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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1912)
IT'S HARD TO GET SOME PRIENDS-AND IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE OTHERS " -. -. - . i. ,.. I,,., (ttflfl WANT ADVERTISING In Tbo T1MXB Will lt'i the I n co mo from Yaw Furnished Rooms from LpiRl YOU can really help tb family revenues by renting a tew .furnished rooms) and, If you know how and whon to use the chiB8lfled coluruuj, you may keep that llttlo oxtra incora hb "steady na a clock." WIH i i E"" " ,ho Market" Effectively I if will nut tho facts ubout your L( boforo tio eyes of all "pos CrtW' town. And If !&. ow of thorn who ought to there ,. ... mmt own it. yu " " MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS la .Established lu 1H7 ftfl Tho CrinstMnll ifOL XXXV fjfm DESOLATION IVIARK "' PATH OF PENNSYLVANIA FLOOD MARSHFIELD, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY, 25, 1912 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mill Coo liny Advert lmr. No. 319 Cloudbursts Cause Widespread Damage in auumwc&iwm Part ofjState. THREE SCORE OR munt: livco luoi Miners Drowned In Uniontown Mine Many Driven From Homes. Associated Prcsa to ' Coos Bay Times.) PITTSDUHG, In., July 25.-- Death Ami desolation wore sprenu v.HMdt over soutnwcsi rcnnsyi AUSTRALIA ON f(Dy 0 MS RUMOR L0E8 WILL JOIN ROOSEVELT TESTIFIES THAT ROOSEVELT DID Senate There Adopts House Resolution Opposing Fa vors for Americans. (By Associated Press to Coos Day L TImoa.) HtlJT YlfMTnXTt Y.... fir m.. night by clmid'Hirflta iocrf W'"B th ,ft t0(,ny pnD8o(, t,o r0f)0,uton ,, t. cd by tho Houso In roforonco to tho Pnnnmn canal. Its terms nro "In tho opinion of tho Houbo, any sys tom providing for a bonus or robato of canal duos to American shipping In tho Panama canal would bo detri mental to tho interests of Australia. 'lrni8. inrCC ncuru ur muiu ii:d ere Ion nnu me uuiuuku miii and Industries cannot bo cstlmnted. , Fifteen wcro iobi in wiu ouiiuiuu -Mine No. 2. nenr Uniontown, 70 min us narrowly escaping death, wjillo . mintr olher sections roport Mrei lost by mountnln torrents rush- he Into mine slopes. Hundreds of families woro driven from their homes nnd Bought shelter throush the night in Improvised .v.. i.. nnA tnnto. llnvlironk rovcnl- cd many desolated sections, tho up-j per YouRiilOBlicny cspt'ciuuy iieing drewn with debris. TlioiiHands of pcrtoni arc suffering. Towns nnd villages nro cut off from rnllrnml. mall, telephone nnd telegraph connections. It was In tlio coko region tnni mo I fury of the storm Feomed to have been ipent. : I'nlonlown, Dunbnr, Lomnnt, Mount flrnddnrk nnd Counnllsvllto i ero nil Inundnted with grcnt tlnm- aco. WOULD TEACH iiu, w , niiiuif i hv v f m w r w r m w MISSING GIRL IS LOCATED Ethel Metcalf From Near Oak land Found With White Slaver In Astoria. Former Secretary to President May Resign as New York Collector to Aid Old Friend's Movement. (Dy Associated Press n Coos Bav TImoa). WASHINGTON, D. C, July 25 TrenBUry Department officials nro not Inclined to say that they bollovo the report that Wlllnm Loob, Jr., INDIAN CLAIM IS LEFT OUT General Deficiency Bill Report ed to House Allowance In Indian Bill. (Dy Assoclatod Press to The" Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 25. A genernl deficiency bill wns report ed todny by the Houbo appropriations committee thnt carries approximate' iy $6,182,834, about half the amount asked. An item of 13,300,000 or tho court of claims for tho Uto I ml Inns for 1,000,000 acres of land sold by the government was left out and tho Semite has Included II in tho Indian appropriation bill now In confer ence. The bill as reported cnrrlcs $100,000 to care for the Union and Confederate veterans' colobration of tho anniversary of the battlo of Get tysburg in 1013. ASTORIA, Or., July 25 George Gray and Ethol Motcnlf, wanted nt Rosoburg, Ore, woro arrested lioro by tho polko and will bo tnkon to Portland whoro thoy will bo turned ' over to tlio Hosoburg olllcors. They arrived lu Astorin on July 3, and I hIiko that tluio liuvo boon living In a local rooming houso under tho nnino of St. Clalro. Whon arrested both Gray nnd Miss Motcnlf admitted tholr Identity and told a complete and de- ! Pacific Loqqinq Connress . H1"01' ,story. or. .l,,dr wtlu.rla- ii-i- rv. i . t rruiii meir siory u uppenrH mat, mey WantS Department In llrst wont to Southorn Oregon. Ev- WCStCrn UlliVCrsitiCS ! entunlly thoy rotrncod tholr BtopB ns ()" Asjoclntcd Press to Tlio Coos ft trnln for Astoria. . Gray and MIhh Motcnlf was caused MANY ARRIVE UN W Collector of Customs at Now York, nnd former Bccrotnry to Col. Koso volt Is about to resign to join Rooso volt's now party. Reports of imponding changes in tho cnblnot contlnuo. Bccrotnry Nn glo Is tho latest mentioned. Tho se cretary has told frlonds that ho will not servo nftor March 4 should Taft bo rcclcctod nnd bo haB Wickorshnm. This Is bellovcd to bo tho basis of tho most rocent reports that thoy nro to rotlroj NEW CLUES IN MURDER PLOT Additional Evidence In New York Crime Gradually Coming Forth. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmosl NEW YORK, July 2G District Attorney Whitman today socurod many Important polntors ln tho Ros enthal murder enso. John J. Rcls lor, known as "John, tho Barber," provious to nrrnignment on n purjury chnrgo mndo an affidavit regarding "Dridglo" Wobbor's connection with tho cneo. Tlio second, nnd oven moro Impor tant nnouncoment wns that William 8hapiro, chauffeur of tho 'murdor car," 'would turn stnto's ovldbnco, telling nil ho knew about tho caso. Shapiro's statement this nftornoon Is expected to do much townrd fixing tho responsibility of Rosenthal's murder. W OF M S GIFT SUBURBAN BANK ROBBED TODAY Bold Vancouver Bandits Get Away With $1500 at Central Park. (Dy Associated Prts to Tho Coos Day Times) tho Northern Crown Dank, Central Park, a suburb, boat up tho mnnngor nnu got away with all tho monoy in Bight, nmountlng to about fifteen hundred dollars. FIND GRAVE ON EVANS' RANCH Steamer In Early Today From1 Portland Sails Early Tomorrow. Discovery Leads to Belief That Slayer Intended to Bury the Victim. Tho Breakwater arrived In this, An emigrant whllo cnmplng on tho far ns Portland whoro thoy boardod i "" wltl n K00'1 cargo of freight; jncoo Evens' ranch on South Slough ...... .... ... .. . nnil ii Inrirn iiiihkoiii'oi Hat. In tlio!.. ..... " 'in nr-rnaw rvr " n .. .. r, - ..--. - .. ... liny Times) TACOMA. Wnsli.. Julv 2T At. throiiuli tlio ciinnlnuiiOBH of tho nro- tending tbo fourth session of tho Pn- prletor of tho rooming houso In clflc LogBlng Congress iioro todny which thoy woro stopping. Ho paid were representative lumbermen from consldornblo nttontlon to tho couple, Montana, Colorndo, California, Idaho, and soon aftor tholr nrrlval bocamo Oregon, Washington nnd British sutisllod that Gray wns n whlto slave Columbia. t tralllckor. .A'caluro of tho papor's today was Upon rcnchlug this conclusion ho ine advocacy of a department of log- Informed tho olllcors with tho result tins engineering In tho universities Hint nrrcsts woro inter offocted. Mine coast Btntes. Tho uso of oloc- Gray Is an ox-convict and has served mc power and fuel oil In logging no less than two terms In tho stnto jimpi wns treated by somo of tho penltcntlnry at Walla Walla, Wash- . ingion. fliisH .Motcair tnucou ireoiy J when Interviewed and wbb appnrcnt ! Iy doilghtod with tho opportunity of I l-lllllllllh III I L'l MIIU III UIU yUIIHIIO Pealcers. B SS IDOL TARIFF BILL Inst threo trips she has brought In over 250 pasBongers nnd her outgo- liif IIkIh linvn lint linon mnrn (linn linlf un Inrciv nlinwlnir n cood In-' tho othor day discovered n hidden grnvo. It apparently wns dug n fow months ago, about tho tlmo that Ev- Geo. R. Sheldon, Treasurer of 1908 Campaign, Tells Noted Contributions. SAYS NEW YORK STATE GOT HARRIMAN'S CASH Important Evidence Given To day Before Senate Investi gation Committee. ((By Assoclatod PrcBS to Tho Com Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July '2G. Gcorgo R. Sholdon, treasurer of th Republican Nntlonnl Commit in VAvrnTTVinn n n T,it or. a 1008, told tho Sonato Commltton In- ono thirty o'clock this afternoon, two K'Ss'TerSn TtSTatoEuwa men, apparently forolgnora, entered H. Harrlmnn'n rnntHhntinn tn t- volt's cnmpalgn in 1004. Sholdos snld that ho knew unofficially that 3. P. Morgan and compnny, nnd Henry Clay Prick contributed in 1904. Tho lato Cornollus N. Bliss wns treasurer then but Mr. Sheldon was nssoclntod with him in nn unofficial capacity. Ho Bald Morgan nnd Frlck woro largo contributors. Tho books that ShtjJ don as troasuror kopt In 1908 wore produced for Inspection. Whon risk ed regarding Harrlmnn's contribu tion, Sholdon snld, "About two wooks boforo tho olection Governor O'DolI, stnto chairman, enmo to Mr. Bits, thon tronsurpro of tho Republican Nntlonnl commltteo nnd stntod that whllo it wns perfectly clear that RoobovoU would bo oioctod, tho stato tlckot was In doubt. Ho asked tbr somo monoy. Bliss snld ho had nn monoy but would sco what ho could do. Ho went to Hnrrlmnn nnd Hnrrl jnjn nn(1 D'ls8 Bot together some $250,000 nnd tho monoy wns handod to tho stnto commltteo and novcr wont Into tho nntlonnl commltteo." Did Mr. Hnrrlmnn sco nny ono oIba i uuioro no contributed?" i "I nnniinin lm .11.1 . m it... uxnmlnntlon of Juror Leavltt ns to sholdon. ruj'iioa ins nuegou urns ngninsi uio uoionu- ''WnRn' It n.n B,, , BS VrLr,i" LLl"ch.t.5 i En. between Harriman an7 itoosovolt?" DARROW CASE WILL GO ON Attempt to Have Mis-Trial Held Fails Will Re sume Evidence. (By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coos Bay Times) LOS ANGELES, Call., July 25 Judgo Hutton ruled against tho dn fenso In the bribery trial of Clarence Dnrrow today on Its motion for un ant test could not bo mndo within tho law aftor a trial Is onco started. Tho taking of testimony, Interrupted for Bovernl days by the- Illness of Leav ltt, prnbnbly will bo resumed this nftornoon. 'No sir. Mr. Roosvolt novor know anything nitwit it until long nftor tho election." "What was thero about n letter which disappeared from tho Hnrrl- nian hios" nan so inreiN snowing a K""",'"1 ans was assusslnnted, Indicating thnt creaso In tho population on tho Bay.',. , .. , . , , . f Tho Breakwater sails tomorrow, tno flInor Possibly Intomlod to bo tnornlng nt 11 a. m. for Portland, i croto tho body of his victim nnd Inter Her Incoming list follows: was forcod to chango his mind. It. L. Mchenry. II. W. Whitney, It Is nlso understood thnt dotoc Mrs. Whitney. John Whitney, Bosslo tlves nro now nt work on tho Evans Whitney, Geo. P. Whitney, h. A. ! caso and that tho mysterious killing Keating. Mrs. C. W. Johlmnn, MUs of tho old mnn bo solved soon. Alice Walters, W. R. Parker, Miss Parker, Win, neese. Miss Russell, Mrs. C. A. Rceso. Miss Danlols, Mrs. T. M. Danim, W. A. Toye, Mrs.l W. A. Toye. Miss M. Spears, Mrs. Dr. Bartlo, Jennie- Milton, .Mrs. . n ' ' -"o." ijlll'KHUUUi .11 IB. 4. Ij. oiviiiviid, l-. i. county village. That alio will lmpH- Webber, J. J. Cloonnn. J. W. Gnrdl- pnln flrnv nlul lull n ilntnllnil fllnrv nt ' lllo lltlntllln.iu lntnjl 1im la lilt lilli (lin ill UKUUiin IU1KIMI IIU IO illU Ul'IIUi of tho Astoria olllcors. Although not I thoroughly established, It Is bolloved that Gray brought Miss Motcalf hero for Immoral purposes nnd that sho would soon hnvo found horsolf n eon- IIIIIIUIl VIUllIU Ul IllU WI1IIU HlilVU 11 u- lllc. Grny displays all tho characteris tics of n conllrmod criminal with tho exception that ho dollghts in talking to tho onicors When Interviewed ft . U IllU jIUIIVU UII14 UUll DlKlflUI IIIUll) 1 ' AssocIatetl Press to Tho Cnnn fii"' sinllod continually nml referred Tlfw rpi1Mx " UUU ! fa tAon1f no "mv IIMIn lil" That ho has been ongagod in tho whlto slnvo tralllc for years nnd is woll ncciunlntcd with tho hnunts In which tho victims nro hidden follow Democrats May Accept Com Promise Measure Heat ed Arguments. -.-u i-re8S to Waoimv. nay Times) Ile Dem wine th bout 50 July 25.- . " - dneinr ih-i .u woo. tn"ff bill rn- ikn..A v u,,l n nil woo nrodiietH i.. i. r. i,lT cent wns tnWon . - bmL"'6 Senate under tho nJ?rA..ilnB their abduction Is established in Bent to meat ner. T. A. aniiweii. wiuo i;nri, uoso M. Johnson, h. F. Venlo, C. E. Tnf, H. Tracy. J. h. Ferry, Mrs. J. F. Fer ry, OladlB Ferry, Capt. Olson, Mr.. Olsen. Mrs. A. T. Haines, Pnrnii Plene, Mrs. A. M. Prentiss, Mhs Prentiss, Miss V. Gorman. Rose Kennedy, Miss L. Cnrrlo Abel, Mrs. C. It. Pock. C. G. Meckett. B. R. Ut ter, Mr. L. II. Mace, Dr. Bartlo, J. L. Ferry, Jr.. Mr. E. E. Baum. Mrs. E. C. Baum. Miss B. Baum, R. L. Apple ton. S. L. Roberts. M. H. Nlmg. h. W. Estus, Roger F. Gobs, J. A. Jolm son. Mrs. D. L. Griffin, Miss Eliza Avers, Miss Bessie Ayers. C. S. Duin, D. L. CInuso. H. J. Blake. Mrs. M. Klnzhel, Mrs. A. G, Chnndler, Mrn EMP COUPLE SECRETLY WED BE CHAIRMAN1 ter. 'I known nothing nbout tho let- "You snld Roosevelt know nothing 1 flf If tlnlll nfln- 41.- -1--.. . .. a "" miui uiu uiocuon, nut tnnt you hnvo no knowledgo of knowing?" "I hnd no knowledgo." Sholdon ronderod his books show ing tho contributions In 1908 amount ed to $1,055,518.27. ""'""'H Tho Sonnto Commlttnn i.n. i,nn. , trying to got former Governor O'Deli r- .I- o t uimi ,, . ,orK ,0 estlfy about the, Former Indiana Senator Will "arrlman contribution. Ho may nn- Preside at Col. Roosevelt's fn0kaoVrT, nJXJ s? Roosovolt to testify. Convention In Chicago. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Times.) CHICAGO, July 25 Former Sen- ntor A. J. Bovorldgo of Indiana hns, been chosen ns temporary chairman of tho Nntlonnl Convention of tho Progressives at Chicago August 5. This anonuncoment was mndo todny by Senator Dixon. Fred Gettyvand Miss Dolly Hay den Surprise Friends and Relatives. Fred Getty and Miss Dolly Hnydon, two well known Empiro young peo plo, were socretly married at Dandon Inst weok. Thoy started immediately on n honoymoon tour by nuto, plan ning to go down tho const to Eureka, nnd other points, but tholr machine C. S. num. F. J. Vermchor. T. E. Mc-J broke down and they wero forcod to Cnrtz, M. Ruken, Nick Adams, Tims Adnms, Steve Najy, Harry J. Earl, Hurry J. Johnson, T. L. Griffin. John Mitchell. A. M. Fnglo, Geo. Cancellns, Gus Lund. PULSE IS WEAKER Japuiieso Emperor's Condition is but vto upon It boforo niHnm-n. stntoinonts which ho uttorod hero, gf. . upon searciung mo room occupied tk Mi, s'ions In brinclm? un h' tho couplo, tho olllcors found con- undouh Ln 10 Do'nocrnts would sldornblo baggage, Including three la thon- i nceePt n less reduction' suitcases and sovornl bundles. Miss awsilMA . tnrlff ,f !t wore found I Motcalf Is well dressod and still car- ,10U8e bin ."" "" uoinocratlo i i" ihuiuuuk iyiiiuii iuuiuii uhu i - -- ;:,-, : MenhBrti- Ho Bnld tllero was no "' the Important essontlals In bring- , 8"'!h1tIX '""K"1 be belles i "B t0 tht effect but that, 'b' nbout her capture When nrrest- (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day WthrouBh a C0n,nrn80 bill might' el" she was attired In n tan dress, a1 ,n,n . . T,mea)A , 14 . , , SenatJr-o. ... I hat gaily trimmed with flowers nndl TOKIO, July 25 At eight o'clock Consent n! of Mlc,llsnn and whlto shoos. """ti Smith ,1 i , n hented nrgu- Sho is n protty, unsophisticated eretryn'r?Vnr"B tho Democrats I Klrl nnd Impllclty bolloves that tho Editions i... a,V tl10 country into, mnn Intended to keep his promise of N, !e1 the s In i , tll0so thut nf-1 mnrriage, and says sho Is ovor .lI1soi tariff i!r,,8try under tho1 years of ago. She places tho bl tlt ... u". Simmons or is blamo i ' "OatPvoi- I HKfiuruu . iui uiu uiiiuu iiiuiiur mi uiu nuiiiiui Uv .. ,:lVr effect of tim wn., ' f ,i,... i. ..,.,, , . of conriL! "'1. not bee thnr Miss Metcalf s mother nnd stop- lalntl .."llt "Illation thnf Avloln1 .!, -!.! l 1nl,lnn.l .! 1,,, lie PnVno.A .1 ..'A" 'W lIOI IWUB I. W.MWU..U .... .... . U orrered n rowaru or ?i&o tor tno ap prehension of tho two. George Bry ant, who mndo the arrest, will claim tho reward. Gray has promise I to give Chief of Police Kearney his version of the mntter In full. f5t tnrttf . The ? UP- It nr-:!!"!utl,t0 wb tak- ;.cln In th. .i ... r n worked . e oyIo.i . -w irom exlstl re- flgun-u a v. . Lsl "B law hut t. ""','. 1'' ru " less i. .cuiic-iiii'i """""Me SuA, tllose In the ,.- " ' "Twenty-five die df heat in tho Ths . TOu'' Job nrintin- i east," says headline. And yet somo oflc '""""B don at grouches wonder why they over came to coos Day. this (Thursday) evening nn ofllclal bulletin said: "The Emperor's condi tion is unchanged except thnt tho pulse Is reduced to 100. This morn ing his pulse was 105 to 110." PRAY FOR RECOVERY Washington Jnps Climb Mount Baker to Get Prayers up High BELL-INGHAM, Wash., July 25 To offer up prayors for tho recovery of the Mikado, Frank Ynmatsu, . Ogann and J. Tomara, three local Japanese, today are scaling Mount Baker, and hope to reach tho sum mit before night. Yamatsu explained that Buddhists bollovo supplications for the recovery of great men are more effective If delivered from a high place. return homo. On their arrival, thoy notified their families and friends and a big wedding reception wns hold nt Empire, nearly overy ono in town turning out to wolcomo tho popular young couplo and wish them Joy. Mrs, Getty is tho daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Hnydon and has spent most of her Ufo nt Empire. Mr. Getty is tho boii of tho lato Chas. Getty of Empiro and also spent practically all of his life on tho Bay. Thoy will mako their homo at Empire LEAVE ON WASHINGTON Steamer Sails for San Francisco with Pa&sengcra nnd Freight The Btoamor Washington sallod 'yestorday with a big cargo of mis cellaneous freight and a fair passen ger list for San Francisco. Many of tho passengers going out on her se cured tholr tickets direct from tho purser. Those securing tickets from. Agent Dow wero as follows: Mr. Berg, Mrs. Berg, Chas. Kelly, L. A. Ferguson, J, Armstend, B. Williams and N, A. Thompkins. Tho Washington will probably sail from 8an Francisco next Tiuesday for Coos Bay. Try The Tlmea' Want Ads. OPPOSED TO SPLIT Col. Roosevelt's Leader in Maryland Is now Hedging on New Party (By Associated Press to Tho Cous Bay Times) ' BALTIMORE, July 25 At a mnBS convention of Maryland followers of Col, Roosovolt to select delegates to tho Chicago convention, Col. E. Car MUSHROOMS TO BE PRO CED W. E. Stout and A. Reuck to Engage In New Industry at Ferndale. Messrs. W. E. Stout nnd A. Rouck hnvo leased tho Small nronortv nt rlngton, Jr., recognized leader of tho, Forndnlo and hnvo arranged to open Roosovolt movement In Maryland, ex-1 - -. . .. . ii iiiuoiiiuuiii jiuicii mere, tnoy ex pect to start with n mushroom trnct Roosevelt movoment In Mnrylnnd, ex pressed himself In opposition to n split among Mnrylnnd republicans. MEET IN PORTLAND nbout 1000 feet square and will on largo it from tlmo to tlmo. Mossrs. Stout and Reuck came horo from Sacramonto, Call., whoro Oregon Progressives to Select Dele gates to Chicago. nnm'i.Awn n iniw on rim progressive party of Oregon is in'thoy havo had experlonco in raising session hero todny with a compnra- wushrooms. Tho climato thero wns tivoly small attendance. Tho con-,n.ot favorable to tho production of ventlon will select flvq dologntes to' tll0fl,!08t4 muBhrooms but thoy nro tho Chicago convention of the party1 confident that conditions horo are August 5, HEN'S YOUNGEST ' MOTHER IN STATE OREGON CITY, Or., July 25 Mrs. Georgo De Dok, of WIl- lnmette, insists she hns tho most ) precocious hen In Clakamns Co. Dorn January 18, 1012, tho hen lnld her first egg May 29, 1912. She hatched seven chickens July IS. A friends of Mrs. De Dok writs ns follows: "If there Is a youngor moth- er In Oregon, show her up. This little hen was hand-raised, as its mother died when her brood wns two days old. She Is a Dlack Plymouth Rock." Probably many chicken fan- ciers ln Clackamas County will deny this hen has established the record. Ideal for It. Thoy worq nlso engaged in tho in dustry near Portland for a time. They oxpect to havo tholr first crop ready for the market In about six weeks and havo arranged with lo cal parties to handle the ontlro out put. They oxpect to raise nbout three crops per year. A good crop of mushrooms will ylold nbout ft pound to tho square foot- and tho nvorage retail prlco is nbout 75 conts per pound. Aftor the crop begins to yield, thoy produes for nbout 40 days, requiring dally picking, much the same ns strawberries. l You are presont at .held at W. I 1912, at 8 p, mitre?. SlUMNEItS. hereby notified to h a called mooting to be J. Rust'.s.offlco July 2C, m. Hy order ox com- I1ANI) DANCE nt EAGLES' HALL fiuturduy, July 27.