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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1912)
OMEN ARE TOGETHER K SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT WANT ADVERTISING in Tbo TiMKI Will Krcp tho Incomo from Yo Furnished Rooms from Lapll YOU can really holp tlw fmnllj revonuoa by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to use tho classMed columns, you may keop that Itttlo oxtra. lucorno tfltflS " ,U. Mm"'1'" Hir.cilveljt " Th ro u e,K of all .o rrl,e,y .'- iL town And if IfLWI..bnno of tl't-m who ought 10 i,,w".: ;ii-ii mii if as "flteady aB a clocK." "U "' ., MKMISKH OP ASSOCIATED PRESS JL XXXV KhIiiIiIIhIhsI In IH"H MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1912 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll Mq 320 nnd Coos liny Ailtertlscr. riu roast Mii" I1H 0 MATTER S rJ IE PASSES LAFOLLETTE BILL FOR WOOL TARIFF U sssa,"??50' JEX618E BILL NOW FAVORED ESS' saw By Wisconsin dunmui. ARKED REDUCTIONS Aht IVIHUU U M Hows Rccommandalions of rresmuiu itmp .. -iff Commission. Associated Proas to Coos Bar Tlmec.) I . ..i.. nft KVA8HIN0iu., " ""' ""((Dy Associated Press Senates uncxprciru .""b " Times). La Follotie wool bW J-rc"' wABIflNrSTpN, D. C., .Italy 2(5. ,llnn nn which HonBO jUnJOrll ..,, H..'..w.m-.I tan,-.. I ...... dor Underwood thinks Vlo typ I a Hdtrrrnliiff.l -'In MuhlinV"fiir, ., if Cnnurcss enn agrcn. ,,,..... ... , ,. . "i... , Urool today Raid lio tonBm(,lf, m, IC0no tnx n ,,,. ull, he would ho Httlo lV"i?,V"Jnilni'c(i-piirtneriJhlpH doing n lbuslness of E'chlrn; n compromise. In tl lir enm, (inn $r)0on , ( Democrats Want All Concerns With Income Over $5000 Jp Pay 'Income Tax. Coon Dav In bill almost Itlcnllcal will i the ions , , .. , , . , .... Ill crood Align li. iJii, proo- .fcr ,, nb .... n,OIUimont. Tiluro ,vr ly w 111 K0 to mo Wimp unnso ln,nnj,inn . m.i ..,a ithln a few weeks. Tho former hill , v " " "" is TOtocd on the Rrouna tnni '.no Iff bonrd had nnt reporter! nn nn rcitlKatlnn of schedule K. Doth buw loaders nay the l.n Toilette HI follows tho ronrluslon 01 inn Aril nnllo rlnsch. I When (lie I-a Pollolte hill reached Home. Underwood ucninnneu fll be sent to eonference -and tho. kato amendment to It riKTeefl to. km, of New York, lteptfbllcnii, IJccled. ArrordlnRly tne niunliiK the conrereeH was put over imtii norrow. The essentlnl points of dlTforcnco the LaFollctte bill and the lionse ll reductions from tho present Inr- i are. "Raw wool"'ollotto ten to Irty.flvo per cent; "House" twenty cent. IWool wastes and raps l.nFolletto II 25 to 30 per lent, llnuso ldll 20 r cent. RECORD BROKEN ' G'f CONGRESS 'TTincmcndniis .Number cof Meas ures llntroduccd This Session. at tlly .Associated ProBa to tho'Cooa U,j Times). WUVmiIN(.TUN, H. C, July 2C W.lth Htlll nnollior session of rtho Slx O-Sucond CoiiRreR8 to bo hold, tho Combed wool or tops LaFollctte immbor of blllo nnd resolutions nl- i w per cent. Mouse bill 25 per ,...,..,,. i,1trniiPn.i i MiU f.nin.r i. t. ' - " "- Yarns LaPollette hill IB nor i out. !TnHHoii nil previous rccoruo. uy tuiA hin .tn i.r.. phi. ilurch I, l'Jia, whoa tho Slxty-Soc Clothes, rlnthliiR, knit ol.Ml c,,Kro8a ends, It Is conlldontly irics, women h dress Roods, etc., uiiui.uu mni mmu wu nu.o uiuu Kolletle r.." per ent. Iloimo Mil "m(, ll,nt wln Btnlul for mnny yjoaru. to ro per cent There huvo bec Uu,'.i::i blllti In- Carpets -LnKolletto nn per cent trtitliuiotl In tho IIouso thus fnr and use bill 25 to r.O por cont. t ''iliV '" uio aonuio. in mo two ineso nro the most strlklni; com- u,il'', tunimuou ihuiu mm m-uu u Isons. When tho llniire nnd Son- ijoilucod 1.002 slmpU) rosolullous 10- conrcrecs readied n compromise J""B ncuon oi a biirio iiouho, iun ear nco, tho raw wool dutv wns J')lnt rosnlutloiiB ami 711 concurrent lproinlsoil nt 'jo n,.r Mni .,! rcuolutlona. Tho iionato Iiuu niintuU ste at 29, combed wool at 32 por t81 public dociuiionta nnd 0C2 6- " yarns ni a i per rent nnd rindy i'",lB "" "'i v" iiounu oio uucu de clothing at 29 por cont. in cut a and 1052 roportii. Congress i iii tiepeiul larecly on tho char- passed omy zua puuue iiiwh, ui er of the ennforonrn Mmmiiinn private InwB iind 43 puJvllo rcsolu- ncd by tho Scnnto. wlioilmi- th tlonn. and cuio prlvato icaolutlon. "promlso glmiini- tn i,n in ). The aJbove IlKtirort Include tho pro- iclcl- effected, reedlncu up to and Including July 24. t year tho rennliiirnn inminn " luse-j I to liavo nnylhlnR furthor to i .m uio bin after It had passed r o oenaie named I.nFollotte. re "'an, and Ilallov nnd SlnunnnR. "ocrats, as conferees to net with irescDta,Uca I'nJenvood, Unns- nj Ilarrlunn I'halrman Uii-jcnvood nlso sees n' - iur uio cotton revision bill at siun or conRrew. SEND OLD IDS 10 BARREN ISLE Miss Helen Gould, Who Has Millions, and Colorado Min ister In Tilt Over Women Remaining Unmarried. (Uy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). (UtANl) .1 UNCTION. Colo., Julf 2fi. Undnuntoil by tho comment u. MIkh Holm Gould upon his sormon In which he nsserted old maids should bo Isolated on n barren Inland as a wnHTo product, Itcv. Elmer V. Huffcr of the First Christian church Insisted today that old maids wore- n mennco hnd detriment to society nnd whlln cxtolUiiR- Miss Gould's nobility nf ohnrtictor nnd the Rood sho lnui done, lrn ndvlsed her to sook n mate Incognito In the backwoods wlicro she would be certnln that she whs bclnR wooed for love nnd not her money. "Hero she might find the right one, a righteous nnd Industrious man would lovo her for her true self and not for her wealth. Her riches jiavo hnndlcappcd her real enjoyment of life- nnd I dare say sho Is not ns hap py In her prlvato enr with her maldB nB Is my sorvant girl. "If Mss Gould wants two weeks ot real onjoyment two weeks of real happiness let her dlsgulso herself ns a waitress nnd seek work In a cbcnp restaurant, let her clerk In a Btoro or work ns a chambermaid, anything so long ns sho earns her own living, nnd lives on less than Jin a week. NEED NAVY FD PROFECT CANAL Col. Roosevelt Says Naval Strength Is Needed to Maintain Honor. ( Ily Associated Press to the Coos Day Times). OVBTI3H DAY. N. Y., July 20. An nttnek on tbo Democratic ma jority In tho IIouso refusing tondop? the ttwo-pattlOBhlp program, was made today by Co). Koosovclt Ii declared tho building up of tho mnv'y must to on If this country Is to niautifln Its position among the Na tions of tho worjd. t "Whon tho Democrats voto down' the battle ships," ho Bnld, "If they are logical, they rtlso wll) voto to nbandon tho Pnnnma Cnnnl. It Is an ontTngo from the standpoint of National hon or and Interest to go on with Ih.o Pnnnma Cnnal at nil, unlesH we- lioth fortify It and keep up an ndequnto nnvy." HflHRY IL THAW i nn n uinMir iitm mm. W IN itiini:it vii.i. co.vnxn Slayer of Stanford White Re fused Freedom From White Plains Asylum. PNcn, rk Publish,.,. Wll Aisnln liu "emccrailc Treninwr. Asoclated Press to Tho Coos Tl.'lV TI,,,no IM. . ' "f !,.,. I pnidder of v' 'vy i26'- Hor"l fny Associated Press to tho Coog Day FBtofliv urn .. ,l ,wiai Timosi. Ir of the n".?.ll,nMMI, WHITE PLAINS. N. Y., July 20. he ?urlnB n.rnHp t1onn Harry K. Thaw, In tho eyes of th.) ..w iMirnuruiiiii mw is still ipsano and must remain iln tho nsyluni whoro ho wns placed' February 1. 1008, after ho had klllod Stnnford White. Justlcu ICoogh of the supreme court donled today Thaw's application for freedom. I The court took tho ground that Tl nw's release would bo dangerous to public snfoty. UKTT1W HKKVICK IIKItK. Contrnetor C. P, Darnard announc es thnt his automobiles aro now run ning clonr through to Myrtle Point from this city, making thrco hours than with tho stage coaMi Camns Valley, tho. tormlnnl of tho auto mo-i Duo stro'ch of tho journey. Tho new order of travel also saves nn ovor nlght stop at Myrt'o Point for per sons on route to Marshflold bv per mitting connection with the rnllrorid I TUnflY upirJ! aniSllip Sa S Thi? Mnrninn fn?tcr t,mo th fnr Dt V ' b1'VIOrmn3i relayed from l0r Port ant W th Previous torn Good List. FheDrMw..- .. . PHorSZ"!tlU rg0'ig lh , u" n lr sized &lJ,SF. wnm.Tff butler rV"5 i?J ,i!!S?a"!l 'II... IIOWlnir la Info . iiuiuium mil uuw tuaiu ivuouuuih ' Ut: W1"e Ib hor passen- nn ,ltomobllo at fi:30 o'clock In the 53 i. Mill. .. in,.l., l.nn.l ,1,,. Imtn nt -M...(lr. Pce i,,""".3' nn. II. H. i.. ;'"'.""u . ". ." v ""'..S'.r'V'r ST n v J. Lawyer r n win win urrivn in .-wiusiiiiuiu i u ( ttn . we- D. E P; r X' oc'ek tnnt flvonlng. uosonurg ite ?" m. n.ji,. . VonBer, h. C. vio. l n,,.. .wuunn m -. . ..w... Bit ini L pi u"eaie, v, iyj.- Smith! fcaron' M- J.' H ShH- E- L Farrl n V1"' - 08 OU L..,n lfe. i,i. St'eo J Weln- niiAMi;i.s -irsn iniTvn nt STr. i- &?.t epb?wynrs;,TOii,,,B mmhiy ami nuuaur- Ai?.e.tty' Q. Smith Sw Aram8.n, ' CHICKENS for Sunday DINNER. '" fete Petersnn "B0Vcn. FRIEHS and STEWS at STAUFFS' 80t1, , GROCERY. THERMOS DOTTLES and THER MOS OUTFITS at RED CROSS DRUO AT DEAD OF Li W. E. Pierce, Boise Railroad Builder, Takes Up Coos Bay Project. HOSEDUIia. Oro., July 2C Movements which forecast Important developments for Jthls portion of On gon becamo knoirii hero this morn ing. Soveral weelip ago offices were ojiencd In Itosoburu JUy tho Oregou & Southern Hallway, with J. Arnold Doyle, prosldont; II. M. Fnrron, vlco piosldejit, and Goo. Godfrey, treas urer. SurvoyH ox sojuio au or 3.U miles of Jino woro inadeiiml rights nf way obtained, whon Mr. Doylo failed to meet tho uccetisary requirements and ho retired from tbo presidency oi thd company and hns gone elsowhor?. Now tho movement Is being reorgan ized by tho formation of a new company' Incorporated under IbQ liua of tho Stnto of Wushlngton an tho Oreggu. & Southern Railway vco,m pany. i .' ' Of this now company, W. T?. Plorce, of DoIs6, Idaho;' haB ucqoptd tho presidency nhd will como. to Roseburg nboutAugi1it 5, to person ally take up matters In connection therowlth. Mr. Pierce Is at tho head of the well known firm of W. E. Plerco & Cq., which Is rated very high In financial circles. His com pany built tho Dolse and Caldwell In terurban lines of railway somo 30 or 40 miles In length, and hns nlso bcon an Important factor In other largo developments In thnt state, as woll ns In Oregon. Mr. Fierce Is person ally known to soveral Rosoburg cltl zons, who recognize him ns ono of the active dovelppors of tho Pacjflc Northwest, nnd who ranks very high ly wherever known. Hla coming hero will bo gladly welcomed and steps nro already being taken toward giving him an appropriate reception Upon his arrival. This will at least assure him that this railway enter prise has the moral support of tho community for Its success. In the new company now being organized n now bonrd of directors la being selected, but Mr. Fnrren will be one of tho vlco presidents, and Mr. Godfrey treasurer. The secre tary will probably be W. II. Jeffry, wro was formerly secretary of tho old company. Mr. Farren will also be a membor of tho new board of directors, being one of the largo stockholders nnd a personal friend of Mr. Pierce. Mr. Fnrren nnd Mr. Godfrey a. verv active workers on this railway movement and deserving of much credit 11 accomplishing what has al ready been done. Mr. Fnrren wis employed with Mr. Plerco for moie (Continued on Page Six.) DETROIT HAS BRIBE SCANDAL Seven Members of Council Charged With Crooked ness With Railroad. ((Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) DETROIT, Mich., July 26 Warrants huvo boon issued for tho arrest of sdven members ot tho common coun cil of Dotrolt who are chargod with accepting bribes for their votes and intluonco In tho passage of a measure affocting tho city property recently transferred to a railroad. It Is nl loged that thirty seven thousand dol lnrs passed In bribes. FINE SCHOOL IU2COHR. Ivan C. Laird, ot Sltkum, began school In his seventh year, jinsscd the olghth grade cxatnlnntloii nt 10, tooic up tho ninth grade tho following year, making n total of nlno yenw steady attendance without being tardy or absent n day during his school life. Coqulllc Hcnilfl. WARM ECHOES OF CAMPAIGN Congressman Humphrey Re sents Charge of Bad Poli tics In Washington. (Dy Associated Proas to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C July 26. In a blttor speech in tho House to day, Itopresontntivo Humphrey of Washington, republican, replied to Representntlvo Norrts of Nebraska, who concluded n speech In. which he condomned tho rocont Chicago Con ventlon nnd chargod thnt dolegates from tho Stnto of Washington had bcon obtnined for President Tnft through political corruption. Hum phroy disavowed any personal know ledge ot tho manner In which tho delegates were selected, saying ho was not at homo nt thnt tlmo. ".But I do resont that statement of tho gentleman from Nebraska thnt reflects upon tho honesty and Inte grity of n large number of citizens ot my stnto by quoting the opinion of some man whoso name ho Is not will ing to gtvo nnd whom ho quotes as saying tho dologntes of tho Stnto of Washington to tho Republican Na tional Convention wore absolutely stolen." Humphrey said he did not do Mr. Norris tho Injustice of bollovolng ho had made his anonymous charges "In that zoal of his cause, or In tho en thusiasm of yesterday." Ho Bcath lngly arraigned tho "great ohd good" man whoso Identity Norris decllnos to rovoal, for refusing to lot his name bo known because ho was a candidate for ofllco. In strong language, Humphrey condemned thoso who chargod pol itical corruption and political rotten ness In the camps of tholr opponents "while concealing the truth about their own party and their candidates." RESIDENTS OF T0KI0 fW AS MIKADO GRADUALLY SIS IS ON DfH BED Former President of Mexico Reported Fatally III In Paris. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times MEXICO CITY, July 2C A spoclal dispatch to a nowspapor hero says Ex-prcsldcnt Diaz Is sorlously 111 and a fatal outcomo Is predicted. No con firmation of tho report la obtainable hero. MORE SS IN NEW YORK Solution of Plot of Murder of Herman Rosenthal Is Near at Hand. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) . NEW YORK. July 2C A solution of tho intrlcnto plot that brought Gambler Herman Rosenthal to Ins death that ho might not toll more- of tho secrets of tho relations bctwco.i tho pollco nnd gnmblors is near nt hnnd. Thnt Is tho bcllof today of Deputy Pollco Commissioner Dough orty. who Is prepared to "Third do greo" Frank Clroflcl, who tho com missioner Buys Is "Dago Frame," ono of the slayers of Rosenthal. Clroflcl had two cult cases packed for trav eling. He donled knowledgo of tho shooting. William Shapiro, tho chauffeur of tho "murder car" has confessed nnd supplied many of tho; missing links in tho chain of evi donee. Emperor of Japan Clings to Life By Slender Thread This Afternoon. THOUSANDS GATHER NEAR PALACE GATES Business Practically Suspend ed as Result of His Crit ical Condition. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Dy Times). TOKIO, July 27 It 1b plnlnly evident thnt his majesty's condition Is ox troraoly grave and that tho physlclams aro doing their utmost to sustain the romalnlng foohlo spark of Hfo. The G. R. W, T. park, outsldo tho entran ces to tho pnlaco, prcaontod a romark nblo oceno today. Thousandu of poo plo gathered, many praying, and tn showing sorrowful anxloty. A ro markablo hush provatlod oror the city UiIb morning, business bolng al most suspended. CONDITION IS GRAVE Relievo That Kinjicror of Japan la In Critical Condition (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) TOKIO, July 2C Tho condition of Mutsu Hlto, emperor ot Japan, to day was regarded by thoso In nt tondanco ns extremely grave. Physi cians Issued bulletins thnt announcoJ thnt there wns no chango which they regarded ominous. W M SUSPECT IS ARRESTED Vancouver Pollco Hold Man for Com- pllclty In Robbery. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) VANCOUVER, D. C, July 20 Tho -rnllsA linvrt In nnarmlv n rnnMnnf nf i f;: .... ;;.:. .. :..r."'ir .i . i" "i .:i i ouuiii v iini-uuvui wiiu in uuiuuiuu uu ' suspicion of complicity In tho bank robbery at Central Park yesterday. ONE KILLED IN E TO 1 THE NAVY Democrats Threaten to Bolt Caucus Decision to Op pose New Vessels. (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coos Day Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 2C Chairman Sulzor of tho IIouso com mltteo on forolgn affairs, has writ ton Chairman Durleson of tho IIouso Democratic caucus, declaring his In tention to voto for tho bnttloshlp program regardless of tho caucus which doclnrcd for no ships this year. "I hnvo told Durlohoa that whenever my voto Ib directed by patriotic mo tives, I will not bo bound by n scant majority In tho caucus," said Suh or today, Sulzor declared 2G or 30 Demo crats who participated In tho last caucus wore ready to voto for ono or moro battleships. "If enough Republicans, support tho Sonnto program, we can puss it through tho House," said Sulzer. Ho Is now circulating n potltlon for another caucus. KE FIELD GLASSES at RED CROSS DRUG STORE. Special CANDY; SyLE SATURDAY and SUNDAY nt STAFFORD'S. CARAMELS !13c POUND. CHICKENS for Sunday DINNER. FRIERS and STEWS at STAUFFS' GROCERY. HAND DANCE at EAGLES HALL Saturday. July 27. KODAKS $1.00 to $05.00 at RED CROSS DRUG STORE Special CANDY SALE SATURDAY and SUNDAY at STAFFORD'S. CARAMELS 35o FOUND. WANTED Carrier lxy to deliver Dally Times on Bunker Hill. Clash Between Strikers and Armed Guards in West Virginia Fatal. (Dy Associated Pross to the Coob Day Times). CHARLESTON, W. Va., July 20 Ono miner was killed In n skirmish between strlkors and armod guards at tho Paint Creok collorles today. Gov. Glasscock Iiob ordered tho sec ond battalion on duty thore. TEN CHILDREN IN ONE HOUSE HAVE MEASLES SWEET HOME. Ore.. July 2C. Jesse, tho 7-yoar-old son of Mrs. Vloln Keenoy, a widow living nenr Crawfordsvlllo, had 4 tho flesh torn off his right hand by having It caught In tho ropo of a hay fork that was putting hay In his mother's barn. Tho flesh is entirely stripped off about half tho hand and threo ; fingers. Dr. Wilson of Sweet Homo hopes to bo nblo to snvo tho hand, trough he mny have to resort to flesh grafting. Jesse Is the third of tho flvo boys nnd tho day of his accident nil flvo wero taken down with , the measles, as were n'so the five children of Mrs. Hawk, Mrs. Koenoy's sister, who Is visiting thore. PETER CLAUSEN W If WELL KNOWN MARSHFIELD DUS INESS MAN SUCCUMDS TO LONG ILLNESS TODAY CONSUMP TION PROVES FATAL. Peter Clausen, nn old resldont horo, passed away this afternoon be tween threo and four o'clock. Ho had been suffering from consumption for a number of years and rocontly went to California to hotter his health hut continued to fall so ho re turned to his homo to await the end. Mr. Clausen Is well known on Coos Bay whoro ho has resided for a num ber of years. Ho owned tho Clausen Shoo Storo and has a numbor of othor properties here. Tho end was not inexpected and It was bellovod last night that ho could not survlvo to day. Mr. Clausen was born In Germany. Ho leaves n wife and two sonB, Guy and Horschol. FISHERMEN ON STRIKE SHRINERS. You nro hereby notified to ha present at a called meeting to ho held nt W. J. Rust's offlco July 20, 1912, at 8 p. m. Dy order of committee. DAY CITY, July 2C Tho strike among tho fisherman on Tillamook bny with tho canneries is still on, ns at tho mooting hold recently between tho men and the cannery men, noth ing wns accomplished. The cannory men mndo an offer of 4 cents for Chinook, 3 cents for sllverstdes and 10 cents for chums, which offer was refused. KRAMER CIGAR LIGHTERS at RED CROSS DRUG STORE, BO cents each.