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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1913)
f Of US gHS OURSELVES THAT WE HAVE NO TIME LEFT FOR THE JOB im TJIK PAPER OF AUTHORITY' In .Mm-Hliflcid Is (ho Indepoiid. ,.nt Timet. H ' f," ,h0 c"-v and community first, lst and nil the (line. .JOIN TIIK TIMKS FAMILY. WATCH Till! WANT ADS. There nro ninny Rood Imrgnin to ho foiind tlioro. Anything lost or found is" always ndver (tscil In Tlio Times. MEMRKIt OP THE ASSOCIATED PRES NZSnraSaZKETSZZESn .. XXXVI.S'SJi'cSrtM-'ir MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1913. EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall Mn "MK and Coos Hay Advertiser. Um ' BALKAN ALLIES 1 ENTY-T1 LIS LOSI APOLIS DYNAMITE II mmttt BY AND W MB LE TO AGREE ON PEACE nnnonmnnl Mnrifi That tllG Fultan Has Decided to Re ject Balkan Ultimatum. L REFUSE TO CEDE IDRIANOPLE OR ISLANDS' lation Made That Peace ferms May Be Referred to Powers of Europe. i s Tl'lt.V DOWN OPPKIt. CONSTANTINOPLE, .Inn. 1. Tho TurltlMli cnunrll of mln- itcrs tclogrnphod Instructions bdny lo Terlind Pnnhn, hend tlio Turkish dologntlon at 10 London peace conioronco. HO Ulroinnii piuiiiiioiuiiunricH ro ordered. It Is declared, to pjoct tlio iiltlninliiin of tlio Inlknn nlllcn. riri.MATL'ai cjivkn. Rumor That Forts at Aclrian- ople and on Island of Chios Have Fallen. Ilr AmikIiM I'rrea lo Cooi liar Timet,) PARIS, Jan. 4.-- A rumor tlint tlio TiirklBh fortresB of Adrlnnoplo hns fill Ion Into tho IiiukIb of tlio beslegem was current on tlio llourso hero yesterday. Iltjr Aiwo-HtM I'rrtt lo Com ay Time 1 ATIIKNS. .Inn. I. Tlio Turkish' garrison on Urn iHlnud of CIiIoh, numbering "000 luun of nil nrtnn , Htirrondorod unconditionally todny to tlio 0 reek troop. Captain and Wife Go Down 1 With Vessel After Collision in Chesapeake Bay Eight Rescued. l (fir Ainoclntttl l'reea to Coot liar Timet.) NEWPORT NEWS, Vn., Jan. 4. The steamer .lulln Luckcnbnch, Port Tampa to Baltimore, wos sunk In Chcsnpeako liny yesterday morning after colliding with tlio British steamer Indrlkualo. Twenty-two lives wuro lost, including tlio cap tain and Ills wife. Eight men wcro rescued after clinging during the terrific storm to tho rigging of tho sunken ship. GROUND m HIT HEAVY RAINS BY RAD STORM IN WASHINGTON Tho ultimatum of tlio Ilnlknn Biles vnH presented nt yeutor- ny'fl Bcsslon of tho peace con- prenco In London. It prnctlc- ly gnvo Turkey until Monday fternoon to agree to glvo up lio fnrlrens nt Adrlnnoplo and ho Aegean IhImuIb nnd to ro- iiinco whatover rlghtR nho pos- (Ftied to tlio Islnud of Crnto. RKARV FOR WAIt. y Aortln I'reta to Coot liar 1lMe,t lONDON. .Inn. I. Tho Ottoman iKntcs to tlio poaco conforonco nliKolutely made up their Ms not to Hiirroiulor tho fortress Adrlnnoplo or tho Islands in tho nnn Boa, nrcordlng to a Btnte- t todny. An explicit mid cnto- cnl declaration to tills Direct bo Biilitnlttod nt todny'fl bob of the conferenre. I mo Turkfl, howover, mny mnlco further ronresslonH In tho flnco of Adrlnnoplo. ImlmBsndorB of AiiBtrln-TIuiiKnry, uco, Germany, Italy and Russia. pmotl tholr "conveiflntloiiB" with llrltlsh foreign ofllco nt noon '. llio nttltudo of tho Ilnlknn allies Ing todny'B BOSBlon of tho con- Inco wan foreshadowed by Dr. S. off, chlof of tho nulgnrlnn dol- llon, who Btated, "wo oxpect tho ks will bo unablo In kIvo iib Iptnblo conditions. Negotiations then bo broken off. "Wo have army which can rontlnuo tho Dnneff nddod n iihrnHo which plbly indlcntes a way out of tho Block mny bo found. Ho Bald: tho Turks wish to nppenl to Kurnpean powers, wo can not rent them from doing bo." Is hellovcd that it is tho Inton- of Turkey to yield on tho ques of the Islnnd of Creto nnd to to tho Dalknns allies all her It tlioro. Delay Until Monday. Rio Tlnlkan penco conforonco, en was to havo met this nftor- wns postponed until Monday. to was no ovldonco today of nny honing of tho deadlock In tho loronco over tho question of tho fro of tho fortress nt Adrlnn- Trobnbly tho outcomo of tho Irruption In tho nogotlntlonB will hn appeal to tho Europoan pow- Under pressuro of Eurono. tho klsh government. It Is thoucht. Ild moot the nubile hostllltv In ikoy to tho giving up of 'tho tress with tho plea that it had iorcod to yield to tho powers. uld this bo tho flnnl solution of problem, Turlcey will cot n er Bltco of tho nrovlnco of Inco than tho Bnlkan allies aro Posed to give her. Tho islands rtlio Aegean Boa. if tho nnwnrs Md exert their will, will ko to free, with tho oxcoptlon of four pivo in tho viclnitv of Thn rinr. Idles Straits. RKn ARMY TO AMIAXIA. It At-o, t p , ron, ViJ TlmMl 'ma. Jan. 4. Hungary and V are maklnc nronnrntlons to I 1 a Joint expedition army forcoj Albania, lmmodlntnlv nfior tha' elusion of the London confor- es, according to a newspaper. Paper says tho sten la taken pacify Albania and establish a condition of affairs there. lliilpirlnii KIiik Makes Threat In Ills Address (. People. Illr AmocIMM IV lo Vom liar Tlmri.) SOFIA. .Inn. I. KlnK Ferdinand of nulgnrla in an address mndo slg- nlfirnul romnrkH on tho war situa tion and It Is regarded as a threat that war may bo rosumod. After expressing tho hopo thnt an agree ment might still bo reached by tho peaeo conference, he said: "Should tho Impenetrable will of Clod bo otherwise, we will not hesltnto with tho now rcrur8o to nrnis to com pel tho enomy to give complete niul enultabln satisfaction for nil our precious sacrifices." Tho Bucharest officers resorvo of tho Koiimnnlnn army has boon or dered to ropert for sorvlco nnd bo ready to Join trie colors nt n mo ment's notice. Cold weather Iluy a Per- I fectlon Oil Stovo nt the Pioneer Ilardwnro Co. Terrific Wind and Rain Storm Does Property and Ship ping Damage. Ill AuMrlatFil PrrM to Cooa Ilajr Tlmn J WASHINGTON, D. C, .lun. !. Tho South Atlnntlo Stutos woro in tho grip of n terrific wind nnd rnln Htorm Friday, which worked havoc In shipping nnd cut off tho cities of Norfolk nnd Nowport Xowh. All Innd wires lending out of tho cltlos woro destroyed. IJoforo tho wires went down tho telegraph op erator at Nowport Nowb romnrkod thnt the gnlo wns so toniflo that tho waterB of tho Jamon river woro Hiirglng into tho lower parts of tho city with tho violence of a sinnll tidal wavo. CoiiBldornblo nnxloty is felt for tho torpedo boats in Hampton ronds. Incomploto reports sny ninny small craft woro sunk, with a probnblo loss of life. ABE ALLOWED FREEDOM ON RAIL TRY 10 FREE 0 ERS Fear Snowslides and Floods Will Demoralize Railroad Traffic Over Cascades. in AMoclatM rrria to Com Tlr TlmM.l SKATTLB, WiiBh., Jan. 4. Rain rontlniicd throughout WoBtorn Wnshlngton Friday. Rnln is fnll lnir In tho inntintnlnn nml mnllltitr I tho great muss of snow thnt fell recently. Unless thero Is a. chango to cold weatl'er booh. inovitnbly loll.l I.. ,1.. 1. 1 ..1 la,,... minus iii mu iiiuur uiiiiiiui.'h llllil floods nnd wnshouts In tho low landB thnt will tlo up railway traf fic will follow. Tho weather bureau gives no on coiirngcmcnt. Tho Mllwaukco trains nro tho only ones Into Senttlo on time. Tho other ronda nro from two to ten hours behind schedule. nr Anwlalf.1 Trrn to Coo liar Tlmrn. CHICAGO, Jan. I. An alompt to frco 32 of tho .13 dynamitors con victed nt Iudlnnnpolls on ball, pending tho nppenl of their cise, was mndo hero Friday In tho Uni ted Stntes circuit court of appeals, Judges linker, Seaman and Kohl snat sitting. Horhort S. Hockln will not nppenl. Counsel appeared in court to arguo for a writ to stay tho execution of tho sentences In flicted by tho United Stntes district court and for admission to ball of tho prisoners ponding further action by tho court of nppeals. United States Court of Appeafs Grants Stay in Execution of Sentences Imposed. $10,000 bailrTr EACH YEAR OF IMPRISONMENT Attorneys for Labor Leaders Announce That Bonds Will Be Forthcoming. i'uv to fjirr iiAiii. WILL SUPPORT TVKITMOK. STORM IN NHW YORK. Three Killed and Hulf n Million Dollar's Daiiingo Done. (Ilr AuoclalM I'rrpa lo Toot nar Tlmw.l NKW YORK, Jan. 1. At least threo deaths nnd approximately half a million dollars dnmago rcsultod from Inst night's SO-mllo gnlo, which Bvvept Now York nnd vicinity. c.'oirniALs is opposkd. School Moiidny. Tho Mnrshfold public schools will rcuunio next Mondny nftor n two weeks' Chrlut iiuis holiday vacation. Wr AnofUlfd rrtaa to Cooi nar Tlmen.l WASHINGTON, .Inn. A. Presi dent Tnft definitely told Senator Rrandngeo of Connecticut, chnlrmnn of the Intcr-Ocoaulc canal commit tee, thnt ho would not Bond to tho Sonnto tho nomination of Colonol Goothnls as civil governor of tho Panama Cannl Zono, becnuso of tho opposition of Democratic Sonntors to his appointment. j It Is probnblo thnt Wilson will bo confronted with tho tnsk of forming a now zono government nnd sottllng tho many big probloms of Its administration. ' (nr Aiiolall rrria to Cooi nar Tlmn.l SAN FRANCISCO, Jnn. 4. In jail or out, tho Callfomln Dulldlng Trndcs Council will rontlnuo tho support of Its Bocrotnry, OInf Tvolt moc, nnd tho otlior union men con victed at Iudlnnnpolls. P. P. Mc Carthy, president of tho council, will publish' ovor Ills nnmo, in tho forthcoming number of Organized Labor, a statement thnt "labor bo Hovob that tho Jury orrod in its verdict," and in n plain statemont that it Is a "mlscarrlago of Justice." WILL RAIL MUN OUT. tnr A'll1 rrtti n Coot liar TimM. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4. "Wo will ball Clancy nnd Tvoltmoo out If It costs n million dollars," said former Mayor P. II. McCarthy, tho president of tho ntiildltig Trndos County of California on bolng in formed that a writ of BiiporsodonB ivna mntif nil F.(Pn flu ilnntniiA.t tho money would bo Immodlntoly. supplied. nr Aorliloil I'm to Cooi liar Tlmw.l I CHICAGO, Jnn. 4. Labor lenders In ninny cities aro busy I today planning to furnish ball' for tho 32 men convicted of t I the dynamite conspiracy now ,1 in the fedornl prlsop nt Leav- onworth. f Illr Ato lalej I'm to C001 Car Tlrau.) CHICAGO. Jan. 4. A writ of bii porBcdaa Blaylng tho execution or sentonco imposed on tho dynniultQ conspirators recontly convicted nt Iudlannpolls, was Issued for tho Unitod Stntes circuit court of ap peals hero Friday, llnll was based! on the number of years which tna prlsonors woro sentenced to sorvov $10,000 for each year. Thus Ry nn'H ball was flxod nt $70,000. Tho dofonso lnwyors Btnted that monoy enough to ndmlt all to ball would bo forthcoming. .Tudgo Rnkor, who delivered ther opinion, stnted thnt Judge AndorBort before whom tho nllegcd conspira tors wero tried, would bo nuthorized' to pnss on any bonds offored. Tho ball wnB fixed hlgli because of tho fact that tho offenses charged aro not extrndltablo. j DEATH REAPER BUSY IN THE RANKS OF THE MIGHTY I'Si: AMMRICAN COAL. Ilr Atofatr.l rri to Cooa liar Time. 7 CARDIFF, Wnlefl. Jnn. 4. Italy Is following tho lend of tho Egypt ian railways and lins placed an or der for 200,000 toiiB of conl In America, whilo flho also has invltod tenders for a largo quantity froia tho Yorkahiro minei. '" JAS R. KEEftlE SES AWAY Noted Stock Speculator and Sporting Man Succumbs to an Operation. nr AMorlatcl rrma to Coot nar Tlmea.l NKW YORK, Jnn. 4. Tho donth early Friday of James R. Koono removed n flguro long familiar In financial nnd sporting circles. Ho died following nn oporntlon for nb domlnal troublo. Keono was 74 yoara of ago. Ho was a great plungor in tho Wall street stock markot and nlso on tho rnco track. IIo made nnd lost fortunes on the exchanges nnd participated In somo of tho most noted financial deals in tho United States in tho last half contury. His string of raco horses woro among mo icnuors on iiiujujiouh, ua woll ns American tracks. GOES INSANE ON Aiffi GUESS AROUT WEALTH. Kceno's Estimated from $5,000,000 to 820,000,000. Or AMoelatea rim to Cooi Ear Tlmn NEW YORK, Jan. 4. Discussion among tho friends of James R. Keono, who dlod yesterday, of tho supposed wealth of tho votoran fi nancier and turfman found a wide diversity of opinion today. Somo of Kqeno's frlonds think tho will Is cortnln to dlsposo of twonty mil lions. Others, who claim to bo in a position to know say that not moro than five millions will bo shown to bo tho vnluo of tho estate. "Oh! How GOOD!" BARTER'S CANDY. Rep. Wedemeyer of Detroit Ends Life by Jumping 0v-' erboard on Return Trip. nr AwoclateJ rrrat to Cooa Car TlmM.J WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. Ropro sontntlvo W. M. Wedomoyor of Ann Arbor, Mich., who suddonly wont Insano nt Colon, Pnnamn, nt tho time of Taffa rocont visit to tho IsthmiiB, Jumped ovorbonrd last night from n ship on which ho had beon taken to Colon. Tho body was not rocovorod. Wedoboyor went to tho Isthmus with tho congressional party. On tho voyage from Now York ho col lapsod and was taken first to tho sanitarium in Panama, and later put In conflnomont in a hospital; whore ho became violent and raved ovor his defeat at tho last election. He dovolopod n suicidal tendency nnd was closely watched. Wedo meyers closo friends say that a fow days boforo leaving for tho Isthmus ho fell on tho icy pavement and struck on his hoad, but was not regarded as sorlously Injured at the time. SENATOR ELECT PASSES AWAY Jeff Davis of Arkansas Suc cumbs on Eve of Ratifica tion of His Election. Ilr AoflaleJ Pma to Cooa liar Timet,) LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Jnn. 4. United Stntes Sonntor Joff Davis dlod yesterday of heart failure His doath occurred on tho ovo of tho' ratification of his re-election by tho legislature It is nrobablo that n special primary will bo called to eo lect a successor for tho full term beginning March 4. REID'S BODY IS BROUGHT ROME TRIIIUTE TO DAVIS. A NOTED RAILWAY United States Senate Adjourns for One Day. Or Aatotlatea Yntt to Coot Par Timet. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. On ac count of tho death of Joff Davis of Arkansas, tho Sonnto ndjournod af ter a Blx-mlnute session, Friday, un til noon Saturday. This action al so carried ovor one day tho re sumption of tho Archbald court of Impeachment. A committee was ap pointed to attend Davis' funeral at Little Rock, which will probably bo iiem sunaay. MAN SUCCUMBS MAY REQUIRE FPT rc Roswell Miller, Head of Mil waukee, Passes Away in New York City. ' Or Attoelalel Frcta to Cooa Dar Timet. NEW YORK, Jan. 4. Roswell Miller, chairman of tho Chicago, Mllwaukco & St. Paul railway, dlod suddenly horo Friday. Mr. Miller ..a ujiu ui mo uosi Known railway capitalists in tho Unitod States. Ivor-Johnson Bicycles at tho j Pioneer Hardware V " J British Warship Arrives With Body of Late U. S. Am bassador to Britain. Ilr AuoelatcJ I'm, to Cooa liar Timet, NEW YORK, Jan. 4. Tho body of Whltolaw Rold, Into Unitod States ambassador to Great Drltnln, was brought homo Friday, on the British' crulsor Natal, bolng con voyed By a fleet of American war ships. Tho funoral ship enmo slow ly up tho lower bny in a denso fog nnd dropped anchor In tho Hud son. As bIio did bo, slio fired a saluto of nlncteon guns and broke out tho Union Jack at her bow and tho British naval ensign at hor storn. High above them floated tho Stars and Stripes at half mast on tho military mast. Trailing bohind tho Natal at n distanco of six ship's lengths, wero tho Amorlcnn warships. Tho Florida returned tho Natal's saluto ns did tho other ships in tho cortege and broko out tho English ensign nt her military mast. On shore, in waiting wns a black-draped caisson on which tho Into ambassador's body was borno amid Impresslvo sllonco through tho city to tho Cathedral of St. John, tlio Dlvlno. Whlto horses drew tho caisson, which was accompnnlod by a military oscort. Tho funoral at tho Cathodral Saturday will bo at tended by President Tnft, Secretary Knox, James N. Bryco, the British ambassador, and many otlior noted people. Juclqe Anderson Expected io Be Very Careful in Se lecting Bonds. nr Attorlate-l Prt to Coot nar Timet. INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., Jan. 4. Tho government officials conferred todny concerning tho oxpoctod re sults of tho notion In Chicago of tho Unitod Statos circuit court of nppenlu in granting tho right to bonds of tho 32 lnhor union ofll clals now In prison nt Fort Lcnv onworth for complicity in tho dyna mlto plots. WIdo discretion In tho kind of bonds rosts with Judgo An derson, although tho amounts woro flxod by tho hlghor court. Tho Judgo may roqulro bondo from residents of Indiana and In sist that where all real proporty la tho surety, tho value of tho prop erty In each caBo bo twlco tho amount of tho bonds. BIG RAUL OF BOLD BANDITS BARTER'S SPECIAL Bodn DRINKS aro tho REST on COOS RAY. Try 'em and boo. Nine Killed and Fourteen Bad ly Wounded in Battle With Smugglers. Illy AttoiUteJ Treat to Cooa lit Timet VALENCIA. Domlntfo, Portugal, Jan, 4, A darinj; band of smug glers on the Portusuoso-SpauIsU frontier carrlod off $90,000 In cash today, nfter n bnttlo with n ent tlo ralsor and forty of his horda men, In which nlno cowboys wero killed and fourteen wero wounded, a majority fatally. Tho bandits escaped with f booty.