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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1912)
MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS ff aVSSWH AND ALL YOUR JOYS WS TK'K ASPIRE WHICH YOUR HOPES ttftmra THIS PAPER OF AUTHORITY In Mnrshflcld is (ho Independ ent Times. It It for tho city mill community, last and nil (lio time. JOIN THE TIMES FAMILY. AVATCH TIII3 WANT ADS There nro ninny good lmrgnlno Jo bo found tliorc. Anything lost or found Is always ndver tlsed In Tho Times. i : scasrdi fit S -- SI MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED preh uni YYYI Established In 1878 VUL. AAAWl.)W TJ0 CWt M(l1 MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1912. EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll mid Coos Hay Advertiser. No. T3& (wwa TERRIFIC BLIZZSRD SWEEPS H UNI COAST 0 I Ten Inches of Snow Falls In Few Hours in New York City This Morning. GALE DRIFTS BANKS 1 MANY FEET DEEP Two Vessels Arc Driven Ashore and Others Held Back Railroads Blockaded. nr AMOtlttrt I'rrm to Coo nr Timet. NEW YORK, Doc. 24. A bllz xnnl born nt midnight nnd growing In Intonslty ench hour, swopt Now York nml tlto nortliorn Atlantic seaboard today. Tho sturni blanketed tho city In 10 Inches of snow. Tho wind roso to n 40-mllo gnlo, driving two ves sels on tho treacherous sands of tlio Now .Torsoy coast. In opon iilnccs snow drifted this nftcrnoon to n depth of many foot. Tho local wonthor liuronu doclar cil that tho storm would contlnuo u'lilimit nlmlntnnnt for snmn hours nt least nnd Hint tho wind would . attain a still greater velocity, mo Indications nro that Now York will bo burled undor tho lienvlost Christ ians snow for n gonorntlon. Tho two vobboIb In distress nro tlio Tnrrlnllm of tho United Fruit Company nnd tho throo-mnster John H May of Philadelphia. Tho for mer linn nlinnt (50 nassonuors nboard and summoned aid oarly In tho dny ami I no ruvomiu uiutur aunuiii nu.i sent to tho rescuo. Tho May with her crow wns pounded by n high sen off Sandy Honk. Ilor crow of six landed safely. Tho snow In tho harbor Is blind ing. Tour oronn llnors, ono with Mrs. J. I Morgan on board, lay nt anchor off Quarantine fearful of braving tho tnlclc wonthor to tholr docks. Early In tho day n ferryboat and tug collided In tho uppor part of t!io liny and Injured four, two fa mily. Across tho Hudson, ronds wero choked with tho Incoming passen ger trains. Somo of thorn wore hours Into, nnd nil of thorn lionv llv lnded with homccomcrB for tho Christmas holldnys. Tho conditions of tho yards of tho Grand Central nnd Now Hnvon ronds In Mnnhnttan woro similar. noports of snow-bound suburbnn trains, of streot enrs blocknded nnd vessels Htormbound wero received from sovornl eastern cities. Merry Christmas Well Known Marshfield Man Will Get Bride as Christ mas Present. Santa Claus will bring E. O. Hall, n woll known nnd long tlmo resident of Coos Day, a present of prcsonts a wlfo. It bocamo known today that to morrow Mr. Hnll and Mrs. Julia Ilobbs, who camo horo recently from Portland, will bo mnrrled tomorrow. They will resldo In Mr. Hall's homo In Forndalo, and tho nuptials will bo followed by a wedding dinner, In which members of Mr. Hall's family nnd tholr family's will participate Among thorn will bo Mr. nnd Mrs. Win, Richards, R. D. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spado, Mr. and Mrs. Sol lers, and Norrls Hobos, tho flfteon-year-old son of tho brldo. Tomorrow's nuptials mark tho cul inlnatlon of n llttlo romnnco ono that makes Mr. Hall's yo:frs dispol nnd brings fancies of youth. Cupid often uses novel aids to his bow and arrow, and this time It Is said to havo ono of tho great tests of tho house wife cooking. Mrs. R. D. Hall, Mr. Hall's daughter-in-law, and hor husband have been making their homo with him. Somotlmo ago, Mrs. R. D. Hall left to visit hor parents at or near Rose burg, and ho had 'to secure another to look after his homo and prepare his meals. Mrs. Hobbs was secured nnd hor ability In that lino not only won her employer's approbation but a deeper appreciation well tomor row, sho will becomo Mrs. E. O. Hall. Mr. Hall's host of friends will unite In wishing him and his brldo a con tinual round of tho Christmas spirit Joy and happiness. E. 0. HULL TO WEDT0M010W 10W FitS IN v mm Danger of "Green Christmas" in National Capital Dis pelled Today. ' Ilr AmoclttKl r-rrtt to Coot Dif Timet. WASHINGTON, Doc. 21. Tho danger of n "green Christmas" was dlspollcd today when Washington Inns awakened to find nearly two Inches of snow on tho ground. It wns tho first heavy snow fall of tho winter. Merry Christinas ISS HAGNER IS Chosen as Secretary to Wife of President-Elect Wilson. (llr AHorltt I'rrn to Coot Iltjr Timet. TRENTON, N. J Dec. 21. It wns nnnounccd today that Miss Inn hoi Hngnor had bcon choBcn by Mrs. Woodrow Wilson ns hor soclnl sccrotary at tho Wlilto Houso. Miss Hngnor has beon connected with tho Stnto department nt Washington. As soclnl secretary sho will havo chnrgo of tho social doialls of tho President's family. Merry Christmas Fi Kills Bandit, Member of Own Race, Who Was Trying to Rob Oklahoma Train. IPr AMOflttM Preet to Coot nr Timet.) KANSAS CITY, Doc. 24. Walter Daniels, n negro porter of Kansas City, according to passengers on tho St. Louis nnd Snn Francisco train No. 112 should hnvo tho credit of saving valuables through n safo In tho hold-up nonr Chandler, Okln., last night. Tho bnntllt robbed tho conductor and sovoral passengers bo foro ho was shot by Dnnlols, who borrowed tho gun from n passongor. Tho robber foil to tho floor, and In tho bnttlo thnt followed eighteen shots woro tired. Dnnlols wns rolnforced by W. S. Cjordon, a prlvnto dotoctlvo, nnd tho robber fi nally succumbed to his wounds. Ho haB not bcon Idonttflod. Merry Chrlslmns - Thinks Removal of Capital Is Cause of Attempted As sassination at Delhi. . Hr AMOvlttM r-rwi to Cooi Bar Timet. DELHI, Dec. 24. Numerous ar rests have been mndo in connec tion with tho attompt on tho llfo of naron nnd Lady Hardlngo. There aro many theories among which Is one that It Is n Dongaleeso trying to avenge what ho considered an insult in removing India's capital". from Calcutta to Delhi, naron Hardlngo suffored greatly during the night, but thoro is no fear of a fatal result. Lady Hardlngo had almost recovered from tho shock today. Merry Christinas Dnnd Benefit concert for public library at Masonic Opera Houso Sunday afternoon. Admission 26c. Merry Christmas Band Dance Eagles Hall, Christ mas night. S Fl no HOLDUP MANY ARRESTS MADE IN HA WALLSTREET STOCKINGS ARE FILLED Over $1,000,000 Will Be Dis tributed in Gifts to Army of Employes in Financial Dis trict of Metropolis. llr A.o:llteJ Pmi to Cool ljr Timet. NKW YORK, Dec. 21. A tidy llttlo fortune In Christmas gifts Is being plnccd in Wnll StTOot's stock ings this Christians. It Is esti mated that about ono million dol lars will bo pnld out this year In Christmas presents to tho army of salaried employes In tho flnnncinl CHRISTMAS V1IRTSTMAS is not a day or a season, but a MJ, condition of heart and mind. If we love our neighbors as ourselves; if in our riches we nro poor in spirit and in our poverty wo arc rich in grace; if our charity vaunlclh not itself, but sufl'ercth long and is kind; if when our brother asks a loaf we give ourselves instead; if each day dawns in .opportunity and sets in achievement, how ever small; then every day is Christ's day and Christmas is always nenr. James "Wallingford. Coos Bay Christmas Stockings Tho Coos liny Times hopes ev eryone of Its ronders may find In their stocking Christmas morning that which thoy most desire. In addition to Christmas wishes it would bo plcnsod to sco somo Coos Uny stockings flllod ns follows: V. A. Hmltli A mill with nn over Increnslng cut of prosperity. Arm Moreen A pntont on pros perity thnt will novor bo contested. Wind M. Wake A lino of ship? 2 mining between tho ports of Pro- press t nd Prosperity Dnvo Nelson A sot of books with a largo balanco on tho Prosperity sldo of tho lodgor. Ralph Williams A check on tho Dnnk of Prosperity for nnothor 3CC days of sucoss. II. J. McKeown A bill of fnro that begins with Prosperity soup nnd closes with n dessort of Happiness. I. 8. Smith A loglslntlvo enact ment of continued popularity. O. F. McGcorge A bill of lading from tho Houso of Contentment. Tlio Bazaar A largo morchandlso ordor from tho placo of Prosperity. II. W. Painter A well filled order book from tho firm of Progress and Prosperity. W. N. Ekblad A gun that will got tho ducks ovory tlmo. Charles Htuiiff A box of good things from the house of Success. A. T. Haines A cargo from tlio clover fields of Contentment. lloh Sailer Tho soda water of success, Frank Cohan A proscription for Prosperity. Frank Parsons "A Busy Corner" on Contontment Avenuo. Herbert Lockhart A lot In tho metropolis of Prosperity. George Goodruin A marrlago 11 conso, Huss Tower Ditto. A. J. Mendel A hub of Prosperity In tho whool of Progress. Ivy Comlron A duck mulligan. J. Albert Mntson A largo bolt of Prosperity, all wool and many yards wide. I). O. Green A diamond brighter than his oloctrlo lights and a gem greater than his gas. H. Fourier A stako that will last ffor llfo. Frank Hague Hardwaro that will drive tho nails of opportunity In tho houso of Success. C. O. Goliifj and Tom Harvey An appointment for a dato to meet Pros perity "Faco to Face". 1). A. Jones nnd J. W. Mitchell Enough of tho long green to enable them to Flxup for life. O. Lemaiibkl A Guldo to tlio Roy al road of riches. Tom Howard A watch that will tick gold dollars Instead of golden district. Tho year ending has been fairly n prosperous ono for bank ers but a lean ono for stockbrok ers on account: of tho dullness In speculation. All) PULLMAN EMPLOYES. Over U.-00 Will Enjoy Twelve Per Cent Wngo Increase. llr Atioclatod Pint to Coot Ilr Timet. CHICAGO, Dec. 21. Twenty-five hundred employes of tho Pullman Company will got nn lncrcnso In pay of from C to 12 per cent with tho beginning of tho New Year Merry Christmas minutes, Olto SeheMcr A wire to tho Innd of Hnpplness thnt will novor go down. C. IC. Perry A rocking chnlr In tho room of riches. W. S. Nicholson An ensy chnlr In tho homo of Hnpplness. Frank 0. Rurtii A prescription for success thnt will bo accurately compounded In tho pharmacy of Fato, J. Leo Hi own A commlssslon on tho pharmacy board of Prosperity. Robert Swautnu A diploma from tho College of Contentment. G, W. Kaufman A deod to a lot In tho Innd of Hnpplnoss. Alvii Doll A policy In tho com pnny of Prosperity thnt will Insure ngnlnst poverty. Al Powers A log rolling In wealth dipt Mnegcnn A ship of happi ness thnt will novor bo kept out of tho harbor of safety by a rough inr. J. W. Dennett A water franchise for a thousand years In tho city of Wnit-n-whllo. Ray Ollivimt That ovory pack- ago may bo a Christmas packago and thnt ovory ono will got tholr needs satisfied. John I), Goss Somo now stories thnt havo novor yot beon told. Frank Lalse A bng full of gamo, or of good stories about getting tho game. George I'. DK More patlcnco and less pntlonts. Capt. A. 11. Olseii Forty foot on tho bnr with novor a breaker in sight, C. F. McKnlght A railroad with out terminal scraps. Dr. T'oye A pull that will always bring smiles instead of pain. J, S. Coke A pack of decisions that will pleaso all with Justice A. II. Lewis Sweot Contentment Hurry Winkler A plnn for tho successful solution of municipal pro bloms. Dorsey Krcltzcr A doposlt In tho Bank of Prosperity. 1). Y, Stafford A box of tho sweot C3t thing In llfo Happiness, Carl EvcrUen Plenty of dough to last for llfo, J, II, Flanagan No water in his corporation stock and plenty In his pipes. Jay Tower A popular song. H. O. Darker A clock that will stop trouble and strlko success. AI Oh on A plpo dream of happi ness that will come true. E, liaudcl A blcyclo that will car ry him along tho rood of Prosperity with novor a punctured tiro. II. 8. Tower Diamonds ns plenty as Coos Bay railway rumors. C. I". Nicholson A storngo plant full of health, happiness and success to bo supllod to all. 1-'. E. "Wcsterburg Santa Claus' reclpo for Joy and happiness every ill INI 0 MS TO IRE RICH Unsuccessful Attempt to As- sinate Mikado's Leading Official. tllr AuoclatnJ rrttt to Coot Dr Timet. TOKIO, Dec. 24. An attempt was mndo enrly today to nssnsslnnto Prlnco Arltlmo Ynmngntn, president of tho Jnpnnoso privy council, nnd supremo councillor of Jnpnn. Tho prlnco escaped unhurt. Tho would bo assnssin trlod to commit sulcldo Tho motive could not bo lenrncd. Merry Christinas HEWJERSEYTD S State Plans to Have All of Its Militia Attend Wilson Inaugural. tllr AiiotUle.l Trrtt io Coot Imy Timet,) TRENTON, N. J., Dec. 21. Tho cnttro National Guard of Now Jer sey, numboting 4G00 men, may go to Washington to participate In tho Inaugural parade as a trlbuto from President-elect Wilsons stnto. Stato Scnntor Isaac Nichols, Re publican, nnnouncod today flint ho would Introduce u bill to provldo nn appropriation of $150,000 to de fray tho expenses of tho expedi tion. Merry Christmas Pope Pius at Christmas Re ception Today Expresses Renewed Hope. Br Amoi lalM I'rtu to Coot Ilr Timet. iinvi.r nw 21. Tim Ponn dur ing tho Christmas rccoptlon to tho cardinals touay roiorrou in uiu linnrn riinfnrfliicn liv Hlivllll! that 111! niiriHtlmiK Hlinnlfl unlto in iirnvor that tho oiitcomo of tlio present council of nations should bo pcaco, for which ho rejoiced, bocntiso thoro was now nnd ronsonnblo hopo. Tho Popo doplorod tho attompt to aBsasslnato tho Vlcoroy of In dia at Dolhl. Ho looked romarkn bly woll, In splto of tho arduous labor In receiving so many dolo gatos who havo romo to bring him greetings of tho Reason. Merry Christmas day In tho.yonr. Al Kochlvr Fashions that will suit all, with no alterations, George Itotuor A kind disposition that oven a cranky auto won't por turb. rd S. Rargelt Light that will nover fall and high pressuro that will novor wnlvor. Fivd Wilson A cornor on tho good things of llfo. It. N. Fonton Novor a discord In tho mirthful music of llfo. Guy Waniei' An ordor for pros perity that will novor bo cancelled. I. S. Kaufman A deed to a cor nor lot In Doostorvlllo. Fml Weaver A storo full of Christmas Joy tho year round. Merry Christmas K. I). McArtluir A purso full of gold ns big as his deslro to do good with it on Christmas day. Herman Hlllyer A cigar wrappod in green backs. Gone Crosthwalte A smoke from from tho plpo of Penco and Pros perity, J. W. Ilildciihrnml A enso that will never ompty of klndnoss, sympa thy nnd Joy. Arthur lllaiichard Tho most beautiful fly trap In tho world a trap that ho can mnko a palaco. Jack Davis Solid gold filled goods with roal green-back wrappers, Dan Keating An auto truck so good that no ono can suggost any Im provements en It, W. C. Bradley rjoofl candy ror nil that's all. TRY TO RILL JSP PRINCE TO PRAT FOR WORLD PEACE HAUL EXPECTEB Unable to Force Money aruB Express Safes Open With. Dynamite Last Night. BOLD HOLDUMVIADE ' NEAR SPRINGFIELD? Four Men Make Escape Where Officers on Special Train Reach Scene. tnr AMorUlfi! rrrtt to Cooj Iltj Tlme,y SPRINGFIELD, 111., Doc. 21- Booty worth $fi0,000 dollnrs was tiler prlzo nought by bnndlts, who hold tin and attempted unsuccessfully to rot n Chicago and Alton train near Junct ion, four miles from hero, Inst nlgliC Tito robbors woro unnblo to got Intc tlio safo and finally abandoned tiic nttompt, escaping In tho dnrknobu A posso Is out searching for thee bnndlts, who nro bollovod to munfrir four. After uncoupling thn curdho nnd oxpross enr nnd compelling tho engineer to tnko them moro thnn n mllo down tho track, tho robbcro mndo live unsuccessful nttcmptK to dyiinmlto tho express safe. According to railroad nnd oxprosn ofllclnls, tho robbers sorurod only i fow packngos of small vnluo. While tho robbors wero working or tho safe, flagmnn llornro Smith slip ped nwny to Hies Junction nnd noti fied the railroad ollklala hero nnd tit Dloomlugton. Tho robbors worked forty-llvo min utes, giving a switch eugliio, carrying olllcors, tlmo to rench tho scone. When tho robbers honrd tho onglnor nppronchlng, they Hod, tiring n fow shots nt tho olllcors. Tho safo contained n largo sum or money and wiih shattered, but It wmt' not opened. Tlio express safo con tnlncd a largo quantity of Jewelry nnd other valuables and also roHlstfitV. the attompt, Merry Christ mas GETS1IS1 T Chicago Youth of 19 Sees Mother for First Time Glad Xmas for Him. (llr Awolite I'rtrt to Cmi lit? Tlmet.r CHICAGO, Dec. 24. As n spe cinl gift for this season, Olsoin Caiinnro, aged 19 yours, has re ceived tho bounty of restored sight. Ho had boon blind nil his llfo nndf today for tho first tlmo saw bin luothor. Tho boy's Joy was uo sponknblo. Merry Christmas TUFTS REACH Trip of President, Wife and! Party to Canal Zono Proves Eventful. nr Auocltted I'itm to Coot Iltjr Tlmw.T COLON, Doc. 24, Proshlont TaflC nnd pnrty arrived horo today aboard1 tho Unltod States warship Arkansas,. Tho trip from Koy West wns unove'nt ful. Tho weather Is lino. Tho Tart party and othor ofllclnls woro guestai today of Colonol W. Goothals, Two thousand bluojackots from tho bat tleships will bo given opportunity to Jnspoct tho canal during tho visit Tho Tnft party will bo guests at to big Christmas celebration in thee American colony hero tomorrow, Merry Cln Istiims SENATOR OVERMAN HETTEK- ll AModttea I'rut to Coot Diy Tlmet.7 WASHINGTON, Doc. 23. -The condition of Sonntor Ovornian. who was oporated on for nppondlcltle,. is reported good today. Merry Christinas NOTED PAINTER DEAD. French Itattlo Artist Succumbs lis Paris Today. (Or AJMcltte.1 1'rvM Io Coot IMt Timet J PARIS, Doc. 24. Tho Fronele battle painter, Joan Baptlsto Ed ourd Dotwlllor Is doad, agod 04. Merry Christ man Dand Danco Eagles Hall, Christ mas night. Merry Christinas FRESH OLYMPIA nnd EASTERNS OYSTERS Just recolvod- PHONE-' ORDERS TO COOS DAY ICE ANLj COLD STORAGE CO. PHONE. IliilF MI h 4 i H 3) 1 in i n tf ' V H ! J !tl A II 0' 1 I )