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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OBEGOW, MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1912 -EVENING EDITION -I' tti- a" V ;B NORTH BEND IS W ER Defeats Coquille 9 to 3, Win ning Coos County League Championship. By a score of nine to three, North Bend yesterday defeated Coqulllo at Coquille, capturing tho Coos county league championship for the first half of the season. The game was a good one, tho scoro being tied, two to two, at the closo of tho eighth Inning but In tho ninth tho visitors' batting ral ly gavo them a lead that tho Co qulllcrs could not overcome. It was largely a pitchers' battlo with Hull on tho mound for North Bend and Collier doing the serving for Coquille. Up to tho sixth Inning Collier had tho vlsitorfl at his mercy' and then he weakened, North Bend scoring ono in tho sixth and ono in the soventh. Not until the first half of tho ninth, however, did ho loso con trol of tho situation and seven runs wcro netted by North Bend. In tho fifth, Hull weakened a little, allowing two two base hits and a man to walk, netting Coqulllo two runs. Fatal Ninth Inning I Tho fatal ninth for Coqulllestartod off with n rush. Wallace, tho first man up for North Bend, got a protty slnglo and stolo second. Heath hit for two bags, scoring Wallace Par ton, n good pinch-hitter, landed safo ly and Hull beat out a bunt and stolo second, anffney hit over second, Heath and Parton having crossed in previously, Hull went to third and scored on Lawlcr's drlvo to center. Surbcck hit a hot ono to short and Lawler camo In. Kissam followed with a burner over first, scoring Sur bcck. Corners was thrown out at first, Kissam to third and Wallaco went out to short. Hull walked tho first man up for Coquille, lilt another and a hit brought In ono run after which Co qulllo had no clianco of scoring. Threatened Umplro Landers or Marshflold and McNnlr of Bandon umpired tho gamo and gavo good satisfaction. In tho third and fourth Innings, tho crowd began to get pretty anx ious and closed In on tho diamond. They had been repeatedly warned to keep bark off tho lines and once when thoy threatened to Intcrfero with n play, Landers ran over to push them back. Somo excited Coqulllo rooter, ovidontly through a mistaken Impres sion of Lander's Intention, grabbed a broken ball bat and swung at him. Tho bat Just grazed tho back of Lan der's head. Had It lilt hlrn squnroly, It would havo undoubtedly seriously hurt him, Nothing wnB dono about It. May Kurt Season It Ir still uncertain about whether a now schedulo of ton games will bo played. Donny Hull of North Bend reports that Coqulllo Is wavering and unde cided whothor thoy wnnt to piny an othor sorlcs or not. Thoy will pro bably dccldo In n day or two so that If tho now srhodulo Is agreed upon, It will stnrt noxt Sunday. Myrtlo Point Is willing to Join In If Coqulllo does hut othorwlso pro bably will not. Tliore wns only a fair crowd oit fqr yesterday's game. The Norm Bond team wnit over In two nutos. but throe or four othor North Houl machines also took fans over. Lawler, a former diamond star . who has been at North Bond for ' some time, took the place of Young, who Is laid up with an Injured leg. . In yesterday's game nnd showed up fairly well. , Yesterday's game was played t- mnke up for tho contested ono thrown out by President Baxter a few weeks ago and consequently the North Bend fans nre doubled olatel over the victory as most of thum thought the decision of Presldeut Baxter was radically unfair. AD BASEBALL Tlio score: Coquille AB R H PO A ll tnhnnnn. R 4 0 2 0 0 .1 l.orenz. 2b 4 0 1 4 0 0 Ilt. c C 0 0 11 4 3 J. Collier, p ....5 0 1 0 2 1 Howell, cf 3 0 1 1 0 0 Oerdlng. 3b ... .3 0 0 6 3 0 C. Collier, lb ...3 1 0 5 1 1 A Collier. If ...4 1 1 0 0 0 Prey, rf 4 1 2 1 0 0 Totals .35 3 S 27 10 S North Bend AB R II PO A r Onffncy, ss ... .4 2 1 0 1 0 Lawler. cf S 0 1 0 0 0 Surbcck, 2b ....3 1 1 2 3 1 Kissam, lb .... G 1 0 9 2 I Conners, C....4 0 Oil 1 0 Wallace. 3b ....3 1 1 0 1 0 Heath, If 4 1 1 4 0 0 Maloney, rf . . . . 4 1 1 0 0 0 Hull, p 4 1 1 1 2 C Totals 3C 8 7 27 10 2 Score by Innings: Coquille ...0 0002 000 13 Hits ....00104 101 18 North Bend 00000110 63 Hits 00000111 47 Summary Stolen bases, Johnson, J. Collier, Howell, Oaffney, 3, Law ler, Surbcck, Kissam, 2; two baso hits, Johnson, A. Collier, Prey, Heath: double plays, Oerdlng to C. Collier to Oerdlng; Oerdlng to Lor onz: baso hits off Collier. 7; off Hull. 8; struck-out by Collier, 11, bv Hull, 9: baso on halls off Col lier. 2: off Hull, 3; hit by pitched bnll. C. Collier, Gaffnoy, Surboclc: tlmo of game. 2:10. Umplro Lnndls, McNnlr. Walter Oerdlng, scorer. ALONO Tim WATERFRONT .- Tho Rcdondo Ib duo In early to morrow morning from San FrancM co The Alllanco Is duo In from Port land tomorrow. Tho Wllhomlna Is loading general merchandise for' tho Sluslaw. Tho Elizabeth and Bandon arrived In at Bandon today from San Francisco. GDAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Portland Drops Three Games to Oakland Vernon Wins , Three Games. , STANDING OF TEAMS. W. L. P.O. Vernon 71 4C .C07 4 Los Angeles . ..G7 4D .G7S Oakland - 07 51 .508 , Portlnnd 47 G9 .443 San Francisco ..46 71 .394 ! Sacramento . ...44 68 .393 , ', PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 5 Satur-1 day nnd Sunday woro bad days to. Portland, Onkland taking tho threu games, vernon took a brace and de feated San Francisco thrco timiv, whllo Los Angeles and Sacramento broke oven. Tho score: At Sacramento R II. E. Sacramento , I..10 12 0 Los Angeles 0 4 5 At Oakland R. II. E. Oakland 7 9 2 Portland 4 11 5 SECOND GAME. Oaklnnd 1 R 1 Portland 0 7 1 At Los Angeles R. H. E. Vernon 12 11 2 Snn Francisco 5.10 2 SECOND GAME. Vernon 15 16 1 San Francisco 5 10 .T Saturday's Game. At Los Angolcs R. II. E Vernon 3 6 2 San Francisco l 4 0 At Sacramento R. H. n, Sacrnmcnto 8 15 1 Los Angeles 11 ll ' At San Francisco R. H. E. Oakland 2 5 1 Portlnnd l 8 1 SIX MO AT THE THEATER. Tho Royal theater management has arranged for a sorvlco of pictures directly from tho People's theater In Portland. They will be new nnd practlcnlly first run. Mr. Paul Costel as trnp drummer will assist Mr. Rex Stratton, plnnlx. In tho future tho necessary sound e. feels, will accompany each picture, This houso will now bo up with nity first class ten cent house In the stnto Tho best vnudovlllo artlst3 as nro posslblo to get will appear each nlglit. It Ih expected that: tho Margaret lies company will bo hunt tho Inst of this week. Billy Mem men Is pleasing tho audiences as n rubo fiddler nnd comcdlnn. 4 HOTEL ARRIVALS 4 t THE CHANDLER Mrs. II. -E. Wilson, Miss E. Tlmmons and Jlrs. C. Tlmmons, Bnndon; Mr. nnd Mrs. Clock, Lakcsldo; S. F. Ball, Portlnnd: Ruby E. Shonror, Portlnnd: Dr. II. E. Shoot, Portland; O. W. Cross, Portlnnd: A. W. Wncru, Portland; K. W. Holtley, Ban Francisco; Jack Wolt, Snn Francisco; T. J. O'Kebfo, Portland; Chns. F. Cook, Chicago; G. L. Goodoll, Portland; F. B. Dom psy, Snlom; Mrs. R. B. Kcnyon, Marshflold; P. Rlogor, Rosdburgf H. L. Hall, Portland; W. A. Williams, Forest Grovo; O. G. Durland, Roso burg; L. Holpon, Snn Francisco; J. A. Brnyant nnd F. O. Pholps, Snn Francisco; O. F. Dlllmnn, Portlnnd. BLANCO. R. Taylor, Prospor: F. C. Mostollor, Coqulllo; Carrlo E. Rodlno, Allegnny; W. M. Christen son, Coos RIvor; Edward Craft, Ta comn; Jerry Taylor, Prospor; E. Sn belmnn, Coqulllo; NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Tho Harmon Tailoring Co. hns re moved from nroadwny to 128 Front stroet. onnoslto thn i.tmM itntni j Old friends and now ones will bo wot- como to Inspect tho largest lino of fnll and winter suit patterns ever shown In Coos County. Como In nnd seo us. RE DAYS Saturday, August 0th will mark the wind-up of the largest and best sale we have ever held--- 253350 Per Cent, Reduction on All Suits Holds Good This Week MMa mam "wbm "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Marshfield. I Bandon. Lakeside By Auto uu Uniin nrmntrnA fnr niitnmnhilR service to t tioantifiii Ton Miin I fikp.e.. Service becins today. W make regular daily trips connecting with LAUNCH NORTH STAR . LEAVES STAUIT'8 LANDING EVERV DAY AT liilO P. SI. HirrURNIXG LEAVE NORTH SLOUGH LANDING: STUIU)AY AT 1:30 A. SI. WEDNESDAY AT 8 A. SI. MOV Y at 8 A. SI. THURSDAY AT 8 A. M. TITSIUY AT 8 A SI. FHI11AY AT 8:30 A. SI. SATURDAY AT O A. SI. AUTO LEAVES LAKESIDE ONE HOUR EARLIER THAN BOAT SCHEDULE. Fare each way $1.00, Will make special trips to connect with launch at any time, clay or night. For prices and full information in quire of TOM SAWYER, Jr., at Lakeside, Oregon, or leave message with M. M. Pierson, the Lakeside Te'e phone Agent. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hnvo LWAYS VSEIl. Phono 72 Pacific I.Ivor- M Transfer Co. Try Tho Tlmos Wnnt Ads. HSi BLEI A ,aknis3MVm fcwr THEPERTECT M iOTIn AU-PMPOSE IV wwUMi nowm ,us FLOUR. Nf&vF MORE per Sack A vSsI LE5S Pcr Loaf ?5r-v &ggy --ir i''twiMiiiF1('"iaiiiiWiM IWTH F,shers I W-Z&rJWl Blend g m,'" ' w Hour i I tJfJ Beit you can buy For biscuit and pie; Make bread and enke Without mistake. Here's n tt tunv to the fiqur-making industry. A IVrfwt, All-Purpose Flottr lias long: been the miller's aim to produce. It was not .tchuved until FISIIHR'S 11LRXD had been perfected. One sack of flour In all you need, In your kitchen, if it be FISHER'S BLEND For stile by all Dealers IWh" W MWnw i'w WM3 IWliM'1 W;' iiWWP City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers and ronsonnblo clinrsos. Our motto; "Will go anywhere ni any tlmo." Stands- Blanco Hotel nnd Blanco Clsar Storo. Dny Phones 73 and U NlKlit Phono ir,, nAIUCTR OOODAT.E. nronrlptnn.. .Blanchard's Liverv Wd hnv iociirod tho livery busl. 1'et.H of L. II Holsnor. and are pro- pared to rena'ir excollent sorvlro to the pooHo of Coos Bay. Cnreful drivers, good rlcs nnd everything , that will moan satisractory sorvlco to I the public. Phono us for a driving horse, a rig or inythlng needed In tho livery lino. Wo also do truck- , tng business of nil kinds. llMNCIIAltD BROTHERS i Phone liW-J Llvrrr. I-Vl mill Sales Service. f II Vlrti nnd Alder Streets. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance Vorth l-Vont Strwt : WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERINO AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu. mutlr Cleaning Company. Onlers foi imk taken tit (JOINO HARVEY I'llOVK inn Steamer VashilgtOI Will Sail From Coos Bay for San francisco Saturday Aug. 3, at 2 P. M. WITH PASSENGERS AND 1'HEIGIIT P. 8. DOW, Ai'nt. Ocean Dock. THE FRIEND OP COOS BAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS DAY FOR. EUREKA WEDNESDAY, AUG. 7 AT 6 A. M CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTiaND NORTH PACIPIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 'Phono 44. O. V. McGEORGE, Agent. PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wireless and submarine bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Sunday, Aug. 4, at 3 P. M. All Pnssenger Reservations Prom Sail l'mucNco Must Bo Mado at H05 Fife inilltllng, or Pier No. ll). INTEH-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PH0NB U- C. P. McGEORGE, Agent. Ul'ILDIXG NI REPAIR WORK lloue Moving nnd Grading. We are prepared to do this work oy the day or contract and guarantee J.itisfactioii Lot us flguro with you S. PI.OYD CO. P'mne 31 : I Marshflold Or A FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR Manufactured By Fisher Flouring Mills Co. Seattle, U. S. A. Most Sensible Shoe For t!-e children Is tho famous "SKIPPER" ghoo. For sn!e nt The Electric Shoe Store ISO Sn. Broadway .... MarshPeM EQUIPPED WITH WIHIXISS Steamship Breakwater ALWAVSO.VTIME. SAILS PROM AINSWORTII DOCK'. PORTLAND. AT 0 a m iTfj Phone Mnln itSl.L. J. C. MILLER, Agent. GOOS BAY-ltOSEBURG STj.GE LINE R,rg every morning atECt;ncfkSrt;e;esSSrafl,em,0saaVmeo c. ,.. DWAt?0'11,00- Good n,eaU en route ' Anywhere, Any Time ! Careful Drlvlncr Reasonable Hntes ITSIIER AUTO SERVICE WM. FISHER. Prop. Phone orders to Hllyer's Cigar Store, Phone -18-J. After 11 P. M.. Phone 5.-J MarshHeld. Orecon. T. J. ROAIFB JO ;H' A H HODUINI Marshfield Paint. (8h Decorating Co. Eatlraatei Furnished MARSHFIELD. Phon 140L OreKoi Real Estate and , PIUK INSURANCE Several good bargains In Farms and city property. AUG. FRIZEEN. . . - B8 Cc"tral Ave. Mnrshllpld r. stimuli GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIME? OFFICE The Star TransfJ aid Morage Co. is priiparua 10 no an Kinds of UA on Bhort notice Vs meet ill (ft nnd bontn nnd wo also baretUlrjj siyiu iicnuius riano MOTtr, Bunrnntqo our work. is. i. iHIMH-,riM Phones 98-R, 120-J, or 4I-L Barnard & LangworH l.leclrlcnl Contractor ami StM PHONE 18 .p I 170 So, Broadway, neit doott union .ileal .'Market PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR Lew kev.i:r. Violin Instructor. Apply Unities Music Store- stnrts Sopt. 1. WM 8 TURPEN, Architect. Mnrshfleld. Oregon DR. It, W. .MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Building, orer Cn Thcntor. Offlco Phone 111. W. G, CHANDLER, ARCHITECT. Rooms HOI und 302 Coko Building, Mni-Hhllrld. D R. BIRD II. CLARKE. Specialist In Nerve and BjJul Dlscnae. nrficn. noom 2. Roren Hwl Marshflold. Offlco Hours tj'l Phono 144-L. Dlt. A. J. HIJMHil t Wo nro equipped to do blli work an short notice at tk lowost prices. Exsmlnstloi Ladv ntinndant. Coke bulldlnf.i tto Ohnndlor hotel, phone 1H-J-, J W. nKNNKIl-, LAvrer. Ifflso oTor Flanoean 4 Dennett I ravaliflal4 0(4 DU. J. T. McCOR.MAO, Phvstrlnn and SurStCB Marshflold. Orojon. OnnnHltA nost offlco. Pb081 "l You Auto Call M PHONE 11 W NIGHT Stand front of Lloyd HoteL TWO NEW CABS After 11 V. M. I'bonj W Will make trips toCooulUfc, 98500 BUVS 910,000 WT. . . r. J AOBfl. I i.,ot on oecoim y-, M$ Central. Positively best l rnent In central business pW to bo had for tho money. "", nblo torras. If this lot " pay a handsome profit on iK vesiiueni, nuuuub -will. I. S. KAUFMAN & fl 177 Front Street. Mnrchffoiri & North Bend Auwl iisui win ism e tnfl i GOR8T & KINO. rroF'"",! Cnrs loavo Marshfield ,;l minutes from 7:15 a. u - ,, t midnight. Leave " ". t onmo nl,nr1nln HttirtlDg 8l. ' d ntii Reo SaturW for sched nlo. Wc Clean and PK Ladics, and Gent's M Goods Called for ri n1Ivered Coos Bay Steam Uf tyys-wKo