 3. McCar thy got tho decision In tho lSth round, when tho fight betweon him nnd Pnlrer wns stopped. Pnlzor got all tlio worst or It. Tommy Murphy knocked out Frnnklo Hums In tho 17th round. torn $10 bill resulted yestor- III U10 L'llllllllU III Will III UIU ',. 1. ... M.,... I.. 1....l...l tlms who robbed tho North I ,"" "' ""l"""l . ..... "" ! 1 News Compnny n week ago -iu,n ..., ,..' .,.':"' lay nlRlit or nbout $100. Tho r " '" ' "?. u """ bill was noticed by J. 13. AI- tho proprietor, tho day boforo I robbery nnd wiib tho only cluo tho ciibo. till Lcnnon, n Ifi-yenr-old boy, of John A. Lcnnon, u North tnken off tho rolln Lnnt November. Mm. Ilnrber wns notified thnt Rome quack wns pn rndliiR undor tho unmo or hor hus hnnd In ICiitilaml nnd nrnctlslmr nnd nho Immcdlntely went bnck to Rtrnlelilnn miillnra mil hi Blilp enrpentnr, wns nrreslod After a thrlllliiR oxporlenro nnd jumuriiiiy mill i'iiiiiunni-ii u me iild or Scotlniid Ynid dotec rrlmn. Tin nnlil Inn ileal wnn n. i.,,....i., ...... .. .. , .......... .... ............ ...vo, . .. iiiiwmui n lliMUll(.'llll- led off by him nnd Clint Akorn, Cd. Ho wnn then roIiir unilor tho Bhcr youth of nbout twenty, who iiamo or Dr. Chnrles Thompson. inroiuo io snn rrnnciBro on mo After boliiR nrrested, ho oscnpod iwoii. icu-KnmiH nnvo , neon irom llio olllcorH by JumpliiR off tho to the San Frnnclsco pollco train but wnH Inter npprohondod bi ll Ih expected thnt AkorH will tho nld or bloodhoundH. Ho wnH llcltpd up thoro on tho nrrlvnl or ordered conflnpd lu n lunatic asy- Spoedwell. luni pondliiR othor pronecntloiiH by ioiiiir Lonnon wnB tnken to tlioi tlio Rovornmont. ity Jnll In Coqulllo this inorn-l vlinr Donnlv PrnRnpnIIntr Af- VU1V )TIIIVI' I.'XIIM. tcy LIIJeqvlBt will "BWent" liltit. t m 1 nn V 1 11 ff vnunif Tnnnnn mnlii. lUmi tt A ftfiiiiri fint l. It t till tt ! v(w ii t tn jmih, I4VHIIWII (Kit i i iii- ii iiiiirii i in; led thnt only tlio two wero In- San lViiucNro lCxnositlou. In his iirother. Dick thnt tho Intter hnd nlBo loft Gnto Ostrich rnrm In tho block Snu Frnnclsco on tho Speed- bounded by 10th nnd 17th. llnllion nnd Stitro uvoniieB In this cltv. This When nrrested youim Lonnon fnniiwlllbo oponod hi .Tnnunry nnd onlv n tnw ilnllnrn Inff Tim Will 1)0 tllO UOCloUH for nil OHtrioll or It hnd been Bpont In riot-' ""''"'J n,1 tho oxpoBltlon In fOlfi. llvlm. In Vnrtl, Tin.,, I ,ot nt UOllOI't GUI'llOtt Wl 1 llO tllO 11)111111- oIiir to tho "red llRht" roaortfl F.or "f tlm fnr" i1"1' ho 8tnloa tlint o. Youiir Lonnon Bnld thnt bo u,w; . r,0,nmr? fnvora'y W,H rpreiveii ?ino nn IiIh Bhnro or """ oariiiiiiuimi, unn- procoodB or tho burclnry. bo; """.' ''"a ' "Km H """ ann '""k"- If Alrnra tnnut Imvn (nl.n.. ,.,.' 1 IIO DIIIIIIIIIKH niO HOW IIOlllR Ol'eCt 10. It Ib presumed thnt most of 0'' for tl10 J""i8lnR or tho ostrlcheB impiioy wns Bpenr. " " ie ihuckh oj nuiro 'I rnrpil lif ltlll iiuiKinn. i ivuiiij-uvtj iiuiih win no fiimotllntoly nfter tho robbory. lllB"UIC'' " tlio locnl rnrm In Jnn- Jnfrr Allen recnllod tho torn ""r' ,nn U,,B """"or win do in- blll, It wiib nlmoBt now, but, '.roaiioii iinti tlio yonr or tlio ; oxposi- lieen Inrn nlnm.f I., )-,,. I., tloi), WllPIl It Is OXPOCtod Hint til H nilildle. ono Bide bolnir nttached , will bonHt tlio InrpoBt ostrich P . .. 1. tl,n llllltn.l t?tnn in r PIlllPP tlironil. ITn tinHflnil "" " '" uiiuuii auuun. ImnlcR or this bill nnd nakei l to watch ror It. cstrrdny mornlnR tho bill enmo o nio nnnk or OroRon. CnBh- Toncs uotlcpd It nnd Informed Mien. MIsr Cox, cnBhler nt Gnillblo Ilient innrknf In NnrMi d hnd bronsht It in. Mr. Allen mibs cox nnd sho recnllod that torn bill hnd boon turned In by rnilllle O'Domioll. fnrnimlv nt shflold nnd Hunker IIIH, who llimlllir n llttlo restnnrnnf In til Dcnd now. Mrs. O'DonnoU 'l tliat tho bill hnd beon pnld by Phil Lonnon. wlin 1in,l nnlnn 0-ccnt lunch nnd "tipped" tho "on iu cents. lniOUlntOlv vount? T.onnnn wnn d on tho enrnot and wlmn onn. tod confossod. Plnnneil irnni cconllnR to younp Lonnon. ho nur nnu pinnned Tor n smnll Tho Saturdny bororo tlio Ory tllGV flxeil ih'n run. lirlmlnm ho North Dond News Compnny y wiuiii got in. Thoy plan to rob tlin tvi'n mnli nul.lnm wlnR that Mr. Allon loft about hi cnnnRo m ench ovory nlKht. 'oyor when thoy Rot In. thoy t to tlio snro nnd round it opon rook its contonts also, hoy took tho tbreo ensh drnw- out In tho rear nnd took out fash and then throw tho draw nnd chocks down ovor tho bank, 'ipso drawers nnd ono or the ks wero found yesterday but other checks nnd pnpors hnd "";' "oro must nnvo neon $50 In chockn. nn ATp Allnn res that 'tbern wnn nlinnf jnn tho snro in addition to tho $G u vu ensn roRistors. S)ont in Itesorls. "or younR Lennon'a dotectlon, Alton nnd ATnrulml An,l..nn North Bond round whoro most uio money wont to. Thov ' rlorous expenditures nmonR North Dond "red liRht" reaortB. lads linvlntr ennnt mnnn.. n.n i. Had tho money beon spent PlaCO OUtslfln nt tlin rninvln It ihl have probnblv ennm tn nWiit nev. " ''oung Lennon'a nnrnnfs nro ivoii wn residents of tho Bay and AIIOMSH PH.NSIOX AGHXCMCS. WASHINGTON. I). C, Jnn. H. i.ocni pension hkouciob uiroiiRiioiit tho Unltod Stntos ror tho pnymont of poiirIoiib woro nbollshed Jnn. 1. In future tho checkH for poiiRlonora will bo sent direct from tho Pon Blon Ofllco horo. This la ono ot tho mcnsiircs thnt cnuscd such a bittor riRht botweon tho Sonato and IIoiibq boloro tho ndjournmont or tlio short session or coiiRrcss. thoy aro deoply shocked ovor tho shnino ho linn brouplit upon thorn. Ho la only n boy nnd hns novor dono nny roRiiInr work. IIo baa sovornl brothers nnd sisters. Akora' pnrontB formorly lived In North fiend but moved nwny some time nRo sluco when ho hna boon omployod in tho mills thoro. It Is bnroly possible that younR Akora may hnvo moro ensh loft than Lonnon had. Othorwlso Mr. Allen will bo out all that wns stolon nnd will hnvo only tho sat Isractlon or prosecutlnR tho porpo trators or tho crlmo nnd clenrlnR tho mystery, which nilRht havo oth orwlso cast suspicion on somo in nocent parties. Today Mr. Allon had Marshnl Carter wire tl?o San Francisco au thorities to try and detect younR Akors thoro. Wireless messages woro also sont last night. Aa nonr na Marshal Carter and Mr. Allen can nscortnln, Akers snlled un dor tho name of "Joo Smith." Marshal Carter was unnblo to find tho locnl wireless oporntor, although ho mndo sovornl trips to tho stations and finally got a wireless to San Francisco by Capo Blanco. Lenses Property It Is announced that II. A. Wolls of tho Java Coffee House has loasod tho building on Front street, formorly occupied by Ilulin nnd Busby's barber shop and tho Fashion Tailors, and will soon start n restnurnnt thoro, mnking two entlnR houses which ho will conduct. If you havo anything to soli, rent or trnde, or want help, try a Want Ad. ... I RtenniHlilp sorvlco Is tho only means of trniiHportutloii netween L'ooh liny poIntH and the outside world nnd It Is JiiBt about ns ensy to ro by bont from Coos Hay to Snn FrnnclBCo na It Is to go by bont to Portland. Whon tho railroad Ir built, howover, It will plnco Cooh Uny within eight hours by rnll of I'ortlnud nnd will Increase tho travol betweon tho two points. "Not only thnt, but It will aid bn terlnlly In devoloplnR tho rich nnd ro sourcorul country botween tho Wll lnmotto Vnlloy nnd tho Oregon const. This Ib n fortllo mid productlvo region thnt hns boon extremely bnckwnrd In Kb dovolopmmit merely becnupo tho nbsonco or transportation facilities precluded tho possibility of BocurliiR n mnrkot for tho country's products. "Tho proposed routo boiiHi from Cooh liny townrd tho California lino will opon Curry County, which Is now without n railroad nnd which contnhiB untold possibility ns nn ngrlculturnl, lumber, dairying nnd mlnliiR country. Many smnll uilnos nro now working thoro and payliiR. Many moro smnll ones will dovolop when tho rnllrond appears and n Rood many of tho prea- out dny proporiioa win ripon ronn Into blR ones. Construction work west rrom Ku Kono is lu chnrgo or tho Southern Pnciric's efllciont englncorliiR dopnrt- mont at Snn FrnnclRco, or which WII llnm Hood in tho bond. Ah soon ns tho rond la completed, howovor, It will bocomo a part or tlio soiunorn Paciric systom in OreRon nnd prob nbly will bo oporntod rrom tho Port land ofllces. Tho estimated cost or tho work bo tweon KiiKono and Mnrshflold Is $8,- 000,000, but an additional $2,000,- 000 will bo spent in equipment nnu buildings, mnking It a $10,000,000 concern. DRIFfS OX COCOAXCT TltER. THE PEOPLE ARE GENEROUS Liberal Contributions of Cash and Clothing to Fire Vic ' tims. Thoro hns boon a ready nnd roii oroiiB responso to tho appeal for aid for tho flro stricken familicR. All day ycHtorday nnd todnv mnnv imp. roiih brought contributions of cloth ing, caHh and Bhocs to Tho TIiiiob ofllco nnd Illllyor clgnr storo. Mnnv requested Hint no mention bo mndo no IIia. ..! a . ..... I o hiu) iin iiL'auuii in cio n lllllO for "sweot chnrlty'B anko." Yofltcrdny afternoon tho TIiiick gnvo A. J. Stophnn n chock for $.iri.00 rrom the rollor rund to provldo tho Immedlnto and pressing needs or tho family. Mr. Stephan found $r.r.00 of tho sum of monoy lost In tho houso. Mr. Stophnn hna locnted his rnnilly In n Iiouro In North Mnrslillold nnd hopes to bo Bottled In n dny or two. Slnco yestordny tho following ensh contrlbutloiiB hnvo beon hnnded In: Provlously acknowledged ...$-11.00 uonniiiR a iroinnd Cnrl W. Kvortson Mrs. II. K. Doroinus J. C. Donno CORPSE FOUND 0 G S HOMER iUZEY THOUGHT TO BE OSPBEf VICT Naked Body of Man Discover ed by Seth Johnson of the Life Saving Station. ONLY SHOES REMAIN ON THE CORPSE NOW No Means of Identification Pending Investigation by Coroner Wilson. Seth Johnson, pntrolmnn of the? life snvlng Mnllou, thlH niornlnj dlBcoverod n corpno on tho bono! nbroiiBt of tho llfo savlnu stntron nnd nbout twn lllllon nn Uin VnrtV. At tho auuunl meeting or tho Spit. Mnrshflold Flro Department Inst cv-j The body wns linked with tho cx enliig. Homer Mnuzey was elected coptlon of the shoos. Mr. Johnson president to succeed .Inmos Cownn.lstntod that It wnn not Ih n tufl Jr., whoso torm hud expired. Tho, Btnto of deroninniiltlnn. it ,ir,? IS PRESIDENT Honored by Marshfield Fire Department Keating for Chief; Gow Why's Gift. following nro tho olllccrs olectod President Homer Mnuzey. Vico president Alfred Mntsoii. Secrotnry L. XV. Travor. TronBiiror J. XV, Hunt. StnndliiR committee L. XV. Trnv or, Gordon Smith nnd J. 13. Cownu. Tho only nnmcfl plnccd In noinln Homo liotol building from tho fire. 2.r.o .1.00 1.00 1.00 Totnl " W. K. Wlsomnn will supply a bed nnd springs to tho Stophnn fnmily rrom IiIh furnlturn stock. Money Th Melted. So fnr A. J. Stophnn hna recovered $firi from tho ruliiB of IiIh homo, which wnn destroyed by flro Now Yonr's dny. In addition to this, ho round n molted mass or silver and gold. IIo hopes to Rot something ror thin bv Bonding It to n United Stntca mint. Ho had, be cRtlmatos, a llttlo over $300 In tho hoiiBo, including somo Rtnto whothor tho rnco wns dlHfTc- urpu. Tho locntlon or tho body in about n inllo south or whoro tho rond to Gnrdlner hltx tho bonch. Coronor Wilson loft for tho nrono this nftomoon nnd will probnbly return Intn thin m-nnlnp u-IM, w,. ntlon for chief nnd nBslstnnt woro body. thoBo oj Dnn Kcntlng ror chlpr nnd At Empire nnd nt tho UTo nnv Cnrl Albrecht for nBslstnnt chief. , ing stntlon. tho belief wns expressed Gow Why prcsoiitod tho Dromon that tho body wan thnt or ono or $G0 nB n token or bin npprccltlon ' the vIcIIiiih nf Mm n.nMv .iia,.n or tho excellent sorvlco tVov ron-iowovor, nothing haB boon loarnad dored ho other day In sav iir Ills that would onnblo Idontlflcntfon prior to the invostlgntlon by Coro ner Wilson. , Coroner Wilson hnB not yet re ceived any word from Mrfl. John son, wire or Cnpt. Johnson or tho Osproy. to whom tho clothing on tho body round nt Tarheel Point wns recently sont ror Identification. Thnt body was suppoBted to bo oI thor Capt. Johnson or Win. Joynor IHCII ItACIIICIOKS AUK pixix rou wives Situation In lumxn.s neltlug, Ilex Itcrnte Men Scud In tho Mst Call. STOCKTON. Ivans., Jan. 3. Despairing or being asked volun tarily. 17 young men or HiIh town-. Tho Alllnnco nflor hnvlng been towns, tho mon outnumbor the wo dolnyed for a few days by tho so- mon. linvn nrvnni.n,! .ii. voro storm, most or tho lino bolng fnl club nnd Bent tho iiowb fn,- ,m$ barbound In Columbia lllvor nrrlv-Wdo thnt thoy want wlvos. The ed horo today. Sho had n fairly, only qualification in that tho yoiins good trip down tlio const. wonion bo of Rood chnrnctor nnuT Sho hnd n Rood pnBHongor list nnd. nbout tho nnmo ngo ns tho mom n rnlr enrpo or rrolRht, conHldern-j bors or tho club. Grass widows 1)10 I 11 DOIIIK II1IUIIKII IIUHIIIUHH II "IU UIIIILMl, MANY ARRIVE ON ALLIANCE Steamer in Today From Port land After Having Been Delayed by Storm. As n first inducement tlm mnn wish It to bo known thnt tho totnl nssotB or tho 17 members flguro up to $218,000. Two or tho younfr mon hnvo only tholr weokly wngos Eurokn. Sho will snll at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning ror Eurokn. Among thoso nrrlvlng on tho Alll nnco woro tho following: J. W. Motloy nnd wiro. K. S. Cllnklnbenrd. II. C. Colomnn. It. nnd tholr fortune to mnko. whiif nnnnr innnnv. IIa linn nn linnn nt rn. LllbOII. Mnrv A. MrOtlCOn. XV. S. Mc-OllO Of tllO niOlllborH Ifl rntnil nt eovorliiR tho paper money but thinks Q'ipoh, Chas. S. Whoaton, Tom Lu- $05,000. tlioro mny ho moro silver nnd gold lones, k. a. uroyu, n. ArROKoius. i-uo in wesiern KniiBna in wfnfor !'. u. i.nytou, k. i. Tiioronson aim . imomuihh nono too mnny diversions A. Becker. nt host, nnd tho sltuntlon la inndo Cnpt. Lofatod snyB that all tho much worse by tho fact that thora mariners nt Astorin nRioo thnt tbo nre ro few young womoii Hint It t Btorm wns tho worst which has hnrd to get up any kind or social swept tho const in ninny yonrs. Ho gnthorlng. School tenchors nro wns barbound flvo days in tho Co- snapped up bo quickly by tho younR; coins in tho ruins. ' WIIIH SEDVICE IS I I DEIXO ItESTOItlCI). I noth tho Wostorn Union nnd I long dlstnnco phono got their I wires up to uosoburg this nt tornoon but sorvlco hna been difficult nnd vorv row mossnROs hnvo been got through. TWO MUST HAXfi. Its Fruit Furnished Food for Hoy Two Dnys in Hurrlcaiic. NEW YORK, Jnn. 3. "There's a troo adrift to bend oft tho port bow. I bollovo thoro'B a human body on It." In tho track of tho West Indian hurrlcano, whilo tho steamor Fox ton Hall was pnssInR dobrla or tho Btorm CO miles off tho Jnmalcan coast, the vessel's first ofilcor mndo this romark. So suro of It was ho that ho sont n lireboat to tho treo. Hair an hour later tho boat crow was lifting n half conscious picka ninny from Its branches. Tho lad called hlmsolf "WIUIo Gee." IIo was a beach combor at Port Antonio. When tho hurrlcano camo ho sought refugo In .a desort ed hut, but with It ho was blown to sea. IIo swam to tho cocoanut treo whore ho drank milk from Its nuts and finally, exhausted, foil nsleep In Its branches. Ho bo lleves bo floated for two days. Sentences of Death on Humphrey Brothers Afilrincd. SALEM, Jan. 3. Tho Oroeon su- promo court has nulrmed tho do clslon of tho circuit court for Bon ton county In tho ensea o,f tho Humphrey brothors, who woro re cently trlod nnd convicted or tho crlmo or murder In tho first do groo. Tho Humphreys rormorly re sided In tho Yoncnlln vicinity. In ter movliiR to Bonton county whoro thoy murdored nn nged nnd do ronsoless woman. Thoy woro trlod bororo Judgo J. W. Hamilton or Rosoburg, nt Corvnllls, nnd woro convicted. Thoy wero lator son toncod to dlo on tho Rallowa. Tho attorneya ror tho defendants ap pealed tho enso to tho Oregon su premo court, and today's doclslon of that trlbunnl Is considered final.) Tlio mon will Do rotumod to Ben ton county, whon thoy will bo ro sontoncod to death, tho only pen alty provided by statute for tho crlmo of murder In tho first do-greo. Iiimbln nnd for two days ovon tho mon thnt tho Bchool bonrd Is kopt bnr tiiR did not ro out. Elovoniln constnnt hot wntor providing othor vessels woro barbound thoro. teachora ror tho schools. Thoro was a heavy swell, mnking But nt thnt tho supply or youngr tho trip down hnrd. Linos woro. women nowhoro oqunls tho domnm? down around Astoria nnd ho could, nnd slnco thoro wero nono to 'nslc not honr how tho Humboldt bar was thorn, tho youiiR men or tho town but ho understood that n dozon , racing tho prospect of anolhor bcr- mltllko winter, decided to got out vcssoIb hnvo beon barbound tlioro. XEW PAUACIIUTE SUCCESS. nnd hiiBtlo for wlvos. A meotliiR wnB cnllod nnd hold In tho city council room nnd tlm simpfc .. - ... In " .. --- ...-..,. AiitnmnUo Conliivnnro for Aviators, urasa naciiolorB club was organ resicu ai I'.iiici rower. PARIS, Jan. 3. An Ingenious automatic parachuto tor aoroplnnos was demonstrated rrom tho Elffol tower. Tho contrlvanco which con slbts of a vast iiuibrolla, 40 foot In diamotor hns n system of springs operating Instantaneously and au tomatically whon tho rail begins. Tho parnchuto was dropped to day rrom tho first platform of tho towor, with a sandbag to ropresent nn aviator. The appnrntus opened fullv Lefoio It had fallon CO feet. It lauded gently, taking 1C seconds to drop 190 feet. BLACKBIRDS STOP OATtS Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. GUM MEAXS LIE, SAYS COURT. Judge Itovenls Method by Which He Wclghi Witnesses' Stories. CHICAGO, Jan. 3. Unltod States Judgo Carpontor today revealod ono method ho has of Judging whether a person Is testifying truthfully. If tho witness chows gum nnd talks rapidly, tho chances aro no Rroat wolRht should bo attached to hla Btntomont, tho court said. This developed when tho court told Joseph Bruns, a witness chow Iiir gum on tho witness stand; "Tho hardor a porson chows gum tho less responsibility you can place In his testimony." Havo your Job printing done at Tho Times ofllco. Birds on Los Angeles Power Trans. mission Lino Crowd So Densely Thousands Aro Electrocuted. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 3. Black birds stoppod ovoryono of tho enrs of tho Los Angeles Railroad for 21 min utes tho other morning and delayed thousands of passengors on their way to church. Tho birds In countlesa numbers took possession of tho main power transmission lines nt tho edge of the city, crowded so densoly that tho liv ing mass formed a circuit and ton of thousands woro olectrocuted. As fast as thoy dropped, other thousands took tholr places nnd thus tho gront flock, tho like of which had novor been scon horo, kept nil the powor from tho trolloy systom. Finally when the ground was cov ered with Binoklng birds thoso above suddonly seemod to reallzo tholr dun go r nnd swopt awny In a black cloud, hundrods moro falling from tho wlro contact. Then tho cars ran on as usual. Izod. Any young woman matrimon ially inclined will b0 Rlvon re spectful consideration, nnd it hns ovon beon nrrnngod thnt thoso who wish to look ovor tlio sltuntlon will bo ncconnuodntod by furnishing; thom positions lu stores In this city- As n speclnl Inducement to hnsfo tho club monibors will mnko up n purso for tho first younR woman who becomes tho wlfo or n club mombor sufficient- to provldo hor with a llrst clasa trouaseau, Howard Flnlnyson, tho Bocrotnry or tho club nnd one or Its wealtfr lost mombors, Is having photographs mndo or each mombor and appli cants will bo sent n photograph nnd description or tho young man who comes nearest to her requirements. CURRY COXTYWEATHER. Itnln, Hall and Snow Tuesday fn Vicinity of Lnuglols. Tuesday morning Lnnglols nnrT vicinity recolved n visit of 3-ln-t weathor In tho shapo of rain, hull and snow. Whllo pouring rain tlm atmosphoro becamo very cold, turn ing tho rain Into hnll, thonco Into snow, which fell ror nn hour Ira largo steady Hakes, soon molting; Into oblivion This la tho firs; snow ot tho season und Is n very unusunl occurrence nt this tlnio ot' tho yonr, says tho Loader. Ban don got plonty of tho rnln, somo. of tho hnll, but nono or tho snow. , CARD OF THANKS, i wish to extend thanks to tfie many frlonds who contributed liberally tn tho happlnoss of mv rnnilly during tho Christmas hoi days. I). W. KNOX.