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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1912)
'HOSE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR THE BEST Of IT ARE GENERALLY DISAPPOINTED (Eons ANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES Wxmtx WANT ADVERTISING la TUo XIMEK Will Keep the Incoino from Yoxu Furnished Rooms from LaplnKl YOU can really help trw finally revenues by renting a tow fumlBhad rooms and, If you know how and when to use the claBslflod colnmiu, you may keep that little oxtr incomo as "ntoady aa n clock." tho MarkeC" Effectively! ... ... h. tnrta nhnut VOUT iLv boforo 'ho oyos of oil "pos P,MPn buyorfl" lu town. And if bl0. In , f them who ought to tn" """.." 11 it own ". yu " -" MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS nw m WYtl Btnbllslicl In 1878 )L AAA VI. Tho Conflt Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coital .Mnll n 1 anil rinna llav A .1. ,(!,,.- lU" I' -23 mm MID POSTMASTER FOUND MEXICAN FEDERALS HOLD JUAREZ NAVY DEPARTMENT ARRANGES TO j DEAD III BAIHJUB A I LAW .. r Mnrrick. Well Known as'Poiitican, Dies of Heart irouuie. AS ATTENDING THE DEVELurmtN i lchuuu Dund in Bath House by Some Friends Wlio were wuu Him mere. Br Associated Proas to tho Coo Day X llUUDf roltTLAND, Aug. 21 Charles H. ...i.i, nnBimnslor of Portland and omlnc'nt locally as a ropubllcaii pol- Iffln. (1 CU at IjOKOVIUW, uiu., iuu heart ranuro. no n uuuihiiu - - !... amiUinnnlnrn Orn- 10 8CS510UU in m " -- --- STEALS JEWELS WURIH $20,000 Thief at San Francisco Guilt and Produces Stolen Goods. Believed That Rebels Will Now Attempt to Take a Pacific Seaport Town. (Dy Associated Press .to Coos Bay Tlmoa.) JUAREZ, Mox., Aug. 21 Federal troops numbering nioro than 2,000 occupy Juarez which was ovacuatcd n few days ago by Orozco's robol for ces. It is believed by leaving tho fodoral armies holding tho sack In Northern Chlhunhua, Orozco will nt tompt to tako a seaport on tho Pacific Coast. Admitting tho futility of smuggling nrnifl through tho cordon of United States troops on tho border, Orozco neokB a port of entry on tho Pacini for smuggling purposes SEND FORGES TO NICARAGUA (Dy Associated rrens to Coon Bay Tlmoa.) SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 21 Tho thoft of $20,000 worth of powolry . . i - ... . ... n Development Congress. Merrick, irom wcniuiy ompioyoro waH nilinlt id iodic, of his f rlcnilH had gono to toil last night by Frank Mnsso, n but- in lath Iioubo. Tho rrionus iiniBii-, ur miu wuuur, who was nrrosiou noro and returned to tho hotel nnd llnd- whllo nttomptlng to steal n bicyclo. ie Merrick had not roturned, wont Mnsso .took olllclalsto Ills cacho nnd irk to tho unth Iioubo, whoro tho; Produced a enn containing goniB ortlatid poBtmnBlor was lounii lying " f.vuu, i In ono of tho tubs. Merrick, as 39 years old. NERS WILL IE 8IG TIME lilgrimage From Ashland to Coos Bay will Be unusual Event. I'ROCIjAMATIOX TAFT IS STILL WORKING VETO , Objects to Clause Abolishing Commerce Court in the Appropriation Bill. (Dy Associated Pros to tho Coo Day Time ) WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 21 President Tuft ngnln votocd today tho legislative oxocutlvo and Judicial npproprlntlon bill bocaiiBo It utlll car ried an nmendmont to..a.hollsli tho roiuniorco court, which tho Houso and Sonnto Insist upon Including In tho rofrnniod moasuro. Within an hour after tho president votocd tho bill, tho Houso ropiiRsod tho bill in 4 to CI ovor ills voto, then sent It to tho Sonnto. When n motion to pass tho bill ovor tho president's voto enmo up In tho Sonnto tho monsuro received 34 votes for ropassago nnd 27 votes ngalnst ropassago. Not rocolvlng tho nocessary two thirds majority tho bill failed to bo carrlod ovor tho voto. Whon advis ed of tho voto In tho Sonnto, Chair man Fltzgornld of tho Houso Appro priations Commlttoo nnnouncod that tho Houso appropriate for tho Com- morco Court until March I nnd ro- 8iimo tho fight on tho court whon tho Congross convoncs In Decombor. Roprosontntlvo Underwood declar ed If tho Sonnto refused again to ov- feral days provlous nnd ninny vil' orrlilo tho president's voto, tho Houso "j 1'ruiunK uioir visit horo it wouki rccouo rrom mo provision to veral days. . abolish tho coinmorco court nnd por- nro about twoniv.iiv mlt an adjournment nrobnbly Satur day. Finally Settled Tho bill was C'l.'illy drawn so ns to moot tho npprovnl of tho president nnd wns passed by tho Houso Into today. It eliminates disputed pro vision for abolishing thoo ommorco court nnd substituted tho npproprla tlon for thnt court until March 4. JOYNER REWARDSNOW TOTAL $700 Governor West Adds Another) of tho murderers ofjoyner. Tho Tiiia Ullnrlnnrl nnu. I l IUUUIJ I1U UI1UIUU tiIV UIIU U1U bllUI i wu nunuiuu uunaia iu Present Offers. Governor West hns added another $200 rownrd In tho Joynor enso mak ing tho totnl rownrds now amount to $700. Shorlff Qngo has received no tlco from tho governor that an addi tional $200 rownrd will bo given by tho state. Tills rownrd is dlvldod so thnt $200 is offorcd for tho rccovoroy of tho body of Joynor nnd $200 moro In offered for nrrost nnd convlcti n SON TO FILL FATHER'S PLACE Iff personally $100 for tho finding of tho body which makes $500 for find ing of tho body nnd $200 moro for tho nrrcst and conviction of tho mur dorors. Shorlff Gago says ho expressly wants it understood that ho waives any right to porsonnlly rccclvo nny of tho roward monoy. Tho lower bay is bolng dragged nnd tho search for tho body Is bo lng continued. Shorlff Gago went to Emplro and South Slough this after noon. In ordor to show propor ro ipect for a worthy nnd benevo lent organization, it is often that a municipality tnkes action m a body. On Soptomhor .'In!, of this year, tho City of Mnrsh field will bo visited by n Inrgo number of representatives of tho Ancient Order, Nobles or tho Mystic Shrine, from various cit ies of tho United States: Now, for tho purposo of ex tending tlio timo-honorod cour tesy accorded distinguished vis itors, I horoby proclaim tho af ternoon of tho snld 3rd ilav of September, to bo n holldny. E. E. STRAW, Mnvor. The pllgrlmngo to bo mndo ti oos nay from Ashland by IIIII..1 mplc, Ancient Arnhln Ordor nf In i lobles of tho .Mystic Shrino, is to La i 'K event in this locnllty. it lies placo Sctcmbor 3, and tho vM- p ni be arriving for probab.y ! There Prtners q this county nnd on tlio I oi mo pllgrimngo about it) more will bo Initiated. TIuio ,?i .,?'! horo So a!l of fioso In ated will p nm. t itini. m II Ashland. ' "" 1U'":"J BM.?.i,i,,Br,.m,,B0 t0 Cooa nny 's ausual In viw nt i, . .,.. ., . In!. j. "u '"-i null o lliLu ln,at oftQn wndorhiko s.i nT'A on9 hundred nutomobHoa .'"tf h0 tr'P ovor tho mom- d . m UOS0IJUrB. Most of tho vial J'l Will Nlnn I ... s ,. U 7"v. ."' y.oi Hint ci-yr v ia ill nn n nl.. l i ... "S.August 31. '"K "l ,V'8J' t rSSLl"1.1? n" tl.dvor- ut IT .f th0 Shrinors In ti- i of ik. -iP".en orncln' nollfia,- 'nt ; r60' ny pro William B. Booth Has Been Appointed Head of Salva tion Army. (Dy Associated trcss to Tho Coos . Day Times) NEW YORK, Aug. 21. William I). Booth, oldest son of tho Into Gen eral William Booth, Commander of tho Salvation Army, hns bcon ap pointed bond of tho army to succcod IiIb fnthor. Tho announcement wns mndo today nt tho Snlvntlon Army hcndnuartorB nftor a cnblogram an nouncing tho appointment bad been received from London. 0 SON-IN-LAW Col. Roosevelt Order New Par ty Man to Run Against Longworth. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Buy Times.) CINCINNATI, O., Aug. 21. Op position by a progressive cnndldnto to tho reeloction of Congressman Longworth, son-in-law of Colonol Roosovolt, waB ordored indirectly by tho Colonol hlmsolf according to Dr. A. O. Zwlck, dologato to tho recent progressiva convention In Chicago, who formnlly announced todny thnt ho would run ngalnst Longworth. T MAY GO AFTER LEFT MONEY; LAW VIOLATORS WILL NOT TO 6E CONTESTED Mrs. Astor's Attorney Says She Has No Intention of Con testing Agreement. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Timos). NEW YORK, Aug. 21. Rcpl)tu to reports that Mrs. Madeline Foivt ABtor contemplated contesting CjI. Astor's will, hor attorney todny gav out a formal statomont to tho cficit that Mrs. Astor always oxprcssod on tiro satisfaction with tho provisions mntio ror nor by hor lato nnd that sho has no desiro nor into i- tlon to dlsputo tho validity of th anto-nuptlnl agreements or will. NOTIFICATION GIVEN SHERMAN Believed That Dead Man Haa Report That Coos County Savings Hidden or on Deposit. i C. II. Dungnn of South Coos River wns in Mnrshflold today on business nnd wns making somo inquiries Due for a General House Cleaning. That thoro ls to bo a gonoral clean ing up of tho violators of tho law in this county Is reported. It Is said WIIKAT MAKKICT UP. :ent mon 77l """" amny pro n ffi.S5Vf tho (n"",e8 of fi- w29i25ien,,l,on ,t0,'vo tho city ,ngevemi1neJocnI commIct n ' the Bhri.h,nB t0 mnk0 tho vl i ,ack" "lors are yellow, rel aa-l program - The foitolTPKW'n. 'W by th. in-ii " Prsra I c... ' '"o local rnmn Mn. '"Miiember a t..", lliU' i.rt concert b" 8.?.. .P. .""' P. m aj. ' "" "'y utiiui; s- Grant nf fun 1 BO uy wou'o ind' Oregon 'J1"!?" Tomn,. A-h-,:0 m it Mn80'Hc Temple ) roW' 't0S,r,?Lparn(l0. route, o . (Dy. Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Timos.) CHICAGO, Aug. 12 Soptombor whent closed, 03; Decombrf' D24'9G4. Portland nnd Tnconia markets unchnngod. WOULD KEEP 1 E! Injunction Suits Started in tho Federal Court to Be Fought to a Finish. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Bny Times.) TOPEKA, Kan., Aug. 21 A tem porary restraining ordor grnnted by the fcdornl court Inst night ngalnst li r T)nnnmfnW nlnfitnwa Id tint llfttt roat on P -"mci, on Aider t I uuauuiu oicuio o .mi nun;- rl to M.nr0int ,0 Cc"tral, on Cji'-',ng Congressman Jackson, chief nt 'eremonii c.TemI''o: 7:30 u m tornoy for tho progressives. He said .1. 'l SefiSlnn n. r . ''"( . ,11,1 f 110l,l ln, .Minn n . i .uuHonic i qui- V" M1" "uw vv..u.i i..v. ..H.U.. .. .- ious manor. A second injunction suit to pro hibit the names of eight Roosevelt electors bolng put on thd general el ection ballot In Kansas was filed to day boforo Federal Judgo McPher- son at Red Oaks, In. A temporary restraining order was granted nnd Charles S. Esslons, secretary of state. Kir,. Si? Mn8leld .YdSe8dB lwt "d, n6 :: a. m lor Nrth l5W",t North BoBdllM Ea l0 Mussel in .a at 10! ZiTft. clam bako " wod Hme. ,iSScn"nltt ees. (Contl 'SitiS-Jommltteos was notified by telegraph not to make any movo until tho injunction had 1 been heard. oued on PaBe Pour) nbout Martin Allison, tho flshormnn. that thoro will very likely bo a pro Bccuuon oi various Kinds or viola tions which It is claimed hnvo becomo qulto noticeablo of lato. It ls com plnlnod by somo that tobacco has boon sold to boys under tho ago at which thoy uro allowed to purchnso It, that boys undor tho ago of twenty- who died nt Mercy hospital n fow days ago. Allison wns qulto woll known to tho Coos River rnnchors, hnving fished along tho river for somo tlmo. Allison died of ncuto np pendltlcls nnd peritonitis. Boforo dying, ho gnvo tho Sisters of Mercy to understand that ho had no nenr n havo boon sold liquor, thnt thor relatives . G. W. Dungan ls now en- hQS hen ensea of drunkenness among denvorlng to got In communication youtiis and that thoro havo boon var wlth frlonds from letters found '0UB violations of tho liquor roguln nmong Allison's effects. tlons. C. II. Dungnn snys that ho and II '8 snld that tho murdoru on others undorstood that Allison hnd South Slougli and tho lights which several hundred dollars but slnco His d,vo recontly occurred in thnt nolgh doath, no trnco of nny of his money borhood had something to do with had beon found. Somo thought that bringing nbout tho Investigations. It Allison had deposited about $1500 In Js claimed that oven during tho past tlio Postal Savings Bank but whether month these matters havo becomo ho kept his monoy thero or secreted n,oro noticeablo and that tho olllclnls it somo plnco, It n question. regard it as tlmo ta put tho morals In enso no relatives rould bo r tho community through a laundry- found, Allison's monoy would go to fs process, violations of various) tho Stnto School Fund. . kinds, it Is snld, warrant the action. Exercises Held at Utica and Attended by Large Num ber of Persons. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Timos). UTICA, N. Y. Aug. 21. Utica do voted itself todny to tho notiflcat.on of James S. Sherman of his nomina tion to tho vlco presidency by tho Republican pnrty. A largo numbor of pooplo attended tho ceremonies. About 20 inombors of tho commlttoo of notification of which Senator Sutherland wns chairman, wero es corted to Sherman's homo by bnndj nnd n military parado moving through decorated streets. From thcro tho parade moved to Conklln pnrk whoro tho notification ceremony wns noid. In nccoptlng tho nomination Shor mun declared that no political gather ing in years was characterized by moro openness nnd fnlrnoss than tlio recent republican national convention nt Chicago. Ho declnrod thnt hun dreds of contests, absolutely without basis woro Instituted nnd thnt whon Investigated thoy found nway boforo almost unanimous voto of tho com mlttoo. Ho doclnrcd thnt ho stands squnroly upon tho party platform and approves tho sentiments cnuclntcd In tho nccoptanco speech of Prcsldont Tnft. Ho declared his opponents woro divided Into two camps, oach trying to oxcol tho other in disturbing tho civic and oconomlo order of tho coun try. Ho predicted oblivion for tho third party nnd dofont for tho de mocratic pnrty In Novombor. Ho rend oxcorpts from n volumo wrltton by Governor Wilson nnd doclnrod tho democratic candldato to ho a podngoguo and not n statesman. Ho uphold tho protoctlvo tariff nnd do clnrod tho recent votoes by tho presid ent of tariff rovlslon bills should hnvo tho support of ovory thoughtful por son. Ho eulogized in strong tonus tho accomplishments of tho present administration and expressed his con- fldonco that tho American pooplo would not forget Uio "dlro results of tho mlstako of 1892." Two Thousand Blue Jackets And Marines Will Be Sent To South. CRUISER CAliFoRNIA ORDERED TO PANAMA Purpose Is to Protect Foreign Lives and Property and Keep Railroad Open. SEIZE GENERAL (Dy Assoclatod PrcBs) NEW ORLEANS, AUg. 214 Gonoral Lulstnenn, loader of tho revolution in Nicaragua was seized and now ls hold a prison- or by momborB of tlio Hboral party in Loon, according to n wlroloss messngo from Dluoflold rocolvod horo today. Bar (By Associated PrcBs In Coos Times). WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21. Comploto arrangements to throw a forco of 200 bluo Jackets and mnrlnca into Nlcnrngua within ton days to protect foreign lives nnd property nnd kcop railroad comunlcntiou opon from tlio Amorlcnn legation In Man agua to tho Paclllc Coast, woro inado todny by tho navy dopartment. Or dors hnvo boon Issued for tho Cruin or California to proceed to Panama nnd tho transport Prnlrlo to procood to 1'hllndclphln nnd tnko nhronrd 750 marines nnd sail for Colon. WILL SIGN HILL President Mny Favor Panama Canal Measure (Dy Assoclatod Proas to Tho Cooi Day Timos) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21. Whlto Houso callers who dlscussod tho Pnnnmn Cnnnl bill with tho proa ldont todny declared ho would slga tho moasuro and Bond with it to Con gress n memorandum stating somo of Us features not ngrooablo to hlra. WANT WAGON BRIDGE ALSO MURDERER STILL LIVES I S OFF ALLIANGt HERE : em mm WASHINGTON IS IN PORT Arrives in Port Last Evening Arrives From San Francisco and Sails for Portland This Morning. The Alllnnco arrived In from Eu roka last evening nnd docked about 8:30 p. in. With Freight and Number of Passengers. Tho steamer Washington arrived last night from San Francisco bring ing passengers and about 100 tons Sim hnd nbnnrd n lnrirn of general merchandise frolght. Sho number of passengers who wore go- ' 8"n f!" San Francisco Friday at . . . ,' , , . . " P. m. Tho following were tho in- iuk inruuKu uuui uuium iu run- coming passengers: land. Tho Alliance sailed for Port- C. L. Weaver, Mrs. C. L. Weaver, land at 0:30 o'clock this morning. Alex Hilton, II, Duchine, II. P. How The following wero the passengers 08.,Mrs. G. D. Drown and Mr. Lcp. arriving on her from Eureka: w-wvwwWwWWs. G. II. Chamberlain, Rex Gow, this morning wero: Dlnncho Martin, S. Schloss, W. West, Genovlavo Wakefield, Hazel Wake Theo Dradley, Agnes O'Keefo, Mario flohl, Mr, 'and Mrs. &'. L. Wakefield, Lnwlng, Gla'dys Reeves, Bertha Clay, Mrs. O. P. Dutt, Ronald McGeorgo, G, Drooko and H. Love. Guy Torroy, j. A. Steamberg, Mr. Those leaving here for Portland Reeves. Kansas Fnriner Hns Smnll Clmuco of RccovorlnK Injuries (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times ) DELLE PLAIN, Kan., Aug. 21 Samuel Wood, who killed Jamos Thompson and perhaps fatally injur ed Matt Mnnnhan while trying to kld- nnp Miss Manahan yesterday, Is still allvo today, Manahan lins recovered consciousness nnd has a chanco to re cover. It Is not believed Wood can live. PROMINENT MAX DIES Suggestion That Southern Pa cific Bridge Have Added Highway Provision. An effort will bo mndo, It Is undor stood, to hnvo tho Southorn Pacific bridgo arross Coos Day provldo for a wagon or highway bridgo along ono sldo of tho structure. Tho lnttor would bo n great accomodation to traffic from across tho Day and It Is claimed that tho additional oxponse of putting In tho wagon road struc ture would bo compnratlvoly small if It Is done nt tho samo tlmo tho rail road bridgo Is built. Tho county would probnTily havo to defray tho oxponso of tho highway bridgo, E. D. Clark, chlof clork in Major Morrow's ofllco, who Is on tho Dny Is undorstood to hnvo boen npproach od nbout tho mnttor by E. L. Robin son nnd othors interested In tho pro ject. Mr. Clnrk thought It should bo takon up direct and that It would be woll to sot forth tho ronsons for it whon tho lator hearing la heard about tho grldgo. Mr. Clark this morning mndo a trip up Coos RIvor with A. II. Powors. Ho will loavo tomorrow for Portland, going up tho const and stopping nt other points. Ho ls not cortaln whether tho further hoarlng on tho Southorn Pacific's application for per mission to bridgo tho Day would bo in tho nature of n request for wrltton statomonts about it or ns a public hoarlng nt which discussion of the mnttor would ho heard, Mr. Clark was not cortaln nbout whon Injor Morrow would bo able to visit tho Day again. Ho vlsltod tho Coaulllo yestordny and is Im monttoly plonsed with this section. Tho dnto of tho doporturo of tho Drodgo Oregon for Grnys Harbor will News Mannger of Washington Star Passes Away. (Dy Associated Press to The Coot Day Times.-! WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21 ' hlngo on tho completion of tho pro Thomns C. Noyes, presldont of thoi ect horo and tho removal of tho Washington ball club of tho Amorl-' shonls from tho lower Day. Mr. can League and nowB mnnngor of tho' Clarko said that ho had bon Informed Washington, Star, died horo today of, this probably would bo oarly next pneumonia. Ho was taken ill Frldny. MAGXES & M.VTSOX recolved a big shipment of LADIES XEW FALL SUITS and COATS on tho Steamor Washington TODAY from Snn Fran cIsco and will soon havo thorn on display, HOARD AXI) ROOM. Homo cook lng. Now manngor. 207N. Third, The BEST In TOWX'for tho money HAINES' FLOUR. month. In regard to the railroad bridgo across tho Bay, it Is understood that Mr. Clnrk confirms tho gonoral un derstanding, that is, that any pormlt would roqulro that it bo a common user bridgo, any railroad being per mitted to uso it. DANCE KAGLES' HALL Saturday eve., AUG. 21. Late Music. ICEY. ZER'S ORCHESTRA. No "ragging." I