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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1912)
MIGHT GET TO THE FRONT, IP THEY DIDN'T STOP TO TALK ON THE WAY pHTISlNO In The TIMES fo?2,mr Bed auto l fflaas mj Simps WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES Will Keep your Incomo from Furnished Rooms Steady. YOU can really holp tho family revenues by renting a fow furnlshod rooms nntl, If you know how and when to uso tho classlfled columnn, you may keep that llttlo extra In como as "stoady as a clock." W" ..-i.n Effectively J the M"r .i, facts about your K 'inrfl tllO oycS of all "POB- rf'trflwn, And If thoro bUJf hem who ought to own 7, na'll " '" MEMDER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESi) ORE MEN . . . . .-.... I.. 1H7H I uutftl Estul,s,uru " ,, 0U AAH"n Tho tw """ MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1912 EVENING EDITION-EIGHT PAGES. IS COUNTY GOOD ROAD ASSOCIATION IS FORMED A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall Mn 70 nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. nu' ' J"MW by me" ' Cities. KWAVILY 1 11111 nM WBulWHoaa wimuu..- crele Base num " to rtoscuuiy. m Coos County Roads ABsocIa- "' 1.-.1 Inaf nlcllt ns a ju organ."" --"- .. Knlt or tno mb - ,,,. from tho Commercial fj from h ? different cities of Mayor A. T. Morrison .( county. , nnP1nnnt 1 ruin o was """ j,w" :r. I ' . rs V..lnn nf CTnnlllllO. mr".;,MMii rtiir. DQ ,c .r"D ".::. b.i.i 11 ..a her mCCUIlK iihai. .-......; B.a -- ,,, Bdt It v 1 .,,.- fnvnrnil ROje iu "-.".",..; .0 . rtilH the couniy n - t UOO to build a permanent IiIrIi .. tho Douglas county Ino nnd is Douglas county to tako It up hit tide so that thcro would ho Imminent road from tho ocean fcRoMburir. Tho feeling nmong r .. nt.nnlini Ifnnll BM 13 Blll'liuinivu vr,........n o---- r t. .. HK.nlmniia nntl llll OnlV Till mm"""""" ' I-.tstloa to decide was just now to yxi to bring nuoill uiu uraiira W Mending from Coqulllo ire Mayor Morrison, H. S. Knol mtU. E.Norton. fw- Mrrlln ln III thn follOW (UUi ."....V " - ( time over In nutomohllos to ;rwnt tho Ilooater Club in thnt J' . U. V,UUILT. 11. .luillinuii, s sturnrt. Perrr Wnrd. 13. C. ijfti .ml P. E. Hnllnir. Tie Bandon representatives wcro .Sorenscn, Jiayor .Masi ami uuu '$fit . .. rm Viflh TInnil worn III. IMP ', Peter irkio. i;igar Simpson, :.:ry Kern and L. F. Fnlkonstoln. liwrn. thn Mnrsliftnlil limn In nt- ..... vfira Mnvnn Slrnw. Tip. 1C. Stm. Hugh McLnln, J. A. Mnt- i. n n. nono. iiuiL-n .iniin M. ;1(, Claude NasburR nnd sovoral :ta Rfnto Piirnncn. Jilt Coke started off tho mooN :rlrnltlnB a statement roRard- : ue 500a ronus movement. 110 i:l tbit It was his undor8tnndlnR !lt th nlan wnn In linnd tho twty to mako a pormanont rond 1 tie interior nnd to improvo tlio li tnroughotit tlio county pro 'lif that tho proper lawn could piHN 10 niiov tlio county to ill a bond Issue for this nurnoso. ! uH that It would rcnulro n ?!.- '.TO-or bond Issuo t ttlt he IlinilL'lif tlin nnnnln md It. Oj of the main questions to bo " He sam, was what kind or ijti should bo hullt. Tho J ml to - t"t In this country with tho 17 rilnS Wflfihlnr Hln W !tlt that tho only practlcnl L'M ono w,th n concreto ,,"" "e ,h' nilsht cost moro Wile thOUCht If wnnlil Jin llm Wt In tho courso of twenty i ik. . . m cn,lc1 nttont on c tie fact hn tnv. ....... .. about 200,000 a year. Ho 7 mm issuo of $2,000,000 4D0ntr nin.l r- . - ' 9,M ,,' ""u '"' "rat cinss ronns HffS it. . eo,,n,y nionoy nnd .,;;: "? ""ponanco or somo- .. I. " "l "'1CU IIIHlCilll UI rt It Off. Ho tlm linn. S b0 rlved as quickly WftnM ... . . li.. . Vaurnrt 'tourists. S tlfke 'a"ed at leiiRth on itr !. s m tractions of this ixtlt ,! 8um.mer resort and ho 3 MI..PeOP, WOll,,l U0 rPnl11 :. 'J"? V; tho money H i . in louns t such n !?.' hullt. Thn liwlro nnl,l rV neJe,h!Ul ,)en Bomo dlf- 1 Uth r. 1 u" '" tno rnct "8 'Cjh1ha8h0U,a b0 ''"Proved, '5 the ?;?,""" rt0l,t "?w forir . 1 """"B on mo VtaiL t was tho stt ;"t um Jlu'K 8n'l the n? ,8houl11 ' improved '" no iti vu""l was renuy to "I the L?attor nml Jniprovo !1 C JSa(l3 0n thnt Bldo pro vbi,). .! Pe?Plo horo decldo ,Tti tuan tticy wanted im- ir.e.!iW Said tlinf Tn, t.K. I 01 V "HIJU AU"l- wteiT "e..w. tho ono who Iy and h "V movom6nt un' 8 debt f tho P00!110 owed illrl .Dt l gratltllfln fn- .1,nt - none, ' "" orXT0"s?n Chairman. 4, . ?rrlson was nm NIscussLetlnR and aftor flr.. '.n It was decided thnt i I ... UUgh MfT.nlr, o 1 f toads, .Co03 County 5 a DA8SQcatlon was de- r orfiW nt reanlztlon. thaiVT?? was mada nRpmn. itnni.. 9n.nnd was inQrnn.i $& E. vL Becretary. Ho i Prison . M''Uvn.J Coqulllo. "Wessed " Udge Coko ttt he Sf , PrPoses bo NidirB i..vBed evervthlnn- ,nf UttlJ Mid, Mr. Morrison WRITES ON GOOD ROADS 0. B. Hinsdale, Formerly of Gardiner, Makes Some Suggestions. Right now whllo tho good roads mnttor Is bolng agitated In this coun ty, n tlmoly lottor Is received from O. U. Hinsdale, formorly of Oardlnor nnd now of Lob Angeles. Tho lottor follows: Editor Coos Hay Times, Mnrshricld, Oregon. Denr Sir: It Is 11 plonsuro to road In your good papor of tho agitation of tho question of "Good Hoads" for Coos Day, nnd it Is to ho hoped that somo dollnlto action will result from tho discussion. Next In Importanco to Coos Hay, nftcr tho Harbor Improvomont nnd tlio Hnllrond, Is tho Const Highway. And whllo your eastward connection Dooms of greatest Immediate Impor tnnco Its nccosslty should hecomo less pressing with tho completion of tho direct rnll connection you will pro bably soon enjoy. Permit mu to suggest thnt your most Importnnt highway would bo tho Coast road. California Is now plan ning to build her portion ns far north ns Euroka, nnd It will stand Coos Hay In hnnd to do her greatest boost ing toward tho continuation of that road up along tho cntlro Orogon Coast. With both n Valley and Coast Highway built which would tho groat majority of Intorstato nuto tourists tnko? Surely not tho hot Inland routo In proforouco to tho cool sea const ono. And this would mean tho passing of mnny thousands of automobiles through your city every season. Again, from a locnl vlow-polnt, would not tho const hlghwny bo tno most useful? Would It not bo a groat fac tor In bringing tho trado of tho Ump- qua and Sluslnw to Coos Hnyr If thoso aro Importnnt prognostica tions thou how opportuno tho sugges tion of n good brldgo across Coos Hay, over which vehicles and podes trlans could frooly pass. And why not tho S. P. U. It. Co. supply such n pnssago as n pnrt of IU railroad brldgo as n partial remuneration for tho intorforonco to navigation such n structuro must of necessity cnuso? Very truly. O. II. IUNSUAI.IS., said that ho thought also that tho Myrtlo Point mlddlo fork road was thn iii nut nrnr.tlcnl. ns It would servo ull of tho cities of tho coun ty. Ho said It was ins men 10 iw. together and do something. Mr. Morrison said: "I do not bol ovo that ovoryono realizes tho extend or ).v .lnvnlmitnnnt which Will tUKO plac'o in this county In tho noxt thmn vonrs. I think that In ton ..,. r-n... nmv Vnrlll Itnnd Olid Marshfiold togother will havo thrco times ns many poopio us 1110 i'." ont populntlon of tho ontlro coun- ,. lfl.lln vnn nrn LTOWHIU OVOr th'oro wo will bo filling our laud with poopio and growing tilings 10 you nnd bo going somo oursolves. Dcciuo on i.omc. n. Ttoiln nt Vnrlll 11011(1 Said ho thought tho organization should got together on whlchover law was i. i.i n,m in lmvn nnssed and light for it nt tho coming olectlon. Ho also tnougnt iiiai uio uib''- .in.. i. -ii.i.i ....lin mi nun road. HO uuu DI1UU1U ...v .. w- n mntinn wlitoli was carrlcu. that it was tho sonso of tho or ganization to Improvo tho mlddlo rork road irom mo cuum, - M...II,. Tlnln frnlll tllOrO tO COOUUIO and. on to this city and from noro to Charleston nay aim uu im provo the beach road from Charlcs- ... n.. Tl.,.wln.i On tllO SUC- gestlon of Dr. Soronsen tho road from Dandon to tno uurry couiuj lino was included. if ciip-irnntftrl that sucli a road would mako a flno ono for tourists who could como In from Rosoburg to Myrtlo Point and Co-...111.-. -.... iMin tim lattor nlnce II414U, till. ..v.... .-w - down to Dandon, from thoro on tlio bench road to Coos uay uim ui out over tho road from Marshfiold to Coqulllo. outlet 10 uiirrj. Gooreo Tonning of Dandon spoko at length. Ho told of tho Import anco of a good road from Dan don to Curry county and tho lattor county looked to coos us no "v lot. Ho said ho thought tno sev- 1 i... ...I, inn nrn now hofOTO tho poopio to bo voted upon should bo investigareu to imu mv. " was tho best. Ho also thought that when tho roads were built they .,,, 1.1 l,n nnn n RVRtftlTiaUC RmdO. D1IUU1U UV U'UI. "i " 1 Mr. Topping gavo By,nlS?S?!sSr ONE TROOSAND KILLED IN RATTLE BOSTON WINS FIFTH GAME IN Turkey and Montenegro Both Lose Heavily in Engage ment on Frontier. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) LONDON, Oct. 12 Tho Turkish troops on tho Montenegrin frontier nro offering a Btuhhom resistance to tho Montenegrin ndvanco on Scu tnrl, nccordlng to tho lntest ad vices. Fighting has been sovoro. Doth armies lost heavily. Heavy fighting wns Involved In tho attacks by tho Montenegrins on tho forts at Schlplnlck Hill, Rogamo nnd Dranya. Tho lost In killed nnd wounded wns COO men to tho TurkB and 400 to tho Montenegrins. Itnlns Interfere. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day TlmM.) SOFIA, Bulgaria, Oct. 12. A tor rential ralnBtorm last night mado tho roads today almost lmpnssnblo bcctyiso of mud. TIiIb condition Is entailing much suffering among tho troops nnd nlso Impeding tho work of transportation nnd con centration Powers Tnko Hand. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. 12. Tho text of a collectlvo noto handed by representatives of' tho powers to tho Ottomnn government Thursday follows: "Tho undorslrncd ambas sadors of Austria Hungary, Great Brltlan, Franco, Russia nnd Germany havo been Instructed by their respec tive governments to In'orm tho Sub Hmo Porto that tho flvo powers tnko noto of tho Intention of Turkey, pub licly announced, to introduco reforms nnd they will Immediately discuss with tho Porto In tho spirit of nrt clo xxlt of tho treaty of Borltn and tlio law of 1880, tho reforms required In tho administration of European 2furkoy, and measures capablo of as urlng their realization In tho Inter est of tlio populations, It being under stood that tho roform will not affect tho territorial Integrity of tho Otto man empire" Itllcf Comes. CONSTANTINOPLE ( Octohor 12. -"Roller of Bcrna by Turkish rein forcements Is reported oday. Tho Turks nlso rooccuplcd tho Heights of Guslnyo near tho Montenegrin fron tier. TELLS DETAILS OF MURDER PLOT mi DENEES Gambler Rose Testifies for the State in Famous New York Murder Case. (Ty Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, October 12. "Dnld Jack" Roso, tho gambler nnd chlof Informer against Pollco Ltoutonnnt Duckor chnrged with tho murdor of Tfnrmnn T7ngnnHint Mm frnmhlnr. wnn n witness today against the nccusod ontclal. I.'eioro going on 1110 stand Roso declared "I wish that nobody but mysolf nood bo dragged Into this but I suppose It Is part of tho ponnlty. I shnll toll ovory detail of tho most nwful plot ovor hatched." Roso told of Decker's partnership nrrnngomont with Rosonthnl In tho gambling liotiso, tnoir disagreement ovor tho profltB nnd Becker's final threat to raid RoBonthnl'B place Roso tho witness, wns tho go-botwocn for Dockor and Rosonthnl and after ro lntlnir thn illRncrcomontH of tho al leged partners, dcclarod Dockor said to mm: "I want nun tiiosemiiui; murdorod. shot, croaked, dynamited or anything." Itnldcd tho I'lnec. 'rim nnunntiinl ninrn was rnldod by Dockor and soon after, Rosen thal, according to Roso, began to talk about tho street corners that Decker was In partnership with him nnd ho was going to "show up Decker." Commissioner Waldo hoard tho charges, but Had not do- lloved thorn. "Becker said to mo," tYwHfln.l TJnsn. " 'thnt follOW ROSOIl- thal Is getting longerons.' I Bnld thnt nobody will bollovo Roson thnl." Decker scorned pnclfled for a tlmo nnd witness declared thnt Decker had tho nowspapors fixed bo that Rosenthal could not get any thing In thorn. Had Aflldnvlt. "Lator," said Roso, "Heckor told mo n morning papor had an affi davit of Rosonthal nnd was going to print it. I guess Rosonthnl means to do what ho said ho would, to squoal and break mo,' ncckor- said. 'I'll get a couple of Gangmon,' I told Decker, 'and go nround nnd toll Rosonthnl that If ho does not stop hla nttneks on you something will happen to hlra.' " 'Oh noil Docker said, 'I don't want tho follow beaten up. If I did I would beat him up mysolf, or havo him benten up for resisting nrrest. Dut beating won't do for him. Ho must bo put wnoro nei ther you nor I nor anybody elso will havo to worry about him nenln",.. .......... ...... Tlion it was, jioso iuauucu. tuiii DOCTOR (Continued on Pago Four.) F NOT GUILTY Jury Acquits Detroit Man Charged With Murder of Girl. (Dy Associated Presa to Tho Coos Day Times.) nF.TUOIT. Mich.. Oct. 12. Tho Jury declared Dr. George A. Frltch not guilty of tho murder 01 .-uuj-i.u -Miiimon nf Ann Arbor, whoso dismembered body was found In Ecorso Creek, near.ueirou, m u Kiist, 1909. It was charged that tho girl came to hor death In Frltch's office nnd that ho cut up tho body and throw It Into tho wa ter to conceal tho crime. FRENCH IIOMIOXS 40c pound at STAFFORD'S SATURDAY and SUNDAY ONLY. Decker demanded tho murdor of Rosenthal. Roso horo told Deck er's alleged Instructions to him to Rot out on ball "Dig Jack" Zcllg, gang lcador, then In tho Tombs for carrying conccnlcd weapons, and to hnvo ZoIIr'b men put Rosenthal out of tho way. Ordered Mini Killed. Rose went to X.ellg to ask him to rIvo tho orders to his gang to "croak" Rosonthnl. Roso linndod 55ollg $100, which had been given him by Decker, but Zollg protested that ho did not want nny money, but wanted Docker to get him out of prison. "I won't do anything for Decker unless ho does." Roso snld ho then wont to tho homo of four gunmen, "Gyp, tho Dlood," nnd his pnls. nnd explained thn Rosonthnl-Dockor situation. Roso itold thorn, ho testified, that Deck er would frnmd tnem up If thoy did not "croak" Rosenthal. Thoy n greed to do It that night, hut thoy delayed tho Job, fearing that Rosonthal was protected by dotcc tlvcs. Finally Decker protested ngnlnst (ho delay and Insisted that Rosonthnl bo killed, nnd told Roso to walk up nnd shoot Rosonthal In front of n pollcoman. "Got throiiRh with It, Rot It ovor," ho said. Tho witness passod quickly ovor tho ovents preceding tho murdor nnd of meeting Jnck Sullivan nt tho Lnfnyotto baths. "I romnlncd nt tho baths until that night nnd hnd dinner with Sam Schopps, Vnl lon nnd Plltt. Thoy enmo In n machine. Plltt had boon described ns Rocker's press ngont. Roso tes tified that Vnllon. Schopps nnd himself wont to Fourteenth Btreot nnd Second nvonue, whoro thoy got nn nuto. Tnoy then wont to "Dago" Frank's houso. I asked Frank whoro tho rest of tho crowd wns, continued Rose. Ho said ho had received n mossaRo to como down to Drldglo Wobbor'a place We wont thoro nnd saw Drldglo, Gyp, tho Dlood, Lofty Loulo and Wliltoy Lewis on tho sldownlk. Wo nil wont to Drldglo's plnco and had drinks. Drldglo said: "Hermann Rosonthnl Is at tho Motropolo. "Ev erybody then got up and wont out. "Who went out?" tho witness was asked. "Lofty, Gyp, Wliltoy, Dago Frank nnd Drldglo. I stayed behind and waited." Whon word camo In that Rosen thal wns shot, Roso said ho wont to tho Lnfnyotto baths nnd tele phoned Decker. "Did you hear tho news?" I asked him. " 'Yes Decker Bald, 'I congrat ulate you." " STOP MUTINY GREAT CONTEST WITH NEW YORK COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Los Angeles Beats Vernon No Other Game Because of Funeral. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Ore, Oct. 12. Los Angolcs beat Vernon in n gnmo yes tcrdny. Tho other gamos wero poBt ponod on account of tho funoral of Holtmullor. Tho scoro of tho only gamo follows: At Los Angolcs R II E Los Angolcs 4 10 3 Vornon 5 11 1 0 R L Roosevelt Accuses Governor of Illinois of Telling What Is False. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) CHICAGO, Oct. 12. Govomor Do noon of Illinois wns nccusod by Poosovolt todny of- dollbornto nnd wilful porvorslon of tho truth. Rooso volt characterized tho govomor ns "tho friend nnd ally of Lorlmor." WI USO.V COXKI DENT. One Hundred Thousand Men Overawed by Small Government Force. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Hay Times) AMOY, China, Oct. 12. An army of ono thousand mutlneous troops commanded by Goneral Pung havo boen overawed by a forco of flvo thousand govornmont t.oops from Nanking. General Pung, who threat ened to sacrifice European lives at Foo Chow unless demands for a Inrgo sum wero acceded to, dosorted his men to reach hero. STAFFORD'S Special SATURDAY nnd SUNDAY CANDY SALE FRENCH BONBONS 40c pound. ThlnkH PiMipIo Will Volo for Demo- itiiIh In November. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) HARR1SDURG, Pn., Oct. 12. Governor Wilson arrived horo today woll pleased with tho results of his trip. When aBkod as to tho outcomo of tho olectlon In November, ho snld: "I hnvo tried not to pormlt my mind to nrrlvo nt n .conclusion on that subjoct. I know tho democratic par ty offers to tho poopio tho only op portunity by which tho poopio enn ro gain control of their own govornmont. I hnvo not tho slightest doubt thoy will sclzo It." Ho mndo two spooches In Now York todny. ARRESTED ON MURDER CHARGE Man in Custody at Chchalis May Be the Slayer of Two. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day TImos) CHEHAL1S, Wash., Oct. 12. Tho pollco havo n man In custody whom thoy bollovo Is John Tornow wanted for tho nllegod murdor of hl.i two nophows. Ho answers fairly woll tho description. Tornow has given threo names and docs not satisfactorily ex plain his past. Officers from Monto snno nro oxpoctod thU afternoon to Identify tho suspect. W i . -a Red Sox Need Only One Moro Game to Be World's Champions. CROWD OF 35,000 PEOPLE SEE GAME Pitchers of Both the Teams Do Superb Work in the Box. THE SCORE Dy Associated Press 1 X. Y. OO O O O O J O O 1 Jt 1 Boston O O ii O O O O O U 5 1 K (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) BOSTON, Aug. 12. Boston, tho American Lcagtio champions, do foatcd tho Now York Nationals by, a scoro of 2 to 1 today In tho fifth! gamo of tho world'a series, boforo a crowd of .15,000 poopio. Tho Red Sox only need to win ono moro gnmo to capturo tho title of world's champions, whllo tho Glnnta must win thrco straight games to Rot tho championship laurols. Tho youthful Dcdlcnt pitched a wonder ful gnmo, holding Now York to thrco hits. MnthowBon nlso pitch ed n Hiiporb gnmo. Now York's only run wns scored on n two baggor by First Dasemnn Morklo, nftor two outs nnd nn error by Third Dasemnn Gardner. Tho noxt gnmo of tho series will bo played In Now York Mondny, whon tho Rod sox crock boxmnn, .Too Wood, will probably bo sent In to pitch against Now York. Big Attendance. Tho following nro tho figures for; tho nttendnnco nml receipts: Tho totnl nttendnnco wns 31,633. Rccolpts, $03,201. National Commission's share, $0, 320.10. Each club's shnro, $2 1.440.1G. NO DEMAND FOR SKIRTS. CIoM-Flttliig DitwH Break Up 1 BlK Factory. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cool Day TImos) NEW YORK. Oct. 12. Closo-flt-tlng dresses now worn by womon bo reduced tho demnnd for pottl coatB that tho Jackson-Mack Man ufacturing Company, ono of tho Inrgcst mnkers of silk petticoats In Now York, went Into bnukruptcy, today. Speclnl (TANDY SALE HATUIt- DAY nnd SUNDAY nt STAFFORD'S FRENCH BONBONS 10 CENTS POUND. AVIATOR HAS NARROW ESCAPE E Mrs. Herman Hillyer Meets With Peculiar and Pain ful Accident Today. Mrs. Hormnn Illllyor mot with nn unfortunato accident today whon sho was accidentally burned with hot groaso. Sho was frying meat and nccldontly struck ono feldo of tho fry ing pan with hor hnnd In such n wny that tho pan turned up at the sldo and throw tho hot grcaso t ver Mrs. Hill yor's face. Tho burns aro qulto painful. Hor oyes escaped Injury, but Mrs. Hillyer was badly burned on tho forohoad and on ono sldo of hor face. M. E. Reid With Naval Offi cer Are Wrecked But Are Rescued. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day TImos.) PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 12. Mar shall E. Hold, avlntor, nnd Henry C. Mustlu, lieutenant commnudor In tho navy, who loft Capo May yos torday for this city In n hydro- noroplano nnd for whoso safety np- prohonslon was folt. woro picked tin in Philadelphia by a pollco boat. Tho hydroaoroplano fell Into tho Maurlco rlvor and wns wrcckod. Hold nnd his companion aro not hurt. Tho mon hnd clung to tho hydro norplano moro thnn 1G hours bofora thoy woro picked up In Dolawnro nay. Tho ongino or titeir macnino oxploded whllo flying nt tho rato of 40 miles nn hour whon tho mn chlno plunged Into tho water. MAKItlAOE LICENSES. Tho following marrlago llconsoa woro Issued by County Clork Wntson during tho pnst week: John Theodora Sottom of Astoria nnd Eva Dorrls of Prospor. Don F. Nolson nnd Laura M. Rook ard, both of Myrtlo Point. Truo Sallng and Gcorglna M. Topo, both of Marshfiold. Eckloy M. Guorln of Allegany and Amy Klnnicutt of Myrtle Point. Charles II. Lowry and Elizabeth J. Cox, both of Marshfiold. The SONS of NORWAY will glvo a SOCIAL DANCE at EAGLES' HALL, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBEK 12. KEYZER'S ORCHESTRA will furnish tho music. EVERYONE la cordially INVITED to attend. Don't Forget to go to BARTER'S for GOOD THINGS to EAT. All kinds of Candle at SARTEH3 I m i