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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1912)
TAKES MORE TIME TO EXPLAIN A BAD JOB THAN TO DO A GOOD ONE jjT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES Vill Put Your Real EaUto "In (Emus Smj WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep tlio Income from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU enn really help tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, you may keep that little extra lncomo as "steady as a clock." tho Market" itnecuvoiyj ... ... lt fnntn fflttntlt Vnilt" i WU1 nUl IUU "" """ ncrtv boforo tho eyes of all "pos- u buyers t.". .. . to's ono of them who ought to Z it vnil'll 80ll ltt li " MEMDER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS IvVVU Established in 1B7H MARSHFIELD, OREGON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY, 27,J912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mail 0. 1 93 and CoowBny Advertiser. v iw Tlio Const Mnll im?fi I COUNCIL 0 LONG SESSION BO T WATERWORKS MONOPOLY OF DOCKS IS ALLEGELl GCIL. ROOSEVELT DENIES ANY Mp.ftt Aaain Wednesday Consider Date for Spe lt r.mi t ecuon. T ORDINANCE TO INCREASE DEBT LIMIT jal Committee Unable to ime on value or waier Right Other Prices. jllT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE OX VALUATION ! Honorable Mayor mid Common auclt of tho City of Marahflold: ntlcmcn: Wo, your commltteo nio,i in fix ii valuation on tho Irty of tho Coos Day Wator Com- k.i nf I'roncrfy Willi Values. leal plant, consisting distributing bj-hioius Marshfiold nnd rth Bend, pumping tnt, reservoirs, ote.. $50,232.60 icrcs of land at rcs- tulr tto at 00 per Nf AVERT BIG COAL STRIKE England's Great Labor War On Verge of Amicable Settlement. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Fob. 27. An oarly set tlement of tlio dispute in tho coal trndo, which threatened to throw u million minors out of otnployment on Mnreh 1, Is npparontly moro than prolmblo, although It ennnot yet bo definitely nnnouncod. Claim That Foreign Shippinr Combine Controls Situation Along Pacific Coast. (Hy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. A re port tending to show that tho so called "forolgn shipping comblno" has practically a monopoly of the docking facilities of all ports on the Pacific coast In Ihc United States and South and Central America and tho West Indies has been submlttod to tho House Interstate and foreign commorco committee by Secretary of Commorco nnd Labor Nagcl. It was suggested in the committee that if this condition continued to exist nftnr tho completion of tho Panama canal American shipping would not bo par ticularly benefited even If given free uso of the cannl. MEXICAN REBELS CAPTURE JUAREZ 21,300.00 rcof land at pump- i ulnnt at 30" per i fe, 1 1,000.00 j er and piling on ' bvo land ii,32li.oo il nnd 1. block 13, Innctt Add., Marsh- Ad a.uuu.uu (1.2 and 3, block 13, Irth Henri ml rights to, Intuli listed above , . . . . Er rigms on rony ck 1 TTO WAR IN EAST i,coo.oopOW3rs 0f EUrope plan to In- - tervene in Turko-ltalian I Contest. - Mlv AHHdcllltOfl PrittiM til f'im Hnv Itm .....$103,357.50 Tll, . lnc to tbo wldo difference or . . ion of tho Individual members of rAiua. i-oi. a?. uonnrmntion or bommlttre wo nrc unublo to fix tho roporta that the powers aro medl- iucon tho last two Items. luting Intervention for tho object of a1 n nmi pv bringing tho Turko-Itallan wur to an A. II. U1UU&Y. ... , ...... B. O. P13RHAM. on(l '8 Klvon in n semiofficial noto k Gldlev reported verbally to tho published hero today. France,, ac- fcll that ho had nppralscd tho ! cording to this noto, Is ready to as- Town Across Rio Grande From El Paso Falls During Blood less Assault Again Today. (Uy Assoclatodi Press to Coos Day Times.) EL PASO, Tex., Feb. 27. Juarez Is In possession of tho Vas(ti!stn reb els. Firing but one or two volleys nnd meeting with no roslstanco ex cept n few scattering allots In reply to their llrst volley, the robots this morning mnrchod Into tho town, cap tured the machine guns that had been purchased to rcpol them, took charge of the munlctpnl offices, custom house, barracks, Jnll and othor build ings. The rebels mndo tho assult at 10 of tho city from tho northwest and firing as they entered, using rifles nnd ono cannon. Tho few hundred men In Junrcz as defenders II red a few Hhots from various points of vnn togo and wero ordered by tholr offi cers to censo. Mexican Consul E. C. Lorcnto of El Paso afterwnrd declared tho of ficers decided not to make any re sistance In order to avoid complica tions with tho United States. United Stntcs troops woro guarding tho bor der at tho tlmo tho attack was mndo and apparently wero ready to cntor Juarez If El Paso was endangered. Only one man of tho defenders was wounded, Captain Romero, who was tho victim of an accident. No loot ing nccompanlod tho taking of tho PERSONAL ATTACK ON TAFT SON RU M E California Executive May Be Roosevelt Candidate for 1 Vice-President. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Feb. 27. Tho boom of Governor Hiram W. Johnson of California, a progrcsstvo Republican, for tho nomination for vlco president as running mato of Thoodorq Rooso volt, wns launchod nt a dlnnor at tho Insurgent Club lioro InBt night. ATTACK OX ItOOSKVEIiT. i of tho water and mineral rights 20,000, Mr. Porhnm nt 135,000 Mr. Morcon at $50,000. Ho said they could not agree on a prlco. enld tho valuo was fixed arbl- lly, so far as ho know. He stated Mr. Pcrham had figured his atlon by taking what tho corn claimed to have paid for It nnd. adding Interost slnco tho dato he Investment. soclato herself with nny collective nc Hon of tho powers In ranking repre sentation to tho bolllgoronts with a vlow to bringing about poaco. fftcr receiving tho report of tho Hal commltteo appointed to np po tho vnluo of tho roal estato and Ir rights of tho Coos Day Water Ipany, tho Mashflold city council evening discussed tho proposi ti dotnll without agreeing def tly to submit tho matter of pur ling It to a voto of tho peoplo at eclal election bofoio Mny 1. May Itraw and Councilman Powors nnd Pro argued In fnvor of submitting R EEALL UW DUTCH o'clock sharp, entering tho outskirts city. ELECTIONS IN CITY CRAN6E0 WILL DISCUSS MILL SLOUGH Council Will Have State Law Closing of Inlet to Be Taken Up Govern Them in Future Other Proceedings. Plans to nmend the Marahflold city at Chamber of Commerce Friday Evening. At tho mooting of tho Chnmbor of Former President Charged With Making Fulxo Pretenses. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 27. Tho Evening Stnr today displays prom inently on tho first pago tho follow ing stntomont: "From sources entlroly indopond ont of tho Whlto House, It Is ascer tained that tho confidence enter tained by tho ndmlnlstrntion nnd othors thnt Colonel Roosovolt would not bo a candldato against Taft, was basod on doflnlto and ropoatod state ments by Colonol Roosovolt, mndo within a year, that ho would not bo a candldnto In 1012 nnd did not In tend to opposo President Taft for rcnomlnatlon." Threaten to Attack Java Unless Indemnity Demands Are Met. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 27. Chl- I ncso warships hnvo boon ordered to pn' $100,000 proposition, whllo tl10 lH,uml of JftVft um,or Instructions i otver mombers of tho council to begin bombardment of tho Port opposed to submitting It nlono 0f Datavla if tho Dutch government Ihe ground that It was certain to i ,,na , n, i,inmuv ,i,,i. turned down by tho voters and 0(, for tho k,nR of 0ln080 8I(, t0 itio special election would slm- ,. ,. ,,,,., ,, n i, Hi. I .. uiivv uvuh iiuiivnvu u; uik.. bwi- v iii'i'iiii-BH expeuso ami uoiay. "Uy It was proposed to submit a fiber of other questions to nscor- tho sentiment of tho voters on manner In which tho wnter quos- snould bo handled and this ro- ed -Willi this understanding tho tlal election wnu tnntnHvnlv eed to, but tho dato was not dof- 'll' fixed. II nrr,linllu ...111 1,n nf iPoclal meeting of tho council to K,nK ChonB ?!!l?r ,f tho Ch,n08 "eld Wednesday ovenlnir. reo ' re8S' PU"""" u"' 'nlcr tho special report of tho ' Dr" Sun ,leclftrod ,n "l8 tu nltteo, tho valuation of tho prop- Uint n PPW' wo' bo given tho ' ranged anywhora from $123,- uulclx """Hlu' lu yj"'"a " l"u " 50 under Cltv Emrinrmr nMinv-n demnlty is not paid according to tho Fate, S138.357.E0 .,n,w w n. TonB'a Information. Threo crulsors ham's valuation to $153,357.50 , ,oft Shonslinl today. Thoy are fully P" Arno Moreen's estimate. The Provisioneu nun equiiu'eu miner commltteo of tho North Dend or,lors rrom won fining wei, nun- Mashfleld city councils last fall. ,8lor or wnr Png under estimates furnished by Dispatches to a Chinese newspaper "ieer Ulchardson. cstlmntnil tbn "oro uociaro an awiu-n on uio jv lie at about $138,500, which sorao Chinese by Dutch soldiers, news qf I'uem claimed wns n vrv iihomi wnlcn was received irom waiiKing luatton. , last night, was made without provo- Anxlous for T!iiwinn i cation and that threo Chlneso were killed and many otnors nrrosiea. Tho Chlneso here explain tho pro posed Issuance of the passport by D dlorn. In tho ultimatum sent to tho Dutch government yesterday, Provisional President Dr. Sun Yat Son said an nttnek on Java would bo begun if tho indomnlty was not paid within n weok. This information was con voyod today In a prlvnto dispatch from Sun's prlvnto socrotary to Tong r t airaw during tho evening .- e"nest,y for submitting tho I'ter at a special election. Ho said 4 he had nromiB0 i ftl , i... Sun Vat Son to the Dutch minister, f"on to suhmit , .. who Is said to bo In Shanghai, on tho ,he est posslhlfi hna k f- ground that the Manchurlan govern- at as ear'v n u o iui- . ment no longer exists and that tbo a 'hat he could see no reason for Dutch Kovornment must treat with Bssubmlsslon to them. Ho the revolutionists, although tho ro- -ww-wxww. public nas not neen rormaiiy recog (Continued on page a.) ' inlzed. charter nnd place nil city elections Commerce to bo hold next Friday , ., , 4l , r evening, tho matter of closing Mill under tho regulations of tho Oregon , , ,,,.., . ,, Slough will bo taken up for discus state election law were mndo by tho 8on nKftnt Mnrshfleld city council lust ovenlng. petitions to tho war department A special meeting of tho council was for ciosng tlio slough havo boon ctr- called for Wednesday ovenlng to culntod and largely signed by prop- adopt tho necessary ordlnanco to sub- orty ownors nlong tho slough. Potl mlt tho nmondment nt tho proposed ton8 opposing It havo also been npeclal election to he hold boforo BK0(i. u Is understood thnt Judgo Mny ! Hnll hns boon retained by F. M. Tho mntter was bought up by pre(ib0rg and othors opposod to clos Councllmnn Copp'o Introducing n pre- nR tll0 Hj0URi, to stop It. llmlnnry draft of an amendment to Tho mnttor baa been brought up the charter providing for dividing tho , Ul0 Cininbor of Commorco a niim town into wards for registration nnd bor of tme8 nm, ,t ,H ox,,ectod that in fact making tho state law apply to (lonn!to nctlon wn, bo tnken on ,t .lectlons horo. Mr. Copplo stntod na R ,8 rcgBnled ft8 n public matter thnt tho draft had been drawn hur- on w,,,ch Umt body 8,l0U,tl ncti i ledly and that ho woujd not havo In- A numl)or of otnor ,mitters. Includ troduced It last ovenlng only that It . tho BoIection of n committee to seemed necessary that action ho taken cnoo80 tno 8lt0 for tho CoOB C0Unty on it borore Marcn i u it was to uo oxbt nt tho Pnnnnm exi)08tIon m biibinlttnl nt the special election pro- Snn Prnnc,8C0 Mnrch 14( nro to com0 posed to no cauea ueiore .May i 10 voto on the wnter question. Tho fimiMidmont wns drafted In tho form of an Inltlntlvo petition Instead of an ordlnnuco nnd did not correspond ex actly with tho views of pity Attornoy Oofs ns to tbo manner In which It should nmend tho city chnrter. Mr. floss said that he would draft a now ono If given a little tlmo, hut ho up. l'ROSl'KRITV IX PIIIIilPPIXKS. Detter Conditions on Islands Than in Many Years. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Da) Times) WASHINGTON, Fob. 2C Un precedented prosperity Is bolng en joyed by the Phillnnlno Islands nrln- found thnt ho could not do It for tho clpally as a result of freo trado bo- councll last evening, and the epeclal tween them and tho United States, meeting wns ordered for Wednesday nl tho cry of "hard times" thoro no ' , ,, ,, longor can bo raised, say tho mem- to take the matter up. berB of tno Philippine commission In The proposed ordinance divided tho tholr report for 1911. Tho United city Into threo wards, tho First ward States has shared In this prosperity ino moro voar. that part of the town bntweon Elrod Free trado has resulted in Increased avenue and Market avenue nnd tho lovenues to the Filipinos in sugar third that part of the town north of anl tobacco and an Improvement In Mn-kot avenue. It provided that "' Sling oTnliw railway lines threo cnuncllmen si ould bo elected at in various parts of the Islands has largo and ono from each of the ' resulted In stimulating industry nnd wards. It provided that all voters fostering production, tho territory . ,j i ,.ij i i.o through which thoy pass having should be required; to register be-iBwaone(l (f) the ,leveioPment of ng- iweon September 1 and November 15 , rlcultural industries. A Bteady and of each year, that the registration bo healthy growth'of the postal savings conducted by the city recorder and bnnk, HUninc deposits Having in ii. i.. . i..i creased 171 per cent over tho num that there he a separate registration b(Jr of the prov,oui yenr LITTLE STIR l city Into tnreo wards, tno r irst wnra buucb nas snarea in ims prospi embracing that part of tho town increasing Its exports to , " . ., , Arch polago to $49,800,000, or i south of Klrod avenue, tho second thn 'aoo.oOO, during the 3 book for each ward and for tho state law to govern tho swearing In and challenging of votes, etc. City Attorney Goss, after the read ing of tvo amendment said that all It nrovlrted fr could he enacted by the council without submitting It to a ote of tho peoplo. Ho said that tho (Continued oa page 4.) Health conditions of the entire Is lands never havo been better than during the past year. SPALDING Daseballs. HATS, Mitts and GLOVES at MILXER'B. WESH Sliver SMELT at WAS SOX'S FISH MARKET. PHOXE .17 J. Not Much Enthusiasm Aroused in uoos uounty Yet Democrats to Meet. Coos county politics Is not liven ing up vory much, dosplto tho fact that It Is only nbout two months un til tho prlmnrlos will bo hold. A numbor of candidates aro in tho field for tho Republican nominations and aro now circulating tholr pri mary petitions. Most of the old coun ty officers, In fact all of thorn, It Is understood, will bo candidates for ro-oloctlon. Tho Democrats aro less active Hugh McLaln, chairman of tho Coos county contra! commlttoo, stated yes torday that ho was considering the advisability of calling a mooting of tho commlttoo with a vlow of bring ing out candidates for the various offices. Mr. McLain stated that although a number havo boon urging him to bo the Democratic caudldato for state sonntor, ho had decided not to make a fight for tho nomination and will not oven circulate potltlons to get his name on tho primary ballot. Howover, if a sufficient numbor of Democrats wrlto iu his nnmo to glvo him the nomination, ho probably will not refuse tho nomination, Mr. McLaln has beon apprised that W. H. Merodlth of Port Orford will bo a candldato for the Democratic nomination for Joint representative from Coos and Curry counties, Although Candidate for Presi dency, He Refuses to En gage in Controversy. OUTLINES PLATFORM ON WHICHHE STANDS Points Out How Country's Prosperity Affects All Classes of Citizens. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) DOSTON, Fob. 27. Col. Rooso volt, angered by tho published report that ho said President Taft was not progreslvo, said today ho would not bo drawn Into a personal controversy with tho administration although ho has declared tils Intentions of making n "straight out fight" for tho Re publican presidential nomination. Colonol Roosovolt said that In his po litical conforenco yesterday, during which ho wns roportcd to havo mndo tho statement, Tnft'B namo had not boon mcntlonod nnd thnt his opinion in rcgnrd to tho ndmlnlstrntion had not been asked or oxprcssod. Rooso volt ropoatcd ho had not taken his present position for porsonnl reasons nnd ho mndo It clear ho did not pro poso to mako tho lsstio In any sonso a porsonnl ono. Roosevelt's Platform. Roosovolt wns asked to explain tho position ho will mnlntnln during tho campaign and In reply Issuod tho fol lowing stntomont: "I could not moro definitely stato1 my position on tho great Issues of tho day than I stated In my Columbua speech and again yesterday boforo tho Massachusetts legislature In ad dition to calling nttcntlon to what I said thcro on tho subject of popular government, I also will call your nt tentlon to what I said at Columbun on tho buslnoB8 situation nnd tho propor attitude of tho govornmont to ward business to lnsuro conditions thnt will mnko for prosperity In the business world and of all our peo plo. "In my Ohio speoch, I dealt with emphasis on tho two groat subjocts of Immodlato moment to our people, tho need of having real and not moroly nominal popular rule and tho need of securing prosperity for tho business man, tho wngo oarnor and tho farmer nllko. As I thon said, I most emphatically bollovo that it Is necessary to hnvo equltablo division of prosperity, but thnt It bohoovos us to keep In mind that we cannot dl vldo prosperity unless tho prosperity Is thoro to dlvlilo and that to socuro tho well bolng of tho business world Is emphatically In tho Intorost of overy citizen of tho United States," B AT LAWRENCE COOS INQUIRY I1EGIXS MARCH 1. WASHINGTON. Fob. 20. Tho commission appointed to mako an In-1 spectlon with n vlow to moving tho Coos Day life saving station to Charleston, will not begin work bo . fore March 1, For House CLEAXIXG uso SIIKH-WIX-WILLIAMS PAIXTS and VAR NISHES at MILXEH'S Don't forget tho Turkish PHOXE 2M.L Daths GRAM) ASSEMDLV DAXCE for A Mi scholars and tholr friends; FOl'IMMErU ORCHESTRA; I. O. O. F. HALL. Wednesday night. PROF.. RAYMOND. TROUT LEADERS with LOOPS 30 ' Inches apart at MILXEH'S. Attorney General Wickcrsham Takes Up Action in Strike Situation. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LAWRENCE, Mass., Fob. 27. FIvo women pickets, who aro said to havo usod persuasion which ap proached vlolonco to keep employes from going to work In tho textllo mills, and ono man accused of throw ing pepper In a policeman's eyes, woro nrrosted today. Tho plan to oxport the children to Philadelphia has boon abandoned and aside from tho children who aro to bo sent with tho commltteo of strik ers to Washington tomorrow thoro may bo no Ilttlo ones sont away In groups. City Marshal Sullivan In timated that he may prevent tho chil dren from going to Washington un less the court decided he was acting contrary to law. Indications aro that the mills havo made further gains in the numbor of operatives at work. It Is estimated that 18,000 operatives are at work and 2000 aro still on a strike. TROUT FLIES, Silk Linos, LEAD ERS, and PQLES at MILNER'S.