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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1912)
(WAYS KEEP IN CONDITION FOR THE EIGHT IS LIKELY TO GO TO THE LIMIT (Ham lag Qfaw WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep tho Income from Your Furnished Itooms from Lnpalngt YOU can really holp tho family rovonuea by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to use the classified columnB, you may keep that Httlo extra income ns "steady as n clock." NT ADVERTISING In Tho TIRIES 111 Tut Your iiww iMjuiuj -hi r i.Iil V.ltprHvivi W ... ..i in fnofa nlinilt. VOUr ILny boforo tho oyoa of all "poa- Wt,r' m In tnwn. Anil If Iro'a ono of thorn who ought to It, you'll buw in MEMBER OP ASSOCIATE) PRESS i VYYV Established in 1B78 N1ARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const AIull Q. 194 and Coos Hay Advertiser. NCH CURLEW RUN DOWN ID SUNK BY TUG COLUMBIA n L f l ! ' I Gasoline ooai uui m. fwain Near Norm uena at Noon loaay. r. LEONARD MASTERS HAS NAKKUW tbUHrc of Hull and Engine House rned Over Twice Before c Extricated nimseii. launch Curlow was run down unk nciir rortor about noon to- tho ttiB coiumuin. 1110 was cut In twain and Captain rd Masters narrowiy lwuiwu I Is life DEMOCRATS TO WATCH RESULTS LET US TALK IT OVER ! May Postpone National Con vention to See What Re 1 publicans Will Do. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. Seimtor Hacon of Georgia said that ho had accident wns n peculiar ona hubbi-bUm! tho advisability of tho he reason of tho collision is "umoenmo nnnoiini commiuco post- ' nnillllir tllll nntlnnnl TlntnnrrnHn mm. to explain. Tho Curlow wu f" ""srir": ::. um t ,.. ..,o co,i.. , , . hn 1 for tho ! ,1(,n8" t,mt ",lBht nr,K0 from I10,- y behind her, bound for tho i on of n mmn CBnilWato nt C; Icngo during tho week of Juno IS. Ilncon did not lofer by ntuiio to ItOOHOVOlt. Sovornl Domocrnta In tho Sonato wild they could not conceive the llko 'llinod nf any postponcniont of tho naltlnioro convontlnn sot for Juno 25. ir nun uockh. , Columbia struck tho Curlow at nKle. turning wt "an way Id. Tlio niiiiill lauucii was qmcu- hiahed In and a moment later In. launch turned over sldowlso and Captain Mnstors finally Id tho engine room door nnu Ifd out and was rescued by nn- small launch that happenod to iar by. Asldo from tho droncii- ho was uninjured. cklly, there was no ono aboard lurlew nt tho tlmo. If thoro had HAV.VKIt HAPS ROOSEVELT. of Maryland .Senator Scores Views Presidential Candidate. tny Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON. Poh 2R Tin. passengers In tho cabin, It Is not V(,rpn, of juicn decisions by popu- cd tnat uey ciiuiii nnvu lnr Vll(n ,.,,.., ,... nnm.nvni wn denounced In tho Sennto Tuesday by tain Masters snyB that ho wn8Sonft,or ,lnvnfiP of Mnrvlnn,l nR "the. Ins ahead steering hlo boat and . ,mnccr01IB ,ioctrino ovor hrnucht tho Columbia did not whlstlo , forward. ilv .. t,n ). ti, s a signal of Its approach. Lllirhtost rocard'for thn utahliltv nf ClirlOW IS O total loss With thOin... n,,tttnns and wlinnn nnlnlnn l lo exception of its onglno, tlio ',.,.., , nnv wnIci.. nr rOBnop ... Rnynor declared that In dismissing tho ox-prcsldcnt ho didn't speak ns a partisan, hocauso ho bolloved tho Ro puhltcans could not nnmlunto any niiiu who would bo cnslor to defeat. being crushed beyond repair. Iptnln Mastors said that Captain Ir Simpson of tho Simpson Lum- Eompany, owners of tlio Colum- notlfled him Immediately that would rolmburso him for tho Tho Columbia was in command hptaln Dendorgnrd. le Mllllconia wilt ho put on tho dw's run to Sumner until Mr. lers gets another boat of his own. nn nnr nr ', ur uoc urn mm dump, ROOSEVELT'S LETTER GIVEN. Full Text of Reply to Request of Governors. (Ry Associated Press to Coos liny Times.) NEW YOUK, Fob. 25. (RoJnycd by Wcstorn Union.) "Tho statomeut hy Colonol Ttoosovolt Is nil wo ex pected," said Governor Johnson of California. "Wo bollovo ho will mnko the strongest light In history. Wo In the West nro confident of his nom ination nml nfter that tho battlo la practically ovor." Roosovolt's lcttor to tho Republican governors who desired to know his position with respect to tho nomina tion for president wns as follows: "Now York, Fob. 24. "Gontlomon: I deoply appreciate vnur letter nnd I renllzo to the full ban Fernuson Would Re train City From Using It. tndangers Health. orge Watklns ns attornoy for lean Ferguson yesterday filed np- Mlon for nn Injunction restrain- wont the heavy responsibility It puts the city of Marshfiold from using upon mo, expressing ns it doe tho Grounds nt Ferndnlo as a garbngo cnrefully consldored convictions of PP- He nllcges that tho dumping mon elected hy populnr voto to larbago thero Is a monnr.o to tho stand as the howls of tho govcrn- th of tho community. Tho mat- nient In tholr sovornl states. MU como up for a hearing boforo ' absolutely ngrco witn you tnnt Re Coko soon. I this mattor Is not ono to ho decided he rarbngo dump nt Fomdalo has w"l nV roforonco to tho porsonnl ' "n a mattor of contention, tho preferences or Interests of any man, Idents of Fomdnin niitopiinp- but nuroly from tho standpoint of the Inuously to It. Tho council has Interests of tho people na n whole. I ! the matter up a ntimbor of times will nccopt tho nomination for presl- fesult of complaints of Mr. For- dent if it Is tondored mo nnd I will on. F. A. Golden and othnrs. hut adhere to this decision until tho con done nothing to abato what thfl vontlon hns expressed Its preference. dents of that section declare is a " of tho c,1,cf Principles for which Fwo that endangers thoir hoalt l. nnvo Btoo,, nn" for w,llch ' now ferguson is a mnmhnn nf Mm stnnd and which I have always wivo- phfleld city council. rnted and shall always ondenvor to roduco to action Is tho genuine rule of tho people, nnd thoroforo T hope thnt so fnr as possible tho people mav n"nr Protests Acnlnst Kvimislnn 1m clvon tho ehnnco. through direct f Italians Fi-om Palestine. primaries, to oxpress their preference Associated Press to Coos nny ns to whom shall bo tho nominees of I Times.) (Hio nenubllean presldentlol conven- F'STANTINOPLB, Feb. 28. tlon. Very truly yours, uerman embassy hn i.n "THEODORE nOOSEVELT." cudgel In behnlf nf Tniinno in Tho letter wns addressed to the 'line. Thn nmliiD.nJn. i.j.u fnllniulni - --w wtiiuuoaauui l.juut i win. " ttin Wllllnm E. Glasscock, governor of THE action of Mayor Straw and so mo members of tho city council In trying to forco a special olcctloti nt which the peoplo may express themselves on tho proposition ot payIng'$lCO,000 for tho present city water system Is whnt tho attorneys would call "incompotcnt, Irrelevant nnd immaterial." A ll4lr"iMr ilii!J! Such nn election would bd a foolish waste of tlmo, money nnd effort. It would not settle nnythlng. It would not even give an Indication of the people's proferenco in tho mattor of munlclpnl ownership. Mayor Straw might Just ns well try to get a man's opinion of tho value of Undo Sam's coin hy going down tho stroot and offering n plugged quarter for 50 cents worth of property. Whon tho man re fused lo accept the of for It would not mean that ho did not have faith and confidence In United Stntcs coin; It would simply mean that ho was not a damn fool. The peoplo of Mnrshflold aro not going to voto to pay Mr. Nolan or Mr. Ucnuott $1(30,000 for property that expert engineers nnd others say Ih not worth within $30,000 or $'10,000 of Jthnt sum. Thoy aro not go. Ing to burden thomsolvcs with additional taxes just to mako a donation ol $30,000 to Mr. Hoiiuett or Mr. Nolan. And when they rcttiEO to do that It does not mean that thoy are not tti favor of municipal owner ship of tho water works. It moroly Indicates that they are not fools. Tho people of Mnrshflold aro not Annr'chlsts. Tlio peoplo of Mnrshflold nro not fools. Thoy nro not going to confiscate or destroy Mr. Nolan's or Mr. Hon riott's water works. Neither arc they going to pay Mi. Nolan or Mr. Dennett n $30,000 or $10,000 bonus. Abrnhum Lincoln once woll nnd truly said, "You can fool nil of tho people ho mo of tho tlmo, you can fool some of tho peoplo nil tho tlmo, but you ennnot fool nil of tho peoplo all tho time." That Is tho oxact situation In Mnrshflold today. All ot tho peoplo can bo fooled once In n while on this franchise proposition, somo of thorn can be fooled nil the tlmo, but you can't fool nil of them nil tho tlmo. Let us tnkc a brief rovlow of tho water situation to date Mr. Nolan first appeared boforo tho city council with tho nnnouncomont thnt ho had nn option to purchnso tho water works from FInnagnn & Hennutt, but boforo he closed tho option he wanted a fifty years' frnn rhlso at a schedule of rates about double tho present prices. If tho council would not grant his domands he would have nothing further to do with tho proposition. Tho council refused to grant tho franchise Then Mr. Nolnn said ho would bo willing to cut down tho length of tho franchise to 25 or 35 yenrs nnd would readjust tho wnter rates. This was not granted. Now comes Mr. Nolnn nnd snys ho will buy tho plant ns it stands nnd not nsk the city for n now franchise. Ho nlso snys that "Immedi ately after purchaso wo shall construct a largo, modern, rolnforccd con crete nnd coment rcsorvolr, tightly covered, nnd will add other Improve ments to tho system ns fast as tho Income. will permit." This sounds fair. Why not tnko a common sonBo vloW of tho sit uation? Mr. Nolnn or Mr. Uonnctt hnvo 17 years' contrnct, In tlio form of it frnnchlso. to furnish wntor to tho city. Why not pormlt thorn to do It? Jf they will not do it thoro should bo somo way to compel thorn to do so. If not, whnt Is tho uso of further franchises or contracts? Three expert engineers hnvo pnsscd upon tho value of tho present plnnt. Tholr figures vnry only n fow thousand dollars. A committee of threo appointed by Mayor Strnw passed on tho vnluo of tho real' estate and other proporty. Thoy wero entirely ngreod on everything except tho value of the wntor rights. Excluslvo of tho wntor rights, tho total value (and It Is n llbornl estimate) Ic $10.1,357.50. City Engineer Gld ley estimates tho wntor rlghtB at $20,000. This would mnko tho totnl vnluo of tho plant and wntor righto $123,357.50. This Is whnt tho peo plo nro asked to pay $lii0.000 for. Another member of tho committee, K. G. Perhnm. n prnm'nont con tractor, placed tho vnluo of tho wntor lights at $35,000. which would mako the totnl valuo $138,357.50. And tho peoplo nrc asked to pay $160,000. Arno Mereon placed thn value of tho wator rights at $50,000 nnd oven nt this enormous figuro the totnl valuo of tho plant Is only $153,357.50, or nearly $7000 less thnn the price tho people are asked to pay nl tho very highest valuation thnt could ho named. Ono prominent business mnn romnrked yesterday if tho wator rights of Pony Slough wero worth $50,000 tho Clenr Lako wntor rights would ho worth $500,000. And this Is true. The Clenr I.ako water rights mean an absolutely pure and luexhnustlblo supply far all tlmo. Of courso If Mayor Straw nnd Al Powers desire to furnish the poo plo of Mnrshflold nn election holiday nt tholr own expense thero prob ably should bn no protest or objoctlon. nut It Booms foolish nnd ridiculous. $100,000. ' H Is to laugh! MEXICAN REBEL FORCES UNITED iwisnn AFTRR SUITAN. . ".Muoonauui IUUUJ 0 VlgoroilB nrOtest in tha Pnrtn kf-.x .. " -..v.ww ---i i their exnulslon from Turkish West Vlrglnln. ,, nry ""der tho terms of n recent Chester Aldrlch, governor of Ne- " Many of the Italians affect- braska. "re Workmen on tho Ilagdad rail- Robert P. Bass, governor of New nicn is a German undertab- Hampshire. ' Joseph M. Carey, governor or wyo- Three Revolutionary Leaders Congregate at Juarez and Plan to March Southward From There. (Hy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) EL PASO, Tox Feb. 28. Anton!' Rojns and his command of 900 iurtu arrived In Juarez this morning. Th's unites tho forcea of Salazar, Campa and Rojns. They declare thnt wP.Hn n fow days thoy will bagln a naccn southward against Chili. .nhuu nnd It successful there will conttnua lo (Mexico City. Absolute quiet pre.nds In Junrez mlng. Charles S. Osborno, governor of Michigan. W. R. Stubbs, governor of Kansas. Herbert S. Hadley, governor of Missouri. IILOW AT HEIIKLS. Madein Wants United States to Stop EvportN to Itevoliitlonlhts. (Ry Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON. Fob. 28. -Tho Mexican consul nt El PaBo today re quested the American collector of customs there to forbid the exporta tion of American goods into Juarez nnd urged that tho rebel port be recognized ns closed by tho United States. Tho treasury department has tnkon tho question up with tho de partment of justice. ,FOU SALE Two dozon good laying hens, full blooded Drown Leghorns and Plymouth Rocks. E. M. John son, 822 Second nt., South. GOVERNMENT WILL THOROUGHLY ! PRORE LAWRENCE MILL STRIKE 10 GO TO CAPITAL Young Employes of Textile Mills at Lawrence to Be Taken to Washington. (Uy Assoclntod Pross to Coos Day Times.) LAWRENCE, Mnss., Feb. 28. Dispersal of crowds In tho mill dis tricts occupied tho onorglcs of tho mllltln and pollco today. Most of thoso wero women, two of whom wero wrested. With the expectation thnt a party ot children would bo sent to Washington, n largo crowd gathorod nt tho rnllwny station, hut ns tho propnrutlons hnd not been completed tholr departure was dofcrrcd. Ropro fcentntlvc Hergor of Wisconsin tele graphed that only children who work ed In tho mills nro wanted. NEW REVOLT IN CHINA. Poldlem of Republic Mutiny Over Failure to Get Pay. (Ry Associated Press to Coos Liny Times.) HANKOW, Fob. 28. A portion of tlio republican troopii stationed nt Wu Chnng revolted last night. Con siderable fighting occurred. Thoro nro no dctnlls regarding tho casual ties. Tho city gates havo been closed. The outbreak Is attributed to dissat isfaction among tho soldiers ovor not receiving tholr pay. Foreign gun bonta stationed horo wero ordorod In icndlness for eventualities. Thero la no disturbance In this city. TO HECOGNIZE HEPUnijIO. United States Likely to Accept Change in China Now. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Tim os.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 28. Tho Houso committee on foreign affairs favorably reported todny tho Sulzor resolutions, which In effect would recognlzo tho now republic ot China. It congratulates tho Chinese pooplo "on tholr assumption of tho powers, duties nnd responsibilities of solt government." RANK AT SAN JOSE LOOTED Bold Thugs Bind and Gag Own er of Institution and Es cape With $4000. (Ry Asoclated Press to Cooa Rny Tlmos.) SAN JOSE, Cal., Fob. 28. James T. Costa, ownor of tho Costa bank on North Mnrket street, was hold up at 8 o'clock this morning Just after ho hnd oponed tho vault nnd wns bound nnd gagged by two men, who took $1000 nnd escaped. Twenty minutes Inter Honry Do Inrls, a merchant, ontorod tho bnnk and, seeing no ono, went to th renr portion of tho building, where ho found nnd relensed tho bnnkor. In tho lowor part of tho snfo, $"2000 or more wns not touched. Costn was unable to glvo any adoquato descrip tion of tho men and thoy woro seen hy no ono on tho streot. At Least Two Separate Inves tigations of Situation' Will Be Made. FIRST ONE IS STARTED BY FEDERAL AGENT TODAY Ascertain Right to Stop Exportation of Children. Second Ordered. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay TimcB.) LAWRENCE, Mass., Feb. 28. Tho first of at least two Investigations by federal officials looking into cor tain plinsea of tho situation surrounding tho long stnndlng striko of tho mill workers hero was begun todny. Spo clal Agent Dannsbcrg of tho dopart mont of Justice, anting under United Stntes District Attornoy Fronch, pro vided ovor tho Inquiry Into tho ex portation of children. !Io camo par ticularly to ascertain whether tho po llco, in preventing tho depnrturo of 100 children for Phllndolphln, acted In violation of tho lntcrstnto com merce lnw. Allogcd ill treatment of chlldron nnd women by tho pollco docs not en ter Into this Inquiry. Wages and working conditions irr tho mills aro to Lo tho subject ot an other investigation and nn official from Washington will nrrlvo horo to morrow to pursuo this inquiry nnd will bo brought before Congress Sat urday, whon n striko commlttoo ac companying 20 chlldron will nppoar boforo tho Houso to submit to ques tioning. Congressman Ames of this district concluded n two days' por Honnl Investigation of tho striko this afternoon and will depart for Wash ington tonight. WILL PRODE MILLS. Government to Investigate Conditions nt Laurence, Mass. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. Tho fcdoral bureau ot lnbor will mako an Immcdlnto Investigation of tho wngo and working conditions In tho toxttlo mills nt Lawrenco, Mass. A ropro sontntlvo of tho bureau will loavo Washington todny for tho striko rlddon city. Tho decision to Investigate tho striko wns reached today at n con ference botweon Secrotnry of Com morco nnd Labor Nngo!nnd Dr. Chas. P. Nolll, United Stntes commissioner rf labor. Tho bureau of labor has considerable data about conditions at Lawrenco ns a result of recent In qulrlos, The contlnunnco of tho striko and tho turbulent sltuntlon resulting, howovor, mndo It dcslrablo, In tho Judgment of federal authorities, to nscortnln tho oxact conditions today nnd nil tho causes of labor troubles. Thoro has boon ngltatlon on Congress tho Inst fow days to hao the bureau ot labor Investigate It. NO HOUSE PRORE YET. REAL MILK and REAL CREAM delivered to your homo on FIVE MINUTES' NOTICE. PHONE 320 J. F A. Sacchl. SOCIALISTS, NOTICE. All Socialists are requested to at to'i'l pupclal meeting Thursday, Feb ruary 29, at 8 p. m. A. J. STEPHAN, Sec. Have your joh printing done at Thn Times' office. WILL DELAY STRIKE. Day English Miners Decide to Comlniio Negotiations, i Dy Associated Prosi to Coos Times.) LONDON. Fob. 28. Tho Drltlsh Minors' Federation, after a long and stormy mooting todny, passed a reso lution deciding to continue tho nego tiations with tho mine owners under tho auspices of tho government, with a view of bringing about a settle ment ot the dispute. Plan for House luvcKtlgutloii Goes Over for a Wlillo. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 27. Tho striko situation in Lawrenco wns tak en up In the Houso today but nn effort to Inquire Into tho alleged abuses ot the strikers by tho sol dlors and pollco failed. Representa tive Wilson of Pennsylvania, chair man of tho Commlttoo on Lnbor, sought authorization for his commlt tco to undertnko an Investigation. Ho had Introduced n resolution provid ing ten thousand dollars for tho work, nnd defended his stnte. Undor tho rules of the Houso tho mattor wont ovor. AftoT- thn ahnw trv n Turkish Rath ' Phono 214-J IhAVE YOU RKE.V SEASICK AND I COLD? Next tlmo you go on a stenmer try tho Washington, nnd both will bo re duced to n minimum. Her rooms aro largo and airy, steam heated and equal to the beet on the coast. Wo want all tho frolght ROTH ways wo TTnT" vnur ioh i The Times' office. can got each trip. The Washington sails for San Francisco and San Pedro Friday 'mnrnlntr. March 1. printing done at - F. S. DOW, Agent. I Ocean Dock. Phono 278. I ,jU