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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1912)
HE WORLD WANTS EXAMPLES OE HOW TO DO THIINfiS INSTEAD OE ADVIC vu T ADVERTISING In Tho T1MS (via I'ut vr UwU ,ts(Mlc "hl U.o Market" Effectively I Wi, nut the facts about your nrnnorty boforo ho eyes of oil "pos- PnSn buyora" lu town. And If & To of then, who ought to It vnll'll BGll HI WANT ADVERTISING In TUo TUDBJ ' (imtwg Will Keep tho Income from Xowi Furnished Rooms from Lplatl YOU can roally help tt foially revenues by renting a few turnlahtd rooms and, If you ktiuw how cati when to use the classified colutniu. you may keep that little xtr lneotne as "nteady aa n clock." Own n ' scwHaKweawwn MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED 1'HICSS KzuujmHmfXLuxmztuzmam&&mmtfr lM VYYV 'Mnlillaliwl in ! fOU AAAV (W Tho ponnt Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Timet, Coast Alull iintl Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 329 (E000 J OQSEVELT TAKES ADVANCED t IN UUNVbNIlUN ADDRESS SPO ABE iN SCORES ROOSEVELT Lmnr President Lays Down (.'Ideas In no Uncertain Man- - tier 10 Followers. ILL NOT RUN UNLESS PLATI-UKM uuiMrunmo aries Much from Prepared .Speech Arouses iviuuii tninusiasui. , v 7, I llOOSCVCH HUH .ny : lura.. (l)y Associated Prosit.) CHICAGO-Aug. 0. Colonol-4 n.nvAit mada his "Confession ' of Faith" today to tho Nntlonnl n..nrHlvn convention. Tho LITTLE DONE BY CONVENTION A. C. ShaW. Candidate for tie C0Vcrl"B eleven typewritten pages, In D7.ui! m : i V cliidlnR a denunciation of Col. itcic RepUDllCan Nomination for vclt. Shnw'B stntcment Bays ho Is a sffi,?.ssm3.. Renounoe .wsaroaa sos Colonel Roosevelt. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Timer ) OLYMPIA, Wash., Aug. fi. When A C. Shnw of Spoknno filed yester day ns n candidate for tho Ropubll can nomination for congressman at largo, ho obtained permission from Secretary of Shite Howell to Inclmlo Progressive Party Adjourns un til Tomorrow after Roose velt's Speech. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Aug. C Tho National PrnizrnflHlvn Pnrlv rmtvnnflmi wi . ..... -.-..-I. nl.i .fe i .... . .' former president, mruun. uu. yicniicd 10 onior at 12:35 p m. today, boldly Into new grouud advocnt- , About ten mlnuloH later Colonul Ing mensural which ho said , Uoosovolt arrived, tho dologntoi frankly would ho denounced bursting forth Into cheers ns ho np clthcr ns socialism or anarchy. , ponrod on tho platform. Colonol Tho dclcgntcs listened to Ills , Uoosovolt waved his hand In ncknow jpeech with tho understanding lodgment or tho grcotlng which only thnt they must cither adopt tho , Incrcnsod thu enthusiasm of tho dole platform subslantlnlly In con- gatcn. After tho demonstrations had fnnnnce with his views or look proceeded over half an hour. Chnlr- clcowhcro tor a nominee mr mu mnn uovorldgo rapped for order, his prentrtency efforts, being In vnln. Tho dologntes kept up tho cheering for flfty-sovon minutes before thoy dcpartoiT appeared willing to quiet down nn1 BLUE-JACKETS IN 1NAG0A American Marines Landed at Capital of Nicaragua to Protect Americans. (By Associated Preen to Tho Coos Bay Tlmos.) WASHINGTON', Aug ton, Hamilton, Jofforson, Lincoln, IIoobgvoH, Tnft nnd Governor Hay of Washington. Tho statement bitterly scores tho former president, hl3 standing on many of tho questions since ho has been out of office, nn1 declnrcs that he much prefers the word of n Spokane Bnloon-kocpcr to thnt of Roosevelt. In his statement, Shaw sayB: "I despise a coward or a - ' ' w w -w -ww w w w w W W-WW-rVl SURVEY TO BE Report That Southern Pacific Begin Work on the Coast Line Soon. i tinnjpvolt continually i .. i titiimn ni. nimu' run' i n nnn in itnt'in ma mi rom ma prcpnruu bih-i-'uii, iinu. i'"" :" " " til VOO( Just boforo Colonel Itoosevelt nr r many sldo remarks and Bklpplng irtlons of uio prinicu biiul-u... .u r,V(,(, nnnnnpomcnt wn n)n,1o tlint idke tomowhnt slowly, with groat m10 (omporary organization would bo nnhnjls nnd was ronstnntly Inter- mndo ponnnnent nun It wns this nii u'tou with applause nnd rlit'ont. I nounromenl nnd that Itoosevelt had soutnlng tlio courts, ho said tlioro arrived Hint BOt tlio dologateB to (1cm. leht leRltlmntcly exist n dlfferonco,on8trntlng. During the pandomonlum opinion ns to tho desirability of tho, thnt reigned, delegates stood on tho como tnx. but there Is Bald to Do ntt- rnairs eneering until tnc rnrters rang. lutoly no question ns to ino rigni urnno Army mo nnn tiriiin corps ImpOJO BUCll n lax II ino pcopiu u- imuriirii iu iim piiiiiiirm pinyinK pni rA if rlotlc nlrs. All tho while the chant: Tho Colonel amused groat onthu- "Wo want Toddy," rould bo heart mm when ho declared tunc no was nuovo me inn. uno uKinnomn tsninti irnMtinp noltlmr socialism nor nn- slnst tore tho Btnto'H standard from It cliy but on the contrary waB ndvo- plaeo and Btnrtwl a march that n mo. tlnR n rorrcctlvo to Boclallsm and menr later was Joined In by hysterical i nnt i run to anarc IV. , mniiisiMi rrnwii. i up iinnnorR or On tho subject of sufrngo tho Col- ninny Btntes being taken from their id said: "The ballot Is as noenssary "laces to swing Into line. At 1:4 S t ono tox ns another," nn nssorno.i henntor novenago was nolo to make hleh fronted creat enthuslnBm os- himself henrd and Introduced Colonel iclally ntnong the suffrngotto delo- Itoosovolt. who Immediately launched tea. Roosevelt said tlio anii-irusi mm iuh nuuress mid bo retained nnd off Iclent-1 no temporary organization wuh s enforced Instead of being "Inofii- mndo pormnnont. Bon Lindsay's tnlly enforced" ns nt present. licnlth Torbado his nccoptanco of the In dlncnsslng tho Panama cannl,. pormnnont chnlrmanshlp. e Colonel nnhotil tho rlcht of tho altfil States to grant frco tolht to I astlo ships, to fortify tho canal id to rlnun tlin ufitorunv tn Rtilnn rtf . ' - . w .. . .. . ..- -- . m m - b bb her nations In tlmo of wnr. Tho 1 91 III I IP 1 II Dlonel ftnrleil In plnso wlthmit hnv-. vWI II UU . ....... ... . .....,.. . . k read more than half his speech,, P'lntr tho delegates that conies' DuM be distributed amonc thor. be delegates Insisted that ho "go on, on. and ho took up tho tariff, do nrlii? the peonlc Hliould nlaco no ro- prce In the nlertccs of thn Itnnnlill. i iwuonni convention. "For," ho -n n n i n j U. "I don't regard as authoritative, TIlG ProgrCSSIVC Party DcCldCS Against Black Delegates from South. That tho Southern Pacific will soon have surveyors at work on tho Const fi. Ono Lino south from Coob Uav to Eurnlm hundred bluo-JackctH and marines of , is reported hero today on rollnblo uio united states guimoui Annapotia, authority. aro now quartered at Managua, tho, Tho 8tatomont comes from parties Nleoragiinn capital. They woro land- in n position to know and whilo no d at corrlnto yestorday nt the sug- details arc glvon out, it 1b intlmatod TAFT URGES CONGRESS TO M LBILL ArfMWV GRAND JURY TO PROBE Coronor's Jury Holds Lyle Per- rine Not Responsible for Quick Killing. BANDON, Ore., Aug. C Holding that Jonathan Quick camo to his President Anxious that Provi sion be Made for Operat ing Canal Now. QUESTION OF TOLLS BE DECIDED LATER Wants Most Vital and Pressing Subjects to be decided 1 Immediately. (By Associated Proas to Coob Buy Tlmon.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. C President Toft todoy in a special mes- sago to ongrcBB urged tho Immcdi- donth from gunshot wounds indicted "to onnctmont of legislation to pro at tho hnnds of Lylo Porrino, twolvo' v,(, nn operating forco for tho Pana years old, tho coroner's Jury made no , aTnolVoTnnKaXT inner rucuimiionuaiiun nnor invun-. ions, ligation of tho tragic shooting on tho bench hero yesterday. Prcsldont Taft Indicated that tho question of frco nassaco to Am erican ships might bo dotormlnod lat- AX FTMtn nn,.l.l.Hl .1. t 1I..1 Tl, Inminot wna nnt lnni Mi In,!"'1 "u l' tniuu.ll. uutiuruu U1BI UU- ,,",', .. ... 1 roronces of opinion to othor phnson of being tho only oyo-wltnoss of tho. cnnl policy should not bo allowed to shooting. Ho told practically tho'dolay action on tho vital and presa ges! inn or tlio ivicnragutm govorn incut to protect American proporty giMKT AT MANAGUA that soino of thu surveyors now con grcgatlng horo will begin work on tho line, it Is understood time tho old sur-oy tho Southern PncIIlB mndo ti 1 . """ 7, v. "own tho coast n number of years AI.Milulo Pence Prevails In Mrnm. nR0 will bo followed pretty dosoly. i 1 . S'n "J' . r. Viec-)rcBldont Calvin, now in chnrgo (By Associated Pross to tho Coos Bay I 0f Southern Pnclllc construction, WAS.IINGtSnT0d: a, Aug. 3.-J o" "" "'" U' yarB Mnrlnca from tho Pnnnma liovo boon! Sonio wll0 nro fnmi,nr wllll tll0 ordered to N enragati to Hupplcniont , eituntlon Intimnto thnt V. J. Wol tho forco of bluo JackotB now In Mnn- fr0m nnd his party will probably bo agua guarding Americans nnd their Rn "checking" on tho survey south proporty. A wireless message from, from Co0b Bay vory soon, although Managua dated yesterday stntod tlint.tliolr ostensible mission hero now Is absolute quiet prevailed nt tho time to "chock in." on th rnn. rtnv.TC,,. tho messngo was lllcd. T nULd AT ALLIANCE I EARLY TODAY Steamer Arrives from Portland. ' Sails Tomorrow Morning for Eureka. gene lino north from tho Bay. TELLS ABOUT samo story that ho related yestor day. Ho claimed that tho old man (Mr. Quick) camo to tho camp and wanted to sell thorn some wood. Ho told him to go away and snys thnt the old man turned on him and bo gan using abuslvo language. Ho said he climbed a trco, fearing tho old mnn would attack him. Lntor ho camo to tho ground, rushed to tho tent nnd secured his fathers gun. UK uuujeciB. 1110 canni oiu, as amended, is now beforo tho Senate. PANAMA CANAL HILL (By Associated Proas to Coos Biy Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. C Tho Panama Cannl bill was tnkon up by tho Sonato today. Sonntor Brand- declared ogco declared that ho nronoBod m Quick started to loavo but returned ?opi',b"I?, Umi, continually and tho lad shot. " ''", """ "u" Thnn ho lnft for tho lioneh in " U"B" "' ' "iKion spoire search of his father who had gono In support of exempting Amorlcan cut with tho rest of tho family. IIo ?Bf'B0 1' & 5.,ntJ.V?-Ua?"i?l m Norman Mack Explains Cam paign Contributions of 1904 and 1908. lmi on honesty hy dotectod plck- CKfU." I When noosqvolt eoncluded nt 3:04 wk, anotlior prolonged demon-' atlon took place. Aftor noosovolt' it tiie platform, tho report of tho' '"minis CO mm tten nnRnntliif Mm KrO deleimtOSl va mlnnl.l .. .1 ItOOUt atfeCtlnG- nni-mnunnt nMnnnl plon, tho convention adjourned un- I wiJiurriJW( ini to BE m BRIEF (By Associated P'-eis to Tho Coos Uav Tl'iu's) CHICAGO, Augnst 0. Tho second dny of tho Progromdvo National Con outton oponed with n well donned light over tho negro question vleing for tho first Interost with Roosovclt's dollvory of his "confosslou of faith" to his followers In tho Progressive intiso. Soino of tho delegntes declar ed that tho ollmlnntlon of tho South ern ogro from participating in form ing tho new party had bocomo tho paramount Ibsuo. Eastern negroes Joined with tholr brothers In tho South in denouncing cortaln things that occurrod at an all night mooting of tho crodontlals commltteo when tho InBt of tho Southom nogro dele gates woro barrod from tho floor of Tho Alliance nrrivod in thin morn-' bhciuioh rrosa 10 mo uoos uJ i TlDlGBl ing from Portland nnd will sail at C WASHINGTON, Aug. C Norman o'clock In the morning for Eureka. I K. Mack, chairman of tho democratic Sho had a good cargo of freight for nntlonnl committee in 1908, today Cooa Bay In addition to coneidornblo told tho sennto commltteo on Inves- through stuff. tlgatlon of the campaign funds of Among those arriving on tho Al- that year nnd also in 1901 thnt tho llnnco woro tho following: Mrs. only contribution he could romombor Slough, C. Slough, Mrs. Roberta, S. having rejected wns that of Col. J B. Murphy, II. O. Duppol, A. T. Wnl- M. Jeffrey of Pittsburg, Pa. Mnc- lousky. Fred Gates, Clms. McCloy, added that after Bryan wns defented Mrs. McCloy, Mrs. Loonils, J, C. Han- tho campaign commltteo wns several ford, D. Falko, C. Johnson, A. IC' thousand dollars In debt. Guffay' Herman, II. Sheohnn, A. T. Rogors, contribution was then accepted Chas. Zomp, O. Alftermnn, A. T. Mack stnted thnt the contribution Mnrkols, J. O'Connor, R, Kongan nnd H. Dorothy. mot Tom Anderson to whom ho told tho story and remained with him nftor that. It Is oxpoctod thnt tho wholo mat ter will bo submitted to tho grand Jury nt Coqulllo nt Its noxt session. Tho boy's parents aro hoart brokon over tho trngody. Thoy camo to Bandon Sunday night to camp out, a couplo of other RoBoburg families coming with them. Quick's body will bo tnkon to Co qulllo whoro tho funeral will probab ly be held. Tho coroner'ri Jury eonslbted of J. Trowbridgo, H. Morrison, Lou Rco vos, J. Blnckorby, II Colgrovo, and II. Brown, of tolls, declaring tho British tronty uio noi roruiii it. IRE SUSPECTS ARE DETAINED FINE RESORT AT SUNSET BAY ARRIVE TODAY UU liai rTnnpnccIuno U i ?.""" "."""." Keoii Vuii iviv IU uio convonuon oy a cioso voio. tho -wiiwiuiin iduu-word Limit. f As!0lated Press to Tho Coos -HlCAG(TyA T-' . f'gresshn n. , ,' 1,, Hionai WaVla"y 8 ,,,",t.orm ls .P'etea un" i ,T. Z YJL 0 voto stood 17 to 1G against tho Mis sissippi nogroes and Immedlntoly a protest wns mado that tho deciding ballot was cast by a questionable proxio on tho commltteo. "This mnt tor is not sottlod yot," said ono of tho Mississippi negroes, Soveral nogroes In tho ousted delegation are among tlio delegates of tho national convention. Thoy declared tho sent- Inc of tho "ftidco" fwhlto) dolocntcs nks that havoiwLnn.a nm?8 ,r would moan a "Illy white" progres- the UTJ. J?.e" urne( sUo party in tho south. tatlveuraftof -"'' Tho 8,tlint,on throatonod a bitter m. , .. .. l ol ino pronosed nlnt- ii.. .. ...- . ...- i.... ' '"" lull committor hi i "Kin un mo iiuoi 01 ino uuiivuiuiu'i States of a si n,V i w",1 '"GOt' should the nogroes adhere to tho In- contests to fcpected that tho ltlals commltteo today after HAD viiim iv .."TTT. Colonel Roosevelt delivered his --- . ..K.i.iin "y A8S0eln,i r... n.; -nJre" t0 Tho Coos -commlitn "V '.uo wia.y-. A nmlttee . ,U1 rsolutlons .Bb. J? .! .at work on a maBB of speech. ATTEND FATHKH'S Fl'NKItAL. nn m. " lu 1U0 V'OOS A vASHlNGov,mDesi lpPPer.v ,,' D" c- Aug. G ,,,., ' "ie tOlinv m. . ' ucouuy f.phoe itatlon. , e t0,eBraP nnd it tr k..u,llns were nmnn. i, satnpn..r..ana. newa of tho fir u ,. " . A rallrnn,! ".r.. U.M-liNftlVII, Aug. u, rroBiueiii ihTi.i lnB orlven f m , J""ulor.Taft and Mrs. Taft arrived here todav k". es Portion i.n7rV ' ?""! to attend the funeral of .Mrs. Tnits " Ore was undnr "" VIP,ea. '". ..J?" W. 'siilciit nnd Mrs. Taft In Cincinnati Today (By Associated Press to The Coot Bay Times.) CINCINNATI, Aug. C President SB lln.ln- . . I '"""II UUIIII , UU as under control. 1 curred this afternoon Herron, which oe- Steamer in from San Francisco .at Noon Today Sails . Friday Afternoon. Tho Rodondo nrrlved in about noon today from Snn Francisco after a rather slow trip up the coast, heavy foggy weather delaying hor. Sho had about COO tons of frolght air! a capacity list of passengers. The Redondo will sail Friday af ternoon at 2 o'clock for San Francis co. Among those arriving on tho Re dondo were tho following: wns refused becnuso It was reportol that Gn f fey represented tho Stan dard Oil CO; WOOL TARIFF BILL POSSES Compromise Measure, Identi cal with One Taft Vetoed, Enacted Again (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times). WASHINGTON, Aug. G. The con ference report on the compromise! La Follotto-underwood ool tariff bill was adopted by tho sonato todriy 35 to 2S Six progressive republi cans Joined tho democrats. Tho com promise bill goes nt onco to Tnft. It Is Identical with the one he vetoed In 1911. Tho Progressives who voted for W. T. Merchant, Chas. White, liar- .,. i w.i,i ,m ,. n-t.,. old Curry, Mrs DA. Curry. J. B. tow. dapp. Crawford, Gronna, La Rlghtmure, CO. No son, Mrs. C. M. pollette and Works. Cummins was Nelson, Mlsa Gertrude Englo, M. B.paIre(i ngalnst tho measure. Ho Robin, G. K. Robin, Miss Irene Bad that If free to voto he would op Prouss, E. T. Estabrook, Paul Schutt- poso it. as he believed a twenty per pelz, Jos. Nagol, A. Moore, Mrs. Ber-Joent ad valorem duty on wool much tha Urouilletto. Mubel Broulllette, ioWOr than could bo Justified by a J. W. Gale, T. A. Williams, J. L. study of tho tariff board's report. Brain, Mrs, R. Engatrom, Miss L. SJoberg, C. E. SJoberg, Miss Mario MIKADO'S FUNERAL SET Maloney, Miss Inga Henson, K. V.I Kruse, Miss A. M. Gray, Mrs. A. E., Formal Ceremonies Will bo Held L. J. Simpson begins Construc tion of Fine Buildings ' His Plans. L, J. Simpson hns bogun work on what will bo ono of tho finest summer resorta In tho west when ho com pletes his plans nt Sunset Dny. He already has a forco of men cloarlng land for tho building grounds and will have n tract or about flvo hun dred acres overlooking tho oconn con verted Into ono of the most attractive and beautiful places Imaginable. His plans now call for tho erection of a fine resort hotol to bo called "Sunset Inn" nnd tho erection of a number of small bungalows which will bo rented furnished to families who wish better quarters tlmn a tent nffords. Architect W. S. Turpen returned today from "Shoro Acres" whoro no nnd L. J. Simpson hnvo spout two or threo dnys planning for tho resort "Sunset Inn" will bo orectcd noxt spring. It will bo n strictly modern hotel. It will be built on a cliff overlooking Sunsot nay. about a mllo from "Shoro Acres." It will have a long porch, twenty-four feet wldo, af fording a flno view. Tho dining room will bo nbout 00x80 and built so that it can bo quickly convortod Into a dancing pnvlllon. Tho lobby will bo nbout BOxCO. Tho exact di mensions of tho building or tho num ber of guest rooms has not been de termined. Eight or ten of tho smnll bungnlow cottages will be erected this fall. The Idea is to furnish tho cottages more Two Additonal Arrests in New York Murder and Graft Case Today. (By Associated Press to tho Coob Buy Times). SPENCER, Aug. C Two young men suspected of bolng "Lofty Lou lo" nnd "Glp, tho Blood," wantod In connection with tho Rosenthal mur der, woro detained by tho pollco tills nfternoon pending Identification. THREAT DY POLICE (By Associated Pross to the Coos Boy Times): NEW YORK,, August C Friends of "Brldglo" Wobbor, hold In connec tion with tho Rosenthal enso nBSort two pollcomon who havo nccess to tho prison warned him that If ha supports tho Btntomonts.of "Jncfc Roso," ho will forfeit his life. GETS AN ATTORNEY (By Associated Press to Tho Coot Bay Times.) NEW YORK, August C It is ex poctod that Martin W. Littleton who dofonded Ilnrry K. Thaw will take chargo of tho denfonso of LI out. Chnrles A. Becker. Friends of Boc kor in tho pollco department aro rais ing n defenso fund of npproxlmatoly fifty thousand dollars and havo askoA Littleton to defend tho nccusod lieutenant. I HELP SOIRS Former Coos Bay Man Projects Line from Medford to Port Orford Now. rtAVnnW Orn.. Aug-. fi.. T. n. ly for living qunrterB. tho occupants, Somfirs lins tntorpstod n numhbr of i to get their meals at "Sunset Inn." Bandon men In n new railroad pro- Mr. Simpson hns long had tho pro-! jept. His project provides for tho Ject In mind but wns postponing car- consrrucMon ef a lino from tb rylng It out until the railroad camo. Southorn Pacific at or near Modfor Gray, Mrs. G. Swanson, Mrs. M. Mc Voy, Herbert Swanson, Mrs. J, E, Traxler, Miss Delia Holmes, P. Brls ter, E. Doughterty, F. Alclatl, O. However, ho thinks that an auto lino can bo established between Mnrsh flold and North Bond nnd Sunset Bny that will provide for them amply fori the time being This morning Nr. Slmnson and Mr. Tumen rohirned from Shoro Acres tn nbout nn hour. I September 1.1. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times). TOKIO, Aug. C The funeral cere . - -. ,-, I . . I I - .. !.. T 1CT.1..,I uryan, a. .owih, a. uiuu, u. uum, ihuiij ui uio mio iiiuoiui m juniuia.ij All Invited Tako Steamer Alorfr T. O'Donnell, J. Llnnett and P. Sn- fixed for Sept. 13 Interment .will bo' , i$! porla. at Momoyama the following day. Bring your lunch. CALEDONIAN PICNIC "i Charleston Bny Sunday. August to tho Coqulllo river, thonco down tho Coqulllo to nandnn nnd thence to Port Orford. Not many dotnlls havo been learn ed rognrdlng the project but It Is un derstood that Mr Somors claims that foreign capital Is behind tho road. Among thoco In Unndon who liar been financially Interested in It art I Col. Rosa, the Galllers and Mr. ! Trowbridge. Mr. Somors wns here a few dnys ago In conference with them regard ing tli a scheme.