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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1912)
IS POOR POLICY TO ABUSE YOUR PRIENDS fOR GRIEVANCES AGAINST OTHERS I WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES "rt .... ..... v.. n1 ICII "In (003 Saw int0 WANT ADVERTISING la Tho T1MB Will Keep tlio lncomo from' luj Furnished Rooms from Lnpulnnl YOU can really holp tb-d family revenues by rontlng a fow lurnlshnd rooms and, If you know nor end when to ubo the classified column, Uio Market" KffecUveljrl It will Pul ino IU,;u, uuuuk 'uu nrnnortr boforo tio eyes of all "pos flblo buyore" li. town. And If thJre'a one of thorn who ought to u vou'll soil It! you tnny koep thnt little extra Income I D1VU MEMDEIl OF ASSOCIATED PRESS as "stoady as a clock." )L XXXVI- y?&l?2g MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY AUGUST 22 l"912 EVENING EDITION. A Concolhlntlon of Times, Const .Mail and Coon liny Advertiser. No. 29. i AMERICANS ARE MURDERED El THE REBELS IN NICARAGUA eporcd That. They Had Been Finlitino wim uiu ruiouo of Government ENERAL MASSACRE OP LUTAL IHUUfo omen and Children of Fon eigncrs Sleep Anoaru u. S. Vessels. By Associated Press In Coob Dny Times). WASHINGTON, I). a, Aug. 22 Americans nro ronortod to hnvo ten deliberately murdered In tlio nnnnrro or 1110 ixiciirnijuau luyui tftoni hv tlio robols at Leon Aug. 1 !). Eds Is bM to have been Hnrry Dodd, If Kosciusko, Wis., and tho other ' -W--W-W --W-W- w w MM fT' WOULD AFFECT ATTACK IS MADE ON ROOSEVELTILIEUT. BECKER IN COURT TO :.CF G W New Army Appropriation B;!l Would Be Hard on Chief' of Staff. ((By Associated Press to Tho Coob Dny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 22. "lUdor" which uffects tho olllco not only of General Wood, chief of tho and nan was nnmcii 1'iiiiiips. moiwo Hlnjr but of Conorn, i..lllRinn . . ....u .1 -.1 ...I mha nnll(I . -- Hid DCCn U (I'll turn vtuiu nuuiwiifc .. . . ,, .... . . Kin n hospllnl. nccordlnR to,'0""8 nfl " 'Uncovered It Is said , report received touny ny mo Btnto " urwy nppropnnnon um Department, Dndd nnd PhllllpH woro nnd mny result In Its being vetoed aid to liavo ncen "uming wmi mo Hi,ould It pass both houses of Con- Senator Penrose Wants Inves tigation of Standard Oil $100,000 Contribution. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cool Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 22. Senator Penrose asked tho sennto to ony to direct tho Clnpp committee Investigating tho campaign contrlbu tlons of 1901 nnd 1908 to Invest' gnto the charges contained In h' hensatlonnl speech yeslordny In c.n iiectlon with tho Pcnroso-Archbo'.d correspondence. Ho nsked that th commltteo bo directed to call as wl-. ncsBCB "All persons mentioned" in his speech. Colonel Hoosovclt wnc among tho number. The motion wp, lnld over temporarily. John D. Archbold of tho Standard Oil company todny notified Clapp U would njipear before scnato commit leo Investigating campaign contrlou tlons, tomorrow. Senator Penro.i' ronowed his attack on Colon-.! Roosevelt In tho senate today un:!r questions by Senator Reed. Roose velt's statomont yestordny making public a letter la which ho directed Georgo D. Cortolyou to return to John D. Archbold'n $100,000 was un der discussion. "Tho Information I ad," said Pn iobo, "was that after Roosovolt had been apprised that tho $100,000 hal beqn spent, ho wroto a letter to O. r tolyou directing Its return, In order to make his record good. Soys It In Absurd. WILKKSRARRE, Pn., Aug. 22. Colonel Roosovolt wnB asked whuth cr he was willing to appear bcfo.u tho Clapp commltteo to testify In regard to tho ntntcmenta thnt coma billions woro made- to tho 1904 ca wilgn by tho Standard Oil company. uio question is ntiBiird," lio sau. "Tho letters and tolcgrnms thnt pnj--cd between Cortolyou nnd myself att cnougn lovornment troops. Tho mnssnero of, gross. Tho original bill waB votoed eloynl troops Is fully confirmed In ,uw"; "u "K" ""' wib voioeti Med dispatches received hero to-' bocnn" ?f, a ,rlBl" w'1,ch, wuW . ' . . . . . ' lmvn IfiirlHlnlnrl Wnnil nil nt nlllnn ay. Tlio rencis reiiiscd quarter nnci ,r .' j r . . v. . "" Innlhlhited tlio whole forco of do-! 1,,H ' "ur unm orvo racaru necos- fenJeni except three or four. Though , , , "" u'"KVl -" r berienn marines and blue jnckotfl ch"Lof. 'H,1'' , .. e holding Managua ngalnst would, , "u i"""'"- -" '" " . im.i ..i ..n ,innnn, bo would voto niiv army bill with breatens Corlnlo on tho west const., 1 rI,!or n"a ,ntcr l10!lnr l'' M?v io' L'AtnM nn.l rlillilrnn of fnri.lirr.nrfl In' " l0 'i"BO Illlll nuiinia VOnicrCCS he toft-n aro Bleeping nbonrd tho Bnltcil Stales war vessel there. PORTER BROS. BUf OLD LINE Reported to Have Purchased Logging Road Along Scho- fieltl Creek to Tunnel. struck tho questlonnblo provision from the bill. ETCHER HEIR PROVIDES FOR S RANCH PARCEL POST Porter Ilros. hnvo purchased tho old logging rond from tho Umpquu up bchotlcld crook from tho Gnrdlii or Mill company to uho It to trans port supplies and material for a.' construction of tho tunncll through to Ten Mile. Tho old logging rou 1 has not been In ubo for somo time and It Is understood that the tlapo or four miles will bo repnlrcd and pin in Biinpo by tno contractors captain Cornwall of Gleaner who wns horo S.P. EASTERN PART Belief Exists That New Roac- Extend Across Entire State. ANSWER 1 INDIGNATION IS EXPRESSED British Merchant Marine Offi cers Are Not Pleased with Senator Smith. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) VANCOUVER, D. C, Aug. 22. Now that tho Judgment of Lord Mer sey la connection with tho loss of tho Blons today to plead to tho indictment Btcnmor Titanic lins boon mado pub- charging tho murdor of gambler Indictment First Degree MJi- der and Attorney Refuses to Plead. FOUR OTHERS ALSO BROUGHT INTO COUHT Each of Alleged Accomplices Pleads Not Guilty to tne Charge. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coon Day Times). NEW YORK, Aug. 22 Police Lloutontant Decker and four of his alleged underworld accomplices wcro arraigned in tho court of gonoral bob- lie, T. W. Mooro, secretary of tho Im perial sorvlco guild, has mado public a lottor directed to Senator Smith Rosenthal. Decker's counsel said ho was not ready to plead today and the court sot noxt Tuesday as tho time. Work by tho Southern Pacific In Eastern Oregon Is being pushed, ac cording to tho following from RIvo.. side, Oregon, published In tho Oro gonlnn: Practically every newspaper rend or In Oregon knows thnt tho Hurl man pcoplo arc extending tholi nroHOnt linn, n Iirnnrh nf tlin Rlnii" tho t'lg Lino, from Its nrcsent western tor yesterday minus nt Vnlo, Malheur county, or. econd Suit Is Hinging on Pc-! Senate and House Agree in Htnti'd thnt ho had boon Informed i.n ,.ut i,.,. i i.... r ...i .... that work would iirobably bo soou teiiBlon will bo constructed nnd how started. Horses and wagona for much work has been dono, tc somo of tho supplies wcro broug'... know Tki a. ynnfl i ... . ' When work was begun on tho tv tml fr ... Vii)riol'..w,1,(;,J,,"rr,oa tension westward from Ontnrlo sov. umber from the, Gardiner Ml I com- oral yenrB ago, there- was an oxnccm o jnSann 0(lr0' J,r.r.,vc,,,n ilM tlon tlint rond would bo buft boforo tho Glenner left. Mcmboni clear across tho Btnto, or at least v, nn.iii w?rf Mro W0J, .B,.v?n. ,0 n connection with tho Southern P.ici nv .i. ' tm H,f Snn 9tthr, ol hnj fIc- And ' mlKlit hnvo been dour, in ll ti?,.cont,rnct f0.r ,lmu.,lnB in but thoro camo a tlmo whon tho fn- ?vttts.?v m? r-s mrt .srwn j zzrsizz InA milt .n. .........I .'""" .:.,.:: rl imm, lnInv l.v llin mnfornon' fi-pt ff- . -- -- , --.. W.l. ... l' any onsonnuio lorms. licnco 1110 C. - .. .,., ,, lv , .lulcf WIIUl "O- - ,-.. . v t culiar Case Started in Circuit Court. Clause in New Appropria tion Bill. Another suit has b.eii started In' (Dy Associated Prcs3 to tho Coos Day he circuit court by Attornuv Hnrrvi Tlmoa). I. Hoy which hlnnes on tho llndlng WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 22 il f Afi1 "'"'oJ'lotchor oBtato.1 a provision for a pnrcol post systom WILL INVESTIGATE known as tllO Heaninn nrnimrlv In' tn tlin Ilnunn nml Rniintn. Tlin bill II City. In tlio Hi.rnnil Willi Wra ' In n innillllnnt Int. nf (lin llnuriin Rnnntn llnnle Evvla Stndolmnn la tho plain- bill. Tho Sonato'B amendment to . -r 8 nrlKtoiiHon tho dofon- Incronso bc nt. The SUlt Is nil ncllnn In nine, nllmlnntnil. lent mi la i..n..i. t .... ' i -. -.. ,a uiuugui ur iiiu purposo i recovering a rnnch nt Ton .Mllo uem oy unrlstenson. ( ri. binoelmnn Is tho daughter of Piculdent to Locdc into llouril of Gen. letCber and resides nt St. T-niiln Slw. pi-nl Aniiriilsers. 'J a brother who Is also an holr. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Daj ' la cases of this nnturo tho su-1 Times.) r.lurt "ns ccIdod thnt thoro' WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 22 antlOt be a lolnl Kill otntn.l f... Tlrn.lilnni Wntt tn.lnv n iftjlnif8? Is s,llns ,0 rocvor pos- commltteo of government ofllclnls to i .n u r""tu ot 1U0 ncrea nnd invostlgnto tlio uonru or unitou stnioa um nf '1 o!f of "nninBoa In tho Gonorul ApprnlBors to nscortnln If T . .-00 which sho claims to thoro has been uny neglect of duty or T sustained Iciauso of not hnvlng' mnlfoaBoneo In olllco or inolTlcloncy on i .! " m u, rni'h for tho tho pnrt of any of tho hoard's mom Mnch frnm Al .ir -... . . ... x.' i..-i. Ind ni,i .."" " oioiieinKO in ow lorn, lr!.P!d for 't ?5.300. Ono of tho vtauus ownera lin.n.i.t . ... i M. v """hill iiiu uiiieoi rs. lonnp wim ...o ; ... fle tecond Mr. pi! '.."" "."'".Vf? JV- claims I nor,., ,rru'! to P'otdior and. other n V.:v ". ' '. ''ifiior, tno i NnntlT, '",I,n'",fr' nt '"vlng ii IS Underslnn.i n. , .. n caaa ur l""v " m sen "case Attorneys Shnrwnn.i . ueamt -.. .. :. - -" hiju tin. nw.l IT... . I ..,! . " I".' '""' ""' IHIVQ' firi VTf- ...- ""'"""''" """J- any ronsonnuio torms. iicnco tno e:f-J.-?.-i2;iPp..WflB B0 ,ow tlnt. th San tension wns only built to Vale, alH.ut ..'.," " ,B.nnB' reniscu tn 20 miles west of Ontario. Thathu r ii ... mr 7 aiinougn tno snj hoon tho western tormlnua since. . - . " w ,.. t.w..vM"J '. I.. rnilll .H I.fiw l.ninir UXLUIKIH'l Incronso second class mall rates was.omn,' rrom,.".0.r trips south. about HO miles, or. ns tho engineers Ti.n ntVir t, ,nr: . .. ,8"'' to n''0 lt HO, ns nil now in ve,.i i . p1nclfletfl frnnchlso work of tho kind Is blocked out Imo on.(1 ro4'?ulres o hovo nillos for tho convcnlonco of lotting actual construction undorwny by the contrncts nnd gonornl constru a gust -4i, tho day aftor tomorrow. v!on work. Henco tho full oxtens.oa Whether thoy w II start somothlng from H-o Snnkc river, at Ontnrlf. now or consider tho work dono a fow "! be- mactlcally ICO miles, months ngo an actual start has not The HO mllo post westward from been stated. , Vrq makes tho designated tormlnm . A. Davenport of North Dend unith of Dog Mountain, nbout tvo Is being quoted today ob having atat- miles north of Harney Lnko, In tho J' that ho saw n lottor from C. J. great Hnrnoy vnlloy, about 23 mlle3 Mlllls In Which Mr. Mlllln nnnnunnn.1 hmith nml tlirpn iiiIIpr wixat of lining. that just as soon as tho government Thoro Is a lownBlto being platted at graniod permission for tho tho terminus named Ardon. aftor tho across tho Day, the rond would start K,-cnt Harrlman e'stnto In Ornngo Tlio piaco was sovdral wcoka ago. Tho lottor aftor l''our other prlsonora plcndod not alatlng thnt tho guild represents cnp-!Kunty with permission to withdraw or tnlnB and ofllcors of tho Drltlsh mor- chnngo their pica on Tuesday, chant sorvlco, says that Mooro Is I T1'o courtroom was packed to aut directed to Inform Smith of tho pro-, location when tho prlsonora ontorod. found Indignation which provnlls In Deckor wna ilrst to bo called. As tho that sorvlco at tho malovolonco which I clork rond tho Indictment charging characterized his speech on tho roport, murdor In tho first dogroc, Dcukor'a of tho commltteo which Inquired Into counsol announcod that ho was pro tho loss of tho Tltifhlc. pared to plead1 to tho lndlctmont the grand Jury handed down somo wcoka I ntrn T.nlt... M..I..... l..r i .... counsol thut tho old lndlctmont had been suporccodod by tho prosont one. At this tho counsol declined to pload asking a postponement until Tues day. Following tho disposal of tlia Deckor enso, thoso of Whltnoy Lowls, Dago Prank, Jack Sullivan nail Win. Shlploro woro taken, up In tho ordor nnmed, all pleading not guilty. The arraignment of Decker was procodod by tho coroner's inquest which had been ndjourned. Jury aftor hearing tho ovldonco roturnod a verdict that Rosenthal had camo to his death by a bullet wound In tho brain cnusod by "somo person or persons un known." Tho Jury reconimcndod Louis Llb by, pnrt owner of tho murdor enr, bo discharged from custody and this will bo dono. Sealed Indktmont charging nor- KID M'COY IS OUT OF JAIL Released for Want of Evidence and Will Now Sue for Damages. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). LONDON, Aug. 22 Kid McCoy, (Norman Solby), tho American box er, arrested July 20 on a provisional nVl lli1 It lMl m HHnnr nlmHnlMn In aa.. .. nt nui..n,i .na mion.,.,1 .... i Jury wore linmloil down by tho urnnd trato today. Tho proceedings had n" ,y Ttlln5,B'?'"Bt, ClmrI3 S'""" been taken at tho Instigation of tho n,m,1Jc880 Vr,,,t0' formor momboni of Dolglnn authorities. McCoy's attor-: "coko,r8 ,,IBn?' B?un(1-, Thy neystatod to tho court ho considered I "nrl!:.nn,rB0,, wUh, fn,,nK "i0 u thnt there was no evidence ngnlnst f.n, i,lifyBOii,l,Rl,n8t n fin"B Ioador' McCoy. Ho snlil It wn tnnat nvlr,..1 "IS J"Ck Colig. ' ordinary that McCoy had been nrrest cd on tho stntomont of n drunken wo. man who, whon sho becamo sobor, denied making tho stntomont. Tho mnclstrntn nnltl lin hnil rnnl tlin nn. " "- -.- -w . . w... ...V ..-. pors In tho enso and concluded thoro1 IIURNH IS ILL. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Da Tlmoa ) DENVER. Colo.. Auk. 22 W. J. was not Bufllclent evidence to Justify UurnB. tho detcctlvo la .confined t extradition. McCoy when released ' !,1b room ln n hoto1 noro suffering It thanked tho magistrate. Ho declares '" ftatod from ptomnlno poisoning, ho will suo tho Dolglnn authorities! v,8,tors nr5 donlcd admittance to his for damages. apartments. SX Jears. ClirlsloiiRPn l.nnl.t linrn Tlin Tinnr.l linn linnilnunrlora . tllO Construction Of tlio brlden nml nl. county. NOW York. SUGGEST PARK 0 rn""6roVthedefef S- V. PAH) ?125iooo so. F't v Accordl Idea Would be to Set Asito Tract About One Thous and Acres. To havo a largo public park near' 'e J'rlco Received by iho . ltn 5ain6 'o a deed fllod for record t,u ocenn Ib Ul h,ea wUlch IinB beo" aid hv tC Kf tcrk today tho nrirn "'""tui oui uy uio uuiiiuimuu ui mu br th, ", ,. u,llern Pacific comnnnv' t-'hambor or commorco nppoinieu to hePaMflr,gof'wny nnd Burvovs ol l00k ove" tll roa(l t0 South sloUBh' Kid nn"Vreat Westorn and nfniln.1 Tlle commltteo was composoa or ur. -- V "ill 12j.non Tlio' "'' "'" tuuiiiimou ..i...u .. ... UN llfllA 11. - I SURVEYORS GO TO BE ER HILL so nctlvo construction on thp penln- "rst designated as Lovett, but It was Sllla. fm.nil rlinrn wna otntlnn nil tho systom of that naino. Furllici Extension Evitectctl. Of courso, It la generally under stood that tills will not remain tho terminus long, porhnps no longer than nt any othor point west of Vale, for It Is thought tho rond will bo pushed westward to Odell, and then southerly to n connection with tho Nntron branch, which connects with tho Coos Day road, now building - from Eugono. Rut thero Is no such . proviso In tho contracts let. Tho gon- Engineer Wolfram and Crew crnl contractors aro tho utah con- I PnvP fnr That Plnrp thic tructlon company of Salt Lake, and Leave lUl llldl ridoe Ullb ih0y say their contract extonds to Morning. Arden and no further. I Leaving Arden along the right of Engineer George E.. Wolfram and way to tho enst, oVcr what was for- hls crew of eight surveydrs left thla morjy cnllod tho Corvallls & Eastern, morning for Denver Hill. . Ho will n Ir.0lJcI "rvoyed about 30 years ago. v. , , , . i .. . . which survoy is set down on moat of check up the old survoy ln thnt t.-r- Ul0 mana a til0 Oregon Eastern, tho iltory. Today tho crow wns wo.k lino runs about 20 miles east anae Ing about half nay between Maru- nine miles north to Snddlo Mountain llcid and uenver IIIU working (& nnd passes around that mountain BAR DEPTHS 1ST PAT UP San Francisco Paper Publishes 1 Figures Regarding Pacific Coast Harbors. $12,000 TAXES Decree Issued by Judge Hamil ton at Roseburg Against Southern Oregon. . . "aU(lIftftY .A.nn,lA.. nt.n.nnn !! lUllfTrt llnll . . . " ' ' ltll time tho.;, i,noor tnl3 year, K m v,u"y . . Vi ,T . ,i S-Vm. WBI ' "10 ,nt,or ,)Iac0, For sovonU to tho nort an'l tlienco t,l' cn8t The proMH "sfor was lnt,e- it0i l.k ovor th0 r . ..,, n , n w'eck" mBt Mr- Wolfram has been to the llttlo town of Harrlman. At in inu tno present time this la the last real Nllame n . ""nnsferred to J ''" " -- noignuoinoou or .Marsnneui. town to tho west on tho projected th n'. ' '" "" under which "' "" "" ."" "?" 1 U1U UUUUUt'H neighborhood Taxes on timber lands in Douclns Tho depths at mean lower low tldo county for tho nnst four voars must at tho vurlous harbor entrances on! bo paid by tho Southorn Orogon com- ino const aro snowu as follows In tho, pany, according to a doclslon ln the circuit court of thnt county. In re gard to tho case tho Rosoburg Rovlow says: "Dy a decree issued by Judgo Ham ilton In the circuit court this nftor- SIGXS NAVAL HILL lino, and It has only bnuot half u dozen buildings. Thus far tho lino has run along to (Dy Associated Pres3 to the Coos Day tho north of Harney and Malheur Times.) lakes. Harrlman Is almost duo north ft near aW ne 1adflc Ocean at cure about ono "wusanu acres anuj WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 22 of tho extreme eastern end of tho Nntatnr tl,en(,e southerly to n' ,invo lt sot nf,,le for n l)UU,lc nnrl! President Tnft signed the naval ap- lottor lake. Ardon Is nout six miles iicuiimuuu um luuaj, j i. inuvuiea cum ui mu western euu or riurnoy at"e the ?.;: tt ' aclll('. "ndor which lw '"omuora or uio coi "tructe.? nay rallroa(l Is being Broat,y l'"l'ressed with . ,Vued, consists f .i. ... "? ln i.f 111,, rnunlrv In tho rom . Dn?. tho railway oxtendlnc of tno "ai""0'' entranco and lt is aug be Slusial. nt or near Eugeno via' Bested that an aUempt bo made to se f near a ,0 ,ne Pacific Oconr, nl curo about ono tluusand acres and olnt..Acme. tlienco Rn..n..i.. :n'hnve lt sot nrl.le for a nubile park hrttv in.ear Inrshfleld." nian nil before the land la taken up nnd set- h'y acaiiir:3r"wa' and othor nro-' tlod- u ,s '-"t'bt possible that tho Pe,trn thai.. y tlio Pacific Great' stat0 or uovernmont couiu do m 'Panv ,n. lest Coast Contracting (Ucod to buy the land and hold it Pany ie tQast Lino Railway for ft Iark for t,,c le,lc(ir tll n,ll) hi MubsoI PolnT and tho neighborhood for ono dreadnaught. lnko. OX WAV TO JAPAN i mi.',,.'4 and WlVTim c.-.r. of tho llKht huhfi wore reeurded ns a' Ijnl... ' . JUSt rppolwo.i .l Kiillnl.ln nlnnn fnr fiqtnl.llHliln t n nnrlf. I "i . Mil...... -"-ivu, iiiw nn i ,-.ww w. w......0 .-n.. . .. Jl 'H'ORIUM. vEW PALL nnd WINTER SUITS nndCOATS Just received. Now on j display. LADIES' EMPORIUM. ' K,SS of HATa7 A1SE8.. (Dy Associated Press to The Coos Day Times) VANCOUVER, D. C, Aug. 22 Secretary of State Knox passed through here today en route to Japan via Seattle. He declined to be inter-Iewed. TO RELIEVE WRECK (Dy Associated Press) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 22 Tho wrecking steamer Green- wood sailed today for the relief of tho stranded freighter Plola- dc8, ashore at Magdalona Day. San Francisco Commercial Nowa: Graya Harbor, July 1, 17 feot. Wlllnpn Day, Juno 12, 24 feot. Nohalom River. April 22. 8 feot Tillamook Day. Octobor 29. 8 feot. : Channol atralght In from whistling noon, tho Southern Orocon comnnnv buoy. j must pay taxes on Its big acrengo of Yaqulna Day, July 2C, 12 feet, timber lands In Douglns county for Middle ground formed on tho rnngo; i tho four yenrB ending ln 1912. The channel north of this. (amount Involved Is nearly $12,000. Siuslaw river, July 2C, 9 feet. Tho company petitioned for pormls. Channol straightening In good shape, slon to piaco Its tax money In escrow Umqpua River, July 28, 11 feet. 'In the circuit court's hands until tho Outer bay buoy 1000 feet north of determination In tho Federal court ontrnnco channol shifting to south. I of tho suit wheroln tho government Coos Day, July 27, 17 feot. Dar Books to forco n forfolturo of the shows Blights hoallng. j company's lands becnuso of nllogod Coqulllo River, July 29 8 1-2 feet. Violation of tho terms of tho congrcs Channol straight, i slonal grant by which tho acreage was Roguo River, July 30, 3 1-2 feet, obtalnod. Tho company's proceeding Channol almost Btrnlght out, slightly horo was In tho nnturo of nn appll to tho northward. cation for nn Injunction to restrain Klamath River, July 3, 7 feet, tho sheriff from plnclng tho lands on Channol duo west. i the delinquent tax list. This nppll- Humbodlt Day, August 5, 19 feet, cation Judgo Hamilton has denied. Depth is for straight channol. I "In his decision. Judgo Hamilton San Pedro nay, July 2, 30 feot. recognlos tho contlngoney of loss to Channol 400 feet wide, 30 feet deop, tho company of both Its money nnd nearly to turning basin. lands, but he says Its position Is not San Diego Day, July 18, 31 feet, different from that of any othor land Channel just north of bar buoy. ' owner who hns been proporly asses San Pablo Day, October, 23 1-2 sod, but whoso tltlo la assailed on feet. Depth In dredged channel, ' , somo equltnblo ground. Ho says the Alsoyn River, July 2C, 7 feot. circuit court Is without authority to Channel straight and good width. I act as stakeholder In such a matter I and by reason thoreof any order Phono your FEED nnd FLOUR which lt might make In rolntlon to WANTS to HAINES. , tho tax money would bo void." I I