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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1912)
iON'T WASTE YOUR TIME FIGURING OUT WHY A BLACK Wf&t GET THE EGG (wroa 'THE rAi'KH OI-1 AUTHORITY' In Marshflcld Is tho Iiitlopeiul ent Times. It Is for tlio city ami community Hist, last and nil tlio time. JOIN' THE TIMES FAMILY. Mmtz WATCH THE WANT ADS There aro many Rood bargain! to 1)0 found there. Anything: lost or found Is always adver tised In Tho Times. MEMBER OP TIIK ASSOCIATED PKE9 1 m-m I. ml VVVWI Established III 187 VOL. AAAVI.K, T!l0 C()IM)t Mlli, Established In 1878 MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Timet, Coast Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. I3F m iMrmtt9mmKmJMmHMmf9mtmumMrwmuimmmfmmmmmmfmmwmmtmmimmmmmmtamamMtmBwmmmuammmmmmmMmmimuKmmwiwmwtmm DYNAMITE CONSPIRACY CASE WILL GO TO Trial of 40 Union Offi cials at Indianapolis Is Concluded. FINAL PLEAS ARE MAUt BY A I lUKIMfcTb Government Lawyer Says Of- I a I kl.l II..!-... ticiais ana imoi unions Are on Trial. TO .1UKV TODAY. INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., Doc. 2C It was understood nt tlio opening of tlio tiynanmo con milrncy trlnl today tlint tlio i circa of tlio -10 union innor I men accused of proimitliiK tlio McN'nnmrn dynnnilto plots wns expected to bo to tlio Jury Into tMs afternoon. 7 A'JO latcJ rrwi to Com iny Time. TVIMAVAPOTAfl. Tllll.. Doc. 2(5. District Attorney Mlllor will ond vt. ..rifiimnnt for tlio covornmont In tlio dyiiamlto conspiracy case at about I otiock louny. rcuunu jud- Albert 11. Anderson will then deliver lil Instructions to the Jury prorr.rntory to Us withdrawal to conahler tlio vonnci. wmi ninv . nnnnanit liv IllO IfnViirillllOIlt of Ull.ll iiv.x" .' -.- ....-.--.,. onnnllv irnlltv knnwlcoRO of tho existence of u conspiracy for transporting dynnniiio nmi nuro- rhrf rlnn nil llltPfHtlltO nnSKOHKOr ..nil'. I Tllllfrn AtlllnrHOM llIlK 1 1 D I lllfl t- cd lit will Klvo spnclfle Instructions as to certain ilorcminnis. Tlin nnnrt will lint SCO DlllllsllCd any mnn whom It knows to ho In nocent," snld Judgo Anderson In open court, "hut otliors must tnko ilm niitiflnnimiirnu. wlinthnr nr lint tlicy nro officials of lahor unions. Thla la not u trlnl of lnbor unions, but of lnbor union offlclnls accus ed of doing wrong." Tlio court will prouainy niijouru niter tlio enso rocs to tho Jury, un til tomorrow, so If tho verdict Is ronnlir.,1 linTum Hint It Itt llOt to 1)0 announced until tho court opons. Nonrlng tho closo of tho argument Miller charged thnt "All officials of tno lutornntionni Association 01 Drhlgo and Structural Iron Workers on trlnl hero knowingly entered Into tills nofnrlouH conspiracy." nut a luvp i.'ivisir Hr A"Oftirl I'reat lo Coot Hay Timet, ivniAYAi'niilB. Intl.. Dec. 21. 1'nlln.l Qtnti.a Snnntni' .Tnlin W. Kern argued In bohalt of tho forty defendants In tho ilynaiuiio conspir acy trial today. "Roinn nf thoso liion." ho said, "did not know what they woro charged with. Thoy canio to mo nml ncilrml mn it'll nf If WflH all allOllt. . ..M..VM ...V i. m - - - I lind to explain to thorn that they were not chnrgea witn tiynamuuiK, but with transporting oxploslvos 11 Icnlly. You Jurors can't convict thcuo men of rrimos with which they wero not charged. You can t rimvIM tlimii nf emiRlnc eXIlloslOUB but only with carrying explosives on pnsBongor trains, In conspiracy to violato tho federal law." Referring to what ho callod tho 'Interests which wanted to boo tho men prosecuted," Kern said: "When tl'o greatest criminal trial for you Is prosecuted, and It will bo, t would bo an act of retribution If t-o laboring men now on trial woro called upon to pass upon the mat ters that would bo produced." DlstTict Attorney Mlllor In open court this nftomoon challenged any of tho twolvo lnwyors for J"o.uc; feiiBo to speak In bohalf of Herbert S. Hockln of Indianapolis, and J. E, Munsoy of Salt Lako City. "Who of tho lawyers will stand up and say Hockln Is not BJilUy? Who will say Munsoy Is not guilty?' shouted Mlllor to tho attorneys. I will glvo two minutes of my tlmo to any lawyor who will dofend Hockln and Munsoy." No ono accepted his offer. Miller mado a scathing criticism of Clancy, tho alleged conspirator from Ban Francisco, ana saui mi uv States Senator has dared to stand hero and defend Clancy. Will that Senator or any lawyor explain to this Jury what meant his telegram to certain officials to "clean house UNION MUItUKIt IN CHICAGO Troublo Between Ollielals Hlamed for Crime. nr Attoclaled rrctt to Cob Dar Timet.) CHlfiAOO. Dec. 20. James Con way, an otllclal of tho United Fitters and Helpers Union's local, was shot and killed today by Thomas Freor, fiecrotary of tho organization. Tho Police say tho killing was really tho outgrowth of a factional dispute among the Union Labor omcmis or Ave years' standing, and thnt the same feud led to the murder of Vin cent Altnian two years ago. FRESH OLYMPIA and EASTERN OYSTERS Just received. PHONE ORDERS TO COOS HAY ICE AND COM) STOHAGE CO. PHONE 7J). Band Benefit concert for public library at Masonic Opera House Sunday afternoon. Admission 25c. JURY LATE TODAY IS STRICKEN ON IAS DA Mrs. Theodore Rudnas of Bea ver Hills Dies at Victor Rudnas' Home. Mrs. Thcodoro Rudnns of Ilcavor Hill died Hiiddonly ChrlBtuiau day nt tho homo of Mrs. Kudnns' half bro ther, Victor lludnns, In Morshflold. Death was caused by a blood clot on tho brain. Sho was ill less than two hours. Yostorday nftomoon bIio was appar ently fooling well and talked about gottlng up for tho Christmas din ner. Then tho lllnosu canio and about C o'clock bIio succumbed. Sho Is survived by a llttlo baby uliio days old, nnd a llttlo girl tlnoo years old, hosldcs hor bus baud ? Tlio funeral will bo hold Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from tho MnrRhflold Swedish Lutheran church. Mrs. Rudnns was 21 years old. FIVE'KILLEO IN XMAS RIDE Four Members of One Family and a Friend Hit by Train Near Champaign, III. (Ilr AMoelalel 1'rfta lo Com Hr Timet. CHAMPAIGN, llll., Dec. 2C Four mombors of tho family of Edward II. Mlllor, whllo driving homo from a Christmas celebration, wore struck by an Illinois Contrnl train and killed. Opal Scott, young daughtor of an neighbor, wnn fatally injured. LUMBER GUT IN State Labor Commissioner Hoff Compiles Data on Output and Wages. SALEM, Dec. 2C. Figures com piled by tho Stnlo Labor Commis sioner Hoff shows that the total out put for last year of sawmills In Oregon was 2,375,1 2D, 500 foot, of pinning mills, r98,G34,000 fcot, of shlnglo mills 478,991,000 shingles, C7,97C,000 shooks, 10,803,000 boxes nnd 7,840,000 creosoted ties. In tlieso Industries tlioro was paid last yonr for skilled labor tho sum of $1,010, 97G. 18, and for unskilled la bor, $8,110,882. VERY LITTLE STOLEN Murdered Chicago Diamond Merchant Was In Haiti Straits. nr Aatoclatel I'mi to Coot 114 jr Timet. CHICAGO. Dee. 20. An Inventory today convinced tho pollco that llttlo If anything was stolen from the safo of Joseph H. Loguo, llio diamond dealer, who was shot and stabbed to death in his ofllco last Friday. It has been discovered that Loguo had not boen nrosnorouB In business of lato, and owed eight months ofllco rent at the tlmo of tho murder. Loguo's bus Inoss methods aro being Investigat ed, WILSON ILL TODAY. President-Elect Confined to His Rooms by Lu Grippe. Ilr Auo latej I'rtil to Cooa Ujr Timet PRINCETON, X. J., Doc. 20, More as a precaution than as a consoqueneo of his slight illness, Governor Wilson decided to stay In his room today. Ho had his ap pointments transferred from tho state houso to his homo here. Tho governor has been fighting an at tack of tho la grippe slnco Monday and has conquered it. A STOVE SALE. Wo nro offering 10 per cent dis count on our Lorain stoves and all othor stoves, as we have a largo stock and vylsh to reduce It boforo taking Inventory. Don't miss this oportunlty as the Lorain stoves will never bo sold for this prico again. This sale will last ono week only. MARSHFIELD IIDWE. CO., joujoq mois em jo jooa oqj jy 0HTH SEND ROBBERS BIO RAUL Unknown Burglars Get About About $400 From North $400 from North Bend News Co. No Clue Found. Unknown thieves, Sunday night, gained access to tho North Bend Xows Company Stora In North Bond and robbed tho snfo of about $400 In cash, checks, otc. Xows of tho robbery, which was discovered Monday morning by Man ager .Ins Allen, was kopt n socrot at first in hopo that somo clue might bo found. So far, no dollnlto cluo ban boon found that would warrant nny arrests being made. Sundny night, Manager Allen for got to lock tho safo when ho went home. Thin mado tho work of tho E PE Congressman Hawley Notifies H. C. Diers of Grant to S. P. Company. II, C. Dlors today received a let ter from Congressman Hawley stat ing that tho War Department had grantod the Southern Pacific's np pllcation to bridge tho Umpqua riv er. Tho permit was granted Do combor U. and has boon turned over to tlio Southorn Pacific offi cials. Mr. Dlors wrote to Mr. Haw ley somo tlmo ngo to ascortaln tho Information for W. J. Wilsoy, who wns one of tho original promotora of tho Coos Day-Eugono lino. It is understood thnt tlioro was no op position to tho permit. Xo word hns yet boon received rolntlvo to action on tho Southorn Pacific's request for a brldgo across Coos Bay. Mr. Hawloy did not mention It In his iottor fo Mr. Dlors nnd tho local peoplo who havo been keeping in touch with tho matter havo not rccolvcd any ndvlcos about tho matter. Miss Ellen Horgan of New York Succumbs in Lonely Little Flat. (nr AhocIiIM rntt to Coot Ilr Time.) NEW YORK, Doc. 2C Miss El Ion Horgan, a tlopnrtniont Btoro "girl," 104 years of ago, who was dusting counters nt tho storo every morning un to a fow days ago, died of bronchitis In a lonely llttlo flat yostorday. Friends at the sroro had planned to mako her Christmas a merry one, but to tholr griof their plans wero halted by her death. IS MODEL PATIENT Man Who Tiled to Assasslnalo Col. Itoo.sovolt, Good at Asylum. nr AMorLteJ I'rni lo Coot Hay Timet, OSHKOSH, Wis., Doc. 20. John Schrnnk who nttompted to nssasslnato Colonel RooBOVolt, Is reported to bo n mode patient at tho Northern Hos pital for the insane. CLARK AND WILSOX. Pivsldent-Elect and 8eaker Will Discuss Politics. fPr Awo-lttea rrt to Coot Day Timet. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. Speak er Clark Tuesday wont to Trenton to confer with Gov, Wilson on tho congressional program and probably to discuss cabinet possibilities. PEACE IX OAXAXEA. Quiet Restored In Mexican Mining District. (Hr Atiorltted rreca to Coot Par Timet. WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. A dis patch to tho Stato Department tolls of tho restoration of order at tho Cannnca mines and says that tho danger to Americans is no longer expected, Morris, an American rail road man, who was Imprisoned by rebels when ho provented them fir ing tho Northwestern railway brldgo has been released. SNOW IN EXGLAXD Boston and Eastern Cities Get Touch of "Snowbound." BOSTOX, Dec, 20. Snow for tho holidays was practically assured all over New England, by the arrival of a snowstorm, which appears genoral throughout this roglon. Seven Inches of snow Is reportod at Bangor ond other places. Traffic is Interrupted in some sections by drifts, Times' Waut Ada bring results. UiUABRIDG Rl GIRL OF 104 PASSES AWAY burglars easy. So far as can bo ascertained, noth ing olso of valuo was taken from tho store. It is understood thnt thero was some monoy In the regular cash drawer, but this is said to hnvo not been molested. Entrnnco was gained through a rear window. Tills has practically al ways boen locked and Manager Allen believes thnt it must havo been open ed during Sunday from tho lnsldo by tlio parties who pulled off the rob bory. , The matter Is being thoroughly Jflftcd. ' This makes tho third of a hard luck series that Mr. Allen has (differed, tho first being tlio burning nf his shlnglo mill, nnd tlio Bccond nn tiuto accident In which ho and II. C. Jlcrs woro Injured. TD PLAN TO END May Offer Saloniki in Place of Adnanople to Bulgaria as 1 Compensation. Tj AmocUIoJ I'm. to Coot 1U, Tlmi,) LONDON, Dec. 20. Tho posses sion of tho Turkish fortress nt Ad rlnnoplo, the principal bono of contention slnco tho beginning or tho wnr botwtm Turkey and the Balkan allies, still remains the roal stumbling block In tho way of iicaco. Compensntlon far Bulgaria. howovor, in somo othor part of European Turkey, probably will in tho end removo oven this difficulty nnd onnblo her to coiiBont to tho retention hv Turkey of tho groat fortress, which tho allied troops wero unnblo to subdue. Salonlld hns been sugKOstcd ns n nosslblo bait to ludiico tho1 Bui garlauu to abandon tholr claims to tho northern city, which tho Turks rofiiBo to yloltl. Turkey will mako counter proposals to thoso HUggest cd last week by tho allios. Over 18,000 Pounds of Fish Shipped by One Firm So Far Best .in 5 Years. Coos Bay and Coqulllo River fish erman aro making a good thing out of tho steol hoad salmon run this yonr. Tho run of fish Is bottor thnn It luiH boon in II vo years, nnd Is yielding a good sum to thoso engnged in tho business. C. E. Nicholson of tho Coos liny Ico nnd Cold Storage plant Is hand ling most of tho steol head salmon this year. So far this season, ho has shipped over 18,000 pounds of steol hoads. Somo of tho Coos Bny flshormen nro catching over forty-flvo lino stoel hoada In a day. Coqulllo flshormen aro making good catches, but tho fish aro not running as largo tlioro as on tho Bay. HAMPTON NOT GUILTY. Loguo Murder SiisK-ct Explains In criminating Circumstances. (nr AtaoclateJ I'rett to Coot liar Timet. CHICAGO, Dee. 20. Captain Hnl pln today again wont over tho ovl donco against Harry B, Hampton, hold on tho chargo of robbery nnd arrested as an assistant of Clydo Stratton nnd Frank Williams, who aro charged with tho robbery of tho postofflco at McCool, Intl. Hampton, when arrestod after tho Loguo murder, had a numbor of pasto diamonds In bis posses sion. Ho wns also in a storo oppo site the building in which Loguo was killed within 10 minutes of tlio murder. Ilnlpln said tlieso cir cumstances were explalnod and that ho was convlncod that Hampton had nothing to do with tho murder. CALERO WILL RETIRE. Mexican Aiuhnfesador to Rcsiuuo (he Pracllso of Law. nr Alatel I'rett to Coot liar Timet. WASHIXGTON, Dec. 20. Ambns sador Calero of Mexico expects to lenvo Washington for Mexico City Dec. 31, and probably, lc was said at tho ombassy today, ho will not return as ho desires to rotlro to prnctlco law. SPECIAL SERVICES Mrs. O. L. Hall will conduct tho mid-week services nt tho First Bap tist church this ovonlng. Rev. G, LoRoy Hall will hold services Sunday, December 29, at 2:30 o'clock at tho now homo of W. J. Howard on North Inlet. Ml N W BIG RUN OF STEEL READS DYNAMITE EXPLOSION IN GOLOU NOT DIRECTED AGIST TAFT. NOTED BUCKING BRONED IS DEAO 'Gray Eagle,' a Horse That Was Never Conquered, Killed by Fall. Ilr Attorlatcl I'mn to foot liar Timet. LOS ANGELKS. Doc. 20. "Gray Englo," a cow pony that was tho mainstay of "wild west" and mov ing pleturo shows fct years, iiovor conquered by n humnu being, is dead. Ilo dlod in tho linrnoss and at his famous ganio of trying to throw his rider. Arthur Sellout?., nj boy of 18, wns tho rldor. Whllo tho furious battle wns going on, "Gray Englo" slipped and foil, dash ing out his brains ngalnst a stono curb. Scheutz nustnlnod a fractur ed skull In the fall but will re cover. Rights of Manufacturer and Jobber to Be Determined by Corn Flakes Case. Ilr AtaoclatM I'itm la Coot liar llr.iea.l DETROIT, Doc. 27. Tho Kollog Toasted Cornllako Company Is allegod to bo violating tho Shorman law lu a petition In equity filed In tho United States District Court hero today, by order of Attornoy Genoral Wlckor- shnm, nnd which will sottlo for all tlmo tho extent to which mnnufnet-, uror enn control retail prices. Tho company nnd Its officers nro engaged In the ninnufncturo of Kellog's Toast- od Corn Fakes, and nro chnrgod with, fixing tho prices nt which tho flukes nro sold to tho retail consumer, pre-j venting competition which would re-, dueo tho prico to tho public, nnd cro-j ntlng a monoply by caucoutrntliig the, entire Interstate traffic of this com-J modity In tho hands of Jobbers and retailors, who nbltle by tlio prico agrcomcntH oxnetod by tho dofond- nuts. It Is nllogod that tho defend ants invoked tho patent laws on tho cartoon lu which tho HakcH nro pnek cd as a "Moro subterfugo and device" to cscnpo tho provisions of tlio Shor-I man law. Tlio govornmont asks an' Injunction to prevent tho company from controlling tlio prlcoH of tho food after It loaves the hands of tho manufacturer. IS Negro Knocks McVey Out in Thirteenth Round in Australia Today. (Ilr AMOfMo-l I'Ml to Coot Dar Timet. SYDNWY, N. 8. W Doc. 26. Sam Longford kneickod out Sam MoVoy In tho thirteenth round of ono of tho florccst heavyweight battles lu Au stralia lu yoars. In today's contost, Longford mado a terrific onslaught, driving McVey to tho ropes over which ho hung help less In tho thlrtoonth round. McVey then collnpsod nnd foil to tho floor. At tho count of nlno ho mado nn en deavor to rogaln hla foot, but tho punishment had boon too groat, and ho was unnblo to nrlso. Their Sixth Bout. Today's battle botweon Lnngford nnd McVoy was tho sixth occaslo they havo mot. Lnngford has now, defeated tho Calif ornliin (McVey) oiii four occasions, on ono occasion ho was boaton by McVoy nnd tho othor light ended In n draw, Langroru holds tho hoavywolght championship of England and McVoy hold tho ti tle for Australia. EASTERN STAR NOTICE. Mombers of Dorlo Chaptor and visiting mombors ontitlod to prlvl logo8, aro rcquostod to bo prosont at 8 p. in., Friday ovonlng, Do conibor 27, at which tlmo through the courtosy of Blanco Lodgo, A. F. & A. M, tho officors elect will bo installed Jointly. By order of WORTHY MATRON. FRANCES McLEOD, Sec. PRICE CONTROL NOW ATTACKED S W Excitement Caused in Pana ma by Dynamite Being Touched Off. RIVALRY THE CAUSE; NOT AN ASSASSINATION? President Was Dancing at a: Ball Two Miles from the Scene of Trouble. Ilr Awoclaletl Tirtt to Tool nay TlmwtJ' WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. An cur plosion In the park opposite- tlu Tlvoli hotel, which occurred whtlo Taft was attending n dnnco In hi honor nt tho National theator nC Panama last night, is roported It dispatches to tho Panamn legation hoio today nH the outgrowth of business rivalry between two mer chants In that vicinity, Tho explo sion occurred outside tho dUtrfitH traversed by tho president, whlitln was guarded by police from thcrr station to tho Natlonnl theater. GOKTHALH TO HE NAMED. Tuft Defers Appointments In Piuu-v un I'litll Return Home. (nr AMorlatM I'itm to Coot IUr Tlmen.r PAXAMA. Dec. 20. President Tnfr hos docidod not to nomlnato a civil governor of tho Pntwmtr Caunl .ono or Rubordlnnto oflMtita until ho returns to tho United' Stntos. It Is expected that Colo nel G. Gnotbaln will bo appotnteaV civil govomor. Todny'B program Included it vlsll by tho President to tho Culcbrsr Cut nnd an auto trip to tho ruins' of old Panamn.whlch wns sneked and' razed In 1071 by tho Buccancer llenry Morgan, who wns knighted' by King Chnrles II. of EnglnniL Tho Presidential party will enH from Colon nt 0 o'clock thft Mnn lug on board tho U. 8. warKtUjv Arkansas. Colonel Goothnlu wlIF roturn to tho United States at tlirv name tlmo on tho hattloshlp Dela ware (Hr AuorlatM I'itm to Coot nar TIumm.) PANAMA, Dec. 20. An explosion BiippoBod to havo boon dynnnilto, oc curod nt 10:30 lust night. It knock ed over nn ico rronm booth nt tli& corner of Contrnl Avonuo nnd 7 Street, some two miles from tho N?v tlonnl Thontro, whoro at that hoar President Tnft was dancing nt a BalX given by President Porras of Pannmtv Tnft wns unnwnro of the occnrouccx Xo other damnge wnn caused by the-' oxploslou nml tlioro was no excite ment boro over tho nfinlr. In con nection with It two mon havo bocta' arrested on suspicion by the pollco. No plot Is suspected by tho meni!ior of tho socrot sorvleo or by tho Purux mn pollco. Ted Kissam of North Bendi Sustains Broken Shoulder Other Accidents. Ted KUsam of Xortli Bond HiiBtulu- od a broken shouldor last ovonlng. r a roBtilt of an auto nceldont to Etf gar Simpson's machine Tho twt woro coming to Murshflold last even ing, and In innklng tho turn fionw Front Streot to North Brondwnjv tholr moehlno skidded nnd ovcrturn ed, Edgar Simpson was driving nndv escaped unhurt, except a fow minor bruises. Tlio car was somowhut damaged. Had Narrow Escape, Ed Llndhorg, driver of ono of true Gorst a King cars, and Joun uisow of North Bond had n nnrrow escape from Borious Injury in nn auto acel dont enrly Christmas morning. Thoy woro on routo to North Bond, mid !n making tho turn In tho road noar thee brldgo at Portor, Mr, Llndborg bo canio bllndod by tho glaro or the flamoa lu tlio mill rofuso. The ma ehlno wont ovor tho embankment turning clonr ovor nmong tho rock, and logs, falling about ton foot Neither of tho occupants was hurt Tho oxtont of tho damage to the ma chino is consldorablo. Wlnsor's Machluo Damaged. Yostorduy C. S. Wlnsor collided! with ono of the Gorst & King cars Ho was driving behind the Gorst & King car whon It stoppod suddenly tu lot off n pnssongor. Mr. Wlnsor coultl not stop booh ouough to avoid a col lision. Tho machines woro slightly, damaged, Band Benefit conoert for pu6L library at Masonic Opera House. Sunday afternoon. Admission 25c Have your Job printing donu- cti Tho Times offlco. Times' Want Ada bring results. K IWIIKFFI II! Ill loWlllBlll II I lU AUTO'ACCIBENI S! n 1 Mi ii. i 4l m 4 i .1 it w tB 'i "2 'J ;!1 'I tfi ill